This song has an interesting history, as it traces it's roots to musicologist Alan Lomax's effort in recording and documenting a loosely based song called 'Rosie', which is a prison diddy by CB and Axe Gang, as documented in various field recordings of such. Eric Burdon and the Animals recorded a version (and released as a single in 1966), that both he and fellow Animal Chas Chandler composed after listening to Lomax's crude recordings of it.
This song has an interesting history, as it traces it's roots to musicologist Alan Lomax's effort in recording and documenting a loosely based song called 'Rosie', which is a prison diddy by CB and Axe Gang, as documented in various field recordings of such. Eric Burdon and the Animals recorded a version (and released as a single in 1966), that both he and fellow Animal Chas Chandler composed after listening to Lomax's crude recordings of it.