Quick Rant: The Genshin Anniversary Controversy Response

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • The Genshin Impact community is one of the worst gaming communities I've ever seen. The onus is not on Mihoyo to bend to the demands of petulant pissbabies, the blame is entirely on the community for this tyrade of harassment, entitlement, and embarassing behavior. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
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    #genshinimpact #anniversary #controversy

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  • @Christian-gr3gu
    @Christian-gr3gu 3 года назад +637

    I don't think mass uninstalling the game and leaving bad reviews should be put on the same pedestal as harrasing an actor

    • @thatnoobnextdoor
      @thatnoobnextdoor 3 года назад +49

      Yeah, it seems weird to conflate those two. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the people who uninstalled it just came to their senses. It's like when people canceled their pre-orders of TLOF2 after the leaks came out. They suddenly realized the thing they bought before it was even finished might be crap.

    • @Christian-gr3gu
      @Christian-gr3gu 3 года назад +83

      @@thatnoobnextdoor yeah but the worse part of the vid is where he says what the fuck is wrong with you to people who simply uninstalled the game, like what

    • @Eltanin
      @Eltanin 3 года назад +21

      @@Christian-gr3gu Shouldn't it be obvious from the context of the rant that he's talking about the people who are uninstalling while announcing that they're uninstalling the game because they don't like the anniversary stuff?
      Those people who just uninstalled quietly and moved on to something else are obviously not a part of this.
      Context man. It's right there

    • @Notimer142
      @Notimer142 3 года назад +30

      I agree, you are free to give the game a bad review and uninstalling if the anniversary rewards really make you lost the confidence in the game. Harassing however is a different serious issue.
      Personally, I know a lot of people frustrated with the game, but they would never harass anyone about it.
      I just hope this is not coopted by groups that just want to harass people.

    • @thatnoobnextdoor
      @thatnoobnextdoor 3 года назад +10

      @@Eltanin That is true, the visuals seem to imply that, but to be fair, his words were directly aimed at shitposters and people who uninstalled the game. He did say he didn't script the video, so that's probably the reason. He must've noticed that blunder while editing, because the harassment articles appear on screen right after.

  • @Wizard_Lizard_
    @Wizard_Lizard_ 3 года назад +75

    I agree that harassing the VAs is wrong, and there is zero justification for such terrible behavior.
    But this is a straw that broke the camel's back situation. And your takes in this video are proof that you're kinda ignorant towards said camel.
    PS: Imagine condemning people for uninstalling a video game because they are not happy with the direction the company is heading the game in. Also imagine putting uninstalling a game on the same calibur as harassment.

    • @modeal317
      @modeal317 3 года назад +9

      Yeah, guy's right on only the obvious points. Defending the anniversary by using the gambling addiction card is, for one, very naive and disagreeable. Those people still helped fund the game so yes, they are entitled to a reward better than 1/2 and a quarter of a fragile resin. It's also not entirely about the 'need' of c6s but the want. This video is overall an uninformed opinion.

    • @ikatulo_yt
      @ikatulo_yt 2 года назад


  • @Raxyz_0
    @Raxyz_0 3 года назад +154

    OK, I watched everything before replying and a quick context to where I stand: I played this game up until 1.5, I'm no gacha gamer but I have had experiences with the genre back when I was broke asf and had only F2P games to entertain myself with. So having said all that, I have a few counterpoints to make:
    One. Welcome to gacha games! This is the fanbase they cater to, I'm not sure if you've ever experienced another one. Sdorica, Arknights, FE Heroes were among the biggest ones I've played extensively, or better put, I've played enough to try and interact with the community. This is NOT exclusive to Genshin at all, although it probably feels worse because it's much bigger than any other gacha to date. These people can be vicious and I've seen them being extremely toxic, but that's the point isn't it? These companies are banking on people with addictions and no self control, do you really expect them to be reasonable when upset? I absolutely get the feeling of not wanting to be lumped in with this kind of people when you say you're a fan of something, but that's like being in a red light district and not wanting to be perceived as a pervert. You either disassociate with whatever business you have there or it's just something you have to live with. I agree that it sucks, I wish it wasn't like that and I probably would rant about it if I had a platform to do with too. But it is what it is.
    Two. From 5:10 to 6:30, probably the single thing I disagree the most ever since I started following your channel. Not that I think the tantrum is effective, but that entire notion that complaining and uninstalling the game is the player's fault if the game shuts down. No, I'm sorry. Reiterating what I said earlier, they're dangling a carrot over donkeys. When they inevitably get kicked after offering an bad carrot I'm not blaming the donkey for this, no. I can also guarantee that being grateful for a fourth of a single pull as a reward isn't going to make them want to increase the rewards for the next year either. In fact, I would bet good money they're going to cut to 1/8th to see how much they can get away with. These games are designed to maximize profits, you admit this yourself. Gratitude isn't a part of the equation from either Mihoyo or the playerbase, and I can say that the rewards got progressively worse as time goes on, they were trying to find the breaking point since release, which brings me to the next point.
    Three. You really don't spend a lot of time in this game. I've had to play this for longer than I wanted to because of my job, I had to cover patches, strategies and reviews with my limited budget and I can say, the game is not meant to be played with free to play resources. Sure, you can do the story for free, but that's not even half of the content in the game and much of the narrative is butchered in favor of gacha systems. You can do the entire questline for Xingqiu and he implies to wishing to help the traveler to find his/her sibling. Does he join your party after that? No, in fact you might as well do his questline WITH him. Hell, I've fought Childe in the story with Childe, how climatic... And then there's the Abyss, people love to tout that you can complete the Abyss with free resources by pointing to Enviosity's channel, but that's like saying that FANG is a competitively viable character because Tokido can go ranked and get a 50 win streak with him. It's not feasible. Most 4 star characters do not reach a decent power level for abyss even at C6 and the constantly changing conditions will assure that no F2P player can ever farm a team to comfortably clear the abyss, you need several different builds and artifacts to complete the meat of the content in the game, and that's not counting the godawful resin system.
    Look, I can see that you really like this game. I would also love to see a proper single-player Genshin, I think the lore and gameplay has potential. But the gacha aspect unquestionably poisons the well, people can still get a certain enjoyment from it but I don't think the game can be considered good. Even for "gacha standards" Genshin isn't that much more, it just has a bigger production value to try and tap into the console and PC markets and see if it's any profitable when compared to sticking with mobile. The gameplay is incredibly linear once you break it down, the hitboxes aren't all that good, the game needing to ping the server constantly makes the really hard sections of abyss impossible for bad internet connections, the narrative is hit or miss and takes a backseat over its monetization and content is really slow compared to other games. You might not spend much money in the game, but you're invested in another way if you think this reaction is unfair to Mihoyo. I had to cover this game for half a year extensively and kept a close look at it. I'm not happy about the backlash and toxicity of the fanbase, but I'm not surprised either. Hopefully the conversation about monetization and games a service doesn't get brushed off as "fear-mongering" anymore.

    • @illusionofquality979
      @illusionofquality979 3 года назад +11

      Honestly, at this point I am considering shelving the game for the next 3 years and come back just to play through the story to finish it.
      I enjoy grinding but artifact drops and abyss progress is so slow and restricted by arbitrary raisin, it's just a chore. Once you uncover everything on the map and have no quests to do, the only way to get primos is either to pay up to to play every single day (or wait for an event that barely takes any time). It's not a game at this point, it's a chore.
      I have enough characters to clear the game, I don't need any more really but the company will keep dangling that carrots until the game is a dry corpse, because of how predatory gacha games are.
      If they kept ignoring the bugs that still haven't been fixed for half a year then maybe they never will be, so it would be better not to be reminded of them every time you log into the game and you are forced to spend raisin and do the dailies or you are "losing" things if you don't.
      Most people might not be aware what's their core issue is with the game at the time and chalk it to being "just burned out" when the issue is that the game isn't full, missing end game content and it simply doesn't let you play the game you want to play it. You can't just grind artifacts the whole duration of every Sunday because of raisin.
      MiHoYo will keep giving scraps to the players to keep them addicted to the game but it's honestly not worth time nor money.

