Dzięki. Za wszystkie informacje. Bardzo ciekawe video. Ja od 4 lat jeżdżę Leaf em i zastanawiałem się kiedyś nad zakupem ampery ale ze względu na pojemność bagażnika i mogę pomieścić tylko 4 osoby. Co do degradacji w Leafie to udało mi się podbić z SOH 92% do 100% ale teraz po przejechaniu ponad 60k mil spadło do 85%. Jestem pod wrażeniem jak to jest w Amperze.pozdrawiam
Dariusz Bielecki super wynik jak na leafa! W amperze dla niektórych te 4 miejsca mogą być niestety nie do zaakceptowania. Leaf ma większy bagaznik niż ampera?
Helpful, Kamil! In my 2013 Volt, my kWh went from 10.5 to 9.4 after the software update, and I still get occasional "propulsion reduced" messages. No worries, however. There is a workaround. Drive the car but hold about 5 miles/kms left in battery and switch to Hold if you have to stop and restart before getting home to charge. This method does not allow the battery to fully discharge and prevents the dreaded "propulsion reduced" messages.
Looking at a cell voltages display , looks like there's some imbalances among your cells, do you know or the BMS uses active balancing? I am living in the Philippines but have a volt in Holland.
Hey Jacobus, what does suggest that there are imbalanced cells? I thought they were quite balanced. When you look at the chart it looks not even, but if you consider the scale the difference is very small and I thought it was fine.
Tak. Można ściągnąć aplikacje myvolthold i mając podłączony skaner obd zjechać do 16% baterii o ile dobrze pamiętam. Niestety za każdym razem trzeba to robić na nowo, nie da się tego "zapamiętać"
Hello, can you give me information about recuperating of battery. For example if you drive on highway with 100-110 km/h how many km or time you have to drive to fill the electric battery back to full? Thanks and great work 👍
When your battery is empty and you are driving on highway it is very unlike that you would charge your battery. You would need to go downhill from quite steep hill. You could use a mountain mode to charge your car to 50% while driving but it is not economical as when you charge the battery you loose about 20% of the energy.
Hi there. Recently i bought a 2013 ampera. Yesterday i fully charged it and so far i've done 32.6 km using 5.4 kWh. It was majorlly on highway at about 100/110 kmh. Are this numbers ok concerning the battery usage and battery capacity? Greetings from Portugal.
With mine Ampera (2013 model) with 200.000 km, I get like 9.9-10.4 kWh of used battery when empty. And I think that was after softwar update by Opel in previous revision a few months before, so I think that soft update didn't change battery metrics. On other side that soft update changed the way accelertor actuates some times. Some peiple claimed return to previous version. But that is another history :)
David it is well known that post lifting amperas are more resistant to that software update side effects. And it also depends on how many modules you have updated. There is one module (i don't remember which) that if it's updated it makes usually capacity drop, however this module update is not necessary when you have hvsc error
Mam pytanie ale jak aplikację połączyłeś z autem?Położyłeś cegłę na gazie czy ..... sporo niedomówień.Mam Amperę od 2 miesięcy i powiem Ci że jest taką Enigmą że masakra.Z innej beczki ....podwiąż Monsterę bo ci się rozejdzie po całej chałupie i podlewamy raz na tydzień w lecie dwa razy w zimie bo liście ci żółkną.
Aplikacje z autem podłączasz za pomocą zwykłego skanera obd przez bluetooth. Nie trzeba nic na gazie kłaść, jak się podniesie koło i samochód będzie na D lub L (tryb jazdy) to jak nie będzie oporu podłoża koła będą się kręcić. Dzięki za tip z monstera, już od roku podwiazana :D
Tak, nadal mam Amperę, chodź nie jest już pierwszym samochodem. Problemów z łądowaniem nie ma, jedynie przy niskich temp włącza się silnik spalinowy trochę za wcześnie, tzn powinien przy niższych temp niż to robi. Podejrzewam że któryś czujnik jest do wymiany, ale szczerze mówiąc nie przeszkadza mi to aż tak bardzo, a na razie nie mam czasu żeby to dobrze zdiagnozować.
I know of 3 batteries that have failed cells. The rest of the ones replaced have been for the stupidly designed contactor for the temperature sensors or the eventual failure of the coolant level sensors.
i had a battery replaced of my ampere 2012 with only 120k on it at the time. took almost a year to get a battery from GM me driving the thing on petrol that time. No upgraded battery but just the same. ok with that but a year to wait is crazy so think twice. Seems a temperature sensor in the battery did break causing it to malfunction and didn't allow it to charge. As explained to me the sensor was build within the package and couldn't be replaced so the whole battery pack needed to be replaced. As Opel has been sold to PSA group that doesn't helped my case either. In General about the car. would like to have faster charging possible and twice the e-range. That would make this principle ideal and not consuming all battery resources as with a E-only car does.
