August- Ranged TOP Running RAMPANT/ Something OFF with ADC's/ SAMIRA Popular BAN/ SENNA/ MMR RESET?

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 106

  • @monkey3101
    @monkey3101 Месяц назад +18

    so why did nobody think about the consequences of a low income role support being a late game hyper scaler like senna

    • @user-wz1ok5jg9x
      @user-wz1ok5jg9x Месяц назад +2

      Because there are multiple already e.g. Sona, Yuumi
      Alot of supports prioritise early+mid game strength and can punish champions like senna support

    • @xSkwintz
      @xSkwintz Месяц назад

      Because if you put her behind, she’s fucking useless

    • @sol4886
      @sol4886 Месяц назад

      @@user-wz1ok5jg9x Sona has a significantly weaker earlygame with barely any utility before 6. Yuumi is piss at the moment and should always be piss.

  • @saesteelol6156
    @saesteelol6156 Месяц назад +45

    yea but if you look at all of the best top laners in NA soloqueue, quickly you will notice Vayne and Twisted Fate are taking over, along with Kennen, Zeri, and Jax because he beats them!

    • @einjharrelraca
      @einjharrelraca Месяц назад +3

      lets test this theory.
      if we use ugg and sort top lane by master plus, so the best of top lane, the total pick rate of ranged in the top 20 of top lane champions is 14% between, jayce, gnar and kennen. (i dont count aurora because she has new toy syndrome).
      so what you've said about top laners playing only those champions is wrong, infact only 1 of those 5 you listed is in the top 20 most played top lane champions for the top 1% of the playerbase.

    • @homyachock
      @homyachock Месяц назад +9

      ​@@einjharrelracahe didn't say master+, he said the best toplaners. You know who's No1 in NA now? Toplaner who plays Camille, Jax, Vayne, Kenen and TF. Wanna know what plays next toplaner after him? Riven, Vayne, Kaisa, Kalista, Jayce. Next toplaner? Camille Kenen Jax Gwen Jayce. Next? Jax Vayne Camille Wukong Renekton. Can you fing some patterns here?

    • @einjharrelraca
      @einjharrelraca Месяц назад +11

      @@homyachock cool? and the rank 1 adc was playing nothing but garen, darius and irelia adc for the first half of the season. The tank 3 mid laner in eu was playing nothing but ap sejuani mid ALL OF LAST SEASON. people hit the top doing stupid shit all the time. its called a small sample size.
      But lets say that what you said is true, and the only top laner to ever be picked in the top tier games is vayne now. why should top lane be treated differently to adcs? when the best adc players in the game were ALL, spamming nothing but seraphine and ziggs adc for 2 entire years, you all screamed at adcs to shut up and quit crying. why should we not do the EXACT same thing to you top laners crying? you are throwing a hissy fit about the EXACT same thing, but with even smaller numbers.

    • @saesteelol6156
      @saesteelol6156 Месяц назад +1

      @@einjharrelraca what i ment is like 3 of the top 10 players on NA are playing vayne top as one of their main champs

    • @homyachock
      @homyachock Месяц назад +2

      ​​@@einjharrelracabecause that's not true, lol. Where did you get this 2 years of spamming Seraphine and Ziggs? That's not even close to be true. There were patches where Seraphine and Ziggs were broken, yes, this is true. But it never came to top challenger players spamming Ziggs and Seraphine for 2 years, at max it was 2 patches and then they would be nerfed and their pickrate in challenger lobbies would significantly decrease.

  • @einjharrelraca
    @einjharrelraca Месяц назад +23

    My problem with senna is that she invalidates the adc role, by doing EVERYTHING that roles does, often better, and then more.
    like, yes. she has those support traits, but then you also decided to ductape 87 bajillion damage onto her, so now why the fuck would she bother protecting her adc, when she does the same damage as him if not more? Its the mage support debate all over again.

    • @bulletcola7890
      @bulletcola7890 Месяц назад +1

      The usual idea for Senna compared to ADCs is meant to be about how slow windup upon her auto attacks, but I guess that downside isn’t really as effective right now.

