Árpád - Hungary 1

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • The Magyars are a multi-ethnic population originally from Asia who suffer from a demographic shortage and repeatedly invite foreign people to settle in their homeland in the Carpathians. Stephen the Saint becomes Christian and is the first leader who is proclaimed king in 1000. The struggle against the pagans and the clashes between his relatives and successors characterize the first unstable phases of Hungary. The conquest of Croatia and support for Serbian independence against the Byzantines mark the 12th century. In the 13th century, Andrew III granted the Bull of Gold which increased the privileges of the nobles, and his son Béla IV was faced with the terrible invasion of the Mongols, from which Hungary would struggle for a long time to recover. The claims of the great noble families such as Csák, Šubić and Kőszegi, who intend to limit the ruler's power, will be a constant in the history of the kingdom. Hungary is unable to occupy either Bosnia or Serbia. With the death of Andrew III in 1301 the original dynasty of the Árpád died out in the male line. After a tough fight between the suitors, Charles Robert of the Neapolitan dynasty of Anjou was elected king. After three centuries of irrelevance, the great history of Hungary is about to begin.
    0:39. Introduction to the topic.
    1:50. Origins and characteristics of the Hungarians. The Árpád dynasty. A multi-ethnic people.
    6:46. Stephen I the Saint. Tolerance and struggle against the pagans. The choice of the West and the Catholic Church.
    15:45. Clashes between the successors of Santo Stefano. Pagan revolts and Germanic interference.
    20:48. Ladislao I the Saint, Colomanno, the occupation of Croatia and the first crusade.
    24:24. Stephen II and Béla II the Blind. The invasion of Bosnia and the approach to Rascia (Serbia).
    27:01. Géza II. Confrontation with the Byzantines, support for Serbian independence and population policy.
    30:37. Stephen III and his clash with Ladislao II and Stefano IV.
    34:28. Béla III. Failed attempt to succeed Manuel I Comnenus as Byzantine emperor.
    37:12. Failed attempt to expand into Poland and Dalmatia.
    38:10. Emeric. Support for Serbian rebel Vukan. Defeat of Vukan. The fourth crusade.
    43:58. Emeric supports Pope Innocent III's failed crusade against the Bogomils of Bosnia.
    46:46. Ladislao III and Andrea II the Jerusalemite. The introduction of feudalism.
    49:50. The failure of the fifth crusade led by Andrew II.
    50:22. The Bull of Gold of Andrew II and its importance.
    52:25. Béla IV. The terrible invasion of the Mongols. Population policy.
    56:26. Ladislao V known as the Cumano. Threats from Byzantines, Bohemians, Germans, and internal revolts. Invasion of the Tatars.
    59:28. The virtual reign of Charles Martel of Anjou and the royal reign of Andrew III the Venetian.
    1:01:37. Clashes of Andrew III against the suitors. Invasion of Austria.
    1:03:50. Andrew III challenged by the families of the great nobles such as the Csák, the Šubić, the Kőszegi, who claim to elect the king.
    1:04:51. New revolts against Andrew III. Death of Andrew III and extinction of the male line of the Árpád.
    1:14:04. The interregnum. Clash between the pretenders to the throne Wenceslaus, Béla IV and Carlo Roberto (Caroberto) of Anjou.
    1:03:04. Charles Robert of Anjou managed to become king with the name of Charles I of Hungary thanks to the support of Croatian nobles and the papacy.
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    #history #ungheria #medievalhistory
    📸 The famous crown of Stephen I.

