Because they didn't care and wanted to hide the extent of the problem from the public. If it were Muslim girls, we would have heard all about it, been all over the news and protests across the country
@davidknight2636 it's not all that different. One group of people were targeted and terrorised after having had to fight to bring the problem to light, and even then, they tried to keep it quiet. No specific units were set up to deal with the problem either
It is ok. We Englishmen know MOST of our womenfolk are supporting us. We call these women the "English Rose". English women are equal, respected and valued by us, and they know this. We are in this together, for each other, as a people.
Well the final word in justice is at the hands of the Crown. What did the King do? He asked every to get along and went on another vacation. He couldn't be bothered.
and visiting Australian girls (which must be great for inviting more tourism to the UK ! ) Why go to see the UK sights or Harry Potter when you might get stabbed, scarred, or murdered ? Even JK Rowling can not be mentioned ! D I S G U S T I N G !
All my working mates are in one room bedsits with high rents And all of them had been turned down for social housing. THIS IS FACT there has been discrimination going on in this country for years.
That's happening in Australia. Australians are lucky to find a house to rent because of to many immigrants getting let in. Rents have basically doubled in the last five years.
There is little or no council and social housing ... Thatcher and the CONservatives sold it all off and put cast iron laws into place making the building of new social housing all but impossible.
This country discriminates against those who don't try at school, to get a decent education. Btw single people have always been low down on the housing list. If a previous conservative government hadn't sold off council housing, there would be lots more available.
This is absolutely disgraceful! British citizens must have affordable housing; if not, they cannot even begin an independent life. Giving accommodation to immigrants is criminal. There will always need to be a collection of jihadists amongst them
@@thetruth6992where were the police when Muslims were protesting outside their police station shouting Alluh Akhbar. Oh that's right ignoring them because the people weren't white.
IAMAGINE PUTIN SAYING.TO RUSIAN CITIZENS: Now you ahve to accept an invasion of africans or ukrnaina immigrants,,kekeke and let them colonize your country. well uk prime minsiter says it! dictactor
He's only been in power for a month, Immigration went off the scale under the Tories they didn't have a handle on it at all & a lot of these issues are brought on by Brexit. Would you rather he has silly schemes like Rawanda & even dumber slogans like stop the boats that are ineffective.
Don’t worry about Musk we got him here in the USA! England is regarded as weak and on its knees with their immigrant pandering and globalist agenda! Musk ain’t scared or even worried he’s been an American for a very long time! We got his back mostly because anyone foreign attempting to push their weight in the USA will face imminent consequences!
Musk...self proclaimed genius is an idiot... If he comes to Britain he runs the real possibility of being arrested for promoting insurrectin and terrorism... He has aligned himself the the far right...the XRW... eXtreme Right Wing... a huge mistake.
'Two tier policing' is a myth made up by Farage only a few days ago. He wants to goad us into full-scale civil war, inciting violence and hatred has been a very lucrative occupation for him.видео.htmlsi=HsvMhRD6Xej8dNLc
If two tier Kier carries on ignoring the real issue causing the rioting we have right now, this will look like a play in the park to what is coming further down the line.
Two tier policing has more to do with 100’s of Muslim immigrants dancing around with knives and swords celebrating their win when the cops ran away. If a group of Brit’s did that, the army would be deployed and they would all be in jail.
@@denmanwarren2696soon the British left will be routed just like the European and American left. folks like you will be completely alienated from mainstream society like we have been for decades now. Trump, musk and the North American heritage foundation have plans to restore England to what they call the “ mother country “ where young Americans can visit and reconnect with their ancestral homeland. Americans cringe at modern England and wish to help us sort it out.
Its a sad indictment on British politicians when a South African living in The US, has a better handle of the truth of Britain than our politicians can admit.
Musk...self proclaimed genius is an idiot... If he comes to Britain he runs the real possibility of being arrested for promoting insurrectin and terrorism... He has aligned himself the the far right...the XRW... eXtreme Right Wing... a huge mistake.
If you think white South Africans have a good handle on the truth you don't know your history my friend. It's not the sort of truth decent people would want.
He points out he will not tolerate any violence on mosques or Muslim communities, yet when Muslim gangs wearing black face masks and balaclavas strut through the streets of the Uk with k*n*i*v*e*s and m*a*s*h*e*t*i*s , the PM of this country says “NOTHING “
Musk...self proclaimed genius is an idiot... If he comes to Britain he runs the real possibility of being arrested for promoting insurrectin and terrorism... He has aligned himself the the far right...the XRW... eXtreme Right Wing... a huge mistake.
Elon has made incredible contributions to humanitarian causes (on a national scale) and human progress. These ladies and their ilk.... nothing much. It is hilarious they consider themselves important enough to belittle him.
Oh the irony. Left the EU to stop immigration, but more immigrants now needed from non-europeans countries to fill the job vacancies, and the EU don't really wanna help the UK anymore with the boat people. Folks we're on our own, and will just have to live with it. Be careful what you wish for.
Exactly, the riots are disgusting, and just being done by thugs, not the normal Joe Bloggs on the street. I hope they are all arrested and charged from both sides.
@@denmanwarren2696 I think the problem is lack of housing in the UK, there are so many homeless people on the streets including immigrants. There is a 10 year waiting list in some areas across the UK for council houses. if we continue to allow illegal immigration, the housing problem will just get worse. The government have been saying for years that there will be more affordable housing available, but this I have still to see. The cost of living, especially in London is so high, that current immigrants and British residents can’t afford to buy groceries, never mind pay rent. Yes we may have a problem with people getting older in this country and lack of procreation, but this mainly due to cost of living as people can’t afford to have children or support a growing family.
Because the plan is divide and rule. The elite hate Britain and the British people. They want the divided slaves to fight one another while the ruling class enrich themselves.
If your referring to the navy stopping by and turning round boats when I think it was Dame Priti Patel but whoever was Home Secretary tried this tactic the border security force said they would not do it and when she then said about the navy they refused to as well because whilst in your mind it’s very easy to think of turning round a boat it ends up leading to worse consequences such as death for those travelling which morally the navy refused to stand by. I may be paraphrasing a bit but that is why they can’t have the navy doing it because they refuse to.
You can't try to squeeze about 20 different cultures , different beliefs, and mindsets in the same place and expect everything to be fine . We all knew sooner or later THIS was going to happen.
He's not going to do it because he's a sleaked liar and no's the result would be overwhelming forcing him and his pathetic useless worthless government to resign
Politicians serve the people. Some immigration is good. Too much is bad. Listen to the people. Could you imagine having hundreds of immigrants dropped off in your neighborhood?
They don't though that's the problem, that's why you get Pearl clutching harpies like these pair going on like it's all great.....they dont have to live with it!
@@disobeytoday4685 What kind of question is that? Regardless of the metaphor, violence and hurting people isn't an answer... at least, not the people that have been hurt. If someone does have to get hurt, there's a wide variety to choose from, mostly in govt.
I'd say Elon Musk is an eccentric. His analysis ranges from genius to absurd. On this issue, I think he doesn't know what he's talking about. But it's not a completely entirely unreasonable argument to make.
Musk like most Billionaires has confused his level of wealth with his IQ, like all super rich guys, they start to believe .. if I'm the richest guy, I must be the smartest... and he aint
You, British people, know it is already too late. Continue fighting for your country, culture, and identity. Your prime minister does not understand this. With love to real England
He's not my prime minister, I didn't vote for him! I wouldn't vote for Labour if you bribed me, it was them who designed, created and built the immigration gravy train in 1997 when Blair became PM. The Labour Party love mass migration as that's where they get the voters.
