I love her and her amazing ability to articulate in understandable language what her experience was. It reinforces my faith and deepest spiritual beliefs.
ive been having fear of death for a few months, worrying about whowill miss me, who ill miss, how it will happen, but when she said the closing of one door and the opening to another, it has completely changed my life. this video is great. i love God!
It's absolutely beautiful to listen to this woman. I think even if there were no heaven, this would be an amazing feeling to look forward to at the end. Thank you Jane for sharing your story.
just how we will die is worrisome and not able to communicate to the dead - to know if past loved ones are at least ok and knowing they are alright in heaven and not h3ll is worrisome- but great testimony thanks
This woman is fascinating! I love hearing her talks about Heaven and The Lord! I wish I knew her in person, rather than just in a few youtube videos, and anyone who knows her in person is truly blessed!
Fear and anxiety are chosen thoughts. I would begin meditation or another practice that gets you out of your mind and help you let go of those thoughts.
Yes, I have been there in my NDE but its not like some fundamentalists would have us believe as it is more a separation from God's love. However, it is a form of insanity to focus on "Hell" and punishment when God's love is greater than our separation.
Yes, I think everything is part of God as interconnected oneness. This is both what religion teaches and what people who have NDEs experience. But while people do have reunions in the Light, ultimately the research suggests that we all return to God as a form of energy - Love. However, while there might be no physical manifestation is this reunion, we are still one with our loved ones through the energy and love.
You are welcome. The point of meditation and enlightenment is to liberate yourself from your thinking. When meditating you calm your mind and come to realize that there is another part of you that is not your thoughts. Once you get familiar with this other part of you - your true nature (soul, spirit, etc.) - you will see that you are not your thoughts and this gives you freedom. With the freedom to chose between your thoughts you can chose positive thoughts and let go of fear and anxiety.
I don`t know if this lady is telling the truth, but I don`t really care because this is helping me have realizations about or GOD and LORD JESUS CHRIST.
And perhaps the very commonality of fear of death, yields a glimmer of hope. What helps me is to see myself and those close and around me as a variation of a larger culture/genome/theme. We are all the same being - feeling, fearing, loving, awestruck, bored, dreaming, hoping - and somehow we are all unique, special, with a special family. So, SAME being - just different starting conditions. Everyone is young and old. We ALL live for those who have been, who are, and who will be. Being always is.
Like God the Light is Love - but since its another dimension it is a love beyond human comprehension. Its like the fabric of reality is infinite unconditional love beyond description.
Yes, giving up the ego to something much bigger can be a frightening experience because that other dimension very powerful. But you are not loosing anything only gaining your true nature and all the universe. If you compare with you gain: infinite love - then there is no loss. However, if you are still scared you can always find that eternal part in you - your true essence - that will be your solid foundation on the other side. Answer the question: who I am? and you have nothing to fear.
Im 23 n a yr ago i had a near death and i wud always qst everything....now u jus gotta live life and enjoy gud n bad times. Cuz 2marrow may nvr cum. GOD is real cuz wat i expeirenced was out of this world. Stay positive yo!
You don't need a near death experience. One key is to answer the question: who am I? When you find the answer to this, you will know that you are not your fear and that who you are - your essence or soul - is eternal love. This is the foundation that you can step on without fear on the other side.
My mother actually knows this woman...they live in the same small neighborhood near Lewes, Delaware! She says she's as sincere as she comes across here. :)
My father died in a psychic illness, because he refused to get help even though it was served before his mouth. His illness developed so vast, that he began to have waves of psychosis. He lost his fear of death, he began to "embrace" it. In a strong enough psychosis, as he was separated from his family (us), the illness overtook him, and he committed suicide. I'm not trying to scare you. Reality has not any limits drawn, it's you who draw your own limits.
I think it has to do with if you perceive yourself as a sinner or not. Love of life in reality is love of the light of God manifest in everything living. A person that has achieved the state of seeing I'm referring to just moves from life to life in passing, won't fear death.
