Kaiser Franz-Joseph I

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024

Комментарии • 88

  • @renatacieslar8265
    @renatacieslar8265 8 месяцев назад +7

    Moj sąsiad urodzony w1895r był dwa razy na audiencji u Cesarza FJ.W roku 1906 Cesarz przyjechał do Cieszyna moja prababcia była gobtam powitac jako uczennica gimazjum.Cesarz bardzo lubił te okolice a szczegolnie wtedy mała wieś Wisła w której miał swoj pałacyk myśliwski.Pra pra dziadek mojej kolezanki prowadził Cesarza na "Baranią Górę" .Tutejsi mieszkancy nadal bardzo dobrze wspominajś FJ.E Urzedzie Miasta Cieszyn nadal wisi portret Cesarza FJ.Moj dziadek walczył na 1 Wojnie Swiatowej w wojsku Austriackim.

  • @McIntyreBible
    @McIntyreBible 3 года назад +14

    This man worked tirelessly for the good of the Austria-Hungarian Empire!

    • @nexiontech935
      @nexiontech935 4 месяца назад +1

      Then Conrad Von Hötzendorf facked everything up for them during WW1 hahaha

  • @garyrine3221
    @garyrine3221 7 лет назад +32

    Those were Happy Days for the Empire . May they soon return to the Austro-Hungarian People . How the people loved their Emperor ! Long Live the House of Hapsburg !

  • @Grima21
    @Grima21 7 лет назад +49

    Viribus unitis! Greetings from Austria, long live the Habsburgs!

  • @giovannirivoira5496
    @giovannirivoira5496 4 года назад +10

    A real Giant!Long live the Habsburg family!!!

  • @FantasioOWL
    @FantasioOWL 5 лет назад +8

    Wundervolle Bilder von Sr. Majestät aus besseren Tagen in Europa

    • @gustavabensberg4260
      @gustavabensberg4260 Год назад +1

      In der Tat, besser und schöner..

    • @adhardino9781
      @adhardino9781 5 месяцев назад

      nun, der Kaiser hatte ja selber den Krieg erklärt und sich nicht dem Untergang entgegengestemmt!

    • @jesperrasmussen510
      @jesperrasmussen510 5 месяцев назад +2

      Besseren Tage😂.... Für wem?

    • @gervinschwarz575
      @gervinschwarz575 3 месяца назад

      ​@@adhardino9781Das schieben wir mal auf Konrad von Hötzendorf. Außerdem zweifle ich seiner Majestäts Zurechnungsfähigkeit an. Er war schon sehr alt, alle Kinder tot, Frau ermordet etc...

  • @claudiaclaudie2266
    @claudiaclaudie2266 2 года назад +4

    magnifique témoignage d'une époque

  • @jasonrichards2844
    @jasonrichards2844 5 лет назад +5

    At 1:47, the detail in that bunch of flowers is remarkable.

  • @doubledee9675
    @doubledee9675 6 лет назад +8

    Some marvellous old fim and well worth preservation. Perhaps some commentary or sub-titles so that we know the event, the others shown and so forth.

  • @garyrine3221
    @garyrine3221 7 лет назад +16

    The Glorious Days of the Hapsburg Monarchy !

  • @Anderixx
    @Anderixx 9 лет назад +34

    Damals hatte ein einzelner Deutscher oder Österreicher so viel Nationalstolz wie heute hundert-tausend zusammen...

    • @TheManUnitedFTW
      @TheManUnitedFTW 8 лет назад +3

      +Andi München Nationalstolz war eines jener Dinge, die sowohl das österreichische als auch das osmanische Reich zu Grabe trugen...

    • @Anderixx
      @Anderixx 8 лет назад +5

      TheManUnitedFTW Du darfst ja nicht mal sagen, das du stolz bist ein Deutscher zu sein, bezüglich unserer Vergangenheit, des dritten Reiches. Die Amis haben auch Tausende Indianer ermordet, das ist zwar hundert Jahre länger her als der Holocaust aber Fakt ist, das es in den USA fast schon sträflich ist, wenn man keine USA Fahne vor der Haustüre wehen hat und nicht mindestens einmal am Tag sagt, wie stolz man auf die Staaten doch ist.