So, did you get more capacity in the long run??Today I tried the switch method (Mountain / Normalmode) and have about the same values in MyVoltCapacity before and after as you have. To me it doesn't matter that much, I hardly drive the car anymore (Bicycle, walk or the bus to work) but it annoys my that GM "stole" 1 kWh.... :-)
No Henry in the long run capacity got to the point that it was before balancing. I've tried that mountain /normal mode switching but it didn't help either. I got used to my 8.8 kwh :D
Dzi3ki bardzo za ten filmik. Mam dwa zestawy baterii z zamiatem zrobienia power wall. Skąd masz informacje z 6:05, czyli ceny używek? 1200e wydaje się być jak za darmo...
Thanks Mikko! Well that's quite high quote I have to admit. Could you share some details, how your battery was damaged and what were the sympthoms? Was it covered under the warranty or you had to pay for it?
@@KamilOslizlo I just bought the car that had battery replaced for warranty. I think it was the coolant sensors. I’ve been told they replace the whole battery here if the errors come under warranty, and a software update only if it’s out of warranty.
Kamil, planuje kupić ampere z 2012 bądź 2013. Boję się jednak ze trafię na zdechła baterie. Oglądałem też twój filmik a oropos wilgoci przez którą auto nie przeskakuje na silnik spalinowy. Trochę mnie to martwi bo mieszkam w kraju w którym wysoka wilgotność jest na porządku dziennym. Masz jakieś tipy którymi mógłbym się posłużyć kupując ampere?
Slasher744 zdechła bateria raczej nie powinieneś się martwić. Naprawdę zdarzają się pojedyncze sztuki gdzie bateria się popsuła, ale jak jest popsuta to po prostu samochód nie jedzie. Degradacja jest minimalna. Jeżeli chodzi o wilgoc to wygląda na to że był to zły strzał. Jestem w trakcie diagnozy co tak naprawdę jest przyczyną problemów ale wygląda na to że albo jakiś czujnik albo mam mechanicznie uszkodzona pokrywę zaworów. Na pewno sprawdź przed zakupem czy się ładuje samochód z gniazdka, czy silnik odpala (wystarczy podnieść maskę na postoju i włączonym zasilaniu), warto również pojechać do jakiegoś diagnosty żeby sprawdził kondycję zawieszenia. Wymiana przegubów jest kosztowna. Ale tak poza tym raczej nie warto się przejmować. Jeżeli chcesz więcej informacji odezwij się na Facebooku
No I haven't. It is very time consuming and the gains that I had after the first run are gone now. If I had my own garage I would repeat it to have an idea if it really works...
What I learnt from using this car is that you can save a freaking amount of fuel if you go to the highway and get up to travelling speed on electric and then switch to hold mode. If you don't have to brake and go with constant 130, it's easy to get 5,5-6 litres/100km which is an awesome number for highway useage.
I'm hoping to see, E.V. specialists pop up Around the country soon, who can do battery upgrades, etc.......once the warranty has run out. I heard of a guy in europe who specializes in older Nissan leafs, and apparently can upgrade the battery range to 170miles........
I don't think this will happen. The problem is the software and since this car is not produced anymore and the software is so rare nobody will waste time in trying to crack it. I think the only way to force things would be to sue PSA and ask for a refund to the damage to the main feature of the car. They will then sue GM that made the firmware or will just pay and at least we get some compensation. Adding or changing battery packs I think it's quite unlikely because of the software. The guy that put batteries in the trunk just carried spare batteries to charge while parked in a very tricky way.
@@KamilOslizlo I understand Spanish and that's the video I am referring about. it's not a real hack, it's charging from a battery instead of the grid. in poznan I could charge my ampera in a garage 3 years ago. are there more usable charging stations now? at that time it was the only one offering the charge.
Andrea Dianin oh i see so in such case it doesn't make too much sense... It would be the best to fit in original batterys frame some new packs with higher capacity.
Tak się zastanawiam nad kupnem ampery tu w UK tylko pytanie co jesli bym chciał jechać do PL kilka razy w roku bo po miescie i do pracy to ok ale jak to sie sprawuje w dłuższej trasie
It's possible but not very likely. If you didn't have software update and the battery is in good condition 11-11.5 is possible without replaced battery. You're lucky! :)
I guess only if you have diagnostic tool GDS or VXDIAG. But if you have an access to myOpel there should be a record in service history if you had an update.
@@KamilOslizlo Nothing on myopel and I intend to keep it that way. DIY all the way. :) Im on winter tires now and bought conti eco6 summer set last week. Cant wait to mount them and see if I get any extra kms.. :) I'll also replace brake oil as dot3 is literally black in color. I'll put dot 5.1 in.
