I did it. I recoverd from a deep deep depression that was about to kill me, and damn, it feels good! I was so far behind in school, got beat at home and the list goes on. Now i live on my own and I made it through school. I couldnt be happier! Just wanted to share it somewhere'
Great stuff brother. I have lived with this shit for 30 years and I'm 45 now. Massively suicidal for years on end. More guys need to post about this insidious disease. Take Care
Thank you Tom for being a beacon of hope and inspiration in sharing your experience.There’s such an outdated stigma, to this day, still attached to depression and all mental illness. I have found hope through finally finding the right Dr. and medication which then gave me a chance to find other people, groups and therapies to help lift me out of the darkness I never thought would go away. There is hope and I could not see that anymore at my lowest point.
I posted my first comment before watching your video. The last 4 minutes is my life at this very moment. I'm typing to you as I am laying in my bed. I've heard "just snap out of it" once or twelve times... It doesn't work like that! If it was that damn easy, I wouldn't be writing this now. You are the first person that has made any sense at all to me.
I have had clinical depression for 15 years now. It has taken my career, friends, ruined my family, given me horrendous circumstances, lost me my marriage and worst of all taken my beautiful only child whom I adore and love only for. Your video explains depression better than ANY programme article or professional I have ever seen etc. thank you so much for your bravery in doing this because it has really helped me and I am going to send the link to my family in the hope it helps them understand me better. I am totally with you about drugs. I was already on a lot of Paige medication for severe pain but you do definitely use them to block out what is happening especially if people are causing you pain. I applaud you for being so well on the road for recovery and stick to your medication. The one and only time I didn't was when I was assessed by a psychiatrist for court about my child and hence I lost her. Now I am lost. God bless you.
I m suffering ths frm 3 years....I recovered a little wid help f docs and family.....bt i m Still nt able to get back to life...tired f pushing myself to limits...I can't live anymore wid ths....being dead seems to me as a best option nw I hv
In the mist of severe depression here. Just saw this video and it was helpful. Thank you Tom. My hope is that just seeing this video will set in motion a desire to ask for help.
15:50 THE BEST EXPLANATION ABOUT DEPRESSION. I would like to call people who didnt suffer from MDD as muggles. When i was in that hell, for me it was easier to live with my state then to listen others how this world is beautifull and listen to the advices like cheer up, take your yourself in hands. That time I would like that people experience that state for a few seconds, in the same time i dont wish to feel that to my worst enemy
This condition is HELL ON EARTH to live with......Thank You for making this video. So helpful. So useful. A Band-Aid, for sure, but better than just laying here suffering, so THANK YOU.
I see you suffered a lot and it is great that you have been fighting hard and you feel well again. I am on antidepressants myself and I found it nice that you challenge other people with positive energy. Take care everyone,feel happy with your closest once :)
I wish I could get treatment. I have no money. I've been unemployed for almost 5 years now. 8k in credit card debt. 43k student loan ready to default after years of forbearance. I'm 40 years old. Fired from my job 5 years ago. I'm not imagining a hopeless future. It is now an undeniable fact. This is my reality every day, and I just don't want to face it anymore.
I just want to say thank you...For the first time I feel like i was staring into the eyes of someone that knows exactly how I feel. And it feels good to know that I'm not alone.
I’ve been recently diagnosed with major depression, PTSD, anxiety. My PTSD is not from military. It’s from my ex-husband. And I am in that grey cloud right now. And physically I am not well. I just had a pulmonary embolism, heart issues, liver issues. I don’t drink I don’t smoke and I do not do drugs. To be honest with you I don’t know how I’m coping. But I’m having a very difficult time knowing that I have a little boy that depends on me. And he means more to me than anything in this world. I Was in a severe car accident when I was a child. For those of you that are older will know that there was no seatbelt law back in the day. A drunk driver hit my parents car and I got damaged. Waiting for disability is horrible. I think emotionally it’s just going through my head like a spinning wheel constantly because I worry about my son. I love him so much.
Thank you so much for this video. You have expressed exactly how I feel. I found myself saying "yes, yes!!! That's right!! That's exactly how I feel!!" as i watched. It helps to know there are others who understand. I've dealt w/ major depressive disorder for most of my adult life with very few remissions and little help from medication. Staying alive is a struggle every day. This illness is completely exhausting and lonely! My family has absolutely no understanding and they really don't want to be bothered with my issues as they see depression as weakness and an attempt to get attention. The loneliness and going it alone is unbearable. I wish they could spend just an hour in this hell that is life. Oh well, enough of that. Thanks again for sharing. It gives me hope that someday relief will come. Until then, we have to continue to put on the happy face even when we are dying inside.
dipasasky Maybe some day we will "love life" like Thomas Rees. I have gone back on anti anxiety meds (buspirone) and that has helped a tiny bit. I was on xanax and clonopine for anxiety but they made me so sleepy so that didn't work. I have used almost every antidepressant there is and nothing helps. I've self medicated with alcohol but being drunk all the time is not an option. I've watched tons of videos of people who have different theories about the causes of depression and how to get better. Some say you just need someone to love and care about you. I think there's a lot to that but like you said, people hurt you and it's hard to trust them to let them get close enough to love you. Others say a relationship with God is the answer. I've always been very spiritual and that hasn't gotten me out of this dark hell either. I haven't given up on that though. Exercise is supposed to be pivotal but when you feel like shit you don't even want to go outside. I've been told that Omega 3(liquid is best) and Vit D and Magnesium (from pharmacy or health food store not Walmart) are also key. None of these things has really had much of an impact for me but you can certainly give them a try. I wish you the best! If you find the answer please share it!
dipasasky I'm so sorry for your loss! I, too, lost my father in May 2013. It was the hardest thing I have ever dealt with in my life and I have been through some major stuff. He was the only person in my family who I felt truly cared that I existed. That's really not saying a lot because it wasn't like we actually had a relationship. Did the shock therapy help your brother? I have tried spiritual response therapy and I thought that helped for a couple of weeks but the depression came back stronger than ever. I took dexamethasone for tendonitis once and I felt better than I ever have. The gray cloud was lifted and I was actually happy to be alive. Unfortunately, it isn't safe long term. I can see how the depression would be worse living with your sister....but at the same time it could be good therapy for you. Good luck and I wish you the best! Take care of yourself!
Please let me know if it works. I am desperate for a cure. I do think there is something to the magnets. I had an mri on my shoulder and I felt fairly leveled out for a few days after. I know there is something to that. Not sure if i mentioned it but a steroid called dexamethazone was complete euphoria for me. Unfortunately, it can't be taken long term. Best of luck to you, too!!
I cannot get over my ex and suffer daily with terrible sadness. I never thought I'd be in this abyss but I am. It is the worst feeling ever to lose that lust for life and to watch your motivation come to a halt. I have never attempted suicide but i often wish to die.
I know that feeling well. Its very hard when relationships break up and you still miss them like crazy. Its been 2 years for me, and it does get easier. I still love her, but shes remarried now. So there comes a point when you have to accept it
Thank you so much for making this video. You explained the situation of so many including myself.... perfectly. I have finally began to treat my own situation seriously... for many years... denial and negative coping mechanisms would numb the problem. It has all caught up with me.... I am in a constant state of hell... but this video and the support of family and friends give me hope. Thank you sir....
