You got this !!! But also don't stress yourself. Ngl i think I just got insanely lucky with my winning streak. I mean you do get random teammates so it's mostly just a gamble. I believe in you though!!!
jg main, diamond here. I love you videos and how much you learn, especially being such a new player. You know some stuff that not even old players know. your potential is huge, because of your observant spirit and the mentality you have. The best advice to climb I can give you are: 1. ONE TRICK PONY. after trying out all roles, you kinda get the point of each one. choose the best suited one for you, and 1 main champion, and 1/2 reserve. for example I play kindred(marskman), lillia(mage tank shredder), kayn (assasin/bruiser), sejuani(tank). but i play kindred and lillia almost every time, based on what the teamcomp is. there might be a bad stigma around OTP, but this is the safest way to climb. why? because if you learn your champion perfectly, you can: a) pay more attention to the game itself b) it more abilties, because your brain will have muscle memory of the range AND cooldown c) know when to fight and not 2. If you wanna play jg, point c) is very important. the golden rule is the numbers rule. are you 3v2? then fight. 2v1? fight. 3v3? check lvl and items. and who has ultimates. the 80% rule is very important for jungle (if there are 80% success rates, go for it). 3. If our teammate fucks up, walk away, don't die with them just because you feel bad, or they ping you. it is a team game yes, but you do have to be selfish sometimes. 4. Mute at 1st sign of aggression (trust me) 5. Please ping. you will be amazed, how many people react like sheep low elo. you ping come they come, you ping run they get scared of the god damn red ping as if it deals damage I swear. also, QUICQ CAST your abilities, most importantly your smite. you will have many 50-50 with other jg, and u need it to spam that shit 6. Now, look for streamers or youtubers that main the champion that you choose to main(going back to point 1, that one got me out of silver years ago, please try it). What you got from Ludwig is pretty much the most you an get out of him in terms of learning. don't watch other bronze streamers. watch high elo streamers. they always have tutorials where they give you little tips and tricks, that will make the difference many times 7. counter-jungle/invade is really strong of you do it right. let's say you are top and doing the scuttle or ur blue or grubs. you look at minimap while u do it. if you spot the enemy jg bot, you ping ur teammates ofc, and u run to his jungle. this is the base rule. if you see him on the other side of map, you respond by doing something else on your side (gank/invade/objective). it is important to punish every mistake,, that is how you make a build up and win. in jg KDA is not that important. farm and objectives are. 8. Last but not least, as a jungler, your job is mostly the objectives. search for tutorials on good ganking angles. usually, you clear your jg, like it's a chore, because that is a guaranteed source of XP and money. do't interrupt ur clear for a gank, unless it's urgent and you are pretty close. the grubbies are pretty important, so if you can, 2nd time you clear ur jg, they should spawn, do the directly, but try to be sneaky. you don't need 6, you need 4, but better to have 2 or 3 then none at all. unfortunately low elo people don't really hit towers... so dragons are more important. if you are lvl 5 and went to base already once, and ur botlane is pushed or their botlane is base/dead DO IT. carry a red oracle lens instead of trinket after 2nd time you go base, so that you can check if you have been spotted. and the new stupid objective is very very important. the athakan. I hate it. but it has 70% winrate. you need to spam ping that shit and call people to it. don;t do the Rift unless you are winning hard and toplane wants to do it, and give it to toplane if so. Damn I went into a writing rampage, sorry about that. If you read all this, thank you, and know that me and my toplaner bf watch you when you post, and root for you. your journey is beautiful and you give hope to this game. good luck on the new season!
That depens of the jungle you pick, a shaco or a lillia are great engager due the way the can enter and remove one champ easily, someone like kindred or sejuani are strictly labored as objective seekers. They can gank sure, but their engage tool is sorta obvious and easily evoidables (until level 6 of course) I'd say OTP are great but if you play to have fun experiment enough, just that OTP learn how to play around other champs more than with the common options, if you've played garen vs darius 15 times you know how to aproach any situations, since more likely than not, you remember those bad plays. So yeah, learn 1 champ, but not in the "I know what their abilities do" more learn what they do agains other, learn how they behave. You become better knowing how the enemy plays more than you playing your side. Your enemy jungle likes to gank a lot? ping your allies and invade every single camp posible, they'd rather have the +50 gold of a assist than the gold of a camp? well, their choice, they don't show in the map after 8 minutes? they are NPC campers that only want tp farm, seek objectives and gank the lanes you see are ahead so you can push and get more territory. No one game is the same, but if you learn what your enemy team does you get a very clear picture of what to do.
