First look at homes destroyed by Okanagan fires

  • Опубликовано: 22 авг 2023
  • When the wildfire smoke cleared in the Kelowna area, the true scale of destruction was seen for the first time.
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Комментарии • 49

  • @thebeardedgolfer9819
    @thebeardedgolfer9819 11 месяцев назад +9

    A little confused how lake front homes burned to embers when anyone with a boat, a couple gas powered water pumps and selection of hoses could have knocked back a fair bit of the damage.

  • @tonycobb9059
    @tonycobb9059 11 месяцев назад +5

    Green trees standing next houses birnt to the ground. Ya seems normal

  • @whereswendy8544
    @whereswendy8544 11 месяцев назад +2

    Landscaping choices could make a difference. Hardscapes and fire-resistant plants and trees. Automatic sprinkler systems. Stucco and metal building materials, roofing. In fire-prone areas, this should be a no-brainer.

    • @itiiyt
      @itiiyt 11 месяцев назад

      You need a Braun. They are made weather, Geoenginering. Get some brains.

  • @amsro9094
    @amsro9094 11 месяцев назад +11

    Houses vaporized, surrounded by green trees. Seems normal.

    • @everettchan498
      @everettchan498 11 месяцев назад

      whats your point.

    • @garyhaggquist740
      @garyhaggquist740 11 месяцев назад +3

      Spare us your disrespect for firefighters!

    • @ryanm1672
      @ryanm1672 11 месяцев назад +1

      yeah give your head a shake
      - tired firefighter

    • @johndoe-xs4ph
      @johndoe-xs4ph 11 месяцев назад

      @@ryanm1672if you truly are a firefighter is it not weird for full houses to be burned to ash but the trees still green around them?

    • @ryanm1672
      @ryanm1672 11 месяцев назад

      @@johndoe-xs4ph given that spot fires start from embers thrown from a convention column, it happens. For trees to burn they generally need the energy from a sustained fire which is called preheating. Also is depends on the tree species, many deciduous trees would be more difficult to ignite than some shingles on a roof. Also I haven't seen these photos - can you provide them?

  • @sheilahauptmann8283
    @sheilahauptmann8283 11 месяцев назад +1

    I hope they can rebuild soon.

  • @walkzfar
    @walkzfar 11 месяцев назад +2

    Mother nature has a way of making everyone equal... Just feel bad for the wild life made in God's kind❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @cindy7400
      @cindy7400 11 месяцев назад +2

      This isn’t Mother Nature !

    • @wendym31463
      @wendym31463 11 месяцев назад

      There is no such thing as mother nature, God does not have competition. It’s either mother nature or God, so which one is it?!

    • @saltymonkey8874
      @saltymonkey8874 11 месяцев назад

      That's why the mansions in Maui right now are all unscathed. But ya mother nature and all that....

  • @rascalme9754
    @rascalme9754 11 месяцев назад

    Paint or side you house blue.

  • @coyotedust
    @coyotedust 11 месяцев назад


  • @lindaconditt214
    @lindaconditt214 11 месяцев назад

    Why is the government doing this ?

  • @richricogranada9647
    @richricogranada9647 11 месяцев назад


  • @mrmelmba
    @mrmelmba 11 месяцев назад

    Coniferous trees, aka turpentine bombs, are a known fire hazard. Residents whose lives and livelihoods have been ruined and shattered have no one to blame except _themselves_ for their predicament. Of course, it is not that simple a matter. Any councilor in favour of felling ready-to-ignite trees in order to create a firebreak that surrounds and protects a town is declared a _denier_ and their career terminated. Instead, they rush to save a tree, resorting to _politically correct_ action with hefty fines levied on anyone that disturbs a pine, even though preserving a dangerous presence ultimately proves fateful.

    Mature trees should be cleared out when property is developed and replaced with fresh saplings. New buildings. New lives. Growing older together. Conifers should not be left in place and their presence within a town should be distant and sparse and not contiguous with wild forest, otherwise residents invite catastrophe upon themselves.

    These unfortunate victims who were opposed to implementing measures that might have prevented this tragedy are naturally now looking towards taxpayers to relieve their hardship.