Everything this guy said is 100%. Glad it helped you man, yeah it can take several years even for some people. It can help so much that when someone is in a state like that, they couldn't even imagine how much better they could feel. Not like a high, but deep relief over time.
thank u so much, u have literally covered everything i feel, which doctors have never been able to do and the people that are close to me dont understand... listening to u has gave me hope and i would like to just say u making this video will at least change 1 persons life thank u.
I totally relate, had no energy, appetite, I knew what I wanted to do, would make a decision to do things differently the following day, then couldn't get out of my depression to make myself do anything, thanks for your video
Thank you for offering these insights. Two points that perhaps bear emphasizing. Individuals who come from families where other members have struggled with depression are more likely to develop the condition themselves. Also, most suicidologists seem to agree, when one family member suicides, this tends to give permission to other members of the family, or group, to do the same. Thank you.
Thank you! Good work! Great to see someone actually talking about how to's of this desease. I am looking forward to hear your opinions about doctors and treatment.
Thank you u may not look at ur comments alot on here but as of right now u are my role model. Just hearing everything u had to say i feel like i can feel again. I literally couldn't feel any emotions but i didn't know i was actually in a depressive state. Because of u i am going to get help and hopefully one day i can thank you in person. You literally have no idea what u have done for me, thank you again my friend.
I can relate to some of the stuff you talk about in this video. Its misunderstood and takes many forms. It will wreck relationships if you let it and if you don't try and fight the feelings of being not worth much or not being good enough. People who know me see me as sociable and some say easy going, while this can be true, on a down period it can seem im the opposite. It's a tricky one. Good upload, worth watching to the end
My heart goes out to your sister.I had friends who followed through with suicide.I myself almost off myself.Trust me when i say it's hard to believe in God when theres no one there for you.When your in pain and alone and being in this harsh reality doesnt make it better. But you say you never saw God.What you can see and touch is temporay and it dies..But God is spirit unseen and is eternal and real.When I didn't believe in GOD he believed in me.He truly loves us..
Hi Karen, I know what you mean by you've mastered the "smile". Before I mastered the smile, I used to ask "how do people even smile? How did I used to smile?" .. and I've overcome these little hurdles to normality one by one (e.g., I can sleep very well now, whereas before I'd ask myself "how do people even sleep?"). And now I'm closer to being normal again, but I still have a long way to go (I still haven't mastered "feeling good all the time"), but hopefully I will recover. All the best to you
Thanks. A very accurate description of this illness. A living Hell. It takes time and hard work to deal with it. Listening to other people's experiences helpes to get a perspective.
Depression is a bad thing, theres a video in my depression playlist that might help you, its the vwery top one by Kelly Brogan, and another huge collection of videos looking at depression from all angles, in the playlist part of my chnal, hope it is useful to you and others ?
finally I found something to hear that gives me a little bit of hope, I have been depressed for 15 years know, lots of different antidepressants nothing seems to help, and we have six children and that they have to grow up in a home where mom is always so depressed makes me feel so bad, I'm desperate to find help, Thank you for this video,
Wow. Very insightful and honest. I really admire your bravery in sharing this dark, debilitating secret with the world and even more so for your message of hope. I too, am experimenting with different medications from my doctor in order to find the one to "fix" my chemical deficient brain. If Opiates have the power to re-wire my entire brain and made me feel normal by messing with my dopamine, etc....who is to say that some of these medications can't do the same? (but much, much slower, of course)
@ Thomas Rees.... You couldn't have said it any better, about depression and what it does to you. I know because I am a sufferer of this affliction pretty much my whole life. You nailed it when you said "Get Sober". This is an important first step. Finding the right medication through your doctor would be the next step. Lastly, find the right therapist for you. That is the hardest part. I was lucky to find one that is really helping me. He understands me and is always on my side. Each therapist has their own way of tackling your problem with depression. Some may not be for you but you'll find the right one if you're persistent at it.. Thank you Thomas. Yours is the best video that really explains depression in detail. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. All the best to you..
I can absolutely relate to "being terrified" of the meds not working or even becoming unemployed and not having access to the meds. I weaned myself off of Paxil once, mistakenly thinking that I didn't need it any more. It was a nightmare. I now take Paxil and Depakote. They are life savers. I am doing great. I will never make that mistake again.
Some people like myself were born this way. I'm almost 40 and have tried everything. I've learned to control it somewhat but t still gets me. I'm exhausted.
The remedies I have tried/implemented are: No porn or daily masturbation, hold it for a week. Cold showers. Talk therapy, spill out everything to a therapist or a trusted friend. Meditation. Proper diet with plenty of vegetables. Exercise. Not resort to tobacco or alcohol. ...the list goes on, I am no guru and I am very glad you are on your way to a beautiful recovery Thomas. :)
Thank you for this video. I have always had depression, but I am now in some kind of major depression, never leaving my bedroom, never getting out of bed. I have been on Effexer for over 10 years and it no longer works. I am only now trying to find a doctor again because I keep falling deeper into this despair and darkness. But again, thanks for making this video. It helped.
Wow. Tom Rees nailed it. I’ve been in this state for a month. It was induced by stress, work stress, financial stress, divorce and breakup. I bit off more than I could chew and woke up at midnight one night... then the next night... then the next. Unable to sleep I fell into a depression, gripped by fear... no more laughing, no more enjoyment... somehow I still go to work, but I’m so tired and anxious, it’s difficult. Ima 38 yo man, electrician... I run work and I’m so afraid of collapsing. I have 3 kids who I have 50/50 custody with. I’m so afraid of losing everything and becoming destitute.
I am just now learning about major depression and mood disorder(I have suffered since childhood) We didn't have RUclips, just bottles of pills, and "have a nice day" from most docs. I am learning that all the things I have been shaming myself for are because of the "disease." I didn't think of depression as mental illness. Thanks for this video, I am on a huge dose of Effexor and starting to feel better again. I will keep my new Dr. up to speed via email. That's how it's done these days. My kids are all affected as well. One wont take his meds and is living on the streets, which causes me a great deal of anguish, but I have to believe, for today, that there is hope.
Normal depression i can cope with but suicidal depression like im going through now and have been for months is truly terrifying. You have 2 conflicting emotions, 1: you want to die the pain is that much and 2: you want to be happy again but donrt feel its possible. I have tried anti depressants but they never seem to work. I would literally lose an arm if it meant i would never feel suicidal again. Where those thoughts feel very real. Its terrifying. I can cope with normal depression.