Thank you for all the tips !!! I'm pretty sure I wanna stick with jungle mostly. I do like playing other specific Champs like heimerdinger or neeko so I might still play 1 or 2 games with them here and there, but I want to main jungle. I do need to learn a few more Champs for that tho. I think ammumu was great to start jungle, bc he allows for mistakes and also makes clearing relatively easy, but now that I have a better understanding of jungle I deffo want to branch out and see what other characters are fun. I'm an avid Tolkin watcher (he's a German streamer). He's more of a top main but really great at explaining things and answers a lot of questions and I feel like I've learned a lot through that still because while he's top main he will explain macro gameplay and also why the gank was bad for example. I haven't really found a jungle main streamer yet so if you have any recommendations I'd love to hear them :D Ahhh thank you so much. I really appreciate the long messages a lot :') And new season has been great so far!! Not to flex but I'm on my rankup game to bronze 3 :D I hope the new season is treating you and your bf great as well !!! (Also I agree with the athakan thing. It makes it quite a bit more stressful, so new season is great but feels more rushed in a way, because you have so many objectives to keep track of)
@minuna_ jungle mains are usually kinda mentally unstable 😂 so it's hard to find a good streamer. But Agurin is the best jungler in the world, and he streams, also Kaidojg, very chill guy. Stay away from tarzaned or dantes for your well being. And for the most fun I would reccomend CARESAPO (great heimer player, he speaks spanish but it don't matter, vibe is 10/10). If you're bronze 3 already, maybe jg was the role for you! I was support for 5 years, before discovering jungle, and it's my favorite role. It is the most difficult role in decision making, that's for sure, but I do prefer it over the minion waves and constant lane fighting 😅 amumu secret is stay in jg when no ult, look for fight when u got ult, in very simple terms. I do recommend finding what suits you best (mage, tank, assassin, etc), and you might like Nocturne, Lillia, rammus, beginner friendly. I use ** to check winrate, builds, counters, winrate, and porofessor is great for timers in game(but you can close the flash tracker that appears when u begin game, takes away too much screen space). Oh one last thing. BIG MINIMAP, SMALL HUD, helps a lot I promise ♥️ keep up the good work, see you on stream!
Thank youuu :D proud of myself as well and now I'm on my rankup to bronze 3 already :O Also I do really like jungle but I will deffo have to learn more Champs for it if I want to continue. I think ammumu is great to learn the basics of jungle, because he can farm easy and allows for mistakes since he's kind of tanky. So now that I got the basics a bit more I think I can try other junglers more (once I unlock them because getting new Champs takes forever now :/)
One: the camara gives a lot of personality, i'd recomend keeping it. Two: While Amumu is a great pick as a jungle he's also one of the worst scaling ones (unless build with AP in mind) he falls down hard in late game, so when you play him, always end before the enemy team has 4 items, since one MR item is enough to make his damage laughable (he still has utility thou) Fiddle is the opposite, he has, he has a great clearing but his spike is at level 6-12 and 16. At late level he can shred entire enemies. However, you must always pay attention to position, he's the sort of champ that if you trow a proper R behind bushes can e asily take down the ADC/support/mid before they can even blink. His passive works only of you're outside the enemy vision, so if you intent to use it always ward where you are (since fiddle ward works as both a sweaper and a regular ward) also, remember, the W heals more the less health you have, so even if you're in danger, remain using it until the timer is out, either you heal enough to run away or die. So the most important thing I've notice in many of this stuff regarding you and your team... always AA, don'r forget your aa stack plenty damage, that vayne that was running away from you at the end? yeah, she could've easily decimated you, her passive allowes her to do so and you had almost no mana and no damage. She just was so afraid that she never tought about it, same with you as fiddle or amumu, AA, always, betwen abilities, while running (unless you see the difference too daunting). That sona build one ADC item to be that extra damage, sona base healing and stats are plenty big, support items are cheap and if she chases you with a collector it makes it harder to survive. While it works it also takes away her survivality at the end. However, she took advantage of the fact they tought "oh a sona, means less damage" to full engage and steal all their posible lead. Anyways, congrats, hope this new season isn't that brutal, it's a total reset on the MMR so you're points might be slightly fixed, and since you know better now it'll be a more smoth sailing towards emerald :D. Also, check the new champ, she's extremely versatile (when she's out) and her W is rather insane.
