Anatomy of a Fraud - The Casanova Con

  • Опубликовано: 9 дек 2014
  • Love gone wrong. Serial con artist, Matthew McClintock, used online dating websites to lure innocent, single women into his web of deception and investment fraud. Includes victim interviews and case-related interviews with Oklahoma Securities Commission staff and state law enforcement officials. Also includes details of McClintock’s crimes outside the state of Oklahoma.

Комментарии • 33

  • @tapsars7911
    @tapsars7911 4 года назад +2

    What an attitude he has at 6.57-6.59 . He is wearing a jailhouse jumpsuit but he is smiling as if he has been nominated for some award .

  • @RebuttalRecords
    @RebuttalRecords 5 лет назад +3

    I can't believe anyone would be that stupid to send a complete stranger $10,000, especially AFTER knowing they had a criminal record.

  • @Alphacentauri819
    @Alphacentauri819 5 лет назад +2

    Desperation and blindness will do this...
    be confident, aware, take time to really get to know someone. If something sounds too know.

  • @Gamepak
    @Gamepak 5 лет назад +3

    never send money to a perfect stranger.

  • @jinglejazz7537
    @jinglejazz7537 9 лет назад +5

    I love watching vids on corruption, sad to hear of all the victims, a lot of bad people out there. Let me know if there are anymore of these vids. very good.

  • @peterbradshaw8018
    @peterbradshaw8018 5 лет назад +5

    A psychopath these people need to read Pro Hare's book Snakes in Suits.

  • @LuisaD93
    @LuisaD93 5 лет назад +6

    Ok , in 4:56 and I’m already like 🤦‍♀️ 1: who talks to a complete stranger about their daughters 10.000 IRA for collage ? I mean WHO?? Ladies , never reveal to any man , you hear me ?? ANY MAN What you have in the bank or IRA or whether or not it’s shoved under the mattress!!! Ok ? Ok!
    2: never , and this one is more important than the first one ! NEVER and I mean NEVER EVER give someone you just met online control of said cash he shouldn’t know about to begin with !!!!!
    I mean come on !!!! Only 4:56 and I already wanna shake this lady because she’s got me feeling some kind of way !!!
    3: do I feel sorry for her ? NO !!! Here’s why
    She not only told this stranger she has access to said money then she double downs by GIVING a complete stranger that same money !!!
    The one I feel sorry for ?? Her poor child . Why???
    She hasn’t a chance at all anywhere on this earth. With a mom like this one giving her directives in life this poor girl just doesn’t have a chance.
    If this Mom is that desperate enough to do this she’s capable of many many many more desperate and lonely guidance for her child . Did she deserve this ?? Yes !!! Why ?? SHE and she alone put herself in the express lane to have something like this happen to her all because of being lonely . Some of us woman ( not all ) but a few , will do anything to keep from feeling lonely and unloved and will take crazy risks that a woman who was lonely but not desperate would do .most of us are too emotional! We don’t take a second to think things through because of our emotions. We need to stop that ladies !! I mean STOP DOING THAT to yourselves . And I know this because I was a lonely woman as far as romance goes . Who hasn’t been there right ? But most of us know or should have some kind of idea that everything this woman said from the jump right until 4:56 when I stopped the video to comment just is typical of sad and lonely people all over the world . I at least had the capacity to understand that there are many and I mean many evil people out in society and would do way more than what this man did to her for far far less including murder you all get what I’m saying?? I’m sure most of us do . And this has not only happened to females it’s happened to that lonely and unaware man that just so happened to have a few bucks or millions lying around somewhere. If she had at least stopped long enough to think about the potential danger she could have put herself in revealing something like this to a complete stranger this definitely would not have happened.
    All I can say is I hope this at least woke her up to the fact that people are greedy and selfish by nature. Many people are in that self preservation mode without any regard as to whom they hurt . It’s just the way things are. So these are MY opinions and mine alone and the way that I see it . I’m sure many are going to feel sorry for her that’s ok too . Just don’t throw any shade my way because of how I FEEL about this . Have a great Thanksgiving Y’all ! Carry on Lol

    • @LuisaD93
      @LuisaD93 5 лет назад +2

      Oh Lord please don’t even get me started on female #2!! You let a stranger you have no knowledge of including his background come to YOUR HOME ! Not only that but you let this STRANGER sleep in your home in your daughters room!! Please ladies !! This speaks enough all on its own !! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤔😳🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  • @HypnosisASMR
    @HypnosisASMR 8 лет назад +6

    great show, I am surprise your videos don't get more hits

    • @thisisnightshop2037
      @thisisnightshop2037 5 лет назад

      Cara Institute of Advanced Hypnosis yes me too. Lots of good information here that's actually entertaining to watch

  • @tullochgorum6323
    @tullochgorum6323 5 лет назад +1

    If you want to invest in a trader, find out about reputable and regulated social investment platforms and/or PAMM brokerage accounts. That way, the trader can trade your account and take their agreed commission but they cannot withdraw your funds, which you control at all times. On many accounts you can also set a stop-loss, which means that the trader loses the ability to trade your funds if losses exceed the agreed limit. And of course do your due diligence on their probity and historical performance and only invest risk money you can afford to write off. NEVER use funds you can't afford to lose for risk investments - that is simply suicidal.

  • @gyrgrls
    @gyrgrls 5 лет назад +5

    Gotta love these day traitors!

  • @pepshaven6520
    @pepshaven6520 6 лет назад +4

    Audio is a bit faint. I have my speakers turned up 100% and still find it hard to hear what's being said. Greater audio compression is needed.

  • @storfrassin
    @storfrassin 5 лет назад +3

    Poor women

  • @isay207
    @isay207 Год назад

    Hes a successful investor but needs to stay in her daughter's room

  • @lydiarobertson8063
    @lydiarobertson8063 6 лет назад +3

    As technology has enabled them, it will someday bring them down, these bottom feeders preying on good people ~♡PEACE♡~

    • @stephenmclaughlin8045
      @stephenmclaughlin8045 5 лет назад +1

      My darling, I was on the way to the airport to see you when the bus crashed. Have you got 23000 euro?

    • @lydiarobertson8063
      @lydiarobertson8063 5 лет назад +1

      @@stephenmclaughlin8045They're relentless in their attempts to steal money and to tell lies, that's for sure, the struggle is real...~♡PEACE♡~

    • @stephenmclaughlin8045
      @stephenmclaughlin8045 5 лет назад +1

      It's true. Very devious people. Best to meet someone first, then decide.

    • @lydiarobertson8063
      @lydiarobertson8063 5 лет назад

      @@stephenmclaughlin8045 True that, I'm a federal law enforcement officer and hear it all, it's like an epidemic with the parasite scammers...~♡PEACE♡~

    • @stephenmclaughlin8045
      @stephenmclaughlin8045 5 лет назад +1

      Are you American Lydia?

  • @muzwot9603
    @muzwot9603 3 года назад

    This con is all ultimately based on a desperation and yearning for the semblance of some 'daddy figure' -- who appears and takes care of everything and make it all alright.

  • @isay207
    @isay207 Год назад

    Get financial advice from a bank only

  • @justme33126
    @justme33126 4 года назад

    Was that repetitive very annoying background 'music' really necessary?

  • @chesthoIe
    @chesthoIe 4 года назад

    Conning people out of millions is one thing, but come on - learn how to spell. There is "a rat" in separate.