for the DnD story our party (me +2 dmpcs) entered a room and were hit by a debuff (curse) that slowed us (can only move 2 squares per turn) and gave 5 ongoing fire damage per turn (save ends.) My ignorant brute character didn't know how to break the curse the right way so he just urinated on a ritual fire (DM had me roll for thievery.) I passed the skill check and because of the way the room was laid out the DM said I pissed 15 feet up into the fire.
for the DnD story our party (me +2 dmpcs) entered a room and were hit by a debuff (curse) that slowed us (can only move 2 squares per turn) and gave 5 ongoing fire damage per turn (save ends.) My ignorant brute character didn't know how to break the curse the right way so he just urinated on a ritual fire (DM had me roll for thievery.) I passed the skill check and because of the way the room was laid out the DM said I pissed 15 feet up into the fire.