If you mean the facecam it's because it's from my twitch vods. I usually record games for youtube offstream because I thought the quality would be better but I didn't think I was gonna rank up on stream so i had to improvise. I'm not sure about league videos but I will deffo do facecam for future letsplays :) And second thank you in general for all the tips !! I think ammumu was good for me to learn how to jungle because he can clear camps relatively fast and allows for mistakes since he's a bit tanky. But now that I've learned the basics of jungle I will definitely have to learn more Champs, unfortunately it just takes a while to unlock them. And new season has been AMAZING I get like +36 for a win and I'm about to rankup to bronze 3 maybe which is really cool. I know the gains will decrease but right now it makes climbing a lot faster :D Oh yeah I saw Mel. She looks really cool. I know a lot of people are saying it's op but I remember they said that for ambessa as well and she wasn't crazy op either. I do wanna play support a little bit, just to switch it up from time to time so I don't get bored of jungle but it will probably take me a while to unlock her. Anyways thank you for all the support and tips, I really try to take them to heart and they've already helped greatly, also the ones from other videos :D
@ yeah, facecam gives a lot of vibe, or add a png, there's this version for most LOL players, you can put a adorable amumu playing in a keyboard so people can see how you play, it's fun. New season made it awful to get new champs, sadly. I don't hightly recomend playing all the jungles, just play the ones you can see are fun, sejuani works similar to amumu, you can try outside meta picks for jungle too, try lillia since if i'm honest she's one of the funnies to play in jungle and she can be build dps or tank. glad to hear the new season has been graceful, I haven't played my ranked yet, i'd prob end in gold 3 to plat -5 since it's where i left so many years ago. Honestly, only play modes and ARAM, if you eve wanna play with someone, i only have south america acc so i can't XD. But the best fun is to play with friends so try to find other people, trust me, the fun factor goes to the roof. Ambassa is a mobility freak, and trust me, if you watch this year league? you'll see her around, she's a monster in high elo, master and challenger abuse her mobility. Low elo? bunch of idiots jumping around isn't treatening. Mel? her W deflects and she has in-build execute that scale with AP, she will definetly be a problem to scale, i've seen some of her plays, he damage is not that great but her kit is just lux + smolder lever of pressuring. It's less of her being OP and more her being made as a "+200" years game design.
I highly recommend you watching a video or two of Perryjg coaching Ludwig, theyre on the yt channel with the same (or very similar) name. Happened after League week and that 1 on 1 focussed coaching is what got Ludwig over the line. Generally speaking, anyone can make it out of iron. You can do it, too, just need to understand the game and the limits of your champion. If you can, find someone who have a decent understanding of the game, let them coach you for a bit 1 on 1, i think thats the most effective way to quickly improve to become a goat.
I'm sure sonas are amazing but i feel like in iron we are all too skilless to play with a support like that :(( it feels like yuumi sometimes. I just prefer supports that do dmg or cc more
@@minuna_bronzodia is an old joke of a combination of Amumu, Malphite, Blitzcrank, Shen and Cho’gath. Champions that are very strong in bronze. The name comes from yugioh, where Exodia the forbidden one is an instant win card monster. In bronze people will often stand close to each other, which makes it easy to do big Malphite/Amumu ult
I still think I just got insanely lucky tho. I mean I was iron for a while and now all of a sudden I'm on my rankup to bronze 1??? Like my career was literally 18/21 wins?? Deffo a lot of luck, but I'm not gonna complain 😌😌
I DONT HAVE BLUE ESSENCE :(((( On a serious note it's kind of annoying to get new Champs. Like I really like jungle but since I recently just started playing it properly i didn't unlock too many jungle Champs and now it will take a long ass time to get new ones. I will out hecarim on my list tho 🫡🫡
Great work! I'm currently still Iron and these types of videos really help me find the motivation to keep improving.
You got this !!! But also don't stress yourself. Ngl i think I just got insanely lucky with my winning streak. I mean you do get random teammates so it's mostly just a gamble.
