Ukraine: Hope in the Midst of Despair

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Jesus said that as we near the time of the end, there will be “wars and rumors of war,” and while the world may cry “Peace!” there will be no peace until Jesus returns and restores all things.
    According to the Geneva Academy, there are 110 armed conflicts happening right now, and the number goes much higher depending on the definition of war. What should be our response as Adventist Christians?
    Ellen White wrote more than a century ago: “What motive for service does God present in His word to His workers, ministers and gospel medical missionaries? ‘The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly.’ Before the coming of this great day, we are to proclaim to the world the last message of mercy, that men and women may be prepared for Christ’s coming.” (Pacific Union Recorder, March 2, 1905)
    That’s what Adventist World Radio is all about! Proclaiming a message of mercy, and preparing the world for Christ’s coming.
    Here is a brand-new video from AWR’s recent work in Ukraine, a country ravaged by war, where thousands have lost everything and are struggling just to stay alive, many with no access to medical care.
    Thanks to your generous support, AWR was able to purchase a semi-trailer truck that serves as a movable medical clinic and radio station, where people can receive free medical care and much-needed spiritual help.
    Watch the video and be inspired. God is at work all around the world, and the greater the need, the greater God’s grace. The darker the night, the greater His light will shine.
    Yours in the Blessed Hope,
    Duane McKey
    Sync IDs

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