I think it is a disservice to the men of the greatest generation, who fought to protect America from fascism, to include chicken-hawk neocon fascists like Bush and Co. in the beginning of your video. Especially considering that many of the Bush/Cheney chickenhawks were draft dodgers, including Cheney himself.
I do not think I feel comfortable when the intro has GW Bush quote, the guy the invaded the wrong country, lied about WMDs, spent 1 Trillion, a war that killed 800K people. I am not going into what disaster Afghanistan was.
You should show this in high schools and universities so young people understand the freedom they take for granted was paid for at a high price, thank you for my freedom, 🇦🇺
Yes the generations coming up have less of a clue than my generation (x lol) which I thought impossible. People were built differently in the 1900s. I know life was very different but that’s only because we’ve continued to build this country on things that make life easier, and detached us from nature and family. Rather than taking pride in our work, it’s all about the ‘mighty’ dollar. I was proud to be American when I was a kid in the 80s, now I have to think about it before admitting to being American. We have a lot of ground to regain. Films like this may get through to some of the kiddos. We can only hope. Thank you to all the incredible veterans and on-duty military personnel. The sacrifices you have made have improved our way of life and protected it. Thank you for not giving up on our country, even though so many of us civilians have never shown any gratitude, you deserve every ounce plus much much more!🙏🫶✨
In the 1990s, I worked as a physical rehab therapist in skilled nursing. I met a lot of WWII vets still in their mid 70’s and early 80’s. Seeing them every day, I was blessed to hear war experiences from every theater and discipline from artilleryman in Italy to paratrooper on D-day, Battle of the Bulge to marines storming pacific beaches to bomber pilots and fighter pilots. My father was an Army private in occupied Germany and step Father was an Army typist in McArthurs headquarters in the Philippines after reoccupation. Maybe my most memorable experience was a gentleman who had an Grumman F-6 Hellcat picture on his wall. Recognizing it as an old carrier fighter, I asked him about it. He started telling me all about it and told me as a Navy pilot. He and was credited with sinking a Japanese destroyer. I almost didn’t believe him. Later, his wife came in for a visit and was surprised he told me that story. He never talked about the war until his son found his Distinguished Navy Cross (one below the MOH) as well as other medals stored in a box in the attic. He finished the story with when the bomb he dropped exploded on this destroyer. He was close enough that it almost knocked him out of the sky. At the time this retired hero was bed ridden and passed about a month or two later. There’s so many like him who never spoke about the terrible price of having to kill others and losing their friends. God Bless our greatest generation.
My grandfather was a field surgeon in a US Army front-line field hospital during WWII. During the battle of the bulge they had stray bullets kill medical staff in the operating theater, including my grandfather having to ask for another nurse to replace the fellow who had just been assisting him in an amputation. As the former nurse's blood, brains, hair, etc were now covering my grandfather's face and glasses. If you suggested to my grandfather that he was a hero he would correct you by making it very clear that the nurse who died in front of my grandfather was the hero as well as the young man who on the operating table. This seems to common of the greatest generation, that they considered those who died or ended up with a livelong disability as the real heroes... For those who don't understand how much of a meat-grinder the war against Fascism was, consider how they sorted patients at a front-line field hospital. They had the patients they could and should save. Those who they might be able to save, if they are still alive after treating the first group. And then they had those who they couldn't and or shouldn't save who were kept comfortable with morphine and medical grade alcohol which was mostly administered by the non-medical enlisted men. Keep in mind that the US Army supplied enough medical grade alcohol to keep the entire field hospital drunk as it kept the suicides down...
You will like Higher Call watch it on you tube basically the saving of a crippled B17 by a German Messerschmitt BF109 flown by Franz stiggler. As a thank you for saving his crew pilot Charlie Brown let Stiggler make most of the book on his version of events as as Charlie adding his version of events.
@@daleburrell6273 Really? Being a history buff I was just reading about how 70,000 Natural born Japanese Americans were forced to spend 4 years in concentration camps losing homes and businesses. Our nation was divided back then too. Violating Jim Crow laws were punished with imprisonment or worst. There was an huge active American Neo Nazi movement up until Germany declared war on the US and thousands of Jews fleeing the Holocaust were rejected by the US government, mostly due to antisemitism in government. Most of them returning to countries occupied by Germany. The US economy was in the toilet for 10 years up until the start of WWII. Most of our safety nets grew out of the stark poverty many Americans lived through during the Depression. Its easy to sugar coat the past, but problems today arise from issues from the past and never quite resolved. I don’t know about you but I am very grateful for my life in America. Am happy to pay my fair share of taxes to keep it strong. God Bless it and you.
@@tspot816 He was one lucky MOFO to go from a SSGT mechanic to a Lieutenant pilot. Your chances of doing that in today's Air Force as a white male are slim. Your chances are slightly better if you are a woman or a minority. 🤠
Haha. We all don’t become automatically senile when we turn 80 90 or 100 😂. That was a good conversation. Today, I doubt if anyone can comprehend the magnitude of what he did as a young man. Yes history is very important and vital to hear and to know first hand so that we don’t repeat the horrors that happened during that hard time in history
@@seashells5181 He said he had 6 gunners that were "scared to death" on his B-17. At most he had 4-5 gunners. Sometimes the radio operator or bombardier or flight engineer would man the guns, but 6 gunners is his big Pilot's ego talking S---. 🤠
I had a chance encounter with a WWII Navy vet that was a plank owner on the USS Wisconsin. I hadf on my Vietnam era cap and he spotted me. He walked over and thanked me for my service and that's when I spotted his WWII vet cap. I told him it was I that should be thanking him and not the other way around. We stood and talked for quite a while as his precious wife stood silently waiting for us to finish. I knew I was in the presence of greatness and was so honored that he felt comfortable enough to share some of his experiences with a fellow vet of different generations. Just before we parted he made one comment that really hit me in the gut. He said the only thing that bothers him anymore is that the people invading our country from across our southern border get far better benefits and treatment than many of the vets he knows. What a heart wrenching testimony as to how far into the sewers our government has gone! We wouldn't be here as a nation had it not been for these men and we owe them anything they need.