    • @xcrackervolleyx
      @xcrackervolleyx 3 года назад +8

      That's fair.

    • @Vesperitis
      @Vesperitis 3 года назад +4

      I have to force myself not to play gacha games, having dipped a toe into spending before for Future Fight (word of warning for anyone unaware, that single toe is how they get you, paying the minimum amount or buying a subscription will only increase the urge to pay more). And yeah, gotta agree that gacha 'gamers' are the worst kind, because soooooo many of them will shelve out literal thousands of dollars just so they can have the highest levels and obtain the most special uber wonder golden delicious maxi ultra edition jpegs. You cannot expect people with that little self-control and who have literally tied their monetary worth and parasocial identity to a literal bunch of jpegs to behave like rational human beings.

    • @clashmanthethird
      @clashmanthethird 3 года назад +6

      I know almost nothing about genshin and even I can tell this is the worst take on his entire channel.

    • @lintecassidy206
      @lintecassidy206 3 года назад +5

      This is an incredibly good take. Thank you for taking the time to write this. It’a basically everything I’ve wanted to say about the game and this situation.

  • @mtndewfoo6145
    @mtndewfoo6145 3 года назад +298

    I totally get and agree that no one should be harrasing voice actors or individual developers, but I dont get what the problem is with shitposts and people uninstalling the game. They are the consumers and should engage with the product how they see fit. They shouldn't be forced to play because the game because the company could lose money for making a decision the playerbase doesn't like.

    • @SugarPunch
      @SugarPunch  3 года назад +57

      What's absurd to me is that nothing about the game changed between last month and the anniversary. The game didn't get worse or change developers or make any dramatic system overhauls; it's still the same game these players presumably enjoyed up until the start of this month. But maybe I'm looking at it wrong; if all it takes is 40 primogems to make these whiners quit, then maybe it's better that they leave the game. But we know that's not their goal; the only reason they're making a big public shitshow out of their uninstall is that they're trying to force mihoyo to give them more freebies. If they really meant to quit, they wouldn't go around posting their uninstall. You just know they'll be back the moment a new banner drops, because they don't intend to quit at all.

    • @MrRBX
      @MrRBX 3 года назад +193

      @@SugarPunch it's apparent you're not really in tune with the community and the game like you think you are if this is what you think it is

    • @Kaimax61
      @Kaimax61 3 года назад +27

      @@MrRBX good, who needs to be in tune with a dogshit community to begin with.

    • @MrRBX
      @MrRBX 3 года назад +117

      @@Kaimax61 Well if he's not in tune then that means he doesn't know what he's talking about which invalidates his opinon and this video which invalidates you making your comment on something you don't know anything about either

    • @bruhbruh4329
      @bruhbruh4329 3 года назад +64

      @@SugarPunch The pressure and discontent has been mounting for months, there's been a single balance patch addressing geo and maybe 2-3 of those promised community features actually saw the light of day

  • @ancientspark7984
    @ancientspark7984 3 года назад +108

    One other thing: "Saying the game is free to play, quit bitching" is one of the most central traps of gachas and one of the reasons why they work as predatory models.
    If the playerbase is divided between the people actually funding the game and the people who are playing it for free, then it's extremely difficult to present unified criticism when the game does predatory shit, because it only affects a limited portion of the audience. This has a limit (you can't push it to the point where free players are also feeling shafted), but Genshin actually exemplifies this to a really extreme degree because all the casual players just look at it as a "good game", without realizing that, no, in fact, Genshin has immense, and incredibly deep rooted problems when considered in the context of gachas. Weak pull rate, weak currency generation, stilted rarity system to prevent budget teambuilding, banners for equipment, expensive currency if you pay money, the constellation system - while gachas are all predatory by their nature, it's possible for a game to be *more* predatory than others and Genshin is quite possibly one of the most extreme cases on this front that has actually found success.
    It's really only saved by unintentionally terrible balance favoring 4 stars and the fact that, beneath it all, there's casual players who are new to gachas and keep saying "This is a good game, what are you talking about" without considering that they are helping magnify that predation.
    Ultimately, to fix this, there needs to be awareness that both opinions can be correct. Genshin IS a good game when you don't consider anything to do with gachas. It's also one of the most predatory gachas on the market, and has a horrible habit of shafting people and builds a lot of its good will with more casual players on that fact. Likewise, we can condemn the people who take complaints to extreme ends such as harrassing VAs or review bombing unrelated games, but still recognize that their complaints might be valid AND there are probably people who are also dissatisfied, but didn't take it to an extreme.

    • @r3zaful
      @r3zaful 3 года назад +2

      I already used to play Gacha from gbf to fgo, but the basic is quite simple play with the amount of stuff you can get, beat up the whalers with your own set up.
      Gacha games are designed to be beatable without Gacha, that's the fact that you can't ignore.

    • @MSupaCroc
      @MSupaCroc 2 года назад

      How exactly? It's a free game, that gives you plenty of free stuff. More generous than most MMO's I ever played. And the moment these twats get 99 primos instead of 100 they start crying and act like absolute animals.

    • @certainperson
      @certainperson 2 года назад +2

      @@MSupaCroc People who harassed the voice actors and review bombed the game gave me second-hand embarrassment, but that's not to say their complains were invalid as Genshin's anniversary rewards were underwhelming and quite stingy - we lot like 6 pulls and that was only AFTER the review bombing.

    • @jeromekeh
      @jeromekeh 2 года назад +3

      this is the VEY REASON why I would rather play a 60 dollar single player game rather than a free one cause the devs of said single player game are not stopping you from getting everything whereas a free to play game is stopping you from getting all the characters and items aka the feeling of satisfaction of getting said items after beating a hard boss.

    • @r3zaful
      @r3zaful 2 года назад

      @@jeromekeh no i can safety say that 90% Gacha games like fgo, arknights etc are completely beatable with the lowest rarity as possible.

  • @absoul112
    @absoul112 3 года назад +44

    So I think we can all agree that harassing voice actors is wrong. That said review bombing is something people can do to make their dissatisfaction known to the developers.
    All of that aside, gambling addictions are not as simple as “you don’t have to spend”. It’s an addiction and gacha games are preying on said addiction. The best advice is either to stop playing or disable in-game purchases (it’s been so long since I last played that I don’t remember if Genshin allows you to do that).

  • @kaosukun02
    @kaosukun02 3 года назад +95

    I'm aware for a long time that Mihoyo community is really toxic compared to other gacha community. I played quite a few gacha games but this is the only gacha community as far as I know that will harass and threatens staff and cast if dissatisfied, It's really worrying.
    Though as a player of G.I that kinda like this game and spend some money in it. I have an expectation for an at least one 5 star permanent banner character ticket with the context since this game earned money really well within one year. So the current anniversary reward is disappointing.
    Attacking the staff and cast is really disgusting though. As a player I think the best way you can show your dissatisfaction is being quiet, uninstall the game and play Tales of Arise :3

    • @justkookl5651
      @justkookl5651 3 года назад +1

      Genshin specifically. The honkai community is just chilling and laughing about most of this because we been through worse

      @FEARSOMETOKEN 3 года назад

      True that

      @FEARSOMETOKEN 3 года назад

      Although people need to cool their jets smh

    • @Raxyz_0
      @Raxyz_0 3 года назад +7

      Like I said in another comment, I don't think Genshin has more toxicity than other gachas, they just have a larger pool to host more of them. GI is also the first contact many people had with gachas since it's available on consoles and PC, a lot of people are just finding out they have a self-restraint problem.

