Hey mate. I've been using a setup that was posted on one of your previous loadout videos, with great success. The setup utilises the neglected Famas to it's full potential. The loadout is as follows. Famas: - Kobra - Heavy Barrel - Leave this slot blank 93R Squad Ammo (you'll need it) The Famas's first two shots with HB land pretty much right on top of each other, and as such, can be used as an AN-94 that destroys in close combat.
Cowboy Loadout: 870 MCS Buckshot No Sight Extended Mags .44 Magnum C4 Explosives Ammo Box Squad Sprint I'd like to see you run this class, the sprint specialisation makes you able to run around faster, being able to get closer, which you need while using the buckshot. Be sure to set C4 at objectives, and using you're speed as much as possible. Thanks for the awesome vids, love you Level
Spec Ops Loadout: P90 (CQ Sight, Silencer and Laserpointer) M1911 S-Tac MAV Sprint Perfect Loadout to sneack up on people. You have always very good knowledge of what happens around you because of the MAV and the supressed weapons let you take out people silent. Also the Sprint perk lets you move faster although the P90 doesn't have that much ammo with it, i'd recommend it to play with sprint.
gsunn here! and i was really excited to finally get a chance to play with you! You were totally right about running around with a silenced weapon and having an advantage. I also play through the mini map and constantly get players claiming I'm cheating because I prefire before turning a corner. If you can stay hidden, you can be really effective against the opposing team. anyway, hope to run into you again on the SOC team death match servers!
As an active duty member of the marine corps, I can say that the M9 is still the general issue weapon of standard infantry units. As for MARSOC, the standard issue pistol is a modified variation of the 1911.
AS VAL: Acog, Extended Mag Any pistol SQD Ammo (high rof) Any map: team deathmatch/rush I recently messed around with this loadout and found that the AS VAL isn't as bad at medium to long range as I thought, so since the AS VAL has a somewhat easy to control recoil, the ACOG enhances your long range ability by helping you keep on target. Also, the built in suppressor keeps you off the minimap which helps in rush and team deathmatch.
The Silent Assassin: M39EBR with Rifle scope, Bipod, and finally Silencer. As far as secondary's go, run M9 silenced or if you want something better, MAYBE the G18 suppressor. This is a real fun set to use and I love it, really underused weapons, the M39 and the M9 supp.
A vehicle setup (something you've never tried before) I'm a firm believer that no matter what nerfs get thrown at tanks, they will remain top dog. But c4 is still powerful, and sometimes you have to jump out of your tank to deal with infantry. Here is my most favorite setup: Spas-12 (Slugs, extended mag, Kobra/Iron sights) .44 Magnum Smaw/Rpg Repair Tool Squad Flak or Explosive
P90 with laser sight, HOLO or RDS, and flash suppressor. I prefer a .44 for the longer range, and use smoke because you actually said in a video smoke is useful. Use frag specialization for extra grenades for the M320 or use flak. This is my favorite kit for metro on the Xbox too, and I kinda want to see how you will do with it. The recoil is reduced and the goofier is increased, so that's something you would like for sure
Assault 870 MCS Eo Tech Holographic Extended Mags 12g Slugs G18 M26 Slug Squad Flak This class is unstoppable for TDM games and CQB maps. The slugs gives you loads of firepower and range, which is a oneshot kill in close up, and 2 bullets for long range. I love this class, and it's perfect for Metro rush or Noshahr TDM.
Conflict Desert Storm Loadout: Wear Desert Khaki camo on your player and play Desert like maps for that Kuwait-like environment. M16A4-ACOG-Underslung 320(pretend its a 203)-Heavy Barrel M1911(It was the main sidearm until 2011) And use whatever perk fits the bill. Use NO DEFIBS, this would be more realistic, and give you an interesting twist to the class.
Chinese Loadout - qbb (very underused sniper rifle) with no attachments. Since the qbb was originated in china, it is a try hard style (bad iron sight, bad acuracy, high recoil, great for try hards like levelcap)
Nice Engi Loadout: SCAR-H ACOG Bipod Heavy Barrel .44 Magnum RPG, Rep Tool, Sqd Expl. This gun isn't as bad as many people think, it's really effective at medium to log range, I found myself having a good time playing Bandar Desert.
-M39 EMR *PK-A 3,4x *Foregrip *Laser sight -G18 Supp. -Motion sensor (TUGS) -Squad Sprint This setup is very powerful on medium to long range, because the M39 has one of the lowest bulletdrop of all sniper rifles. Use the G18 in close quarters. Try to play on Strike at Karkand.
Heya LC, Since you ran a Vietnam loadout, how about the opposing faction, the Vietcong? RPK-74 -Iron Sights -Bipod -Extended mags for extra surpression The Mp443 As equipment you should run the mortar. The perk should be either way sprint or surpression. Good luck out there son!
Vietnam Loadout 2.0: Viet-Cong Guerrilla RPK-74M preferably iron sights bipod extended mags any semi-auto side-arm C4 explosives Squad Suppression Make sure your camo matches the map your playing on. I think it would be interesting to see a change in perspective from an American GI Vietnam loadout to that a VietCong guerrilla might've been using. With regards to the RPK, I would really like to hear your opinion of the RPK, especially if the long reload time is worth the low recoil.