Those immigrants will be washing him in the nursing home because the good old US kids don't want gross jobs. So he'd better be at least a little happy with em.
In my high school government class in 1981, our teacher recounted his experience as a navigator, being shot down, held POW in Germany and when the camp was liberated. It took two days to tell us. Worth every minute. A few years later I was working and had a job at a car dealership. This older salesman had a big print of a hellcat over a carrier over his desk. I asked about it and he held me captive for half the day. Right after the gulf war a friend of the family had their son over at a party and someone asked about his experience during the gulf war. He told us, it was not a great story - all the destruction he saw from his tank and the PTSD he was dealing with. Much later in life I found the last living WW2 vet in our union, he was over 90, and asked how we could honor him. He worked in a hospital in near Germany late in the war. What he told me broke my heart. The guy broke down and told me he still had nightmares about all the young men that did not make it. He recounted three cases as clear as yesterday. He said, those that did not come home are the ones to honor, not guys like him just doing their job and coming home. After that, I have never asked another vet about their service, just thanked them.
I married one, and PTSD wasn't a diagnosis in those days. He was Infantry and had hideously vivid nightmares. I learned to wake up by some sense when he had one coming on. I'd get out of that bed fast and turn on the lights. If that didn't work I go the broom and gently poked him in the foot until he woke up. Waking up in a headlock being punched by a sleeping person who I knew was my loving husband is a terrifying experience. The VA failed our modern era veterans by giving them no decompress time between there and home.
Masters of the air coming out next month, will definitely put into perspective the dangerous missions and bravery these great men faced and showed! The greatest generation lives on, and I love watching these videos! May he rest in peace, and we thank him on behalf of a grateful nation! We will never forget these heroes!
This generation of men and women that served in WW2, no matter what nationality deserve so much respect for what they did and went through! Next level 💯 Never forget them 🤝👌
I get upset about this. What about those who fought in the conflict before WW2 started. It was called the European War. My dad was in the Battle of Maleme, in Crete, and was badly wounded in Cyrenaica. He lost his eye. He had his operation for his wounds on December 7, 1941, the day WW2 started.
@SugarTomAppleRoger ww2 didn't start in 1941.... both my grandads and my nan joined up in 1939!!!! 1 of my grandads was 15 and lied about his age. He wasn't demobbed until 1946. He was a sapper and my other grandad was in communications both on the front line. ❤️👏💪
My dad was a pilot in WWII, but his main assignments were flying as an artillery observer in a small, unarmed single engine plane (an Otter for those who know). One of his several Distinguished Flying Cross awards came the only time he ever flew ina bomber. He was in England prior to D-Day, bored with waiting, so he "hitched a ride" (as he put it) on a bombing mission in a B-17 as co-pilot. The plane was hit very badly with flack on the way out, and he ended up being the only person conscious when they got back to England. He landed the plane and helped get the rest of the crew out, then the medic asked him if he wanted help. He didn't realize that the had been grazed across the head with a piece of shrapnel. A couple of inches is the only reason I am here.
He wont be flying till Jesus returns with his angels to take him on his greatest flight ever. Read the flight manual 1 Cor 15 : 51 to 58 Then 1 Thess 4:13 to 18. John 14 : 1 to 4. Finally John 11: 25 to 26. Jesus Ask a question DO YOU BELIEVE THIS? If so let him change you. You might want to study up on that for it could be your ticket to take that flight with him. For Every Eye will see it happen Rev 1 :7 and 8 I urge you to read and study for Time is short.
Since I was a very small child, I looked up to this generation. (I am 66 years old and never knew my biological father). As I read of the passing of my World War II veterans (and the doctors and nurses in the surgical tents close to the front lines), I weep for them and thank God for that generation. It make me sad that this generation are fewer in number ass they're very close to 100 years old, I know of no one that can fill their shoes. May God grant them eternal rest and peace.
Not only a skilled veteran pilot, but a fantastic storyteller too. Shame we have to lose all these greatest generation to time, which makes me extra thankful for these interviewers and their awareness of how important it is to document the words and actions of veterans.
I am 70 now and a Brit. I was an Aircraft Mechanic all my life. Starting in 1970 for ten years in the RAF. Going on with Aerospace after that. I loved Aircraft and my job. I'm just telling you this because I totally get this Chaps mentality and thinking 100%. He undoubtedly was responsible for saving a great many aircrew lives while dealing out maximum damage to the enemy during his service. I'm also amazed at his mental agility and recall for his apparent age. Total Respect from me Sir.
If I could live another life I would've loved to be an aircraft mechanic and I've always been curious about jet engines. I especially love how everything has to be clean as a whistle and every thing documented as you go along.
He was a lucky MOFO to go from Aircraft Mechanic to B-17 pilot. The chances today of doing that as a Caucasian are slim. Better only if you are a woman or a minority. Also, to be able to retire at age 39 as a Lt. Col. set him up financially for the rest of his life. 🤠
@@danielebrparish4271 Today aircraft mechanics are in my opinion, short changed in their career. I have several friends that have been in the trade for 30-40 years and are underpaid in their business (they are not alone). They have unbelievable liability and responsibility and get very little compensation for it. As a matter of fact, they struggle. The city that controls the hangers are miserable to work with. I have known them for a long time and in no way would want to do what they do for a living. It's really sad. They also have a knowledge base that will be missed when they retire (if they can).
@@dirtcurt1 I'm not surprised but people can't be happy unless they are doing something that they enjoy. My sister was a school teacher with a graduate degree and after 20 years of experience was being paid in the neighborhood of $25,000/year. I met a woman who's father refused to pay for her college if she chose to get a degree in education because he didn't want to pay for her to live in poverty all of her life. We live in a throwaway society now. Unless you can do it yourself most things are not worth repairing. People throw away lawn mowers and appliances because a new one is cheaper than than the repairs. I think one could do well in the U.S. military as an aircraft technician if one was so inclined but not as well as a plumber or electrician with their own business.
