  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 623

  • @babbique939
    @babbique939 Год назад +2785

    heidi klum’s costume is just “would you still love me if i was a worm”

    • @funkathrusta
      @funkathrusta Год назад +138

      The videos of her talking and laughing in that costume absolutely kill me. She’s so funny.

    • @idcman6692
      @idcman6692 Год назад +21

      It’s definitely traumatise me and I hate bugs

    • @eyalreiss294
      @eyalreiss294 Год назад

      @@idcman6692 it’s Halloween not sluttyween

    • @olimpianisioi8257
      @olimpianisioi8257 Год назад +4

      I definitely haven't seen the same take all over twitter and tik tok

    • @alexandracamcorder
      @alexandracamcorder Год назад +1


  • @stanck
    @stanck Год назад +5561

    Celebrities can turn out a look for Halloween, but they still struggle with the most simple MET Gala theme.

  • @moviesandmelancholy
    @moviesandmelancholy Год назад +2009

    Heidi Klum never misses

    • @frankemstein6655
      @frankemstein6655 Год назад +12

      Usually true, but her Jessica Rabbit was…. Um.

    • @babbique939
      @babbique939 Год назад +87

      @@frankemstein6655 her jessica rabbit was good too wdym

    • @weirdguy4948
      @weirdguy4948 Год назад

      @@frankemstein6655 oh no, can't the liwwle iwi baby not handle big tits?

    • @eveningstar8581
      @eveningstar8581 Год назад +2


    • @Lola84794
      @Lola84794 Год назад +12

      Nightmare fueled

  • @thismayaswellhappen
    @thismayaswellhappen Год назад +1114

    I'm very confused how Anya Taylor-Joy didn't get worst costume when it legit looks like a "didn't plan to go anywhere but needed a costume within five minutes" look but okay I guess. Maybe I'm also judging it on the fact that since she's Princess Peach's VA in the movie I would have hoped she'd put a little more effort into it.

    • @malimusimu5641
      @malimusimu5641 Год назад +150

      Maybe Luke forgot that look even existed, cause I know I did by the end of the video. 😬😅

    • @emj7600
      @emj7600 Год назад +26

      It's Halloween it's fun she wasn't going on a red carpet.

    • @itsjanolli
      @itsjanolli Год назад +79

      The others had photoshoots and all the elaborate stuff. anya looks like she was just going to a party or something so of course hers wasnt going to be as grand

    • @thismayaswellhappen
      @thismayaswellhappen Год назад +25

      @@itsjanolli Olivia Rodrigo looked like she was going to a party too and her costumed still looked more put together so uhhh….yeah.

    • @thismayaswellhappen
      @thismayaswellhappen Год назад +22

      @@emj7600 im comparing her’s to Olivia who got the worst costume not the others. I’m just confused how Olivia’s casual Betty Boop outfit was worse than Anya’s when Olivia’s was more accurate to the character. If I had to choose between the two of them specifically I would still say Anya’s was not the better one.

  • @cynthiafarris1051
    @cynthiafarris1051 Год назад +494

    I love that Karl came back from the dead just to do this. He did such great job impersonating Luke. Thank you Karl.

  • @sanxsana3270
    @sanxsana3270 Год назад +640

    Honestly, what I learned from this is that Luke would look incredible with white slicked back hair. Goes with his undertone miraculously

