The Warcry Budget Tierlist

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 61

  • @hannesture9313
    @hannesture9313 Год назад +10

    I got the Dominion box set for Black friday over here in Sweden for 770 SEK. That's around 74 dollars(US). Sold the Yndrasta Model and some single models out of the big units and boom- 2 warbands with 2000 points a side full of narrative and tweak potential for around 50 bucks. That box just seem to never sell out and its so good for Warcry!

    • @thesaltyseagames
      @thesaltyseagames  Год назад +3

      For people who already have terrain, it's by far the best introduction to Warcry right now.

  • @stevenbean297
    @stevenbean297 Год назад +6

    This was a much more interesting watch than I expected since I'm into the game already and not buying stuff - bc you sprinkled in commentary on competitiveness. It was great to see Khorne get some love - I walked away from this video feeling more + about their competitiveness than I had from your 2.0 factions analysis video! (And I can't wait to see if they have a new, bespoke warband coming out in a 2023 1/4ly...)

    • @thesaltyseagames
      @thesaltyseagames  Год назад +1

      At first I wasn't very high on them, bc going into 2.0 they do the same stuff as before, when they were pretty medium, they just got a little better at it with a few pts drops here and there. I underestimated how getting a little better at their old schtick would be a sortof tipping point, and now I've seen multiple people do well in tournaments with them.

  • @Fezzik312
    @Fezzik312 Год назад +2

    Just the other day I looked through all the current boxes thinking about which ones would make a good warband. This video comes right on time! The Ogor vanguard box was my favorite, basically only missing Icebrow Hunter, Firebelly, Frost Sabres, Yhetees and Gorgers. While there are also no Ironguts or Butchers, those are super easy kitbashes with what you get in the box.

    • @thesaltyseagames
      @thesaltyseagames  Год назад

      That's a great one, and the fact that it gives you the mournfangs for a speed option is really nice.

  • @King_Vai
    @King_Vai Год назад

    The first video of yours i watched earlier today i left a comment asking to add your tier as you talk about them... and i see you already do that in newer videos! Figured I'd mention i appreciate that and boost engagement!

  • @gmartin6529
    @gmartin6529 Год назад +1

    Thanks for this video!! Was pining for a tier list video for Wacry 2.0. Voila, my wish was granted! Now I finally have the kick in the butt I needed to finally build out the Stormstrike models in the Dominion box that have been in my backlog for 18 months. And very happy that Iron Golem are up in S tier after getting no love for so long : ) I have never stopped playing them since I started with them and Untamed Beasts in the OG box two years ago.

    • @thesaltyseagames
      @thesaltyseagames  Год назад

      yeah it's great to see. They still need some real tuning to beat something like SBG or a good monster, but they've got game for sure. Hey did I see your name in the lists in some of the Spanish tournaments in Torredembarra? I'm curious what it was like playing against some of those SBG lists.

    • @gmartin6529
      @gmartin6529 Год назад

      @@thesaltyseagames IG abilities are still kinda meh, but reaction is good. Running two Dominars along with an ally has delivered good results for me in local open play. Have not faced SBG yet.
      I am about a 1,500 miles in the other direction from you : ) In WA up close to the border between US and Canada. But would love to visit Spain, and as a bonus get in some Warcry : )

  • @warrenconnell4612
    @warrenconnell4612 Год назад +1

    Great rundown. A couple points:
    - Although you can't easily find the Warcry FEC box anymore, the FEC Start Collecting has everything in there plus a Terrorgheist for just $35 more, or $95 MSRP. Gives you a ton of options, including Ghoul King and a monster option in the Terrorgheist but there are plenty of other configurations you can choose from. I'd say it's at least an A.
    - You mentioned all the choices you get in the Start Collecting: SCE Warriors box, but the models in that box are not the multipart models you get in the retail version of those boxes. You are locked into Prosecutors with 2x Hammers, Retributors with Grandhammers, and Liberators with Hammer and Shield and it would take a fair amount of kitbashing to get other loadouts. Some of the other Start Collecting boxes have that same issue. Still good value, but lacking flexibility of the complete range.

