Wouldn't this more properly be called a reopening double? Also, the 2D return is lead directing, asking for the lower suit. It doesn't matter, but might as well make partner happy.
Since south can double 2C if they have four card majors, the gain of overcalling with a five card club suit is not that great. And yes, of course lead the 8D.
Great and pleasant teacher-hope she does more
Thank you Bridget, thank you Bajir. An interesting bidding position for South and East…the silent hand won out..
Welcome to our new teacher.
I have doubled 2 clubs and gone down even though I had 5 clubs - obviously not enough!
8D surely - partners suit and a singleton
Lead the Diamond
I would lead with the Diamond sin=ce it is singleton and the suit bid by my partner.
There should not be any doubt here. One must lead the singleton D
Be useful to know what system is in play. Acol? 5 card major? Beginer here so all info appreciated
They said Acol
Who was vulnerable ..?
Neither side - no red sections around the board number
Wouldn't this more properly be called a reopening double?
Also, the 2D return is lead directing, asking for the lower suit. It doesn't matter, but might as well make partner happy.
After two passes, I’d think so, but partner always has the option to exercise their judgment to convert the X to penalty.
Since south can double 2C if they have four card majors, the gain of overcalling with a five card club suit is not that great. And yes, of course lead the 8D.
lead a Diamond
Lead a diamond. She may have the A
Too constructed!