We see death from a physical point of view in this world. The aspect of being buried under the ground or cremated is frightening for many. It is disturbing and haunting. That is why we fear it so much. Getting eaten by bugs is NOT pleasant.
That's what you've been lead to believe. Hate is not actually the opposite of love. Love isn't an emotion. Like fear, it is a state of being. Emotions like hate and anger only last to long as you think of them. Love is the general background wellbeing you feel. Fear is the general lack of such wellbeing, and the constant worry and doubt that goes with it. To fear God is to doubt God. To doubt that your ultimate outcome (heaven) is not guaranteed. Love is having complete faith & trust in God.
Btw this video was beautiful and it fully ties in with Taoist philosophy in the essence of life, Yin and Yang etc. I do believe that Christians who have NDR go to heaven because they believe it so much and maybe believing something can make it true to that specific person. I think that in such a wonderful multi-verse anything can be true, but only the essence can bring happiness in a physical life, Christianity and all other religions, in their ESSENCE, are basically taoism, love & harmony
@armelix73 You can find even more studies done on people who were brain dead but came back and described activities going on while no electrical activity registered in their brain. This wonderful lady is sharing HER experience in language that is non-threatening-not forcing her beliefs on you. I claimed there couldn't be a God years ago, had an nde and now my message echoes Jayne Smith's. Memories of indescribable love and knowledge cause me to long for the day when I go back to stay.
I agree its not always easy. While I do think that people who have been clinically dead are the most reliable sources of information about the afterlife, still its all a mystery anyways. And they will say that too. However, about the confusion I would find my own way and you can always start by answering the question: who am I?
You need to moderate your language to a more polite form of communication or your message will be deleted. But to answer your question there is actually one person who has died according to modern science - Pam Reynolds, who had cardiac arrest with flat EEG for 55 minutes. You can google her or find videos here on youtube.
@robahmet1 NDE research suggests that Heaven is a non-physical place so we will not be 'doing' things are usual. Its a very different from of existence in another dimension.
What she is saying is the same most people, 80 - 90%, who have near death experiences, and her conclusion is the same as the general conclusion from NDE research based on thousands of cases of near death experiences - they all say the same on matter the culture or religious background.
I wonder how do they feel the love coming from the light if this one is not doing anything to show he's love. Like here i will feel love if someone make an act of generosity but without any act i don't feel any love so how do they feel love from the light?
You don't understand. We are ALL parts of the one. God cannot damn a part of itself or it will no longer be infinite. It would be missing a part of itself! In God's realm, there is no evil & all souls are perfect. But there is no time or experience either. We come to this illusory spacetime realm for experience. This realm requires opposites. So for good to exist, evil MUST exist too. Good only exists RELATIVE to what we call evil. Some people MUST be "evil" for the experiential realm to exist!
@fishfan67 You have to remember that we are brilliant, eternal souls. We are omniscient, we know our own essences thoroughly and we know what we are getting ourselves into. The point and challenge of it all is to endure the stimulus of hardship and review our reaction to it. Will we despair? Will we kick and scream about what's past? Will we control our surroundings to prevent events such as 9/11? You're a lovely being of everlasting love and radiance at your core. Blessings.
Well, unless you are a fundamentalist, then you can always save yourself. Even the Bible tells us that God is within and that the only sin that cannot be forgiven is against the holy spirit. "Spirit" in Greek means soul or mind and by answering the question: who I am? You will end up with eternal love - the same place as faith in Christ brings you.
Yes, Jesus told us to love all unconditionally. He & the Bible said many times: fear not. Fear is the opposite of love, and, like evil, it does not exist in God's realm. You cannot love & fear something. They're opposites. You must choose. You either love God or you fear God. You were given free will to choose fear or love. Fear keeps God away from you. Separates. Love lets God in. It unites & makes wholly. A loving heart connects to God. A fearful mind keeps God away. God respects our free will
Merriam-Websters Dictionary: Fundamentalism is the literal interpretation of religion and a Fundamentalist (You!) is someone who believes that the Bible is the actual word of God, to be taken literally word for word. As history has been blood stained in the name of God, fundamentalism is something achieved by force through having power or authority over somebody else.
