Majority Can Be Wrong

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
    (1929 - 1985)
    A Conversation with Phillip Deere, Muskogee Creek Elder.
    The entire Creation still follows the Original Instructions of life. The Tree, the fruits, they never fail.
    They never make a mistake to bring their fruits in their season.
    The Animals never make a mistake.
    They still live as they were created.
    Among the Creation...Life, the Circle, a measurement with no beginning and no ending.
    - Phillip Deere (Muskogee Creek 1977)

Комментарии • 122

  • @beadedguitar
    @beadedguitar 11 лет назад +1

    This man, this teacher, this carrier of the truth, speaks better than anyone I have heard who is still living.

  • @stephenwhitehorse6839
    @stephenwhitehorse6839 10 лет назад +14

    Very powerful words of Wisdom I truly love this man

    • @stephenwhitehorse6839
      @stephenwhitehorse6839 10 лет назад +6

      I am ready to hear this again, I love to hear the wise speak their truth Blessed man He is >

  • @maryporter
    @maryporter 6 лет назад +1

    Decades later we see the result of the things this elder speaks of. Timeless message.

  • @aaugus91
    @aaugus91 11 лет назад +2

    Those are some powerful words of wisdom!!!!

  • @laterisaferondii1435
    @laterisaferondii1435 6 лет назад +3

    Incredible interview!! So many things that Elder said still ringing true today. I didn't want the segment to end. Will read up on him . Thank you .

  • @adriftingspiral2
    @adriftingspiral2 11 лет назад +2

    I am very thankful for the opprotunity to listen to this man speak..

  • @marzach87
    @marzach87 12 лет назад

    I could't agree more with this man, he is a plesure to listen to and just put all of my beleif into well formulated words. I wish the whole world would listen to this man and realy feel his woords. "maybe the indian way is a wrong word, its just the human way, and the indans just so happen to have preserved this way"

  • @txdurk
    @txdurk 12 лет назад +2

    The next generation of elders need to listen.

  • @mayakyen3695
    @mayakyen3695 7 лет назад +1

    Exquisite Message, Respect Elder Wisdom. Thank You for sharing this, You are Amazing, Real Love Brother!!

  • @gormlebot
    @gormlebot 13 лет назад

    Thank you for posting this. What a beautiful and honest spirit. There is no such thing as failure in life if you are truly being yourself. Live life like human-beings. He sees reality with clarity. He sees how confused our culture is with itself. "Don't be searching my history, search your own history. Then we will find out who we are." To use the vernacular of our pop-culture, he is dropping knowledge on all our asses!

  • @ingridgilbert4917
    @ingridgilbert4917 9 лет назад +10

    This is really a good message, a human way! I am grateful to you for posting this so we can hear it.

  • @MichaelDewey
    @MichaelDewey 9 лет назад +7

    As Marty Stuart sings in Badlands, the second coming of the Red Man is closer than it has ever been.

  • @stephenwhitehorse6839
    @stephenwhitehorse6839 10 лет назад +4

    He said He never forsaken us nor left us, He is always here in His creation

  • @TalaAuthentic
    @TalaAuthentic 2 года назад +1

    We are relatives your history is our history and our history is yours...

  • @MichaelDewey
    @MichaelDewey 9 лет назад +6

    I love this man.

  • @jeannettemarie1313
    @jeannettemarie1313 10 лет назад +11

    Last summer a young man, preparing for college, came to my home selling magazines for money to go on an educational trip to DC. We talked a few minutes and he noticed my Medicine bag and asked what it was n what was in my "hippy bag". I explained what it is n he said "You are an Indian?". I answered and he looked amazed, eyes wide, "I've never seen an Indian!". Note he had graduated high school and gotten into a very good college. He looked at me as if I were a mythical creature. He said he'd been taught in school that all the Indians were killed or lived on reservations. He learned that day, I was the teacher. As this Great Man says we teach our children, all Our children, how to live, love, be HumanBeings. I went to public school like most do, but I already knew they would try to teach me lies. Mark Twain said "I never allowed my schooling to interfere with my education." Smart man! So I wrote the essays and got As. Then educated my teachers. Told them about The Bloody Island Massacre that took my family. About the Trail Of Tears. And much much more. The fight is endless. But it stops very soon. We will "outlive this beast!" As we always have. It is a HumanBeing thing!!! AHO! HOKA HEY! I am 5 Nations, united. We are All tribal peoples. Some just forgot for a bit! Idle No More we stand together, all over the World!!
    And Much Respect to you Munkh-Orgil Battsogt!! Thank you!