Col. Benelli's voice & cadence has similarlies to radio announcer Paul Harvey... and he also knows how to tell memorable stories from history. Definitely one of the "greatest generation" of Americans from WW2 through the rest of the century.
This is one of the best story teller of his lifes experances in WW2 I've ever listened to, so articulate, so inspiring. Didn't want this session to end, former AF, F-4, C-D- E mechanic, E-6 grade, 1961 to 1969.
My father was in the 15th Air Force in Italy near Foggia. He was responsible for maintenance and repair of the then secret H2X in flight scanning radar that allowed bombing through cloud cover, smoke screen etc. He worked almost exclusively on B24’s.
I think we call these folks the Greatest Generation is because there was no widespread culture of professional military back then. The vast majority of WW2 veterans, people that later went to memorial events with medals indicating various acts of valor, all started the war in pedestrian occupations. They were teachers, plumbers, bankers, trash men, etc. They were ordinary people who rose to the challenge to perform extraordinary feats. That's why they are the Greatest Generation.
Anyone that watches this testimony, needs to realize what his most important responsibilities where , his crew his plane his country! And serviceability . This testimony is priceless and I wish this great American was still with us to say thank you Sir for your great service ❤️🇺🇸
Incredible memory and recollection. Truly the greatest generation of my father. My dad was sent to the Philippines as a first lieutenant with the invasion Force for Japan's mainland. Thank God for the bomb.
I enjoy each and every one of these but this hero is by far my favorite. He remind me of my pops. Very animated when telling his stories and no doubt could have easily turned that into 3 hours of fact filled highly detailed accounts from the war. Really enjoined this one!!
This brilliant, magnificent war hero has just honored us with, in my opinion, the best personal WWII war story ever told! May God bless this brother richly!
@@johnsmith1474 My father served as a corporal in the Army, 96th Division, in the battles of Leyte Gulf and Okinawa. My maternal uncle served as chief mechanic in the Army Air Force working on P51 Mustangs in the battle of Iwo Jima. I have two suggestions for you, sir - a bit more humility ... and just try to keep up with the rest of us.
😮wow...what a fantastic memory and astute mind... Clarity of thought and excellent recount of his WW2 service- wish he was allowed to share his practical experience and solution to the formation "hack" on his bomb runs...would have saved a few more crews and planes I am sure 😢 May he rest in peace and rise in glory🙏🏽🕊
Wow, what stories. Great leader. My old neighbor's father was a pilot in WWII. I will never forget all the memorabilia he showed me. It's History, like this heroic Pilot. My neighbor's father ferried planes, flew the 'Hump', flew many planes including the B-17 and the P-38 (out of Palm Springs). I remember him saying three things that stuck with me: 'Emergency Procedures', 'as soon as I take off, I look for a place to land', and, 'Bite into the Turn'. BTW - great video in honor.
Loved this video and his clarity of mind. My Grand Father was in the Army during WWII but had been in since the early 30's I believe and was already a 1st Sgt when the war started. Me not being born till 67, by the time I was old enough to know what to ask him his mental capabilities were already too faded. I'm so glad you are giving these men a chance to tell their stories that would have otherwise been lost to time.
same for me, I was born in 56. My dad was a US Marine and was captured on Corregidor at the beginning of the war. He was in the 4th Marine Regiment. He was already up in age by the time I talked to him about his war service. he was in China and was transferred with the regiment to the Philippines in the summer of 41. He was called to the order room and he was put on MacArthur's marine bodyguard on Corregidor. When MacArthur left, he was still on the island and was captured and spent the entire war as a POW in Japan. He was at Kawasaki camp 2B
@@patd4u2 I wish we would have been able to ask them questions we now know we would have asked if we had known them. I was a Marine from 85 to 89 and the Marine Corps has a serious respect for history. I would have loved to have gotten to hear your Dad's stories. They really were the greatest generation for what they did!
Thanks for posting this. My father was a B-24 pilot stationed in Italy. Like this fine gentleman, he completed thirty missions and also flew some solo, lone wolf type missions. The brass told him that the purpose was to knock out specific targets that had eluded the daylight raids. Dad came to the conclusion that goal seemed dubious and that the real purpose was to simply make a lot of racket, keep people sleep deprived, etc. These were volunteer missions, crew requests were posted on the base bulletin board. His experiences differed from this fellow's in at least one way, or at least it seems. The German night fighters had specific colored lights. I believe they were blue but not sure. Dad was ordered that if they encountered too many passing 'blue lights' flying to the target they could/should abort. On at least one such mission this happened and they turned back, dropped the bombs in the Adriatic.
These documentaries are jewels. The stories of those veterans preserved - hopefully - forever. How touched he was when he was told that he would become a pilot. Also very touching the memories from soldiers who participated in Normandy and documentaries about the cemeteries over there. Thanks from Austria, geezers!
my grandpa was a gunner inside the bombers, he lived the war. But i never got to meet him because he had a heart attack in the driveway, when my dad was around 14 maybe 16yrs old
These people sacrificed...my cousin Ron Mcdermott was an Air force mechanic during the Vietnam war, he received the Air Force Commendation Medal for his actions during the war...I didn't know the entire story until he passed last year...he killed 3 Vietcong guerillas who were tampering with the airplanes...by retrieving a rifle kept nearby. His father served as a bombardier during WWII...They both PHYSICALLY made it home...but I don't believe for one second that they ever truly came home. 🇺🇲
i never tire of hearing ww2 vets. reminds me of my grandfather who passed, old stories of his army exp. this pilot is awesome. i could listen too all his stories, the long versions if he likes.
Really enjoy listening to these vets describe their jobs during the war. My father was a navigator on 17's but unfortunately passed while I was young and we never had the opportunity to talk of his time in the service. Thanks for sharing this video.
I think being a Mechanic first before Pilot definitely helps . The Best Engineering people work through school on a Construction job. In Germany a Machinist starts with a file and a peice of metal makeing one tool to make another. Or at least they used to.
My Dad (SSgt T. A. Via) flew out of Foggia from January to June 1944 as a turret gunner (353rd BS/ 301st BG(H)) w/ 50 missions completed. God Bless You, Sir.