    • @nickcrimten6213
      @nickcrimten6213 3 года назад

      Oh you weren't there fir brave frontier maxwell update

  • @luongtuanhung6723
    @luongtuanhung6723 3 года назад +70

    Just want to clear something up: I think you kinda misunderstand the real purpose of the review bomb. This has never been about the anniversary reward, GI has a much bigger underlying problem that had been accumulated ever since 1.1. Very few community suggestions were implemented (so far only the house and fishing), only one balance patch (for Zhongli and Geo resonance) for a limited character that was deemed "weak", some questionable decision was made (Venti/Klee, Raiden, Lisa,...). Not to mention whenever the community is upset, the company just stay silent, waiting for the drama to die down and try to make people forget about it in the next patch (they don't) and that is where people are starting to get frustrated. The anniversary was the last straw and they feel like they concerns need to be heard. But surprisingly, the company censored the community by deleting posts, banning accounts and enabled slow mode in discord. Not only staying silent but also forbid people to throw criticisms at them. By now, the only way the words of the people can get to them is through play store rating. I'm not 100% agree with this but there is no other way unfortunately. Shouting on social media like Facebook, Twitter, RUclips won't work since many players including content creators have tried it for a full year. They do survey every patch but there was no QoL changes (no gacha changes is understandable). Their community event was just a "Hey please help out our KPI and MAYBE you will get something decent" type of thing. The rewards are bad because it does not reflect the amount of effort the people put into making the name cards, the cosplay and the fan arts.
    Yes, there is always gonna be a small proportion of people in the community that crossed the line and harass real people, this is not exclusive to genshin. You just focused on a small minority, ignoring everyone who spoke their mind calmly and deemed them to be the whole community. Like wtf??? GI has one of the most supportive community I've ever seen, even when they fucked up this bad in the anniversary, many people still defend their business practice or just straight up don't care, just go on facebook and you'll see plenty of it. Other Mihoyo games like tot or honkai was not affected that much, they stayed strong at 4.6 and 4.5, clearly show that the amount of toxic people is very minuscule. However, I do acknowledge that this is a very vocal minority and outsider can easily mistaken them to be the entire community. The purpose of this comment is to inform people about what is really happening and don't focus on the toxic minority, even people who are dissatisfied with anniversary reward despise them.
    TLDR: Just read the comment if you have the time, I won't condense it because some info are too important to be glossed over.
    (I'll add more if I think of anything)

    • @yearslate9349
      @yearslate9349 3 года назад +21

      Exactly. This didn't come out of nowhere, nor is it a sign of toxicity. Saying that is altogether too easy and ignores the underlying cause for the passive buildup of discontent people have had with the game. This is just fire being put to the kindling that's added up over the past year.

    • @meathir4921
      @meathir4921 3 года назад +1

      As someone who hasn’t played the game, I’m just genuinely curious what the fundamental non gacha issues are.

    • @yearslate9349
      @yearslate9349 3 года назад +2

      @@meathir4921 The biggest issue I'd cite to anyone who doesn't play gacha games is that the energy system the game uses to artificially slow how much you can play is just painfully slow. Gacha games traditionally implement stamina to timegate player progression and keep them coming back daily, but Genshin Impact straddled a weird line between being a full-feature game and being a gacha. So this gacha feature, along with others, hampered how much you could just *play* the game.
      Topping this off, the end-game largely consists of just grinding to get better artifact pieces to equip to your characters, but these would just have slightly better sets of stats on them, and be very luck-dependent, and you could only grind for them by spending your limited stamina... You didn't even *need* optimal gear sets by any measure, it was just one of the few things you could do.
      Finally, the game has a lot of bugs and poorly implemented aspects of characters kits that have been noted by the community from the very beginning, but gone wholly unaddressed. This is extra vexing because they routinely ask for player feedback and bug reports, but do nearly nothing with them.

    • @edboy5418
      @edboy5418 3 года назад

      The only reason MHY buffed zhongli is due to the fact that hes the archon of the games representative of china and the chinese audience was furious that hes "weak" becuase they didnt know how how his kit worked at that time.

  • @Macaulyn_97
    @Macaulyn_97 3 года назад +19

    Look, I don't play Genshin, so I cannot talk too much about the entire situation, and I agree that it has gone too far, but putting harassment of voice actors in the same level as review bombing and uninstalling the game is a shit take, like, really really shit. Harassing is straight up wrong, review bombing other games makes no sense and is stupid. However, review bombing Genshin, well, depending on the reviews, it's not necessarily wrong and uninstalling the game is something ANYONE has the right to do if they're upset. Not to mention that you know those companies can easily afford better gifts to their playerbases, the Genshin community went too far, that is undeniable, but the company is not innocent here, don't put the blame on people's addictions, hell, you don't even address the company's response (or lack of it, I don't know). People are absolutely right in asking for more, they're just wrong in HOW they're doing it.

  • @plaguedfrost1753
    @plaguedfrost1753 3 года назад +7

    Tell me you haven’t heard of public unrest and boycotting without telling me you haven’t heard of public unrest and boycotting...

  • @B-Roll_Gaming
    @B-Roll_Gaming 3 года назад +30

    I think people just inherently resent monetized gacha mechanics in general, even if it happens to be a part of a game they actually like. So the disproportionate backlash can partly be explained by the standing frustrations of people who wish the game wasn't designed with this predatory monetization in the first place.

    • @codyhax0995
      @codyhax0995 3 года назад +2

      Not really no. Most of this in great great majority is coming from the game's company Mihoyo having a straight up lack of communication, lack of understanding of the community and has been absolutely getting more predatory especially with this new update. In general this is a community that is frustrated from the way that they have been treated for over 4 months now, so they lashed out. Of course there are people that take things too far but for how massive the Genshin community is, for the great majority to be unhappy on how the states of things are now just shows how bad things are right now.

    • @gaming1zanagi-1999
      @gaming1zanagi-1999 3 года назад

      @@codyhax0995 yet now even when Mihoyo speaks up and open up slowly people demand them to apologise like wtf?

    • @Go_away__
      @Go_away__ 3 года назад

      Well if it didn’t have gacha mechanics, the game wouldn’t be free. So you either get free to play with some predatory gambling, or you pay for a fucking grind fest.

    • @B-Roll_Gaming
      @B-Roll_Gaming 3 года назад

      @@Go_away__ There are FTP games that aren't predatory.

    • @saito1001
      @saito1001 3 года назад

      @@B-Roll_Gaming you mean the one with ads? no, thank you

  • @King_Rowlet
    @King_Rowlet 3 года назад +17

    I just wanna ask. What do you expect from a game specifically designed to give players a gambling-like itch? Genshin has better gameplay than most gacha games, but fundamentally they are the same in that aspect and you acknowledged it as such. Gacha games aren’t exactly known for having chill communities with a few exceptions.

    • @RedRan6er
      @RedRan6er 3 года назад

      Afk arena’s community is probably the only chill gacha community out there

    • @RedRan6er
      @RedRan6er 3 года назад +1

      @VlortZenith I remember getting a crapton of elite characters in the anniversary it boosted me really far in the game lmao

  • @BainesMkII
    @BainesMkII 3 года назад +28

    Getting upset at the harassment and such is fine, but you are aggressively angry that people have decided to uninstall a gacha game because they objected to the rewards they got for playing? Aggressively *blaming* players for deciding to quit the game, because quitting en masse might shorten the game's lifespan? Arguably throwing a tantum at others throwing tantrums, and also sounding a bit dismissive of the legitimate issue of gambling addiction?