The M16, was said by it's producers to be "self cleaning," which then the men who carried them didn't clean them, the weapons then commonly jammed, and I think you can imagine the rest.
L85A2 ACOG scope, bipod, heavy barrel M26 MASS M1911 Use a mounted AR for the longer ranges, MASS for clearing rooms, and M1911 for all-around backup. If you're really brave, replace ACOG w/ rifle scope for an accurate burst rifle.
The armed forces did surveys and the American soldiers were actually happy with the M16. Most of those who had complaints said they wished it was shorter. I guess the internet still lives in a world where the M16A1 never happened.
I love this gun and the only prob is still the reload but with the best mobile hip and ads accuracy of any gun plus one of the best stationary accuracies of any gun with the heavy barrel it becomes a lazer on the battlefield I love it!
Let's go for something unusual : 870 with laser sight/slugs/iron sights G18 Any perk you want (even if i recommend cover, suppression hurts slugs real bad) In my opinion, trading extended mags for laser sight is totally worth it, and will turn your 870 into a hipfire death machine. Even if having 5 shells in the gun could seem bad, you can fire while you reload, and the extra hipfire accuracy truely shines on the 870. I'd recommend using support class, because you'll run out of ammo quickly.
Tactical urban loadout: M16A4 US HOLO sight, heavy barrel, suppressor M9 Tac. light Urban character camo, no weapon camo. This is used often in urban warfare by police quick response units.
Navy SEAL loadout: M416 holographic foregrip supressor/flash suppressor 1911 supressed medic pack nade special Try it with a full squad. found this class to be pretty fun to run with for scenarios.
Loudout, Hi LvL Cap, here my suggested loudout JNG-90 with 7x scope. M1911 flashlight T-UGS I find this setup very good, and medium/long range, but also short range battles, because the 7x times scope doesn't xoom in that much. Use it on Conquest Large Gulf of Oman hanging around the flags C, D, F, G, "hiding" in the building when capturing the flags, and then run off to the next house capturing flags. I use this setup alot, and find it as good as it will get.
Lvlcap I'd like to see you use this same setup (M16 M1911) in the actual Bad Company 2: Vietnam expansion pack! I'm sure the nostalgia trip alone would be awesome
AK-74M. Reflex sight. Underslung. Heavy Barrel. M320 or Medic Kit. Squad Sprint. M9 Suppressed. I think it's an under used weapon. It's good for medium ranges and you can get some good long range kills. It's a decent rate of fire weapon but close counter engagements can be your death. The M9 Suppressed also seems like an under used pistol as well but it keeps you off the map. I'd love to hear your comments about it.
I've come from the future to tell you... Aftermath is awesome! My favorite DLC yet maps are cool, X-BOW is fun as hell to use and the new modded humvee is dope!
Gansta, Mafia or Western Style(choose one style) any class 870MCS or SPAS-12 with a buckshot ,iron sight and ext mag. Sidearm- gansta style - g18 or g17c, mafia style - M1911 and western style - 44. Magnum any spec. play aggressively only hip fire(if u want) any map tdm or rush metro 32!
I personally like this class for long range action: Scar-H(Because of High Damage) Reflex or Kobra Foregrip(To increase accuracy and decrase recoil) Any Perk 93R I really enjoy the Scar-H but a lot of people think it doesn't get close to enough kills, but at long range I think it does better than most guns at the range.
Big-Game Hunter Class: Primary: M40A5 with x6 sniper scope, bipod, and suppressor. Secondary: M1911 silenced. Put on the best camo for blending into trees, and have the XBow with the standard bolt. You must hide in trees while using this class.
lvl, you need to try this one out!! it is a really fun loadout, and it great to combine the smoke with the irnv scope! specially since no one use the smoke, and irnv! please try this! Ninja setup: assault: MP7, suppresser, laser and IRNV. g17 supp m320 Smoke Sprint Spec ops cammo. Play rush as attack! flank as much as you can, dont be to aggresive!
I know, that's were I got the idea from, but as I said, I wanted LvL to play this, cause I loved Pwnstars, so I thought it would be fun too see LvL run it, thanks for the reply, always fun to answer stuff, have a nice day man! :)
Assault PWD-R (no attachments) no sidearm no gagets Defib. Knife IS allowed TDM Yes thats right, you can only use pdw-r and defib to kill people. *cant use ammo from team/squadmates after you have run out of ammo for pwd-r, MUST use defib. I tried this and it was quite fun trying to spot campers and then defib them. It was hard but i would like to see your reactions and thoughts on it.
Spetsnaz loadout! AS-VAL with any Russian sight MP443 Suppressed Squad Sprint and Squad Cover (Special Units must be fast and are stonecold, they don't know no suppression! :P) Now the most important: Hardcore with no minimap, Rush! Either flank the attackers or sneak up on the defenders and arm those M-Coms! You are not allowed to carry medkits. Either use a smoke launcher to cover your approach or use C4 to set traps. And make sure to wear the Spec Ops camo (how about Teheran Highway Rush?)
