Jai Shree Krishna Pushtimarg focuses serving with all the bhavas. Till I have understood, sakha or any other bhava are found in the jiva himself and can not be attained by dhiksha, but if you meant by your question that you are in sakha bhava(and you know that somehow by Krishna's grace) what sampraday should you join, again, I am, till my knowledge unkown if there are any sampraday which is focused on sakha bhava(please do let me know if you have found any).However I would recommend you, if you are trying to find a sampraday, try to read amd understand the sampraday's philosophy on devotion and see what fits you. In pushtimarg we have Sodash Granth, which are 16 small books having devotional instructions, start with that if you are interested. Hope you find what you are looking for!!
Jai shree krishna, very informative vaishnav philosophy
Jay shree krashan
Jay jay Shree Vallabh ❤
nice video.. jay shree krushna
Very nice first question - Jaya Sri Krsna!
जय श्री कृष्ण जी
Jay Shri Krishna
Shri Vallabhadhish ki Jay!
જય જય શ્રી ગોકુલેશ
Bro does pustimarg mostly focused on shakha bhav bhakti and how can I get diksha for shakha bhav which sampraday primary found on shakha bhav
Jai Shree Krishna
Pushtimarg focuses serving with all the bhavas. Till I have understood, sakha or any other bhava are found in the jiva himself and can not be attained by dhiksha, but if you meant by your question that you are in sakha bhava(and you know that somehow by Krishna's grace) what sampraday should you join, again, I am, till my knowledge unkown if there are any sampraday which is focused on sakha bhava(please do let me know if you have found any).However I would recommend you, if you are trying to find a sampraday, try to read amd understand the sampraday's philosophy on devotion and see what fits you. In pushtimarg we have Sodash Granth, which are 16 small books having devotional instructions, start with that if you are interested. Hope you find what you are looking for!!
I don’t know if it is in English or Hindi, and this is confusing I will like to know what Pushtimarga is but I don’t understand Hindi.
Putsimage ka ketan Kay he
તમે બહુ સારું સમજવો છો , પણ ઈંગ્લીશ માં ઓછું બોલો તો મોટી ઉમર ના લોકો સમજી શકે