    • @blueblade6174
      @blueblade6174 3 года назад +3

      You're missing that he's angry about all the different reactions all together, not that he's most upset about the uninstalling specifically.

    • @thatnoobnextdoor
      @thatnoobnextdoor 3 года назад +11

      @@blueblade6174 I don't know, he seemed pretty pissed off about the uninstalling. In the big "what the fuck is wrong with you" portion of the video, he singled out uninstalling the game and shitposting. He did mention the harassment right before that, so he probably just organized it weirdly. It just seems odd to direct the most impassioned part of the video towards shitposters, rather than people harassing voice actors. To be fair, this is what happens when you don't script.

    • @BainesMkII
      @BainesMkII 3 года назад

      @@blueblade6174 He's certainly angry about everything, but that doesn't change my own points.

    • @blueblade6174
      @blueblade6174 3 года назад

      @@BainesMkII but then you'd still be misunderstanding thinking he's angry mostly over uninstalling.

  • @ZefiaGames
    @ZefiaGames 3 года назад +12

    Are we even playing the same game, every patch has always had this kind of drama, it has built up for a year now and the shitty anniversary is what finally drove most people of the edge. It wasn't the shitty anniversary gift that people are complaining about it's the lack of communication Mihoyo has to it's player base. As for the review bombing I've checked most of the games that other people have said Genshin Impact players "Review Bombed" and non of them has had a has had their ratings dip below 4.0 can that even be called review bombing when it's probably just internet trolls leaving 1 star reviews then mentioning "Genshin sucks give more primos". The only real review bombing that happened was on the Genshin Impact app where it went from a high 4.6 to the lowest from what I've seen was 0.6, right now though its sitting at a 3.2

    • @Christian-gr3gu
      @Christian-gr3gu 3 года назад +2

      Yeah it's really dumb and ingenious. And he's getting mad at people who make memes, memes! Like what

  • @JellyMayCry
    @JellyMayCry 3 года назад +83

    Looking at this backlash to the anniversary from the perspective of a TF2 fan is so bizarre. At this point we've gone years without any major content updates, so that when we did get an update some time that literally just added shitty looking snakes in the out of bounds area of a single map, the TF2 community was overjoyed.

    • @genus5987
      @genus5987 3 года назад +9

      Maybe because tf2 community is so low that doesnt come out their toxicity, thats why i love them more than ever
      No homo

    • @Raxyz_0
      @Raxyz_0 3 года назад +23

      Now imagine if TF2 required a token to change classes that can only be obtained through boxes and once every 10 boxes.

    • @Sbary22
      @Sbary22 3 года назад +9

      TF2 is a multiplayer PvP game. Content updates would obviously be nice to have, but it’s not a necessity like how it is for a game like genshin. Also, genshin HAS to release new content to make money (new gacha characters)

    • @animevisualnovelspeedrunner
      @animevisualnovelspeedrunner 3 года назад +8

      I don't remember the TF2 community being so nice back in 2016 when Overwatch came out. Legit was trashing on a game that did nothing to them.

    • @JellyMayCry
      @JellyMayCry 3 года назад

      @@animevisualnovelspeedrunner The point I was making wasn't about the TF2 community not being toxic (believe me I'm well aware how bad it gets), it was moreso pointing out how the difference in community experiences and where TF2 and Genshin Impact are in their lifespan has lead to vastly different reactions from their respective communities.
      The GI fanbase has reacted strongly and negatively to what they consider a mediocre anniversary, while TF2 was given an update that added in snakes that were probably modeled in five minutes at most and little else after years of no significant content updates, and our community was thrilled.
      In other words, we've lost our minds.

  • @easygoingdude9990
    @easygoingdude9990 3 года назад +67

    Everything I've seen about this game tells me that Genshin is a good game ruined by making it gacha. Toxic monetization attracts toxic people 🙃

    • @blueblade6174
      @blueblade6174 3 года назад +14

      Truer words have never been spoken.

    • @handlessuck589
      @handlessuck589 3 года назад +9

      true. there are so many alternatives to Genshin that don't have this shit. i.e, every JRPG and ARPG under the sun.
      or play ff14 idk.

    • @TheRibbonRed
      @TheRibbonRed 3 года назад +11

      @@handlessuck589 or buy your games traditionally like Berseria or Arise. One pay, get all stuff through gameplay.

    • @iota-09
      @iota-09 3 года назад

      this, so much this.

    • @muchluck7981
      @muchluck7981 3 года назад +4

      @@TheRibbonRed At least you recommended good games and not something like the critically acllaimed Last of Us Part 2. no amount of money will make that game playable in my eyes.

  • @CrypticMantisTX55
    @CrypticMantisTX55 3 года назад +87

    DISCLAIMER: I don't care about Genshin that much. I only recently started playing at all so I'm mostly an observer.
    Unfortunately it's hard for me to understand the purpose of these rants a lot of the time, if only because the people who are actually nuts enough to harass voice actors who have nothing to do with any of the problems are unhinged or trolls and thus probably not going to be influenced by the rant. (Obviously, I think such behavior by unhinged people or trolls is bad.)
    I also don't feel like "if a bunch of people start mass installing the game, Genshin might die" or whatever that was is a very strong argument. Genshin is mega popular beyond just the game itself. I have friends who all like cosplaying the characters; there's tens of thousands of pieces of fanart from just the short time this game has existed. A backlash even of this scale will not kill the game. If I didn't trust your motives here (and I do trust them), I would suspect this as concern trolling.
    As far as "your investment in a game doesn't mean you are deserving of extra rewards; that's not how gachas work"...that's...true...but also I don't see why anyone should care. People can have an expectation of "gachas have really shitty habits" while also pushing for those things to change. IMO, I wouldn't even say personal investment entitles you to extra shit; rather, if the game is making a fuckload of money, the game should become more generous. Now I'm not naive enough to believe that's how capitalism works; obviously, with few exceptions, gachas will try to squeeze every cent out of you they can. But from an ethical standpoint, I think the perspective holds. I feel like if a game that has been blessed with extreme noteriety, a dedicated and enthusiastic fanbase, and a big Scrooge McDuck money bin, fans can reasonably say "Yo, given your success, this anniversary is pretty shit"
    "Do you think that mass uninstalling the game etc is going to make MiHoYo more likely to give better rewards next year, after people treated them so toxically?"
    Uhhhhhh....maybe? I mean, if a bunch of toxic people uninstalled the game, then that means the fanbase has less toxic people in it, right? Therefore the remaining fanbase is collectively more loyal than the previous year.
    I understand MiHoYo is made of a hoomans and therefore feel hooman emotions, but getting all pissy because a segment of the fans got upset over a legitimate series of issues (although, again, parts of the fanbase behaved toxically for sure) seems extremely petty. Like, what, are they going to punish the good fans because there are angry toxic fans? They certainly can if they want, but that seems like cutting your nose to spite your face.
    As an additional disclaimer, I hope none of this comes off as harsh on your video. As I said in the beginning, I'm rather detached from all this. I dabble in Genshin a bit and have some morbid curiosity in what's going on, but most of what I'm saying here I think could be applied more generally, not just to Genshin specifically.