WW1 Loadout: M40A5 iron sights no attachments (that means no straight straight pull bolt) M1911 No Gadget(s) Play on Seine Crossing, Rush, 2nd pair of M-COMs Seine Crossing on Rush during the set pair of M-COMs is the only place I think might have a nice feel for a type of "trench warfare" because both forces are fighting a balanced fight over the river and players are constantly taking cover from the small walls on each sides and popping back up to take shots. The bridge is like no mans land
I tried this load-out and it was great! I went 74 and 20 on console with it. You should consider a viet-cong load-out. AK-47(AK-74M) bare, M1911 and equipment, and perks of your choice.
WW1 Setup: M40/L96/SV98 No sights Straight Pull Bolt M1911 or .44 Magnum This setup is fun, but challenging. I like to play with this when I'm bored of running around with the M16. I haven't seen any videos with no scope sniper rifles and I think it would be cool to watch.
Assault Class M416 with Holographic Sight, foregrip (increased the horizontal recoil in latest patch), and a laser sight. Because of it's recent nerf in the Aftermath update, I want to see how you think it matches up against the M16A3 and all the other assault rifles. Med Kit M1911 Tact. Light Squad Suppression
MTAR-21, Foregrip, Flashsuppressor and Cobra. (This minimizes the recoil of the TAR, thus making it only usable in close quarters e.g. TDM. Take care to time the loooong reload. ) MP443 RPG I dont care much which gadgets or perks, just choose a helpful one for your squad.
WW1 Style SV98/M40/L96 No scope Straight pull bolt Flash suppressor Any specialization Since the last two were era themed, I decided to go for the only other war that BF3 could pull off, WW1. I tried this around launch and it was actually pretty fun. I haven't seen any no scope gameplays and I think it would be fun.
Operation Desert Storm themed load out M16a3 with acog, heavy barrel, no foregrip or m320, just rails, medpacks and m9 for side arm, or instead of the M16, use the M249, iron sights bipod and extended mags with C4
every darn time I see clips like this, I instantly start BF3, always so darn pumped but it never ends out well, I always fail and ragequit, back to youtube to warch more clips, and back to BF3 to fail again, this can go in circles for hours, I suck so bad lol
I've wanted to see this for awhile, like it if you think watching level use this would be epic Support class Usas-12 Frag rounds Tactical flashlight Any secondary C4 Squad suppresion
actually the m9 baretta was first used in a major conflict in desert storm as the US side arm of choice, thankfully the marines have realized the 1911 is far superior and are changing back to it.
(sneaky assault) F 2000 irnv scope, bi pod, surpresser Mp443 silenced M26 dart Squad cover Special Ops black camo (depends on what map your playing) BEST load out for playing on death valley or Tehran highway.
The Vietnam Choppergunner M60 iron sight forgrip ext. mags M1911 to stick with the theme you could ask someone from the squad up to fly the huey and you will be shooting from the side with the M60, i know this works with the M240bravo but it might work with the M60, let me know what you think
Well Steyr is the Company which produced the AUG in Austria. However the Aussies reproduce the rifle under the name AUSteyr (See what they did there? ;)). They produce the Austeyr in a small town in NSW under military contract.
SWAT style: G36 with tactical light, iron sights (or ACOG your choice), and foregrip G17 as Sidearm Do not use the AT Launchers Carry an EOD bot to disarm explosives
USMC style- M16A4, laser sight, foregrip, and ACOG M9 M320 sqd ammo play on US side, standard camo, on a desert map, and fire semi auto unless close quarters
Ninja Style (Death In Silence) UMP45 ,Kobra Sight(U know u like it!), Suppressor. M1911 Suppressed XBOW (Balanced or Normal Bolt) Squad Specialisation Sprint. Good Luck Young Grasshopper
Fun class that you maybe can use that i call "Auto Sniper" or "G3SG1" Assault class G3A3 - 6x zoom, Bipod and Heavy Barrel. M1911 silence. Medkit Squad sprint or you can try the "Scar-20" Scar-L/Scar-H Scar-L 12x zoom, Bipod, Heavy Barrel Scar-H 6x zoom, Bipod, Heavy Barrel.
Ninja Loadout AS VAL or UMP-45 with Cobra sight and Suppressor G18 Silenced T-UGS or XBOW SQD COVER or SQD SPRINT Use this in a situation like, when ur team can't plant the MCOM. Basiclly getting behind enemy lines and putting a spawn beacon down behind defense lines.
M240B, bipod, iron sights, MP443 suppressed, C4.-have fun (I do run and gun with it or get at a point on advantage and set your bipod) (best map for it: operation metro) good luck
AN-94 Holo sight, bipod, heavy barrel. Scoped magnum xbow Agressive and precise medic. Just because I want to see you rock the AN-94 and I want to see some decent xbow footage. Scoped sidearm for the challenge.