Hi, Your video was soo inspiring! It's so good to know that you finally got over the depression and found happiness again. I am also suffering from depression. I am over the really dark time of wanting to commit suicide all the time, and am much better than I was about a year ago. But I still don't feel as good as before the illness. Like yourself, I was a completely happy person (perhaps the happiest person in the world). I wonder all the time if I will ever be my old, happy self again.
i was diagnosed with social anxiety at age 14, and coped to use drugs, i was then diagnosed with horrible anxiety and depression that forced me not to look anybody in the eye and feel like i was less than human. I am suffering depression and I am also a almost record young drug addict so I understand how hard it is. I was too a social butterfly in a sort of way and things turned bad
Sober Search Party 1, you mean someone else already had that screen name? :) Thanks so much for sharing your story. It is really helpful to learn from people like you. It eases the loneliness and makes things much brighter! Knowing other people that have this condition as me makes things seem not so dire! Thanks again for sharing!
i know exactly what you're saying cuz i'm going thru my 2nd round of major depression after i thought i was rid of it in 2009..now my depression is even worse than the first time ! and on top of that i recently was diagnosed with bipolar ii on top of it! i no longer believe i will ever be rid of any of this for its a lifelong disease, one that sucks the light and life out of you so you eventually hav no quality of a life anymore, yea.."euthenasia" is looking good to me right now.
Yes. Ive had depression on and off since i was 18 in different forms and 'issues', though people might not always know it. About 7 month ago i wrecked my relationship woth my girlfriend, dumped her. Biggest mistke of my life, the loss of her and not being able to get back together has triggered a hellish depression and brought up other stuff i thought id dealt with. waking most nights at 4.30am then awake with a sick feeling inside. Have a lot of regrets about wasted years of unemployment too
I always thought my drug and alcohol problems caused my depression, in reality it was the other way around. It took me years to accept that and only now after being clean and sober for over two and a half years am I finally learning to deal with my emotions and my depression and I have more good days than bad days. Life doesn't look quite as bleak anymore and that gives me hope.
@justmadeit2 - I have extremely painful thoughts, but not sure if this is the same as "suicidal depression.". I identify with the #2 conflicting emotion you mention. I don't want to die. But for me the depression has worsened. I've been hospitalized and had 20 ECT treatments. Doc says I'm treatment resistant. This is the troubling part. I'm looking into alternate modalities of treatment.
I suffer from depression and multiple, mental illness and this helps a little bit. because the one thing you said right there manage your doctor. it's true, you do have to manage your doctor so thank you for that.
I too suffer from depression, I've been dealing with chronic pain, taking 5 meds that didn't bother me for almost 10 years, then o tried to get off one that's an antidepressant. It wasn't prescribed for depression. I decided to not get it refilled, I was off them a week, feeling fine, slowly suicidal thoughts started creating in, I saw no reason to look forward to another 40 years, if life is like this now, I saw no point, anyway I did get on a lower dose of the drug I got off of and I found a
Hi Sarah, please don't give up yet. ..There are a lot of people who are treatment resistant. Did you try ECT yet? Maybe that would help? How long have you been suffering for? I know depression is the worst thing that can happen to anyone. I had depression for about a year and am now on recovery (hopefully). -- Sanya.
Im a Marine out of Kaneohe Bay, 6months I waited, too find out that I was suffering from DSM-IV, and they labeled me Adjustment Disorder. I'm an Infantryman. I always have my rifle, cant tell you how many times. The psychiatrist is taking this way too lightly. I have yet too be put on meds... Idk, fighting my demons not to stick my rifle in my mouth is a feat in itself... They are waiting until it gets worse I suppose. They have yet too do anything to help.
for some of us, depression never goes away. it is wrong to tell someone that they with treatment and medication, they will "feel better." the best some of us can do is to learn to live with it.
Hi Tom great message and you are very easy on the ear to listen to. If I may share i have been in deep depression for many years (23) honestly not sure how I have survived it. Few things I would like to share. I lost trust in any doctor and even healers as I did not feel that they understand the deep source of depression and misread my responses as 'someone who does not want to get better' .I had to totally become self reliant. No drugs, no anti depressant. I found ways to breath, tap on meridians points, become super healthy, visits to the ocean on Dayle bases ...and main thing is the attitude that there is a reason why we get depressed and it is a good reason! Not a disease as you and many others believe. I did find the source and all I can say is that your fear of depression and trying to make it go away is what keeps it longer. Say to your depression "hit me fully I surrender. show me why I am so depressed". The chemical in your brain do not cause the depression. They are the physical responses that take place inside you when you get depressed.
I know I need help because I'm starting to really hate a lot of members of my family for the smallest things and I mean hate them like thugs which is sad.
I have depression and generalized anxiety disorder. I'm 13 years old and I turn 14 tomorrow. It seems like to me that depression seems over expressed to much. People use the term a lot but only the people that go through it understand. I feel like I can't deal with anyone or anything. I've missed a lot of school and had to see 2 therapists. I hope that I can get better and that you can too I know I'm young but I truly know how you feel.
Like so many, I feel into its grip. Depression. I spent days and nights trying to sum up the strength to end my life. It took me pull myself out of that lonely hell, to realize I did not wish to die. What I wanted , almost as much as wanting it to end, was for someone to speak to. Without judgement, without the guilt that comes with it. Just to speak with someone. That day never came. The constant pain ended just as suddenly as it came to me. As long as I have gone through it, I still refuse to call it a disease, because, technically its not. People hear that and immediately get offended, dont. I'm not suggesting its in anyones head, either. Its real. However, its not a disease.
