  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 55

  • @levilw8539
    @levilw8539 Год назад +7

    From a bit of google
    This feminine name derives from Old Norse “Borghildr,” composed of two elements: “*berganą / *burgz” (to take care, to preserve, to protect, to save, to help, to rescue / fortification, stronghold, fortified city, castle) plus “*hildiz” (battle, fight). The name refers to the soldiers who fought in a castle or a fortress to defend its people. In Norse mythology, Borghild was the first wife of Sigmund. She bore him two sons, Hamund and Helgi. She is the personification of the evening mist, or perhaps the moon, who kills the light of day. As of December 31, 2005, there were 585 persons in Sweden named Borghild. It is more common in Norway. In August 2006, there were 4213 women in Norway named Borghild. The name was at its top in 1905.

  • @spec2828
    @spec2828 Год назад +20

    All the eivors don't do damage, they especially need to change the dot s2 for the water and dark, at least increase the multiplier on s1 def break

    • @nimrodfilms5104
      @nimrodfilms5104 Год назад

      exactly!!! I got her like... day 4 of them being out, and this is back when everyone thought she was going to be the best one Because, admittedly, yea, her skills do look really good! and i was VERY excited to play with her for that reason. But then... I saw that no matter how much attack and cd i had on her, no matter what build, she did no damage. I kept telling people that she was actually really bad because of the damage thing, but people kept saying "no, look at her skills! she has 118 base speed with cc and turn cycling while she can't be stunned!!! and she has a defense break!" but they don't realize that it means next to nothing if she can't deal damage. my WIND robo can deal more damage to a single target while using an aoe skill than She does on any ability.
      Unless they either make her super annoying to kill so that she becomes a hard to stop constant source of strips and decent CC (and they should also for the love of god make her skill2 harmful effect rate be 100%. WHY is it 70%), OR unless they give her really good damage to offset her skill 2 harmful effect rate and lack of survivability, then I don't think this will even be enough to make her usable.
      edit: You know what could be a fun and simple change that could actually make her oddly strong? what if they made it so that her passive prioritized stripping immunity first, and then whatever else after. Paring this with making her skill 2 harmful effect rate 100%, and perhaps also increasing her damage, i think that would make her actual viable against teams with alot of buffs.

    • @tylerfreeman7868
      @tylerfreeman7868 Год назад

      @@nimrodfilms5104 This is far from the only unit/family in the game with this issue. In general, Com2Us releases and nerfs units to the point of them being unusable. They are too stingy on the multipliers and too focused on increasing RNG factors.

  • @seladondm
    @seladondm Год назад +30

    She deals so little damage...

    • @nimrodfilms5104
      @nimrodfilms5104 Год назад +10

      after replying with a novel to another person, all i will say is:
      FINALLY people see it. It's insane. She has good ability in practice but it doesnt matter if my wind robo can deal more damage to a single target while using an aoe ability than she can with a single target ability.

    • @Cravior
      @Cravior Год назад

      Shes a strip / control spam unit, her damage is mostly irrelevant. You can make her full tank and still do around 5k a turn from additionals, plus you can def break for your team. Shes super good without high damage as her function

