What if the Franco-Prussian War Became a World War | FAN SCENARIO

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 195

  • @ZapadoslavianMapping
    @ZapadoslavianMapping Год назад +103

    Thank you so much for using my scenario! (I am Zap btw) You turned it into a really cool video! I also like the part post-treaty, since that was the part you did, and I hope you make a part 2, with my help or not!

    • @vic3r0y8
      @vic3r0y8 Год назад +4

      hey i know you

    • @Goatfricker69
      @Goatfricker69 Год назад +2

      Congrats Zap. you lucky bastard

    • @Goatfricker69
      @Goatfricker69 Год назад +2

      @@vic3r0y8 We do but why is he using this account instead of his other one tho

    • @rewriting-history
      @rewriting-history Год назад +6

      Great video idea! I should have stolen it a while back when you suggested it to me! :D

    • @ratisgood4448
      @ratisgood4448 Год назад +1

      zap secretly famous confirmed

  • @emperorhirodripo5863
    @emperorhirodripo5863 Год назад +102

    „Austria Hungrary was allowed to survive in order to not upset the balance of power.“
    I think it’s too late for that

    • @TheAustrianAnimations87
      @TheAustrianAnimations87 Год назад +4

      I can also see that. Austria's economy was devastated after fighting many wars (including the lost Austro-Prussian War) and the 1867 Compromise was necessary to prevent another Hungarian Revolution. In real life the Austro-Hungarian economy managed to recover thanks to fighting no wars for decades (besides the invasion of Bosnia in 1878), but Austria-Hungary now losing against the new German Empire and Russia at the same time would damage the country so much that its collapse would be inevitable. I think Austria-Hungary would just survive a few more years until it breaks up and the Austrian part will be absorbed to Germany.

  • @choochoy1533
    @choochoy1533 Год назад +80

    This is a great scenario, but why wouldn’t Italy desire Corsica after the war? It was a historical Italian speaking land and they had occupied it easily.

    • @timothybasily6134
      @timothybasily6134 Год назад +29

      italy did get corsica when they were talking about peace treaties, but then i think josh forgot about it, becuase it became french on map again.

  • @dominicadrean2160
    @dominicadrean2160 Год назад +199

    What if France was divided after the Napoleonic Wars

    • @andreacheri3495
      @andreacheri3495 Год назад +19

      Possibile history made One video like this

    • @chickenusgoddus464
      @chickenusgoddus464 Год назад +14

      It would be beautiful

    • @onefoxyguy3098
      @onefoxyguy3098 Год назад +7

      La Bourgogne renaît 👀

    • @Tnpt_studios
      @Tnpt_studios Год назад

      Why would it? Practically no great power wanted a divided France out of fear the another great power can fill the vaccum and gain more power. France would just become expansionist.
      You will need ALL the land european powers, such as Prussia, Russia and Austria to secure such a feat which is incredibly unlikely, unreasonable, unpopular and not benefitial to anyone.
      Possible History made a video about it. Not that I want to be a debbie downer, just saying. 😅

    • @matthiuskoenig3378
      @matthiuskoenig3378 Год назад +8

      Breton and occitan would not be suppressed in the 19th and 20th centuries and would thus not be dying langauges in the 21st.