I don't think culture has something to do with it. Good culture vs bad culture. I'm with the Brits, but I don't believe the majority culture is always right. The ultimate answer is human rights that allows for a variety of ACCEPTABLE cultures that fundamentally believe in human rights.
The difference between Times Radio and BBC, for example, and "free range" organisations like GB that different rules apply, I think, to the tone of their broadcasting. American channels have an evn freer rein on language broadcast, it seems..
Refuse to listen to what a majority of UK citizens want at your own risk. No, they are not, "Far right", just people who have had enough of being fleeced for immigrants to stay in 4 star hotels
They aren't staying in 4 star hotels. They're staying in places that used to be hotels, which have been repurposed. They wouldn't get a single star. They're more like youth hostels or something. And they're only staying in those because there's backlog of claims the tories created on purpose. They did it on purpose to rile up easily manipulated people.
@peterholden3672 Only answer these loons can give you is that the election was stolen. They're weak willed children who can only cry online and pretend they're the majority when they're not.
They don't stay in four star hotels. They don't get put in commercial hotels. If the hotels were previously commercial, they have since been converted to accommodate multiple people per room in bunk beds. They are pretty grim places to live in.
@peterholden3672a new party which got half the amount of votes by split Tory vote, against an established Labour party where the public lemming vote without thought I do wonder
Who's going to oust him? Corbyn loyalists who are even more insane than he is? There will be no media demand because they were all his classmates at Oxford.
@@ArtyFactual_Intelligence Had to edit your four word sentence? Maybe you should rethink your username it doesn't check out. Will be happy to debate your views if you have any? Maybe we can compromise?
Statistically more white men are involved in grooming gangs than non-white - so, sure, the police should arrest all of them. Why did not of these "patriots" riot when Baby P or Victoria Climbie were murdered? I also stopped painting little faces around words that I write when they got to age seven and first learned joined-up writing. Don't you Cornish carrot-chompers have schools down there then?
@@Ixaglet All I see is criticism and no solutions from a shower of people who could not run a hot dog stand but they could loot it overturn it and set fire to it.
Kier “Two Tier” Starmer should grow a backbone and heed this quote from Marcus Tullius Cicero: Roman Statesman Scholar & Writer. "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. "
In a country which no longer produces much and which cannot sell what it does produce (thanks to leaving the EU) immigration is the only thing keeping the economy afloat thanks to the extra economic consumption involved.
@@richardcory5024 ow please,first off we in the UK need to be less reliant on other countries,using skilled people,from inside the UK or getting in skilled people,not spending millions on housing illegal immigrants ,who come into the UK illegally!!! & scourge of the system. I think many wouldnt argue with that.
If the civil unrest is being driven by concerns about mass immigration then the British people should be provided with a referendum on it, in line with their democratic values and political system.
Idiotic idea. The civil unrest is being driven by fake news propaganda INVENTED by Britain's enemies and unthinkingly accepted by the dumbest people in society - who by and large literally have no idea of the real scale or degree of immigration into the country or it's real life effects. We've already had a referendum where hijacked by crooks selling lies to morons - there isn't going to be another.
RuZZian bots furiously demanding referendums. The first F-16s have arrived in Ukraine. Putin, who backs the far right extremism, must be desperate. I'm gonna go donate to Ukraine now.
@peterholden3672 Brexit was a vote against mass immigration. You know any referendum on the issue would come out as 'no' against mass immigration which is why you don't want one. You hate democracy and the British people.
It'll never happen, immigration is fundamental to the Capitalist system. Labour is a commodity like any other. If you need steel & can't get it from the UK you get it from abroad, same with labour
How many BLM rioter were found guilty of criminal damage and sent to prison for destroying property and the statues including the one that ended up in the river. How long did it take to arrest the grooming gangs from the time of the first report. No what you mean is he has FREE REIGN TO DO WHAT HE WANTS
39 police officer were hurt police cars were burnt shops were smashed up. People were hurt - after all this your still complaining about other what they doing Bunch of thugs
I was there and we stopped a communist tax where everyone was equal and paid the same if you lived in a council house or in Buck Palace - that got rid of Thatcher, immigrants will get rid of Starmer
He is just as gutless on womens issues regarding men in a dress entering our personal spaces and young British women being harassed in the street by migrants from a certain culture.
@@GlynJones-d5b you're swallowing their story hook line an sinker aren't you? It's not migrants who are the issue, it's decades of cuts and underfunding our essential services and infrastructure. The NHS/Police/Councils cannot function properly if Tories cut their budgets. It's simple stuff, but the Tories can't admit that, neither can a Farage, SO...they blame foreigners. It's sick an they have pulled the wool over your eyes mate.
@user-us8le6lu4h Okay and what does he propose to do about it? Didn't he make some legal contribution for mass migration in the 90s when the first big waves started under that Labour government? I mean correct me if I'm wrong.
@@frankshailes3205 Your falsifications of people and everyone aside from your far left extremism (Which is actually aligned with Russia) is very active as usual.
@@uomodonore245 You do realise that if all people from immigrant backgrounds took the same day off work, the country wouldn't function for a long time, and we could have a rest from Farage Johnson and their ilk.
Those "Law Breakers" are coming in thanks to that war criminal PM of yours Tony Blair. If Iraq was not invaded this would not be happening right now, the instability in the middle east wouldn't be happening right now.
To be fair. It does say Jews aren’t allowed to go back to their homeland unless their messiah comes. Their messiah hasn’t come and so they can’t go back. That’s Zionism ! ignoring religious beliefs. Plus there’s more Christian zionists than Jewish zionists. Hamas is a terrorist organisation for sure ! and it’s an extreme mindset, which we shouldn’t tolerate
I'm surprised at how dismissive these women seem towards what is going on. This could potentially become a Brexit-type situation where the established UK society get caught with their pants down because they completely failed to read the room.
Please focus on housing for British citizen homeless. Reduce heating and food costs. That will be a major help in reducing violence. Then control migration. Housing for migrants cannot take precedence over British citizens. Recipe for disaster.
It's not a "handful of thugs" though, is it? The Reform party received four million votes in the general election. Reform's main policy was to "freeze immigration and stop the boats". Their voters saw that they got 14% of the vote but only 1% of the seats, compared to Labour getting 34% of the vote but 65% of the seats. If democracy doesn't work, as seems clear, what is left?
That's how First Past the Post works. You want more representation the voting system needs to change to Proportional Representation. The percentages will not change without electral change
Are you seriously suggsting that 4 million people have been out rioting? Having concerns about immigration is not the same as using that as an excuse to cause havoc. Grow up.
"Stopping the boats" will do 0 to actually help the working class (Starmer taking off that benefits cap would do a lot more). And Farage is a divisive charlatan. 👎
It is deliberate. The extreme left establishment and their woke totalitarian cultists have been inciting, promoting, and funding division, hatred, and violence for years, as a way to destroy Britain and the British.
Starmer is beginning to sound very like the last "President" of East Germany, Erich Honecker: A desperate pathetic technocrat who wanted troops to shoot the German People; They didn't. Times Radio - a couple of posh "chattering class" Libtards, who live somewhere else.
Suggesting the UK may descend into civil war is puerile? Its a point of view, one you may not agree with, but raising such an opinion should promote debate, not insults.
Starmer makes no reference to addressing the underlying reasons for the unrest. The full force of democracy will visit him in due course. Musk knows that if the underlying reasons are ignored the protests will escalate.
Please explain the 'underlying reasons'. I've been hearing people drivel on about immigration since the 70s and have not heard with facts how immigration negatively impacts people's lives. Please note that Jamaica became British in 1655.