@keijah010 Check out the NDE case of Pam Reynolds, hers was the first case that caught my attention. A couple of years ago I was atheist, and now looking back I can't believe what a fool I was to think that all of this was for nothing. Good luck on your spiritual journey!
Also I believe that jesus didn't mean that he was the only son of god when he said it and I think he may have been enlightened, he probably noticed that we are all pieces of "god" and notice that when I use god it isn't in the western terms as a deity or anything like that, thanks for the video but it isn't very comforting to see that some people still don't get the message even after such a clear statement
@zeistermeist Its not a rulette: your mind continues on the other side -- so think of what you put in it. And as God as love so the NDE is all about love: know your true nature as love now and you will be OK on the other side.
@casenova0 the body dies,but not the soul which is what we really are.cuz we are spiritual beings having a human experience,thats why people remember past lives.I talked about my obe so u can relate to robert monroes book that scientiffically proof this.I recommend you read his book.How is it even possible that anything exists in the first place? think about that. How is it that you can see the difference between someone who is alive and sleeping and someone thats dead?cuz theres no more soul
curthjellum42: Thanks to modern medical technology, some people DO come back after Near Death or Clinical Death experiences. Watch the To Hell and Back video series: major complaints from those former atheists! Also, Ian McCormack. Wake up calls, all of them, and very very rare second chances...
Jesus showed us The Way. "The Way" is acting out of love instead of fear. EVERY single time. No matter what it looks like. It does not mean that the messenger itself is The Way. People tend to ignore the message & worship the messenger (leading to religions such as Islam worshipping Muhammad, Christianity worshiping Jesus). Both ignore the message: love IS the answer. Stop focusing on the messenger. This message is being sent by god by countless masters: Fear not. Love is The Way.
@casenova0 HI in my case i was just watching tv with friends so i did not die, and i just floated out off myself.I could still see the tv going on,People next to me and saw everything as clear as i would be wide awake! If you read roberts book you will see that what he saw out of body turned out to be true.I was scared just like u until this happend to me.In my books if you can see into sum1s house u hav never seen before and then tell them exactly whats there! that has to count for something.
she never mentions that she saw god or jesus or that there is god that has divine power. what i think she is trying to say is that we are god, our souls connected together are god. and just because you don't believe in jesus or god does not mean you are a follower of "Satan" if you believe in him and if you dont believe in satan doesnt mean you are a christian, everyone is entitled to their opinion
@casenova0 The body and brain is only bound by this limited density - it is a temporal construct for us as sphere-IT-ual Beings to be anchored for 3rd density learning & experiences - nothing more, nothing less. When the physical body dies; our memories are etherically copied and the memories are gathered and stored within our greater consciousness. Try not to think of physicality as the ONLY way of living. The physical world is a distorted, dense representation of our infinite consciousness.
dear Eyaura Eya i will tell you simple thing do you think you are the same one when you where one year old you will say yes but you are not the same girl that was one year old because every things in your body changed through your life so far but your essence is the same i mean your one year old body has died and you have total new body and this body you have will be dead when you reach 90 years old so our soul will live for ever but we will change and take different forms of body this will make sense to you
Man is not filthy. There is no such thing as sin. We define what is good and bad, not god. Do what you think is good, what you think is right. But do not judge others for what they do. There are no things that are unacceptable to the all-loving One. That is what love is: acceptance. Unconditional love is unconditional acceptance. Unconditional means unconditional. No conditions. It's not "unconditional, except for these conditions".
Fear is used by people. Not God. It is used to control other people. I see that it works pretty well. Love=Truth. Fear=False. Your heart knows this. Listen to your heart. Not your mind. God is wholly because God is whole. Complete. God is ALL things. Souls are the parts of God. God is love, not fear. Heaven is the true reality. The realm we are in is a virtual reality to have experience. It requires fear/evil to exist. Heaven is where you come from. It is where you will return. Fear not. Be Love
There is no hell. Why would god send an aspect of itself to eternal damnation? Fear is illusory. Love is actually all there is. The illusion of fear is necessary to create duality. In the realm true realm of unity, there is only love. Put into very laymen terms, heaven is the only place there truly is. We're in a matrix-like illusion right now in order to experience things which simply could not be experienced in the true realm. Heaven is where we came from and the only place to go back to.