  • @oliversherman2414
    @oliversherman2414 Год назад +11

    War: *Breaks out*
    Britain: *Grabs popcorn* 🍿

  • @Tnpt_studios
    @Tnpt_studios Год назад +36

    This scenario is interesting, but in my humble, unprofessional opinion, a tad unlikely. Britain will more than likely join such a war of that magnitude, likely on the side of France due to expensionist Russia and a rising Prussia.
    Italy will NOT be that good. The Italian army was abysmal. It failed to achieve its military objectives in the Austro-Prussian War and numerous times after that. Especially if Britain enters the war, Italy would be done. The army is disarray, supplies denied to them by the British Royal Navy and armies that will wreck them in the Alps, Italy can't sustain itself. What they really should do is just take Rome and if Austria-Hungary falls, take advantage.
    Prussia has the tactics, but the line the Southern German States have is not that bad of a defensive line. Not to say a Prussian victory in the German front isn't possible, but knowing that all France needs to do is play defence with Italy, they can send the bulk of their troops to the German front. IF Britain joins (likely in such a large scale European War), they would blockade Prussia restricting trade and vital resources. With no navy strong enough to even contest the British, a quick war is what they need, this isn't a quick war.
    If Britain joins, the Ottomans are bound to join as well to ensure Austria-Hungary isn't completely destroyed letting Russia kill the sick man of Europe.
    The main reason why I say Britain more than likely joins this European wide war is because any power that wins it will have a monopoly over the continent and interfere in British interests not only in Europe but across the globe. Russia being a major threat and an expansionist Prussia seemingly not caring for the concert if europe and the balance of power, Britain would choose the French side. An early World War 1 where Russia is more far behind, Prussia is strong but not as strong as a fully industrialised Germany and Italy is just Italy. France, though poor tactics doesn't have a weak, ill-trained army like the Italians or even the Russians. Britania rules the waves. Austria-Hungary might fall having THREE fronts and the bulk of Russian troops focusing on it. Other balkan nations might join to break the remnants of the Habsburg Monarchy's land possessions.
    Seeing such a conflict, its no wonder how no Great Power wanted a full-scale European war which will leave their economies in tatters and the nation in a sorry state. Not to be a debbie downer, just saying my views 😅.

    • @matthiuskoenig3378
      @matthiuskoenig3378 Год назад +3

      @AF_Studios the South german militaries were weak and in the brothers war fell quickly and easily to prussia. Infact they are the main reason the Austrians lost the brothers war. The austro-prussian side of the war was even with 2 victories each.
      I see no reason why an even stronger prussia would not also defeat the Southern germans quickly again (especially with pan-German nationalists likely taking their side).
      Austria would collapse very quickly with both Russian and prussian pressure. And likely minority uprisings taking advantage (like the hungarians). With them falling quickly and the french historically losing to the prussians alone (now imagine them against the italians and Russians too). I doubt the British would get involved as the war would clealry be in the prusso-russian favour early on, the British did not want to fight Russia again after crimea, the prussians were their main European trade partner, they disliked and distrusted napoleon iii and they would take time to gather any forces, even if they wanted to support France they likely know they would have little time to gather forced for intervention.
      Its more likely they would attempt to mediate a peace treaty that pressures some balance.

    • @Tnpt_studios
      @Tnpt_studios Год назад +3

      @@matthiuskoenig3378 I agree with some of your points. The Prussian military is superior to the Austro-Hungarina or South German militaries.
      However my main gripe with this scenario is the balance of power. The Prussians, like any other great power at the time, were weary of the Russians and their expansionist, pan-slavic goals. The total collapse of Austria-Hungary would provide no check to Russian expansion into the Balkans and Constantinople. This DIRECTLY goes against British interests. It did not matter if Prussia or Germany in our timeline was seeb as an important trading partner if they were actively going against British interests. British statesmen at the time would know that such a conflict with a Russo-German victory will negatively impact Britain with no other option but to play game with game as there are no other great powers on the continent in the long run if they do not intervene. In such a European wide conflict, Britain not intervening is just a bad decision which will deal long term consequences for the Britain. To protect against Russian expansion at the very least is why Britain will join.
      As said earlier the Prussians, later Germany, did not like Russian expansion into the Balkans out of fear it will make Russia too powerful. A port in the Mediterranean would allow Russia the capability to have a larger role in Mediterranean and world trade, again making the Russians more powerful. To reinterate, Russian expansion into the Balkans with no check to them like Austria-Hungary was will go against Prussian, British and even Italian interests.
      Thus, I believe Britain would join such a large scale, European wide conflict to secure the interests and maintain a balance of power which will go to dust if Austria-Hungary is destroyed and France severely weakened.
      Even if Prussia and Russia win this war, is it really advantages for the Prussians? To Bismark, no. Russia would grow too powerful with no check against them. A revanchist France will always be a thorn on the German side. Not to mention Bismark's entire goal throughout German unification was to convince all German states to unite willingly under Prussian leadership. Conquest and the removal of kings from the thrones of various German states would result in internal hostilities. There were many different states with their own identities and allegiances. Such internal hostility will hamper German growth. Bismark, even after unification, spent the rest of his time consolidating the German nation to have better internal unity and external alliances. Without this, it would not make Germany stronger, it might make Germany weaker.
      Seeing how such a scenario will end, its no wonder why Bismark was so against it.