    • @theharshtruthoutthere
      @theharshtruthoutthere Год назад

      Mankind, we do not born into this realm again and again:
      Hebrews 9:27chapter context similar meaning copy save And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
      You mess up your life and never came to repentance nor born again, = you messed up and never came to repented, therefore perished for forever:
      Luke 13:5chapter context similar meaning copy save I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Luke 13:3chapter context similar meaning copy save I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
      Here, let me remind ye all again, HUMANS ARE NOT ANIMALS. HUMANS are SPIRITS, created in the IMAGE OF GOD. CREATED IN 3 PARTS: SPIRIT + SOUL + BODY = LIVING SOUL. Animals are created different; in 2 parts: SOUL + BODY. Animals do not have everlasting part: THE SPIRIT. Humans are NOT ANIMALS and can survive ALONE 100%. After the FLOOD, only 8 souls, from millions of humans, survived. ONLY 8 SOULS lived through the FLOOD. Mankind started only with population of 2 souls. How can you all here ever understand and accept the truth if still filling your own heads with nonsense? How can LIES help to understand and accept TRUTH? - lies ant helpful, are these? A human soul and the whole population of humans need only one being in their lives:GOD. Romans 8:16chapter context similar meaning copy save The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: John 4:24chapter context similar meaning copy save God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. If you have GOD in your life, YOU THEN HAVE EVERYTHING. Luke 12:22chapter context similar meaning copy save And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on. Matthew 6:25chapter context similar meaning copy save Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Matthew 6:31chapter context similar meaning copy save Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? Matthew 10:19chapter context similar meaning copy save But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. Cant any of you read? GOD Himself clearly saying to MANKIND: take no thoughts nor worrie, for GOD shall provide all that ye need.
      Isaiah 11:2chapter context similar meaning copy save
      And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;
      Mankind being called “animals” is because to keep us in delusions that life is random and not a big deal.
      Our lives on this earth is BIG DEAL, and if lived wrong, evil ways, then HELL FIRE shall be our everlasting “home” full of torment; regrets + burning in fire that
      does not go out.
      Our lives on this earth is TEST, we all are tested by GOD, daily, to let GOD see:
      - how quickly we turn angry,
      - how weak are we, in battles against different temptations,
      - How long can we love and care about others,
      - how many evil situations can we go through before we break,
      - are we hunger for truth,
      - are we satisfied with lies,
      - are we guarded or easily deceived.
      We all are called to REPENTANCE for a reason, to be redeemed:
      Matthew 3:8chapter context similar meaning copy save
      Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:
      Luke 5:32chapter context similar meaning copy save
      I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
      Romans 11:29chapter context similar meaning copy save
      For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.
      Luke 24:47chapter context similar meaning copy save
      And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
      Acts 13:24chapter context similar meaning copy save
      When John had first preached before his coming the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel.
      2 Timothy 2:25chapter context similar meaning copy save
      In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
      GOD`S wish for us all:
      John 10:10chapter context similar meaning copy save
      The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
      What means “having life and having it more abundantly”?
      - LIFE IS EVERLASTING (we no longer fall ill nor age away),
      - NO SINNING NO MORE, (not a being who is evil, shall be found again on the face of the earth and in heaven),
      - Earth and Heavens are created ANEW, (no garbage, nowhere, nothing is ever again poisoned, water, air, nature, sky = all these are pure).
      Lucifer is also in the lake of fire, never to cause a soul to sin again. No giants nor tares among the WHEAT any-more, only GOD AND MANKIND AND ANIMALS AND NATURE. THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH SHALL BE 1 REALM, AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING.
      2 Peter 3:13chapter context similar meaning copy save
      Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
      Isaiah 65:17chapter context similar meaning copy save
      For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.
      Revelation 21:1chapter context similar meaning copy save
      And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
      Isaiah 66:22chapter context similar meaning copy save
      For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain.

    • @VictoriaMeira7
      @VictoriaMeira7 Год назад +1

      Mmh really? Don't you think he looks a little too obviously pink in that snowwhite wig?

    • @sanxsana3270
      @sanxsana3270 Год назад

      @@VictoriaMeira7 you mean his skin undertone?

  • @TipTheScales27
    @TipTheScales27 Год назад +178

    Heidi Klum’s costume was my favorite. So bizarre and out there. That’ll be hilarious if she’s referencing “would you love me if I was a worm” joke 😂

    • @sarahh3061
      @sarahh3061 Год назад +6

      my favourite too. Halloween is supposed to be creepy not sexy *yawn* XD

  • @rockcriedout7679
    @rockcriedout7679 Год назад +143

    Addison has one hundred per cent been watching Haute Le Mode and I am here for this evolution. She heard the silk's message via Luke. I won't hear otherwise.