    • @VictoryNibbles
      @VictoryNibbles 3 года назад +17

      Might I add, to your well-phrased and well-thought-out response: based on how Capitalism is at least supposed to work, the mass exodus of players and bad reviews (toxic and otherwise) are supposed to have, and will have, an effect. Depending how many and how bad it remains, there is a small chance to have to say 'if Mihoyo survives that long' - which is extremely doubtful, given their "Scrooge McDuck money bin" and the inevitable percentage nowhere near as disenfranchised by this anniversary, but it's not impossible. Regardless, if this pattern is bad enough, and/or continues long enough, they will be forced to either bend to the whims of the playerbase or to discard the game with their stubbornness about it, moving on to another project. As he alluded to, there's a very real chance it could be bad enough that 'we lose this game' - but that's not actually something that can be entirely blamed on the players, despite his assertion; if Mihoyo did nothing to upset players, then there would not be conflict (or, at the very least, not enough conflict to risk enough players turning on them that it could destroy the game's success).
      People who are dissatisfied with a product have every right to stop using that product, which is also their best way to try to send the message that they are serious about wanting something in it to change. The famous TotalBiscuit often borrowed the idea of "voting with your wallet" in this sense; you cast your vote by spending or not spending money, playing or not playing a game, and if the issue is enough to have enough people vote the same way, the vote of no-confidence has to be responded to. This is as much a fact as that companies will try to get every penny they can, to where many companies and industries try to squeeze markets to remove the 'option' of not buying in (which is not really something you can do with purely for-entertainment media). No matter if someone agrees with the reason or not, uninstalling and giving negative reviews to the game really can have an impact on its success (sometimes if only from the pressure from shareholders who feel their massive wallets getting pennies lighter). This isn't to endorse the overall behavior of the playerbase (much of it is absurd and beyond even childish), but just to elaborate that uninstalling and negative reviews definitely can have more of an impact than changing the social and behavioral dynamic of the community.

    • @cathat1756
      @cathat1756 3 года назад +11

      This video is a rare sugar punch L

  • @Atavira
    @Atavira 3 года назад +14

    Although I completely agree with the absurb VA harassment, I think you missed the point about the review bombing. Mihoyo literally doesn't listen unless it has an actual effect on their money banks. Zhongli was literal crap until the outcry from the community was actually causing people to stop spending money on rolling for him. Then right before his banner is about to end, boom massive buffs. Also stop saying it's f2p when it made AT LEAST 2 billion. The fans got them there, it's not an entitlement. This game is at triple A status, so the community should treat it as such.

  • @Bolomoto
    @Bolomoto 3 года назад +20

    3 things:
    1.) yes isn't that much at one time, but between the anniversary and the current event. You will have enough to things (not like 50 rolls but like 15-20 maybe a bit more, but I'm not sure) which isn't a lot at all, but is it really worth all the crying or harassing others. They should give a bit more especially for contests. They should honestly give better prices that is rolls in my opinion. Something more phyiscal or tangible. Honestly even if they gave the equivalent of 50 rolls people will always demand they didn't get enough. I've seen that happen with many gachas.
    2.) I've been playing this game for a year and at best bought the 5 dollar blessings like maybe 5 times at separate points and genshin is really the only game I do that for. Really because I just treat it as a tip jar (you don't have to even do that if you're smart about your spending.) I would say I just play and talk about this with my friends of like 5 and that's it. You don't have to interact with a community to enjoy a game. I just mean that in general. Because when there is a large community to anything, it is honestly always the worst to deal with. If you are genuinely tired of the game, I get you. the games has problems, quite a few of them.
    3. If you are going this because crowd going or you've been "disrespected," or really anyone intaking any hobby. Why do you feel so. Nothing that doesn't involve the money you shoved in, the community outcry, or it made you feel like part of something. Why do you the induvial like said thing. Because if you look inward to ask why for even simple things, I believe it can do a lot for you to think "what do I really think." Just think for an hour with no distractors and think about it. Because you shouldn't need a wave to influence your feelings

  • @Sbary22
    @Sbary22 3 года назад +36

    Other than harassing VA's and being racist towards the Chinese because "tEnCeNt" or whatever. I don't understand why you are against people voicing their criticism, the game has a lot of issues, QOL issues, a track record of having shit rewards from activities, slow and underwhelming story episode releases, way too grindy endgame that is designed in a way where you would want to buy resin (with premium currency) to actually continue playing the game you love. And I think this "anniversary event" was simply the straw the broke the camel's back, and not necessarily THE SOLE reason for outrage.
    With regards to the gambling addicts who somehow brought this on themselves, I find it baffling that you are more sympathetic towards the company that made the fancy pachinko machine in the first place.

    • @AlteredNova04
      @AlteredNova04 3 года назад +3

      Any game developer that profits by exploiting gambling addicts is playing with fire in my opinion, and they have nobody but themselves to blame if the addicts revolt. Toxic monetization practices attract and encourage toxic consumers, that's just common sense.

    • @kylescott2235
      @kylescott2235 3 года назад +1

      @@AlteredNova04 so you are literally victim blaming, like ome game is not a standard for the entire genre

    • @malbo-
      @malbo- 3 года назад

      @@kylescott2235 What the fuck do you mean victim blaming? So it's not the manbaby gambling addicts fault that they started shitting and pissing all over social media because of a game, it's the company's fault for not directly supporting their gambling addiction?

    • @Sbary22
      @Sbary22 3 года назад +3

      @@malbo- gambling addicts didn’t come out of nowhere, Mihoyo made them gambling addicts. It’s literally their business strategy?
      Now I’m not saying mihoyo should throw a bone to their addicted audience by throwing extra primos for an anniversary event, I’m saying Mihoyo’s hands aren’t clean here, you reap what you sow.

    • @malbo-
      @malbo- 3 года назад +1

      @@Sbary22 Yeah I'm not saying Mihoyo's on the right, they're obviously a billionaire company who doesn't care about their consumers, pretty much what the guy above said, toxic businesses attract toxic customers, and the idea that the people who are crying are somehow victims just pisses me off, as if someone pointed a gun in their head and forced them to spend tons of money on a chance to obtain a cartoon character in a game for kids. It's just pathetic

  • @seanshano476
    @seanshano476 3 года назад +10

    this whole video is just gaslighting the playerbase instead of answering: 1) how does proportionate backlash look like then; 2) are the damage control rewards likely to be given out if that unspecified, unclear disproportionate backlash was used; 3) what should have mihoyo done to begin with; 4) how should they be accountable to their consumers as a company.
    what we just got here is "if mihoyo shuts down, it's your fault for being dissatisfied, not theirs for providing such dissatisfactory service".

    • @seanshano476
      @seanshano476 3 года назад +4

      VAs and developers harassers are different from the vast majority of playerbase expressing discontentment by shitposts, uninstalling, giving bad reviews so that line must be clear too.

    • @seanshano476
      @seanshano476 3 года назад +2

      @VlortZenith also really weird that he reduced the public outrage to whining for freebies when the anniversary was the last straw and not the first and only. people expressing discontentment on social media were faced with bans and criticisms are being erased in hoyolab. it's really weird to claim not being a mihoyo defender and not mentioning even once what they did, what they could've done in a video longer than 5 minutes.

  • @chandlerburres4678
    @chandlerburres4678 3 года назад +8

    To be honest, while I kinda see why people would be upset about the rewards, 10 interwinded fates and 40 primogems, it's a bit lacking, but honestly? I've seen worse

    • @megabuster3940
      @megabuster3940 2 года назад

      What? They also gave out 10 free Intertwined Fates on top of 40 primos while I was away in the military boot camp and unable to play on my phone? Paint me jealous! Man, some people are so ungrateful.