    • @JoboGamezzz
      @JoboGamezzz 6 месяцев назад

      @@matthiuskoenig3378napoleon the third did improve Franco British relations and they had previously fought together in the Crimean war and both worked together to make Mexicans pay debt to them along with spain

  • @tpalmer4757
    @tpalmer4757 Год назад +26

    although the war is earlier i feel like britain would have at least threatened to intereven if the peace treaty was that harsh or just outright join the war for the sake of balance of power, i think that they would not have been neutral and germany could not have gotten away with that peace deal but still good video

    • @JunoDasRam
      @JunoDasRam Год назад +2

      Well, i don't doubt that a little, considering that this German empire nevera makes it's entry into the naval race into the first place.

    • @Runenschuppe
      @Runenschuppe 2 месяца назад

      @@JunoDasRam The naval race was largely a public facade for the British government's general desire to cripple Germany's and Russia's development. British foreign policy (ever since the Hundred Years War and the loss of continental territories, but at least since Napoleon) has always been to stoke tensions and then ally with the smaller party to keep the European continent from posing a united threat to the British Isles. Britain was heavily invested in keeping several rivaling powers of largely the same power around.

  • @polskagora275
    @polskagora275 Год назад +48

    What If Gorbachev's reforms never fail?
    this scenario is about Gorbachev's dream of creating a Democratic Federation of Russia.
    the scenario is about the USSR becoming democratic and more liberalized

    • @lmvr127
      @lmvr127 Год назад +1

      Imagine a timeline in which the USSR becomes more free and liberal while the US becomes for authoritarian every election

  • @Presidential_Teamwork
    @Presidential_Teamwork Год назад +13

    What if The Brother of Nicholas II became tsar

  • @DarthDread-oh2ne
    @DarthDread-oh2ne Год назад +16

    What if Richard III won the battle of bosworth ?

  • @Harrold358
    @Harrold358 Год назад +4

    This now my most favourite video on your channel! ❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤

  • @y.r._
    @y.r._ Год назад +3

    I demand a part 2

  • @Primitiveman-dk4ud
    @Primitiveman-dk4ud Год назад +2

    I think we need a part 2 definitely!

  • @Arshgamingi80
    @Arshgamingi80 Год назад +1

    well josh you deserve a subscribe right now

  • @sliftyy
    @sliftyy Год назад +2

    this just feels like a victoria 2 playthrough

  • @oliversherman2414
    @oliversherman2414 Год назад +1

    I love your channel keep up the great stuff

  • @Wertzuio
    @Wertzuio Год назад +6

    would it be too much for prussia to annex bohemia-moravia at the end of the austro-prussian war?

    • @hermannkokos6795
      @hermannkokos6795 Год назад

      Way to much, especially with Bismarck.
      He preferred a state with few „non-Germans“ even objecting to the annexation of Alsace. So annexing the entirety of bohemia/Moravia or even just Bohemia seems unlikely.

    • @ZapadoslavianMapping
      @ZapadoslavianMapping Год назад

      @@hermannkokos6795 Yes, but in this timeline, Bismark doesn't have as much power as he did IRL, so the treaty was too much out of his control

    • @Wertzuio
      @Wertzuio Год назад

      @@hermannkokos6795 bismarck didnt want alsace because if would antagonize the french, but whaat could austria do in retaliation without the rich land of bohemia-moravia?

  • @Avghistorian77
    @Avghistorian77 Месяц назад +1

    5:58 France did not ‘take’ those lands, they were given them by Piedmont-Sardinia.

  • @Avghistorian77
    @Avghistorian77 Месяц назад

    7:23 Honestly, Britain would’ve gotten involved anyway seeing the balance of power collapse like this to prop up France

  • @DarthDread-oh2ne
    @DarthDread-oh2ne Год назад +3

    Hey, Josh, I was reading this alternative history scenario, where, King Edward the 4th marries Margaret Beaufort (the mother of Henry the 7th); yhey would have multiple children.

  • @poigrestr
    @poigrestr Год назад +2

    What if the rhine river was made out of beer

  • @Frazier16
    @Frazier16 Год назад +9

    What if canada joined the american revolution?