I hope I get better soon as I am finding live unbearable. Your vidio was good but i am finding it hard to go back to work and worry that I will not be able to cope and will loose everything
Did anyone else completely recover from depression? I'd like to hear your stories as I had clinical depression about 2.5 years ago and am still recovering (hopefully). It's hard to tell whether I'm recovering though. I'm not as restless as I used to be 2.5 years ago and I am no longer suicidal, but I still don't feel like 'me' completely.. I still don't get much pleasure from things. Will I ever recover fully? Does anyone know? It would be nice to hear from anyone who has recovered fully. Thanks
Tom speaks from the heart! I however know that some people I have spoken to, do not have the strength, physically or emotionally to keep going back to their doc's over and over and over(it can easily drag on for years!) to get the right combination of drugs. To me ,Tom, getting the right doctor that will let you keep tweaking your meds as you did is not always easy to find. Dont let your doctor be your boss. He cant feel whats in your head. You can. On the other hand, some docs just can sense or feel when someone is just pill shopping and has no patience to try something for more than 3 days. For me, anything that didnt work usually in the 1st 48 hrs, it wasnt for me. That said, I dont believe meds are the total answer and for many may not be needed. Being active and eating the things your brain needs to feel good, like fish or anything that has Omega 3 oils in it may be better than anything in pill form. I tried fish oil capsules for years and years. Im feeling better sorry floks I know its more expensive but nothing beats regular real fish, especially salmon. I now eat a small piece of fish, like 1/4 lb 5 days a week. Too much effort. Ok, stay on meds. I'd always prefer the natural way. I want to get as happy as I can and to me, no drug or pill can ever do that. Theres no free lunch out there. If you dont know about mood nutrition, there is so much on the Internet, just do some research. Buy a notebook, its not a 2 hour job. -) I also dont believe in 90% of the natural mood pills like GABA(cant cross the blood/brain barrier in pill form) and amono acids. Buit yet, melatonin helps me sleep and you actually need very little. 3mg per night for me with another regular prescription pill work very well together. One day i will be totally natural. Google: Brain Food and nutrition for depression and watch out for the scams. 90% of articles trying to sell you something are scams. Especially if they want your credit card and have a 30 day MBG. I'M 55. I just this last year in Oct.2013 enrolled in the Anthony Robbins R.M.T. training course because I realized that the corniest thing I've been hearing all my life is true: If you spent your day helping other people, there's no way you can be depressed. I think for most of us,depression just came, snuck up on us little by little and then whopped us over the head like an emotional mugger. But this mugger has been getting closer and closer year by year and we never saw him until it was too late, as in most REAL muggings. So why as Stefan here was saying doe we feel we need to study ANOTHER self help book to get out of this funk? So I developed this program. If you can get INTO depression without trying, you might be able to get out of it almost automatically. The surest way as I've said is spend your day helping others. If that means changing your job, and making way less money working in a nursing home....do it! Imagine how many elderly people have been discarded like old trash and would give anything to have yo spend time with them and I bet some of them have more interesting stories and wisdom to share that could help you, than you do for THEM. Or.....volunteer at a hospital. Do you know how many people get no visitors? And the volunteer job might make you feel so happy to be there you magically find yourself going thru a course or being offered a paying job so you can make a good paying career out of it. Have any of you been in hospitals or nursing homes lately? They often suck. Filled with way too many people who don't give 2 diddles about the person they care for every day. They just do it for immigration purposes to stay in the country or to scam a semi- free paycheck. Your heart would break if you saw some of them. You can be more important in that environment than the doctors! Every human being should volunteer someplace before they die. It will give you more than the best illegal or legal drug, the greatest anti-depressant the best opiate, the best shot of heroin or Suboxone could ever give you.....but it takes a bit of time, not much. Even volunteer at your local bowling alley and tell yourself you are 'Gods messenger' and every person you give their bowling shoes to send them out a special burst of energy if you believe in that kind of thing. Best thing about it....you can do things the employees cant because you aren't getting paid! They cant control you the way they can a paid employee. And sooner or later, when one person messes up, you will be offered a paying job anyway. Just volunteer anywhere where you like the people in that environment. That also means the reverse........get out, I mean get out of any job or living situation that is toxic and there is more negative energy than positive energy. Contact me if you'd like a little more help. To be honest, volunteering will make you rich both emotionally,spiritually and maybe even financially, because people look at volunteers thru much different eyes than the people in your environment that are getting paid to be there. And don't rush, search the web for many different ideas.And if you can volunteer at a place that you have passion for, I can almost guarantee your depression will go bye bye. Like if you love Opera or yoga or sports, where do they have these things that you could talk to someone and say, I dont want a job, Id like to volunteer to help because I love hanging out HERE with people like YOU. Any HR or hiring director will be so flattered they will squeeze you in somewhere, in most cases. And if they don't try back every few weeks or move on. Ask yourself: "Where would I love to spend every day helping out that it would be a total blast?" Even if I was depressed, id rather be depressed over there!? Try to find something as close to your house or as close to the area you like to hang out in as possible so eventually you'll never miss a day and while all these other people get more depressed talking about how far they have to travel to get to a place they don't want to be, you'll remember this post and how it changed your life and maybe, just maybe.......you'll turn them onto this tactic! And by the way, this is how man progressed since he fell out of the trees. He found someone who had a skill he wanted and asked to be taken as a protege, often for no pay and most times for years at a time! So you can turn volunteering into a mentor/protege situation. Or just keep it informal like sweeping up at your local museum. There are many levels to doing this. And in Japan by the way, even today, the average person who "volunteers" to help a great master of his craft does so for an average of 8 years. Sometimes 12. And look how great Japanese people are in contributing to society and building up the world. So volunteering was the way all things were taught before they had formal schools.But take this as casually or as deep as you want, just try it. Cant work up the courage to ask? I might be able to make it easy for you. Oh.... This is not free by the way. If you start to implement this, it is only fair we trade or barter,right, since I'm helping you. So what I want is for you to contact me and let me know how its working out for you so I can add it to my book and learn how to keep getting better at this. Fair enough?(And by the way its really for you guys I'm doing it for because people do not value and use what they get for free quite often. So if we barter ,now you feel you have to do your part too! ) I'd start by buying an "Idea Journal" and forcing yourself to put three ideas where you can volunteer or even just go for the day. I want to see if there's even one person that could buy a cheap $1 notebook and fill it up without having an idea that will blow you away! I bet 1000-1 nobody could do it. Go thru 80-120 pages in a notebook and not get anything that gets them really excited and "totally immersed in another world." Unless you truly like being depressed or have something big to gain by staying that way, it cant happen. And that's another subject. So just give yourself a few days or weeks and I bet you'll be contacting me telling me that your problem is that you now have TOO many things you'd like to do.-) Hey, you ARE allowed to do more than one thing, but start with one so you do not get overwhelmed or stressed. Thats the trap many people inadvertently set up for themselves is they try to do too much at one time. Take it slow. Show less
I got so scared when in got a depression that I totally ruined my life I had a problem growing up so was afraid of everything. Every little change. I wanted to protect myself from growing up.
I did it. I recoverd from a deep deep depression that was about to kill me, and damn, it feels good! I was so far behind in school, got beat at home and the list goes on. Now i live on my own and I made it through school. I couldnt be happier! Just wanted to share it somewhere'
Anders Jonsson glorious anders
Great stuff brother. I have lived with this shit for 30 years and I'm 45 now. Massively suicidal for years on end. More guys need to post about this insidious disease. Take Care
Thank you Tom for being a beacon of hope and inspiration in sharing your experience.There’s such an outdated stigma, to this day, still attached to depression and all mental illness. I have found hope through finally finding the right Dr. and medication which then gave me a chance to find other people, groups and therapies to help lift me out of the darkness I never thought would go away.
There is hope and I could not see that anymore at my lowest point.
I posted my first comment before watching your video. The last 4 minutes is my life at this very moment. I'm typing to you as I am laying in my bed. I've heard "just snap out of it" once or twelve times... It doesn't work like that! If it was that damn easy, I wouldn't be writing this now. You are the first person that has made any sense at all to me.
This is about the best personal testimony on depression I've seen in RUclips.
I have a friend who suffers from depression...thanks to your video I'm learning to understand depression and my buddy and be there for him. :)
I have had clinical depression for 15 years now. It has taken my career, friends, ruined my family, given me horrendous circumstances, lost me my marriage and worst of all taken my beautiful only child whom I adore and love only for. Your video explains depression better than ANY programme article or professional I have ever seen etc. thank you so much for your bravery in doing this because it has really helped me and I am going to send the link to my family in the hope it helps them understand me better.
I am totally with you about drugs. I was already on a lot of Paige medication for severe pain but you do definitely use them to block out what is happening especially if people are causing you pain. I applaud you for being so well on the road for recovery and stick to your medication. The one and only time I didn't was when I was assessed by a psychiatrist for court about my child and hence I lost her. Now I am lost. God bless you.
