Today I walk into the grocery shop with only my purse. I loiter around the super-market grab what ever I want into my shopping basket and bring it home. After utilization I just throw the left over which are mostly plastic wrappers and covers in the nearby dust-bin. Later in the day the corporation worker will set all the rubbish on fire. A few minutes of smoke but who cares, we get a clean street after that. With plastic bag I will be put to a lot of inconvenience. I have to plan and take my bags and heavy utensils. I cant dispose of utensils but have to clean and reuse them - like my forefathers were doing two generations ago. A step back in time. Please vested interests lobby and revoke the ban so that my lazy bum would find more time in WhatsApp and facebook.
Today I walk into the grocery shop with only my purse. I loiter around the super-market grab what ever I want into my shopping basket and bring it home. After utilization I just throw the left over which are mostly plastic wrappers and covers in the nearby dust-bin. Later in the day the corporation worker will set all the rubbish on fire. A few minutes of smoke but who cares, we get a clean street after that.
With plastic bag I will be put to a lot of inconvenience. I have to plan and take my bags and heavy utensils. I cant dispose of utensils but have to clean and reuse them - like my forefathers were doing two generations ago. A step back in time.
Please vested interests lobby and revoke the ban so that my lazy bum would find more time in WhatsApp and facebook.
Gandagi Macha Ke Rakhe