    • @Carpediem357
      @Carpediem357 Год назад +1

      That would definitely change the civil war possibly even making it never happen but could see either a southern confederation or if war does break out then we could see the war lasting less than in our time with Canadian troops joining the North

    • @Frazier16
      @Frazier16 Год назад +1

      @@Carpediem357 i think slavery would still happen because george Washington wanted to be a unifying figure and wnding slavery would get rid of that.
      I could see it still happening but maybe ending it in 1950. But it really depends on who canada would vote for

    • @Carpediem357
      @Carpediem357 Год назад +1

      @@Frazier16 1950? Damn it'd last over a 100 years. But I don't mean Slavery would be abolished more so I think because the North would have more states the South would be less likely to go to war and either form a South Confederacy like it did in history or the South would still declare war but the war wouldn't be as long since the North would have all of the Canadian troops

    • @Zen-sx5io
      @Zen-sx5io 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@Frazier16Don't you mean 1950?

  • @alishermukhametkali9230
    @alishermukhametkali9230 Год назад +1

    My Fav scenario is combined Crimean War, Austro-Prussian war, Franco-prussian war and Civil War in USA

  • @coopernieman9623
    @coopernieman9623 Год назад +3

    What if Tsar Alexander III didn’t remove all of Tsar Alexander II’s reforms for better Russian life?

  • @codenameulp1495
    @codenameulp1495 Год назад +1

    What if Churchill won the 1945 election?
    And how would WWI change had Edward VII lived longer?

  • @TheAustrianAnimations87
    @TheAustrianAnimations87 Год назад

    There was actually a discussion between the Austrian government and high command to help France or not, but staying neutral was the much better decision. Prussia and Russia made an agreement that, if Austria helped France, Russia would be allowed to invade Galicia. Austria still needed to recover from the lost Austro-Prussian War, but losing again a war against Prussia (and also Russia this time) would completely destabilize the Habsburg Monarchy, which would make its collapse much quicker and more likely.

  • @Insanity2938
    @Insanity2938 11 месяцев назад +1

    Actually Venice was given to France because Austria thought Italy didn’t deserve it but France gave Venice to Italy.

  • @frost860108
    @frost860108 Год назад +3

    pls make video about what if the German and the French united after the franco-prussian war with france unitin gwith germany so they can defeat the communists in paris and create a two crown monarchy like Austria-Hungary but Franco-Germany also love you're vids

  • @lubnamujeebofficial
    @lubnamujeebofficial 9 дней назад

    One Correction:👇🏻 ✅ 5:04
    The Austrians busy were recovering from their heavy loses during the franco-prussian war. They were in a no position to wage a war again.

  • @KingOfSciliy
    @KingOfSciliy Год назад +1

    It's not really a world war if it only takes place in Europe. If there was fights between colonies in Africa and Asia, then perhaps, but this is just a larger Franco-Prussian War.

    • @ZapadoslavianMapping
      @ZapadoslavianMapping Год назад

      I agree, in my Submission I called it a Great War, but I guess it got changed to world war by Josh

  • @valg.2320
    @valg.2320 Год назад

    Italy became one with the help of France, i dont see it deny this debt that easily

  • @alexdokonaly2778
    @alexdokonaly2778 Год назад +1


  • @mathieuleader8601
    @mathieuleader8601 Год назад

    Otto looks like actor Sam Elliot in the thumbnail

  • @maxwalker1159
    @maxwalker1159 Год назад

    Pt 2?

  • @bOkUwADoCTaaaaTonyTonyChoPpaaa

    What if ottomans lost at varna?

  • @keatonkapus7061
    @keatonkapus7061 Год назад

    What if Austria Hungary was made of chocolate?

  • @cia5649
    @cia5649 10 месяцев назад

    i doubt the italians would be that good or britain didnt join the most likely scenario is that italy gets beaten bloody by the french bohemia and austria gets annaxed by germany russia gets galecia and greater hungary is established france might or might not keep alsac loraine but doubtful napoleon the third falls

  • @Plasmathedeathjester
    @Plasmathedeathjester Год назад +1

    What if the Roman empires became Jewish

  • @JunoDasRam
    @JunoDasRam Год назад

    It's funny to me that un every alternative timeline i'm witch Germany doesn't Ally whith Austria-Hungary (or Austria i'm every case) they justo win the war.