    • @nimrodfilms5104
      @nimrodfilms5104 Год назад

      @@Cravior (Holy shi-..... sorry this is a novel a good summary of what I said is in the second paragraph)
      Yes and that's why i PRIMARILY advocate for making her skill 1/2 activation rate 100%, because that's how the monster SHOULD function. On a monster with her abilities, damage shouldn't be a big factor, but the fact that she is so inconsistent makes her almost unusable. She gets turns, yes, It's not as shockingly fast as her passive and base speed might indicate, but it is decently fast. But the issue used to be that she does next to nothing with those turns. After the buff she has a *chance* to do something meaningful with a potential strip stun, but again, the main issue is the inconsistency. It's all of that on top of dealing no damage, and giving her more damage/survivability would make the activation rate more understandable because now she is like an actual bruiser.
      Right now, she has no survivability, no damage, and even if she gets a turn, EVEN if her abilities land, it's only for average impact. There are SO many monsters that do what she can do but better. TAKE OLIVER FOR EXAMPLE!!! Light Eivor on paper is a hard to stop turn cycling single target cc monster. this would be a perfectly fine for her if she was just a bit better at it and with more consistency (maybe if they made her skill 2 a 2 turn cd with 100% activation rate. then she is an actual threat because "OH GOD, SHE LITERALLY HAS A CONSISTENT ATB RESET STUN STRIP ON EVERY TURN AND WE CAN'T STUN HER" You can really go in so many directions with her) to the point where she wouldn't need the damage. oliver essentially was that.... but with damage. Oliver had insane 2 person control, with moderate 3 person control, while dealing damage. before the nerfs, with +1100 attack, my oliver did 16k on a defense broken target on skill 3 on a crit. with max stacks it was about 30k ish. Now that is absurd, but even now, my oliver is hitting for a good 16k on skill 3 on a crit, and that actually is, in my opinion, a massive part of his power that people under value. If oliver did no damage even before the nerfs, i would have used him FAR less. He was incredibly good for 2-3ish target lock down, but if he did Light Eivor level damage, I honestly think they would have stopped at the skill 3 cd nerf.

    • @Cravior
      @Cravior Год назад

      @@nimrodfilms5104 comparing her to oliver is so irrelevant I dont even know where to begin lmao. Shes closer to ethna than oliver, extreme base speed turn 1 disruption, there's a good case to be made for ethna being better in general, but I'm positive we will see at least SOME light eivor in guardian for the foreseeable future. It isn't like shes light holly tier or something

    • @nimrodfilms5104
      @nimrodfilms5104 Год назад

      @@Cravior I wasn't making a 1 to 1 comparison with Oliver. I was using Oliver to make the argument that damage, even on monsters that are primarily control based, does matter more than people seem to think it does. If Oliver didn't deal the damage that he dealt (and deals), then i genuinely think they would have stopped at the skill 3 cd nerf. Now, damage isn't the thing that made him op, but it was a factor that people ignored when i mentioned it..... until they DOUBLE nerfed the skill 3 damage.... But anyway.
      Even with Ethna, i would say the same. If ethna did no damage, she would go from one of my most wanted nat 5's in the game, to literally not even caring about her. Monsters like Haegang don't need to deal damage because he gives so much to the team passively; he isn't an aggressive support as his main identity. He does have a strip, but you aren't going to be running him on swift as your stripper. But the problem with light Eivor is that she is more in line with the aggressive cc support style, but she doesn't do it well. There are PLENTY of monsters that fulfill that role, but they do it in one of multiple ways:
      1) the strip/cc is very consistent and/or they can cycle around to it a lot, but it's single target (think oliver, izaria, Aegir. things like that)
      2) They either have multiple abilities that are high impact and thus don't need high activation rate, or they have low cool down abilities. (think Ethna, Cheongpung, the wind/fire/light occult girls, even the robos have a 50% strip chance on skill 2 while the wind and dark one have pretty good skill 3's)
      or 3): They are both aoe and consistent, but it is because they made it the monsters entire identity. (think Chiwu, woonsa, triton, Tiana)
      Except for Ethna, these monsters don't absolutely need to deal damage to do their job very very well (even though some of them do, especially for monsters in #3). Cheonpung could have a hard limit on his damage to be 750 per hit on every ability and his identity would be intact and he still would be used. The occult girls still have massive debuffs that make them very good into teams with low cleanses and low immunity. But Light Eivor doesn't do any of these well while also not dealing damage or being tanky!!! She just doesn't do enough of the things that many other monsters can do, and leaves her with next to zero use cases.
      But admittedly, after I wrote that comment i did find a use case for her.... with Leo. Leo goes, which procs her passive, which sets her up for a potential strip stun/atb absorption. That genuinely is a good combo... but if they ban the leo then she just doesn't do enough. If she had some survivability or more consistency on her debuffs, then yes, i do think she would be used in some guardian games even without the damage buffs. And the funny thing is that I checked some rta replays, and 85% of them were with Leo. So outside of Leo, i can't imagine her being used effectively very often.