@@tonydecentblackman1327are you honestly saying immigration was at these levels or the clash of cultures was ever this high? Without even taking a side objectively you know this isn’t true. So what is the point you are trying to make with comparisons to 50 years ago? Genuine question.
The Dutch media is not even covering this how they should out of fear our people would also stand up. It’s time, we are done with these politicians. This Keir is absolutely mad, he talks about his own people like they are animals, and talks about illegal immigrants as if they are the Queens children. If I would say what I would do with this guy and his entourage my comment will be gone in two seconds.
I've never been so grateful to live in a little scenic village. Every single person is white, and there is nothing but peacefulness. I think I'd be rioting if i had to live my days in a congested city.
@denmanwarren2696 if I want to see different cultures then I will go on holiday to see them. Whilst I am there I respect the culture and have the mentality that the people who were born in that country have more right than me. I dont attempt to push my views or change the way they think. I have a nice time, enjoy the other culture and then return the country I was born in.
@@johncapewell7520 Well that is good to know. Unfortunately the history of Brits abroad is not so benign, and we have imposed our way of life on millions. The only thing that immigrants to this country have sought to change over the years is the racism. We have moved very far in that direction, but the last week or so has reminded us that there are still a few nutters out there who hark back to a fictitious time of plenty. BTW does your culture include a cup of tea, a foreign made car, imported clothes. listen to classical or pop music, eat take-aways, or watch foreign tv programmes?. If any of the above are true, then perhaps you are more multi-cultural than you think? Wouldn't that be fantastic?
2 tier-kier policing ? Yes but Not just in Metropolis - think about Northern Grooming Gangs widespread crime and the authorities unwillingness to confront the problem ....????
One million legal immigrants last year. Just look around your local area. The cultural demographic has drastically changed. This is a vast 'enforced' cultural change.
@@ArtyFactual_Intelligence Immigration stood at 1,218,000 for 2023 according to the ONS. The media subtracts emigration to get a lower net figure. However those immigrating are usually foreign and a lot of those emigrating are British. In 2010 net migration was 256,000; by 2022 net migration was 745,000. For most of the 80s and 90s net migration was zero with immigration and emigration balanced at about 250K immigrating and 250K emigrating. Coincidentally in 2012 the total number of r*** offences was 16,038 ten years later it was 69,905 a four fold increase. (Source: Government Crime Survey for England and Wales). I'm sure the sudden rise just happened to coincide with the sudden rise in immigrants of a certain demographic.
Such hate, maybe I'm don't know, get to know the communities that arise from immigration, and see normal people! That's what I do! I suggest these rioting thugs don't come to Brum, we don't tolerate it! Black, White, Asian, we all get on! That's why Brum is the best!
Starmer wants to look and see what is happening and then analyse why it is happening, perhaps it's because the people of this country who are working their socks off to try and survive in this period of high prices and poor wages are being ignored, while those migrants coming across the channel are being treated far better than their own citizens, who are fighting poverty and housing shortages.
He's never going to acknowledge or do anything about the actual problem even if he knows what it is for 2 reasons.. 1: he is a WEF Globalist and his goal is to destroy nation states for some socialist eutopia that we can never escape from.. 2: he cannot be seen to do anything to upset his muslim base
The torries moved all the imigrants into poorer areas of the uk, most of the people who have the loudest and biggest platforms to speak on this are not from these areas.. They can never understand this.
The presenters on Times, Talk and GB News have been egging on these riots. However they would soon stop if they were happening in leafy Surry towns where they all live. As always it’s the working class that have to deal with the aftermath when they run their mouths off.
@hymnforthedudes :You might care to check out multiple spellings of many words in Shakespeare's work....and allow people to express their views without snide remarks from snobs
@margaretcasey2777 what do you call an election when a government hold a majority of the number of MPs that is democracy in the United Kingdom? That is the people speaking? Who is legally allowed to vote opportunity? What’s the bet that these people rioting didn’t use their vote
There was a police force like that in Ireland before Independence, called the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC). Maybe PM Starmer will call his standing army of police the Royal English Constabulary
Why are they letting Muslim thugs get away with their crimes? That’s counterproductive for Britain 🇬🇧 I would think! Oh right, it’s the left way of thinking! They are so weird DO NOT ERASE MY COMMENT
Why are they letting Muslims get away with their crimes. It’s counterproductive I would think! Oh right, it’s the left that think that way. They are so weird 😅
Take the country back from who? immigrants? people fleeing warzones? Maybe play less battlefield and go an have breakfast with the people who you think you need to take the country 'back' from...
Get it right, he called them extreme right and they are. It's not literally the Army but an army (or a collection) of special police. But then you knew that didn't you? So what's the problem with that when you're dealing with violent thugs who happen to be sitting on their brains and intent to cause as much chaos with no regard to anyone but themselves. I hope you're not backing them.
@@andrewelder8212 A small percentage are "Right wing" activists, the rest are just criminals but most are people with general concerns about the almost unfettered invasion of immigrants. There is a shortage of houses already and there they are putting up immigrants in taxpayer funded 5 star hotels! Starmer is inflaming the situation for political gain, instead of solving the problem. Open door policy is not going to solve it, and unrest will accelerate.
Keir, there is nothing mindless about loving your country. And if you have a standing army, why don't you use it to defend our coasts? Sort of like how King Harold rushed to Hastings to defend the country.
Why couldn't this kind of swift action be taken against grooming gangs!?
Because they didn't care and wanted to hide the extent of the problem from the public.
If it were Muslim girls, we would have heard all about it, been all over the news and protests across the country
Different context. And they're in prison.
@@davidknight2636 some but not all. They will be out on the streets, doing the same but being more careful this time around.
@@Rockspider049 because they didn't care and tried to hide it from the public
@davidknight2636 it's not all that different. One group of people were targeted and terrorised after having had to fight to bring the problem to light, and even then, they tried to keep it quiet. No specific units were set up to deal with the problem either
Bizarre to see two English women condemn their fellow Englishmen for wanting their women and girls to live in safety.
It is ok. We Englishmen know MOST of our womenfolk are supporting us. We call these women the "English Rose". English women are equal, respected and valued by us, and they know this. We are in this together, for each other, as a people.
They're main stream media journalists. Enough said.
you should know by now - those women are leftist luvvie-duvvies !
MSM Horse blinkers help people to believe everything is going to be alright. Mayhem is rising and i don't mean the Norwegian band...
@@karllux-d6g yes - well said - it's only a matter of time before the SHTF !
Wow the UK is lost if you can be imprisoned for selling stickers of online rhetoric.
@@robinwalmsley896 Starman as adopted the Ideology of Stalin,then he calls the opposition Fascist
Maybe they need to be reminded that American Patriots won that war in 1776. Losers 😅
@@robinwalmsley896do you think that if something is illegal that it is auto automatically immoral?
The internet is lost, not the UK
Shocking statements by Starmer. This guy is actually turning out to be a traitor to his country. Disgusting.
No the reality is people like you have swallowed XRW rhetoric and have the hook firmly caught in your throat.
A second Madurai !
Well the final word in justice is at the hands of the Crown. What did the King do? He asked every to get along and went on another vacation. He couldn't be bothered.
Starmer has ALWAYS been a traitor to this country. I'll probably end up in prison for saying that.
@@yuleassagai1684 Something of a blockhead aren't you... It's supposed to be grey matter between your ears not granite.
What about attacks on little English girls what do you do about that Starmer ?
he would do nothing, he clearly doesnt care about such things.
Interesting! Are you talking about white English girls or just English girls?
and visiting Australian girls (which must be great for inviting more tourism to the UK ! )
Why go to see the UK sights or Harry Potter when you might get stabbed, scarred, or murdered ?