You do realize that the reason why the use the 556 was because it was a better rated round. It shoots twice as fast as the 762 and the reason the picked the 556 was because it is considered a HV round and the only reason soldiers dont like it is because it moves so fast through flesh that it has no knock-down power. This also mean that the bullet has less contact time with any material meaning it flys straiter through its target and that means the bullet would be less affected by big leaves.
The P99 is made by Walther. He also uses a PPK, which is also made by Walther. I'm not sure who makes it (simply google it) but he used the ASP as well.
Mg 36 Bipod Extended Mags Mp412 Squad surpression C4 This class is in my opinion the best supporter class in bf3. Extrem big mag for a light machine gun, medium to high firerate and good accuracy...
Naw, the recoil kick is for each bullet fired, so basically a 3 shot burst is like 3 individual bullets fired in series. Its weird because the AN-94's recoil only kicks in after the second shot, and the M416's burst only has first shot multiplier on the first of the 3 bullets fired. The M16A4 has first shot multiplier on all three bullets fired in a burst. Thus, it has ridiculous vertical recoil similar to the G3A3 firing in 3 shot bursts.
How about medieval: When this comes out for PC Any Class excluding (support because it doesnt exist) ACB-90 (Knife only) XBow Any Bolts Once you get the hang of the Xbow its actually pretty fun as a primary, stealth and potential one shot kills. Ive managed to score positive doing this. It was so fun when i played around with the xbow only. Obviously its not for running and gunning.
Aug A3 Holo (American) Foregrip Suppressor M1911 Supp. Medic Kit Squad Sprint (Ak) Maps - Your Choice Conquest Hope you see this and if you happen to stumble upon this setup i think you will love it Ps Love your videos keep it up!
Well, that was a very select few people who had the M-203 back in Vietnam when it was originally introduced (1969) so it wasn't really a huge thing until later in the war
Bro I know you did the M16A3 already but I found a setup that matches the M416 accuracy and you can still lay down enemies quickly M16A3 flash suppressor foregrip and a reticle of your choice I like the red dot sight
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Style! M416 Underslung rail + M320 grenade launcher or smoke PK-A 3.4X (The little triangle looks the same as in BFBC2) Heavy Barrel (or nothing) MP412 REX, M9, MP443 Grach or M1911. Play rush on a small map.
James Bond loadout (Or atleast the closest) Class: Recon Primary: M5K Suppressor Secondary (Treat this as your primary, and the M5K as your secondary.) M1911 Gadget: MAV Any Profeciency.
Lvl you didn't review the AUG A3 in deep! You just have the "first impressions" video which is not what I'd expect. Here's my loadout for TDM with this gun: - Aug A3 - Silencer - RDS - Foregrip - good old 93R for close and personal - M26 as a sidearm for a quick cleanup, but you can take medkit Squad grenade
No, what I meant was that the M16A1 fixed the fatal flaws that caused the original M16 to fail, such as lack of cleaning kits and training, lack of chrome lining, wrong type of powder, etc etc. The whole ordeal about American soldiers picking up AK47s was due to the fact that soldiers were not instructed to clean their rifles and they didn't have cleaning kits. They were also not trained with the M16 before combat - during training they still used the M14.
WW1 set-up: M40A3 with straight pull bolt and NO sight .44 Magnum or 1911 (they used .38's back then but take em where you can) No gadgets. Any big, open map would work.
Go with the Teo load out PKP pecheneg with kobrah RDS, foregrip, and extended mag (so you can spray) use C4 this set up is really fun to use plus it makes the gun way more accurate and plus the fire power of a LMG (and it looks dope fresh ;D)
You should do different classes for each theme. Like for Vietnam, you could have an Engineer with an M4, (pretend it's a CAR-15), Support with an M60, and Recon with an M40.
Why do people not get that it's pointless to post loadouts on old videos? Level does not look at them.
Hey mate. I've been using a setup that was posted on one of your previous loadout videos, with great success. The setup utilises the neglected Famas to it's full potential. The loadout is as follows.
- Kobra
- Heavy Barrel
- Leave this slot blank
Squad Ammo (you'll need it)
The Famas's first two shots with HB land pretty much right on top of each other, and as such, can be used as an AN-94 that destroys in close combat.
is it just me or does it feel like sometimes you actually need to be a licensed medical practitioner to revive somebody on bf3 lol
Best Game ever, and man I miss InTheWorksMedia and all the great Battlefield youtubers.
M16A3 ROCKS!!!!!!!!
Cowboy Loadout:
870 MCS
No Sight
Extended Mags
.44 Magnum
C4 Explosives
Ammo Box
Squad Sprint
I'd like to see you run this class, the sprint specialisation makes you able to run around faster, being able to get closer, which you need while using the buckshot. Be sure to set C4 at objectives, and using you're speed as much as possible.
Thanks for the awesome vids, love you Level
I miss the m16a3 :(
kilerpillowpet same
Beretta 92fs was adopted as the standard issue sidearm in 1985. 1911 has been (and is still) used since then but it is certainly not the main sidearm.