I m suffering ths frm 3 years....I recovered a little wid help f docs and family.....bt i m Still nt able to get back to life...tired f pushing myself to limits...I can't live anymore wid ths....being dead seems to me as a best option nw I hv
SaSa it's hard to push yourself when you can't get out of bed, or just don't care or have enough energy for anything.
Oh Pops... the horrendous ugly effects of depression are a plague on our soul. I wish it weren’t a thing
How are you today my friend?
In the mist of severe depression here. Just saw this video and it was helpful. Thank you Tom. My hope is that just seeing this video will set in motion a desire to ask for help.
How are you today dear
15:50 THE BEST EXPLANATION ABOUT DEPRESSION. I would like to call people who didnt suffer from MDD as muggles. When i was in that hell, for me it was easier to live with my state then to listen others how this world is beautifull and listen to the advices like cheer up, take your yourself in hands. That time I would like that people experience that state for a few seconds, in the same time i dont wish to feel that to my worst enemy
This condition is HELL ON EARTH to live with......Thank You for making this video. So helpful. So useful. A Band-Aid, for sure, but better than just laying here suffering, so THANK YOU.
Amanda Garcia it is “hell in earth”
Thanks so much man, this is real
Dealing with this for so long. I don't even know what to do anymore.
Hard to imagine myself happy again
How are you today dear
I see you suffered a lot and it is great that you have been fighting hard and you feel well again. I am on antidepressants myself and I found it nice that you challenge other people with positive energy. Take care everyone,feel happy with your closest once :)
I wish I could get treatment. I have no money. I've been unemployed for almost 5 years now. 8k in credit card debt. 43k student loan ready to default after years of forbearance. I'm 40 years old. Fired from my job 5 years ago. I'm not imagining a hopeless future. It is now an undeniable fact. This is my reality every day, and I just don't want to face it anymore.
How are things now? I also have no job, depressed and a huge student loan debt.
I just want to say thank you...For the first time I feel like i was staring into the eyes of someone that knows exactly how I feel. And it feels good to know that I'm not alone.
I’ve been recently diagnosed with major depression, PTSD, anxiety. My PTSD is not from military. It’s from my ex-husband. And I am in that grey cloud right now. And physically I am not well. I just had a pulmonary embolism, heart issues, liver issues. I don’t drink I don’t smoke and I do not do drugs. To be honest with you I don’t know how I’m coping. But I’m having a very difficult time knowing that I have a little boy that depends on me. And he means more to me than anything in this world. I Was in a severe car accident when I was a child. For those of you that are older will know that there was no seatbelt law back in the day. A drunk driver hit my parents car and I got damaged. Waiting for disability is horrible. I think emotionally it’s just going through my head like a spinning wheel constantly because I worry about my son. I love him so much.
Thank you so much for this video. You have expressed exactly how I feel. I found myself saying "yes, yes!!! That's right!! That's exactly how I feel!!" as i watched. It helps to know there are others who understand. I've dealt w/ major depressive disorder for most of my adult life with very few remissions and little help from medication. Staying alive is a struggle every day. This illness is completely exhausting and lonely! My family has absolutely no understanding and they really don't want to be bothered with my issues as they see depression as weakness and an attempt to get attention. The loneliness and going it alone is unbearable. I wish they could spend just an hour in this hell that is life. Oh well, enough of that. Thanks again for sharing. It gives me hope that someday relief will come. Until then, we have to continue to put on the happy face even when we are dying inside.
dipasasky Maybe some day we will "love life" like Thomas Rees. I have gone back on anti anxiety meds (buspirone) and that has helped a tiny bit. I was on xanax and clonopine for anxiety but they made me so sleepy so that didn't work. I have used almost every antidepressant there is and nothing helps. I've self medicated with alcohol but being drunk all the time is not an option. I've watched tons of videos of people who have different theories about the causes of depression and how to get better. Some say you just need someone to love and care about you. I think there's a lot to that but like you said, people hurt you and it's hard to trust them to let them get close enough to love you. Others say a relationship with God is the answer. I've always been very spiritual and that hasn't gotten me out of this dark hell either. I haven't given up on that though. Exercise is supposed to be pivotal but when you feel like shit you don't even want to go outside. I've been told that Omega 3(liquid is best) and Vit D and Magnesium (from pharmacy or health food store not Walmart) are also key. None of these things has really had much of an impact for me but you can certainly give them a try. I wish you the best! If you find the answer please share it!
dipasasky I'm so sorry for your loss! I, too, lost my father in May 2013. It was the hardest thing I have ever dealt with in my life and I have been through some major stuff. He was the only person in my family who I felt truly cared that I existed. That's really not saying a lot because it wasn't like we actually had a relationship.
Did the shock therapy help your brother? I have tried spiritual response therapy and I thought that helped for a couple of weeks but the depression came back stronger than ever. I took dexamethasone for tendonitis once and I felt better than I ever have. The gray cloud was lifted and I was actually happy to be alive. Unfortunately, it isn't safe long term.
I can see how the depression would be worse living with your sister....but at the same time it could be good therapy for you. Good luck and I wish you the best! Take care of yourself!
Please let me know if it works. I am desperate for a cure. I do think there is something to the magnets. I had an mri on my shoulder and I felt fairly leveled out for a few days after. I know there is something to that. Not sure if i mentioned it but a steroid called dexamethazone was complete euphoria for me. Unfortunately, it can't be taken long term. Best of luck to you, too!!
I know how you feel. If you ever want to talk let me know.
I cannot get over my ex and suffer daily with terrible sadness. I never thought I'd be in this abyss but I am. It is the worst feeling ever to lose that lust for life and to watch your motivation come to a halt. I have never attempted suicide but i often wish to die.
I know that feeling well. Its very hard when relationships break up and you still miss them like crazy. Its been 2 years for me, and it does get easier. I still love her, but shes remarried now. So there comes a point when you have to accept it
If only a small percentage of doctors had experienced depression...
Thank you so much for making this video. You explained the situation of so many including myself.... perfectly. I have finally began to treat my own situation seriously... for many years... denial and negative coping mechanisms would numb the problem. It has all caught up with me.... I am in a constant state of hell... but this video and the support of family and friends give me hope. Thank you sir....
Everything this guy said is 100%. Glad it helped you man, yeah it can take several years even for some people. It can help so much that when someone is in a state like that, they couldn't even imagine how much better they could feel. Not like a high, but deep relief over time.
thank u so much, u have literally covered everything i feel, which doctors have never been able to do and the people that are close to me dont understand... listening to u has gave me hope and i would like to just say u making this video will at least change 1 persons life thank u.
Your a gifted speaker...I hope you use your voice to help others heal. Be motivated by your pain as others need your insights.
I have so much respect for you. I'm glad you're doing a lot better. This video gives me so much, sooo much hope. Stay strong.
I totally relate, had no energy, appetite, I knew what I wanted to do, would make a decision to do things differently the following day, then couldn't get out of my depression to make myself do anything, thanks for your video
Thank you for offering these insights. Two points that perhaps bear emphasizing. Individuals who come from families where other members have struggled with depression are more likely to develop the condition themselves. Also, most suicidologists seem to agree, when one family member suicides, this tends to give permission to other members of the family, or group, to do the same. Thank you.