    • @RoseM54
      @RoseM54 9 лет назад +2

      jeannettemarie1313 You are proof that one person can open the eyes of many. Blessings always.

    • @antiNuetron
      @antiNuetron 6 лет назад

      Our creator will bring justice. We can trust him.

    • @melanieortiz712
      @melanieortiz712 5 лет назад +1

      He'd probably seen many indigenous. Just didn't realize because they didn't look "steortypical" or he called them Mexicans.🤣

    • @melanieortiz712
      @melanieortiz712 5 лет назад +1

      We indigenous still make up 67% of the population in the western hemisphere. Just many sadly have become so colonize forgotten who they really are. If unite north, central and south and decolonize. We'd be a force to reckon.

  • @joquto
    @joquto 8 лет назад +7

    Excellent wise man!

  • @asparwhite86
    @asparwhite86 9 лет назад +6

    Natural person. Yes.

  • @barbarahyde9698
    @barbarahyde9698 8 лет назад +7

    Thanks for saving this interview and putting in on here.

  • @TheMtljo
    @TheMtljo 6 лет назад +2

    Thank you for sharing.

  • @gorgeousdzastr
    @gorgeousdzastr 12 лет назад +1

    There is nothing wrong with living in harmony with natures God and nature herself. It is the greed for money, power and wealth that stops people dead in their tracks from achieving such bliss. I agree with you.
    Nature is simple, beautiful and provides for all. Nature can not be bought with man made money, nor can it ever be owned. Who among us can say to the creator "you did not fashion me"?
    How can a man own a thing he did not create?

  • @czarwright
    @czarwright  12 лет назад +1

    Thanks , it help me with my Ideas of the world as well and why I posted it for all to hear.

  • @reneyuliy
    @reneyuliy 12 лет назад

    This man is so incredibly right! His words are wise and strong... It's so pity that the majority of people don't see the truth!! I believe there's justice and Native Americans will have their land back. The whole system based on materialism and consumerism will soon crash down!

  • @antiNuetron
    @antiNuetron 6 лет назад +1

    They were and are closer to the creator than most Christians.

  • @lewisluigicobos7822
    @lewisluigicobos7822 6 лет назад +1

    Great video thanks for posting this video is truth for my ears

  • @Jean-yt1lu
    @Jean-yt1lu 8 лет назад +13

    Our children in South Africa are influenced by American culture and it is destroying traditional values and customs and doing so much harm.

    • @TalaAuthentic
      @TalaAuthentic 2 года назад

      Unfortunately we feel that in many cities and towns around the world, there is a big global awakening movement that is touching everyone's heart called (back to origin ) it brings people back to their natural normal healthy way of living and their origional way of interacting with one another ,animals ,nature , planets ,stars and all beings ... this movement was a true calling from within ... to purify ,restore and neutralize all the major media that influenced all the generations in a bad way that kept them away from true values, encouraged selfishness ,narcissm and polish or feed egos that separates our healthy spirits , we are designed to live together comprehensively not competitively, it is from all nations and tribes that wants people to holistically heal, find their true sacredness from within and their true spiritual Identities which is the master of all their identities and behaviours towards themselves, their family memebrs and their fellow beings , as he said in minute 7 onward.. there is no failure when you are your own authentic self , failure comes when you try to be somebody else .. let us listen to the voice from within
      It is happening now ...the world is awakened

  • @StarMagixz
    @StarMagixz 13 лет назад +1

    Wise man indeed. My Creek ancestors would be proud to join hands in a circle and dance with this man. So would I. Thanks for sharing this video.

  • @JoKoKilla
    @JoKoKilla 12 лет назад +1

    @gorgeousdzastr "And yes I do believe the Indians will get their land back." I agree! They understood it, they lived with it. It is rightfully theirs.