Any advice for overcoming the SHVCS error that's caused by the faulty coolant sensor. We're in Ireland, with no Vauxhall dealer (no Opel Ampera here) and have this problem now on our 2012 Ampera, circa 220,000km
Simon Alvey you probably need to find somebody with GM subscription so they can update your software. It doesn't have to be Vauxhall authorized service, anybody with appropriate hardware can buy the subscription
@@KamilOslizlo if it can't charge ask for the update of the hpcm2. if you update also the becm you will lose 20% of range with greetings from gm or psa.
I'm using this wot sensor for 1/2 year without issues. Resetting only the first charging module.
@@3emillion7 thanks, I got that now myself and was able to reprogram with a vx nano and the online subscription. Expensive but avoided having to go to the dealer
Hey Riley. My car is also 9 years old, its from 2012. However I got some modules updated and all I can do is about 31-43 miles. Perhaps rare breaks need to be taken care of as well
Cześć, ja osobiście tego problemu nie miałem, ale z tego co wiem, czujnik temperatury chłodziwa baterii jak pada to wyskakuje błąd HVC, który tylko uniemożliwia ładowanie baterii. Natomiast jazda na generatorze jest nadal możliwa :)
@@KamilOslizlo Boardzo dziękuję za odpowiedz. Jak zadałem Ci to pytanie, to jeszcze nie miałem Ampery. Ale teraz, po roku, zastanawiania się, nad zakupem, jestem, szczęśliwym posiadaczem tego auta. Twoje filmiki, przekonały mnie do zakupu. Auto nie ma żadnych błędów, ale mam mały problem od pierwszego dnia. Może mi doradzisz, a więc chodzi o system multimedialny, który czasami, po odpaleniu, non stop się restartuje. Nie można, wtedy przejść do innych opcji, (climate, radio, HDD). Przez chwilę jest komunikat o max zajętej pamięci navi. Za pewnym razem system uruchomił się poprawnie i wtedy usunąłem stare wpisy punktów, adresów, Przywróciłem system do ustawień fabrycznych i na koniec odpiąłem klemę - na aku 12V na 10 min. Jakiś czas było ok, ale teraz zmów system się restartuję. Miałeś taki przypadek? Może znasz rozwiązanie tego problemu.
@@waldemarkaminski813 bardzo się cieszę, że pomogłem Ci w decyzji zakupu ampery :) Problem o którym piszesz jest związany z wgraniem nowych lecz nie oryginalnych map do samochodu. Ampera nie miała mapy Polski w ogóle i widocznie, ktoś wgrał do Twojej przerobione mapy z innego samochodu. Sam nie miałem tego problemu (nie mam wgranych map), ale wiem ze jest to znany problem po takim zabiegu. Pewnie byś musiał przywrócić org mapy lub wymienić dysk na inny
@@KamilOslizlo Kamilu, bardzo Ci dziękuję za odpowiedz, jesteś jedyną osobą, która tak szybko mi odpowiada, na moje zapytania. Wiem, nie wszyscy mają czas i ochotę, na odpowiedzi. Jeśli, masz czas, abyś poświęcił mi swój czas, to, bardzo Cię proszę, o pomoc z tym problemem. Aby nie zaśmiecać wątku pod tym filmikiem, możemy kontaktować się przez e-mail . Chciałbym jednak, przywrócić org mapy, bez map polski, bo i tak tych map, nie będę używał, a wolę sprawny, system multimedialny, bez map polski, niż częste restarty, więc kolejne odpowiedzi prześli mi na
Kamilu, jesteś w stanie mi pomóc z moim problemem , z tym systemem multimedialnym? No chyba że nie masz casu, Jak zdobyć, płytę DVD ze starymi , oryginalnymi mapami, wgrałbym te mapy w system i może byłoby ok
Why didn't you try with almost full discharge? You need to pull out whole fuel in tank. so when Ampera try to start generator with no fuel, Ampera will switch to electric and use more energy from battery.
Well after all I think it was about slowly discharing whole battery rather than show the car that there is a buffer. Anyways I'm afraid that in long run it dones't help the car. After few charginings the usable battery capacity remained for me 8.6-8.7 kwh
Nooooooooo! The battery does not change! You are not going to increase real range! You are tricking the calculator, and saying him "hey my wheels have been traveling 150km with one charge" (without weight, air, etc) and he says: "yes if you can do It yesterday, you can do It today" and no. Next time you use the car will travel same km as after.
Hey Pablo, well it was not about chaning km range but rather usable kwhs. Your km range depends on your style of driving, temp etc, however the amount of of kwhs that you can use should be the same. In my case this trick done once helped a bit, I increased usable kwhs from 8.6 to 8.9, but it was just temporary. It's a pitty I do not have conditions to repeat this operation as maybe if I did it 5-6 times it would remain higher.