  • @aidahhh
    @aidahhh Год назад +384

    The Heidi Klum costume had me howling

  • @letitiamcmullin9439
    @letitiamcmullin9439 Год назад +250

    70 yr old woman here; love your channel; historical references are fabulous, thoughtful and articulate. I’m far removed from “fashion” (more of the hoodie and Birkenstock-type) but like learning new things and seeing beautiful stuff. Aloha from Hawaii

    • @cozycasasmr4510
      @cozycasasmr4510 Год назад +13

      Hoodie + birkenstock is a LOOK 🤩

    • @jmjpmc
      @jmjpmc Год назад +1

      ♥️ from Chicago

    • @legoqueen2445
      @legoqueen2445 Год назад +7

      Oh I so hope I grow up to be a 70 year old in a hoodie and birkenstocks living in Hawai one day! I'm half way there, I'm 45 in hoodie and birkenstocks! Aloha!

    • @letitiamcmullin9439
      @letitiamcmullin9439 Год назад +1

      Worked my ass off to get here but it was all worth it!! H

  • @Ames-cy5rw
    @Ames-cy5rw Год назад +550

    Love these costumes! But is it just me who kind of wishes we saw these in a more natural setting or in action rather than a photoshoot in an expensive set? Don't get me wrong the pictures are stunning! But maybe the outfits at a party?

    • @kaylac349
      @kaylac349 Год назад +64

      Yeah it feels so performative. Would be nice if there was a met gala type party where all these celebs could take pics together in their costumes

    • @penelopesanchez1679
      @penelopesanchez1679 Год назад +46

      I agree! Heidi wore her worm costume to a party (don’t know for how long), but I don’t know about the others. If it’s just for IG, how boring

    • @rei9376
      @rei9376 Год назад +24

      @@penelopesanchez1679 heidi actually danced in that costume for her party and tbh, it’s incredibly unsettling lmfao. loved the amount of effort she puts into her costumes every halloween tho

    • @legoqueen2445
      @legoqueen2445 Год назад +8

      @@rei9376 Heidi serves every year. She's great

    • @Pi-bw1qp
      @Pi-bw1qp Год назад +20

      half of it also looks just heavily edited which kind of takes out the fun in seeing them dress up/have special effects makeup lol heidi just really set the bar too high for me 😂

  • @laurebigot467
    @laurebigot467 Год назад +417

    The costume in the 5th element are made by Jean Paul Gaultier not Mugler 😉
    (Janelle version is really accurate btw)

    • @andresespinosaphoto
      @andresespinosaphoto Год назад +20

      Hahahahaha Iwas sure someone would point this out! Thank u!

    • @AkumajoDracula
      @AkumajoDracula Год назад +32

      I was gonna add to that point! What about specific movie wardrobe reviews like The Fifth Element or Barry Lyndon?
      I think people would WATCH.

    • @doofiddy
      @doofiddy Год назад +27

      i came RUNNING to the replies

    • @RealElongatedMuskrat
      @RealElongatedMuskrat Год назад

      ​@@AkumajoDracula yeeees that would be amazing

    • @317537deere
      @317537deere Год назад +2

      Came to say this :)

  • @jadonrowe273
    @jadonrowe273 Год назад +310

    With the Kendall thing sexified versions of characters is like extremely common there’s a sexy Halloween costume for ever scooby doo character that includes the dog, scandalous costumes is part of the course when it comes to Halloween lol

    • @scarletbitch866
      @scarletbitch866 Год назад +17

      "Par for the course"

    • @soundsaboutright1004
      @soundsaboutright1004 Год назад +31

      People just wanna find a reason to have a problem with her.

    • @linoleum4638
      @linoleum4638 Год назад +37

      If Bella wore the exact costume they’d be calling it iconic. They just hate Kendall

    • @lithiumkid
      @lithiumkid Год назад +5

      @@linoleum4638 understandable though

    • @missquinn9562
      @missquinn9562 Год назад +7

      an influencer literally wore the same thing Kendall did and got nothing but love
      People just don’t like Kendall

  • @Deluluvan
    @Deluluvan Год назад +53

    The Cinderella dress on Nicki Minaj was done by a Croatian designer called ZIGMAN. He’s a frequent collaborator of hers and has done many looks for her music videos and performances 🙏🏼

  • @lampwick4427
    @lampwick4427 Год назад +796

    I actually think that Hailey's version is better than the runway version lol. In the runway, you can still see the bra and panties underneath but Hailey's version properly gives the illusion that it's just flowers. Perhaps that's not what YSL was going for in 99 but it's my preference anyway.

