The DWG 3.0 Teaser pack is so awesome, cant wait for the final release. Im in love for the Supra, 350z and the S15 Spec-R. On another note, i love the new graphics, a huge step up from your previous setup wich was based on SOL, with lots of limitations from the weather script part.
Graphics look good except for two things, the car looks a bit too shiny, the reflections especially on the glass could be turned down a bit, and the interior is pretty dark compared to the map itself in first person view
The DWG 3.0 Teaser pack is so awesome, cant wait for the final release. Im in love for the Supra, 350z and the S15 Spec-R. On another note, i love the new graphics, a huge step up from your previous setup wich was based on SOL, with lots of limitations from the weather script part.
Keren bang🔥
Graphics look good except for two things, the car looks a bit too shiny, the reflections especially on the glass could be turned down a bit, and the interior is pretty dark compared to the map itself in first person view
você pilota muito
Link doesn't work. I've been looking for a targa top Supra for so long! Is there a working link?
Coba bang sesekali mode rally
new car link pls
yoo bang gua subs baru lu nihh, mau nanya2 about asetto corsa boleh??
boleh bang
@@KoplingID mau nanya settingan grafiknya apa yaa bagus banget itu grafiknya boleh minta copy settingannya vide + shader nya
@@Anggawhyuu harusnya semua setting ada di link document di description bang
what is the map
Happogahara, link in the description