  • @bpruett1225
    @bpruett1225 Месяц назад +9

    My last games top opponents, quinn, aurora, smolder, vayne, aurelion sol, vladimir, kennan..... theres something wrong here.....

    • @spicyspicyhot
      @spicyspicyhot Месяц назад +1

      Need more fantamentos bro

    • @_chishika_
      @_chishika_ Месяц назад

      @@spicyspicyhotalois fan gigachad

  • @clarence3238
    @clarence3238 Месяц назад +7

    Samira is like zed in adc, always frustrating to play against and one who is ahead is pretty hard to shutdown unless she is cc'd chain. I say this as a Samira OTP myself. Even her being gutted people don't understand her powerspikes like other adc's and end up losing 1v1's bc they are cocky. After that they're behind and spout broken champ.

    • @originalyoutubername5188
      @originalyoutubername5188 Месяц назад

      I feel like a lot of the playerbase just doesn’t understand spikes and spew “broken champ” when they get stomped. Like sure, there wasn’t any counter play, because the counter play was not letting them get that spike or playing safe around the spike. Talon level 2 is a classic in low elo, ignite plus passive gives a lot of pressure.

    • @clarence3238
      @clarence3238 Месяц назад

      @@originalyoutubername5188 Samira's Q levels insanely hard and it really strong at level 9. it goes from 85% ad to 125%. I usual wait till 5 or 6 to fight because of ult and the more powerful Q at those levels.

  • @LtzVenom
    @LtzVenom Месяц назад +5

    master plus the top top laners are akshan quinn cass twisted fate kennen and aurora going from #2 through #7

  • @atomickarate3421
    @atomickarate3421 Месяц назад +18

    My thing with Senna is that she feels like she's running away from her champion fantasy. She's a protector with her unique form of protection being her marksmen traits. But they make her build full lethality for her support to scale.
    My favorite form of Senna was when she should build half utility marksmen items like RFC Terminus, and then half enchanter like Redemption and locket.
    Senna doesn't feel right when she just pushes the adc aside to oneshot people.

    • @alejandrouribe8308
      @alejandrouribe8308 Месяц назад

      Part of the reason they push to lethality is that casual players mostly want to build lethality. Even if she has builds that are OP they will still build lethality even if it’s weak because that’s her perception.

    • @deronawuah2136
      @deronawuah2136 Месяц назад +1

      NO CAUSE UR SOOOO RIGHT I MISS ON RELEASE SENNA. Honestly i would love if it was an alternative viable strat, but so far, lethality is just way better in terms of support ability and utility.

    • @Tigerof2000
      @Tigerof2000 Месяц назад

      Huh What build would you recommend to go a more supportive senna. I really hate fighting her currently because of how free she can scale off certain picks i like to do. Wish her mist stacks were 3 auto sttacks not counting q.

  • @bohomazdesign725
    @bohomazdesign725 Месяц назад +18

    lol, literally in Masters+ 8 out of the Top10 by WR TopLaners are ranged champs and its not even like the Pick Rates and Ban Rates are low. In fact a lot of them exceed the PRs and BRs of traditional melee TopLaners. Sure, ranged champs make up for 15 - 20% of all champs picked TopLane, but the % is big enough that if you get only slightly unlucky you can literally end up playing the entire week against ranged champs Top. My own example from this week.
    I played 31 games this week. 17 games I had in those games a ranged TopLaner. In 9 of those games my/enemy melee TopLaner got stomped in lane (a couple deaths + substantially down in CS). In the rest of the games they managed to be somewhat even (except for 3 games were they won lane due to Jungle interference), but never could they snowball which means they got outscaled in mid game anyway. Thats in Dia1 / Master elo just for the record. The higher you go the more obnoxious it becomes.
    There have never ever been played so many ranged champs TopLane as right now. This clearly indicates that possibly melee TopLaners have a big issue and my humble guess is that due to the removal of the resistances shards in the rune system and due to the nerfs to sustain runes melee TopLane champs are just to squishy to survive early game against ranged champs.

    • @einjharrelraca
      @einjharrelraca Месяц назад

      you are litteraly crying about what you JUST told me adcs need to shut up about. low pickrates with high winrates.