    • @moniquewinbush1527
      @moniquewinbush1527 Год назад +12

      I totally agree !! Definitely surpassed the muse

    • @hi-ve1cw
      @hi-ve1cw Год назад +1

      @@moniquewinbush1527 sorry, but Hailey will never surpass Laetitia. She's a legend

    • @reserveeuphoric2283
      @reserveeuphoric2283 Год назад +13

      @@hi-ve1cw the outfit dear not the model.

    • @florencembah2626
      @florencembah2626 Год назад +3

      When I first saw the look on Instagram I thought Hailey was a flower goddess or something, lol but she gave credit to the lady before I understood

    • @florencembah2626
      @florencembah2626 Год назад

      @@hi-ve1cw Lots of people are Legend or working legend, there's no need to say someone can't pass another person, everyone had their season to shine, sorry your comment just seem a little too much, like chill it Halloween

  • @rememberpickles
    @rememberpickles Год назад +124

    "I didn't know if Marge ever showcases her butt...but I do know Bart Simpson, her son, showcases his butt" (shows Bart with his pants down). And Luke stays serious while saying it. Love it 😆

  • @soodis
    @soodis Год назад +85

    babe! the fifth element costumes were done by jean-paul gaultier, not mugler :^) great vid tho, surprisingly i actually think addison was one of the best dressed!! hailey and cardi b too, love a fashion reference, especially the mugler moment... iconic!

  • @linoleum4638
    @linoleum4638 Год назад +92

    Ariana takes Halloween more seriously than any red carpet. Her twilight zone costume was great

  • @RealElongatedMuskrat
    @RealElongatedMuskrat Год назад +60

    Janelle Monae was incredible but Heidi's worm just killed me. Its insane.

  • @LRB9498
    @LRB9498 Год назад +72

    Heidi Klum is bonkers and her wriggling around on the red carpet is iconic!!!! Also, Kyle slayed.

  • @sophiaisabelle01
    @sophiaisabelle01 Год назад +114

    Those Halloween costumes are something else. We always look forward to reviews and insights on this channel. They’re always well constructed with a lot of depth.

  • @LilNoodle33
    @LilNoodle33 Год назад +180

    How do any of them go pee in these costumes 😂 like Heidi?? Kim? We love the dedication

    • @Kathywake23
      @Kathywake23 Год назад +6

      Daipers? Or a hatch 😆😅🤣?

    • @jessicacollins4042
      @jessicacollins4042 Год назад +21

      Hopefully we get some answers about these kind of fashion "secrets" some day

    • @LuvLee296
      @LuvLee296 Год назад +19

      In the video you can actually see a zip in the crotch area of Kim’s bodysuit. Honestly I thought it was surprisingly unsubtle and distracting,same with the bra underwires

    • @em84c
      @em84c Год назад

      @@LuvLee296 I thought it was painted on coz you can see her underpants and bra.

    • @Kathywake23
      @Kathywake23 Год назад +6

      @@LuvLee296 i just saw it and now i will never unsee it. Thanks for demystifying this for us. The zipper is definitely in a bad spot.

  • @sirmietz6340
    @sirmietz6340 Год назад +87

    Would love for you to do a video on movie costumes designed by fashion designers! Like JPG for Fifth Element etc.

  • @jenniferhof9448
    @jenniferhof9448 Год назад +31

    I agree with you on the hair situation with Chloe Bailey and Storm. Plus, the hair should really be pure white instead of an ash blonde. I think it would have elevated the look just that bit more, especially for one of the more well-known X-Men outside of the comics themselves.

  • @jhonvillafane7474
    @jhonvillafane7474 Год назад +52

    Love the video, one small correction tho, Jean Paul Gaultier did the costumes for The Fifth Element.