@keijah010 Yes, but medicine does not cure the root problem: anxiety is a thought pattern and the cure is to change these patterns. You may find some useful information in this direction at this web address: survivingthedarknightofthesoulDotcom
First of all why was that comment even directed towards me.. and your comment is kind of frustrating.. Money buys things to enjoy of course but its not where happiness must be found.. I don't understand why you said that to me.. at all..
@fishfan67 As we have free will God cannot control what we do and is not responsible for what we do. The cause of 911 should probably be found in many years of US foreign policies and interest in oil in the middle east. Your question: why is there evil relates to human evolution and we need to evolve to get away from it.
he-he. Great question. I'm sure you could. Why not? But perhaps the ecstasy of the other realm/heaven would be so intense you wouldn't need to have sex. :)
Your correct, man did crash the plane. but who created man to crash the plane, that's what i want to know. Hmm, i guess nowbodys perfect! I'm syarting to believe that life is luck. just like playing a game of cards, you win you loose. maybe those people were just unlucky that day. maybe people who live to 100 plus are just plain lucky.
I'm sick and tired of chrisian fanatics, like some lines they left under here, condaming people to hell and more Without hell their system would fall into peaces. :) What to do with that kind of Religious Obsession ? Please tell me from an nde perspective., for i don't know :(
She is correct in that we are eternal. One mistake she makes is that everyone, even mass murderers will feel this love. There is an eternal for people like this as well if they do not claim the gift of love that is Jesus.
Forget this nonsense remember you are you A GOD . make hell a lot of money enjoy life sex and climax are the most bliss full experiences for the one who are fit when you die everything goes forget god He was created by the fear of death. money is god today be wise
@LightBehindGod why dont he help innocent people in irak? typical answer its ze devil responsible, but why abt innocent people, they r dying in a horrible way, 1000 more horrible than wat happened it twintowers, worse they r obliged to live wiz a body having one hand or feet coz they r simply cuttered, i feel so sorry and angry abt whats happening in irak, and i feel sad most of time, i just cant accept it all the country suffering out there with a horrible poverty
@TheCudr saying that "god creates things" is ignorant, why would you create something just to send it to hell? God must be EVIL lol, you call other people ignorant but you didn't even get the message from this video, obviously all of negative comments and thumbs down on this video are from religious people who are conditioned to believe that god is some sort of deity and that life is a fight of good vs evil instead of a coexistence between them, don't lecture with the support of ancient texts..
armalex73, you are iggnorant, people have come back from the "meddically speaking" Dead. I was clinically dead for 1 minute and 24 seconds. im not a religious man, and i didnt see any divine power. But calling her a religious nut is just mean
I love her and her amazing ability to articulate in understandable language what her experience was. It reinforces my faith and deepest spiritual beliefs.
she knows how to explain , she's amazing, god bless her
ive been having fear of death for a few months, worrying about whowill miss me, who ill miss, how it will happen, but when she said the closing of one door and the opening to another, it has completely changed my life. this video is great. i love God!
What a wonderful woman, thank you so much for sharing this.
This makes me feel better about death... Thank you for this video!
Wise lady... I appreciate her authenticity! She is one of the few NDErs who didn't try to bend the experience to fit inside a religious box.
Her stories are amazing! I've never heard such things before.
I know these stories are true. My Dad had an NDE and his stories are the same.
Her words speak volumes!
It's absolutely beautiful to listen to this woman. I think even if there were no heaven, this would be an amazing feeling to look forward to at the end. Thank you Jane for sharing your story.
I love this lady, thanks for the positive message.
just how we will die is worrisome and not able to communicate to the dead - to know if past loved ones are at least ok and knowing they are alright in heaven and not h3ll is worrisome- but great testimony thanks
This woman is fascinating! I love hearing her talks about Heaven and The Lord! I wish I knew her in person, rather than just in a few youtube videos, and anyone who knows her in person is truly blessed!
heytherespiffy people like her are warming to be around
Wow...awesome video! Love it! It changed my point of death forever..I though death was death. Wow...impressive just changed my life!