    • @mrmelmba
      @mrmelmba 11 месяцев назад

      @shemnetto4128 The forebears of Abraham arrived from an area north and east of the Caspian Sea. DNA reveals a genetic link between the Armenians, Kurds and the Children of Israel. Three routes from that area intersected what became known during the time of Marco Polo as the Silk Road. Traders made their way to Egypt where they sold goods and slaves.
      Canaan was a province or colony of Egypt. The king’s highway. A land bridge that connects Europe and Asia to Africa. Egypt had strong fortifications all along this route. Some “Habaro” (i.e., Hebrews) remained in the land. They are also referred to as “Hyksos,” an Asiatic tribe that ruled Egypt for 103 years. The Biblical part about Abraham begins around 2000 BC during the 12th dynasty. It is literature and like a novel makes use of place names, but that does not mean it is history. A-Mosis, an Egyptian that conquered the Hyksos and took back the throne is invented in the tale as Moses that led his people out. Jericho was uninhabited when Joshua arrived, having been leveled by an earthquake more than a century earlier. Cities that he claimed to have vanquished remained undefeated and unharmed more than a century past his time. Canaan remained Egyptian after which it became a territory of Assyria/Babylonia.
      Monotheism began in Babylonia. Mosaic Law reflects its Babylonian origin and influences where the belief in one Supreme Being was already prevalent at the time of Abraham. Shamash the sun god absorbed the attributes of all 51 deities and was ultimately developed as the god of law and holiness. Sin, the moon god (that was not absorbed), was ruler of night with opposite characteristics. One god was supreme, but sin offerings were, nevertheless, made to the other lesser deity, according to the Bible.
      Human beings were sacrificed to the god of justice and righteousness during the fire ceremony each spring at the Altar of the Sun (Salem, Soloma, present day Jerusalem) where priests had cultivated the services of a “spiritual entity,” which was derived from human sacrifice (that unlike those derived from animal sacrifice) understood and was able to facilitate the intrigues of man. This altar where Abraham received his blessing was already ancient during his time. The indigenous inhabitants were Arab,¹ which helps us understand their fanatical devotion to the concept of a higher spiritual being ensuring their interests. Arab worshippers at this stage do not mean Islamic. Islam is a religion established during the seventh century.
      Under the Egyptian religious system the conduct of the deceased during his lifetime was evaluated. Was he kind, just and generous? Or was he cruel, corrupt and covetous? The selection process for entry to paradise discriminated between inherently good and inherently evil.
      Mosaic Law is based on Babylonian and Egyptian practices. Hammurabi’s code was absorbed. Dietary laws, circumcision (a mark of Egyptian citizenship) and covenants (evidenced by an ark) are Egyptian. Prayers conclude with an invocation to Amen (Aha Mena) a first dynasty ruler of Egypt. (That is why Amen is pronounced aawhhh-men and not eh-men). (The Egyptian god Amen was fused with the specialized sun god Ra during the reign of Amenhetep IV and placed at the head as the Creator, recognizing that the sun symbolized, but was not itself the Creator). Questions during examination of the deceased to determine his conduct during his lifetime were turned into commandments (without bothering to change the sequence from the Egyptian text).
      The latter represented a fundamental change in philosophy. Like being provided with both the test paper and the answers beforehand. Outward appearance was all that mattered while attributes of the heart were ignored. An evil man could attain salvation by merely complying with the law.² (Note: The Promise is not of a heavenly afterlife; it is of an earthly paradise during one’s lifetime attained through genocide and obedience to the ruler of man’s earthly existence, which is NOT the Creator).
      Jacob was renamed Israel, a composite title derived from three Egyptian deities, Isis, Ra, and El acknowledging Egypt as their suzerain. El being the god of its Canaanite territory. Is+Ra+El = Israel.
      Historically, Canaan belonged to Egypt.
      Is the purpose in life to determine the character of an individual, separating good from evil? What or who has a vested interest in defeating this test established by the Creator, changing the basis of selection for salvation from an innate desire to be righteous to that of egocentric power? Finally, what or who requires BLOOD sacrifices in order to retain and maintain its existence and augment its strength? Certainly, not the Creator. When Abraham was put to the test he revealed his willingness to slit the throat of even his own son in order to demonstrate obedience to his master in exchange for The Promise.
      Which brings us to the question: What was the nature of the “spiritual entity” at Salem? Jesus provided the answer.³
      ¹ “Thus sayeth the Lord God unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite.” - Ezekiel, ch. 16, v. 3.
      ² This is like the early TV quiz shows in which each contestant was assigned a producer who gave him both the questions and the answers beforehand. An average contestant or even a retarded contestant might win the prize for being highly intelligent by merely repeating what he was told to say.