Thank you! Good work!
Great to see someone actually talking about how to's of this desease.
I am looking forward to hear your opinions about doctors and treatment.
Thank you u may not look at ur comments alot on here but as of right now u are my role model. Just hearing everything u had to say i feel like i can feel again. I literally couldn't feel any emotions but i didn't know i was actually in a depressive state. Because of u i am going to get help and hopefully one day i can thank you in person. You literally have no idea what u have done for me, thank you again my friend.
yeah, I was like that, I don't feel much of anything. All the intelligence has been robbed from me, I am in a constant state of sadness and numbness.
Thanks for letting us know that we can get through this ugly thing
I can relate to some of the stuff you talk about in this video. Its misunderstood and takes many forms. It will wreck relationships if you let it and if you don't try and fight the feelings of being not worth much or not being good enough. People who know me see me as sociable and some say easy going, while this can be true, on a down period it can seem im the opposite. It's a tricky one. Good upload, worth watching to the end
My heart goes out to your sister.I had friends who followed through with suicide.I myself almost off myself.Trust me when i say it's hard to believe in God when theres no one there for you.When your in pain and alone and being in this harsh reality doesnt make it better. But you say you never saw God.What you can see and touch is temporay and it dies..But God is spirit unseen and is eternal and real.When I didn't believe in GOD he believed in me.He truly loves us..
Hi Karen,
I know what you mean by you've mastered the "smile". Before I mastered the smile, I used to ask "how do people even smile? How did I used to smile?" .. and I've overcome these little hurdles to normality one by one (e.g., I can sleep very well now, whereas before I'd ask myself "how do people even sleep?"). And now I'm closer to being normal again, but I still have a long way to go (I still haven't mastered "feeling good all the time"), but hopefully I will recover. All the best to you
Thanks. A very accurate description of this illness. A living Hell. It takes time and hard work to deal with it. Listening to other people's experiences helpes to get a perspective.
Jymmy K hey Jim. Depression is an insidious scourge. I hate it... aaarrggh
Your video was heaven sent...I have major depression and gad. You gave me hope again! Thank you so much tom . God bless you
Depression is a bad thing, theres a video in my depression playlist that might help you, its the vwery top one by Kelly Brogan, and another huge collection of videos looking at depression from all angles, in the playlist part of my chnal, hope it is useful to you and others ?
Thank you very much Tom. You are helping people with your work, please know this. :)
finally I found something to hear that gives me a little bit of hope, I have been depressed for 15 years know, lots of different antidepressants nothing seems to help, and we have six children and that they have to grow up in a home where mom is always so depressed makes me feel so bad, I'm desperate to find help, Thank you for this video,
Thank you so much for this video :) Hope God blesses you abundantly for this :)
Wow. Very insightful and honest. I really admire your bravery in sharing this dark, debilitating secret with the world and even more so for your message of hope. I too, am experimenting with different medications from my doctor in order to find the one to "fix" my chemical deficient brain. If Opiates have the power to re-wire my entire brain and made me feel normal by messing with my dopamine, etc....who is to say that some of these medications can't do the same? (but much, much slower, of course)
@ Thomas Rees....
You couldn't have said it any better, about depression and what it does to you. I know because I am a sufferer of this affliction pretty much my whole life. You nailed it when you said "Get Sober". This is an important first step. Finding the right medication through your doctor would be the next step. Lastly, find the right therapist for you. That is the hardest part. I was lucky to find one that is really helping me. He understands me and is always on my side. Each therapist has their own way of tackling your problem with depression. Some may not be for you but you'll find the right one if you're persistent at it.. Thank you Thomas. Yours is the best video that really explains depression in detail. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. All the best to you..
Thanks for posting, I hope it helps a lot of people.
Thanks for the video - this will help a lot of people - also a problem shared is a problem halved..
I can absolutely relate to "being terrified" of the meds not working or even becoming unemployed and not having access to the meds. I weaned myself off of Paxil once, mistakenly thinking that I didn't need it any more. It was a nightmare. I now take Paxil and Depakote. They are life savers. I am doing great. I will never make that mistake again.
Thanks for sharing your story, Thomas.
Some people like myself were born this way. I'm almost 40 and have tried everything. I've learned to control it somewhat but t still gets me. I'm exhausted.
The remedies I have tried/implemented are:
No porn or daily masturbation, hold it for a week.
Cold showers.
Talk therapy, spill out everything to a therapist or a trusted friend.
Proper diet with plenty of vegetables.
Not resort to tobacco or alcohol.
...the list goes on, I am no guru and I am very glad you are on your way to a beautiful recovery Thomas. :)
Luis Garcia has your depression improved?
then you had only minor depression
I have depression and anxiety problems doctors say they run together.Last few days I have fallen into a a bad depression.Your video does help.
Thank you for making this video......I'm in the storm and I need to hear stories of survival.......this is horrible....just horrible.
Thank you for this video. I have always had depression, but I am now in some kind of major depression, never leaving my bedroom, never getting out of bed. I have been on Effexer for over 10 years and it no longer works. I am only now trying to find a doctor again because I keep falling deeper into this despair and darkness. But again, thanks for making this video. It helped.
Carla Withac How are you now? I'm suffering in bed everyday :/
Wow. Tom Rees nailed it. I’ve been in this state for a month. It was induced by stress, work stress, financial stress, divorce and breakup. I bit off more than I could chew and woke up at midnight one night... then the next night... then the next. Unable to sleep I fell into a depression, gripped by fear... no more laughing, no more enjoyment... somehow I still go to work, but I’m so tired and anxious, it’s difficult. Ima 38 yo man, electrician... I run work and I’m so afraid of collapsing. I have 3 kids who I have 50/50 custody with. I’m so afraid of losing everything and becoming destitute.
Please lord help me through this
Yes.. your so right!!!!!! God works in mysterious ways..
Thank you.
I am just now learning about major depression and mood disorder(I have suffered since childhood) We didn't have RUclips, just bottles of pills, and "have a nice day" from most docs. I am learning that all the things I have been shaming myself for are because of the "disease." I didn't think of depression as mental illness. Thanks for this video, I am on a huge dose of Effexor and starting to feel better again. I will keep my new Dr. up to speed via email. That's how it's done these days. My kids are all affected as well. One wont take his meds and is living on the streets, which causes me a great deal of anguish, but I have to believe, for today, that there is hope.
i'm glad you are feeling better,,,you're not alone
why couldn't I have found your video earlier.... thank you for your video...
"For someone who is depressed, they could easily live inside their hoodie all day and all night."
Thanks Tom. I'm in a bad place right now. I'm 45 and feel like i am losing it all. I am self medicating.
You are unique and important person. Make a positive change in other people so you can find meaning and happiness.
16:26 yeah.....that about sums it up.
15:26 literally makes me spontaneously cry.