Комментарии • 35

  • @agostontoth8782
    @agostontoth8782 3 года назад +4

    Well done! Its a fantastic walktrough of our early history. It fasinating to see that someone, who is not hungarian, is intrested this topic enough to make so deep, accurate videos about our history.
    I'm amazed to see your dedication about handling the Stephan III-IV problem :D
    I have a few notes about some minor inaccuraties. I dont speak italian, so some of them could be caused only by the tranlation.
    4:20 It's not the Uyghurs, but the Ugrics, specifically the Khanty and Mansi etnic groups. We have somewhat similar language with them. (The Uygurs-Ugrics problem keeps coming up later in the video, probably a flaw in the english translation.)
    9:00 The origin of the Holy Crown of Hungary is debated, the academic history dates its creation to 1070. It's consist to part, the upper part, named Corona Latina could have connections to St Stephen, the lower part Corona Graeca is probably byzantic in origin.
    22:16 Géza I and Ladislaus I didn't fought for the crown, Ladislaus was coronated after the illness and deah of his brother. Solomon lived longer than Geza and he tried to take back the throne several times during Ladislaus reign.
    36:41 Margerita of Capet was the second wife of Béla III. The first wife, mother of Emeric and Andrew was Anna of Chatillon (born as Agnes of Antioch). She was the daughter of the crusader Raynald de Chatillon.
    48:05 Andrew indeed took part of the fifth crusade, because he "inherited" his father's wow to go on crusade (it could be important for him because his mother too).
    He reached Acre in the semptember of 1217, his army took part in minor clashes with the muslims, but he turned back Hungary in early 1218, before the mayor events at Damietta, with the most of his forces. No scource confirms that he ever reached Jerusalem.
    Thanks again, i will definitely check your other videos about Hungary. Keep up the good work!

    • @TolandusRedivivus
      @TolandusRedivivus  3 года назад

      Thank you! I hope to do more and better in the future!

  • @SandroAccorsi
    @SandroAccorsi 3 года назад +4

    Il primo Vezér magiaro è Atilla (Attila). La lingua ungherese deriva direttamente dal sumero, il carattere agglutinante della grammatica e più di 6000 parole sono identiche per significato col sumero!
    Gli Ujguri sono una popolazione attualmente vivente nell'ovest della Cina, la famosa minoranza ujgura di fede islamica e sono geneticamente molto simili alla popolazione ungherese

  • @SandroAccorsi
    @SandroAccorsi 3 года назад +2

    Gli Unni sono la stessa cosa dei Magiari. Comunque grazie per aver parlato di questo popolo!

    • @TolandusRedivivus
      @TolandusRedivivus  3 года назад +1

      Non proprio. I magiari facevano parte dell'impero unno. Ad ogni modo io tratto la storia dal 1000 in poi, quindi non ho parlato delle origini degli ungheresi - argomento di cui non sono esperto. Come potrà rendersi conto, le mie videolezioni sulla storia dell'Ungheria rappresentano un unicum su Internet a livello mondiale.

  • @marializio
    @marializio 4 месяца назад

    Grazie per queste lezioni su temi poco trattati. Forse non tutti sanno che Carlo Martello d'Angiò è il protagonista del canto VIII del Paradiso di Dante. L'incontro tra i due avviene nel Cielo di Venere, sede degli Spiriti Amanti. Dante rivendica una certa qual amicizia (ma forse fu solo un'occasionale conoscenza e reciproca simpatia) con questo principe sfortunato che muore a 24 anni. Il canto è godibile e interessante, e con molti spunti polemici, come ce ne sono del resto in tutto il Paradiso, checché se ne pensi. Si fa anche riferimento al figlio Caroberto. Da leggere.

    • @TolandusRedivivus
      @TolandusRedivivus  4 месяца назад +1

      Da tempo progetto una videolezione su Dante e l'Ungheria. Ho molti materiali. ma purtroppo per ora non riesco a scriverla. Verona era piena di Ungheresi, era luogo di pellegrinaggio perché da una chiesa di Verona partì la sacra corona destinata a Stefano il primo re d'Ungheria. Dante parla dell'Ungheria più volte nel Paradiso.
      Grazie a lei.

  • @SandroAccorsi
    @SandroAccorsi 3 года назад +2

    Io parlo ungherese ed ho accesso alle fonti madrelingua, sono amico della sumerologa Veronika Marton

    • @TolandusRedivivus
      @TolandusRedivivus  3 года назад

      Sa bene che l'ungherese è considerata una lingua asiatica uralica.

    • @SandroAccorsi
      @SandroAccorsi 3 года назад +1

      @@TolandusRedivivus viene considerata da molti ugrofinnica, in realtà tutti i popoli dai finlandesi a tutte le minoranze linguistiche in Russia che parlano lingue ugriche od obugriche non fanno gli abitanti dell'Ungheria. Ma a parte questo ci sono la grammatica agglutinante che lei ha sottolineato ed oltre 6000 parole identiche per significato al sumero. Le rendo comunque atto che la sua lezione è davvero un unicum e la ringrazio fervidamente

  • @ZioAlain
    @ZioAlain 3 года назад

    Sono capitato casualmente su questo video. Hai sicuramente passione verso un argomento molto sconosciuto...
    La mia attenzione si sposta sullo sfondo, ma sono fumetti di Topolino quelli li dietro? Potrei sbagliarmi ovviamente, non so!
    Buon lavoro prof (penso tu lo sia?)