  • @secretthirdthing22
    @secretthirdthing22 Год назад +181

    honestly, everyone did well this year

    • @nobodyelse7911
      @nobodyelse7911 Год назад +6

      The fashion industry is slowly coming back on track

  • @anikajoy5739
    @anikajoy5739 Год назад +271

    Kylie wears a wedding dress every damn year . Says she "not thinking about marriage right now" 🙄 ya sureee

    • @lithiumkid
      @lithiumkid Год назад

      wouldn’t she convey that to whomever she wants to propose in other ways lol why would she choose to also repeatedly announce it to everyone else in the world that she wants to be married but still isn’t yet, drawing further attention to it?

  • @violetmullins
    @violetmullins Год назад +28

    You do a great job of adding chapters to your review videos. I appreciate your work.

  • @sarahh3061
    @sarahh3061 Год назад +7

    I really respect how much effort Heidi puts into her costumes. She's not trying to be sexy/ pick me girl alllll thheee tiiiiimmme which can be tedious. I think this shows her fun side. Also love you rocking Karl!

  • @gabriellavasquez9120
    @gabriellavasquez9120 Год назад +19

    Kim doesn’t even know who mistique is she posted the avengers theme song with her pic by accident lmao

  • @Sherymoon0103
    @Sherymoon0103 Год назад +38

    I'm not a fan of kylie but that costume of bride of frankenstein😲😲 My favorite so far !!! It is REALLY halloween for me 🙂

    • @em84c
      @em84c Год назад +12

      It's so beautiful and gothic. I didn't expect that from Kylie

    • @hamilcross
      @hamilcross Год назад +1

      her elvira look was to die for too, really sad luke didn't cover it

    • @jocelynmarin1609
      @jocelynmarin1609 Год назад +1

      I love bride of Frankenstein and what I like is that she went original and simple in the pics

  • @ainerobertson78
    @ainerobertson78 Год назад +22

    Honestly as much as I dislike the Jenner-Kardashian empire (literally everything I've learned about them has been against my will), this is not even the worst sexified Halloween costume out there, especially for a children's cartoon character. If you're going to hate someone like them, let it be for valid reasons. Like their promotion of unhealthy dietary practices or actual literal scams they've been sued for

  • @cristyhenson4750
    @cristyhenson4750 Год назад +17

    This 52-year old woman whom has never worn a designer piece of clothing in her life LOVES your content. You bring the chalant, and "I like the chalant." Thank you so much.

  • @kaelynevans1874
    @kaelynevans1874 Год назад +48

    Edit: Cardi also could have pulled off Marge in a pink Chanel suit, since there was that whole episode dedicated to that suit. 😅 A lot of people really killed it this year. I did a whole week of costumes, which made it really fun since this year it was a challenge between me and my friend (we assigned each other costumes this year 😅).

  • @grutarg2938
    @grutarg2938 Год назад +37

    We all learned from Mean Girls that Halloween is a time for girls to wear revealing costumes.

  • @andrewpodolio59
    @andrewpodolio59 Год назад +43

    *woop**woop* fashion history police: Gaultier did the costumes for the Fifth Element, not Mugler.

  • @cvanicky90
    @cvanicky90 Год назад +29

    A+++ for your Karl 🤗 correct me if I'm mistaken, but didn't Gaultier do the 5th element costuming?? Either way, Jenelle killed it! But as per usual Heidi Klum friggin nailed the worm 🤣 love that one of the sexiest woman doesn't do generic sexy costumes. She's always cooky and she always snaps

  • @bobbyphillips8732
    @bobbyphillips8732 Год назад +78

    Ariana and Liz honestly looked like they could be anyone. I would of just thought they are taking photos and not know they were dressed up as someone!

    • @haydenabramson8386
      @haydenabramson8386 Год назад +9

      they actually had multiple looks. This was only one of them. Ariana did the look with the headband thing and also dressed up as a guy LOL.

    • @toriagalaxy1566
      @toriagalaxy1566 Год назад +6

      I get that not everyone would catch the reference, but seeing as how I freaking love the movie, I lived for it! And they are dressed as specific looks from the movie just not the reference pic he included. Ariana's frosty eye and the lips with the dress and fur are right on. And she somehow totally captured the Jennifer Coolidge of it all. And the piping and the tips on her partner...gawd I love that movie lol

    • @uggggggghhhhh
      @uggggggghhhhh Год назад

      They look like ellen degenerate and Ariana grande

  • @Dreamlillie_95
    @Dreamlillie_95 Год назад +19

    I think Kylie Jenner's Elvira was her best one. She was SPOT ON! She looked amazing

  • @meghanhenderson8417
    @meghanhenderson8417 Год назад +14

    I’m not the biggest fan of Kylie (or any of the Kardashian/Jenners actually) but my god does she look amazing in those Bride of Frankenstein photos. Black and white filters really do her justice, she looks like she really belongs in an old Hollywood picture.

