Quitting porn and masturbation addiction requires understanding it as a habit, not an identity. Identify your triggers and the negative effects on your life. Limit access using blockers, change your routine, and avoid isolation. Replace the habit with exercise, hobbies, and meaningful social connections. When urges arise, delay them and channel the energy into something productive. Find accountability through a trusted friend or community, and track your progress. Strengthen your mindset by reminding yourself why you want to quit, celebrating small wins, and learning from relapses.
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Quitting porn and masturbation addiction requires understanding it as a habit, not an identity. Identify your triggers and the negative effects on your life. Limit access using blockers, change your routine, and avoid isolation. Replace the habit with exercise, hobbies, and meaningful social connections. When urges arise, delay them and channel the energy into something productive. Find accountability through a trusted friend or community, and track your progress. Strengthen your mindset by reminding yourself why you want to quit, celebrating small wins, and learning from relapses.