    • @christophpetz7517
      @christophpetz7517 8 лет назад +3

      +Andi München Hey Andi, eine Frage: was macht dich so stolz, ein Deutscher zu sein? Sei mir nicht böse, ich bin als Österreicher froh, in Österreich mit all der Kultur, der Schätze, der Natur, Tradition, usw. geboren worden zu sein, aber WO jemand geboren wird, kann wohl keiner kontrollieren. Du könntest genauso in einem fernöstlichen Land geboren worden sein- macht dich das zu einem schlechteren Menschen? Wohl kaum. Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn: Nationalstolz (mein Land ist das geilste Land der Welt) ist der einer der Gründe warum es Kriege gegeben hat, gibt und leider auch in Zukunft geben wird (mein Land ist immer noch geiler, als euer Land samt eurem Volk.) Und noch was: zu seinem Land zu stehen, heißt, sich für das Schöne zu rühmen, aber niemals die dunkelsten Stunden zu vergessen! Schönen Gruß

    • @Anderixx
      @Anderixx 8 лет назад +8

      Christoph Petz Also eins vorwegzunehmen du hast in ALLEN Punkten recht. Ich wäre auch Hunderttausendmal lieber Österreicher als Deutscher. Wir als Bayrischer Freistaat (wenn wir die Möglichkeit hätten) zu Österreich zu gehen, ich würde dafür stimmen. Denn irgendwie (so kommt es mir vor) haben sich 90% unserer Politiker so hart den Kopf gestoßen, dass sie jede Woche erneut den Vogel abschießen. Deutschland und Frankreich sind mit die Reichsten Länder in der EU. (Und England auch noch aber die sind wenigstens schlauer), aber mir kommt es so vor, um so reicher um so dämlicher. Bei uns gibt es Rentner, die wirklich jeden Tag Flaschen suchen müssen um zu überleben (750 Euro Rente, wovon 450 schon mal für die Miete hergehen müssen) Aber für andere Sachen hauen Sie Milliarden um Milliarden aus dem Fenster.

    • @BabaVideo95
      @BabaVideo95 6 лет назад +5

      Der Rest von Deutschland würde Bayern auch nur zu gerne an Österreich abgeben

  • @Туристизмирамертвых

    Heil dir im Siegerkranz, Oesterreich-Ungarn - diese einzigartige kulturellle Erscheinung in Europa! Du bleibst immer und ewig in meinem Herzen.
    Gruesse aus Moskkau, Russland!

    • @Terric90
      @Terric90 Год назад


  • @JafuetTheSame
    @JafuetTheSame 9 лет назад +29

    2:01 he salutes even to that tree

    • @Odeonremix
      @Odeonremix 8 лет назад +13

      He was a polite man

    • @hkja99
      @hkja99 8 лет назад +10

      Even taking a throughout and inspecting look at it. Even continuing to look at the tree, after he moves on. Epic!

    • @abu-hureraali4531
      @abu-hureraali4531 8 лет назад +19

      I'm a nice guy

  • @NihilsineDeo1866.
    @NihilsineDeo1866. 5 лет назад +5

    Good old days!!

  • @jeremyedlow7523
    @jeremyedlow7523 7 лет назад +9

    One of the best VIDEOS I have ever seen. As you watch this video, one can not comprehend how such a well-mannered and
    orderly society like the Hapsburg Monarchy was replaced by Nazi Germany during the Anschluss. And now even a hundred
    years later, there's still no Kaiser in Austria or Germany. Why would any rational person replace a cultured and beautiful Haps-
    burg Monarchy with a crazy lunatic like Adolf Hitler, and then not allow Austria to return to its former greatness and glory with
    the Kaiser and Kaiserina as the head of state. Austrians and Germans should watch this video carefully and think about this.
    Why would anyone replace well-mannered dancing children and the Catholic Church with goose-stepping Nazi storm troopers?
    Maybe Sigmund Freud could figure this out? I have A PhD. but it is incomprehensible how after Franz Yosef died in 1918, on-
    ly thirty years later in 1938 during the Anschluss, Austria and Germany underwent a radical change in direction and embraced
    Nazism, as a replacement for the most enlightened and the most educated societies in Europe, presided over by the Kaiser.