I believe in you though!!!
jg main, diamond here. I love you videos and how much you learn, especially being such a new player. You know some stuff that not even old players know. your potential is huge, because of your observant spirit and the mentality you have. The best advice to climb I can give you are:
1. ONE TRICK PONY. after trying out all roles, you kinda get the point of each one. choose the best suited one for you, and 1 main champion, and 1/2 reserve. for example I play kindred(marskman), lillia(mage tank shredder), kayn (assasin/bruiser), sejuani(tank). but i play kindred and lillia almost every time, based on what the teamcomp is. there might be a bad stigma around OTP, but this is the safest way to climb. why? because if you learn your champion perfectly, you can:
a) pay more attention to the game itself
b) it more abilties, because your brain will have muscle memory of the range AND cooldown
c) know when to fight and not
2. If you wanna play jg, point c) is very important. the golden rule is the numbers rule. are you 3v2? then fight. 2v1? fight. 3v3? check lvl and items. and who has ultimates. the 80% rule is very important for jungle (if there are 80% success rates, go for it).
3. If our teammate fucks up, walk away, don't die with them just because you feel bad, or they ping you. it is a team game yes, but you do have to be selfish sometimes.
4. Mute at 1st sign of aggression (trust me)
5. Please ping. you will be amazed, how many people react like sheep low elo. you ping come they come, you ping run they get scared of the god damn red ping as if it deals damage I swear. also, QUICQ CAST your abilities, most importantly your smite. you will have many 50-50 with other jg, and u need it to spam that shit
6. Now, look for streamers or youtubers that main the champion that you choose to main(going back to point 1, that one got me out of silver years ago, please try it). What you got from Ludwig is pretty much the most you an get out of him in terms of learning. don't watch other bronze streamers. watch high elo streamers. they always have tutorials where they give you little tips and tricks, that will make the difference many times
7. counter-jungle/invade is really strong of you do it right. let's say you are top and doing the scuttle or ur blue or grubs. you look at minimap while u do it. if you spot the enemy jg bot, you ping ur teammates ofc, and u run to his jungle. this is the base rule. if you see him on the other side of map, you respond by doing something else on your side (gank/invade/objective). it is important to punish every mistake,, that is how you make a build up and win. in jg KDA is not that important. farm and objectives are.
8. Last but not least, as a jungler, your job is mostly the objectives. search for tutorials on good ganking angles. usually, you clear your jg, like it's a chore, because that is a guaranteed source of XP and money. do't interrupt ur clear for a gank, unless it's urgent and you are pretty close. the grubbies are pretty important, so if you can, 2nd time you clear ur jg, they should spawn, do the directly, but try to be sneaky. you don't need 6, you need 4, but better to have 2 or 3 then none at all. unfortunately low elo people don't really hit towers... so dragons are more important. if you are lvl 5 and went to base already once, and ur botlane is pushed or their botlane is base/dead DO IT. carry a red oracle lens instead of trinket after 2nd time you go base, so that you can check if you have been spotted. and the new stupid objective is very very important. the athakan. I hate it. but it has 70% winrate. you need to spam ping that shit and call people to it. don;t do the Rift unless you are winning hard and toplane wants to do it, and give it to toplane if so.
Damn I went into a writing rampage, sorry about that. If you read all this, thank you, and know that me and my toplaner bf watch you when you post, and root for you. your journey is beautiful and you give hope to this game. good luck on the new season!
That depens of the jungle you pick, a shaco or a lillia are great engager due the way the can enter and remove one champ easily, someone like kindred or sejuani are strictly labored as objective seekers. They can gank sure, but their engage tool is sorta obvious and easily evoidables (until level 6 of course) I'd say OTP are great but if you play to have fun experiment enough, just that OTP learn how to play around other champs more than with the common options, if you've played garen vs darius 15 times you know how to aproach any situations, since more likely than not, you remember those bad plays.
So yeah, learn 1 champ, but not in the "I know what their abilities do" more learn what they do agains other, learn how they behave. You become better knowing how the enemy plays more than you playing your side. Your enemy jungle likes to gank a lot? ping your allies and invade every single camp posible, they'd rather have the +50 gold of a assist than the gold of a camp? well, their choice, they don't show in the map after 8 minutes? they are NPC campers that only want tp farm, seek objectives and gank the lanes you see are ahead so you can push and get more territory.
No one game is the same, but if you learn what your enemy team does you get a very clear picture of what to do.
Thank you for all the tips !!! I'm pretty sure I wanna stick with jungle mostly. I do like playing other specific Champs like heimerdinger or neeko so I might still play 1 or 2 games with them here and there, but I want to main jungle.