  • @riccardix143
    @riccardix143 Год назад +1

    I know the flag in the thumbnail! It is a flag of a fictional country in a nations Minecraft server (stoneworks) called Tengalii Ejzen Kajzerryk! I'm from TEK. Wow, what a coincidence!

  • @GeorgeRamsey22
    @GeorgeRamsey22 Год назад

    Dang it! My Djibouti Empire alternate history was not chosen!

  • @arbrilliant191
    @arbrilliant191 Год назад

    What if Germany was divided after WW1 and the Nazis only managed to claim Bavaria and Austria before WW2.

  • @cvmpro1497
    @cvmpro1497 Год назад +1

    Meh it’s alright. Several inaccurate things though like how Bismarck would NEVER agree to annex the remaining German kingdoms. At least you didn’t use some shitty AI generated art on the thumbnail.

  • @Salv2137
    @Salv2137 Год назад +1

    Uk would join and prussia would be clapped.

  • @LichKing36
    @LichKing36 Год назад

    Ok what will spark ww2 after this ww1 timeline

  • @Carpediem357
    @Carpediem357 Год назад

    What if the Roman Empire reunited during the 1920s. And I’m talking height of the Roman Empire in 117 CE/AD land mass so Germany, Belgium, Etc

  • @dominicadrean2160
    @dominicadrean2160 Год назад

    What if the Russians never helped the austrians with the Hungarian Rebellion

    • @Arthuritz
      @Arthuritz Год назад +1

      The Hungarian would won,Prussia would involved to the war for downfall the empire of Austria also Sardinia -Piedmont would manage to take Veneto-Lombardy and Dalmatia and Galicia would be independence or Annex by Congress Poland(Russia)

  • @pillowfromtpotreal
    @pillowfromtpotreal 8 месяцев назад

    Im the first comment in a month

  • @dominicadrean2160
    @dominicadrean2160 Год назад

    What if Prussia never existed

  • @parrotconservative
    @parrotconservative Год назад


  • @indibat3397
    @indibat3397 Год назад +2

    Austria and the south german states were not that weak

    • @nyroh3891
      @nyroh3891 Год назад +4

      yeah seems like the viewer is just a kaiserboo

    • @augth
      @augth Год назад +1

      They kinda were though, they had no chance. Maybe without Russia involved, France and Austria could have won, but Russia and Prussia is too much.

    • @ZapadoslavianMapping
      @ZapadoslavianMapping Год назад

      It is true that the south german states and Austria were not weak, but if you remember, in the Austro-Prussian War, Prussia still won even with almost all of the German Confederation against them. I don't think they would stand a chance now, especially with Austria being distracted with Russia and Italy

  • @Mocarr98
    @Mocarr98 Год назад

    this isn't World war but europe war

    • @ZapadoslavianMapping
      @ZapadoslavianMapping Год назад

      I agree, in my Submission I called it a Great War, but I guess it got changed to world war by Josh

  • @pyronderman9055
    @pyronderman9055 Год назад +1

    worst timeline

    • @4Face840
      @4Face840 Год назад


    • @pyronderman9055
      @pyronderman9055 Год назад

      @@4Face840 france weak

    • @4Face840
      @4Face840 Год назад

      @@pyronderman9055 bruh France was already weak in Franco Prussian war

    • @gustavomartins364
      @gustavomartins364 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@pyronderman9055só is good.

  • @muckmuck3403
    @muckmuck3403 Год назад +165

    I swear we need a part 2 for this timeline lol

    • @staigermann
      @staigermann Год назад +8


    • @bread1g
      @bread1g Год назад +5

      Most certainly

    • @broccolin
      @broccolin 11 месяцев назад +3

      germany would probably win ww1

    • @13SScorpio
      @13SScorpio 5 месяцев назад

      I'd love to see that^^

  • @Arshgamingi80
    @Arshgamingi80 Год назад

    well josh you deserve a subscribe right now

  • @TheRepublicOfDixionconderoga
    @TheRepublicOfDixionconderoga 4 месяца назад +7

    Josh: PH makes videos with his fans, that’s bad.
    Also Josh: **makes videos that are JUST fan scenarios**

  • @lerneanlion
    @lerneanlion Год назад +42

    I like this scenario! This is amazing! If it is possible, I would like to see how the sequel played out.
    And I will definitely submitted my idea eventually. It was almost midnight here and I needed to go to sleep. And when I wake up the next day, I might needed to think about what I should submit as well.

