The iBible project - A New Tool Reaching the World for Christ - Interview with Steve Cleary

  • Опубликовано: 14 апр 2024
  • In this episode of "God-sized Stories," Steve Cleary and Patricia take you on a journey into the world of I bible - a new tool helping to reach the furthest corners of the world with scriptures.
    We'll delve into the groundbreaking vision of creating an animated version of the Bible, making it accessible on mobile phones, and spreading the gospel to remote corners of the world.
    When completed, iBIBLE will include the entire Biblical narrative from Genesis to the final Revelation as one cohesive story, revealing God’s plan to redeem and restore mankind. It will be FREE to translate into any of the world’s 7,000+ living languages and be made freely available on any one of over seven billion smartphones around the world.
    Join us as we explore the power of storytelling and the remarkable ways the iBIBLE project is changing lives.
    - To listen to the interview on Podcast:
    - Learn more and Contribute:
    #iBIBLE #Godsizedstories #christianpodcast #faithpodcast #InspirationPodcast #christianstories #faithjourney #christianinspiration #iBiblePodcast #BibleAnimation #GodSizedStories #VisualBible #iBibleProject #BibleInAnimation #SalvationEpisode #BiblicalNarrative #ScriptureAccuracy #GlobalOutreach #ChristianAnimation #FaithInAction #SpreadTheWord #FreeFaithResource #PrayForiBible #BibleTranslations #ImpactfulStorytelling #SupportGodsWork #BibleInYourHands

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