@@KamilOslizlo it works fine only with one wheel up, ofcourse as the differential allow one wheel to turn as the other one is stationary. I dont think it increases the battery "capacity" but it allows the computer to better know the battery status. I'll do it again to see if the consumtion when it stops (battery capacity) goes up compared to this time.
Unfortunately, the computer tends to forget the results of this experiment rather quickly. In my experience, it initially worked well for 2-3 rides, but then reverted back to its previous state.
@@KamilOslizlo but, I think I've found a way to drive more efficiently (at least on the climbs) : put the car on sport and low gear and use as much as possible the cruise control. On a climb (same climb same conditions same speed) I use 2.2kW as oposed to 2.4kW normal driving, for 6.3km. Not bad. To be tried on longer distance.
Thank you Andrew! Is it $3800 with or without labour? It's quite less than I would expect tbh but I guess if I wanted to order it to Poland it would be 30-40% more
@@KamilOslizlo thats without labour, my dealer here has a special scissor lift to have the battery removed and reinstalled. I think GM made most dealers who sold our electric cars buy these special tools to service the car.
@@KamilOslizlo agreed. Our cars are incredibly over engineered. Failure is rare. I currently have 136000 km on my 2015 volt, I've only had it for two months, but so far its my favorite car that I've owned. My commute is only 8 km to work so its perfect.
@@KamilOslizlo Yes. it was in February 2019. For the first 10 months, I was only getting 30 (48km) miles per charge. Then one day, about 10 months later, I started getting 40.
@@KamilOslizlo it was one of the results on Google when searching for electric car battery replacement costs. and it's in the title. but no timestamps in the description. maybe the answer is somewhere in the video...
Stefan Simeunovic true. Well trying to look more happy on the videos however it's hard sometimes to look happy doing the same shoot for the 10th time 😂
I'm planning on getting an ampera in the future so any info like this is really helpful,thanks for the video! (Y)
sketchy bmxer that's a very good idea to buy one! I'm planning to do a tutorial what to look at while buying so maybe it will be before you buy! :)
This was very helpful, thank you, greetings from Germany :)
Cheers :)
I've put on Conti EcoContact 6 tires yesterday and got 105km from 10.5kwh. Wow. What a brutal difference.
It sounds like a dream!
@@KamilOslizlo That's because he's lying lol
@@dansmith6990 I know people who happen to do 100km+ on one charge so I wouldnt be that sure that he is lying
Dzięki. Za wszystkie informacje. Bardzo ciekawe video. Ja od 4 lat jeżdżę Leaf em i zastanawiałem się kiedyś nad zakupem ampery ale ze względu na pojemność bagażnika i mogę pomieścić tylko 4 osoby. Co do degradacji w Leafie to udało mi się podbić z SOH 92% do 100% ale teraz po przejechaniu ponad 60k mil spadło do 85%. Jestem pod wrażeniem jak to jest w Amperze.pozdrawiam
Dariusz Bielecki super wynik jak na leafa! W amperze dla niektórych te 4 miejsca mogą być niestety nie do zaakceptowania. Leaf ma większy bagaznik niż ampera?
@@KamilOslizlo Leaf ma bagażnik coś ok 350 litrów pojemności.
Dariusz Bielecki No to rzeczywiście troszkę więcej niż 310l ampery
As usual great information. Keep it coming. Big thanks Kamil.
my pleasure
Helpful, Kamil! In my 2013 Volt, my kWh went from 10.5 to 9.4 after the software update, and I still get occasional "propulsion reduced" messages. No worries, however. There is a workaround. Drive the car but hold about 5 miles/kms left in battery and switch to Hold if you have to stop and restart before getting home to charge. This method does not allow the battery to fully discharge and prevents the dreaded "propulsion reduced" messages.
johnny mars never got such message but after the update it went from 10.5 to 8.6 in my case... Now I get 8.9 usually but 9.5-10 would be desirable
Looking at a cell voltages display , looks like there's some imbalances among your cells, do you know or the BMS uses active balancing? I am living in the Philippines but have a volt in Holland.
Hey Jacobus, what does suggest that there are imbalanced cells? I thought they were quite balanced. When you look at the chart it looks not even, but if you consider the scale the difference is very small and I thought it was fine.
I thought I saw that on the video showing cell soc's with bars which looked unequal.
They look unequal but if you look at scale the differences about 0.022V which I think is not much but I might be wrong :D
Czy jest jakiś soft, aby zwiększyć część roboczą baterii, tj zmniejszyć bufor np. z 20 do 10% oraz część nieużywaną baterii?
Tak. Można ściągnąć aplikacje myvolthold i mając podłączony skaner obd zjechać do 16% baterii o ile dobrze pamiętam. Niestety za każdym razem trzeba to robić na nowo, nie da się tego "zapamiętać"
I was looking for this method, but after 3 years what is now usable capacity? How many km has your Ampera now?
