I had season tix that year. Funny to hear him say “they did it to Tom Brady” ( piling up INTs ). It means so much more now than it did then as that was his Rookie Year & I was barely old enough to drink then and practically a senior citizen now. Tom “George Blanda” Brady. Blanda played from 1949 to 1975. From slightly after end of WW2 to the end of Vietnam War.
I had season tix that year. Funny to hear him say “they did it to Tom Brady” ( piling up INTs ).
It means so much more now than it did then as that was his Rookie Year & I was barely old enough to drink then and practically a senior citizen now.
Tom “George Blanda” Brady.
Blanda played from 1949 to 1975.
From slightly after end of WW2 to the end of Vietnam War.