Even JK Rowling can not be mentioned ! D I S G U S T I N G !
@@denmanwarren2696he’s talking about the multiple recent stabbing done by migrants
ah yess the attack on the little english, that has been going on since the east india company
Starmer is clueless and doesn’t understand this situation at all.
He understands it very well, and will do everything in his pay masters power to crush dissent and opposition from any threats to the ultimate agenda.
He isn't clueless, he is just another WEF puppet.
@@Ar-15rifell I think its 6 of one etc etc
@@Rob1nson Starmer thinks the WEF is more important than the U.K. What you see is what you get.
Oh he does understand it . Its done on purpose
Keir Starmer is like Justin Trudeau on steroids.
Can’t understand how he was elected.
@@janetfitzgerald9752 Have you been asleep for fourteen years?
@@wrigleybiscuit6806 Not as asleep as the people of Britain apparently.
They don't get elected they get selected.
@@wrigleybiscuit6806 your hysteria is beautiful
All my working mates are in one room bedsits with high rents And all of them had been turned down for social housing. THIS IS FACT there has been discrimination going on in this country for years.
That's happening in Australia. Australians are lucky to find a house to rent because of to many immigrants getting let in. Rents have basically doubled in the last five years.
There is little or no council and social housing ... Thatcher and the CONservatives sold it all off and put cast iron laws into place making the building of new social housing all but impossible.
This country discriminates against those who don't try at school, to get a decent education. Btw single people have always been low down on the housing list. If a previous conservative government hadn't sold off council housing, there would be lots more available.
@@denmanwarren2696there would be much more if they werent being given to foreigners
This is absolutely disgraceful! British citizens must have affordable housing; if not, they cannot even begin an independent life. Giving accommodation to immigrants is criminal. There will always need to be a collection of jihadists amongst them
Why haven't the two Muslims who beat the police in Manchester airport been arrested?
Because of 2 tier policing.
The government are scared of an uprising like what happened in Syria
In most Muslim countries if you beat up police they just give you a stern talking to and let you go.
They both are on bail
@@thetruth6992 And the Leeds Roma?
@@thetruth6992where were the police when Muslims were protesting outside their police station shouting Alluh Akhbar. Oh that's right ignoring them because the people weren't white.
Starmer is clearly terrified. He shakes, but clings to his rhetoric.
Hes a coward, hes more scared of the immigrants (aka his voter base) than he is of the English
Now you ahve to accept an invasion of africans or ukrnaina immigrants,,kekeke
and let them colonize your country.
well uk prime minsiter says it!
He's like a puppet on the end of someone elses strings being pulled any which way
@@frankshailes3205 Clearly it fell out somewhere lol
You are not addressing the core issue, the mass migration.
Why is there mass migration. Where were you during the destruction of Iraq , Syria , Lybia , Afghanistan and others ?
@@babycannis9667in Britain why is that our problem, how does that effect us
Why don’t you focus on your own political issues in ruZzia
There no issue the rich taking your money migrant give more than they take fact
He's only been in power for a month, Immigration went off the scale under the Tories they didn't have a handle on it at all & a lot of these issues are brought on by Brexit. Would you rather he has silly schemes like Rawanda & even dumber slogans like stop the boats that are ineffective.
Elon Musk continues to courageously point out the Truth at great personal risk and cost. God Bless Him
must is a traitor
Don’t worry about Musk we got him here in the USA! England is regarded as weak and on its knees with their immigrant pandering and globalist agenda! Musk ain’t scared or even worried he’s been an American for a very long time! We got his back mostly because anyone foreign attempting to push their weight in the USA will face imminent consequences!
@@user-Atamigaputer What does that mean who did he betray?
Musk...self proclaimed genius is an idiot... If he comes to Britain he runs the real possibility of being arrested for promoting insurrectin and terrorism... He has aligned himself the the far right...the XRW... eXtreme Right Wing... a huge mistake.
Immigrants sexualy harrass minors in my area get released aslong as they don't approach said minors. Portestors get the jail? 2 tier policing.
So sad that it is 2 tier policing
These are not protesters. They are violent thugs.
UK is at war with itself
'Two tier policing' is a myth made up by Farage only a few days ago.
He wants to goad us into full-scale civil war, inciting violence and hatred has been a very lucrative occupation for him.видео.htmlsi=HsvMhRD6Xej8dNLc
If two tier Kier carries on ignoring the real issue causing the rioting we have right now, this will look like a play in the park to what is coming further down the line.
that would make Elon Musk right about possible civil war !
He is isn’t he?
Two tier policing nonsense. Which specific cases support your argument?
The quicker this government resigns the better for everyone, because they are not worth the time of day.
Go join your Magot pals and musky in the US
@@007JHS TRIGGERED much??
@@tripacer8259It's an illegal on his free, government paid iPhone. posting like a dumb troll!!
Two tier policing has more to do with 100’s of Muslim immigrants dancing around with knives and swords celebrating their win when the cops ran away.
If a group of Brit’s did that, the army would be deployed and they would all be in jail.
Where will they put all the decent people when the jails are full of honest caring decent people.
@@jamesbirkett8412 Decent people don't incite violence, so there'll be plenty of us left, oh and lots more housing for us!
@@denmanwarren2696soon the British left will be routed just like the European and American left. folks like you will be completely alienated from mainstream society like we have been for decades now. Trump, musk and the North American heritage foundation have plans to restore England to what they call the “ mother country “ where young Americans can visit and reconnect with their ancestral homeland. Americans cringe at modern England and wish to help us sort it out.
Its a sad indictment on British politicians when a South African living in The US, has a better handle of the truth of Britain than our politicians can admit.
Musk...self proclaimed genius is an idiot... If he comes to Britain he runs the real possibility of being arrested for promoting insurrectin and terrorism... He has aligned himself the the far right...the XRW... eXtreme Right Wing... a huge mistake.
If you think white South Africans have a good handle on the truth you don't know your history my friend. It's not the sort of truth decent people would want.
Starmer is already a complete disgrace
he was a complete disgrace long before he took power - remember that he was the head of the CPS & he had many negative excesses while in that post !
@@terencefranks1688 Jimmy Savile.
@@suedavey8711 yes exactly !
That he is
@@suedavey8711That's why He got knighted. Kept King Charlie's best friend out of jail.
To be honest, I was expecting to hear rumblings of a civil war in the US before the UK.
We are voting Trump 2024
❌. Nah. We've been through this before. Just keeping it interesting. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@@SourGirl-jc3cr yeah my prediction is that Trump will be your president in 2024.
UK always leads the way
@@kevinfidler6287No he will NOT! Kamala 2024 all the way! 💙💙💙💙
I’d rather listen to Elon Musk than any British politicians
Me 2
He points out he will not tolerate any violence on mosques or Muslim communities, yet when Muslim gangs wearing black face masks and balaclavas strut through the streets of the Uk with k*n*i*v*e*s and m*a*s*h*e*t*i*s , the PM of this country says “NOTHING “
Musk...self proclaimed genius is an idiot... If he comes to Britain he runs the real possibility of being arrested for promoting insurrectin and terrorism... He has aligned himself the the far right...the XRW... eXtreme Right Wing... a huge mistake.
Elon has made incredible contributions to humanitarian causes (on a national scale) and human progress. These ladies and their ilk.... nothing much. It is hilarious they consider themselves important enough to belittle him.
Elon has no place in politics
I thought Britain left Europe to solve the problem of immigration...
I think that was the principle reason. The situation now is worse due to the two tier discrimination.
They left EU to close down legal immigration. Nothing was done about illegal immigrants.
No, to avoid any accountability under EU law and Treaty for Human Rights abuse and accountability!