  • @jeddm24
    @jeddm24 Год назад +11

    At 5:05 Chiwu really didn't absorb any attack bar. I think they messed up on that part. The balance patch said absorb but its still decrease attack bar.

  • @TheiaDomme
    @TheiaDomme Год назад +2

    Berghild is a german/north european name. in english you dont speak out the "h" which makes the name weird, but in german it sounds completly fine

    • @TheiaDomme
      @TheiaDomme Год назад

      oh and i forgot, you have to split the name to : "Berg" and "Hild" and focus on the "H" at the 2nd part

  • @Jzwiz
    @Jzwiz Год назад +5

    her name is indeed a real name, they all are. all nordic names

  • @amadistalavera2086
    @amadistalavera2086 Год назад +1

    As a light Eivor owner, that's my conclusion after 2 days (post Buff) :
    She is kinda good against T1 teams, she easily cut the enemy team (I play her on swift) and control one of them, but that's isn't reliable (it's just 70% chances of stun and absorb, and the strips and controls can be resisted).
    With max precision on a will enemy, she as just ~30% chance ((0.7 x 0.7) x 0.85 = 0.30092125) on landing everything, and just ~68% chance
    ((1 - (0.15 x 0.15) x 0.7 = 0.68425) on landing AT LEAST ONE CONTROL on the enemy.
    But that's not all.
    As you could see in the video, she gets a lot of turns but do VERY few damages and have nothing to help survivability, and that's make it a terrible T2 unit. All the turns that she gets are almost nullified by is lack of damages and debuffs rates (you saw the rates on the second spell, I let you imagine the first spell with just 40%... ).
    That's all... :)

    • @kiiddeus5823
      @kiiddeus5823 Год назад

      As a fellow Berghild owner... i conure... she is fkin useless. wtf is a LD 5 with a 40% chance to def break and then literally just a single target strip stun push back... Moore is just infinitely better as a unit, AOE pushback with atb absorb on what? a 3 turn cd with a passive that gives him 100% atk bar and negates damage On a 2 turn cd??? Oh and his AOE pushback is a strip AND he has a speed lead... LMFAO, Berghild is absolute DOG SHIT

  • @ToneyCrimson
    @ToneyCrimson Год назад +2

    Its "Berg-Hild" clearly norse inspired name.

  • @Prost81
    @Prost81 Год назад +2

    i think Berghild is an old northern german and scandinavian name

  • @e_inatsu3801
    @e_inatsu3801 Год назад +2

    Hey jew my han was on swift so he couldn’t proc x), i love eivor now that was the buff that i needed on it :)

  • @profanegaming2829
    @profanegaming2829 Год назад +1

    My cousin calls her Burgerchild and that is now what her name is

  • @mygame6076
    @mygame6076 Год назад

    My dark Horus does that too lmao

  • @Dimensiondark
    @Dimensiondark Год назад

    Light Eivor is the only LD 5 I have summoned and she’s ok but personally I feel as my only LD 5 she underperforms

  • @Trollmangol
    @Trollmangol Год назад

    She would be a great house wife all that extra turns.

  • @Skarrows
    @Skarrows Год назад

    I feel it's like the water Eivor she looks cool but in reality she doesn't do a lot of thing (low dmg, stun/absorb not reliable)
    Last fight picking Jackson against Laima, Eivor and Oliver is a really bad idea ahah

  • @terrafirma5327
    @terrafirma5327 Год назад +1

    Me with 2 Wolyungs - wow imagine meta units. She doesn't even have the speed lead of a 5*.
    Yes, I know people don't have LnDs, first world problems.

  • @blackaiiii
    @blackaiiii Год назад +2

    Please do a video for Julianne. Sorry, I know it brings up bad memories lol!