My father retired as an E-8 crew chief on C-5s in Dover in 1974, he was also only forty at the time. Its such a shame all the old vets are gone now, they had so much to pass on to us.
a friend was b 17 pilot in ww2.....shot down over france by the germans..he got out...his crew did too...he was not captured but got shot down..he was not captured...he was a pilot in korea too.....and vietnam flying fighter planes.....he lived way way into his 90s...had surgery and died several years ago and didnt survive his surgery.........he passed way........
My greatgran dad did the same I think he was shot down over France or Poland and walked all the way back to a occupied country just cant remeber what country though my dads got his medals still
My great uncle was a navigator and was killed over Germany in late '43 Not many people realize that more servicemen in the 8th Army Air Force lost their lives than did in the entire Marine Corps during WW2. Truly the greatest generation.
We are incredibly fortunate to be able to record and share these stories today. First-hand accounts are so valuable both culturally and historically. This is a gift to people today, and everyone in the future who wants to understand the past.
There's nothing to say. These men and all who fought in WWII were the bravest of the brave. I was privileged enough to visit the Normandy Cemetery in France. It's a very quiet place...even the wind stirring in the trees is somehow very quiet. It's the most powerful place I and my family have ever been....looking at the thousands of crosses, we all sobbed.....
Let us remember and never forget, those men who served and gave there all. As we approach the 81st Pearl Harbour Dec 7,1941. The greatest generation is truly the great generation. A moment of silence in remembrance. God bless America. We that believe shall Pray for this country and our leaders.
I thought of the anniversary today as I looked at the date on my watch. I immediately thought of Cook Second Class Doris Miller and his heroic actions at 0755 that morning. Pulling himself from rubble to hop on .50cal that he had never been shown how to use until that very second and being credited for downing two Japanese planes. He then carried wounded sailors from the deck to safety saving a countless amounts of lives. Mr. Miller should have been awarded the Medal of Honor. He should still be posthumously. Incredible bravery. Most likely would have abandoned ship. God bless Mr. Miller. God bless the men and women who gave their all to ensure freedom at home.
@@pmccoy8924 The Navy is naming their next Gerald Ford class aircraft carrier after Doris Miller. Seaman Miller did receive the Navy Cross, one below the MOH. It could be said race was a factor. It was a different time. I believe the Navy is trying to rectify that now.
It makes me wonder how much greater it would've been had the African-American been allowed to choose to become a pilot or officer. I often wonder if the war could've been shortened if we would've allowed the best and brightest to work their way to the top like he did. I'm glad those days are over.
What an awesome guy. Loved the part where he took the African American through the plane. An old crew chief asked me as a little kid and my father if I wanted to see the inside of one of the radar planes that he crewed on, we had an amazing time, and he really lit up when he got to climb in there and show us how everything worked.
Please subscribe to our channel so you don't miss future interviews with American heroes.
I think it is a disservice to the men of the greatest generation, who fought to protect America from fascism, to include chicken-hawk neocon fascists like Bush and Co. in the beginning of your video. Especially considering that many of the Bush/Cheney chickenhawks were draft dodgers, including Cheney himself.
I do not think I feel comfortable when the intro has GW Bush quote, the guy the invaded the wrong country, lied about WMDs, spent 1 Trillion, a war that killed 800K people. I am not going into what disaster Afghanistan was.
Who was the rookie. Boo
You should show this in high schools and universities so young people understand the freedom they take for granted was paid for at a high price, thank you for my freedom, 🇦🇺
Yes the generations coming up have less of a clue than my generation (x lol) which I thought impossible. People were built differently in the 1900s. I know life was very different but that’s only because we’ve continued to build this country on things that make life easier, and detached us from nature and family. Rather than taking pride in our work, it’s all about the ‘mighty’ dollar. I was proud to be American when I was a kid in the 80s, now I have to think about it before admitting to being American. We have a lot of ground to regain. Films like this may get through to some of the kiddos. We can only hope. Thank you to all the incredible veterans and on-duty military personnel. The sacrifices you have made have improved our way of life and protected it. Thank you for not giving up on our country, even though so many of us civilians have never shown any gratitude, you deserve every ounce plus much much more!🙏🫶✨
In the 1990s, I worked as a physical rehab therapist in skilled nursing. I met a lot of WWII vets still in their mid 70’s and early 80’s. Seeing them every day, I was blessed to hear war experiences from every theater and discipline from artilleryman in Italy to paratrooper on D-day, Battle of the Bulge to marines storming pacific beaches to bomber pilots and fighter pilots.
My father was an Army private in occupied Germany and step Father was an Army typist in McArthurs headquarters in the Philippines after reoccupation.
Maybe my most memorable experience was a gentleman who had an Grumman F-6 Hellcat picture on his wall. Recognizing it as an old carrier fighter, I asked him about it. He started telling me all about it and told me as a Navy pilot. He and was credited with sinking a Japanese destroyer. I almost didn’t believe him. Later, his wife came in for a visit and was surprised he told me that story. He never talked about the war until his son found his Distinguished Navy Cross (one below the MOH) as well as other medals stored in a box in the attic. He finished the story with when the bomb he dropped exploded on this destroyer. He was close enough that it almost knocked him out of the sky. At the time this retired hero was bed ridden and passed about a month or two later. There’s so many like him who never spoke about the terrible price of having to kill others and losing their friends. God Bless our greatest generation.
I would have felt privileged to have been in that situation. Those men are our nations dearest treasure.
My grandfather was a field surgeon in a US Army front-line field hospital during WWII. During the battle of the bulge they had stray bullets kill medical staff in the operating theater, including my grandfather having to ask for another nurse to replace the fellow who had just been assisting him in an amputation. As the former nurse's blood, brains, hair, etc were now covering my grandfather's face and glasses. If you suggested to my grandfather that he was a hero he would correct you by making it very clear that the nurse who died in front of my grandfather was the hero as well as the young man who on the operating table. This seems to common of the greatest generation, that they considered those who died or ended up with a livelong disability as the real heroes...