Thank you. Hearing your story gives me peace
Fear and anxiety are chosen thoughts. I would begin meditation or another practice that gets you out of your mind and help you let go of those thoughts.
Yes, I have been there in my NDE but its not like some fundamentalists would have us believe as it is more a separation from God's love. However, it is a form of insanity to focus on "Hell" and punishment when God's love is greater than our separation.
Yes, I think everything is part of God as interconnected oneness. This is both what religion teaches and what people who have NDEs experience. But while people do have reunions in the Light, ultimately the research suggests that we all return to God as a form of energy - Love. However, while there might be no physical manifestation is this reunion, we are still one with our loved ones through the energy and love.
You are welcome. The point of meditation and enlightenment is to liberate yourself from your thinking. When meditating you calm your mind and come to realize that there is another part of you that is not your thoughts. Once you get familiar with this other part of you - your true nature (soul, spirit, etc.) - you will see that you are not your thoughts and this gives you freedom. With the freedom to chose between your thoughts you can chose positive thoughts and let go of fear and anxiety.
I don`t know if this lady is telling the truth, but I don`t really care because this is helping me have realizations about or GOD and LORD JESUS CHRIST.
:) yay
Awesome interview
And perhaps the very commonality of fear of death, yields a glimmer of hope. What helps me is to see myself and those close and around me as a variation of a larger culture/genome/theme. We are all the same being - feeling, fearing, loving, awestruck, bored, dreaming, hoping - and somehow we are all unique, special, with a special family. So, SAME being - just different starting conditions. Everyone is young and old. We ALL live for those who have been, who are, and who will be. Being always is.
She does a beautiful job explaining,,,
Like God the Light is Love - but since its another dimension it is a love beyond human comprehension. Its like the fabric of reality is infinite unconditional love beyond description.
Yes, giving up the ego to something much bigger can be a frightening experience because that other dimension very powerful. But you are not loosing anything only gaining your true nature and all the universe. If you compare with you gain: infinite love - then there is no loss. However, if you are still scared you can always find that eternal part in you - your true essence - that will be your solid foundation on the other side. Answer the question: who I am? and you have nothing to fear.
Im 23 n a yr ago i had a near death and i wud always qst everything....now u jus gotta live life and enjoy gud n bad times. Cuz 2marrow may nvr cum. GOD is real cuz wat i expeirenced was out of this world. Stay positive yo!
You don't need a near death experience. One key is to answer the question: who am I?
When you find the answer to this, you will know that you are not your fear and that who you are - your essence or soul - is eternal love. This is the foundation that you can step on without fear on the other side.
My mother actually knows this woman...they live in the same small neighborhood near Lewes, Delaware! She says she's as sincere as she comes across here. :)
My father died in a psychic illness, because he refused to get help even though it was served before his mouth. His illness developed so vast, that he began to have waves of psychosis. He lost his fear of death, he began to "embrace" it. In a strong enough psychosis, as he was separated from his family (us), the illness overtook him, and he committed suicide. I'm not trying to scare you. Reality has not any limits drawn, it's you who draw your own limits.
I think it has to do with if you perceive yourself as a sinner or not. Love of life in reality is love of the light of God manifest in everything living. A person that has achieved the state of seeing I'm referring to just moves from life to life in passing, won't fear death.
We see death from a physical point of view in this world. The aspect of being buried under the ground or cremated is frightening for many. It is disturbing and haunting. That is why we fear it so much. Getting eaten by bugs is NOT pleasant.
That's what you've been lead to believe. Hate is not actually the opposite of love. Love isn't an emotion. Like fear, it is a state of being. Emotions like hate and anger only last to long as you think of them. Love is the general background wellbeing you feel. Fear is the general lack of such wellbeing, and the constant worry and doubt that goes with it. To fear God is to doubt God. To doubt that your ultimate outcome (heaven) is not guaranteed. Love is having complete faith & trust in God.
