What if SIRIUS BLACK had raised Harry Potter?

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 74

  • @turidfredriksson7109
    @turidfredriksson7109 Год назад +70

    Remus would have been “Uncle Moony” 🥹

  • @William79614
    @William79614 Год назад +19

    I feel like you missed out on something. Maybe in Goblet of Fire, Snape would've told Dumbledore about his Dark Mark getting darker and more visible then from that information, Dumbledore would deduce that Voldemort was back

  • @r92n
    @r92n Год назад +18

    Good! I really felt so bad when I saw the scene where Sirius died 🤧

  • @arkansaninva
    @arkansaninva Год назад +18

    I love a lot of these points, but I disagree about one big aspect: Sirius hated his family and Grimmauld Place, so if he wasn't an outlaw and could live anywhere he wanted, I think he would've kept Harry in Godric's Hollow, where he spent so many great summers with James, and where James and Lily settled down.
    Assuming that they lived in Godric's Hollow, that means Harry would've been familiar with Bathilda Bagshot, so when he and Hermione go back to GH, he would know that something was weird with her, and he may not have come so close to death. Alternatively, maybe Harry wouldn't have felt the need to go there at all, since he spent his whole childhood there. Interesting to think about!

  • @sk8899
    @sk8899 9 месяцев назад +3

    I think Sirius would've trained Harry to become a really power Wizard by teaching him:-
    (1) Occlumency
    (2) Legilimency
    (3) Healing-Magic
    (4) Quiditch
    (5) Hand-to-Hand Combat
    Whenever Harry will come back from Hogwartz, its possible that he gets to learn higher level magic from Sirius & Remus.
    I think a Harry Potter raises by Sirius will be fare more Heroic in nature than then Original.
    I can imagine Harry getting to meet Weasely's in the Wizard World every now & then to eventually become Ron's childhood friend.
    This may result in Ginny not being awestruck with Harry as she would've noticed that he is just a normal boy.
    Since Sirius would've told Harry about his parents, it's possible that Harry would've find Hermoine more attractive or someone he has connecton as his own mother was considered booking in nature.

  • @thomasblanks1323
    @thomasblanks1323 Год назад +12

    Do a what if James Potter befriended Snap. Or What if Harry's parents never died.

  • @Dycoro
    @Dycoro Год назад +7

    I liked this idea, but in that What If my questions are 1) what Sirius daily job would be? He is not criminal so maybe he can even work in Ministry or he stay all day at home and spend money from family fortune.
    2) If he is not criminal and locked in cell, does Sirius started own family? We know from photos in his room he likes women. Maybe Harry could have steps litlle siblings, which could even went to Hogwart with him.
    I really like to know yours opinion :)

  • @True2ChainzLilWayne
    @True2ChainzLilWayne Год назад +20

    Nice story , enjoyed listening to it at work.

  • @fallen9997
    @fallen9997 Год назад +5

    What if Tom Marvolo Riddle was named Thomas Martin Question instead?

  • @pingvinbromma9451
    @pingvinbromma9451 5 месяцев назад +1

    In my brain Sirius and Remus would totally like co-parent Harry. Sirius being “the cool one” and Remus the “level headed one”

  • @bow.down.to.tay.tay.swizzle
    @bow.down.to.tay.tay.swizzle Год назад +6

    That sweater is everything 😂

  • @jrmurray86
    @jrmurray86 Год назад +7

    Love it. Some excellent story lines there although 3rd book would be boring as hell

  • @dylantd9189
    @dylantd9189 Год назад +3

    Harry would have been raised to be even more egotistical as James. He would have been a lot more smarter though.

  • @sydneyurata6085
    @sydneyurata6085 Год назад +5

    One problem Harry would have died in the first book to professor Quirrell

  • @rawdaaljawhary4174
    @rawdaaljawhary4174 Год назад +1

    McGonagall is brave, defending every teacher who was sacked and attacked by Umbridge. She's a brave, dutiful deputy headmistress but also a social leader, coming to Hagrid's aid even at 1 in the morning and taking 5 stunning spells to the chest as a result. And let's not forget, "It unscrews the other way!" 🦁❤ She takes her duty to protect the students and teachers seriously. She is a faithful, trustworthy leader who reminds me of the Marines view on leadership, "Leaders eat last." I love her!