      ³ Jesus was fully cognizant of the true nature of the spiritual entity at the altar at Salem whose services may be obtained with payment in blood, viz:
      “And the devil, taking him up into the high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give unto thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me: and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” - Luke, ch. 4, v. 5-8.
      § The Egyptian Empire comprised Abyssinia, Sudan, Nubia, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, part of Arabia, Kurdistan and Armenia. While the story of the Exodus is entertaining the Children of Israel did not actually leave Egyptian territory and gradually migrated northward from the Delta region over the course of eight to nine centuries after the Hyksos that had seized the throne and ruled Egypt for 103 years were dislodged. Palestine remained Egyptian throughout the period of the Judges. The kingdom of Judah was founded by David about 1000 BC, a principality extending a days’ march from Jerusalem. But was it actually independent or did it merely cease paying tribute when Egypt’s hold over Canaan was weakened by the Phoenicians and was in turn taken over by the Babylonians?
      §§ That there ever was a Babylonian captivity, per se, in 598 BC is placed in doubt. When this religious sect failed to remit tribute (II Kings, ch. 17-25) their temple was destroyed and the leaders and elders were hauled off to Babylon where they joined their brethren, most of whom had earlier settled in that area (present day Iraq). Its purpose in the Bible story is to seem-to-be-seen to authenticate a belief that the Children of Israel had established sovereignty and were later exiled from the Egyptian province of Canaan (that was now a colony of Babylonia). It also provides a means of justifying the inclusion of a heavy Babylonian influence in the writings of the Bible.
      §§§ The library at Alexandria was destroyed in a deliberate effort to conceal details of the history of that region. While some information has been retrieved from the interpretation of hieroglyphs and clay tablets there is likely much more that the public were prevented from discovering. Who has a vested interest in keeping this knowledge secret? The slavery rendition depicted in Hollywood entertainment that we have been conditioned to believe is based on history does not correspond to Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian records.

  • @walkzfar
    @walkzfar 11 месяцев назад

    First Nation people call earth mother nature... Helloooo read the book of Matthew

  • @theresagirtell4102
    @theresagirtell4102 11 месяцев назад +1

    Jesus said this was coming. The earth shall burn with ferverent heat. Read john 3.3. You must be born again, put your faith in Jesus, and he will give you the Holy spirit, and only then will you have the power to repent. Will power does not work, i was a drunk for 40 years, and now im not. Call on him now time is short, God bless you.

    • @sajidkhan9871
      @sajidkhan9871 11 месяцев назад

      V sad news for humanity God bless to Canadian nation

  • @acepath3001
    @acepath3001 11 месяцев назад +1

    Please do not forget that we are fighting in Ukraine and need more supports

  • @twinkletoes22221
    @twinkletoes22221 11 месяцев назад

    Propaganda CTV did you know you have 39 people watching??? Lolololololol

  • @Chimmy.01
    @Chimmy.01 11 месяцев назад +6

    Those mountainside, lake view houses are owned by rich people. Most of those houses are for their vacation purposes only anyways. They will be fine, they are rich.

    • @leanneg2790
      @leanneg2790 11 месяцев назад +11

      They still worked to get those homes dude. Have some compassion.

    • @bard8499
      @bard8499 11 месяцев назад +1

      Oh, be quiet. People work for their homes, just like you.

    • @anthonyhiscox
      @anthonyhiscox 11 месяцев назад +6

      lol, no they aren't. They're like upper middle class and the majority of them are year round. I've got family in that area and they sure as hell aren't rich. Is it better than if Rutland went up? Of course, but it's not like these people are going to throw around Bernie Sanders type money and can just run to one of their 2 remaining homes.

    • @baibureh8816
      @baibureh8816 11 месяцев назад

      Ignorance at it's finest.

    • @jimwattenburger4545
      @jimwattenburger4545 11 месяцев назад

      What a dumb ass statement !!

  • @jwad297
    @jwad297 11 месяцев назад +10

    Sorry can't watch Trudeau owned news. FO

    • @sachamm
      @sachamm 11 месяцев назад

      🤣🤣🤣CTV not CBC

    • @jwad297
      @jwad297 11 месяцев назад

      Same thing.@@sachamm

    • @sachamm
      @sachamm 11 месяцев назад

      @@jwad297 lolwut? CTV is owned by Bell. It's corporate media. CBC is a public broadcaster. It's owned by the people of Canada.
      Not the same thing. At all.

    • @jwad297
      @jwad297 11 месяцев назад

      Both leftist propaganda.@@sachamm