@paromita87 I may meet her again at the Sept 2 - 4 IANDS Conference in Denver (iandsDotorg) and I can ask for her postal address.
Btw this video was beautiful and it fully ties in with Taoist philosophy in the essence of life, Yin and Yang etc. I do believe that Christians who have NDR go to heaven because they believe it so much and maybe believing something can make it true to that specific person. I think that in such a wonderful multi-verse anything can be true, but only the essence can bring happiness in a physical life, Christianity and all other religions, in their ESSENCE, are basically taoism, love & harmony
@armelix73 You can find even more studies done on people who were brain dead but came back and described activities going on while no electrical activity registered in their brain. This wonderful lady is sharing HER experience in language that is non-threatening-not forcing her beliefs on you. I claimed there couldn't be a God years ago, had an nde and now my message echoes Jayne Smith's. Memories of indescribable love and knowledge cause me to long for the day when I go back to stay.
Beautiful story I love her..🙋♀️❤🤸♀️😁🙏🏻
I agree its not always easy. While I do think that people who have been clinically dead are the most reliable sources of information about the afterlife, still its all a mystery anyways. And they will say that too. However, about the confusion I would find my own way and you can always start by answering the question: who am I?
You need to moderate your language to a more polite form of communication or your message will be deleted. But to answer your question there is actually one person who has died according to modern science - Pam Reynolds, who had cardiac arrest with flat EEG for 55 minutes. You can google her or find videos here on youtube.
I don't fear it, but I do want to be doing everything I can to avoid going their if it is real.
Thanks for your response.
I think what underlies our fear of death is our intrinsic love of life
@robahmet1 NDE research suggests that Heaven is a non-physical place so we will not be 'doing' things are usual. Its a very different from of existence in another dimension.
What she is saying is the same most people, 80 - 90%, who have near death experiences, and her conclusion is the same as the general conclusion from NDE research based on thousands of cases of near death experiences - they all say the same on matter the culture or religious background.
I wonder how do they feel the love coming from the light if this one is not doing anything to show he's love. Like here i will feel love if someone make an act of generosity but without any act i don't feel any love so how do they feel love from the light?
You don't understand. We are ALL parts of the one. God cannot damn a part of itself or it will no longer be infinite. It would be missing a part of itself! In God's realm, there is no evil & all souls are perfect. But there is no time or experience either. We come to this illusory spacetime realm for experience. This realm requires opposites. So for good to exist, evil MUST exist too. Good only exists RELATIVE to what we call evil. Some people MUST be "evil" for the experiential realm to exist!
@singlenclassy That is an excellent description.
@fishfan67 You have to remember that we are brilliant, eternal souls. We are omniscient, we know our own essences thoroughly and we know what we are getting ourselves into. The point and challenge of it all is to endure the stimulus of hardship and review our reaction to it. Will we despair? Will we kick and scream about what's past? Will we control our surroundings to prevent events such as 9/11? You're a lovely being of everlasting love and radiance at your core. Blessings.
Well, unless you are a fundamentalist, then you can always save yourself. Even the Bible tells us that God is within and that the only sin that cannot be forgiven is against the holy spirit. "Spirit" in Greek means soul or mind and by answering the question: who I am? You will end up with eternal love - the same place as faith in Christ brings you.
Yes, Jesus told us to love all unconditionally. He & the Bible said many times: fear not. Fear is the opposite of love, and, like evil, it does not exist in God's realm. You cannot love & fear something. They're opposites. You must choose. You either love God or you fear God. You were given free will to choose fear or love. Fear keeps God away from you. Separates. Love lets God in. It unites & makes wholly. A loving heart connects to God. A fearful mind keeps God away. God respects our free will
God is love ❤️.
Hi, is this lady alive ? Can we talk to her ?
@janeysman That's correct, dude. And Christ was an enlightened man who knew that we're all sons of God. That's pretty cool.