For those who don't understand how much of a meat-grinder the war against Fascism was, consider how they sorted patients at a front-line field hospital. They had the patients they could and should save. Those who they might be able to save, if they are still alive after treating the first group. And then they had those who they couldn't and or shouldn't save who were kept comfortable with morphine and medical grade alcohol which was mostly administered by the non-medical enlisted men. Keep in mind that the US Army supplied enough medical grade alcohol to keep the entire field hospital drunk as it kept the suicides down...
You will like Higher Call watch it on you tube basically the saving of a crippled B17 by a German Messerschmitt BF109 flown by Franz stiggler. As a thank you for saving his crew pilot Charlie Brown let Stiggler make most of the book on his version of events as as Charlie adding his version of events.
@@daleburrell6273 Really? Being a history buff I was just reading about how 70,000 Natural born Japanese Americans were forced to spend 4 years in concentration camps losing homes and businesses. Our nation was divided back then too. Violating Jim Crow laws were punished with imprisonment or worst. There was an huge active American Neo Nazi movement up until Germany declared war on the US and thousands of Jews fleeing the Holocaust were rejected by the US government, mostly due to antisemitism in government. Most of them returning to countries occupied by Germany. The US economy was in the toilet for 10 years up until the start of WWII. Most of our safety nets grew out of the stark poverty many Americans lived through during the Depression. Its easy to sugar coat the past, but problems today arise from issues from the past and never quite resolved. I don’t know about you but I am very grateful for my life in America. Am happy to pay my fair share of taxes to keep it strong. God Bless it and you.
This gentleman is an absolute legend. His memory is incredible!
His lucidity, for a man of his age, is beyond praise. Such a bell-clear and uncluttered mind!! God rest his soul.
Agreed. His ability to recall fine details was impressive. And he has a knack for telling a good story in a very interesting way.
@@tspot816 He was one lucky MOFO to go from a SSGT mechanic to a Lieutenant pilot. Your chances of doing that in today's Air Force as a white male are slim. Your chances are slightly better if you are a woman or a minority. 🤠
Haha. We all don’t become automatically senile when we turn 80 90 or 100 😂. That was a good conversation. Today, I doubt if anyone can comprehend the magnitude of what he did as a young man. Yes history is very important and vital to hear and to know first hand so that we don’t repeat the horrors that happened during that hard time in history
@@seashells5181 He said he had 6 gunners that were "scared to death" on his B-17. At most he had 4-5 gunners. Sometimes the radio operator or bombardier or flight engineer would man the guns, but 6 gunners is his big Pilot's ego talking S---. 🤠
My thoughts exactly!👍
I wish these men could live forever!
They will! One willing to lay his life for another will live forever.
I had a chance encounter with a WWII Navy vet that was a plank owner on the USS Wisconsin. I hadf on my Vietnam era cap and he spotted me. He walked over and thanked me for my service and that's when I spotted his WWII vet cap. I told him it was I that should be thanking him and not the other way around. We stood and talked for quite a while as his precious wife stood silently waiting for us to finish. I knew I was in the presence of greatness and was so honored that he felt comfortable enough to share some of his experiences with a fellow vet of different generations. Just before we parted he made one comment that really hit me in the gut. He said the only thing that bothers him anymore is that the people invading our country from across our southern border get far better benefits and treatment than many of the vets he knows. What a heart wrenching testimony as to how far into the sewers our government has gone! We wouldn't be here as a nation had it not been for these men and we owe them anything they need.
Those immigrants will be washing him in the nursing home because the good old US kids don't want gross jobs. So he'd better be at least a little happy with em.
We will never forget their courage and sacrifice.
In my high school government class in 1981, our teacher recounted his experience as a navigator, being shot down, held POW in Germany and when the camp was liberated. It took two days to tell us. Worth every minute.
A few years later I was working and had a job at a car dealership. This older salesman had a big print of a hellcat over a carrier over his desk. I asked about it and he held me captive for half the day.
Right after the gulf war a friend of the family had their son over at a party and someone asked about his experience during the gulf war. He told us, it was not a great story - all the destruction he saw from his tank and the PTSD he was dealing with.
Much later in life I found the last living WW2 vet in our union, he was over 90, and asked how we could honor him. He worked in a hospital in near Germany late in the war. What he told me broke my heart. The guy broke down and told me he still had nightmares about all the young men that did not make it. He recounted three cases as clear as yesterday. He said, those that did not come home are the ones to honor, not guys like him just doing their job and coming home.
After that, I have never asked another vet about their service, just thanked them.
I married one, and PTSD wasn't a diagnosis in those days. He was Infantry and had hideously vivid nightmares. I learned to wake up by some sense when he had one coming on. I'd get out of that bed fast and turn on the lights. If that didn't work I go the broom and gently poked him in the foot until he woke up. Waking up in a headlock being punched by a sleeping person who I knew was my loving husband is a terrifying experience. The VA failed our modern era veterans by giving them no decompress time between there and home.
A priceless interview. God bless him and that generation. We could sure use some more folks like this today.
This man really did care about his men. What a wonderful human being.
WW2 veterans the greatest generation
God Bless this incredible man, thank you for your service
My grandfathers B-17 was shot down in Sep 44, and after evading capture for several days he became a German POW until the end of the war in Europe.
These interviews are invaluable. Wonderful treasures worth cherishing.
Masters of the air coming out next month, will definitely put into perspective the dangerous missions and bravery these great men faced and showed! The greatest generation lives on, and I love watching these videos! May he rest in peace, and we thank him on behalf of a grateful nation! We will never forget these heroes!
This generation of men and women that served in WW2, no matter what nationality deserve so much respect for what they did and went through!
Next level 💯
Never forget them 🤝👌
There are so few left. It's embarrassing what has happened to our country after what They (and previous generations) sacrificed.
I get upset about this. What about those who fought in the conflict before WW2 started. It was called the European War. My dad was in the Battle of Maleme, in Crete, and was badly wounded in Cyrenaica. He lost his eye. He had his operation for his wounds on December 7, 1941, the day WW2 started.
@SugarTomAppleRoger if I listed every war then I'd be here for a year.