  • @LegendTellerFilms
    @LegendTellerFilms 12 лет назад

    I really like this video. Doesn't Phillip Deere just put everything into perspective? He is so right about the spiritual side of the world as a whole. He provided an amazing insight. This is the year of his predictions. Everything will change as the time has come to end the very corrupt rule of some very evil men.

  • @gorgeousdzastr
    @gorgeousdzastr 12 лет назад +2

    I absolutely agree, we are mere USERS of the earth, NOT owners of anything. One can never OWN a thing he did not create.
    The "legal" term is called "USUFRUCT".

  • @TheVelvetvoicecoach
    @TheVelvetvoicecoach 12 лет назад

    I just wanted to say thank you so much for posting the majority can be wrong video -
    It means a great deal to me & has helped me greatly .

  • @BarzErKrauser
    @BarzErKrauser 11 лет назад +1

    I wish to spend my life with people like you.
    Our culture was destroyed 1700 years ago by people who use Jesus Christ's words as an instrument of power.

  • @dokshakata
    @dokshakata 12 лет назад +1

    It iz pure genius the way he points out that the white man voluntarily participates in his own discrimination and supports it. amazing intellect of our clear headed NdN way of seeing thru the illusions of the world THAT is the escence of NdN way, thank you for posting this video invaluable, share it everywhere please

  • @davidgroves5395
    @davidgroves5395 6 лет назад +1

    It's really refeshing hearing this Tribal Leader, his words are of such a phenomonal truth that none can deny. I really wish that his feelings about the future of Native people's traditions will survive. I have notticed a huge effort by the ruling establishment to downgrade any Native culture along with their traditions and I have personally witnessed a mongrolization of the Human race into a people without any culture or background. I really think that we neeed more spiritual leaders like Phillip Deere because without the oral tradition of story telling we have no future because we have absolutely no past. This oral tradition has almost totally been replaced by the terrible programming on TV and the even more insidious social media which is nothing more than a completely hideous parasite that is completely destroying young people's minds to even be able to think at all. These days people seem to have a 3 second attention span and if they are not comfortable dealing with a certain topic or subject they just immediately turn it off like an unwanted commercial. Western culture and civilization is completely spiritually dead and has been destroyed intentionally my concern is what is going on in the moinds of those that want to change it into soething else completely unrecognizable fro it's previous form. Now we know that this Transhumanism the merging f machines with Humanity is on their agenda but I just don't thnk that this will be good for most of us. I guess all tthat we can do is hold on and wait to see.

  • @JoKoKilla
    @JoKoKilla 12 лет назад +1

    Ughhh.... My heart weeps at the sounds of this mans words. Listen to how much truth he speaks! Listen to all 41:13 of this, if you have the patience to. This is a treasure which should not be lost.

  • @lupelujan4634
    @lupelujan4634 6 лет назад +1

    Facinating info.

  • @TheSpartacat
    @TheSpartacat 13 лет назад

    I LOVED this!!! Huge much. Great wisdom :-)

  • @mudylafeet
    @mudylafeet 11 лет назад

    Just Amazing, Thank You!!!

  • @ReddSpitfire
    @ReddSpitfire 13 лет назад

    Thank you for sharing this with everyone.Wise words and I wish I could of met this man and wish there were men like him around where here. Wise men are so few and I wish there were more of them.God gave this land to the Natives first and I believe God allowed white men her eto learn from the Natives to have a better life then what they had in Europe which they whined and cried about. Instead they came to America and took it over and became worst evil then what they cried about in Europe.

  • @Agui007
    @Agui007 12 лет назад

    Everything we need is all here on the earth. Unfortunately a few greedy families in this world think they have the right to control our freedom and condemn us to a life of serving them......we have blindly complied with them, through politics, religion, through the very way of life and we don't question their actions.
    We have become robots, I see it so often and this is why so many are unhappy, they want to be who they truly are FREE and UNIQUE.

  • @hopeintruth1
    @hopeintruth1 13 лет назад +1

    This guy is spot on , he has a silent knowing .

  • @schoolake
    @schoolake 13 лет назад

    Thank you.