Oh the irony. Left the EU to stop immigration, but more immigrants now needed from non-europeans countries to fill the job vacancies, and the EU don't really wanna help the UK anymore with the boat people. Folks we're on our own, and will just have to live with it. Be careful what you wish for.
@@christopherblanchard2099 What two tier discrimination is that?
While i don't agree with the riots and trashing of our country. I do agree about the mass immigration problem.
I’m with you 100% ❤
yup me too, and i am an indian, but my sister is workin there in healthcare. i am scared for her bcos of those illegal immigrants.
Exactly, the riots are disgusting, and just being done by thugs, not the normal Joe Bloggs on the street. I hope they are all arrested and charged from both sides.
What do you see as the problem with immigration?
@@denmanwarren2696 I think the problem is lack of housing in the UK, there are so many homeless people on the streets including immigrants. There is a 10 year waiting list in some areas across the UK for council houses. if we continue to allow illegal immigration, the housing problem will just get worse. The government have been saying for years that there will be more affordable housing available, but this I have still to see. The cost of living, especially in London is so high, that current immigrants and British residents can’t afford to buy groceries, never mind pay rent. Yes we may have a problem with people getting older in this country and lack of procreation, but this mainly due to cost of living as people can’t afford to have children or support a growing family.
Why a standing army of Police? Why not just have The Royal Navy patrol the Channel?
Because they're already here.
standing army from where? same police different name
Because the plan is divide and rule. The elite hate Britain and the British people. They want the divided slaves to fight one another while the ruling class enrich themselves.
If your referring to the navy stopping by and turning round boats when I think it was Dame Priti Patel but whoever was Home Secretary tried this tactic the border security force said they would not do it and when she then said about the navy they refused to as well because whilst in your mind it’s very easy to think of turning round a boat it ends up leading to worse consequences such as death for those travelling which morally the navy refused to stand by. I may be paraphrasing a bit but that is why they can’t have the navy doing it because they refuse to.
Don't forget about maritime laws, they're international.
You can't try to squeeze about 20 different cultures , different beliefs, and mindsets in the same place and expect everything to be fine . We all knew sooner or later THIS was going to happen.
It happens in Canada every single day, NO PROBLEM! Dare you to do your research.
Thats what happens when you colonise a third of the world. C'est la vie!
@denmanwarren2696 that's a good point
@@gregoryblackett7787lol canada is a mess
but-but -but the movie girl boss said other wise :(
Stammer, give the people a referendum on immigration and you will lose my friend
That would be hilarious. It would be like 95 percent opposed. Even the immigrants would want to pull up the ladd3r.
He probably lost all your friends already.
ask Boris? lol
He's not going to do it because he's a sleaked liar and no's the result would be overwhelming forcing him and his pathetic useless worthless government to resign
Well no one wants illegal immigration do they?? So what exactly would that achieve?
I've been told that this is what "mostly peaceful protests" look like.
only if you're muslim
@@zaftra or BLM
Remember; according to the media its only "extremist" if you're white
Here they were just “peaceful protests”
It's actually "Firey but mostly peaceful protest"
Politicians serve the people. Some immigration is good. Too much is bad. Listen to the people. Could you imagine having hundreds of immigrants dropped off in your neighborhood?
@janetlamb6812most of them live in councils houses so it’s were they are
They don't though that's the problem, that's why you get Pearl clutching harpies like these pair going on like it's all great.....they dont have to live with it!
Starmer does not speak like a civil servant, but a tyrannical King seeking to punish rebelling peasants.
Many don't need to imagine.
"Save our Children" is the "far right, racist" chant
The violence is from a tiny minority, the protest and feelings of betrayal are from the vast majority
In other words
The action is from the minority, the inaction is from the majority.
"evil prevails when good men fail to act"
@@disobeytoday4685 Rioting and assaulting random people is not the answer at all.
@@bengreenbank In the left hand you have 0 apples. In the right hand you have 1 apple.
Which hand has the *best* apple?
@@disobeytoday4685 What kind of question is that? Regardless of the metaphor, violence and hurting people isn't an answer...
at least, not the people that have been hurt. If someone does have to get hurt, there's a wide variety to choose from, mostly in govt.
@@AshBreatherSociety and everything we have achieved is built on violence. You think you know a better way? Let's hear it...
Will illegal immergants feel the full force of the law?
Elon Musk is not an idiot in my opinion but the signs are that Keir Starmer is.
I'd say Elon Musk is an eccentric. His analysis ranges from genius to absurd. On this issue, I think he doesn't know what he's talking about. But it's not a completely entirely unreasonable argument to make.
Musk like most Billionaires has confused his level of wealth with his IQ, like all super rich guys, they start to believe .. if I'm the richest guy, I must be the smartest... and he aint
Starmer is anything but an idiot. I won't claim the same for Musk. If he is not an idiot he is guilty of uttering idiocies.
He's a idiot! His technology always fell's
Not keir, Abdullah Starmer 😄
You, British people, know it is already too late. Continue fighting for your country, culture, and identity. Your prime minister does not understand this.
With love to real England
sounds like work, do you have a permit for that?
He's not my prime minister, I didn't vote for him! I wouldn't vote for Labour if you bribed me, it was them who designed, created and built the immigration gravy train in 1997 when Blair became PM. The Labour Party love mass migration as that's where they get the voters.
I don't think culture has something to do with it. Good culture vs bad culture. I'm with the Brits, but I don't believe the majority culture is always right. The ultimate answer is human rights that allows for a variety of ACCEPTABLE cultures that fundamentally believe in human rights.
A dose of nausea served up by Times Radio as usual 😢...
middle class mummies- even the men
The difference between Times Radio and BBC, for example, and "free range" organisations like GB that different rules apply, I think, to the tone of their broadcasting. American channels have an evn freer rein on language broadcast, it seems..
Don't forget, Russia is going to capitulate any second now - look at those shiny new planes!
Wow how right you are, what a bunch of pooptanks.
Even Elon Musk can see what's happening
He's a smart man.
The so called minority thugs are more representative of the British People than this lame post modernist Marxist government
90% Of the British people know where this is heading.
@@sallybeves4400 Lol!
No offense, but he’s smarter than you. Or did you help develop booster rockets that can land on a boat as well?
Refuse to listen to what a majority of UK citizens want at your own risk. No, they are not, "Far right", just people who have had enough of being fleeced for immigrants to stay in 4 star hotels
They aren't staying in 4 star hotels. They're staying in places that used to be hotels, which have been repurposed. They wouldn't get a single star. They're more like youth hostels or something.
And they're only staying in those because there's backlog of claims the tories created on purpose. They did it on purpose to rile up easily manipulated people.
@peterholden3672probably a fix
@peterholden3672 Only answer these loons can give you is that the election was stolen. They're weak willed children who can only cry online and pretend they're the majority when they're not.
They don't stay in four star hotels. They don't get put in commercial hotels. If the hotels were previously commercial, they have since been converted to accommodate multiple people per room in bunk beds. They are pretty grim places to live in.
@peterholden3672a new party which got half the amount of votes by split Tory vote, against an established Labour party where the public lemming vote without thought
I do wonder
They Treat White Working Class Rioters Differently To Ethnic Rioters!
So it was you rioting was it???
@@denmanwarren2696. Put your name up here boy
The anger of the 'thugs' actually represents a lot of the British people who have had enough.
80% to be exact.
Yea right. Nice to see the best of British culture and fair play on display last weekend.
@@derekarnold3665 got no choices left
Steamer is not fit for 😊office.
@@freedomf1ght3r-l9idid those thugs need to loot Lush cos they needed some face cream?
I think Elon Musk is right. Starmer won't last long.
