Helicopter Analogy for Dealing With Challenges

  • Опубликовано: 24 сен 2024

Комментарии • 14

  • @dancewithmyshadows
    @dancewithmyshadows Месяц назад +9

    At one of my lowest points, I remember thinking, “no one is coming to save you.” And it was a hopeless thought at first. Then, I got through it and realized after some time that I saved myself. Now, when I’m at a point where I think I can’t take another step, I say to myself, “no one is coming to save you,” and it gives me the strength I need to go another day.
    Everything is temporary. Everything passes. You just have to survive until it does.

  • @TheLoneVirgo
    @TheLoneVirgo Месяц назад +8

    Exactly. There's no way to go but forward.
    Keep on going no matter what happens...
    No one cares about you, except you - and you alone.

    • @Catlily5
      @Catlily5 Месяц назад +4

      I think that some people care about me. But they can only cheer me on or help pull a little bit. They can't pull me completely out of the mud.

    • @HandleNonexistent
      @HandleNonexistent Месяц назад

      I hear you OP. But what if you believe you cant keep going? Like you're stuck in the mud & cant move forward. What then?

  • @MonicaMolinar
    @MonicaMolinar Месяц назад +6

    When we find ourselves stuck in the mud, it can be helpful to remember that the sun will come dry it to dirt we can dig ourselves out of, over time. Some of us might be stuck a bit more deeply, some of our arms might have grown stronger or weaker as we’ve lived our lives, but EVERY DAY that we’ve been here on this planet, the sun has shone upon us and done a pretty good job, so far, of helping us to dig our way out of the sticky icky bits.
    Sometimes it can be important to wallow, to roll around in the mud for a little while, and to feel the feelings associated with how we found ourselves there in the first place. We might find that we need to wriggle ourselves even more deeply into it, before we decide that the mud bog isn’t where we truly desire to be.
    If the sun isn’t shining on your mud puddle, remember that the spark within you is still there. Use it to warm you, and let the heat begin to evaporate the water in the mud until you’ve got a pile of dirt that moves more easily for you.
    Visuals and analogies can be incredibly useful tools. Unless you are my husband, who does not appreciate their value in his perspective. 😊

  • @jaesynmicoli7849
    @jaesynmicoli7849 27 дней назад

    I love analogies, and I really needed this ❤️
    I have major burn out at work, but so many people counting on me to be the one that brings home the bacon $$ at least, that's the way I see it.
    I get so burnt out that I legit struggle to care anymore about anything.
    But I feel 98% if everything holding me back is my AuDHD. The other 2% are all the people and experiences in the past that've failed me.
    I want to be happy now and I want life to just WORK for me. Yet, I'm stuck in that mud...hoping that instead of being rescued, I accidentally drown. And in no way am I talking about ending it all, I just don't want to feel helpless anymore. 😮‍💨 There is a difference.

  • @jimwilliams3816
    @jimwilliams3816 Месяц назад +8

    Alas, thIs analogy doesn’t seem to play as motivational to me. I’ve always had the sense I was on my own, ever since I was a child. I have occasionally tapped into a vast reservoir of loneliness that I think comes from this sense.
    The thing that has shifted me in the last couple of years seems to be various meds; antidepressants and ADHD meds. It has somehow awakened the “must survive” instinct that I guess most people have. Now when it am overwhelmed I just push on somehow. It still feels weird to have that instinct, because I haven’t had it most of my life.

    • @wreckgar23
      @wreckgar23 Месяц назад +2

      I'm glad you've found this strength within you

  • @emmymorris7648
    @emmymorris7648 Месяц назад

    The one I always used with chronic pain when I was a kid was. “OK. There is no white night charging in to slay the Dragon to rescue you so you need to rescue yourself.” I did still need those moments of respite, especially when Epilepsy started5 years before I realized I had ADHD and 6 years before I realized I was AuDHD. This one and “Just breathe. You’ve got this. You’ve done it before and came out the other side so you know it’s possible. So, just keep going and slowly but surely get through this one.” have helped me a lot. I also like “We can’t control the wind but we can adjust our sails.” ⛵️⛵️ I hear a lot of sayings about going through the valley to reach the beautiful view at the top of the mountaintop, but this is the first time I’ve heard the helicopter one. I like it, especially the bit about occasionally you’ll come across someone in life like a friend and you’ll get to rest for a bit on their dry land. Those are the best kinds of friends! 🏝🏝

    • @analarson2920
      @analarson2920 Месяц назад

      Jesus also says this in other ways but with Him, great analogies🙏

  • @katzenbekloppt_mf
    @katzenbekloppt_mf Месяц назад +2

    Yep, a good one. Must be a nice person this friend😊

  • @wreckgar23
    @wreckgar23 Месяц назад +1

    This is the way

  • @JoyLuxeHieroTarot
    @JoyLuxeHieroTarot Месяц назад

    Oh I don’t know. Feelings come and feelings go, like tsunamis and savior helicopters.
    The tsunami of horrible thoughts and emotions tanks you. But then the savior helicopter of truth comes through: this too shall pass. You are not alone. You are not tanked. You are enough and loved exactly as you are. That other thought is wrong. The reason you suffer in the gymnasium of life-muscle-strengthening is because you’re meant to win the Olympic gold medal 🥇