  • @andufalador
    @andufalador Год назад +1

    chiwu no more absorbs 15% atk bar, now he decreases 30% not absorb

  • @Rekonsile
    @Rekonsile Год назад

    sadly woonsa is pretty lack luster after his initial strip he just is a paper weight. Also most people counter pick with moore and verde and even though you would think you should take turn one it usually goes in the favor of the opponent's. Despair moore usually strips and stuns 9/10 times and Verde even on one set of revenge seems to always revenge :(. You are more than welcome to try out my woonsa i have some fun lds you may enjoy aswell

  • @banpoint1674
    @banpoint1674 Год назад

    Light ezio needs some love to

  • @karolusmagnus8405
    @karolusmagnus8405 Год назад

    If someone made a HOW UNITS ARE NAMED I SW!? we'd know where Berghlid's name came from

  • @veryinteresting9781
    @veryinteresting9781 Год назад

    Lol the match at 11:00 is an average antares experience

  • @wassimdarwich5918
    @wassimdarwich5918 Год назад

    They buffed berghul it will taste better now

  • @kelele
    @kelele Год назад

    How is the new wind homunculous?

  • @mohammadboss6080
    @mohammadboss6080 Год назад +1

    I love you so much ❣️❤

  • @KenGam1ng
    @KenGam1ng Год назад +1

    Hey pancakz is my guild mate

  • @nimrodfilms5104
    @nimrodfilms5104 Год назад

    (i swear i don't mean this as meanly as it sounds, but)
    you had the GAUL to say "not bad" at the end of the video -_-

  • @merpaderp.___.4648
    @merpaderp.___.4648 Год назад

    Budget gingerbrave

  • @nimrodfilms5104
    @nimrodfilms5104 Год назад

    HOLY SHIT after so long of trying to find one singular use case for hER i HAVE DONE IT.
    WITH LEO!!!!
    Yes, the base speed is wasted, but i don't care. the fact that you can have leo go, decrease the monster-without-immunity's attack bar (if there is one), and then have Eivor skill 2 an enemy with immunity. This also allows you to rune Eivor with zero speed so you can focus on more battle stats. HOWEVER..... if they just ban the Leo then you are left with a depressingly slow Eivor, so you would need to bring both of them in if you already have a force ban on your team.

  • @oodanna500
    @oodanna500 Год назад

    the merc queens are amazing looking, but are painfully bad except the ld5s, and the 4star ones are being ignored

  • @kenjinasada6127
    @kenjinasada6127 Год назад

    If only she does decent damage.

  • @blackrose5535
    @blackrose5535 Год назад

    My problem is I got the monster just don't have the right runes n them

  • @WirRegierenRap
    @WirRegierenRap Год назад

    berg means mountain in german

    • @Jzwiz
      @Jzwiz Год назад +1

      shes nordic so her name woul mean something like battle helper or assister

    • @RockyBoyBalboa
      @RockyBoyBalboa Год назад

      Thats Montagne no?

  • @kendrickpeterson1562
    @kendrickpeterson1562 Год назад

    Bro didn’t do anything every battle lol, terrible damage and almost no def breaks xd

  • @MrPcTroll
    @MrPcTroll Год назад

    Awful damage, no Def break. Same as the water one lol

  • @tsukayna7101
    @tsukayna7101 Год назад


  • @blingbling54321
    @blingbling54321 Год назад

    I own one. And lrt me tell you. Aside from getting dayum amt of times. She does nothing really. Just gets turn.. effects are so low eith max acc. Def break zero almost. The dmg even with my rage blade (i tried it) is like OMG SO LOW.
    Conclusion: adds nothing to your team aside occupying a slot.
    All the teams you are seeing in the video, the rest of the monsters are winning the rta. Nothing positive frm the berghild. For instance just put manon there or kinki. Or even a loren. It will add so much to the team rather than that piece of crap

  • @DeadThePainter
    @DeadThePainter Год назад +1

    looks pretty useless to me

  • @shanthagopian7559
    @shanthagopian7559 Год назад

    Trash unit