Normal depression i can cope with but suicidal depression like im going through now and have been for months is truly terrifying. You have 2 conflicting emotions, 1: you want to die the pain is that much and 2: you want to be happy again but donrt feel its possible. I have tried anti depressants but they never seem to work. I would literally lose an arm if it meant i would never feel suicidal again. Where those thoughts feel very real. Its terrifying. I can cope with normal depression.
Your video was soo inspiring! It's so good to know that you finally got over the depression and found happiness again. I am also suffering from depression. I am over the really dark time of wanting to commit suicide all the time, and am much better than I was about a year ago. But I still don't feel as good as before the illness. Like yourself, I was a completely happy person (perhaps the happiest person in the world). I wonder all the time if I will ever be my old, happy self again.
i was diagnosed with social anxiety at age 14, and coped to use drugs, i was then diagnosed with horrible anxiety and depression that forced me not to look anybody in the eye and feel like i was less than human. I am suffering depression and I am also a almost record young drug addict so I understand how hard it is. I was too a social butterfly in a sort of way and things turned bad
Sober Search Party 1, you mean someone else already had that screen name? :) Thanks so much for sharing your story. It is really helpful to learn from people like you. It eases the loneliness and makes things much brighter! Knowing other people that have this condition as me makes things seem not so dire! Thanks again for sharing!
i know exactly what you're saying cuz i'm going thru my 2nd round of major depression after i thought i was rid of it in 2009..now my depression is even worse than the first time ! and on top of that i recently was diagnosed with bipolar ii on top of it! i no longer believe i will ever be rid of any of this for its a lifelong disease, one that sucks the light and life out of you so you eventually hav no quality of a life anymore, yea.."euthenasia" is looking good to me right now.
Yes. Ive had depression on and off since i was 18 in different forms and 'issues', though people might not always know it. About 7 month ago i wrecked my relationship woth my girlfriend, dumped her. Biggest mistke of my life, the loss of her and not being able to get back together has triggered a hellish depression and brought up other stuff i thought id dealt with. waking most nights at 4.30am then awake with a sick feeling inside. Have a lot of regrets about wasted years of unemployment too
Excellent video. Thank you for sharing.
i could totally relate lisa. stay strong.
thank you for this video bro... i wish you all the best
I always thought my drug and alcohol problems caused my depression, in reality it was the other way around. It took me years to accept that and only now after being clean and sober for over two and a half years am I finally learning to deal with my emotions and my depression and I have more good days than bad days. Life doesn't look quite as bleak anymore and that gives me hope.
You give us hope thanks
Aziz how you coping brother
Thanks for posting
@justmadeit2 - I have extremely painful thoughts, but not sure if this is the same as "suicidal depression.". I identify with the #2 conflicting emotion you mention. I don't want to die. But for me the depression has worsened. I've been hospitalized and had 20 ECT treatments. Doc says I'm treatment resistant. This is the troubling part. I'm looking into alternate modalities of treatment.
Sorry to hear about your story, im goin thru sum depression too
Thank you
I suffer from depression and multiple, mental illness and this helps a little bit. because the one thing you said right there manage your doctor. it's true, you do have to manage your doctor so thank you for that.
dude you are soo awesome and good looking,I can't belive you are depressed!
I too suffer from depression, I've been dealing with chronic pain, taking 5 meds that didn't bother me for almost 10 years, then o tried to get off one that's an antidepressant. It wasn't prescribed for depression. I decided to not get it refilled, I was off them a week, feeling fine, slowly suicidal thoughts started creating in, I saw no reason to look forward to another 40 years, if life is like this now, I saw no point, anyway I did get on a lower dose of the drug I got off of and I found a
Hi Sarah, please don't give up yet. ..There are a lot of people who are treatment resistant. Did you try ECT yet? Maybe that would help? How long have you been suffering for? I know depression is the worst thing that can happen to anyone. I had depression for about a year and am now on recovery (hopefully). -- Sanya.
Im a Marine out of Kaneohe Bay, 6months I waited, too find out that I was suffering from DSM-IV, and they labeled me Adjustment Disorder. I'm an Infantryman. I always have my rifle, cant tell you how many times. The psychiatrist is taking this way too lightly. I have yet too be put on meds... Idk, fighting my demons not to stick my rifle in my mouth is a feat in itself... They are waiting until it gets worse I suppose. They have yet too do anything to help.
thankx THOMAS
for some of us, depression never goes away. it is wrong to tell someone that they with treatment and medication, they will "feel better." the best some of us can do is to learn to live with it.
Good message. I don't know if there's a "cure" for depression, but seems that remission occurs.
Hi Tom great message and you are very easy on the ear to listen to. If I may share i have been in deep depression for many years (23) honestly not sure how I have survived it. Few things I would like to share. I lost trust in any doctor and even healers as I did not feel that they understand the deep source of depression and misread my responses as 'someone who does not want to get better' .I had to totally become self reliant. No drugs, no anti depressant. I found ways to breath, tap on meridians points, become super healthy, visits to the ocean on Dayle bases ...and main thing is the attitude that there is a reason why we get depressed and it is a good reason! Not a disease as you and many others believe. I did find the source and all I can say is that your fear of depression and trying to make it go away is what keeps it longer. Say to your depression "hit me fully I surrender. show me why I am so depressed".
The chemical in your brain do not cause the depression. They are the physical responses that take place inside you when you get depressed.
Nevo Yatom you have obviously never experienced major depression. Consider yourself blessed.
I know I need help because I'm starting to really hate a lot of members of my family for the smallest things and I mean hate them like thugs which is sad.
It's a living nightmare
Willy Wonka yes, it is a nightmare... but without any sleeping
Thank you!
Great vid man. Great Vid. I'm hopin' and prayin' i'll have it like you xept the drugs part.
No one has missed in years. Don't even know I exist. Broke as a dog. I think that sums it up nicely.
I have depression and generalized anxiety disorder. I'm 13 years old and I turn 14 tomorrow. It seems like to me that depression seems over expressed to much. People use the term a lot but only the people that go through it understand. I feel like I can't deal with anyone or anything. I've missed a lot of school and had to see 2 therapists. I hope that I can get better and that you can too I know I'm young but I truly know how you feel.
+tenminutetokyo thank you for the tips I'll try them ❤️
Like so many, I feel into its grip. Depression. I spent days and nights trying to sum up the strength to end my life. It took me pull myself out of that lonely hell, to realize I did not wish to die. What I wanted , almost as much as wanting it to end, was for someone to speak to. Without judgement, without the guilt that comes with it. Just to speak with someone. That day never came. The constant pain ended just as suddenly as it came to me.
As long as I have gone through it, I still refuse to call it a disease, because, technically its not. People hear that and immediately get offended, dont. I'm not suggesting its in anyones head, either. Its real. However, its not a disease.