Merriam-Websters Dictionary:
Fundamentalism is the literal interpretation of religion and a Fundamentalist (You!) is someone who believes that the Bible is the actual word of God, to be taken literally word for word. As history has been blood stained in the name of God, fundamentalism is something achieved by force through having power or authority over somebody else.
@keijah010 Check out the NDE case of Pam Reynolds, hers was the first case that caught my attention. A couple of years ago I was atheist, and now looking back I can't believe what a fool I was to think that all of this was for nothing. Good luck on your spiritual journey!
Also I believe that jesus didn't mean that he was the only son of god when he said it and I think he may have been enlightened, he probably noticed that we are all pieces of "god" and notice that when I use god it isn't in the western terms as a deity or anything like that, thanks for the video but it isn't very comforting to see that some people still don't get the message even after such a clear statement
@zeistermeist Its not a rulette: your mind continues on the other side -- so think of what you put in it. And as God as love so the NDE is all about love: know your true nature as love now and you will be OK on the other side.
@casenova0 the body dies,but not the soul which is what we really are.cuz we are spiritual beings having a human experience,thats why people remember past lives.I talked about my obe so u can relate to robert monroes book that scientiffically proof this.I recommend you read his book.How is it even possible that anything exists in the first place? think about that. How is it that you can see the difference between someone who is alive and sleeping and someone thats dead?cuz theres no more soul
I believe her.
we are limitless
curthjellum42: Thanks to modern medical technology, some people DO come back after Near Death or Clinical Death experiences. Watch the To Hell and Back video series: major complaints from those former atheists! Also, Ian McCormack. Wake up calls, all of them, and very very rare second chances...
will you return back after spiritual world
can you help me get a phone call from her?? PLEASE. please. Please.
Do you think there is a hell?
This is an example of the healthy mind. It describes the formula that produces an anti venom against the poisonous bite of cynicism.
Jesus showed us The Way. "The Way" is acting out of love instead of fear. EVERY single time. No matter what it looks like. It does not mean that the messenger itself is The Way. People tend to ignore the message & worship the messenger (leading to religions such as Islam worshipping Muhammad, Christianity worshiping Jesus). Both ignore the message: love IS the answer. Stop focusing on the messenger. This message is being sent by god by countless masters: Fear not. Love is The Way.
@casenova0 HI in my case i was just watching tv with friends so i did not die, and i just floated out off myself.I could still see the tv going on,People next to me and saw everything as clear as i would be wide awake! If you read roberts book you will see that what he saw out of body turned out to be true.I was scared just like u until this happend to me.In my books if you can see into sum1s house u hav never seen before and then tell them exactly whats there! that has to count for something.
she never mentions that she saw god or jesus or that there is god that has divine power. what i think she is trying to say is that we are god, our souls connected together are god. and just because you don't believe in jesus or god does not mean you are a follower of "Satan" if you believe in him and if you dont believe in satan doesnt mean you are a christian, everyone is entitled to their opinion
@janeysman Truely, there are no mistakes...:)
@casenova0 The body and brain is only bound by this limited density - it is a temporal construct for us as sphere-IT-ual Beings to be anchored for 3rd density learning & experiences - nothing more, nothing less. When the physical body dies; our memories are etherically copied and the memories are gathered and stored within our greater consciousness. Try not to think of physicality as the ONLY way of living. The physical world is a distorted, dense representation of our infinite consciousness.
dear Eyaura Eya i will tell you simple thing do you think you are the same one when you where one year old you will say yes but you are not the same girl that was one year old because every things in your body changed through your life so far but your essence is the same i mean your one year old body has died and you have total new body and this body you have will be dead when you reach 90 years old so our soul will live for ever but we will change and take different forms of body this will make sense to you
Man is not filthy. There is no such thing as sin. We define what is good and bad, not god. Do what you think is good, what you think is right. But do not judge others for what they do. There are no things that are unacceptable to the all-loving One. That is what love is: acceptance. Unconditional love is unconditional acceptance. Unconditional means unconditional. No conditions. It's not "unconditional, except for these conditions".