    • @bohomazdesign725
      @bohomazdesign725 Месяц назад +7

      @@einjharrelraca My friend. 15 - 20% is not low. Every third game there is a ranged champ played TopLane and that means that if you are unlucky enough you can legit play game after game after game against a ranged TopLaner.
      Meanwhile Mages in the BotLane role (ADC) make up for exactly 3.9% of all picks in that role. Thats like every tenth game (not exactly) you get to play against a Mage instead of an Marksmen. Its literally as likely as playing against LeBlanc / Zoe / Hwei / Neeko Support (which have combined a similar pick rate to Mages in ADC - Bot role). You can literally play for weeks not encounter a single Mage in the Bot role unless you get unlucky and you may face 1 or 2.
      Thats a massive difference.

    • @Junomybeloved
      @Junomybeloved Месяц назад +3

      Unironicly thats why i quit like 2 weaks ago
      So one day i wake up and say "lol time"
      First game vs ezreal top
      And i say wow that is soo fun i cant do anything and game after that kai sa top
      That was very fun too
      And it was all down hill from there just constantly getting marksmen top
      And then i got to counter pick kaisa top once with talon she was 0/8 at 11 min and was going mid
      Haha very fun that if you dont counter pick em they beat everyone

    • @einjharrelraca
      @einjharrelraca Месяц назад

      @@bohomazdesign725 not really. low pick rates, are low pick rates. 15-20% across 4-6 different champions aint that much chief.
      Especially because i know you are all counting Aurora, and she's got new toy syndrome and shouldn't be accounted for atm.
      i think Aatrox dominating almost 13% of the pickrate in a role with 63 different champions played in it might be a bigger deal. but im sure you'll just say "wholesome bruiser" right?

    • @Junomybeloved
      @Junomybeloved Месяц назад +4

      ​​​@@einjharrelracasoo aatrox having 13% pick rate is a problem but lee(16.6) viego(14.5)and nid(11) having 42% is not a problem
      Kaisa(34.5) ezreal(29) zeri (16.5) having whooping 80% is also not a problem huh??

  • @coolbrotherf127
    @coolbrotherf127 Месяц назад +1

    The reason why China has a high ban rate on Samira is because especially in high elo, 90% of the supports are playing engage champions like Alistar and Nautalus so it's really easy to just blind Samira and know that you will have a good support combo. In other regions, engage supports haven't been as nearly as universally popular for a long time.

  • @Lin_Nascimento
    @Lin_Nascimento Месяц назад +1

    My experience against samira as a toplaner is she presses R to win, if her R gets stopped, she dies instantly, if not, she melts everyone, including tanks
    And a feed samira is almost impossible to play against

  • @TheSorrowfulAngel
    @TheSorrowfulAngel Месяц назад +2

    Regarding the ranged top thing, it is much more of an issue than August thinks. He doesnt look at the stats at a whole.
    Yeah, Vayne, Teemo, Varus, Smolder, Cassio, Heimer, TF etc. all dont have a high toplane pickrate at all. Not counting aurora for now, the highest ranged top pickrate at masters+ is less than 4%.
    However - as any toplaner can tell you - it doesnt matter which specific ranged top you are up against. They all feel and play the same. And what happens if you add the pickrates up of all those ranged tops? In Master+, last patch, it was about~ 13% in total. And that is excluding all the champs that arguably are toplaners(like teemo or kennen). If you add those champs, too, just all ranged champs except stuff like Gnar and Urgot? 25%+.
    Ranged champs are a fourth of the games toplane. That is a LOT. And it's just a miserable experience. A decent ranged toplaner just does not really interact with you ever. Even if you win lane, it's no fun. Id rather get my brains get smashed in by a Darius than win against any of these fleet footwork abusers.

  • @magneticcat1157
    @magneticcat1157 Месяц назад +18

    The game is significantly more enjoyable in every way every time I start a new account. I get a higher rank, all the players are nice and the climb is fun. People are asking for hard mmr resets but what they really want is to enjoy the game while climbing. Idk wtf is going on but after a while every account starts getting matched with the most disgusting players in the pool. Sounds like the system is made this way intentionally but Riot says it isn't.