I hope I get better soon as I am finding live unbearable. Your vidio was good but i am finding it hard to go back to work and worry that I will not be able to cope and will loose everything
Did anyone else completely recover from depression? I'd like to hear your stories as I had clinical depression about 2.5 years ago and am still recovering (hopefully). It's hard to tell whether I'm recovering though. I'm not as restless as I used to be 2.5 years ago and I am no longer suicidal, but I still don't feel like 'me' completely.. I still don't get much pleasure from things. Will I ever recover fully? Does anyone know? It would be nice to hear from anyone who has recovered fully. Thanks
Tom speaks from the heart! I however know that some people I have spoken to, do not have the strength, physically or emotionally to keep going back to their doc's over and over and over(it can easily drag on for years!) to get the right combination of drugs. To me ,Tom, getting the right doctor that will let you keep tweaking your meds as you did is not always easy to find. Dont let your doctor be your boss. He cant feel whats in your head. You can. On the other hand, some docs just can sense or feel when someone is just pill shopping and has no patience to try something for more than 3 days. For me, anything that didnt work usually in the 1st 48 hrs, it wasnt for me. That said, I dont believe meds are the total answer and for many may not be needed. Being active and eating the things your brain needs to feel good, like fish or anything that has Omega 3 oils in it may be better than anything in pill form. I tried fish oil capsules for years and years. Im feeling better sorry floks I know its more expensive but nothing beats regular real fish, especially salmon. I now eat a small piece of fish, like 1/4 lb 5 days a week. Too much effort. Ok, stay on meds. I'd always prefer the natural way. I want to get as happy as I can and to me, no drug or pill can ever do that. Theres no free lunch out there. If you dont know about mood nutrition, there is so much on the Internet, just do some research. Buy a notebook, its not a 2 hour job. -) I also dont believe in 90% of the natural mood pills like GABA(cant cross the blood/brain barrier in pill form) and amono acids. Buit yet, melatonin helps me sleep and you actually need very little. 3mg per night for me with another regular prescription pill work very well together. One day i will be totally natural. Google: Brain Food and nutrition for depression and watch out for the scams. 90% of articles trying to sell you something are scams. Especially if they want your credit card and have a 30 day MBG.
I'M 55. I just this last year in Oct.2013 enrolled in the Anthony Robbins R.M.T. training course because I realized that the corniest thing I've been hearing all my life is true: If you spent your day helping other people, there's no way you can be depressed. I think for most of us,depression just came, snuck up on us little by little and then whopped us over the head like an emotional mugger. But this mugger has been getting closer and closer year by year and we never saw him until it was too late, as in most REAL muggings. So why as Stefan here was saying doe we feel we need to study ANOTHER self help book to get out of this funk? So I developed this program. If you can get INTO depression without trying, you might be able to get out of it almost automatically. The surest way as I've said is spend your day helping others. If that means changing your job, and making way less money working in a nursing home....do it! Imagine how many elderly people have been discarded like old trash and would give anything to have yo spend time with them and I bet some of them have more interesting stories and wisdom to share that could help you, than you do for THEM. Or.....volunteer at a hospital. Do you know how many people get no visitors? And the volunteer job might make you feel so happy to be there you magically find yourself going thru a course or being offered a paying job so you can make a good paying career out of it. Have any of you been in hospitals or nursing homes lately? They often suck. Filled with way too many people who don't give 2 diddles about the person they care for every day. They just do it for immigration purposes to stay in the country or to scam a semi- free paycheck. Your heart would break if you saw some of them. You can be more important in that environment than the doctors! Every human being should volunteer someplace before they die. It will give you more than the best illegal or legal drug, the greatest anti-depressant the best opiate, the best shot of heroin or Suboxone could ever give you.....but it takes a bit of time, not much. Even volunteer at your local bowling alley and tell yourself you are 'Gods messenger' and every person you give their bowling shoes to send them out a special burst of energy if you believe in that kind of thing. Best thing about it....you can do things the employees cant because you aren't getting paid! They cant control you the way they can a paid employee. And sooner or later, when one person messes up, you will be offered a paying job anyway. Just volunteer anywhere where you like the people in that environment. That also means the reverse........get out, I mean get out of any job or living situation that is toxic and there is more negative energy than positive energy. Contact me if you'd like a little more help. To be honest, volunteering will make you rich both emotionally,spiritually and maybe even financially, because people look at volunteers thru much different eyes than the people in your environment that are getting paid to be there. And don't rush, search the web for many different ideas.And if you can volunteer at a place that you have passion for, I can almost guarantee your depression will go bye bye. Like if you love Opera or yoga or sports, where do they have these things that you could talk to someone and say, I dont want a job, Id like to volunteer to help because I love hanging out HERE with people like YOU. Any HR or hiring director will be so flattered they will squeeze you in somewhere, in most cases. And if they don't try back every few weeks or move on. Ask yourself: "Where would I love to spend every day helping out that it would be a total blast?" Even if I was depressed, id rather be depressed over there!? Try to find something as close to your house or as close to the area you like to hang out in as possible so eventually you'll never miss a day and while all these other people get more depressed talking about how far they have to travel to get to a place they don't want to be, you'll remember this post and how it changed your life and maybe, just maybe.......you'll turn them onto this tactic! And by the way, this is how man progressed since he fell out of the trees. He found someone who had a skill he wanted and asked to be taken as a protege, often for no pay and most times for years at a time! So you can turn volunteering into a mentor/protege situation. Or just keep it informal like sweeping up at your local museum. There are many levels to doing this. And in Japan by the way, even today, the average person who "volunteers" to help a great master of his craft does so for an average of 8 years. Sometimes 12. And look how great Japanese people are in contributing to society and building up the world. So volunteering was the way all things were taught before they had formal schools.But take this as casually or as deep as you want, just try it. Cant work up the courage to ask? I might be able to make it easy for you. Oh.... This is not free by the way. If you start to implement this, it is only fair we trade or barter,right, since I'm helping you. So what I want is for you to contact me and let me know how its working out for you so I can add it to my book and learn how to keep getting better at this. Fair enough?(And by the way its really for you guys I'm doing it for because people do not value and use what they get for free quite often. So if we barter ,now you feel you have to do your part too! ) I'd start by buying an "Idea Journal" and forcing yourself to put three ideas where you can volunteer or even just go for the day. I want to see if there's even one person that could buy a cheap $1 notebook and fill it up without having an idea that will blow you away! I bet 1000-1 nobody could do it. Go thru 80-120 pages in a notebook and not get anything that gets them really excited and "totally immersed in another world." Unless you truly like being depressed or have something big to gain by staying that way, it cant happen. And that's another subject. So just give yourself a few days or weeks and I bet you'll be contacting me telling me that your problem is that you now have TOO many things you'd like to do.-) Hey, you ARE allowed to do more than one thing, but start with one so you do not get overwhelmed or stressed. Thats the trap many people inadvertently set up for themselves is they try to do too much at one time. Take it slow.
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I have mastered the "smile". I've stopped all meds.
i have a very similar story but mine started at age 18 and still going
I got so scared when in got a depression that I totally ruined my life I had a problem growing up so was afraid of everything. Every little change. I wanted to protect myself from growing up.
I'm suffering from terrible depression. Just awful. I feel like life is loosing color.
I just want to feel normal again. I have depressive type schizoaffective disorder and sometimes I just want to lay in bed.
I couldn't find the video. Does anyone have a link?