  • @lopezcora
    @lopezcora 7 лет назад +4

    he is the air

  • @StarrJaded
    @StarrJaded 13 лет назад

    You know I'm so glad you loaded this. I've never seen it before.
    (bow) ;)

  • @czarwright
    @czarwright  13 лет назад

    @CiphersSon Swims with socks , you inspired this.
    I hope you get your grandmother on tape , if not her spirit is in you brother .
    You know you path to take , your own =)

  • @chrisrose6718
    @chrisrose6718 11 лет назад

    This is great stuff, thanks alot. its more appreciated than you think //sweden

  • @czarwright
    @czarwright  13 лет назад

    @cmiles3 I understand but Russell is a good man , we all have flaws and weakness , He shares a view that has helped as well . But again I understand your view too . Love hearing the truth , even if it pains me at times . Peace =)

  • @alexandrenikashannicolau9221
    @alexandrenikashannicolau9221 11 лет назад +2

    wopila...mitakuye oyasin.

  • @prettyblingforu6824
    @prettyblingforu6824 9 лет назад

    Chosen Ones!!!!

  • @anastasia81472
    @anastasia81472 13 лет назад +1

    I think they should give these people a piece of America and allow them to be their own sovereign nation. It's the only right thing to do.

  • @czarwright
    @czarwright  13 лет назад

    @OlGreyWolf58 Hoka Hey started it all and like flame it just gets brighter as it goes.
    I talk about water a lot and the power in it, to me, fire is passion something i suppressed till i could understand it better. I smile more now =)

  • @mattanderson4965
    @mattanderson4965 11 лет назад +2

    The red haired giants were not really Caucasoid they honestly were the Nefilim descendants or half breeds. Some were on the normal average in the cave over 7ft tall and one that was 8ft 9in tall man. Go to the museum and ask to see those remains, they'll let you see them. In the beginning they say those "giants" came from the stars or heavens. Kachinas are Star People and the Ant People means in Hopi Anu Naki no joke.

  • @czarwright
    @czarwright  13 лет назад

    @donHooligan that area's has Great Roots Bro =)
    from the seeds the future is born , self empowerment .

  • @ReddSpitfire
    @ReddSpitfire 13 лет назад

    Sorry about the double post. Great change is coming!

  • @VendPrekmurec
    @VendPrekmurec 13 лет назад

    Native American Indians must to wake up from all this Yahwistic Matrix and seek their origins... the new time will come soon. They are special and very importan people on this planet. I woke up from this material world and lies around me - i seek it in our Slavic paganism and knowledge of our ancestors.

  • @allonesame2477
    @allonesame2477 5 лет назад

    Tawasi sent me. Thank you.

  • @prettylyricsmarie
    @prettylyricsmarie 12 лет назад

    @lmollot yes you are definitely right it's better to have land than degrees.

  • @czarwright
    @czarwright  13 лет назад

    @lmollot , today we all almost live a depend and based on money , Cost to us makes us care little about true value of people . i see it over and over and around the world . things have to change or we wont last long as a people . the natives were mess up by us and have grown to be depend too but there roots are strong as they will last here longer . =) in tune with nature helps all , know the seeds and know the future

  • @TheSerenityhuck
    @TheSerenityhuck 11 лет назад

    16:10 and on. Well said.

  • @czarwright
    @czarwright  12 лет назад

    to me , never offend your self being by being your self . smoking is purely internal and goes back thousands of years in some tribes before all the additives were added . I hope your world is pure is its attempts in understanding self . Nothing is pure in life no matter the container being . Masks and truth within them . Peace be with you

  • @glynnth
    @glynnth 12 лет назад

    I have this saying - 'Majority rules, just means The Mob Rules'!

  • @OlGreyWolf58
    @OlGreyWolf58 13 лет назад

    Hoka Hey Brother.....

  • @czarwright
    @czarwright  13 лет назад

    @StarrJaded Powerful Wisdom is worth sharing, I couldn't cut it up thanks to you tube i didn't have too.
    He is the man who helped Trudell to get back on the path after he lost his family , I wish there was more talks on video but there is books and writing of him that are powerful . just google :op
    Tribal Roots are what we are missing . (Bow) =)

    • @cosmicman621
      @cosmicman621 4 года назад

      ...any man that helped brother John trudell is holy created in my heart.aho.. thank you for posting..May all BE WELL with you and yours..