Inadequate idea
Two-Tier Keir is in big trouble lol
Who's going to oust him? Corbyn loyalists who are even more insane than he is? There will be no media demand because they were all his classmates at Oxford.
We can hope. He boils my blood. Awful man.
We want a referendum on migration
We want mass deportations and reparations
Won't happen, especially under *_Labour._*
Silly Billy. You've had fourteen years of far right running this country into the ground and failing dismally.
@@tonysolley9074 democracy is finished. We need a strong man leader now
Why not before, when the Tories were cocking it up.
Starmer makes me sick. He is so wrong.
Starmer ! A traitor to his own people !!!!
His own people are global citizens and ceo's of global corporations, not us.
Pigs can also fly.
He's not betraying his wife and children.
@@ArtyFactual_Intelligence Had to edit your four word sentence? Maybe you should rethink your username it doesn't check out. Will be happy to debate your views if you have any? Maybe we can compromise?
The Tories weren’t any better.
the only thing I am feeling good about is that I did not vote for labour.
Looks like it made no difference
I bet on the Lib Dems to take more than 66 seats. So thanks for that shed load of cash I won.
I hope you don't need an OP. Because you jut got relegated to the back of the 7 million waiting list.
I hope you don't need an OP or anything because that waiting list is going to get larger with labour
God alone knows what point you think you're making there - what ARE you trying to say? And why don't you work a lot harder to say it?
Grooming gangs = no two-tier policing 😅
I swear they released 400,00 nonces like 2 weeks ago
Statistically more white men are involved in grooming gangs than non-white - so, sure, the police should arrest all of them.
Why did not of these "patriots" riot when Baby P or Victoria Climbie were murdered?
I also stopped painting little faces around words that I write when they got to age seven and first learned joined-up writing. Don't you Cornish carrot-chompers have schools down there then?
not enough prison places..
Accept they have been brought to justice now, and don't you lot groom little girls and boys?
Jimmy Saville, Gary Glitter, prince Andrew, king, Epstein, Weinstein, government officials, Catholic Church, wanyne Couzins Met police two tier
I thought Starmer would last a year, how wrong could I have been? I didn't know how far Left that he was..
This guy starmer was the main guy running CPS when he let Jimmy. Saville off the hook. Didn't share that before the vote
And also during the (ongoing) grooming gang scandal. Two tier policing
Yeah it's classed as a "positive rasim" if it's against the white man. Thing is they let to many in the country already that's why Labour won the vote
16 years of Tory rule
@@kethughes8266 14 years I thought, and yes they we're traitors
@@Ixaglet All I see is criticism and no solutions from a shower of people who could not run a hot dog stand but they could loot it overturn it and set fire to it.
And still Starmer will not address the very problem of mass immigtration, F ing pathetic.
Wdym "still"? He's been in office a matter of weeks, government don't make changes on a whim.
Kier “Two Tier” Starmer should grow a backbone and heed this quote from Marcus Tullius Cicero: Roman Statesman Scholar & Writer.
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. "
He's been in office a few days. Give him a break!
In a country which no longer produces much and which cannot sell what it does produce (thanks to leaving the EU) immigration is the only thing keeping the economy afloat thanks to the extra economic consumption involved.
@@richardcory5024 ow please,first off we in the UK need to be less reliant on other countries,using skilled people,from inside the UK or getting in skilled people,not spending millions on housing illegal immigrants ,who come into the UK illegally!!! & scourge of the system. I think many wouldnt argue with that.
If the civil unrest is being driven by concerns about mass immigration then the British people should be provided with a referendum on it, in line with their democratic values and political system.
We all know where referenda (yes, I'm a Latinist) can lead. Hint, not a good place!
Idiotic idea. The civil unrest is being driven by fake news propaganda INVENTED by Britain's enemies and unthinkingly accepted by the dumbest people in society - who by and large literally have no idea of the real scale or degree of immigration into the country or it's real life effects. We've already had a referendum where hijacked by crooks selling lies to morons - there isn't going to be another.
RuZZian bots furiously demanding referendums. The first F-16s have arrived in Ukraine. Putin, who backs the far right extremism, must be desperate. I'm gonna go donate to Ukraine now.
@peterholden3672 Brexit was a vote against mass immigration. You know any referendum on the issue would come out as 'no' against mass immigration which is why you don't want one. You hate democracy and the British people.
It'll never happen, immigration is fundamental to the Capitalist system. Labour is a commodity like any other. If you need steel & can't get it from the UK you get it from abroad, same with labour
🇬🇧 Is this the weakest Prime Minister we have EVER HAD ??
@@lornacooper3200 no!actually “ chamberlain ‘1938. But equaly bad. Couldnt handle the situation so had to be replaced.
How many BLM rioter were found guilty of criminal damage and sent to prison for destroying property and the statues including the one that ended up in the river.
How long did it take to arrest the grooming gangs from the time of the first report.
No what you mean is he has FREE REIGN TO DO WHAT HE WANTS
@@FrostekFerenczybuzz words don’t trump genuine questions and facts.
How long did the blm last not long
@@martindavis1849long enough for 2 tier policing to be clear as day
To be fair, 4 people were arrested and tried in court regarding the statue in Bristol being pulled down. They were found not guilty
Hope you are going to start arresting the Muslims carrying swords knives weapons!!!
No one is carrying nife sword stop spreading hate you trouble maker let people live in peace or is it that you don't want
Justice has to be equal to be fair.
They definitely wont. It would upset their voter base.
Exactly, The radical Islam is spreading in Europe
39 police officer were hurt police cars were burnt shops were smashed up.
People were hurt - after all this your still complaining about other what they doing
Bunch of thugs
Remember the last time this happened was the Poll Tax riots, and we won.
We didn’t, all they did was change the name to council tax! 🤦🏻♂️
No, the last race riots led by white fascists were the Blackshirts and Oswald Mosely. "Battle of Cable Street" if you want to look it up.
@@cannywf1 They'll just change the name of illegal immigration to an extended Holiday.
And instead you have council tax. What is the difference???
I was there and we stopped a communist tax where everyone was equal and paid the same if you lived in a council house or in Buck Palace - that got rid of Thatcher, immigrants will get rid of Starmer
Why is the government not looking at the issues
They have created it and want chaos because they follow WEF
Weak media and weak prime minister. Who doesn't have the guts to fix the main problem
He is just as gutless on womens issues regarding men in a dress entering our personal spaces and young British women being harassed in the street by migrants from a certain culture.
Yes the main problem is your bigoted minds.
He's been in power for 5 minutes, you really have no idea do you?
@@GlynJones-d5b you're swallowing their story hook line an sinker aren't you?
It's not migrants who are the issue, it's decades of cuts and underfunding our essential services and infrastructure. The NHS/Police/Councils cannot function properly if Tories cut their budgets. It's simple stuff, but the Tories can't admit that, neither can a Farage, SO...they blame foreigners. It's sick an they have pulled the wool over your eyes mate.
@user-us8le6lu4h Okay and what does he propose to do about it?
Didn't he make some legal contribution for mass migration in the 90s when the first big waves started under that Labour government? I mean correct me if I'm wrong.
Maybe the UK shouldn’t have two-tier policing?
Or mass immigration.
The Russian bots are active today.
@@frankshailes3205 Your falsifications of people and everyone aside from your far left extremism (Which is actually aligned with Russia) is very active as usual.
It doesn't
@@uomodonore245 You do realise that if all people from immigrant backgrounds took the same day off work, the country wouldn't function for a long time, and we could have a rest from Farage Johnson and their ilk.
What snobs are presenting this
The type of snobs that wouldn't go near a immigrant with a barge pole. But in dinner parties pretend they really care about Palestine
White middle class lefties.
