My beloved mother passed away two mornings ago. I have never experienced grief like this. By some miracle, the Blessed Mother led me to this channel. I closed my eyes and asked Jesus to help me. I begged Mary to help me because I couldn't pray. A half hour later, I was smiling, I took my little dog for a walk and did two rosaries. A miracle. Keep going men. Revival. Bless
I lost my only child near xmas, a different grief. These helped me...tears are prayer, and the price of love is grief. May Mary walk with you in this time. Peace & All Good.
The Floriani Singers have the most incredible voices ever along with devoted Christ-like spirits. The Men dedicate their lives to singing in praise of our Heavenly Father and Blessed Mother Mary. They are bringing Sacred Music back to the forefront in a beautiful way. Please enjoy the Floriani and share their music with your friends and loved ones everywhere. We are blessed at St. Anne's Catholic Parish in Gilbert, AZ, to have them in residence. What a gift to the Parishioners!
Sorry for you loss. Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, one priest friend said that; not to sound indifferent. Kyrie Eleison
Veni, veni Emmanuel; Captivum solve Israel, Qui gemit in exilio, Privatus Dei Filio. Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel, Nascetur pro te, Israel! Veni, O Iesse Virgula, Ex hostis tuos ungula, De spectu tuos tartari Educ et antro barathri. Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel, Nascetur pro te, Israel. Veni, veni, O Oriens; Solare nos adveniens, Noctis depelle nebulas, Dirasque noctis tenebras. Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel, Nascetur pro te, Israel. Veni, Clavis Davidica. Regna reclude caelica; Fac iter tutum superum, Et claude vias inferum. Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel, Nascetur pro te, Israel. Veni, veni Adonai! Qui populo in Sinai, Legem dedisti vertice, In maiestate gloriae. Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel, Nascetur pro te, Israel.
My beloved mother passed away two mornings ago. I have never experienced grief like this. By some miracle, the Blessed Mother led me to this channel. I closed my eyes and asked Jesus to help me. I begged Mary to help me because I couldn't pray. A half hour later, I was smiling, I took my little dog for a walk and did two rosaries. A miracle. Keep going men. Revival. Bless
I lost my only child near xmas, a different grief. These helped me...tears are prayer, and the price of love is grief. May Mary walk with you in this time. Peace & All Good.
Wow voices of angels
No soy católico..Pero el gregoriano me gusta..
The Floriani Singers have the most incredible voices ever along with devoted Christ-like spirits. The Men dedicate their lives to singing in praise of our Heavenly Father and Blessed Mother Mary. They are bringing Sacred Music back to the forefront in a beautiful way. Please enjoy the Floriani and share their music with your friends and loved ones everywhere. We are blessed at St. Anne's Catholic Parish in Gilbert, AZ, to have them in residence. What a gift to the Parishioners!
Perfect for Advent.
Wow that bass voice is so full!
That is the deepest man's voice I have ever heard!!! Thank you for letting us hear him. All 4 sing beautifully.
Sorry for you loss. Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, one priest friend said that; not to sound indifferent. Kyrie Eleison
Absolutely beautiful. May everyone have a blessed day.
Would love this in a long loop❤
Wow! I think I can hear heaven 😀
Veni, veni emmanuel.
Ohhh, I love the basso profundo!!!
Pure songs giving us a great spiritual connection with God. Thank you , God bless you !
That was fire! Advent album, when?
Love tenor voice!
Absolutely beautiful! I use this music during mental prayer.
And I see Jesus when I hear this music ❤
Absolutely beautiful!
Beautiful. Thank you.
Wish the Latin were at the bottom, to sing along with. 🙂
Done!! 😉
Veni, veni Emmanuel;
Captivum solve Israel,
Qui gemit in exilio,
Privatus Dei Filio.
Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel,
Nascetur pro te, Israel!
Veni, O Iesse Virgula,
Ex hostis tuos ungula,
De spectu tuos tartari
Educ et antro barathri.
Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel,
Nascetur pro te, Israel.
Veni, veni, O Oriens;
Solare nos adveniens,
Noctis depelle nebulas,
Dirasque noctis tenebras.
Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel,
Nascetur pro te, Israel.
Veni, Clavis Davidica.
Regna reclude caelica;
Fac iter tutum superum,
Et claude vias inferum.
Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel,
Nascetur pro te, Israel.
Veni, veni Adonai!
Qui populo in Sinai,
Legem dedisti vertice,
In maiestate gloriae.
Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel,
Nascetur pro te, Israel.
Majestic. Thank you
They don't call him "Standing O Joe" for nothin!
pop off
Altar is in wrong place lads!
Why? The priests sing at the altar.