M1911 Loadout
Spec Ops Loadout:
P90 (CQ Sight, Silencer and Laserpointer)
M1911 S-Tac
Perfect Loadout to sneack up on people. You have always very good knowledge of what happens around you because of the MAV and the supressed weapons let you take out people silent. Also the Sprint perk lets you move faster although the P90 doesn't have that much ammo with it, i'd recommend it to play with sprint.
m16a3 is the best!
gsunn here! and i was really excited to finally get a chance to play with you!
You were totally right about running around with a silenced weapon and having an advantage. I also play through the mini map and constantly get players claiming I'm cheating because I prefire before turning a corner. If you can stay hidden, you can be really effective against the opposing team.
anyway, hope to run into you again on the SOC team death match servers!
Who's watching in 2017?
good point
here for research for a video i'm making
As an active duty member of the marine corps, I can say that the M9 is still the general issue weapon of standard infantry units. As for MARSOC, the standard issue pistol is a modified variation of the 1911.
M16a4 same load out
AS VAL: Acog, Extended Mag
Any pistol
SQD Ammo (high rof)
Any map: team deathmatch/rush
I recently messed around with this loadout and found that the AS VAL isn't as bad at medium to long range as I thought, so since the AS VAL has a somewhat easy to control recoil, the ACOG enhances your long range ability by helping you keep on target. Also, the built in suppressor keeps you off the minimap which helps in rush and team deathmatch.
There weren't m16a3's in nam it was only m16a1's car15's and xm177's
the m16a1 was after Vietnam and bipods where on LMGs
Well, there isnt a M16A1 in BF3
+Stone Morrison Nope, M16A1 was used in Vietnam
+Ozan Akdag he could used the m16a4
The M16, the M16A1 and M16A2 are not in battlefield 3 so he used the closest one, the M16A3
The Silent Assassin: M39EBR with Rifle scope, Bipod, and finally Silencer. As far as secondary's go, run M9 silenced or if you want something better, MAYBE the G18 suppressor. This is a real fun set to use and I love it, really underused weapons, the M39 and the M9 supp.
A vehicle setup (something you've never tried before)
I'm a firm believer that no matter what nerfs get thrown at tanks, they will remain top dog. But c4 is still powerful, and sometimes you have to jump out of your tank to deal with infantry. Here is my most favorite setup:
Spas-12 (Slugs, extended mag, Kobra/Iron sights)
.44 Magnum
Repair Tool
Squad Flak or Explosive
P90 with laser sight, HOLO or RDS, and flash suppressor. I prefer a .44 for the longer range, and use smoke because you actually said in a video smoke is useful. Use frag specialization for extra grenades for the M320 or use flak. This is my favorite kit for metro on the Xbox too, and I kinda want to see how you will do with it. The recoil is reduced and the goofier is increased, so that's something you would like for sure
870 MCS
Eo Tech Holographic
Extended Mags
12g Slugs
M26 Slug
Squad Flak
This class is unstoppable for TDM games and CQB maps. The slugs gives you loads of firepower and range, which is a oneshot kill in close up, and 2 bullets for long range. I love this class, and it's perfect for Metro rush or Noshahr TDM.
Conflict Desert Storm Loadout:
Wear Desert Khaki camo on your player and play Desert like maps for that Kuwait-like environment.
M16A4-ACOG-Underslung 320(pretend its a 203)-Heavy Barrel
M1911(It was the main sidearm until 2011)
And use whatever perk fits the bill.
Use NO DEFIBS, this would be more realistic, and give you an interesting twist to the class.
Chinese Loadout - qbb (very underused sniper rifle) with no attachments. Since the qbb was originated in china, it is a try hard style (bad iron sight, bad acuracy, high recoil, great for try hards like levelcap)
Nice Engi Loadout:
Heavy Barrel
.44 Magnum
RPG, Rep Tool, Sqd Expl.
This gun isn't as bad as many people think, it's really effective at medium to log range, I found myself having a good time playing Bandar Desert.
-M39 EMR
*PK-A 3,4x
*Laser sight
-G18 Supp.
-Motion sensor (TUGS)
-Squad Sprint
This setup is very powerful on medium to long range, because the M39 has one of the lowest bulletdrop of all sniper rifles. Use the G18 in close quarters. Try to play on Strike at Karkand.
Heya LC,
Since you ran a Vietnam loadout, how about the opposing faction, the Vietcong?
-Iron Sights
-Extended mags for extra surpression
The Mp443
As equipment you should run the mortar.
The perk should be either way sprint or surpression.
Good luck out there son!
Vietnam Loadout 2.0: Viet-Cong Guerrilla
preferably iron sights
extended mags
any semi-auto side-arm
C4 explosives
Squad Suppression
Make sure your camo matches the map your playing on. I think it would be interesting to see a change in perspective from an American GI Vietnam loadout to that a VietCong guerrilla might've been using. With regards to the RPK, I would really like to hear your opinion of the RPK, especially if the long reload time is worth the low recoil.
The M16, was said by it's producers to be "self cleaning," which then the men who carried them didn't clean them, the weapons then commonly jammed, and I think you can imagine the rest.
L85A2 ACOG scope, bipod, heavy barrel
Use a mounted AR for the longer ranges, MASS for clearing rooms, and M1911 for all-around backup.