    • @jeremyedlow7523
      @jeremyedlow7523 7 лет назад +2


    • @killthecensors58
      @killthecensors58 6 лет назад

      First of all, mr. PhD, 1938 minus 1918 is not 30 but 20. So it's 20 years later, not 30.
      Second of all, Mr. PhD, if you believe that Adolf Hitler was a "crazy lunatic" then you yourself are not very perceptive, nor do you have a very firm grasp of history or politics. Essentially, that mentality of yours is the same as the mentality of an American who thinks that every single enemy America has ever faces was "an evil, crazy, stupid dictator" and that America always stands for freedom.
      Which actually would make sense considering that you matriculated in a state run indoctrination institution, you have been subjected to intense brain washing tactics intended to render you open to whatever propaganda that the elites want you to believe.
      Thirdly, your own views, like mine, are politically incorrect. A desire to restore a monarch to power in Europe is very politically incorrect according to the zeitgeist among the globalist "educated" elite. And as we all know, politically incorrect individuals are ALL Nazis according to many of the professors you may have studied under. This is certainly true today as a crop of hate-crazed pseudo-liberals view all opposition to neo-liberalism as literal Nazism.
      So according to them, YOU might be considered a "crazy lunatic" just like me.
      Fourth, as anyone who knows anything about history will tell you, Austria in 1938 had no chance of reclaiming her empire. No chance at all. Annexation into Germany was actually a very popular policy and a logical one too. Germany was very prosperous (compared with Austria) and she offered protection and safety for the small nation. And of course, Austria is German. And Germans ought to stick together, or so the belief was. As for their empire, Hungary was more powerful than Austria. Czechoslovakia was more powerful than Austria. And Yugoslavia was more powerful too. So she was the weakest state in a volatile region. There was no chance of ever returning to her former glory.
      Finally, we could debate ideals and theories until the cows trot home to their Alpine Austrian village. However, it is easy to come up with arguments against your claim that the Hapsburg Empire was "enlightened." But I won't do so here.
      I will say that I'm not ideologically or emotionally opposed to the Hapsburg royal family. I am not a republican or a communist or an anarchist or a national socialist. And what some might view as despotism, others may view as enlightened. idk.
      But in the end, the Austrian people, the German people wanted to join Germany. Anyone who reads a lot of contemporary literature quickly discovers that the most Austrians favoured National Socialism, Hitler, and union with Greater Germany. So if public will is worth anything, union with Germany was neither evil nor crazy. I strongly doubt that support for a return to Hapsburg rule was as strong.

    • @AEIOU05
      @AEIOU05 5 лет назад +1

      It was actually seriously considered by the allies and especially by Winston Churchill to restore the Habsburg empire, but because the communist arrived first in Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Austria those plans were scraped. A real shame really.

    • @mariusmatei2946
      @mariusmatei2946 5 лет назад

      Obviously, you Don't Know Anything About History!!!

  • @EnricoChinellato
    @EnricoChinellato Месяц назад

    Trieste Urbs Fidelissima saluta il suo Signore e Imperatore! Viribus Unitis 💛🖤

  • @MrAlois294
    @MrAlois294 8 лет назад +7

    Здесь один из отзывов-англоязычный зритель удивляется тому что существует русский поклонник австрийского императора,вопросительный знак поставлен.Франц-Иосиф-квинтессенция(выразитель) старой Европы,то есть-если не КПСС, компартия,то и не буржуазия и не рокеры на виду...Не США..А это то что писатель Стефан Цвейг рассказал в своей автобиографической книге "Вчерашний мир"(воспоминания европейца).Комплекс всего,чувств и деталей жизни до Первой мировой войны...Поклонник Франца-Иосифа в России это необязательно тот ,кто разделяет целиком его политические установки,а тот кому могут импонировать какие-то черты императора:стоицизм в переживании жизненных невзгод-отмеченный писателем В.Пикулем.Франц-Иосиф-выразитель старой Европы,но не англоязычной-это тоже может привлекать его поклонников в России.

  • @hreader
    @hreader 4 года назад +9

    A vanished era. There's little doubt that the disintegration of Austria-Hungary left a dangerous power vacuum in east-central Europe. I feel sure that as a human being Franz Joseph I rated way better than some of the 'emperors' strutting around today e.g. Donald Trump. He lived modestly as I understand, and was extremely punctilious in attention to duty.