I do need to learn a few more Champs for that tho. I think ammumu was great to start jungle, bc he allows for mistakes and also makes clearing relatively easy, but now that I have a better understanding of jungle I deffo want to branch out and see what other characters are fun.
I'm an avid Tolkin watcher (he's a German streamer). He's more of a top main but really great at explaining things and answers a lot of questions and I feel like I've learned a lot through that still because while he's top main he will explain macro gameplay and also why the gank was bad for example. I haven't really found a jungle main streamer yet so if you have any recommendations I'd love to hear them :D
Ahhh thank you so much. I really appreciate the long messages a lot :')
And new season has been great so far!! Not to flex but I'm on my rankup game to bronze 3 :D
I hope the new season is treating you and your bf great as well !!!
(Also I agree with the athakan thing. It makes it quite a bit more stressful, so new season is great but feels more rushed in a way, because you have so many objectives to keep track of)
@minuna_ jungle mains are usually kinda mentally unstable 😂 so it's hard to find a good streamer. But Agurin is the best jungler in the world, and he streams, also Kaidojg, very chill guy. Stay away from tarzaned or dantes for your well being. And for the most fun I would reccomend CARESAPO (great heimer player, he speaks spanish but it don't matter, vibe is 10/10).
If you're bronze 3 already, maybe jg was the role for you! I was support for 5 years, before discovering jungle, and it's my favorite role. It is the most difficult role in decision making, that's for sure, but I do prefer it over the minion waves and constant lane fighting 😅 amumu secret is stay in jg when no ult, look for fight when u got ult, in very simple terms. I do recommend finding what suits you best (mage, tank, assassin, etc), and you might like Nocturne, Lillia, rammus, beginner friendly. I use ** to check winrate, builds, counters, winrate, and porofessor is great for timers in game(but you can close the flash tracker that appears when u begin game, takes away too much screen space). Oh one last thing. BIG MINIMAP, SMALL HUD, helps a lot I promise ♥️ keep up the good work, see you on stream!
watched the entire thing
Thank you Abussy 🙏🙏
We're all proud of you!
I also think jungle is the way to go!
Thank youuu :D proud of myself as well and now I'm on my rankup to bronze 3 already :O
Also I do really like jungle but I will deffo have to learn more Champs for it if I want to continue. I think ammumu is great to learn the basics of jungle, because he can farm easy and allows for mistakes since he's kind of tanky. So now that I got the basics a bit more I think I can try other junglers more (once I unlock them because getting new Champs takes forever now :/)
@@minuna_ I main Briar. I think she fits your personality.
One: the camara gives a lot of personality, i'd recomend keeping it.
Two: While Amumu is a great pick as a jungle he's also one of the worst scaling ones (unless build with AP in mind) he falls down hard in late game, so when you play him, always end before the enemy team has 4 items, since one MR item is enough to make his damage laughable (he still has utility thou) Fiddle is the opposite, he has, he has a great clearing but his spike is at level 6-12 and 16. At late level he can shred entire enemies. However, you must always pay attention to position, he's the sort of champ that if you trow a proper R behind bushes can e asily take down the ADC/support/mid before they can even blink. His passive works only of you're outside the enemy vision, so if you intent to use it always ward where you are (since fiddle ward works as both a sweaper and a regular ward) also, remember, the W heals more the less health you have, so even if you're in danger, remain using it until the timer is out, either you heal enough to run away or die.
So the most important thing I've notice in many of this stuff regarding you and your team... always AA, don'r forget your aa stack plenty damage, that vayne that was running away from you at the end? yeah, she could've easily decimated you, her passive allowes her to do so and you had almost no mana and no damage. She just was so afraid that she never tought about it, same with you as fiddle or amumu, AA, always, betwen abilities, while running (unless you see the difference too daunting).
That sona build one ADC item to be that extra damage, sona base healing and stats are plenty big, support items are cheap and if she chases you with a collector it makes it harder to survive. While it works it also takes away her survivality at the end. However, she took advantage of the fact they tought "oh a sona, means less damage" to full engage and steal all their posible lead.
Anyways, congrats, hope this new season isn't that brutal, it's a total reset on the MMR so you're points might be slightly fixed, and since you know better now it'll be a more smoth sailing towards emerald :D.
Also, check the new champ, she's extremely versatile (when she's out) and her W is rather insane.