  • @Clout_Strife
    @Clout_Strife 3 года назад +44

    I agree with people overreacting but also as someone that's seen the grass on the other side games like Granblue Fantasy are way more generous to their playerbases. I think you don't really have to be an insane whale player to see that or want that.

    • @Kaimax61
      @Kaimax61 3 года назад

      uhh no... did you not read up on the summer salt lottery controversy?

    • @goldenglaive8078
      @goldenglaive8078 3 года назад

      @@Kaimax61 Yeeaaah, that was pretty bad, but it was a one time thing. That blew up spectacularly in Cygames face, and everyone knows it. Besides, they at least tried to compensate people

    • @agustinnicolas4512
      @agustinnicolas4512 3 года назад

      @@Kaimax61 What they did?

    • @yearslate9349
      @yearslate9349 3 года назад +3

      @@Kaimax61 While I understand what you're getting at (and was there to see the controversy) it stands as the exception. Cygames somehow convinced themselves that the lottery would have gotten players very excited. Outside of it, Cygames set an almost unrealistic standard for free giveaways in the gacha game sphere. It was because of how poorly implemented the lottery concept was compared to their usual standards that caused the anger.

    • @r3zaful
      @r3zaful 3 года назад

      Gbf is *obligated* to gave the players good gacha
      Imagine having grinding 4 months to get out damaged by one lucky guy who have mugen in their party.
      You act like gbf in 2015-2016 didn't gave only 3k crystals anyway.
      I have played gbf since 5 years ago, return back retire return back retire and to find out that Powercreep is just unsustainable, people don't play for fun anymore, my guild is empty and only left 2 players one is me and the other one is my friend.
      It's feels like a moba but Gacha, too competitive, imagine you have to constantly refresh your page to race in a raid, if i don't do that I will lagged behind in terms of damage and raid contributions. I have had enough of that. It's not fun to to join and beat fa San raid in that manner.

  • @slimehermit
    @slimehermit 3 года назад +4

    I dont see this as a problem with fandom but social media culture. Everyone chasing clout and trying to top each other on expressing their distress.
    This is nothing new and will keep happening as the zeitgeist keeps giving power to these actions.

  • @cairocopper3238
    @cairocopper3238 3 года назад +27

    I was in agreement with a lot of what you said, but putting uninstalling on the same level as harassment really isn't a good idea.
    I have a feeling that probably wasn't your intention, but still feel like it should be said.

  • @erickgonzalez2887
    @erickgonzalez2887 3 года назад +9

    i mean to be fair its more than JUST the anniversary rewards. Mihoyo doesnt care about us and its pretty obvious at this point in time, if they think back to this in a year maybe theyll realize they shouldnt take the players that made them BILLIONARES for granted. Them getting review bombed is warranted for the absolute shitshow they have done the past month. I do not agree with them harrassing VAs but if we can hurt the pockets of the devs by shitting on their game for the misstreatment of the players so be it, its a free market and we are entittled to give critisism and be dissatiesfied. SPECIALLY with how much fucking money people spend on this damm game.

    • @nguyenlong8460
      @nguyenlong8460 3 года назад +1

      the problem is they review bomb all mihoyo game not only genshin

    • @erickgonzalez2887
      @erickgonzalez2887 3 года назад +3

      @@nguyenlong8460 Yea let me re say that, other games shouldnt be brought down because of genshin. things like this SHOULD stay only within the genshin area like the discord,message boards, twitter, etc etc. Oh and obviously dont harras any actual people. The game will be fine even with all of this hate, but its neccesary to make mihoyo understand they have a GREAT game on their hands. For fucks sake the launch game rewards are better than the anniversaries. Mihoyo could afford it at the start with no money, they sure as fuck can now after making billions from its players.

  • @c-domination
    @c-domination 3 года назад +29

    "Your 6C Klee is gone, and it's your fault!" Are you listening to yourself? You make it sound like a hostage situation or an abusive relationship.

    • @Christian-gr3gu
      @Christian-gr3gu 3 года назад +14

      Right?! It's fucking baffling

    • @codyhax0995
      @codyhax0995 3 года назад +15

      If a 3D model is enough to allow the company to step on you and treat you badly then i don't think the people that are review bombing the game and uninstalling are the ones with the problem. No company should have that much control over you no matter how much money you spent in their game.

    • @Th390w3r
      @Th390w3r 3 года назад +2

      Technically he's not wrong

    • @FrostyAUT
      @FrostyAUT 3 года назад +3

      @@codyhax0995 Lmao. This kinda response just proves his points. How is the company treating the players badly? How does playing the game for free make you entitled to any kind of reward?

    • @codyhax0995
      @codyhax0995 3 года назад +7

      @@FrostyAUT You do know that a gacha game is still a live service game, right? That is providing you a something, it's providing you a product which is the live gacha game Genshin Impact and if that company is radio silent to the people's complaints that they are selling this product to, among the many many other problems they haven't adressed up until now, people have a right to complain. Mihoyo doesn't get to get off scot free from having bad management and bad PR because people spent money and like the game's characters or other aspects, that's just braindead.

  • @Sean_Bird
    @Sean_Bird 3 года назад +50

    I’ve heard about the anniversary recently and the review bombing, but… wow.

  • @alexs2351
    @alexs2351 3 года назад +15

    I would agree with this if it weren't for the fact that no response was given and censorship went down. Even before the anniversary, people were already bubbling on the forums and mihoyo should've seen the reactions to those pathetic contests as a warning this would happen. They had many chances to prevent this and didn't.
    Once it did happen, it took them too long to respond and censorship started going down. Instead of just releasing a statement addressing player feelings, they tried to shut everyone up, forcing everyone to review bomb as the only way to be heard. I'm not saying the harassment of uninvolved parties was right. It's very toxic but mihoyos pr really messed up this time.

    • @muchluck7981
      @muchluck7981 3 года назад +3

      Basically, Mihoyo shot themselves in the foot and did nothing to stop the bleeding. Then when they are told they will need to amputate that foot they have the surprised pikachu face

  • @Fubukio
    @Fubukio 3 года назад +5

    You're right about it being wrong that they review bombed other games and harassed the voice actors, but pretty much everything else you got wrong.
    Note that Mihoyo went radio silence to the point that they didn't even thank players for one year of playing the game until TWO DAYS AFTER THE ACTUAL DATE as damage control.
    Calling the players who voiced their discontent as "cry babies" is like a man calling his wife an "annoying nagging bitch" for being angry that he treated their anniversary like any other day.