    • @TolandusRedivivus
      @TolandusRedivivus  3 года назад +1

      Sono professore. Insegno in un liceo scientifico. Sì, certo, quella è la mia collezione di Topolino Libretto. Mi piacciono molto i fumetti, come il cinema e la musica rock. Possiedo alcuni dei Topolino "costosi" che hai mostrato nel tuo video di apertura della tua pagina. Per il me il Massimo è l'accoppiata Cimino-Cavazzano di fine Sessanta-inizio Settanta. Mi vanto di possedere tutti gli albi originali con storie sceneggiate da Cimino (anche su Minni, Paperino mese, eccetera).
      Questa è solo la prima lezione sull'Ungheria, la più noiosa, la meno importante. Le successive saranno più appassionanti - almeno spero. Ci sono tanti argomenti di storia e filosofia, e molti altri presto arriveranno. Una curiosità: quando dici che sei capitato qui casualmente qui, che cosa intendenti? dove mi hai trovato?

    • @ZioAlain
      @ZioAlain 3 года назад +1

      @@TolandusRedivivus Tramite Facebook, mi ha incuriosito tramite una inserzione vedere la tua pagina con il gatto in mano, con semplicità e umiltà!
      Coincidenza vuole, sei un appassionato di Topolino e ciò ti aumenta la mia stima. Il video l'ho guardai i primi 15 minuti, ammetto di essermi fermato perchè mi stavo confondendo... non per tuoi motivi di spiegazione, ma per mia incomprensione e totale ignoranza in ciò!
      A presto prof, io sono insegnante elementare, quindi posso definirti collega. Buon lavoro e buona lettura.
      P.s. compri ancora settimanalmente il Topolino? Quanti albi possiedi? curiosità lecite... :D

    • @TolandusRedivivus
      @TolandusRedivivus  3 года назад

      @@ZioAlain non compro più Topolino da molto tempo, non mi piace più. Ho comprato albi per collezionisti, come la serie completa di Romano Scarpa, oppure Uack - che poi ha cambiato nome. Ho apprezzato anche PK. Quanti albi possiedo? non lo so. Circa duemila.

  • @imperioblanco7017
    @imperioblanco7017 3 года назад

    Ciao non posso fare a meno di domandarmi se questa serie storica sulle radici dei popoli est europei facciano parte di un programma più ampio approfondendo un paese alla volta o se è soltanto una cosa che riguarda l'Ungheria grazie

    • @TolandusRedivivus
      @TolandusRedivivus  3 года назад

      Non riguarda solo l'Ungheria, ma tutta l'Europa orientale e il vicino Oriente. Può trovare quattro videolezioni sui popoli balcanici nel Medioevo (playlist "Balcani"), cinque sulla Boemia ("Boemia"), dodici sull'impero ottomano e altri territori orientali ("Ottomani e Oriente") che sto terminando di pubblicare in questi giorni. In futuro vi saranno videolezioni dettagliatissime su Russia e Polonia. Riguardo Ungheria e Boemia, realizzerò in futuro altre videolezioni che arriveranno fino ai nostri giorni. Spero che ciò la possa interessare. Si tratti di argomenti per nulla trattati sugli usuali libri di testo, per studiare i quali bisogna ricorrere anche a fonti straniere. Sono videolezioni che rappresentano un unicum su Internet nelle lingue occidentali. Ora le sto corredando con sottotitoli professionali in inglese. Ottengo migliaia di visualizzazioni e di commenti dagli amici dell'Europa dell'Est, anche sulla mia pagina Facebook.

    • @imperioblanco7017
      @imperioblanco7017 3 года назад +1

      @@TolandusRedivivus sono estremamente interessato perché da appassionato di storia quale sono ho sempre avuto difficoltà a reperire informazioni sulla storia dell'est Europa, chiedo se ci saranno anche puntate sulla storia della Polonia (i Piast, la confederazione polacco lituana ecc) e della Scandinavia

    • @TolandusRedivivus
      @TolandusRedivivus  3 года назад

      @@imperioblanco7017 Ho parlato della Polonia-Lituania in molte videolezioni. Come le ho detto, conto di realizzare un ciclo di lezioni estremamente dettagliato sulla Polonia. In seguito anche sui Paesi scandinavi. Continui a seguirmi. Troverà sempre video molto più precisi rispetto agli altri canali di videolezioni.