    • @cqodda
      @cqodda Год назад

      The sequel is basically the whole europe joins in to beat up germany (and maybe russia too) like they did with napoleoic france

  • @GarfieldRex
    @GarfieldRex Год назад +36

    Strongly doubt the UK would do nothing in this scenario

    • @monsignor2943
      @monsignor2943 Год назад +6

      I know lol this scenario is just too illogical no wonder why it's called a fan scenario 😂

    • @Briselance
      @Briselance Год назад +1

      Well, the farther you go beyond the point of divergence, the more discrepancies you will have.

    • @Battyj
      @Battyj 3 месяца назад +2

      Yeah, I don't see this happening without Britain and probably the ottomans jumping in as well, almost definitely on the side of austria and France

    • @spaceranger1444
      @spaceranger1444 3 месяца назад +2

      I like the scenario but I agree that Britain and the Ottoman’s I think would intervene on the side of France and Austria, Britain because of positive relations, and the Ottomans because of the Crimean War making them be primarily invading Russia

  • @Elliot-q4m
    @Elliot-q4m Год назад +9

    I think a second American civil war from Kiaserreich would be a cool video

    • @Cotswolds1913
      @Cotswolds1913 Год назад +1

      get that trash timeline outta here

    • @00martoneniris86
      @00martoneniris86 Год назад +1

      He I like that timeline

    • @Cotswolds1913
      @Cotswolds1913 Год назад

      @@00martoneniris86 It’s complete fantasy

    • @Elliot-q4m
      @Elliot-q4m Год назад +2

      @@Cotswolds1913it’s historical entertainment my good man. No need for hostilities.

  • @redblaze8700
    @redblaze8700 Год назад +8

    What if Abraham Lincoln lost the 1860 election?

  • @lavenderempress
    @lavenderempress Год назад +3

    the italians betraying the french isn't very realistic. the italians were still very much friends during the franco prussian war and after that as well

  • @Pigraider268
    @Pigraider268 Год назад +5

    What about balance of Powers? Why didn't UK help Austria and France?

    • @augth
      @augth Год назад +4

      Yes the UK would have helped, they had rather good relations with France at that time.

    • @ZapadoslavianMapping
      @ZapadoslavianMapping Год назад

      I considered them joining, and let that up to Josh, but I think they would've stayed neutral, due to a mix of isolationism, and similar to irl, the Prussians showing the UK proposals given to Prussia of France taking over Belgium

  • @JeRefuseDeBienPrononcerBaleine
    @JeRefuseDeBienPrononcerBaleine Год назад +5

    I have a BIG problem with your scenario. You start the war with France, Southern Germany and Austria attacking Prussia and then they just disappear. How ? Why ? What happened to them ? You also forgot to explain why Russia and Italy would even join Prussia if they are seen as more belicose in this timeline. Especially since they weren't even allied at this point in our timeline. I checked every treaty the russian empire signed and the closest was in 1873. It involved Prussia, Austria and Russia.
    It seems like you had an endgoal in mind and then just arranged things to get there.

    • @ZapadoslavianMapping
      @ZapadoslavianMapping Год назад +1

      Russia and Prussia actually DID have a pact in real life, where russia would help if austria joined a franco-prussian war. check the Wikipedia page for causes of the franco-prussian war to find it.

    • @JeRefuseDeBienPrononcerBaleine
      @JeRefuseDeBienPrononcerBaleine Год назад +3

      @@ZapadoslavianMapping That's a promise, not a treaty. there's a big difference between the two and is much less binding. He also forgot to explain WHY the russian would consider it this time too.
      You can't have an alternate history and just say "and everything went exactly the same as our timeline" without explanation.

