They're all expensive on ebay. Locally you may be able to find crts much cheaper. Try Facebook marketplace and Craigslist and check frequently. Several times a day even. This exact model is a little uncommon but you will find something really good if you're diligent.
24” is a perfect size CRT. A great middle ground between too small and too big
I totally agree
I loved the 20” model I had but it lacked s-video.
gorgeous SD set man. I have an SD RCA and an HD Samsung. Would love to have left and right speakers on the RCA like this one does
Thanks! I'm on the lookout for an hd crt. I want to get one that does lagless 480p though.
@GamingPlus10 yep that's the challenge
You have a really cool collection.
I'd absolutely love to find the 27 inch version of this. I'm admittedly more fond of bigger sizes, at least for my main retro setup.
The 27" has different aesthetics than the 24". I'm not sure what other differences there are.
You can still use a CRT to watch digital broadcasts.
You can if you have a digital to analog converter box or if the crt has a digital tuner.
Why is this tv expensive? *the fuck?*
They're all expensive on ebay. Locally you may be able to find crts much cheaper. Try Facebook marketplace and Craigslist and check frequently. Several times a day even. This exact model is a little uncommon but you will find something really good if you're diligent.