If you're really brave, replace ACOG w/ rifle scope for an accurate burst rifle.
The armed forces did surveys and the American soldiers were actually happy with the M16. Most of those who had complaints said they wished it was shorter.
I guess the internet still lives in a world where the M16A1 never happened.
I love this gun and the only prob is still the reload but with the best mobile hip and ads accuracy of any gun plus one of the best stationary accuracies of any gun with the heavy barrel it becomes a lazer on the battlefield I love it!
I miss this series back!
Let's go for something unusual :
870 with laser sight/slugs/iron sights
Any perk you want (even if i recommend cover, suppression hurts slugs real bad)
In my opinion, trading extended mags for laser sight is totally worth it, and will turn your 870 into a hipfire death machine. Even if having 5 shells in the gun could seem bad, you can fire while you reload, and the extra hipfire accuracy truely shines on the 870. I'd recommend using support class, because you'll run out of ammo quickly.
Tactical urban loadout:
M16A4 US HOLO sight, heavy barrel, suppressor
M9 Tac. light
Urban character camo, no weapon camo.
This is used often in urban warfare by police quick response units.
Navy SEAL loadout:
supressor/flash suppressor
1911 supressed
medic pack
nade special
Try it with a full squad. found this class to be pretty fun to run with for scenarios.
Hi LvL Cap, here my suggested loudout
JNG-90 with 7x scope.
M1911 flashlight
I find this setup very good, and medium/long range, but also short range battles, because the 7x times scope doesn't xoom in that much.
Use it on Conquest Large Gulf of Oman hanging around the flags C, D, F, G, "hiding" in the building when capturing the flags, and then run off to the next house capturing flags.
I use this setup alot, and find it as good as it will get.
Lvlcap I'd like to see you use this same setup (M16 M1911) in the actual Bad Company 2: Vietnam expansion pack! I'm sure the nostalgia trip alone would be awesome
BF3 has a hidden setting to enable/disable radio, it doesn't do anything though. If you want to see for yourself, its in the BF3 settings editor.
Reflex sight.
Heavy Barrel.
M320 or Medic Kit.
Squad Sprint.
M9 Suppressed.
I think it's an under used weapon.
It's good for medium ranges and you can get some good long range kills. It's a decent rate of fire weapon but close counter engagements can be your death. The M9 Suppressed also seems like an under used pistol as well but it keeps you off the map.
I'd love to hear your comments about it.
I've come from the future to tell you... Aftermath is awesome! My favorite DLC yet maps are cool, X-BOW is fun as hell to use and the new modded humvee is dope!
Gansta, Mafia or Western Style(choose one style)
any class
870MCS or SPAS-12 with a buckshot ,iron sight and ext mag.
Sidearm- gansta style - g18 or g17c, mafia style - M1911 and western style - 44. Magnum
any spec.
play aggressively only hip fire(if u want) any map tdm or rush metro 32!
If you want a Vietnam War-styled Marine, try using the M39 with no attachments. (M14 battle-rifle substitute, I think it's fun using iron sites)
I personally like this class for long range action:
Scar-H(Because of High Damage)
Reflex or Kobra
Foregrip(To increase accuracy and decrase recoil)
Any Perk
I really enjoy the Scar-H but a lot of people think it doesn't get close to enough kills, but at long range I think it does better than most guns at the range.
Big-Game Hunter Class: Primary: M40A5 with x6 sniper scope, bipod, and suppressor. Secondary: M1911 silenced. Put on the best camo for blending into trees, and have the XBow with the standard bolt. You must hide in trees while using this class.
lvl, you need to try this one out!! it is a really fun loadout, and it great to combine the smoke with the irnv scope! specially since no one use the smoke, and irnv! please try this!
Ninja setup: assault:
MP7, suppresser, laser and IRNV.
g17 supp
m320 Smoke
Spec ops cammo.
Play rush as attack! flank as much as you can, dont be to aggresive!
I know, that's were I got the idea from, but as I said, I wanted LvL to play this, cause I loved Pwnstars, so I thought it would be fun too see LvL run it, thanks for the reply, always fun to answer stuff, have a nice day man! :)
PWD-R (no attachments)
no sidearm
no gagets
Knife IS allowed
Yes thats right, you can only use pdw-r and defib to kill people.
*cant use ammo from team/squadmates after you have run out of ammo for pwd-r, MUST use defib.
I tried this and it was quite fun trying to spot campers and then defib them. It was hard but i would like to see your reactions and thoughts on it.
Surprisingly was a really fun loadout to go around with.
Spetsnaz loadout!
AS-VAL with any Russian sight
MP443 Suppressed
Squad Sprint and Squad Cover (Special Units must be fast and are stonecold, they don't know no suppression! :P)
Now the most important: Hardcore with no minimap, Rush! Either flank the attackers or sneak up on the defenders and arm those M-Coms! You are not allowed to carry medkits. Either use a smoke launcher to cover your approach or use C4 to set traps. And make sure to wear the Spec Ops camo (how about Teheran Highway Rush?)