    • @croatia0728
      @croatia0728 Год назад +1

      Also there is no way that Britain just does nothing. It is against their geopolitical interests to allow for a strong Germany or Russia to dominate Europe and threaten Britain’s hegemony. Britain would undoubtedly help France and Austria here. And I also doubt that Italy would join the Germans and Russians in the war. Sure, they would seize Rome, but France was instrumental in helping the Italians gain Lombardy, the Two Sicilies, and Venice. They would stay neutral since their armies hadn’t fared well against Austria a few years prior. I think with Britain’s naval hegemony, the British, French, and Austrians would eventually win.

  • @GiorgioNobile-gk7qf
    @GiorgioNobile-gk7qf Год назад +19

    As an Italian, I see this as an absolute win

    • @bundleaxe1922
      @bundleaxe1922 Год назад +2

      Yes, gloria al Re.

    • @GiorgioNobile-gk7qf
      @GiorgioNobile-gk7qf Год назад +2

      @@bundleaxe1922 AVANTI SAVOIA!

    • @bundleaxe1922
      @bundleaxe1922 Год назад

      @@GiorgioNobile-gk7qf eja eja Alalà!

    • @GiorgioNobile-gk7qf
      @GiorgioNobile-gk7qf Год назад +1

      @@bundleaxe1922 A chi sarà sempre riservata la gloria e la gioia di osare l'impossibile? “A NOI!”

    • @bundleaxe1922
      @bundleaxe1922 Год назад +1

      @@GiorgioNobile-gk7qf a noi, fratello lontano

  • @shadowderper8930
    @shadowderper8930 Год назад +4

    I think with the dissolution of the danubian confederation hungary would end up bigger than in our timeline. It is foreseeable that the surrounding states form an anti-hungarian pact to keep their claimed lands, however I can see the borders to favor hungary slightly more than in the treaty of trianon.

  • @danielsantiagourtado3430
    @danielsantiagourtado3430 Год назад +8

    What if crown Prince rudolf lived?

    • @redblaze8700
      @redblaze8700 Год назад +2

      WWI would still occur, and the empire would still collaps, unless Franz Joseph died or abdicated much earlier, and Rudolf made some different dicisions, like not going to war with Serbia.

    • @gringlebandersnatch
      @gringlebandersnatch Год назад

      ​@@redblaze8700I mean....does the assassination that prompts the Austrians to declare the war even happen tho? Like there's zero reason Franz Ferdinand would go to Bosnia and we can't assume Rudolf would have the same policies or thoughts on the South Slavs as Ferdinand. Perhaps a war still occurs but its very possible that its not the hapsburgs causing it

    • @Leo-ok3uj
      @Leo-ok3uj Год назад

      Better yet, what if he revived?

  • @danielsantiagourtado3430
    @danielsantiagourtado3430 Год назад +4

    Love your videos🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤

  • @PaperCashsir
    @PaperCashsir Год назад +3

    I actually like this flag better 6:59

    • @ZapadoslavianMapping
      @ZapadoslavianMapping Год назад +1

      Thanks, I made it myself

    • @PaperCashsir
      @PaperCashsir Год назад

      @@ZapadoslavianMapping cool

    • @spatialex
      @spatialex Год назад

      ​@@ZapadoslavianMappingWhere did you find the idea of changing the flag's color ?
      Did you have some sources that would strengthen this proposal or was it just an idea that you inventes for the scenario ?

    • @ZapadoslavianMapping
      @ZapadoslavianMapping Год назад

      @@spatialex I just used a mix of logic since the red wouldn't make sense, and Prussian Blue made the flag look cool

  • @arandombalkan8385
    @arandombalkan8385 11 месяцев назад +1

    What would the blue color mean in Germanys flag?(in this timeline)

  • @alexzero3736
    @alexzero3736 Год назад +2

    Italy joinig the war against both France and Austria- Hungary is outright suicide. This scenario greatly underestimates Franco- Austrian alliance.

    • @JoboGamezzz
      @JoboGamezzz 6 месяцев назад +1

      When you can’t even beat a small section of the distracted Austrian army whose empire is slowly collapsing(Italy 1866) and only won and achieved unification with French help (2nd Italian war of independence) you know your a failure of a country

    @SchultzBODYBUILDING 10 месяцев назад +1

    Theres no way germany would allow italy to gain land within the old german confederation

  • @gasmaskmanne
    @gasmaskmanne Год назад +2

    Incredible editing, wish you all the luck in growing

  • @Dodo-td1pg
    @Dodo-td1pg 3 месяца назад +1

    4:41 Can you give source for this?