The truth is that is hasn't changed anything. 3 years later I have the same usable capacity locked at 8.6kwh
Hello, can you give me information about recuperating of battery. For example if you drive on highway with 100-110 km/h how many km or time you have to drive to fill the electric battery back to full?
Thanks and great work 👍
When your battery is empty and you are driving on highway it is very unlike that you would charge your battery. You would need to go downhill from quite steep hill. You could use a mountain mode to charge your car to 50% while driving but it is not economical as when you charge the battery you loose about 20% of the energy.
Hi there. Recently i bought a 2013 ampera. Yesterday i fully charged it and so far i've done 32.6 km using 5.4 kWh. It was majorlly on highway at about 100/110 kmh. Are this numbers ok concerning the battery usage and battery capacity? Greetings from Portugal.
Hey Pedro, those numbers seems to be quite alright. You should be able to drive more in the city, it should also increase when the temp gets higher.
With mine Ampera (2013 model) with 200.000 km, I get like 9.9-10.4 kWh of used battery when empty. And I think that was after softwar update by Opel in previous revision a few months before, so I think that soft update didn't change battery metrics.
On other side that soft update changed the way accelertor actuates some times. Some peiple claimed return to previous version. But that is another history :)
David it is well known that post lifting amperas are more resistant to that software update side effects. And it also depends on how many modules you have updated. There is one module (i don't remember which) that if it's updated it makes usually capacity drop, however this module update is not necessary when you have hvsc error
Mam pytanie ale jak aplikację połączyłeś z autem?Położyłeś cegłę na gazie czy ..... sporo niedomówień.Mam Amperę od 2 miesięcy i powiem Ci że jest taką Enigmą że masakra.Z innej beczki ....podwiąż Monsterę bo ci się rozejdzie po całej chałupie i podlewamy raz na tydzień w lecie dwa razy w zimie bo liście ci żółkną.
Aplikacje z autem podłączasz za pomocą zwykłego skanera obd przez bluetooth. Nie trzeba nic na gazie kłaść, jak się podniesie koło i samochód będzie na D lub L (tryb jazdy) to jak nie będzie oporu podłoża koła będą się kręcić. Dzięki za tip z monstera, już od roku podwiazana :D
Masz jeszcze tą ampere? Jak teraz z jej użytkowaniem? Czy jest ten problem z ładowaniem baterii a bardziej z wysypywaniem się softu od ładowarki?
Tak, nadal mam Amperę, chodź nie jest już pierwszym samochodem. Problemów z łądowaniem nie ma, jedynie przy niskich temp włącza się silnik spalinowy trochę za wcześnie, tzn powinien przy niższych temp niż to robi. Podejrzewam że któryś czujnik jest do wymiany, ale szczerze mówiąc nie przeszkadza mi to aż tak bardzo, a na razie nie mam czasu żeby to dobrze zdiagnozować.
I know of 3 batteries that have failed cells.
The rest of the ones replaced have been for the stupidly designed contactor for the temperature sensors or the eventual failure of the coolant level sensors.
kytsmf and just because of failure of coolant level sensors they have been replacing the whole battery?
i had a battery replaced of my ampere 2012 with only 120k on it at the time. took almost a year to get a battery from GM me driving the thing on petrol that time. No upgraded battery but just the same. ok with that but a year to wait is crazy so think twice. Seems a temperature sensor in the battery did break causing it to malfunction and didn't allow it to charge. As explained to me the sensor was build within the package and couldn't be replaced so the whole battery pack needed to be replaced. As Opel has been sold to PSA group that doesn't helped my case either. In General about the car. would like to have faster charging possible and twice the e-range. That would make this principle ideal and not consuming all battery resources as with a E-only car does.
Faster charging would be really cool! Volt gen 2 would be desirable for me but due to lack of service in Europe I gave up
Nice Video 👍
Do you run the procedure with AC on?
Have a nice day
Karl Rogler hey. The AC was off. I basically turned off everything that was possible and just put on "D" mode. You don't even need any cruise control
Where is the best place to source spare parts in Europe for the Ampera? Thank you
I think Lithuania. Although nowadays it's quite challenging even there :(
So, did you get more capacity in the long run??Today I tried the switch method (Mountain / Normalmode) and have about the same values in MyVoltCapacity before and after as you have.
To me it doesn't matter that much, I hardly drive the car anymore (Bicycle, walk or the bus to work) but it annoys my that GM "stole" 1 kWh.... :-)
No Henry in the long run capacity got to the point that it was before balancing. I've tried that mountain /normal mode switching but it didn't help either. I got used to my 8.8 kwh :D
Thanks for information.. From UK. (p.s opel=vauxhall here in the UK)
yeah and in Australia they have Holden Volt instead of Chevy Volt :D
Good video. Thank you 😀
Radoslaw Matuszak thanks
Dzi3ki bardzo za ten filmik. Mam dwa zestawy baterii z zamiatem zrobienia power wall. Skąd masz informacje z 6:05, czyli ceny używek? 1200e wydaje się być jak za darmo...