    • @TolandusRedivivus
      @TolandusRedivivus  8 месяцев назад

      @@imperioblanco7017 sono state pubblicate numerose lezioni sulla storia della Polonia.

    • @imperioblanco7017
      @imperioblanco7017 8 месяцев назад

      @@TolandusRedivivus approfondisco subito grazie

  • @elemaszer
    @elemaszer 3 года назад +2

    Hungarian language is based on the ancient scithian language. As Hungarians were them. Fact. Read Herodotus. Huns were also scithians.

    • @TolandusRedivivus
      @TolandusRedivivus  3 года назад

      tou know it's controversal

    • @leda4742
      @leda4742 10 месяцев назад

      Ecco le origini degli ungheresi.

  • @akosfarkas5586
    @akosfarkas5586 3 года назад

    This is a good try but please consult more at least with our official historians! What I saw is not reachimg even the most basic elementary school levels here. Its clear that you were many times un or miss informed with the content and compressing nearly the most important 300 years like this is wrong.
    1 The Árpád dynasty not come from Árpád but from Ügyek who was his grandfather (we can go further back if we must).
    2 You cant leave out the schytian tribes and their empire if you want to understand us. We are the remnants of those people as were the huns (szeklers), avars(hungarians who arrived earlier), alans(jaziges or jász), uygurs, sarmatans, turkic (all turks are turkic but not all turkic are turks), cumans, pechenegs etc were (the khazars were too but we refuse to speak about them). Also we are not "asians" the border between europe and asia is there because of the "better" ordering of things. The steppe is bigger than the westerners imagination! (or maps). The western schytians are generaly indo europian type with sime mixture with others so we can move from here to china and still see the same faces everywhere, And in the case with the tatars, mongols etc or the finnish this is not true! The language relation thing is easy to explain if we inject a mediatory language that we could comonly used to converse with each other. As for the turks we had the bad luck to look after them as "guests" for 150 years.
    3 Stephan organised a "county" system what we Still use! (be it in the shambles of what it once was) Europe was nowhere when we already made a well functioning state. Who did we need to join?
    4 Peter sold out the country tho the germans twice and ordered the murder of Samuel of course everyone will be fed up with him.
    5 Géza and the Stephan killed or converted every pagan. Thankfully the last 2 of them managed to hide and multiply in 5 years so with !their! help, Andrew and Levente managed throw out the germans, because they could not do it with the troops gifted to them by Jaroslav lord of the Rus. Didn add up right? Also why are there so many chest crosses, cross symbols etc all over the place from the Carphatian basin to the pontic steppes long before the time of Géza and Stephan if we were pagans?
    6 Andrew was not killed! He were paisied long before and fell of his horse then got run over, he died in the house of his sister shortly after.
    7 Bélas throne collapsed on him. Culprits unknown. The lords blamed each other. Solomon was little but got the throne his wife was the sister of the german emperor (the marriage was not happy btw). The lords incited the princes against each other. They tried to reconcile fire broke out city burned down. Culprits unknown. Fight broke out Solomon got defeated retreated to Pressburg. Géza become king, Solomon not moved much so they left him alone. Géza died Ladislaus became king, Solomon moved got arrested then moved again got thrown out. Its not our way to kill a kin. And Ladislaus ordered the sanctification of Stephan.
    8 Coloman escorted through the crushaders with an army closely watching them on a route he chosed. The rabble got slain on the spot.
    9 Manuel Komnenos was in fact the grandchilt of I. Ladislaus so III Béla succeeding him was not that far fetched plan.
    10 In the time of III Béla Halics was not a part of Poland Also we never had the desire to conquer more lands but to get trustworthy neighbours and secure border regions. Why would we go to another place when we have everything here?
    11 Andrew II Of course its becoming a pilgrimage when the enemy dont dare to stand and fight or we stop the fighting when we reach some relative "tribe? folk?". Was not tolerant or he learned his lesson on the crushade?
    12 Béla IV When the tatars came Austria offered help they came to Buda run down a tatar vanguard a tenth of their size near Vác then said that they won and went home. (And most likely had some hand in the murder of the king of the cumans too so we had nowhere else to turn to) Ah yeah on their way out they stole 3 county what we got back by beating them out AFTER we got devastated by the tatars! Some ally they are.
    13 Ladislaus IV was the one who helped the Habsburg against the czechs not the other way around. Should have left them to their business world been a better place.
    14 Andrew III There was no dispute of him being the king or not. He was straight line descendant that was an unquestionable fact no matter what the lords wanted.
    15 Religious things are very different around here. Firstly the king is always above the pope. Secoundly the pope has no say in the election of our archbishops. And in church we have our own rites and traditions. We do not follow the "Roman" style.
    16 As for kings and kingship. Since there were cases when we needed to chose kings when we didnt have one in then mean time the Holy Crown became "The King". So its not the king gets a crown, its the crown gets a king! And to ensure this the golden bull was used, sometimes things lead to a "rebellion" and the king had to back down. Habsburgs abolished this.