  • @theodoraadelaide3060
    @theodoraadelaide3060 Год назад +57

    I massively prefer Anya Taylor Joy's 'I needed something last minute to round out a group costume and this was in my wardrobe already' look to any over-produced celebrity look that never left the studio. It proves way more personal taste and creativity on her part imo. or at least it has good hang energy.

  • @LoneWulf278
    @LoneWulf278 Год назад +6

    Heidi Klum’s costume was pure nightmare fuel. I really didn’t need that visual. 😭 If that was my party, I would’ve called security. 😂

  • @sanatahir2343
    @sanatahir2343 Год назад +32

    all these celebrities can go above and beyond and make all these historical fashion references for a Halloween costume but fall flat when it comes to the MET gala,,

    • @prettyprincess9138
      @prettyprincess9138 Год назад +3

      They don't choose their outfits the designer's chose it for them

  • @dimplesd8931
    @dimplesd8931 Год назад +2

    “In and out. In and Out. In and Out. I’m a fashion designer”
    It’s the technical language of the channel that keeps me coming back 😂😂😂

  • @kristie9144
    @kristie9144 Год назад +127

    If I had the money these people have, I'd have had an amazing costume too.

  • @courtneymck4125
    @courtneymck4125 Год назад +35

    Jessie is Buzz Lightyear's girlfriend, she's more of a sister to Woody

  • @livewiiiiire
    @livewiiiiire Год назад +24

    Your costume is so cute! You look so great with white hair too, my gosh! Currently bingeing all of your content, thank you for all your hard work and the knowledge you impart to us💕

  • @Laura-vs6fs
    @Laura-vs6fs Год назад +9

    Nicki Minaj's dress was by a croatian designer named Juraj Zigman, so it's definitely not an american designer lol The brand has been working with a lot of big celebs and his designs are stunning.

  • @bestofreelsandtiktok582
    @bestofreelsandtiktok582 Год назад +7

    I am impressed by Cardi and Kim really going for it and serving us looks, Love it. I love the dedication.

  • @hannahchristinah
    @hannahchristinah Год назад +13

    This video makes me think you'd be a GREAT guest judge on the ball episode of RuPaul's Drag Race.

  • @PinkBowEnthusiast
    @PinkBowEnthusiast Год назад +14

    I'm guessing Cardi did the Marge-in-Mugler-dress thing to reference an episode of Treehouse of Horror where she appeared as the bride of Frankenstein! Treehouse of Horror is their Halloween special anthology they release every year for the "un-simpsoned" viewers out there 😅 the Simpsons characters have appeared as many iconic horror characters in these!

  • @orlameehan1123
    @orlameehan1123 Год назад +158

    Funny how people give out to Kendall Jenner for making Jessy 'sexual' but not Cardi b or Nicki Minaj for making Marge Simspon and Cinderella 'sexual'

    • @DanieB322
      @DanieB322 Год назад +26

      Yeah, when it’s the kardashian-Jenner people will always have something to complain about

    • @eveningstar8581
      @eveningstar8581 Год назад

      I'll say it! She's white and the other women are black🤷‍♀️

    •  Год назад +54

      Marg and Cinderella are generally seen as adults, or at least, not children. I think the issue is more that Jessie is a child's toy and that children might look up costume ideas or outfits for her a unexpectedly see a kardashian ass

    • @DanieB322
      @DanieB322 Год назад +1

      @@eveningstar8581 it’s not about that tho

    • @orlameehan1123
      @orlameehan1123 Год назад +16

      @ cinerella is literally a child's Disney princess you are introduced to her from age 2

  • @tanjee2698
    @tanjee2698 Год назад +4

    Did you know that KL had pretty much all of his books not standing upright? He said that it's not practical and that he did not agree, reading the books name by having to tilt his head ' I don't want to break my neck finding a book'.
    A pure gold by KL