Cześć, info pochodziło z portali aukcyjnych w czasie nagrywania tego video. Niestety teraz to raczej ciezko dostac w takich pieniadzach.
A new battery for early model 2012 costs about 9000 euros installed in Finland. I have documentation of it if you want proof.
Thanks Mikko! Well that's quite high quote I have to admit. Could you share some details, how your battery was damaged and what were the sympthoms? Was it covered under the warranty or you had to pay for it?
@@KamilOslizlo I just bought the car that had battery replaced for warranty. I think it was the coolant sensors. I’ve been told they replace the whole battery here if the errors come under warranty, and a software update only if it’s out of warranty.
Kamil, planuje kupić ampere z 2012 bądź 2013. Boję się jednak ze trafię na zdechła baterie. Oglądałem też twój filmik a oropos wilgoci przez którą auto nie przeskakuje na silnik spalinowy. Trochę mnie to martwi bo mieszkam w kraju w którym wysoka wilgotność jest na porządku dziennym. Masz jakieś tipy którymi mógłbym się posłużyć kupując ampere?
Slasher744 zdechła bateria raczej nie powinieneś się martwić. Naprawdę zdarzają się pojedyncze sztuki gdzie bateria się popsuła, ale jak jest popsuta to po prostu samochód nie jedzie. Degradacja jest minimalna. Jeżeli chodzi o wilgoc to wygląda na to że był to zły strzał. Jestem w trakcie diagnozy co tak naprawdę jest przyczyną problemów ale wygląda na to że albo jakiś czujnik albo mam mechanicznie uszkodzona pokrywę zaworów. Na pewno sprawdź przed zakupem czy się ładuje samochód z gniazdka, czy silnik odpala (wystarczy podnieść maskę na postoju i włączonym zasilaniu), warto również pojechać do jakiegoś diagnosty żeby sprawdził kondycję zawieszenia. Wymiana przegubów jest kosztowna. Ale tak poza tym raczej nie warto się przejmować. Jeżeli chcesz więcej informacji odezwij się na Facebooku
Hi Kamil :) Did you repeat this procedure? Like adding this method more kWh? (more than 9kWh)
No I haven't. It is very time consuming and the gains that I had after the first run are gone now. If I had my own garage I would repeat it to have an idea if it really works...
It's really good on fuel, with smooth controlled driving, you can get an amazing mpg.
especially when you have around 20 degrees
What I learnt from using this car is that you can save a freaking amount of fuel if you go to the highway and get up to travelling speed on electric and then switch to hold mode. If you don't have to brake and go with constant 130, it's easy to get 5,5-6 litres/100km which is an awesome number for highway useage.
I'm hoping to see, E.V. specialists pop up Around the country soon, who can do battery upgrades, etc.......once the warranty has run out. I heard of a guy in europe who specializes in older Nissan leafs, and apparently can upgrade the battery range to 170miles........
there are guys that put another battery pack in the boot but it makes boot so tinny and I don't know how expensive it might be
I don't think this will happen. The problem is the software and since this car is not produced anymore and the software is so rare nobody will waste time in trying to crack it. I think the only way to force things would be to sue PSA and ask for a refund to the damage to the main feature of the car. They will then sue GM that made the firmware or will just pay and at least we get some compensation.
Adding or changing battery packs I think it's quite unlikely because of the software.
The guy that put batteries in the trunk just carried spare batteries to charge while parked in a very tricky way.
Andrea Dianin I've seen somebody in Spain doing it unfortunately it was all in Spanish so I didn't understand much
@@KamilOslizlo I understand Spanish and that's the video I am referring about. it's not a real hack, it's charging from a battery instead of the grid. in poznan I could charge my ampera in a garage 3 years ago. are there more usable charging stations now? at that time it was the only one offering the charge.
Andrea Dianin oh i see so in such case it doesn't make too much sense... It would be the best to fit in original batterys frame some new packs with higher capacity.
Tak się zastanawiam nad kupnem ampery tu w UK tylko pytanie co jesli bym chciał jechać do PL kilka razy w roku bo po miescie i do pracy to ok ale jak to sie sprawuje w dłuższej trasie
Nie ma problemu z dłuższymi trasami. Jedyna rzecz którą trzeba brać pod uwagę to dość płytki bagażnik.
I just check my capacity with MyVoltCapacity: Hex: 0174. Ah: 37.2. Wh: 12404. The Volt was fully charged and not running. What do these figures mean?
johnny mars it's hard for me to interpret those numbers however I use it to see if my capacity increased or decreased
My ampera is 2012 but it regularly lets me use 11-11,5 kwh, so could be it had battery replaced at some point.