I have the upmost respect for any service man/woman 💯
@SugarTomAppleRoger ww2 didn't start in 1941.... both my grandads and my nan joined up in 1939!!!! 1 of my grandads was 15 and lied about his age. He wasn't demobbed until 1946. He was a sapper and my other grandad was in communications both on the front line. ❤️👏💪
@@peace-now WW2 started in Sept 1939..never heard it called the European War in Europe.
My dad was a pilot in WWII, but his main assignments were flying as an artillery observer in a small, unarmed single engine plane (an Otter for those who know). One of his several Distinguished Flying Cross awards came the only time he ever flew ina bomber. He was in England prior to D-Day, bored with waiting, so he "hitched a ride" (as he put it) on a bombing mission in a B-17 as co-pilot. The plane was hit very badly with flack on the way out, and he ended up being the only person conscious when they got back to England. He landed the plane and helped get the rest of the crew out, then the medic asked him if he wanted help. He didn't realize that the had been grazed across the head with a piece of shrapnel. A couple of inches is the only reason I am here.
This doesn’t make any sense
Basically hes saying if old mate had have died, he wouldn't be here, try reading it again.
I think you may find it was more like 6 inches (the general acknowledged average) is the real reason you are here. 😏
a couple of inches is the only reason any of us are here
@@josephking6515 I always read the comments as I'm watching the video. What a hoot 😅
Col. Benelli has another set of wings now and I'm sure he's flying Angel squadron leader. A true American Warrior and Hero. R.I.P COL. God bless.
Makes me so sad hearing this. These vets are just amazing human beings in my eyes. I hope he's up there with God.
He wont be flying till Jesus returns with his angels to take him on his greatest flight ever.
Read the flight manual 1 Cor 15 : 51 to 58 Then 1 Thess 4:13 to 18.
John 14 : 1 to 4. Finally John 11: 25 to 26.
Jesus Ask a question DO YOU BELIEVE THIS? If so let him change you.
You might want to study up on that for it could be your ticket to take that flight with him.
For Every Eye will see it happen Rev 1 :7 and 8
I urge you to read and study for Time is short.
Since I was a very small child, I looked up to this generation. (I am 66 years old and never knew my biological father). As I read of the passing of my World War II veterans (and the doctors and nurses in the surgical tents close to the front lines), I weep for them and thank God for that generation. It make me sad that this generation are fewer in number ass they're very close to 100 years old, I know of no one that can fill their shoes. May God grant them eternal rest and peace.
15:20 "and a few stories there..." these stories are gold :)
Not only a skilled veteran pilot, but a fantastic storyteller too. Shame we have to lose all these greatest generation to time, which makes me extra thankful for these interviewers and their awareness of how important it is to document the words and actions of veterans.
These men were beyond exceptional, may their memories remain eternally 😢
As a war historian buff. I watch a lot of these kinds of videos. This pilots story was riveting and well structured, thank you.
I am 70 now and a Brit. I was an Aircraft Mechanic all my life. Starting in 1970 for ten years in the RAF. Going on with Aerospace after that. I loved Aircraft and my job. I'm just telling you this because I totally get this Chaps mentality and thinking 100%. He undoubtedly was responsible for saving a great many aircrew lives while dealing out maximum damage to the enemy during his service. I'm also amazed at his mental agility and recall for his apparent age. Total Respect from me Sir.
If I could live another life I would've loved to be an aircraft mechanic and I've always been curious about jet engines. I especially love how everything has to be clean as a whistle and every thing documented as you go along.
He was a lucky MOFO to go from Aircraft Mechanic to B-17 pilot. The chances today of doing that as a Caucasian are slim. Better only if you are a woman or a minority. Also, to be able to retire at age 39 as a Lt. Col. set him up financially for the rest of his life. 🤠
@@danielebrparish4271 Today aircraft mechanics are in my opinion, short changed in their career. I have several friends that have been in the trade for 30-40 years and are underpaid in their business (they are not alone). They have unbelievable liability and responsibility and get very little compensation for it. As a matter of fact, they struggle. The city that controls the hangers are miserable to work with. I have known them for a long time and in no way would want to do what they do for a living. It's really sad. They also have a knowledge base that will be missed when they retire (if they can).
@@dirtcurt1 I'm not surprised but people can't be happy unless they are doing something that they enjoy. My sister was a school teacher with a graduate degree and after 20 years of experience was being paid in the neighborhood of $25,000/year. I met a woman who's father refused to pay for her college if she chose to get a degree in education because he didn't want to pay for her to live in poverty all of her life. We live in a throwaway society now. Unless you can do it yourself most things are not worth repairing. People throw away lawn mowers and appliances because a new one is cheaper than than the repairs. I think one could do well in the U.S. military as an aircraft technician if one was so inclined but not as well as a plumber or electrician with their own business.
Col. Benelli's voice & cadence has similarlies to radio announcer Paul Harvey... and he also knows how to tell memorable stories from history.
Definitely one of the "greatest generation" of Americans from WW2 through the rest of the century.
This is one of the best story teller of his lifes experances in WW2 I've ever listened to, so articulate, so inspiring. Didn't want this session to end, former AF, F-4, C-D- E mechanic, E-6 grade, 1961 to 1969.
Please keep interviewing heroes like him
My father was in the 15th Air Force in Italy near Foggia. He was responsible for maintenance and repair of the then secret H2X in flight scanning radar that allowed bombing through cloud cover, smoke screen etc. He worked almost exclusively on B24’s.
I think we call these folks the Greatest Generation is because there was no widespread culture of professional military back then. The vast majority of WW2 veterans, people that later went to memorial events with medals indicating various acts of valor, all started the war in pedestrian occupations. They were teachers, plumbers, bankers, trash men, etc. They were ordinary people who rose to the challenge to perform extraordinary feats. That's why they are the Greatest Generation.
This guy is a character!! I could listen to him tell stories all day!!
Wished his entire story would have been written down in a book. Fascinating to hear these soldiers tell their stories.