  • @terryo1463
    @terryo1463 Год назад +20

    Kylie is the only Kardashian that will actually wear something that isn't skin tight....great review Luke...I mean Karl

    • @aliciathomas6477
      @aliciathomas6477 Год назад +2

      Literally all she wears is skin tight stuff 😂😂

  • @cmomo02
    @cmomo02 Год назад +30

    Janelle Monae kills it

  • @Druklet
    @Druklet Год назад +5

    Love your videos that are more 'regular' fashion but these ones are so much fun! You have also inspired me to always bring the chalance!

  • @idkidk8278
    @idkidk8278 Год назад +19

    He should get likes for all the time stamps... Just saying

  • @rockcriedout7679
    @rockcriedout7679 Год назад +2

    Luke your earnest analysis of the Simpson booty is just one of many reasons why your content slaps 🙏

  • @Truther1903
    @Truther1903 Год назад +7

    Loved Olivia Rodrigos idea. Very creative! I haven’t seen anybody do Betty Boop before :)

  • @jazzycat8917
    @jazzycat8917 Год назад +16

    Why is it all the celebrities who turn it up for Halloween can never be bothered to follow the MET Gala themes?

  • @em84c
    @em84c Год назад +10

    I love the Marge Simpson. I'd like to have seen a photo with a Chanel suit. I love that episode.
    But I think my fave is Kylie as Bride of Frankenstein.
    Heidi's worm is probably the best costume. It's horrifying.

  • @itmesilvie
    @itmesilvie Год назад +5

    oh my god ive never been so early! i look forward to these videos every halloween :)

  • @josegabrielsilva5221
    @josegabrielsilva5221 Год назад +12

    No one:
    Everyone in the comments: “the fifth element’s costumes were done by JPG, not Mugler”
    *We got it*

  • @IGuess...
    @IGuess... Год назад +4

    DAMN u shudda kept those SHADES ON the whole length of this video, My Guy!!!! 🕶 nice job tho u ATE your look in the name of KL 🖤

  • @elijahh-r9883
    @elijahh-r9883 Год назад +9

    love! btw, cardi's costume is based on a concept by the artist alexsandro palombo

    • @hi-ve1cw
      @hi-ve1cw Год назад

      What's their IG?

  • @juanitaleak6482
    @juanitaleak6482 Год назад +3

    I love these videos!!! & let me tell you 10/10 for Karl Lagerfeld you definitely brought his essence (& the voice was pretty good too)😀

  • @fabienneroure9995
    @fabienneroure9995 Год назад +4

    This was so much fun to watch thank you Luke for the great video!👽👻🥳🤪🎃🕷🕸👾🍬🍭

  • @Uhohlisa
    @Uhohlisa Год назад +4

    There's so many more! Do a part 2!

  • @aliasargent1855
    @aliasargent1855 Год назад +13

    I think it would be awesome if you made an in-depth video on the costuming in The Fifth Element. I've always found the costuming in the film to be really beautiful.

  • @susangazzola8398
    @susangazzola8398 Год назад +5

    That’s a you problem! 😂❤️ Great critique Karl!!

  • @florencembah2626
    @florencembah2626 Год назад +2

    Hailey is one of the best dressed in my opinion....plus the reference to a brand she represent is smart thinking, she gets a costume & promotes them at the same time

  • @sarahsparkling
    @sarahsparkling Год назад +10

    As a native German speaker, your German accent was actually really spot on!

  • @shannonl7419
    @shannonl7419 Год назад +2

    I loved this. It was nice for most of the reviews to be positive!

  • @artapothecary53
    @artapothecary53 Год назад +6

    Seems as though sexualizing an adult character through costume is different than sexualizing a child character. Sexualizing cartoons from childhood also slightly different than sexualizing a character that is so clearly, well, a child

  • @bkossbeauty
    @bkossbeauty Год назад +6

    Kylie Jenner saying she's never had plastic surgery is like me saying I've never been depressed lmao

  • @Mishkaabear
    @Mishkaabear Год назад +2

    this was such a dope video idea! luke you are so funny and entertaining

  • @yourpaldrphayul3048
    @yourpaldrphayul3048 Год назад +4

    In reality, I love a Halloween episode!! Killed it 💗

  • @alexandracamcorder
    @alexandracamcorder Год назад +1

    Luke, I would LOVE if you did a tour of the bookshelf behind you!