Says the guy from stuck up Durham!
trying to scare people expressng their sentiment by threatening them? its a BS! Britain is moving to the right rightfully
He's really not interested in the majority. The thugs need arresting but stamer needs to listen to the people
Yeah but he won't listen he never does
He won't
Like Brexit? That worked out great.
He's a WEF Globalist. There is literally zero chance he will listen to the people
Starter has his head in the sand
Nobody cares what's claimed or refuted about two-tier policing... the reality is in plain sight for all to see. Australia has the same problem.
Why is everyone worried about lack of prison spaces? Two-tier Kier will let his groomy mates out to prey on our young again...
Johnson, Farage, Truss, Braverman, Gove, Sunak, Rees Mog etc. Should be locked up first for breaking Britain.
Two-tier Kier....that's pretty good, actually
Matt, the young aren’t yours. Sorry to bring this news to you
@@vaper106they ain’t urs either u stay away wrong un
In power for 4 weeks and you blame him rather than the shower that were in power for the previous 16 years.
High time the Brit patriots took their country back from those upper class haters who denigrate them and look down on them.
Couldn't this army be deployed on the south coast to keep law breakers out of the country?
And by what means would they do that? The sort of means that would get the UK sanctioned by the entire Western world for war crimes?
No because the government don't want it to stop
Exactly 😂
Those "Law Breakers" are coming in thanks to that war criminal PM of yours Tony Blair. If Iraq was not invaded this would not be happening right now, the instability in the middle east wouldn't be happening right now.
No, that's racism!
Those of us with eyes KNOW there is 2 tier policing
One where the whites are assumed innocent and one where the blacks are assumed guilty?
That Two Tier system?
At this stage it is deeply insulting to say there _isn't_ a Two-tier Approach.... more accurately, it is gaslighting the people.
@@davidmullen6011 Yes, policing is massively biased against black people. Institutionally racist and proven by report findings.
This may have started after Southport but it’s been brewing for months due to pro Hammas marches and immigration not being kept under control
Years not months, people have been promised again and again to reduce immigration but it continues.
@@joseph1845 We should stop all visas now. Have you seen the numbers its crazy.
To be fair. It does say Jews aren’t allowed to go back to their homeland unless their messiah comes. Their messiah hasn’t come and so they can’t go back. That’s Zionism ! ignoring religious beliefs. Plus there’s more Christian zionists than Jewish zionists. Hamas is a terrorist organisation for sure ! and it’s an extreme mindset, which we shouldn’t tolerate
Labour picking up the tab,for Tory inaction
any fool can see the two tier policing. wow these folks are daft
So you've been arrested recently?
it seems like Mr Musk knows more about what's going on in this country than these two clowns do reporting on it.
Exactly, the whole Brexit thing was about lack of integration, these toffs still dont get it..
How so?
Musk is part of the elite. Dressed in a baphomet costume...
Musk is an idiot who repeatedly sticks his nose in where it's not wanted.
Three women who may have left wing views and yet may be compelled to wear more of a Muslim type dress in public in 50 years time
and that's bad Nani?
I'm surprised at how dismissive these women seem towards what is going on.
This could potentially become a Brexit-type situation where the established UK society get caught with their pants down because they completely failed to read the room.
Please focus on housing for British citizen homeless. Reduce heating and food costs. That will be a major help in reducing violence. Then control migration. Housing for migrants cannot take precedence over British citizens. Recipe for disaster.
It's not a "handful of thugs" though, is it? The Reform party received four million votes in the general election. Reform's main policy was to "freeze immigration and stop the boats". Their voters saw that they got 14% of the vote but only 1% of the seats, compared to Labour getting 34% of the vote but 65% of the seats. If democracy doesn't work, as seems clear, what is left?
It begins with R
I always wonder how they would have achieved the Reform party.
That's how First Past the Post works. You want more representation the voting system needs to change to Proportional Representation. The percentages will not change without electral change
Are you seriously suggsting that 4 million people have been out rioting? Having concerns about immigration is not the same as using that as an excuse to cause havoc. Grow up.
"Stopping the boats" will do 0 to actually help the working class (Starmer taking off that benefits cap would do a lot more). And Farage is a divisive charlatan. 👎
Using such language just ramps up the tension and the possibility of disaster. It is puerile.
Not using it ensures a disaster
It is deliberate. The extreme left establishment and their woke totalitarian cultists have been inciting, promoting, and funding division, hatred, and violence for years, as a way to destroy Britain and the British.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they put in curfews across the UK soon.
Starmer is beginning to sound very like the last "President" of East Germany, Erich Honecker:
A desperate pathetic technocrat who wanted troops to shoot the German People; They didn't.
Times Radio - a couple of posh "chattering class" Libtards, who live somewhere else.
Suggesting the UK may descend into civil war is puerile? Its a point of view, one you may not agree with, but raising such an opinion should promote debate, not insults.
Luckily mobile phones have video capabilities which prove these claims are legitimate!
And now two days later.... You now cannot share videos of the protests. Tyranny
having no games makes it invalid
How is it the government allowed pro Palestine protest on armistice day!
The government trod on the sacrifices of the few given for the Many
House broken into, two weeks for the police to show up, there were children in the house, man comments on Facebook arrested in his home within hours
Climate protesters made a zoom call and got 5 years in jail. Get a grip.
Starmer makes no reference to addressing the underlying reasons for the unrest.
The full force of democracy will visit him in due course.
Musk knows that if the underlying reasons are ignored the protests will escalate.
Please explain the 'underlying reasons'. I've been hearing people drivel on about immigration since the 70s and have not heard with facts how immigration negatively impacts people's lives. Please note that Jamaica became British in 1655.
@@tonydecentblackman1327are you honestly saying immigration was at these levels or the clash of cultures was ever this high? Without even taking a side objectively you know this isn’t true. So what is the point you are trying to make with comparisons to 50 years ago? Genuine question.
@@TheSwerve222 He cannot allow himself to accept that the policies he has likely supported his entire life have PERMANENTLY DESTROYED his nation!
He is against the people. It’s very evident. He lies too.
The Dutch media is not even covering this how they should out of fear our people would also stand up.
It’s time, we are done with these politicians.
This Keir is absolutely mad, he talks about his own people like they are animals, and talks about illegal immigrants as if they are the Queens children.
If I would say what I would do with this guy and his entourage my comment will be gone in two seconds.
i’m Dutch we know what is going on here!
Sounds like drivel to me
All of Europe is fed up and ready to erupt.
He calls thugs, 'thugs'. Mad, eh?
Stop supporting fascists.
no comparison. I think the heat is affecting you.
Sod the people, im in charge here.
Signs that show Starmer is a total dictator
Starmer - that’s a weak man right there.
weak and stuoid a deadly combination.
@@raphaelandrews3617He’s a school prefect, albeit a Marxist one.
Nope. The weak are those scared little thugs.
@@user-jv7ig6ie5b so many bot comments on these thread, that's the scariest thing about all of this.
I've never been so grateful to live in a little scenic village. Every single person is white, and there is nothing but peacefulness. I think I'd be rioting if i had to live my days in a congested city.
I'm happy that you enjoy your life, but if you don't know anybody from a different culture, perhaps you should get out more?
@denmanwarren2696 if I want to see different cultures then I will go on holiday to see them. Whilst I am there I respect the culture and have the mentality that the people who were born in that country have more right than me. I dont attempt to push my views or change the way they think. I have a nice time, enjoy the other culture and then return the country I was born in.