  • @maikenlsten
    @maikenlsten 11 месяцев назад +3

    The trip to the ministry wouldn't be necessary, because Sirius would know that R.A.B was his brother, and order Kreacher to tell the story and give them the locket (which would still be at Grimmauld Place, since Sirius and Harry would be living there and Mundungus wouldn't have raided the place.)
    Loving your video, though!

  • @dylantd9189
    @dylantd9189 Год назад +4

    I reckon Pettigrew would have disappeared as he did originally. Sirius could have seen the Weasley picture again - and this could cause issues with Harry/Ron in the 3rd year.

    • @maikenlsten
      @maikenlsten 11 месяцев назад

      Yes. He would easily be able to hide as a rat

    • @darthbricksempire3606
      @darthbricksempire3606 10 месяцев назад +1

      Once Ron befriended Harry, I reckon Peter would go into hiding. The risk of Sirius noticing him would be too great

  • @MrQuackerTheDuck
    @MrQuackerTheDuck Год назад +3

    how does this not have more likes???

  • @Ruby-cg1kh
    @Ruby-cg1kh Год назад +8

    I've just read all the young dudes and this video is so perfect for it. Is that what gave you the thought to make it?

  • @raven4446
    @raven4446 Год назад +3

    I needed this for my dr thank you.

  • @justfreetea2037
    @justfreetea2037 Год назад +3


  • @WilliamWizer
    @WilliamWizer Год назад +2

    the greatest change would be that Sirius would had never allowed Harry to go to a school were Snivelus was a teacher so Dumbledork would had to choose between kicking snivelus or losing access to Harry. five galleons say that he would kick Snivelus out of Hogwarts.
    Sirius would also prepare Harry not only for his studies but also to be a proper Marauder. Fred, George, my friends. it saddens me to say this but you aren't good enough against the student of a Marauder.
    there's a chance that Harry, growing in the magical world, would know about the Weasley family but I'm quite sure Ron would befriend the twins more than Ron. there's a high chance too that Harry and Neville would become close friends. there's also one important issue. Ron, in addition to being a pig, is a bit of an extremist against the "filthy snakes". Sirius would had taught better to Harry. prejudices are prejudices.
    of course, if Harry grew near the Weasley, he and Ginny would be closer so she wouldn't get so nervous near him. that would mean less problems for her during chamber of secrets.
    another massive change. Pettigrew wouldn't be able to hide with the Weasley. as soon as Sirius saw him, Peter would be in sirius problems. (apologies for the pun) that means, Ron wouldn't have a filthy rat as a pet.
    I agree that the hipogriff would, probably, die since Dumbledore wouldn't tell harry to use the time-turner to save it but... maybe Sirius could pull a couple strings to help Hagrid protect the poor creature. the most important thing here would be that Sirius would help and he knows what a pensieve is. show a couple memories of Harry about Hagrid's class and Draco would be exposed as a fool that ignored the warning of a professor. I'm also quite sure that Sirius would contact Augusta Longbottom and Amelia Bones about this issue. Dumbledore, in the canon, did nothing to help Hagrid with that trial but Sirius would. (if nothing else, because Harry would ask him and because showing the middle finger to Malfloy is a pleasure)
    in fact, since Harry wouldn't see pivet drive as his home, the protection would be gone far before order of the phoenix. fortunately for the Dursley, it will be known that Harry is living with Sirius so they will be ignored by the death eaters.
    important note: with Sirius being free to move, he would had explained to harry about the comunication mirrors so Harry would had contacted him as soon as he suspected that Sirius was in danger. in fact, if Harry mentions his visions to Sirius, he would listen, find that the visions are of the hall of prophecies and tell harry about it (and about the prophecy)
    if Umbridge tried to do anything on sixth year, she would fail miserably. Harry would use the mirrors to contact Sirius and he, as a free man, would be able to act. Umbridge may be powerful but the political protection she has isn't as powerful against a free Sirius. Harry tells Sirius about the blood quill, sirius tells to Amelia Bones and Umbridge would get a confy cell at azkaban.
    the search for the horcrux would have a few differences though. Sirius would recognize who RAB is and would be able to locate that horcrux quite easily. also, since he has been living with harry for all those years, it's possible that kreacher wasn't so antagonistic.
    note: there's no F* way that Sirius would lose against Bella. Sirius lost at the ministry because he was careless with the veil but, at malfloy mannor? that wouldn't be possible so he would go all out against bella and take care of her. one important detail is that Voldemort wanted to use harry's blood so he could touch harry. since he used somebody else's. he can't touch harry. and Sirius would be there to tell harry that allowing himself to sacrifice wasn't the answer. even after his death, voldemort would continue to kill endlessly. Harry, your parents died so you could live. don't waste their sacrifice.