WW1 Loadout:
M40A5 iron sights
no attachments (that means no straight straight pull bolt)
No Gadget(s)
Play on Seine Crossing, Rush, 2nd pair of M-COMs
Seine Crossing on Rush during the set pair of M-COMs is the only place I think might have a nice feel for a type of "trench warfare" because both forces are fighting a balanced fight over the river and players are constantly taking cover from the small walls on each sides and popping back up to take shots. The bridge is like no mans land
A Gulf war loadout, not sure what you would use for it but that's certainly what I would like to see.
I tried this load-out and it was great! I went 74 and 20 on console with it. You should consider a viet-cong load-out. AK-47(AK-74M) bare, M1911 and equipment, and perks of your choice.
WW1 Setup:
No sights
Straight Pull Bolt
M1911 or .44 Magnum
This setup is fun, but challenging. I like to play with this when I'm bored of running around with the M16. I haven't seen any videos with no scope sniper rifles and I think it would be cool to watch.
That's why a headshot is a one shot kill, good job well done!
Assault Class
M416 with Holographic Sight, foregrip (increased the horizontal recoil in latest patch), and a laser sight. Because of it's recent nerf in the Aftermath update, I want to see how you think it matches up against the M16A3 and all the other assault rifles.
Med Kit
M1911 Tact. Light
Squad Suppression
MTAR-21, Foregrip, Flashsuppressor and Cobra.
(This minimizes the recoil of the TAR, thus making it only usable in close quarters e.g. TDM.
Take care to time the loooong reload. )
I dont care much which gadgets or perks, just choose a helpful one for your squad.
WW1 Style
No scope
Straight pull bolt
Flash suppressor
Any specialization
Since the last two were era themed, I decided to go for the only other war that BF3 could pull off, WW1. I tried this around launch and it was actually pretty fun. I haven't seen any no scope gameplays and I think it would be fun.
I love the M16, never have put a sight on it never will, it's just a great reliable weapon that never seems to let me down
Operation Desert Storm themed load out M16a3 with acog, heavy barrel, no foregrip or m320, just rails, medpacks and m9 for side arm, or instead of the M16, use the M249, iron sights bipod and extended mags with C4
every darn time I see clips like this, I instantly start BF3, always so darn pumped but it never ends out well, I always fail and ragequit, back to youtube to warch more clips, and back to BF3 to fail again, this can go in circles for hours, I suck so bad lol
They don't use Acog or bipods on the ak4, they have a red dot sight similar to the holographic and sometimes even a underslug grenade launcher.
I've wanted to see this for awhile, like it if you think watching level use this would be epic
Support class
Frag rounds
Tactical flashlight
Any secondary
Squad suppresion
actually the m9 baretta was first used in a major conflict in desert storm as the US side arm of choice, thankfully the marines have realized the 1911 is far superior and are changing back to it.
(sneaky assault)
F 2000 irnv scope, bi pod, surpresser
Mp443 silenced
M26 dart
Squad cover
Special Ops black camo (depends on what map your playing)
BEST load out for playing on death valley or Tehran highway.
The Vietnam Choppergunner
iron sight
ext. mags
to stick with the theme you could ask someone from the squad up to fly the huey and you will be shooting from the side with the M60, i know this works with the M240bravo but it might work with the M60, let me know what you think
Well Steyr is the Company which produced the AUG in Austria. However the Aussies reproduce the rifle under the name AUSteyr (See what they did there? ;)). They produce the Austeyr in a small town in NSW under military contract.
USMC loadout -
M16A4 foregrip, laser sight, and ACOG
Med Kit
sqd ammo
play on US side, default camo, and on desert map like firestorm
SWAT style:
G36 with tactical light, iron sights (or ACOG your choice), and foregrip
G17 as Sidearm
Do not use the AT Launchers
Carry an EOD bot to disarm explosives
USMC style-
M16A4, laser sight, foregrip, and ACOG
sqd ammo
play on US side, standard camo, on a desert map, and fire semi auto unless close quarters
Ninja Style (Death In Silence)
UMP45 ,Kobra Sight(U know u like it!), Suppressor.
M1911 Suppressed
XBOW (Balanced or Normal Bolt)
Squad Specialisation Sprint.
Good Luck Young Grasshopper
Fun class that you maybe can use that i call "Auto Sniper" or "G3SG1"
Assault class
G3A3 - 6x zoom, Bipod and Heavy Barrel.
M1911 silence.
Squad sprint
or you can try the "Scar-20"
Scar-L 12x zoom, Bipod, Heavy Barrel
Scar-H 6x zoom, Bipod, Heavy Barrel.
Ninja Loadout
AS VAL or UMP-45 with Cobra sight and Suppressor
G18 Silenced
Use this in a situation like, when ur team can't plant the MCOM. Basiclly getting behind enemy lines and putting a spawn beacon down behind defense lines.
M240B, bipod, iron sights, MP443 suppressed, C4.-have fun (I do run and gun with it or get at a point on advantage and set your bipod) (best map for it: operation metro) good luck
AN-94 Holo sight, bipod, heavy barrel.
Scoped magnum
Agressive and precise medic.