  • @VictoryNibbles
    @VictoryNibbles 3 года назад +30

    I couldn't even make it through the whole video before I felt compelled (perhaps pointlessly) to say something. As a preface to this: I have not played the game in many months, growing bored with the grind and taking no joy from the gambling, and am therefore only now privy to this situation as of watching and looking into some things around it just now. I agree with most of your points, but certainly not all. It's correct that a lot of the fanbase is immature, that their behavior is largely unacceptable, and that it would be naïve to treat a company as though they are not out to make whatever money they can. That said, there is also a very good reason many laws controlling some behaviors of companies exist, that there are groups and organizations that review and report on the ethics and fairness of many companies' behavior, and why all the most worthwhile reviewers (as few and far-between as they have become) stress than you can and SHOULD vote with your money. If you believe those deciding the stingy behavior of Mihoyo (perhaps the most notoriously greedy of the gacha companies, or at least of those who actually put time and effort into their games) is cause to cease playing, to uninstall the game, are anywhere in the same vein of behavior as those harassing VAs (or, for that matter, even review-bombing), you're being either delusional or irrational. There is a reason that companies that are especially ruthless in their predatory monetization tend to go under, and why there are averages and patterns you can easily point to in genres and industries as to what sort of dev/player behavior is considered acceptable. Giving almost nothing of an imaginary currency to a playerbase that made your company more very significantly jump in net worth in only a year IS a show of disrespect, regardless of whether or not respect was owed or can truly be expected. It is definitely not unreasonable for players to feel betrayed and swindled, especially in light of the silence about the issue (I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even make statements telling people to leave those poor VAs alone).
    The fans are not right to take things to the extremes they have, but they are right in feeling as though they are being treated to a slap in the face of 'you're just a wallet to us,' disguised as a 'thank you' to the players. I would say it would be less upsetting to fans, and more genuine, if they did not pretend to be thankful for their success on the backs and wallets of their players - but I think even you would admit that just doing nothing to celebrate such an outrageously successful year of a game that was a viral hit would be suspicious at best, and more likely either concerning or upsetting. Mihoyo's behavior is much more professional than the fans, but that's not to say it is okay, fair, smart, or professional when looked at on its own. It does no one any favors to cynically say 'what were you going to do, they're were always just in it to bleed fans dry' - because that mentality helps tell companies more shamelessly predatory monetization practices are okay and effective, and (perhaps more to your sensibilities) can also tell companies that putting effort into games to make them better and more satisfying to players isn't worth it if they can squeeze money out of their players without doing so. If Genshin Impact was the somewhat middling quality you see in their other big title, I sincerely doubt you'd defend them for this (which they'd very likely still do) to the degree and fervency you currently are.
    Let me make something perfectly clear: while it is a company's purpose to make money first and foremost, it is also their responsibility to keep their customers happy. While it can not be said that it's reasonable to expect them to cave to every whim (especially of such a toxic, immature, temper-tantrum-throwing community), it is absolutely within their responsibility to try to do things that their players will at least mostly only quietly grumble over (as they have done about Mihoyo's legendary stinginess this whole past year). This is not an unreasonable expectation of a company (vague as it is, but life is complicated), and is in fact the basic standard we must hold companies to lest we invite abuses. As a reminder, I say this as someone who was the same kind of seasonal player you self-profess to be, until the game and its monetization caused me to grow too displeased and bored to continue (despite thinking the world and characters are still of a grand level we are unfortunately rarely given - and no, excellence does not permit abuse and disrespect).
    I could be pedantic, and pick apart other logical errors (such as your statement that not having a c6 is not 'playing a worse version of the character,' simply because they are already a perfectly useable character on initial unlock), but the rest just distract from the main point; the fanbase's extreme reaction is immature and wrong, but much of your reaction to their reaction is also ill-conceived. Before making something of a tirade yourself, it may have been more prudent to step back and look at how it's normal (as well as the supposed point of Capitalism) that unfair and exploitative business practices will reflect poorly on the company in the dissatisfaction of consumers, up to the extreme of causing sufficient dissatisfaction and distrust to cause the consumer to turn on the producer of that good/service/etc. If Mihoyo folds from the fallout of this, it is from their own stubbornness and ego - it's hardly the first time players have voiced dissatisfaction, and they're doing nothing to so much as even smooth the firestorm (arguments over whether they owe it to their consumers to even meet them halfway, and how irrational the consumers have become, aside). The only tragedies are that people who are not responsible are being harrassed, and that Mihoyo's ego or ignorance might kill an otherwise good game.
    As much as you are correct that some of the extremism of the more consumer-based retaliation of the players is akin to a temper tantrum thrown by petulant children, getting into a shouting match at other players that they have no right to object to bad business practices and exploitation as consumers ('because they "should have already known"') is both pointless and without merit. If the players are destructive children throwing a riotous tantrum, you're casting yourself as the severely overpowered and outnumbered parent - a parent with no more merit to their position to calm down than 'because I told you to'.

    • @azzo3449
      @azzo3449 3 года назад +4


    • @kylescott2235
      @kylescott2235 3 года назад +2

      Here here

    • @VictoryNibbles
      @VictoryNibbles 3 года назад

      @Kayvee A minority doesn't make it a good thing. It's still wrong, and stupid (especially as it's not memeing, it's just acting irrelevantly). As for review-bombing Genshin, there IS still a difference between trying to make them listen and just screaming in exaggeration. If you really want to make them and other potential customers listen, you give reasonable and applicable criticism, not add your voice to a bandwagon of angry hyperbole. Admittedly, though, I haven't read the reviews, I'm mostly just assuming based on what I know of these sorts of things when they tend to happen.

  • @feelingblue3471
    @feelingblue3471 3 года назад +17

    err. why do i get different vibe from your rant compared to others?. i do agree that the fandom is really bad/toxic. but the other content creator or others that i saw, seems to suggest that mihoyo actually is lacking/do not care about it;s player base. while here you says that mihoyo have gone and beyond. from what i see tho, the others seems have more correct? hope this comes out across correctly.

    • @rogia8999
      @rogia8999 3 года назад +11

      Because he made a knee jerk reaction video while being a half informed casual/seasonal player

    • @iota-09
      @iota-09 3 года назад +2

      @@rogia8999 correct, his informations were outdated already by the time he made the video, case in point: he heard about the google classroom reviews at the last minute.
      chances are he doesn't even know about the mihoyo censoring and heard of it only from the comments here.
      ...that being said, as much as mihoyo might be just as bad, when not considering the censorship, what he said here still applies.
      the fans were really being shit and took both the anniversary rewards and the censorship not only way too extremely, but also found solutions to it in the most wrong way possible.
      it was genuinely disgusting to see what happened, literally scum of the earth on both sides.

  • @isabellamorris7902
    @isabellamorris7902 3 года назад +17

    Tbh I can't agree with this. I appreciate it's obtrusive to the players who are still around but people have a right to make their displeasure known.
    Harrassing the actors is obviously vile, but it's not fair to lump them in with someone who had the GALL to say "I feel exploited by the F2P mechanics, I'm uninstalling" on the internet. That's not whining, it's a natural response to being given poor service (people who have bad experiences with a company tend to tell others). It's not like anniversary events in gacha games are a new thing that's only just been invented. It's a known thing in the gacha genre, other games are clearly giving players way more for their money (even if there are F2P players, the playerbase as a whole is still an income source for them) and MHY either can't or won't compete. That's their problem, not the players'.
    To reiterate though: harrassing actors and staff (who are most likely overworked and underpaid, for the most part) not ok.

  • @SantiLokyyo
    @SantiLokyyo 2 года назад +3

    I don't even play Genshin but it seems weird to flame people for wanting to uninstall the game... If you are not happy with your experience you are entitled to at least quit the damn thing.

  • @NaughtaNoob
    @NaughtaNoob 3 года назад +6

    I'm not that privvy to the kind of hate generated by this particular event. But as a free player who shoves what I deem an excessive amount into this game, I view this as a "straw that broke the camel's back" situation. This game IS meant to be played everyday, dailies exist, a stamina system for farming exists, there's constant time gated content like tower defense and frigging prop hunt. The common thing with all of this, is the sheer tiny pittance of draws you get from these activities. But I do play the game because the character designs and due to the fact that I played obsessively for 3 straight banner periods trying to get Xinyan and Hu Tao and just to get skunked by the gacha system has me leaning more on the side against Mihoyo. I like Genshin, but it doesn't deserve my money, because I know it'll squander it like my time. Granted, there is never an excuse to go out and harass voice actors about any product, they literally have nothing to do with any aspect of the game outside of the mp3s you hear in cutscenes.

