When White moved Qxb7, my two others lucky guesses - Qc5 or Qb5 - proved better. Not that I could calculate during watching, but computer says that after those moves Black cannot save both Rook and Knight. But I saw also another move which would lead to equal position instead of Qxb7::: namely Qxd8+ Qxd8 and White takes another Rook Nxe3. I think I would have played this in the game ;); White's move g4?! looked terrific, I was proud when Nevednichy played it. But then I was surprised by ...Re3. It was an excellent move and gave Black advantage. Computer says that instead of ...Rd8, Black should have played ...Rg3+ and then captivate Pawn g4. Instead of g4?!, White had one so natural move, which never occurred to me::: Qh3! and then check on h8 with massive exchange of Rooks. Very exciting game, for me it was impossible task to calculate all this, but I would have drawn - haha - with Qxd8+ instead of brave Qxb7.
-the chess is beautiful-
When White moved Qxb7, my two others lucky guesses - Qc5 or Qb5 - proved better. Not that I could calculate during watching, but computer says that after those moves Black cannot save both Rook and Knight. But I saw also another move which would lead to equal position instead of Qxb7::: namely Qxd8+ Qxd8 and White takes another Rook Nxe3. I think I would have played this in the game ;); White's move g4?! looked terrific, I was proud when Nevednichy played it. But then I was surprised by ...Re3. It was an excellent move and gave Black advantage. Computer says that instead of ...Rd8, Black should have played ...Rg3+ and then captivate Pawn g4. Instead of g4?!, White had one so natural move, which never occurred to me::: Qh3! and then check on h8 with massive exchange of Rooks. Very exciting game, for me it was impossible task to calculate all this, but I would have drawn - haha - with Qxd8+ instead of brave Qxb7.
Knight fork to two rooks missed by white in the last
@Donald Trump But Rf6 Qxd2 whassup ?