@@johncapewell7520 Well that is good to know. Unfortunately the history of Brits abroad is not so benign, and we have imposed our way of life on millions. The only thing that immigrants to this country have sought to change over the years is the racism. We have moved very far in that direction, but the last week or so has reminded us that there are still a few nutters out there who hark back to a fictitious time of plenty. BTW does your culture include a cup of tea, a foreign made car, imported clothes. listen to classical or pop music, eat take-aways, or watch foreign tv programmes?. If any of the above are true, then perhaps you are more multi-cultural than you think? Wouldn't that be fantastic?
All of europe was like that once
@@denmanwarren2696mulciculti is a shtshow.
Stop promoting it like its some fkin utopia
2 tier-kier policing ? Yes but Not just in Metropolis - think about Northern Grooming Gangs widespread crime and the authorities unwillingness to confront the problem ....????
That was 14 years of the Tories, not Starmer. He's fresh in the job.
I'm sure Elon Musk cares what the Times Radio lady presenters think of him.
I certainly don't care what freaky Musk has to say...😃
@HymnfortheDudes yes you do, if you truly didn't care you wouldn't take the time to comment about him 😂
Cackling hens shouldn't talk politics
@@mrplow2843 Freaky Musk 😁
One million legal immigrants last year. Just look around your local area.
The cultural demographic has drastically changed. This is a vast 'enforced' cultural change.
@@ArtyFactual_Intelligence It isn't actually. It's in the UK's own government statistics.
@@ArtyFactual_Intelligence Immigration stood at 1,218,000 for 2023 according to the ONS. The media subtracts emigration to get a lower net figure. However those immigrating are usually foreign and a lot of those emigrating are British. In 2010 net migration was 256,000; by 2022 net migration was 745,000. For most of the 80s and 90s net migration was zero with immigration and emigration balanced at about 250K immigrating and 250K emigrating.
Coincidentally in 2012 the total number of r*** offences was 16,038 ten years later it was 69,905 a four fold increase. (Source: Government Crime Survey for England and Wales). I'm sure the sudden rise just happened to coincide with the sudden rise in immigrants of a certain demographic.
@@ArtyFactual_Intelligence You clearly live in a nice unchanged area. A lot of us don't.
Such hate, maybe I'm don't know, get to know the communities that arise from immigration, and see normal people! That's what I do! I suggest these rioting thugs don't come to Brum, we don't tolerate it! Black, White, Asian, we all get on! That's why Brum is the best!
Starmer wants to look and see what is happening and then analyse why it is happening, perhaps it's because the people of this country who are working their socks off to try and survive in this period of high prices and poor wages are being ignored, while those migrants coming across the channel are being treated far better than their own citizens, who are fighting poverty and housing shortages.
He's never going to acknowledge or do anything about the actual problem even if he knows what it is for 2 reasons.. 1: he is a WEF Globalist and his goal is to destroy nation states for some socialist eutopia that we can never escape from.. 2: he cannot be seen to do anything to upset his muslim base
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” -President John F. Kennedy
The torries moved all the imigrants into poorer areas of the uk, most of the people who have the loudest and biggest platforms to speak on this are not from these areas.. They can never understand this.
The presenters on Times, Talk and GB News have been egging on these riots. However they would soon stop if they were happening in leafy Surry towns where they all live. As always it’s the working class that have to deal with the aftermath when they run their mouths off.
Concentrate more on spelling than commenting.😃
@@HymnfortheDudes No
You want the Tories to move them to the rich areas?
@hymnforthedudes :You might care to check out multiple spellings of many words in Shakespeare's work....and allow people to express their views without snide remarks from snobs
If Starmer actually believes in his delusional press conference let the people vote have a referendum.
We just had our say in a General Election,the people had their say.
Democracy at work
they just voted in a general election and the Right wing party didn't even get half of the seats to form a government
We just had a GE.
Don't be silly.
@margaretcasey2777 what do you call an election when a government hold a majority of the number of MPs that is democracy in the United Kingdom? That is the people speaking? Who is legally allowed to vote opportunity? What’s the bet that these people rioting didn’t use their vote
@margaretcasey2777 until there’s mandatory voting that’s the system
A standing army of police! I find this shocking. His belligerent stance is a disgrace of the first order and it's going to hurt everyone.
There was a police force like that in Ireland before Independence, called the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC). Maybe PM Starmer will call his standing army of police the Royal English Constabulary
There was something similar in 1930s Germany, called the Gestappo
@@disobeytoday4685 - Farage should back it then since he admires them so much.
Don't be wet.
@@FrostekFerenczy Farage destroyed the BNP when he joined UKIP. He's a double agent and perhaps is more responsible for mass immigration than anyone
Elon noticed the riots from the window of his spaceship, he's really in touch with what's going on in the UK.
Have there been arrests on the counter protestors using axes, knives, etc.?
No the terrorists go under the “freedom of speech” umbrella
Of course not..... They're Brown.
Starmer alienates Brits every time he speaks. A dangerous, dangerous failure in this career and his last one.
Dont forget the 2 Islamic Thugs who attacked the 3 police officers at Manchester Airport
Don't think they got charged
Why are they letting Muslim thugs get away with their crimes? That’s counterproductive for Britain 🇬🇧
I would think!
Oh right, it’s the left way of thinking! They are so weird
Why are they letting Muslims get away with their crimes. It’s counterproductive I would think!
Oh right, it’s the left that think that way.
They are so weird 😅
apparently the police guy stomped on a civilian's head
The police cannot stop voters next time around
All my life I've been disappointed by these toxic politicians, time to take our country back
Take the country back from who? immigrants? people fleeing warzones?
Maybe play less battlefield and go an have breakfast with the people who you think you need to take the country 'back' from...
You only just took it back in 2016 remember?
@@QuickExplanation-c9o no we didn't.
@@Avenger127 You've just had 14 years of tory rule. If you couldn't get it from them, you'll never get it
Freeing up prison places by letting the groomers out early...
Not being done.
Yeah. You're gonna need sauce for that one.
Sex offenders will not be considered. If you're going to spout, know the truth first.
First he calls them "far right" and then he is going to have a " standing army" very provocative. Quite disgusting comments from a British PM.
A standing army of police 😁
Get it right, he called them extreme right and they are. It's not literally the Army but an army (or a collection) of special police. But then you knew that didn't you? So what's the problem with that when you're dealing with violent thugs who happen to be sitting on their brains and intent to cause as much chaos with no regard to anyone but themselves. I hope you're not backing them.
@@andrewelder8212lol nobody is going to read that
@@andrewelder8212 A small percentage are "Right wing" activists, the rest are just criminals but most are people with general concerns about the almost unfettered invasion of immigrants. There is a shortage of houses already and there they are putting up immigrants in taxpayer funded 5 star hotels! Starmer is inflaming the situation for political gain, instead of solving the problem. Open door policy is not going to solve it, and unrest will accelerate.
Our prime minister is so soft makes me sick
This has been brewing for a long time. I don’t see anything wrong with Elon’s statement.
Has Elon even been to the UK
whenever Musk gets the chance to spread fear hate and division- HE'S RIGHT ON IT. he should be BANNED from entering England.
Why is our king not speaking to his kingdom????
The Hanoverians?
he's not supposed to. If he did it would be a breach of the constitutional mnarchy set-up.
Busy eating Cheese
Because the King is a useless puppet.
Why doesn't he name & shame the grooming gangs in Rotherham that he knows about........
It is the duty of modern civilized citizens to resist dictatorship.
Keir, there is nothing mindless about loving your country. And if you have a standing army, why don't you use it to defend our coasts? Sort of like how King Harold rushed to Hastings to defend the country.
In your dreams.
@@8888-w1l It is indeed a dream. The settled will of the English people is to be replaced.