  • @czarwright
    @czarwright  13 лет назад

    @ReddSpitfire hahaha , i have to agree with your statement but they knew no better back then and the country is changing right now for the better . that's why its a mess , like Genghis Khan empire building is starting to fall a part because the people are not buying it anymore . one day without a TV and there would be riots , the last drug of the masses . I love this video too , things are best when shared . Have a great day =)

  • @prettylyricsmarie
    @prettylyricsmarie 12 лет назад

    @lmollot how is that lowering yourself, learning how to take care of yourself instead of depending on a corporation to make your food, clothes, etc.

  • @gorgeousdzastr
    @gorgeousdzastr 12 лет назад

    If you don't believe in the prophets of old, that's cool, they are always right any way so your doubt won't mean a damn thing.. Society is ending as we know it now. You better know who and what you are not.
    And yes I do believe the Indians will get their land back.

  • @gorgeousdzastr
    @gorgeousdzastr 12 лет назад

    Define Create.
    "HUMAN" can create fear, hatred, anxiety, separation, confusion, wars etc...
    If he were able to "create" anything tangible he would be God. But I think Natures Divine Creator would simply say to man (who thinks he can create a thing out of nothing) "If you can create something.. make your own dirt and show me".
    With that aside, man can fabricate things from what exists in nature.. books, homes, autos, planes etc.. but he can not create tangible from intangible.

  • @mattanderson4965
    @mattanderson4965 11 лет назад +1

    Alot of Mexicans are of Native origin though and they DO have the same "indian" dna have you heard of the Raramuri people, Yaqui, Mayo, and/or Zapotec?hhmmmm.....

  • @czarwright
    @czarwright  13 лет назад

    @functionalist972... they understood how to be here for thousands of years . you wanted a control game see how long it last for you. Go Tribal, Understanding is the only way back to me troll. Much Love ;o)

  • @davidortega357
    @davidortega357 6 лет назад

    it's true there much discrimination for jobs in the USA I believe the Roman Catholic Church is behind this they hire mostly rcc people if your indigenous looking Pentecostal, thug looking excon tattooed, very dark skinned you might have to go to do immigrant field work, meat processing plant S jobs that white man don't want I worked with many native coworkers along with Mexicans , Punjabis, blacks, Filipinos, the higher paying jobs like county, school districts, law enforcement , major corporations government jobs there's discrimination against color race, religion,

  • @BarzErKrauser
    @BarzErKrauser 11 лет назад

    He said what happened in the name of the Bible.

  • @czarwright
    @czarwright  13 лет назад

    @anastasia81472 Nope , I Want all Humans to be Sovereign Beings and the end of this government in the form that it is right now.
    Just Human Rights without the lies and chains we carry to empower the shell of the state . =)

  • @donHooligan
    @donHooligan 13 лет назад

    we live in muscogee territory

  • @romanvictory
    @romanvictory 12 лет назад

    he is smoking because that is part of native culture...pipe of peace

    • @melanieortiz712
      @melanieortiz712 5 лет назад

      Peace pipe is a white myth. You're confusing it with the sacred canupa

    • @melanieortiz712
      @melanieortiz712 5 лет назад

      And it's cultures! There are many various native cultures not all had a canupa tradition

  • @ElkWalksHoly
    @ElkWalksHoly 11 лет назад +3

    I would of loved to have visited this fella. As an indian and a follower of Jesus Christ,I can only assume P.Deere never studied the bible he criticizes, if he had, he would of realized a lot of what he espouses as truth, is just his opinion of what truth is,as he sees it. FYI,what was done to indians in the name of God,true followers of Jesus are never to force their beliefs on anyone, we are to share the gospel of salvation,what the hearer does with that info is between him and God,free will.

    • @melanieortiz712
      @melanieortiz712 5 лет назад +1

      Seriously do you forget what Christanity has and continues to do to indigenous? We disgrace our ancestors when we take up the religion of our oppressors.

    • @melanieortiz712
      @melanieortiz712 5 лет назад +1

      Jesus isn't even real! The idea of jesus is stolen from older Euroindo pegan deities. The bible itself, has been heavily altered, abridged, and many kings have put their controlling touch in it. Hence how you have a king james version.

    • @melanieortiz712
      @melanieortiz712 5 лет назад +1

      Tell that to the church. The doctrine of Christan discovery still stands and is still used (even by current supreme court justices) here in the usa to with hold indigenous lands.