  • @alexis1217
    @alexis1217 Год назад +1

    The peach is giving “City” princess peach vibes ✨ but that’s me lol if like fish nets and or stocking

  • @chunliwannab
    @chunliwannab Год назад +3

    Honestly thank you so much for doing this it’s really cute RIP Karl

  • @cozycasasmr4510
    @cozycasasmr4510 Год назад +1

    Heidi Kworm wriggling on the ground is sending me

  • @p.j.3804
    @p.j.3804 Год назад +12

    Gautier designed the costumes for "The Fifth Element" and honestly, made it iconic 😉

  • @kait_herring
    @kait_herring Год назад +12

    LOVE the riverdale girls doing hocus pocus ❤

  • @miss20something33
    @miss20something33 Год назад +2

    I really miss your monthly fashion recap videos, can't believe we haven't had one since july 😢

  • @yourmomsayswashyourhands5423
    @yourmomsayswashyourhands5423 Год назад

    Heidi is livibg as a worm in my head rent free and i keep serving her eviction notices. Uggghhh

  • @LadyB_20
    @LadyB_20 Год назад +4

    We've had Anna and now Karl. Maybe next year I'd love to see either Edna Mode or Miranda Priestly.

  • @boomer3243
    @boomer3243 Год назад +3

    Ariana Grande did do the look with the headband! Liz posted it on her instagram.

  • @sarahberney
    @sarahberney Год назад +3

    Just to let you know that the costume designer for The Fifth Element was Jean Paul Gaultier ✨

  • @Sasha-mb3rv
    @Sasha-mb3rv Год назад +19

    So many xmen costumes this year, is there a hidden message somewhere 👀

    • @laurend7816
      @laurend7816 Год назад +1

      I was thinking the same thing! I'm not mad though because I love the X-Men!

  • @makemenot0008
    @makemenot0008 Год назад +8

    I thought the costumes in the fifth element where designed by Jean Paul Gaultier?

  • @emilybirchall745
    @emilybirchall745 Год назад +2

    When the references are more complex and interesting for Halloween than the Met Gala

  • @imfabia
    @imfabia Год назад +5

    You are dressed as Karl Lagerfield for Halloween?

    • @hautelemode
      @hautelemode  Год назад +21

      sometimes it's fun to dress up as a villain!!

    • @riribeasley4741
      @riribeasley4741 Год назад

      @@hautelemode yeah antisemitism is fun!

  • @AnamarijaMaric
    @AnamarijaMaric Год назад +2

    Cinderella costume is by Croatian designer Zigman. Cardi B, Nicky Minaj and a lot of others love his designs for stage costumes.

  • @maga6252
    @maga6252 6 месяцев назад

    Oh, you forgot your designer folding fan, Luke! 😂😅🤣😎🇺🇲

  • @quirkyCourtney
    @quirkyCourtney Год назад

    Heidi Klum as a worm is one of the funniest things I think I’ve ever seen. Every time I see it, I laugh.

  • @mattw7556
    @mattw7556 Год назад +7

    Ariana did the headband look babe, she did most of the looks from the movie

    • @Katherine_xs
      @Katherine_xs Год назад +1

      Did she😳 wow he must have rushed this video

  • @ohrachelyeah
    @ohrachelyeah Год назад

    You are so creative and funny! Kudos for this video, definetely one of my favorites from you :)

  • @porcupine_cake
    @porcupine_cake Год назад +24

    The corpse bride one looks like it's all photoshop lol

  • @juliawidmaier5334
    @juliawidmaier5334 Год назад +1

    Omg the Best in Show costumes make me so happy, I love that movie

  • @Khous-yg1ur
    @Khous-yg1ur Год назад +1

    Ariana grande did do a video where she did do the furry Headband. There's multiple videos, that outfit is an outfit Jennifer Coolidge wore in the movie. Don't know if you've seen it, but all of the outfits did match, theres just certain scenes they match