    • @TimPoultney
      @TimPoultney Год назад +1

      You can also get the contents of the FEC broken realms if you go for the Mortal Realms magazine Premium Kit 1. Hard to find now tbh but not impossible.

  • @TimPoultney
    @TimPoultney Год назад +3

    I'm stoked for the one box video! Hoping theres some picks you wouldn't normally consider when looking at the ranges.
    Though I have a question about the Slaanesh Daemons -- I have the Broken Realms box, with the Epitome as the centerpiece. What do? I can pointscraft all I like with it, but would appreciate some insight as to what to build with it.

    • @ManuYoCom
      @ManuYoCom Год назад +1

      I got that box and it's great. I just got a squad of daemonettes and built a warband with those.

    • @thesaltyseagames
      @thesaltyseagames  Год назад +1

      Sadly a Blissbringer + 5 Fiends is 1005 points. Do you have any cool allies to bring that could get you under? something for 140 or less would let you bring the Contorted Epitome.

    • @TimPoultney
      @TimPoultney Год назад

      @@thesaltyseagames Looking at it now; Epitome, Blissbringer and 2 Fiends is 745, leaving 255 open. They're speedy and bulky but don't hit super hard, so something like a Bloodkine with Great Axe might fit the bill, strong and bulky but only move 5 compared to 8 minimum for the Slaanesh portion.
      It's that or, sticking to BOC, a Dragon Ogor with Crusher at 200, which keeps me under 1000 without losing too much damage potential, or hit 995 with a cockatrice.
      Slaangor Slakehorn at 225 isn't bad either, better range than either the Bloodkine or Ogor too.
      I think I've just talked myself into a Slakehorn. Or go for a Cockatrice at 250 with all the abilities.

  • @kyra7305
    @kyra7305 Год назад +1

    Buying cursed city isn't exactly cheap, but if you already have it or want to play that game, there is some amazing stuff for a gravelords warband in there!
    One vampire lord, a varskyr, 3 vyrkos bloodborn and some zombies and skelletons are a lot of fun to play, and the bloodborn will abolutely decimate any foe not prepared for their speed and crit damage.
    Ive taken out optimised stormcast lists more than once, the ranged weapons are easy enough to outmanouvre, and even a paladin can be taken down in one round if one of the vyrkos rolls well.

  • @blajake
    @blajake Год назад

    Thanks for this deepdive! Im working on a Horns of Hashut warband right now, bought 2 boxes right away cuz i really wanted two Demolishers with the Flamehurler and I also bought a Doombull because I really think it fits thematically with them :) hope it will work out! feel like the regular demolishers are the weakest part of the box so rather have more Shatterers and maybe put in some Thralls, thinking about Warhounds maybe for some movement.
    Thanks again, love your videos!

    • @thesaltyseagames
      @thesaltyseagames  Год назад +1

      I agree Shatterers are great, and the Doombull really does fit perfectly. I bet it'll work out pretty well.

  • @panskibinski
    @panskibinski Год назад

    Is it possible to use "warhammer underworlds starter " units for warcry? I was not able to google what the "ghost horses" units are

  • @gabrielemorosini9547
    @gabrielemorosini9547 Год назад

    We can't wait for the listbuild for S & A TIER!

  • @martinkitt2947
    @martinkitt2947 Год назад

    Great video, cheers!

  • @Goon94
    @Goon94 Год назад

    Have a bunch of old WH Fantasy stuff and a couple AOS armies. This is excactly the video I was looking for. Want to get into Warcry with my kids but money is tight. Made a bunch of terrain out of a cut up shoebox painted with textured paint and ramps and platforms made with wood coffee stirrers that I varnished. Dont want to buy any specific warbands just want to use models I have or spend very little.Thank You!

  • @brianshobbyspace3569
    @brianshobbyspace3569 Год назад

    Nice Video. Thanks for posting this.