It's possible but not very likely. If you didn't have software update and the battery is in good condition 11-11.5 is possible without replaced battery. You're lucky! :)
@@KamilOslizlo Software was probably not updated. Is there any way to check version of sw?
I guess only if you have diagnostic tool GDS or VXDIAG. But if you have an access to myOpel there should be a record in service history if you had an update.
@@KamilOslizlo Nothing on myopel and I intend to keep it that way. DIY all the way. :) Im on winter tires now and bought conti eco6 summer set last week. Cant wait to mount them and see if I get any extra kms.. :) I'll also replace brake oil as dot3 is literally black in color. I'll put dot 5.1 in.
@@Vore667 great! keep it up, I'm doing everything DIY if im able to as well
Any advice for overcoming the SHVCS error that's caused by the faulty coolant sensor. We're in Ireland, with no Vauxhall dealer (no Opel Ampera here) and have this problem now on our 2012 Ampera, circa 220,000km
Simon Alvey you probably need to find somebody with GM subscription so they can update your software. It doesn't have to be Vauxhall authorized service, anybody with appropriate hardware can buy the subscription
@@KamilOslizlo if it can't charge ask for the update of the hpcm2. if you update also the becm you will lose 20% of range with greetings from gm or psa.
Andrea Dianin Yeah that's true :(
I'm using this wot sensor for 1/2 year without issues. Resetting only the first charging module.
@@3emillion7 thanks, I got that now myself and was able to reprogram with a vx nano and the online subscription. Expensive but avoided having to go to the dealer
How old is your car ??
Mines 9 year old and still getting 43-50 miles each charge
I'm in UK btw :)
Hey Riley. My car is also 9 years old, its from 2012. However I got some modules updated and all I can do is about 31-43 miles. Perhaps rare breaks need to be taken care of as well
I purchased a used bmw i3 rex great system the same as the ampera ....i wish i had purchased an ampera the bmw is uncomfortable....
i3 has it's advantages over Ampera but I would say for most users Ampera would be a better and cheaper choice.
Witam Mam pytanie , Jak padnie taki czujnik chłodzenia baterii, to można jeździć na generatorze ?
Cześć, ja osobiście tego problemu nie miałem, ale z tego co wiem, czujnik temperatury chłodziwa baterii jak pada to wyskakuje błąd HVC, który tylko uniemożliwia ładowanie baterii. Natomiast jazda na generatorze jest nadal możliwa :)
@@KamilOslizlo Boardzo dziękuję za odpowiedz. Jak zadałem Ci to pytanie, to jeszcze nie miałem Ampery. Ale teraz, po roku, zastanawiania się, nad zakupem, jestem, szczęśliwym posiadaczem tego auta. Twoje filmiki, przekonały mnie do zakupu. Auto nie ma żadnych błędów, ale mam mały problem od pierwszego dnia. Może mi doradzisz, a więc chodzi o system multimedialny, który czasami, po odpaleniu, non stop się restartuje. Nie można, wtedy przejść do innych opcji, (climate, radio, HDD). Przez chwilę jest komunikat o max zajętej pamięci navi. Za pewnym razem system uruchomił się poprawnie i wtedy usunąłem stare wpisy punktów, adresów, Przywróciłem system do ustawień fabrycznych i na koniec odpiąłem klemę - na aku 12V na 10 min. Jakiś czas było ok, ale teraz zmów system się restartuję. Miałeś taki przypadek? Może znasz rozwiązanie tego problemu.
@@waldemarkaminski813 bardzo się cieszę, że pomogłem Ci w decyzji zakupu ampery :) Problem o którym piszesz jest związany z wgraniem nowych lecz nie oryginalnych map do samochodu. Ampera nie miała mapy Polski w ogóle i widocznie, ktoś wgrał do Twojej przerobione mapy z innego samochodu. Sam nie miałem tego problemu (nie mam wgranych map), ale wiem ze jest to znany problem po takim zabiegu. Pewnie byś musiał przywrócić org mapy lub wymienić dysk na inny
@@KamilOslizlo Kamilu, bardzo Ci dziękuję za odpowiedz, jesteś jedyną osobą, która tak szybko mi odpowiada, na moje zapytania. Wiem, nie wszyscy mają czas i ochotę, na odpowiedzi. Jeśli, masz czas, abyś poświęcił mi swój czas, to, bardzo Cię proszę, o pomoc z tym problemem. Aby nie zaśmiecać wątku pod tym filmikiem, możemy kontaktować się przez e-mail . Chciałbym jednak, przywrócić org mapy, bez map polski, bo i tak tych map, nie będę używał, a wolę sprawny, system multimedialny, bez map polski, niż częste restarty, więc kolejne odpowiedzi prześli mi na
Kamilu, jesteś w stanie mi pomóc z moim problemem , z tym systemem multimedialnym? No chyba że nie masz casu, Jak zdobyć, płytę DVD ze starymi , oryginalnymi mapami, wgrałbym te mapy w system i może byłoby ok
Why didn't you try with almost full discharge? You need to pull out whole fuel in tank. so when Ampera try to start generator with no fuel, Ampera will switch to electric and use more energy from battery.