Fear is used by people. Not God. It is used to control other people. I see that it works pretty well. Love=Truth. Fear=False. Your heart knows this. Listen to your heart. Not your mind. God is wholly because God is whole. Complete. God is ALL things. Souls are the parts of God. God is love, not fear. Heaven is the true reality. The realm we are in is a virtual reality to have experience. It requires fear/evil to exist. Heaven is where you come from. It is where you will return. Fear not. Be Love
is there any medicine i can take for my fear of death
There are some well known NDErs who experienced hell and return to talk about hell.
you sound right until the god part
There is no hell. Why would god send an aspect of itself to eternal damnation? Fear is illusory. Love is actually all there is. The illusion of fear is necessary to create duality. In the realm true realm of unity, there is only love. Put into very laymen terms, heaven is the only place there truly is. We're in a matrix-like illusion right now in order to experience things which simply could not be experienced in the true realm. Heaven is where we came from and the only place to go back to.
@LightBehindGod BTW, free will is an illusion
What is truly amazing is how you have been brain washed and 'satan' has tricked you into believing so. Home school?
@keijah010 Yes, but medicine does not cure the root problem: anxiety is a thought pattern and the cure is to change these patterns. You may find some useful information in this direction at this web address:
that's what YOU think...
a Hindu might think differently.
Jesus came on earth 2,000 years ago... what did people do BEFORE that ?
First of all why was that comment even directed towards me.. and your comment is kind of frustrating..
Money buys things to enjoy of course but its not where happiness must be found.. I don't understand why you said that to me.. at all..
Only if you are a religious fundamentalist.
@fishfan67 As we have free will God cannot control what we do and is not responsible for what we do. The cause of 911 should probably be found in many years of US foreign policies and interest in oil in the middle east. Your question: why is there evil relates to human evolution and we need to evolve to get away from it.
God creates evils in the world in order to determine who goes to heaven and hell. Some people are very ignorant.
Death is not a gate for a higher state existence, but the end of everything.
gehtdich bichtsan well I guess that just ends the debate once and for all. Thank you sir!
he-he. Great question. I'm sure you could. Why not? But perhaps the ecstasy of the other realm/heaven would be so intense you wouldn't need to have sex. :)
Your correct, man did crash the plane. but who created man to crash the plane, that's what i want to know. Hmm, i guess nowbodys perfect! I'm syarting to believe that life is luck. just like playing a game of cards, you win you loose. maybe those people were just unlucky that day. maybe people who live to 100 plus are just plain lucky.
I'm sick and tired of chrisian fanatics, like some lines they left under here, condaming people to hell and more Without hell their system would fall into peaces. :) What to do with that kind of Religious Obsession ? Please tell me from an nde perspective., for i don't know :(
Turning the Other cheek, made me loose my head, as you see :) :) I know they are love.
She is correct in that we are eternal. One mistake she makes is that everyone, even mass murderers will feel this love. There is an eternal for people like this as well if they do not claim the gift of love that is Jesus.
Forget this nonsense remember you are you A GOD . make hell a lot of money enjoy life sex and climax are the most bliss full experiences for the one who are fit when you die everything goes forget god He was created by the fear of death. money is god today be wise
@LightBehindGod why dont he help innocent people in irak? typical answer its ze devil responsible, but why abt innocent people, they r dying in a horrible way, 1000 more horrible than wat happened it twintowers, worse they r obliged to live wiz a body having one hand or feet coz they r simply cuttered, i feel so sorry and angry abt whats happening in irak, and i feel sad most of time, i just cant accept it all the country suffering out there with a horrible poverty
omg lol that made me laugh
@TheCudr saying that "god creates things" is ignorant, why would you create something just to send it to hell? God must be EVIL lol, you call other people ignorant but you didn't even get the message from this video, obviously all of negative comments and thumbs down on this video are from religious people who are conditioned to believe that god is some sort of deity and that life is a fight of good vs evil instead of a coexistence between them, don't lecture with the support of ancient texts..
armalex73, you are iggnorant, people have come back from the "meddically speaking" Dead. I was clinically dead for 1 minute and 24 seconds. im not a religious man, and i didnt see any divine power. But calling her a religious nut is just mean
go away