Anyone that watches this testimony, needs to realize what his most important responsibilities where , his crew his plane his country! And serviceability . This testimony is priceless and I wish this great American was still with us to say thank you Sir for your great service ❤️🇺🇸
Incredible memory and recollection. Truly the greatest generation of my father. My dad was sent to the Philippines as a first lieutenant with the invasion Force for Japan's mainland. Thank God for the bomb.
You are an insane person. You have to have the education of block of wood and the humanity of a rock to say that.
Loved this gentleman's enthusiasm and attitude. Smart guy.
Definition of a true hero. Thankyou for your service. UK
Wow! What an amazing, courageous, smart man!!! A true American hero!!
Humble extraordinary men ....thankyou for your service.
I enjoy each and every one of these but this hero is by far my favorite. He remind me of my pops. Very animated when telling his stories and no doubt could have easily turned that into 3 hours of fact filled highly detailed accounts from the war. Really enjoined this one!!
Thank you.
My father served with the Marines in the Pacific. Most of his OCS classmates were killed during WW2.
Thank you again.
This brilliant, magnificent war hero has just honored us with, in my opinion, the best personal WWII war story ever told! May God bless this brother richly!
He speaks well. But you don't know a thing about WW2.
@@johnsmith1474 My father served as a corporal in the Army, 96th Division, in the battles of Leyte Gulf and Okinawa. My maternal uncle served as chief mechanic in the Army Air Force working on P51 Mustangs in the battle of Iwo Jima. I have two suggestions for you, sir - a bit more humility ... and just try to keep up with the rest of us.
Suggest you delete your poor taste post no one needs your opinion.
My childhood friend's grandfather was a ball turret gunner. I couldn't imagine being in there
What a fabulous bloke! I obviously have no idea but my gut tells me this fella would be a pilot/commander that men would want to fly with.
Yet another genuine hero from that era.
I respect these men so much . God bless those heroes that put themselves in harms way to crush evil empires .
Much love and respect from the UK
Not for nothing are they called "THE GREATEST GENERATION," and this wonderful man was an example. Their heroism will be remembered forever.
😮wow...what a fantastic memory and astute mind...
Clarity of thought and excellent recount of his WW2 service- wish he was allowed to share his practical experience and solution to the formation "hack" on his bomb runs...would have saved a few more crews and planes I am sure 😢
May he rest in peace and rise in glory🙏🏽🕊
Wow, what stories. Great leader. My old neighbor's father was a pilot in WWII. I will never forget all the memorabilia he showed me. It's History, like this heroic Pilot. My neighbor's father ferried planes, flew the 'Hump', flew many planes including the B-17 and the P-38 (out of Palm Springs). I remember him saying three things that stuck with me: 'Emergency Procedures', 'as soon as I take off, I look for a place to land', and, 'Bite into the Turn'. BTW - great video in honor.
Loved this video and his clarity of mind. My Grand Father was in the Army during WWII but had been in since the early 30's I believe and was already a 1st Sgt when the war started. Me not being born till 67, by the time I was old enough to know what to ask him his mental capabilities were already too faded. I'm so glad you are giving these men a chance to tell their stories that would have otherwise been lost to time.
We owe it to them to be better Americans!
@@joshmontgomery4040 I agree, for them to done what they did then grow older to see what American society is today must be very painful.
@@tommychew6544 we owe them all more
same for me, I was born in 56. My dad was a US Marine and was captured on Corregidor at the beginning of the war. He was in the 4th Marine Regiment. He was already up in age by the time I talked to him about his war service. he was in China and was transferred with the regiment to the Philippines in the summer of 41. He was called to the order room and he was put on MacArthur's marine bodyguard on Corregidor. When MacArthur left, he was still on the island and was captured and spent the entire war as a POW in Japan. He was at Kawasaki camp 2B
@@patd4u2 I wish we would have been able to ask them questions we now know we would have asked if we had known them. I was a Marine from 85 to 89 and the Marine Corps has a serious respect for history. I would have loved to have gotten to hear your Dad's stories. They really were the greatest generation for what they did!
Thanks for posting this. My father was a B-24 pilot stationed in Italy. Like this fine gentleman, he completed thirty missions and also flew some solo, lone wolf type missions. The brass told him that the purpose was to knock out specific targets that had eluded the daylight raids. Dad came to the conclusion that goal seemed dubious and that the real purpose was to simply make a lot of racket, keep people sleep deprived, etc. These were volunteer missions, crew requests were posted on the base bulletin board. His experiences differed from this fellow's in at least one way, or at least it seems. The German night fighters had specific colored lights. I believe they were blue but not sure. Dad was ordered that if they encountered too many passing 'blue lights' flying to the target they could/should abort. On at least one such mission this happened and they turned back, dropped the bombs in the Adriatic.
A riveting account. A clearly very intelligent, articulate and thoughtful, admirable man. An example of the greatest generation.
This is amazing, it's not often you get to hear stories of any bomber crews, I love you sir, thank you for what you've done to give me my freedom.
These documentaries are jewels.
The stories of those veterans preserved - hopefully - forever.
How touched he was when he was told that he would become a pilot.
Also very touching the memories from soldiers who participated in Normandy and documentaries about the cemeteries over there.
Thanks from Austria, geezers!
Yeh, I just love that it all came from that simple act of generosity, doing something nice for another paving the way.
My dad did similarly with the Marines. He retired at 39 with 22 years. He loved the corps.
His memory is outstanding.. It's great to hear these war stories, it almost seems unbelievable all those years ago.
Interesting military experience. Glad he was persistent in his desire to be a B-17 pilot.
Thanks to all our Veterans who served. Semper Fi.
my grandpa was a gunner inside the bombers, he lived the war. But i never got to meet him because he had a heart attack in the driveway, when my dad was around 14 maybe 16yrs old
Thank you sir for your service. We are profoundly grateful.
These are the stories histories we need to hear. from these people. thank you so much for doing this, what a great way to honor them.
