When launching full-screen-cover without animation via transaction, sometimes at random setting animatedValue to true via onAppear or on task modifier also gets non-animated, thus to avoid this I introduced a very little delay to separate alert animations apart from transaction actions!
I was most awaited for this tutorial ❤
What's the 0.05s sleeping intended for? 5:04
Anyway, thank you for every video guides :):):)
When launching full-screen-cover without animation via transaction, sometimes at random setting animatedValue to true via onAppear or on task modifier also gets non-animated, thus to avoid this I introduced a very little delay to separate alert animations apart from transaction actions!
Can i ask why is @escaping added when declaring an extension for alert modifier? 1:00
Actually, since I'm not storing the closure for future use, there's no need to use the @escaping attribute here.
You can simply omit it!
@@Kavsoft Got it! Thanks