  • @redcindy14
    @redcindy14 13 лет назад


  • @gonzalosierra2393
    @gonzalosierra2393 12 лет назад

    this man is fucking amazing... north american natives are even in better shape then south american natives those have lost it all not even a memory of what they where

    • @melanieortiz712
      @melanieortiz712 5 лет назад

      There are still many south of the Rio Grand who are still living indigenous ways and have never forgotten who they are. In places like the chipas maya is still spoken instead of Spanish. Even the Spanish spoken in the Americas isn't true Spanish. It is heavily altered and peppered with indigenous words.

  • @czarwright
    @czarwright  13 лет назад

    @fckuvrymch =)

  • @cmiles3
    @cmiles3 13 лет назад

    Ndnz voices'r good...
    Russell, I'm not a fan... he's done good, & he's hurt us...

  • @czarwright
    @czarwright  11 лет назад

    sounds like a tv view to ease the guilt , there was 4 of 5 white tribes in American but nobody talks about them much . north America , you had Pee Dee rivier area and in south America , cloud people also known as cloud warriors . both lived in peace for 500 years or more . Native America were not all the same DNA back ground or race . other then spears and bows you'll find little toys of warfare to conquer they fears like in " old world " . to funny and have a great day

    • @melanieortiz712
      @melanieortiz712 5 лет назад

      Ah yes, DNA evidence does back natives having one common bloodline. You can go fuck off with your eurocentrism.

  • @gorgeousdzastr
    @gorgeousdzastr 12 лет назад

    Yes, although the bible is much much deeper than people give it credit for. And it has been the source of "true" law for thousands of years as opposed to the few hundred years that man's law has ever existed without failing.
    Man's law has failed since he has been able to en-'GRAVE' such a thing.

  • @TheSunstar2000
    @TheSunstar2000 11 лет назад

    Yes, majority can be wrong, specially when you Paiute brag yourselves by a legend were you " exterminated the tall white red haired who spoke another language " ( description about the first Caucasoids once inhabited North America comming from the nothern ice sheet way.
    You were very cruel and mercyless for absolutely nothing.

  • @alexprez1405
    @alexprez1405 10 лет назад

    Native americans are decendant from asians,a full blooded one will have part of asians features and characteristics such as their squenty eyes.Native americans cross a land bridge which doesn't exist anymore.Eskimos are also asians,not white,black or whatever race.Hawians are also asians or polynesians.Native american do not have pale skin like chinese people,they have tan.
    There are hardly any full blooded native americans,now that they are mixed alot of people will not see one with asian characteristic thinking they came from whites or black people even hispanic.
    Check out this video of how a full blooded native american will look like.
    Heres a link--(NATIVE AMERICANS short video full blooded indigenous)
    Heres another link,doesn't have anything to do with natives--(The Mountain of Mystery | Full Documentaries - Planet Doc Full Documentaries)

    • @johannesheimenz6883
      @johannesheimenz6883 9 лет назад +5

      You're a dumbass for believing the white man's bullshit. No idiot, native americans don't look asian! Pendejo!!!!

    • @melanieortiz712
      @melanieortiz712 5 лет назад +1

      Still believing the shit they brainwashed you with at school🤣. Land bridge theory has been debunked.

    • @melanieortiz712
      @melanieortiz712 5 лет назад

      Also they're many full bloods. Natives still make up 67% of the population in the Americas.

    • @melanieortiz712
      @melanieortiz712 5 лет назад +1

      Hispanic is a misnomer. White label on brown bodies meant to hide indigenous people in plain sight and colonizer their minds. Not latino! Not Hispanic! ✊Indigenous. 33% of Mexicans for instance have no nonnative blood. The rest very little. Especially the more south you go. Damm you are a colonized fool😂

  • @ReddSpitfire
    @ReddSpitfire 13 лет назад

    Thank you for sharing this with everyone.Wise words and I wish I could of met this man and wish there were men like him around where here. Wise men are so few and I wish there were more of them.God gave this land to the Natives first and I believe God allowed white men her eto learn from the Natives to have a better life then what they had in Europe which they whined and cried about. Instead they came to America and took it over and became worst evil then what they cried about in Europe.