Just because I want to see you rock the AN-94 and I want to see some decent xbow footage.
Scoped sidearm for the challenge.
USMC loadout! Use m16 with Acog, grenade launcher and peq 15/laser sight. Play desert maps and use the default camo.
You do realize that the reason why the use the 556 was because it was a better rated round. It shoots twice as fast as the 762 and the reason the picked the 556 was because it is considered a HV round and the only reason soldiers dont like it is because it moves so fast through flesh that it has no knock-down power. This also mean that the bullet has less contact time with any material meaning it flys straiter through its target and that means the bullet would be less affected by big leaves.
The P99 is made by Walther. He also uses a PPK, which is also made by Walther.
I'm not sure who makes it (simply google it) but he used the ASP as well.
Mg 36
Extended Mags
Squad surpression
This class is in my opinion the best supporter class in bf3. Extrem big mag for a light machine gun, medium to high firerate and good accuracy...
Naw, the recoil kick is for each bullet fired, so basically a 3 shot burst is like 3 individual bullets fired in series. Its weird because the AN-94's recoil only kicks in after the second shot, and the M416's burst only has first shot multiplier on the first of the 3 bullets fired. The M16A4 has first shot multiplier on all three bullets fired in a burst. Thus, it has ridiculous vertical recoil similar to the G3A3 firing in 3 shot bursts.
How about medieval: When this comes out for PC
Any Class excluding (support because it doesnt exist)
ACB-90 (Knife only)
XBow Any Bolts
Once you get the hang of the Xbow its actually pretty fun as a primary, stealth and potential one shot kills. Ive managed to score positive doing this. It was so fun when i played around with the xbow only. Obviously its not for running and gunning.
Aug A3
Holo (American)
M1911 Supp.
Medic Kit
Squad Sprint
(Ak) Maps - Your Choice
Hope you see this and if you happen to stumble upon this setup i think you will love it
Ps Love your videos keep it up!
Well, that was a very select few people who had the M-203 back in Vietnam when it was originally introduced (1969) so it wasn't really a huge thing until later in the war
Modern Marine Loadout!!! M16A4 with ACOG and M9!!!!! Catch to this one ... NO MEDIC PACKS ALLOWED!!! Have fun Lvl!!!!!
not glitched, just really hard on console since it kicks up on the FIRST shot of the burst instead of climbing steadily.
Bro I know you did the M16A3 already but I found a setup that matches the M416 accuracy and you can still lay down enemies quickly
flash suppressor
and a reticle of your choice I like the red dot sight
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Style!
Underslung rail + M320 grenade launcher or smoke
PK-A 3.4X (The little triangle looks the same as in BFBC2)
Heavy Barrel (or nothing)
MP412 REX, M9, MP443 Grach or M1911.
Play rush on a small map.
James Bond loadout (Or atleast the closest)
Class: Recon
Primary: M5K Suppressor
Secondary (Treat this as your primary, and the M5K as your secondary.) M1911
Gadget: MAV
Any Profeciency.
My favorite motto is "In Battlefield, YOU ARE THE KILL STREAK
My favorite motto: "In Battlefield, we make our own doors".
Lvlcap you should do a RPG, SMAW and Javelin review. i want to hear what you think about them because they aren't totally the same.
You're right vertical recoil on console is much more easier to control over horizontal recoil, specially when the targets are moving.
Lvl you didn't review the AUG A3 in deep! You just have the "first impressions" video which is not what I'd expect.
Here's my loadout for TDM with this gun:
- Aug A3
- Silencer
- Foregrip
- good old 93R for close and personal
- M26 as a sidearm for a quick cleanup, but you can take medkit
Squad grenade
Civil war set-up
Oldest looking sniper iron sights/shotgun
44. Magnum
Grenade launcher(use tank like a rolling cannon)
Caspian border
No, what I meant was that the M16A1 fixed the fatal flaws that caused the original M16 to fail, such as lack of cleaning kits and training, lack of chrome lining, wrong type of powder, etc etc.
The whole ordeal about American soldiers picking up AK47s was due to the fact that soldiers were not instructed to clean their rifles and they didn't have cleaning kits. They were also not trained with the M16 before combat - during training they still used the M14.
WW1 set-up:
M40A3 with straight pull bolt and NO sight
.44 Magnum or 1911 (they used .38's back then but take em where you can)
No gadgets.
Any big, open map would work.
I love doing that, i normally play sniper but doing that gives it a nice change of pace :-)
Go with the Teo load out
PKP pecheneg with kobrah RDS, foregrip, and extended mag (so you can spray) use C4 this set up is really fun to use plus it makes the gun way more accurate and plus the fire power of a LMG (and it looks dope fresh ;D)
just wondering if your gonna do some more gun reviews since the patch update has changed guns mechanics once again
The us military didn't use a bipod on the m16 they would attach a bayonet on the front or m203 grenade launcher with woodland camouflage
The Marines used bi pods a lot in khe sanh fsb's (fire support bases)
You should do different classes for each theme. Like for Vietnam, you could have an Engineer with an M4, (pretend it's a CAR-15), Support with an M60, and Recon with an M40.