    • @SRVaris
      @SRVaris Год назад

      "Sirius would had never allowed Harry to go to a school were Snivelus was a teacher "
      If Sirius even tried this Dumbledore would stomp him out
      Who would the Ministry support here?
      Sirius who is trying to deny Harry the education that his parents would have wanted for him
      Dumbledore a person who holds far more political power then Sirius
      Harry is going to Hogwarts Sirius's wishes or not
      "Draco would be exposed as a fool that ignored the warning of a professor."
      Even in that Case it is Hagrid's responsibility to make sure the 13 year old doesn't get harmed which he failed to do so No Buckbeak still dies
      "one important detail is that Voldemort wanted to use harry's blood so he could touch harry. since he used somebody else's. he can't touch harry"
      He can't kill him but he can straight up Avada Kedavra also this Protection is only from his Mother's Sacrifice which only lasted as long due to Harry living on Privet Drive
      This all doesn't matter as Quirrel kills Harry in the first year as Harry would have no protection from his Mother's Sacrifice
      Quirrel gets the stone and revives Voldemort who takes over the world

    • @WilliamWizer
      @WilliamWizer Год назад

      @@SRVaris it seems you don't understand the point.
      Sirius wouldn't prevent harry from having an education at hogwarts. he would prevent Snape from being there. an ex-death eater that hated Harry's father (pureblood) since they were eleven? not to mention that Snape also had a grunge against Sirius (pureblood)
      would the ministry support a half-blood over two purebloods? no. with only Dumbledore supporting Snape, he would be the one having to choose between having Harry at hogwarts or having Snape.
      Draco was cured almost the same day and, sorry to say, if a student doesn't follow instructions, it's the student's fault. as an example, we have neville on the first flying lesson. he could had break his head with the fall but the professor wasn't fired for it.

  • @winterrain1947
    @winterrain1947 Год назад +1

    Someone make a fanfiction where Peter Petigrew grabs a hold of Harry just an instant before Harry grabs the Portkey to return to Hogwarts. So, Peter ends up getting portkeyed back to Hogwarts, captured by ministry officials etc.
    Peter would not get away with Dumbledore there, and Moody (Bart Jr.) would assume that Peter had wrongfooted his Lord and help catch him. Peter would be forced to reveal many truths. Sirious would be cleared, and possibly compensated. Fudge would not be able to deny that Voldie was back.
    But I do think Harry would go back to the Dursleys, but only for just long enough for the protection spell to work, and Sirious would personally fetch him and take him away on his flying motorcycle.

  • @seanbutler7013
    @seanbutler7013 11 месяцев назад

    Malfoy crab and Goyle were all childhood friends before going to Hogwarts

  • @tylersmith9465
    @tylersmith9465 11 месяцев назад

    Maybe they could talk Mad eye moody into seeing a therapist after being beaten locked in a trunk for a year

  • @adammartinez8061
    @adammartinez8061 Год назад +2

    And Petunia would continue living out her Normal life with her Husband Vernon and Son Dudley, continuing to spoil Dudley and oblivious that her sister is dead, having not heard from her in 11 years. Since Harry isn’t there, Dudley’s birthday trip to the Zoo would go like usual and Dudley wouldn’t fall into the snake exhibit(Because Harry isn’t there).
    Other of Dudley’s birthdays especially The one where They Play music chairs, Aunt Marge wouldn’t wack Harry…because he’s not there. They would go on like normal.
    Harry doesn’t get chased up the tree by Ripper because…he’s not there.
    Also since Harry is not there During the summer before his 2nd year, the visit from the masons would go on normally.

    • @wereamess
      @wereamess Год назад +2

      Vernon might get the job and they miught move away wow

    • @adammartinez8061
      @adammartinez8061 5 месяцев назад +1

      And most of the Dursleys events like Dudley’s birthdays would go on like usual except Harry wouldn’t be there for Musical Chair, Dudley would still get that computer(And Harry wouldn’t get Dog Biscuits).
      Dudley’s birthday trip to the zoo would go on like Usually except Dudley wouldn’t fall into the Snake exhibit, the snake wouldn’t be free.