  • @chrishyde763
    @chrishyde763 Год назад

    Great video, Dan! I'd be interested in your thoughts on the $130 US Vanguard boxes for Age of Sigmar that are slowly replacing the $110 US Start Collecting boxes.
    The Nighthaunt one in particular seems like a god mix of units. Just add a Dreadblade Harrows ETB box, and you're good to go!

    • @thesaltyseagames
      @thesaltyseagames  Год назад +1

      So on the one hand, some of them really do give us a lot for Warcry. On the other, they're at such a high pricepoint that at least half the factions in the game can build a solid warband for cheaper. I could definitely do this after the massive slate of battletomes this spring hunts the last SC boxes to extinction.

  • @andrewmorris550
    @andrewmorris550 Год назад

    It's a shame the older Underworlds availability is so patchy, in the context of the "needing one model from a few boxes" problem. There are a few still around, in the UK at least, which might offer proxy models to cover a few bases.
    The Seraphon warband (tanky saurus foot model, star priest, a few skink to fill space) plus some saurus, or Thundriks Profiteers (a balloon, an aether chemist, a thunderer (not sure if it's the good one) and a few arkanauts) plus some arkanauts, that sort of thing. I actually got double Thundriks and sold the extra model of Thundrik to make a KO band.
    Wondering if Grinkrak might help with that for Gitz (I've got that on spec because they look cool, plus a squig herd, and I might eBay an extra hopper), once warcry rules presumably come out for the characters that are less proxy-able into standard Gitz models.

  • @JohnnieGrooves
    @JohnnieGrooves Год назад

    I'm in the process of re-arranging my FEC 1.0 list. and your comments about them, made me start thinking. What do you think are the better pieces for them in 2.0, apart from their monsters?
    It seems to me, like the archreagent/king start to become the core of the warband.
    Also the 2.0 updated rendered my SCE-Vanguard list useless especially in treasure missions. Seems like the Vanguard-Hunters are the way to go nowadays, so it feels like the starterbox is a solid buy.

    • @thesaltyseagames
      @thesaltyseagames  Год назад +1

      I agree the starter box is a decent buy if you can still find it (not listed online). I think for FEC I'd be experimenting with Chosen of the King lists.

  • @johanderyck6598
    @johanderyck6598 Год назад

    I miss my old darkling collection ;). Been planning to run them as old school dark elves in CoS warcry for so long but still didn’t get to it.

    • @thesaltyseagames
      @thesaltyseagames  Год назад +1

      There's a decent chance the new Dawnbringer Crusades line only replaces the CoS humans, and leaves the elves and dwarves in tact.

  • @TheVagrancyhorror
    @TheVagrancyhorror Год назад

    One box of stormfiends ($65 I think) plus a clawlord ($15-25) I love my warband.

    • @thesaltyseagames
      @thesaltyseagames  Год назад +1

      Nice! I've been playing something similar in narrative with 3 fiends, a Grey Seer, and a plague Monk.

    • @TheVagrancyhorror
      @TheVagrancyhorror Год назад

      @@thesaltyseagames I thought about a seer. But skratch (my kitbashed clawlord) is just too special to me, to not field him.

  • @PlainBoredom
    @PlainBoredom Год назад

    it's such a shame the SC daemons of tzeentch rotated out
    it had literally every option besides brimstones & the leader on disc in one box

  • @drpretzel2086
    @drpretzel2086 Год назад

    A decent team I’ve seen in combat is 14 arknaught company.

  • @nigeljones9215
    @nigeljones9215 Год назад

    How do we know Cities of Sigmar is getting squatted?

    • @TimPoultney
      @TimPoultney Год назад +2

      Because GW has openly said it's being replaced by the Dawnbringer Crusade, who are human explorers/zealots/city builders. It's a direct replacement with an all new line of models.

    • @thesaltyseagames
      @thesaltyseagames  Год назад +2

      Yup, what Tim said.

