Greetings Beki, I appeal to you to be honest to the pure word of God. The pure word of God given to save all humanity is far high above denominational differences and individual narratives. The great commission of advancing the Sound Doctrine of Salvation (2Timothy 4:3; Titus 1:9) is the matter of the Kingdom of God and has nothing to do with standing for the doctrines of the so-called churches starting from the Catholic, the mother of the doctrine of Trinity. I pray that we humble ourselves to advance the pure word of God. God bless you!
ቤከዬ የወንጌል አርበኛነህና ተባረክ
ረጅም እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ይስጥህ ወንድም ቤኪዬ
ተባረኩ ደስ የሚል ውይይት ነው❤❤
ቤክ እጅግ ተባረክ ለሚጠየቁት ሰወች ጥሩና በቂ መልስ እየመለስክ ስለሆነ።
Bexaaaam des yemil program new, bertaln wendmalem❤🥰 Geta eyesus tsegawn yabzalh🤗🙏
God bless paster bek!!✔✔✔✔✔
Selam yebzalih berta tebarek
የሱስ ይባርክ ወንድም በረከት
ኤረ በረከት እንዴት አይነት ጥያቀ ነው ምትጠይቀው መጀመርያ መልስ😂😂😂❤❤❤
ተባረክ ወንድም ቤኪ
Greetings Beki, I appeal to you to be honest to the pure word of God. The pure word of God given to save all humanity is far high above denominational differences and individual narratives. The great commission of advancing the Sound Doctrine of Salvation (2Timothy 4:3; Titus 1:9) is the matter of the Kingdom of God and has nothing to do with standing for the doctrines of the so-called churches starting from the Catholic, the mother of the doctrine of Trinity.
I pray that we humble ourselves to advance the pure word of God. God bless you!