    • @lupuz3269
      @lupuz3269 Месяц назад +1

      exact same thing happens for me made a new account and im up 300lp from my main and for some reason after buying a skin on my main i get a 8 game win streak after losing 3 nice system riot

    • @lolroflundxd
      @lolroflundxd Месяц назад +6

      No shit it's more fun for you playing against weaker players while getting back to your true rank.

    • @KingBLUCK
      @KingBLUCK Месяц назад

      This has to be the worst season of all time. I'm literally 63% wr right now and I'm hard stuck silver this season.

    • @tsoixyz
      @tsoixyz Месяц назад +2

      just say you enjoy smurfing? there's no way you're seriously saying accounts with more games get matched with people that behave worse

    • @KingprosBr
      @KingprosBr Месяц назад +2

      @@KingBLUCK how can you be hardstuck with 63 win rate? that doesnt make any sense at all

  • @homyachock
    @homyachock Месяц назад +3

    Why would someone want hard mmr reset. As a high elo player, who would want to waste time on climbing from some silver? And as a low elo player, why would you want to meet high elo players in your lobbies, like smurf accounts in not enough. Only people who like smurfing would somehow benefit from it.

    • @acemaster3339
      @acemaster3339 Месяц назад

      Meaning they don't need to make/buy a new account?

  • @Flossylearner1
    @Flossylearner1 Месяц назад

    I’ve heard 5mon so far and basically what get out of it is that people suck so much at league that their perception of adc when it’s not the most op class in the game is that it’s bad to play even if statistically it’s equal or still out performing other classes. So in order to match adc players expectations with reality we have our current state and now every not happy again so riot cannot make you happy giving you what you want..

  • @jususi71
    @jususi71 Месяц назад +1

    Time to play toplane in high elo! Ah yes my top opponent, twisted fate/gnar/vayne/zeri/kaisa/smolder/rumble/kennen/vlad as usual! Time to enjoy second wind dshield and suffer until i get help!

  • @ambrotose
    @ambrotose Месяц назад

    Something might be off with ADC's. I just dropped a 40 kill game with Miss Fortune, the final scoreboard was 43-26. Granted, im "Bronze 1" (I dont play ranked except with my iron 4 friends when they think i can carry them out of bronze). But idk if an ADC should be able to do what i did in that game 😂. Honestly im probably gonna post it.

  • @hplaserjet5902
    @hplaserjet5902 Месяц назад

    Add up thr playrate of every single ranged top this patch vs previous I guarantee its much higher. Its not about one champ like vayne or tf but numerous champs being much nore viable than before.

  • @xSkwintz
    @xSkwintz Месяц назад

    I mean stuff like this happens all of the time when a specific role or set of champions are so strong. We’ve had mages go top lane when they are strong. Junglers would go top lane when laners would take smite. ADCs are the strongest right now so if you put them in a lane where they can farm somewhat for free, bully most other matchups, and be highest level in the game, well it just makes sense 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @Malmonte09
    @Malmonte09 Месяц назад

    Is not ADCs... is assassins... riot has an issue with ad assassins

  • @Taran_MVP
    @Taran_MVP Месяц назад +3

    FINALLY someone asked about Samira!

    • @neotokyo385
      @neotokyo385 Месяц назад

      I wish Samira was my wife

  • @bstoybox
    @bstoybox Месяц назад +1

    I agree with Aug saying that MOBAs with poor matchmaking brings down the playerbase, look at any of the "recently" launched Paragon replacements, they have terrible matchmaking quality, and so people dont wanna play the games, but, I dont agree with alot of what he is saying in this frankly though. He wrestles with the semantics if a question, and then does a non reply after. Its alot of the riot koolaid I think.