    • @nigeljones9215
      @nigeljones9215 Год назад

      @@TimPoultney Okay, I knew about that but I didn't know it was a full replacement. Sad to hear because they're almost certainly not replacing all the old Wood Elves and Dwarves.

  • @kylelewis7621
    @kylelewis7621 Год назад

    So the warbands I enjoy are, of course, on the lower tiers. (Idoneth, DOK, Gloomspite, other bespoke). So I will not be playing competitively at all. This really limits me playing with my son, as the Warcry scene around here is really into the Meta, even with campaigns. I won’t be able to play much with others, as they mention on Discord that they want “challenges” when they play. My lists will not be much of a challenge, as I just want to play certain warbands and heroes. It would not be an enjoyable experience at all.
    This was a main reason why I was leery starting into any Warhammer other than Underworlds. My son said I would enjoy it, and I have, immensely. With him. The few times I’ve played with others, I got smoked. I just want to play casually with others, but it’s difficult finding other like-minded individuals where I live (Baltimore area). Maybe one day I’ll find others like me.

    • @thesaltyseagames
      @thesaltyseagames  Год назад

      Those are all lower tier for budget building, but DoK and Gloomspite are competitively reasonable. What pieces do you have currently for those factions?

    • @asuranshadow9491
      @asuranshadow9491 Год назад

      There's a friendly league that does narrative warcry out of games n stuff on monday nights around 6. It's in a lull right now, but I had a good experience playing there with a nonoptimal warband.

    • @kylelewis7621
      @kylelewis7621 Год назад

      @@thesaltyseagames I have the squig hoppers with the boss (along with the Loonboss on giant cave squid). I have a unit of 10 squigs with 2 squig herders and the Gobbalooza figures. I have all the Underworlds figures as well. I have the sword and net grots, the Loonboss and Fungoid cave-shaman.
      For DOK, I have Master of Warlocks with 4 warlock riders, Shryke, High Gladiatrix, 2 heartrenders, 2 lifetakers, and all the figures from the Warcry box. I also have the UnderWorlds figures too.

    • @kylelewis7621
      @kylelewis7621 Год назад

      @@asuranshadow9491 I’m going to give that a try once it starts up again. I just don’t want to be “that guy” that people might not want to play since I don’t know how competitive I’ll be. I just want to have the same fun my college-aged son and I have when we play. Also, most of my figures won’t be painted, since my son is the one who paints them. He’s already really busy painting his own figures which are mainly Star War legion.

    • @kylelewis7621
      @kylelewis7621 Год назад

      @@thesaltyseagames Is Idoneth really unplayable even if I have the king, the prince, the soulrender, soulscryer, thralls, reavers, and the UnderWorlds figures. I’ll also be getting the thrallmaster soon as well.

  • @hairycargo1
    @hairycargo1 Год назад

    What ally should sanctosect take?

    • @thesaltyseagames
      @thesaltyseagames  Год назад

      I think it depends on what you've got as the backbone of your warband. What troops are you currently running?

    • @hairycargo1
      @hairycargo1 Год назад

      @@thesaltyseagames currently a lord exorcist, castigator, evocator, 2 sequitors with shields and sequitor with greatmace

    • @thesaltyseagames
      @thesaltyseagames  Год назад +1

      @@hairycargo1 that's a nice list. If you wanted you could replace on of the cheap Sequitors for a tree-rev Scion to steal free wins on treasure missions and certain "keepaway" missions like Bloodmarked. Warning some opponents will think its cheesy.

    • @hairycargo1
      @hairycargo1 Год назад

      @@thesaltyseagames awesome i will look into it. Thanks :)

  • @DennisPark1
    @DennisPark1 Год назад

    Ironjaws are way overpowered... Megaboss is best point for damage fighter in the game, AND the faction has a double, tripple and quad movement! like wtf! NOT slow and hit supper hard, have the ability to build str 6 fighters that shit on everything. Anyone else run in to this brick wall? Im having to stop playing for fun and have to counter build just to compete...