    • @paullewis2413
      @paullewis2413 4 года назад

      However he failed to keep his country from declaring war on Serbia an ally of Russia and thus was at least partly responsible for WW1.

    • @gustavabensberg4260
      @gustavabensberg4260 Год назад

      @@paullewis2413 If you say it like that, than Russia is at fault too for backing up serbia.

    • @paullewis2413
      @paullewis2413 Год назад

      @@gustavabensberg4260 Yes that’s true. WW1 was the most devastating (its consequences lead to WW2) and unnecessary war in history. Pure insanity.

  • @belakovacs1061
    @belakovacs1061 6 лет назад +11

    Viribus Unitis! From the Lands of the Holy Crown.

  • @Wottan007
    @Wottan007 6 лет назад +10

    A wonderful Empire 900 years old turned into ashes ! Vanitas vanitatum omnia est vanitas !

    • @Ryuichi72
      @Ryuichi72 6 лет назад +1

      You mean the Holy Roman Empire. The Austrian Empire existed 1804-1918.

    • @bostonshanghai377
      @bostonshanghai377 5 лет назад +1

      @@Ryuichi72 I guess he is refering to the Habsburg Empire which was a name given by historians for the period in which the House of Habsburg ruled over the HRE, Austrian Empire and at last Austria-Hungary but I don't know exactly since when the Habsburgs ruled.

    • @Ryuichi72
      @Ryuichi72 5 лет назад +1

      @Boston Shanghai: Rudolf I was 1273 the first Roman-German king of the house of Habsburg (he never became emperor).
      From 1438 to 1806, except 1740-1745, all Roman-German kings and emperors of HRE were members of the house of Habsburg.

    • @mariusmatei2946
      @mariusmatei2946 5 лет назад

      Actually, Austria Started To Rise, As An Empire, Only In The 17th Century!!

  • @christiansonnweber9827
    @christiansonnweber9827 2 года назад +2

    Welche Kapelle hat den Eingangsmarsch des Videos so hochwertig gespielt?

  • @pumpupjam9648
    @pumpupjam9648 5 лет назад +2

    It would have been is Sisi, was never assassinated and she was by his side in these films from long ago!

  • @croatianwarmaster7872
    @croatianwarmaster7872 6 лет назад +2

    Now if someone could only colorize this like in 2003 ww1 documentary..živio kralj Franjo Josip.

  • @cxd3249
    @cxd3249 10 месяцев назад

    Hoping that Monarchy and Empire can be restored...

  • @JafuetTheSame
    @JafuetTheSame 9 лет назад +11

    russian fan of austrian emperor? :)

  • @MyLisboa
    @MyLisboa 4 года назад +1

    I miss the empress of Austria (Sissi) 💕

  • @3437810
    @3437810 6 лет назад +2

    In welcher Stadt war das?

  • @baikaltour
    @baikaltour 4 года назад +1

    if people like people dont need a security not like in this time!

  • @asaadnaeem4121
    @asaadnaeem4121 4 года назад +1

    any year this film?????

  • @stephenbriddon5065
    @stephenbriddon5065 Год назад

    I wonder what those girls were singing?

  • @FoxBoi69
    @FoxBoi69 5 лет назад

    ganz am anfang war am filmstreifen so ein fleck und ich dachte das soll der doppeladler sein bis ich pausiert hab und es mir genau angeschaut hab. xD

  • @evahausberger6173
    @evahausberger6173 4 года назад

    Haben diese Helme einen bestimmten Namen?

  • @tjittekamminga5170
    @tjittekamminga5170 4 года назад

    ein bisschen knapp, es sieht sehr nach einer Dorfparty aus

  • @ranjandasgupta2995
    @ranjandasgupta2995 3 года назад

    Blooming Duck.

  • @MorbiusvonHabsburg
    @MorbiusvonHabsburg 6 лет назад

    Song´s name?

  • @basileusmegas7667
    @basileusmegas7667 6 лет назад +3

    History wont return - adieu habsburg...

  • @michaelp.6511
    @michaelp.6511 3 месяца назад

    Tu felix austria 🇦🇹

  • @knut-hinrichqwalter2463
    @knut-hinrichqwalter2463 6 лет назад +2

    Trotz aller territorialen Größe war die österreichische Doppemonarchie eigentlich ein Operettenstaat !