  • @Luchek_chesnochek
    @Luchek_chesnochek Месяц назад

    The sacrificial protection wouldn’t work though

  • @PogOfficial25
    @PogOfficial25 6 месяцев назад

    Well I mean after sirius got out and he asked harry if he wanted to live with him well if Sirius never died and Voldy was killed and he was a free man harry would make Sirius like a father figured and then lupin would be like a uncle and I luv how in the books online asked harry to be there god father for there son I thought it was just adorable bc I luv how Sirius and lupin acts like father figures and IF Sirius did grab harry instead of chasing Peter and lupin is Sirius friend then harry would of lived at Sirius place and lupin would go there most of the time and when harry older lupin would teach him some spells that gonna help him and Sirius would give him a broom for flying lessons and when harry gets his letter for Hogwarts and harry tells lupin and Sirius abt "What happen to his parent's" Unlike the hs uncle and aunt that said "They died in a car crash" Sirius and lupin would of told harry what actually happen and so then lupin and Sirius wild take harry to dagon ally and Sirius unlike Hagrid he got him a owl but Sirius would get him smt diff and so then harry would think Sirius and lupin is father figured unlike his uncle and aunt he would call Sirius place a Home so yeah I just really think lupin and Sirius is a great father like and I just luv how lupin asked harry to be the god father and when Sirius told harry if he wanted to live with him in the 3rd movie I think but yeah that's what I got to say abt if harry got raised by Sirius and teacllay lupin so yeah o.o

  • @authormaryabby588
    @authormaryabby588 Год назад +4

    But wait what about the prophecy if Harry parents were killed by the dark lord still he’s still the chosen one so I think they would still hunt Harry down in his third year and use his blood to get Lord Voldemort back , because remember the prophecy that professor trullani had predicted to Dumbledore that’s why snake had overheard the prophecy being told and told the dark lord not knowing the rest of the prophecy and it said that either Harry or Neveile longbottom could have been the chosen one -check out Super Carlin Brothers for the full theory they go really into it

  • @Isa_playz1514
    @Isa_playz1514 6 месяцев назад

    I have a question if severus snape was dumbledores spy then why didnt he tell anyone that sirius was inocent that he was not a death eater and he was not on voldemorts side and he just didnt toled anyone because of he hated james for lily and because of his hate he distroyed sirius lifr 😢

  • @tylersmith9465
    @tylersmith9465 11 месяцев назад

    Maybe mad eye moody Sirius black tonks could pay for the potion and give it to remus lupin he would be free of it

  • @NoneofyourBusiness-iv6pi
    @NoneofyourBusiness-iv6pi Год назад +1

    Sirius might have said F it all and moved to the "rebellious colonies" per a UK perspective = USA and harry attended ilvermorny.

  • @raven4446
    @raven4446 Год назад +1

    Wow okay I need this to be a tiny bit happiner...but I'll manage once I get there

  • @elitegaming4625
    @elitegaming4625 Год назад

    I think that serious would meet with the others right so Ron would be a childhood friend

  • @scarlettwoman7880
    @scarlettwoman7880 Год назад +2

    I don’t know if Harry would stay the same personality if Sirius raised Harry nor do I think Gryffindor is assured. Nice prediction by the way if a little too unrealistic.

  • @tylersmith9465
    @tylersmith9465 11 месяцев назад

    Nice job

  • @ajwinberg
    @ajwinberg 7 месяцев назад

    I think Remus would have helped Raise Harry.

  • @howtogoogle8031
    @howtogoogle8031 Год назад +2

    snape could also raise harry lets say that snpa nd sirus get over theeir vendetta

  • @Ruby-cg1kh
    @Ruby-cg1kh Год назад +2

    Colin Creavey 😭

  • @Anthony_Jiang
    @Anthony_Jiang Год назад +2

    Seems interesting lol

  • @toxic_reject6965
    @toxic_reject6965 Год назад +1

    i liked this video very cool

  • @howtogoogle8031
    @howtogoogle8031 Год назад


  • @howtogoogle8031
    @howtogoogle8031 Год назад

    necromancy or necromacy

  • @howtogoogle8031
    @howtogoogle8031 Год назад

    how about ravencalw now sirus would no that a gryffondor betrayed them and ha slytherin tried to save them snape begging voldermrot to save them lets say snape begs to spare all of them slythereins traitsd anfd gryffindors traits would be ravenclaw as netral intleligent raised by lupin arithmacy ancientrunes healign technmagic combinging machines with magic darkarts rtemember it is the intent not he arts itself animagi

  • @howtogoogle8031
    @howtogoogle8031 Год назад

    Insect Magic
    Intangibility Magic
    Intangibility Magic
    Intelligence Magic
    Intelligence Magic
    Iron Magic
    Island Magic
    Island Magic

  • @obrother3750
    @obrother3750 Месяц назад

    I still dont understand why Lily and James would make Sirius the godfather but make Wormtail the secret keeper. They literally wanted him to look after their son when they died but when their son was being directly faced with death they trust someone else.