    • @Edgelordfosho
      @Edgelordfosho Месяц назад

      idk man I dont think hes doing it with malice or anything, as an employee who wants to keep his job Im sure he has to be careful about what he says to some degree. The fact he even says anything at all about riots internal stuff is a huge W whether we agree or not and as he says, its just his opinion even then, riot doesnt just consist of august

  • @coolbrotherf127
    @coolbrotherf127 Месяц назад

    A pick like Vayne top is only good and only annoying to play against if the player is really good at playing Vayne. It's a niche champ that does well as a high ELO counter pick. When looking at all ranks, she has a 49% win rate with a 2.5% pick rate compared to champs like Sett or Garen with over 52% win rates and 9% pick rates. A Vayne gets it pretty easy early game, but a lot of top laners spike at 1 item a lot harder than Vayne and can completely flip the tempo of the lane in their favor if the Vayne doesn't respect the power spike or doesn't snowball the early lane pressure into a significant lead.

  • @MrHighfiveit
    @MrHighfiveit Месяц назад

    i think the problem is that supports get too much uptime around the map so senna is weaker because she cant roam as much

  • @egglad5958
    @egglad5958 Месяц назад

    ok so samiras banrate is the reason that she isnt buffed? zeds banrate is over double in almost every single region and he still got buffed multiple times.

  • @gothammetal5811
    @gothammetal5811 Месяц назад

    I dont think he looked at the right stats. Master plus, if you take all of the range tops being played, youre likely to see one in like 15-20% of your games. Thats a pretty significant amount.

  • @stank8460
    @stank8460 Месяц назад

    Now that they are nerfing boots. Ranged top will be even more annoying.

  • @NoFatVampires
    @NoFatVampires Месяц назад +1

    The problem is that if you add up all the pick rates of ranged top laners it is around 20 to 30 percent. Meaning 1 out of 3 games you will face some sort of ranged top

  • @k9tirion927
    @k9tirion927 Месяц назад +2

    Phreak: idc. about Zed banrates, he should have 1-1,5% more winrate so we will buff him!
    Samira: what the #@%!

    • @einjharrelraca
      @einjharrelraca Месяц назад

      the joys of being a member of riots second favorite class.

    • @homyachock
      @homyachock Месяц назад

      @@k9tirion927 Zed is in this state since Samira didn't even exist. And Samira is meta more often than Zed (just had it after ADC items changes).

  • @erikschaeffer8419
    @erikschaeffer8419 Месяц назад

    So if your in low elo you gwt to acrually play top lane. But if your higher elo then its just ranged comstantly. Yet he will use pick rates as his defence when legit streamers have been raging about it along with normal players. Maybe try balancing the game instead of stuoid ass power creep and more new champs.

  • @andrewsong8619
    @andrewsong8619 Месяц назад +1

    Hiya, mind if I ask where these clips are from? I want to ask August about his opinion on xayah's release and design

  • @milankerekgyarto9130
    @milankerekgyarto9130 Месяц назад

    Senna designed to work with ADCs??? xDDDD
    Bro has negative knowledge about his game....
    Ask any high elo ADC player.... the reason we all hate Senna supp, is that she provides 0 value for an ADC.. if my supp picks Senna, it means I am forced to pick Seraphine, ot any tank like Tahm / Ornn / Cho etc

  • @Timeforspas12
    @Timeforspas12 Месяц назад

    I'll say this as a undeniable truth. I love adcs mid. They've always been good but underpicked. Now that they're popular, I've never had more fun playing midlane.

    • @shemsuhor8763
      @shemsuhor8763 Месяц назад

      Literally season 1 - 3 style. Big brain stuff. Retvrn to tradition.

  • @chrish8111
    @chrish8111 Месяц назад

    Samira and nilah, id ban nilah.

    • @Taran_MVP
      @Taran_MVP Месяц назад

      Nilah literally showed up and became the better Samira ever since and it doesn't help that she hard counters Samira

  • @richardgesegnet5481
    @richardgesegnet5481 Месяц назад

    Bro is literally correcting people. How about instead of fixing english fix your game.
    Ranged top is disgusting and it works.
    Ranged mid works some of the time.
    Ranged bot doesnt work at all. Fix your game.

  • @BlueBuffAndChill
    @BlueBuffAndChill Месяц назад

    Hey right, August can you look into Kaitlyn‘s headshot? She can headshot wards and it not waste the charge which I think is good but then she could headshot other things like shake boxes and mushrooms and it uses the headshot but it doesn’t do any extra damage to thosethings I don’t know not to me. Sorry text to speech spelled it like that.