If you mean the facecam it's because it's from my twitch vods. I usually record games for youtube offstream because I thought the quality would be better but I didn't think I was gonna rank up on stream so i had to improvise. I'm not sure about league videos but I will deffo do facecam for future letsplays :)
And second thank you in general for all the tips !! I think ammumu was good for me to learn how to jungle because he can clear camps relatively fast and allows for mistakes since he's a bit tanky. But now that I've learned the basics of jungle I will definitely have to learn more Champs, unfortunately it just takes a while to unlock them.
And new season has been AMAZING I get like +36 for a win and I'm about to rankup to bronze 3 maybe which is really cool. I know the gains will decrease but right now it makes climbing a lot faster :D
Oh yeah I saw Mel. She looks really cool. I know a lot of people are saying it's op but I remember they said that for ambessa as well and she wasn't crazy op either. I do wanna play support a little bit, just to switch it up from time to time so I don't get bored of jungle but it will probably take me a while to unlock her.
Anyways thank you for all the support and tips, I really try to take them to heart and they've already helped greatly, also the ones from other videos :D
@ yeah, facecam gives a lot of vibe, or add a png, there's this version for most LOL players, you can put a adorable amumu playing in a keyboard so people can see how you play, it's fun.
New season made it awful to get new champs, sadly. I don't hightly recomend playing all the jungles, just play the ones you can see are fun, sejuani works similar to amumu, you can try outside meta picks for jungle too, try lillia since if i'm honest she's one of the funnies to play in jungle and she can be build dps or tank.
glad to hear the new season has been graceful, I haven't played my ranked yet, i'd prob end in gold 3 to plat -5 since it's where i left so many years ago. Honestly, only play modes and ARAM, if you eve wanna play with someone, i only have south america acc so i can't XD. But the best fun is to play with friends so try to find other people, trust me, the fun factor goes to the roof.
Ambassa is a mobility freak, and trust me, if you watch this year league? you'll see her around, she's a monster in high elo, master and challenger abuse her mobility. Low elo? bunch of idiots jumping around isn't treatening. Mel? her W deflects and she has in-build execute that scale with AP, she will definetly be a problem to scale, i've seen some of her plays, he damage is not that great but her kit is just lux + smolder lever of pressuring. It's less of her being OP and more her being made as a "+200" years game design.
ManlyGymBro is goated
I highly recommend you watching a video or two of Perryjg coaching Ludwig, theyre on the yt channel with the same (or very similar) name. Happened after League week and that 1 on 1 focussed coaching is what got Ludwig over the line.
Generally speaking, anyone can make it out of iron. You can do it, too, just need to understand the game and the limits of your champion. If you can, find someone who have a decent understanding of the game, let them coach you for a bit 1 on 1, i think thats the most effective way to quickly improve to become a goat.
How dare you think that of Sona! 😭
Super glad you made it to bronze again though! 🎉❤ Awesome job!!
I'm sure sonas are amazing but i feel like in iron we are all too skilless to play with a support like that :(( it feels like yuumi sometimes. I just prefer supports that do dmg or cc more
Mastering a Bronze-Zodia champion will definitely make you climb
What's a Bronze-Zodia champ?
@@minuna_bronzodia is an old joke of a combination of Amumu, Malphite, Blitzcrank, Shen and Cho’gath. Champions that are very strong in bronze. The name comes from yugioh, where Exodia the forbidden one is an instant win card monster.
In bronze people will often stand close to each other, which makes it easy to do big Malphite/Amumu ult
@@wellwellwelp Also, Iron didnt exist then, so Bronze was the lowest division. Thats where the joke comes from.
hell yeah go get that silver tiger!
and after that there will be more
Currently in my rankup to bronze 3 👍👍 idk about silver yet, but climbing bronze is definitely the plan
@@minuna_ go get em!
Minu the GOAT Player
I feel like you would really like stardew valley or animal crossing 👍👍 they got great fishing mini games
@minuna_ I played a lot of both
I knew you could do it.
I still think I just got insanely lucky tho. I mean I was iron for a while and now all of a sudden I'm on my rankup to bronze 1??? Like my career was literally 18/21 wins??
Deffo a lot of luck, but I'm not gonna complain 😌😌
On a serious note it's kind of annoying to get new Champs. Like I really like jungle but since I recently just started playing it properly i didn't unlock too many jungle Champs and now it will take a long ass time to get new ones. I will out hecarim on my list tho 🫡🫡
@@minuna_ I hate that Riot just made it even harder :(
@@minuna_ bro fr like im getting to the point where i have to spend real money to get them cus no other way