Well after all I think it was about slowly discharing whole battery rather than show the car that there is a buffer. Anyways I'm afraid that in long run it dones't help the car. After few charginings the usable battery capacity remained for me 8.6-8.7 kwh
great info
Happy to help
Nooooooooo! The battery does not change! You are not going to increase real range!
You are tricking the calculator, and saying him "hey my wheels have been traveling 150km with one charge" (without weight, air, etc) and he says: "yes if you can do It yesterday, you can do It today" and no.
Next time you use the car will travel same km as after.
Hey Pablo, well it was not about chaning km range but rather usable kwhs. Your km range depends on your style of driving, temp etc, however the amount of of kwhs that you can use should be the same. In my case this trick done once helped a bit, I increased usable kwhs from 8.6 to 8.9, but it was just temporary. It's a pitty I do not have conditions to repeat this operation as maybe if I did it 5-6 times it would remain higher.
Actualy you don't need to lift both wheels 😉 I'm trying it now 😁
Sounds smart! Waiting for the results!
@@KamilOslizlo it works fine only with one wheel up, ofcourse as the differential allow one wheel to turn as the other one is stationary. I dont think it increases the battery "capacity" but it allows the computer to better know the battery status. I'll do it again to see if the consumtion when it stops (battery capacity) goes up compared to this time.
Unfortunately, the computer tends to forget the results of this experiment rather quickly. In my experience, it initially worked well for 2-3 rides, but then reverted back to its previous state.
@@KamilOslizlo but, I think I've found a way to drive more efficiently (at least on the climbs) : put the car on sport and low gear and use as much as possible the cruise control. On a climb (same climb same conditions same speed) I use 2.2kW as oposed to 2.4kW normal driving, for 6.3km. Not bad. To be tried on longer distance.
There is a new thermally managed battery made in new New Zealand ( i think ) they have different kw ratings
cool, that sounds interesting. However I think it wouldnt be worth replacing a battery now
For the ampera? Link?
Nice video
constantmens thanks!
I spoke to gm, a brand new battery is approximately $3800.00 canadian.
Thank you Andrew! Is it $3800 with or without labour? It's quite less than I would expect tbh but I guess if I wanted to order it to Poland it would be 30-40% more
@@KamilOslizlo thats without labour, my dealer here has a special scissor lift to have the battery removed and reinstalled. I think GM made most dealers who sold our electric cars buy these special tools to service the car.
Even without the labour i think it's a fair price, considering how rare battery malfunctions are.
@@KamilOslizlo agreed. Our cars are incredibly over engineered. Failure is rare. I currently have 136000 km on my 2015 volt, I've only had it for two months, but so far its my favorite car that I've owned. My commute is only 8 km to work so its perfect.
My 2013 Volt battery went bad at 82,000 miles. I also had a 2013 LEAF and it was a piece of shit.
ConstanceCox damn so did they replace the battery under warranty (in volt)?
@@KamilOslizlo Yes. it was in February 2019. For the first 10 months, I was only getting 30 (48km) miles per charge. Then one day, about 10 months later, I started getting 40.
ConstanceCox so you were quite lucky to break just before the warranty expired :D
@@KamilOslizlo I bought it as a CPO car, so my warranty went up to 102,000, and yes grateful for the warranty.
ConstanceCox in US ur lucky to have gen 2 :D
if you want to fully discharge your battery, you can leave it without gas!
Sergiu Dan even if you do it without gas i think it will not let you get below some 10-16%.
I bought it already, just waiting for papers to get it
great! congratulations :)
"watch a 20 minute video to get the answer to a question that would take 5 seconds" yeah no
yeah I'm pretty sure there is much more than 5 sec answer
and the video has 12 minutes not 20 minutes 😂
@@KamilOslizlo it was one of the results on Google when searching for electric car battery replacement costs. and it's in the title. but no timestamps in the description. maybe the answer is somewhere in the video...
New battery îs 6700$ in Canada.
You don't look happy
Stefan Simeunovic true. Well trying to look more happy on the videos however it's hard sometimes to look happy doing the same shoot for the 10th time 😂
@@KamilOslizlo Hahahahaha I understand you at all 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😁😁
i don't believe you have friends
Neither do I :(
So that thumbnail was complete clickbait and bullshit, a lie.