  • @tacolord7517
    @tacolord7517 9 месяцев назад +1

    Great scenario! Only thing I wanted to point out was Austria getting western Hungary after A-H breaks apart

  • @ram0166
    @ram0166 Год назад +2

    What about the British? They most likely would have sided with France to stop the possibility of a united Germany that could challenge British hegemony.

  • @Tom-jg9de
    @Tom-jg9de Год назад +1

    What if Poland become neo-facist around 1991-2011

  • @MakriaMicronation
    @MakriaMicronation Год назад +1

    Claim your less than 1 hour ticket here

  • @TheHatersarebad
    @TheHatersarebad Год назад +1

    What if China permanently collapsed during the Three Kingdoms Period and never reunited? What effects would it have throughout Asia and Europe?

  • @mozax8118
    @mozax8118 Год назад +1

    What if the Union of South Africa came back and succeeded?

  • @sebping7205
    @sebping7205 Год назад +1

    Oh damn. What a coincidence:
    Just a few days ago, I thought about a very old alternate history video that was called "The Franco-Prussian World War" :D

  • @danielcavender1092
    @danielcavender1092 Год назад +1

    That’s no world war, thats just another European war. That’s not only because America wasn’t involved, but it’s also why America wouldn’t be involved

  • @swedishmemesandcars4629
    @swedishmemesandcars4629 Год назад

    Wat if Carl Gusta Mannerheim became the king of England after ww1 because the German Prince was not available

  • @hawk992
    @hawk992 Год назад

    Transsylvania would not become Romanian.

  • @jan_noah
    @jan_noah 7 месяцев назад

    I reslly like the flag on the thumbnail

  • @TheKorbi
    @TheKorbi 2 месяца назад

    Cool video, but this is not a world war right?

  • @Tomruper
    @Tomruper Год назад +1

    Very gut video

  • @zapre2284
    @zapre2284 Год назад

    7.33 ..the west circa 2023

  • @a.r.r.sam.516
    @a.r.r.sam.516 Год назад +1

    very nice video

  • @blizzard547
    @blizzard547 Год назад +1

    The best ending

  • @saxonjf
    @saxonjf Год назад

    That wasn't a world war. It didn't even envelope the whole continent.

    • @ZapadoslavianMapping
      @ZapadoslavianMapping Год назад

      I agree, in my Submission I called it a Great War, but I guess it got changed to world war by Josh

  • @grantpenton1850
    @grantpenton1850 Год назад

    I wrote up a scenario for 1866-71 that featured a Prussian victory that resulted in the destruction of the Austrian empire and the reconstitution of Hungary and Poland, comprising 2 parts from each of the beneficiaries of the 1772-1814 partitions. Bismark would appease France with pieces of the Rhineland and Napoleon would abandon Austria, and Russia would be compelled to accept a neutral reconstituted buffer state in return for a free hand in the balkans.

  • @Spida9544
    @Spida9544 Год назад

    What if the American Civil War escalated into a World War?
    In my scenario Danish navy was way more powerful for whatever reason, Empire of Japan came to power earlier, Second Mexican Empire succeeded
    it was smthing like
    us, uk, sweden-norway, prussia, italy, empire of japan, portugal vs
    csa, france, second mexican empire, austria, spain, russia, denmark, qing china

  • @dominicadrean2160
    @dominicadrean2160 Год назад

    What if Tamerlane wiped out the Ottoman Empire

  • @quempire2656
    @quempire2656 Год назад

    It would be the first world war

  • @Robert-xx8jx
    @Robert-xx8jx Год назад


  • @JohnSmith-rk7zy
    @JohnSmith-rk7zy Год назад


  • @acttaslam9364
    @acttaslam9364 Год назад

    What if Texas embraced the will of Allah?
    In the same style as your Benito video.

  • @lenochod_one
    @lenochod_one Год назад

    Czechia isnt german why are they part of germany

  • @Lawfair
    @Lawfair Год назад

    I can live with this scenario, so long as the papacy no longer gets to be it's own "country", and if after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, Greece gets Constantinople.

  • @FrenkyZ690
    @FrenkyZ690 Год назад

    Yo pin me