  • @howtogoogle8031
    @howtogoogle8031 Год назад

    Ocean Magic
    Ocean Magic
    Oil Magic
    Oil Magic
    Order Magic
    Order Magic
    Organic Magic
    Organic Magic
    Orichalcum Magic
    Orichalcum Magic
    Oriental Character Magic
    Oriental Character Magic
    Outer Space Magic
    Outer Space Magic

  • @howtogoogle8031
    @howtogoogle8031 Год назад

    Nano Magic
    Needle Magic
    Needle Magic
    Nether Magic
    Nether Magic
    Neutral Magic
    Fanon:Neutral Magic
    Nightmare Magic
    Nightmare Magic
    Ninja Magic
    Ninja Magic
    Null Element Magic
    Null Element Magic

  • @howtogoogle8031
    @howtogoogle8031 Год назад

    Kinetic Energy Magic
    Lake/River Magic
    Lake/River Magic
    Land Magic
    Land Magic
    Laser Magic
    Laser Magic
    Lava Magic
    Lava Magic
    Letter Empowerment
    Letter Empowerment
    Ley Line Magic
    Ley Line Magic
    Life and Death Magic
    Life and Death Magic
    Life Magic
    Life Magic
    Light Magic
    Light Magic
    Light World Magic
    Light World Magic
    Light-Shadow Magic
    Light-Shadow Magic
    Liquid Magic
    Liquid Magic
    Love Magic
    Love Magic
    Luck Magic
    Luck Magic
    Lunar Magic
    Lunar Magic
    Lust Magic
    Lust Magic

  • @winter813
    @winter813 Год назад


  • @howtogoogle8031
    @howtogoogle8031 Год назад

    Ice Cream Magic
    Ice Magic
    Ice Magic
    Illusionary Magic
    Illusionary Magic
    Imagination Magic
    Imagination Magic
    Industry Magic
    Industry Magic
    Inertia Magic
    Inertia Magic
    Ink Magic
    Ink Magic
    Inner Beast Magic
    Inner Beast Magic
    Inorganic Magic
    Inorganic Magic
    Inscription Casting
    Inscription Casting

  • @howtogoogle8031
    @howtogoogle8031 Год назад

    Balance Magic
    Banishment Magic
    Banishment Magic
    Barrier Magic
    Barrier Magic
    Battlefield Magic
    Battlefield Magic
    Bell Magic
    Bell Magic
    Binding Magic
    Binding Magic
    Biological Magic
    Biological Magic
    Black Shamanism
    Black Shamanism
    Blade Magic
    Blade Magic
    Blessing Magic
    Blessing Magic
    Blood Magic
    Blood Magic
    Bloodline Magic
    Bloodline Magic
    Body Magic
    Body Magic
    Bone Magic
    Bone Magic
    Breath Magic
    Breath Magic
    Bronze Magic
    Bronze Magic
    Building Magic
    Building Magic
    Bullet Magic
    Bullet Magic

  • @howtogoogle8031
    @howtogoogle8031 Год назад

    Fairy Combat
    Fairy Magic
    Fairy Magic
    Faith Magic
    Faith Magic
    Famine Magic
    Famine Magic
    Fear Magic
    Fear Magic
    Feather Magic
    Feather Magic
    Fertility Magic
    Fertility Magic
    Fire Magic
    Fire Magic
    Flight Magic
    Flight Magic
    Flower Magic
    Flower Magic
    Force Magic
    Force Magic
    Foreign Magic
    Foreign Magic
    Forest Magic
    Forest Magic
    Forge Magic
    Forge Magic
    Friction Magic
    Friction Magic
    Fruit/Vegetable Magic
    Fruit/Vegetable Magic
    Fungus Magic
    Fungus Magic
    Fusion Magic
    Fusion Magic

  • @madisworld
    @madisworld 11 месяцев назад

    I would’ve love to see this and Sirius would be happy with Harry