Harry-san👍👍 Fantastic camp, so relaxing and comfortable looking. The weather was nice too, cold snow will be here soon enough. Your Dutchware setup is perfect, really like the tarp option and the under quilt will be so nice when old man winter sets in. Seems you had a "Maneki neko" come to give good luck and company, a good omen maybe as no issues. Wonderful fires, food, drink and peace of mind, really enjoyed this trip. Thanks for the work bringing me along on this adventure, great video and well done brother. See you next time.
Thanks, Terry-san. That was a really nice and beautiful day for camping. Yeah, he might be a Maneki-Neko perhaps. Guess what. When I returned to my site from hunting firewood, there was a small green branch of a pine tree. It was right in between the fire pit and my chair. Just like somebody put it on there. There are some red pine trees out there but they are big and tall so I can't reach to branches to harvest pine needles usually. So, I thought that was a gift from a fairy of the woods. It's getting harder for me to manage cold weather year by year. But, still. Yeah, I miss snow season too.
Thankyou for the work you do on your videos . English CC is really cool and I really appreciate it so much 🙏 I seen your video on convexing your Terrava 110👍 I do not have that knife yet but I do have a Brakimo and have thought about taking it to zero° . Honestly i have about a 19 to 18° scandivex secondary and it performs excellent so im ok with it that way. I just received their Tanimboca Puukko which had the worst secondary edge , it was very blunt . My Benchmade Bushcrafter came the same way , very abrupt 25° secondary V grind . Not good for cutting wood at all. Everyone should learn how to profile their knives , its just as important as owning one. Thanks again , great channel 👍
Thank you for your comment, Airik1111. I have been taking JD's custom knife to the field for a while, but I still love my Terrava Jaakaripukko 110 and 140. It may be all up to people's preference for how we finish the cutting edge of knives. I prefer relatively thin blades but it is weak to some rough tasks so I put a small convex on the edge. I like TOP's knives too but their handles have hot spots for my hand so they are working for me to do my gardening tasks now.
Tom Catさんこんばんは。今年は特にどこへ行っても多かれ少なかれ熊の目撃情報はありますねぇ。どんぐりが今年は不作だと私も聞いていたのですが、それは山のジイの実のことで、里の方はむしろ豊作みたいですね。だからなおさら里に下りて来るようですね。 実はこの動画の場所には木の幹に古いものですが熊の爪痕がいくつかある場所なんです。ですからもともと熊がいてもおかしくない場所なんですよ。まぁこちらがわざわざ彼らの住処に足を踏み入れているわけですから、餌食になる覚悟も持っていなきゃいけないんでしょうけどね。
Harry-san👍👍 Fantastic camp, so relaxing and comfortable looking. The weather was nice too, cold snow will be here soon enough. Your Dutchware setup is perfect, really like the tarp option and the under quilt will be so nice when old man winter sets in. Seems you had a "Maneki neko" come to give good luck and company, a good omen maybe as no issues. Wonderful fires, food, drink and peace of mind, really enjoyed this trip. Thanks for the work bringing me along on this adventure, great video and well done brother. See you next time.
Thanks, Terry-san. That was a really nice and beautiful day for camping. Yeah, he might be a Maneki-Neko perhaps. Guess what. When I returned to my site from hunting firewood, there was a small green branch of a pine tree. It was right in between the fire pit and my chair. Just like somebody put it on there. There are some red pine trees out there but they are big and tall so I can't reach to branches to harvest pine needles usually. So, I thought that was a gift from a fairy of the woods.
It's getting harder for me to manage cold weather year by year. But, still. Yeah, I miss snow season too.
Mickwicks for the win. Always a pleasure seeing your adventures brother
Mick Wicks is essential for my camping now. Your support always cheers me up. Thanks, brother!👊🤛🥃
Another well done video and camp out. Love the tarp. Thanks for the video and take care, Al
Thanks, Al-san! Yeah, this tarp is functional and so handy tho.
Thankyou for the work you do on your videos . English CC is really cool and I really appreciate it so much 🙏
I seen your video on convexing your Terrava 110👍
I do not have that knife yet but I do have a Brakimo and have thought about taking it to zero° . Honestly i have about a 19 to 18° scandivex secondary and it performs excellent so im ok with it that way.
I just received their Tanimboca Puukko which had the worst secondary edge , it was very blunt . My Benchmade Bushcrafter came the same way , very abrupt 25° secondary V grind . Not good for cutting wood at all.
Everyone should learn how to profile their knives , its just as important as owning one.
Thanks again , great channel 👍
Thank you for your comment, Airik1111. I have been taking JD's custom knife to the field for a while, but I still love my Terrava Jaakaripukko 110 and 140. It may be all up to people's preference for how we finish the cutting edge of knives. I prefer relatively thin blades but it is weak to some rough tasks so I put a small convex on the edge. I like TOP's knives too but their handles have hot spots for my hand so they are working for me to do my gardening tasks now.
@@harrysbushcrat Agreed , their handles are a pain .😉
食事は私も基本「燃やす」派ですよ~😋 でも今回のスモークオイルサーディンはめっけもんでした!けっこうな量が入っていて1瓶488円で売っていたので思わず飛びついちゃいました(笑) とても旨くてそのままで十分あてになりますよ!
Tom Catさんこんばんは。今年は特にどこへ行っても多かれ少なかれ熊の目撃情報はありますねぇ。どんぐりが今年は不作だと私も聞いていたのですが、それは山のジイの実のことで、里の方はむしろ豊作みたいですね。だからなおさら里に下りて来るようですね。
飯を食い 飲み
煙を燻らす^_^ ひと時がたまらないですなぁ
私が使用しているスポークはアメリカのHeavy Coverの商品です。日本ではGears Devicesさんで入手できますよ。概要欄のリンクからお問合せしてみてください。
はじめまして いつも参考にさせてもらいながら動画を試聴しています。
ハリーさんといえばハットのイメージですが、the hidden woodsmenのキャップも似合ってます。
1つはなんとなくホームセンターで買ったCaptain Stagの焚き火用手袋980円。薄いバックスキンにインナーの裏打ちがしてあって耐熱となってましたから、今回は寒いだろうと思い防寒も兼ねて。でも指先が余るので細かい作業には向きませんし、熱くなったクッカーのハンドルの熱は伝わってきます。
このほかPro Handsの耐火防切削グローブやBlack Starionの溶接グローブも使うことがあります。
@@harrysbushcrat ご親切かつ丁寧にお教えいただきありがとうございます。大変参考になりました。ハリー様の今後のご活躍を心よりお祈りしております。今後の動画も楽しみにしておりますので、風邪などひかれませぬよう、どうぞご自愛ください。