    • @TolandusRedivivus
      @TolandusRedivivus  3 года назад

      Thank you! Please consider:
      1) No one studies nothing on Hungarian history in Italy. I had to start from zero. No one single videolecture in Italian exists on Hungarian history. There are few books in Italian. Italians scholars abandoned Hungarian issue since 1945. I've been studying German, English, and Hungarian historians since Balint Homann and Nicola Aszalos (sorry, I have no accents here), till the more modern ones. I'm trying to improve my magyar nyelvet but it's not not easy for me. I hope to come to Hungary in order to improve the language in a local school. My aim is teaching Hungarian history to Italian People and I'll manage to do, also with the help of friends like you.
      2) My first video (1000-1300) was intended just as a brief narrration. I'm not much interested in Hungary 1000-1300. I'm still studying about 1000-1300. In the future I'll do better. I said few things about origins because my lecturers start from 1000 A.D.. I'm not expert in history before 1000 A. D. in general.
      3) I hope you can watch my following videos 2-3-4-5 (Angiò, Hunyadi J., Corvinus, Last Jagellons until Mohacs). I think they are very precise and detailed. From 1300 Carobertus untill 1526 Mohacs. There are also playlists like "Balcani", "Boemia", "Impero ottomano", in which I talk about Hungary too.
      Thank you! I'm going to control everything you wrote.

  • @andrasszekely6827
    @andrasszekely6827 3 года назад +2

    Nagyon rossz a magyar fordítás!

    • @TolandusRedivivus
      @TolandusRedivivus  3 года назад +2

      It is only an authomatic translation. It's better I erase it. There is a professional English translation!

  • @vilagegyetem8402
    @vilagegyetem8402 3 года назад +1

    Tanár bácsi, ha felkeresel adok egy könyvet, a magyarság őstörténéről, amiben csak a valóság van, mert a magyartörténelmet sokhelyen meghamisították

  • @SandroAccorsi
    @SandroAccorsi 3 года назад

    Prima di Árpád anche Álmos

    • @TolandusRedivivus
      @TolandusRedivivus  3 года назад +1

      Ripeto, ho parlato solo dei fatti dal 1000 in poi

    • @ossyreinardi
      @ossyreinardi 3 года назад

      @@TolandusRedivivus Respect Mr. Teacher for your work.
      According to the Hungarian chronicles Atilla is the founder of the Turul dinasty (Arpad - died in 907 - is the member of that). Arpad dinasty (Árpád-ház) was invented by others, not Hungarians, to destroy the Hungarian history consciousness and break the continuity from Atilla. The Hungarian chronicles have 100% correlation with Heribert Illig's theory about invented middle ages. (Illig did not know anything about Hungarian chronicles when sat up his theory...) Have a look at Gyula Tóth's interesting lecture: ruclips.net/video/Moat-sqjnd4/видео.html

    • @TolandusRedivivus
      @TolandusRedivivus  3 года назад

      @@ossyreinardi ok, but I teach history only since 1000 A. D:

    • @ossyreinardi
      @ossyreinardi 3 года назад +1

      @@TolandusRedivivus OK, but the history after 1000 derives from history before 1000 ;-)

    • @TolandusRedivivus
      @TolandusRedivivus  3 года назад

      @@ossyreinardi of course!