I could listen to this officer for hours❤
These people sacrificed...my cousin Ron Mcdermott was an Air force mechanic during the Vietnam war, he received the Air Force Commendation Medal for his actions during the war...I didn't know the entire story until he passed last year...he killed 3 Vietcong guerillas who were tampering with the airplanes...by retrieving a rifle kept nearby. His father served as a bombardier during WWII...They both PHYSICALLY made it home...but I don't believe for one second that they ever truly came home. 🇺🇲
i never tire of hearing ww2 vets. reminds me of my grandfather who passed, old stories of his army exp. this pilot is awesome. i could listen too all his stories, the long versions if he likes.
Got his Wings in Marfa, Texas! This man is a Giant!
Lt. Col. Thank you endlessly for your service and may God bless you always!!!!! ✝️🇺🇲✝️
"... take this squadron lead and JAM IT!"
Quote and delivery of the year! 🤣
Really enjoy listening to these vets describe their jobs during the war. My father was a navigator on 17's but unfortunately passed while I was young and we never had the opportunity to talk of his time in the service.
Thanks for sharing this video.
Love these types of stories, this man is sharp as a tack
I bet his blokes loved him - he sounds like a great Boss.
Thank you Sir for sharing this story with us. Including your service, sacrifice and courage for freedom.❤ God Bless you ❤️
Such amazing recall after all these years.🇺🇸 This was one of the best interviews so far.Thank you.
I think being a Mechanic first before Pilot definitely helps . The Best Engineering people work through school on a Construction job. In Germany a Machinist starts with a file and a peice of metal makeing one tool to make another. Or at least they used to.
My Dad’s friend, Bonelli. ❤️ Oh, the stories they shared. Wish we would have recorded more of my dad’s stories before he died at age 96.
It's great we can capture these stories before these guys are all gone. I hope some youngsters are watching.
My Dad (SSgt T. A. Via) flew out of Foggia from January to June 1944 as a turret gunner (353rd BS/ 301st BG(H)) w/ 50 missions completed. God Bless You, Sir.
where Via family hale from.''
@@seanodwyer4322 Scotland and Ireland, Mr O' Dwyer.
My father retired as an E-8 crew chief on C-5s in Dover in 1974, he was also only forty at the time. Its such a shame all the old vets are gone now, they had so much to pass on to us.
What an awesome guy who quite literally stuck to his guns!..Passed away peacefully on my birthday 2021..R.I P sir!!!
Thank you to all those who served. It's amazing to hear his story, as well as many in the comments section. It sure brings it home.
Thanks, see above!
This vet is a great speaker.!!!!
His memories of WWII were sharper than the much more recent memories I have of of Desert Storm. Rest in Peace sir.
Spinning Wrenches to Pilot on a B-17,,,,,,,,,,,,,What a Story....LUV YOU. SIR...
a friend was b 17 pilot in ww2.....shot down over france by the germans..he got out...his crew did too...he was not captured but got shot down..he was not captured...he was a pilot in korea too.....and vietnam flying fighter planes.....he lived way way into his 90s...had surgery and died several years ago and didnt survive his surgery.........he passed way........
My greatgran dad did the same I think he was shot down over France or Poland and walked all the way back to a occupied country just cant remeber what country though my dads got his medals still
what a ''LEGEND''‼️®™️
My great uncle was a navigator and was killed over Germany in late '43
Not many people realize that more servicemen in the 8th Army Air Force lost their lives than did in the entire Marine Corps during WW2.
Truly the greatest generation.
Jeez!!!! I can’t remember what I did yesterday. His detailed memory is truly astonishing!
Thank you solder
Could listen to a four hour version of this guys story. Respect!!!
What great man-!!! Thanks for what you did sir!
that was a story i loved
A great bloke and a great story.What a full life he led and a great memory to boot.
We are incredibly fortunate to be able to record and share these stories today. First-hand accounts are so valuable both culturally and historically. This is a gift to people today, and everyone in the future who wants to understand the past.
There's nothing to say. These men and all who fought in WWII were the bravest of the brave. I was privileged enough to visit the Normandy Cemetery in France. It's a very quiet place...even the wind stirring in the trees is somehow very quiet. It's the most powerful place I and my family have ever been....looking at the thousands of crosses, we all sobbed.....
Let us remember and never forget, those men who served and gave there all. As we approach the 81st Pearl Harbour Dec 7,1941. The greatest generation is truly the great generation. A moment of silence in remembrance. God bless America. We that believe shall Pray for this country and our leaders.
I thought of the anniversary today as I looked at the date on my watch. I immediately thought of Cook Second Class Doris Miller and his heroic actions at 0755 that morning. Pulling himself from rubble to hop on .50cal that he had never been shown how to use until that very second and being credited for downing two Japanese planes. He then carried wounded sailors from the deck to safety saving a countless amounts of lives. Mr. Miller should have been awarded the Medal of Honor. He should still be posthumously. Incredible bravery. Most likely would have abandoned ship. God bless Mr. Miller. God bless the men and women who gave their all to ensure freedom at home.
@@pmccoy8924 The Navy is naming their next Gerald Ford class aircraft carrier after Doris Miller. Seaman Miller did receive the Navy Cross, one below the MOH. It could be said race was a factor. It was a different time. I believe the Navy is trying to rectify that now.
amazing lucidity and clarity of the memories by a man who at the time of this interview must have been about 90 years old
Kindness cost nothing and pays off.
Greatest generation-hands down. Thank you Col.
Fantastic individual
His early life was "hard times". Hard times make good men. He took his abilitys to become a great man. Sir, I thank you.
It makes me wonder how much greater it would've been had the African-American been allowed to choose to become a pilot or officer. I often wonder if the war could've been shortened if we would've allowed the best and brightest to work their way to the top like he did. I'm glad those days are over.
Bless this man and all of his comrades for letting us know freedom from war for so long thank you for your service R.I.P.
Thank you for your service hope you enjoyed your time in the Fiji Islands what a trip from Fiji Islands to travel Los Angeles
Great story from a great man.
What an awesome guy. Loved the part where he took the African American through the plane. An old crew chief asked me as a little kid and my father if I wanted to see the inside of one of the radar planes that he crewed on, we had an amazing time, and he really lit up when he got to climb in there and show us how everything worked.
Thank you for your service, it's obvious you've done a great job and earned every metal you received, God bless