  • @zerosyaoran
    @zerosyaoran 3 года назад +24

    Disregarding the fans' and MHY's responses, you have to admit that the anniversary rewards are paltry, even insulting, especially compared to other gacha games. That's why I think people are up in arms.
    To compare, for this year's anniversary, one of Fate/Grand Order JP's anniversary rewards was a system that gave out a free non-limited 5* of your choice for finishing the first region. The thing about this is that it's retroactive, so even players who are well into the 2nd story arc benefit from this system. Genshin could have done something like this and a lot more people would've been happy. You say this might "feed into their gambling addiction" but it's really not that hard for MHY to give players a free 5*. It doesn't even have to be a limited 5* like Klee or Venti, they could've just kept the selection choice to non-limiteds like Jean, Keqing and Diluc.
    To me, this just honestly feels like a plot by MHY to intentionally dumb down the freebies they give so that for the next anniversary or whatever, they can give out something slightly better and be hailed like gods for it.

  • @paulnoell39
    @paulnoell39 2 года назад +2

    Its not a matter of the anniversary being weak, but the fact that it was so abysmal it came off as an act of disrespect to the playerbase which gave the company success probably beyond their wildest imagination, having only made one previously successful mobile game Honkai Impact 3rd.

  • @RubyMikotoGaming
    @RubyMikotoGaming 3 года назад +22

    Man people being toxic to the VA of a character is nuts, it's like getting mad at some Actor playing Hitler on a movie.
    As for the gacha game, I don't really play much single player game, so I kind of able to let go game even if I spend a lot of money in it. In a live service game there always a possibility the game may not exist tomorrow.

    • @genus5987
      @genus5987 3 года назад +2

      Literally term "outrage" everything in their path will be destroyed, see thats why i dont like this fandom and game itself because of this
      Im sorry

  • @redskared8093
    @redskared8093 3 года назад +10

    Like some people have already said, it is worth calling out those who harass voice actors and to an extent, review bombers. They are not in the right, in any way. But people absolutely have the right to stop playing a game that they feel is not appreciating them at all. They also have the right to leave a bad review, as that is what a review is for, expressing their thoughts on the game. Telling them they should silently appreciate and love a game that time and time again has shown that they only value how much money the players can give them is kind of a bad take, imo.

    • @xXSamir44Xx
      @xXSamir44Xx 3 года назад +3

      Review bombing is completely justified, as long as they're only doing it to Genshin.

  • @petercapsanis5839
    @petercapsanis5839 3 года назад +3

    I've seen a couple of anime channels defending gacha games because they're pretty and well made. Casinos are also and pretty and well made, it doesn't change the fact they're designed to exploit people.

  • @Kozmo-Kamuy
    @Kozmo-Kamuy 3 года назад +9

    I love how low iq people criticize people for giving backlash at a company and never offer a different way to or idea to give backlash

  • @WeisseningBlitz
    @WeisseningBlitz 3 года назад +6

    "It's up to you to gacha responsibly" is not really something I feel anyone should be saying given the acknowledgement that the genre is built on predatory practices.
    That said, I don't play this game, but have nonetheless caught wind of the issue and have played a number of other games with great critique and concern for the future of gaming at large. Harassing Zach is 100% no good, but I'm not going to say review bombing GI specifically or talking trash about Mihoyo is bad.
    Why? Well, to be honest, it's because how powerless the consumer has been about the evolution of gaming. You hinted on the outcome yourself within the video in that if we vote with our wallets, in way or another, the games we like will cease to exist. This is a core problem that needs addressing from not just the preservation of a form of entertainment, but an art form. No one wants to see their time, money, and effort disappear just because. I'd argue this rage is the exact result of the industry growing fat on its anti-consumer practices and blowing an easy layup on giving back to fans. What would Mihoyo lose by giving a free 10-pull, a character select, or even some kind of guaranteed C6 pack? My answer to this would be, flatly, they would lose nothing. I may be fudging some numbers, but this game alone has generated over $100 million. That's a lot. That's, bluntly, insane for a video game. And if I'm aware of this as someone who does not play, I can only imagine it is that much more obvious for those who do and how it has ultimately translated to content releases and quality.
    I understand it's easy to accuse players of feeling entitled and I certainly know there are toxic "fans" out there who would act out even if the ball wasn't dropped here. Yet, I'm finding the general idea of protesting these games required. It shouldn't be up to the player to not lose themselves and squander a fortune in 0s and 1s that will one day disappear . It should be up to games to not be designed that way to begin with. One part of the process is affirming our unhappiness. I'd certainly go the extra mile in saying we need to mandate legislation to prohibit paid gacha/lootbox mechanics for goods or goods to participate in said RNG. Gambling can still exist in games without the RL cash component. Gaming existed before all this or shipping titles incomplete with paid DLC after.
    It's certainly not that gamers don't care about devs, that they don't want them stuck in crunch or not being paid adequately. Rather, we know there is a fairer way to go about that, and part of it requires cutting out the suits and layers of bodies that have nothing to do with the production or promotion of a product. There is nothing wrong with liking Genshin, but on the other hand, is it truly a $100m+ game? It being better than the average gacha in the eyes of its proponents does not absolve it of the responsibility of being the best game it could be. What constitutes that may vary between players, certainly, but vid OP already had a critique of his own: It'd be a great offline single-player game without all the gacha trappings. I suspect many would agree, and it's not like co-op couldn't be an option, either.
    So, the way I see it, it's more than just some whiners railing over a lack of free stuff. It's a message to the industry that people are paying attention to how they're being treated after money changes hands, or even why they won't if chasing F2P status. People feeling underwhelmed about events or feeling treated unfairly between regions is not a new gacha phenomenon. "That's just the way it is!" is and has always been a cop out. It's actually somewhat maddening how EASY it is to generate good will and publicity, only for so many games to not. "They'll just keep asking for more!" has never been the compelling argument some naysayers think it is. The player feeling valued, even if F2P, is an often overlooked commodity of its own. Listening in the present and not once profits start bombing is also an important step, because a second chance is not something everyone gives.

  • @ValkenEX
    @ValkenEX 3 года назад +2

    I agree with you that harrassment is a petulant and immature way to handle this situation, but I have to agree that granting 40 Primo is pretty fucking stingy.
    I don't play Genshin, but I play FF: War of The Visions. That game gives you 400-500 Visiore every day just for logging in. It costs 2000 to do a 10-Draw. Sometimes, you get 2000 for free, or a free 10-Draw if there is a special event.
    40 Primogems is like a slap in the face.

  • @Robomania06
    @Robomania06 3 года назад +6

    I just started playing GI last month and I play it as a action adventure rpg game over a gacha game. I just like to have fun and when I do get enough to draw, i will and not get too angry at what I get. This is probably why the lack of spectacular rewards doesn’t bother me too much. And there are still rewards like the ten free pulls in the latest log in bonus and thats pretty good to me. Harassment and review bombing is just gonna make things worse and acting like a saint because you uninstalled is just annoying. Genshin is another game that I like to play but I do not consider myself as part of the community

  • @MrJuanrock89
    @MrJuanrock89 3 года назад +14

    poor mihoyo earning millions from gambling addicts, creating a game that exploits their weakness and anxiety for money. The game is sustained on people that can't control themselves, and they are making bank on it, of course the community is toxic and goes apeshit when they don't get what they want, the entire game is built on that. Screw the idiots attacking voice actors and review bombing tons of games, but the idea that mihoyo didn't create this situation is ludicrous.

    • @r3zaful
      @r3zaful 3 года назад

      To be honest
      Mihoyo themselves didn't expect genshin to be this big, also the game was designed to be beatable without Gacha, you don't need to spend anything to beat the game, you spend it because you want certain characters, Gacha games in general is an non pay to win mmo anyway.

    • @MSupaCroc
      @MSupaCroc 2 года назад +1

      I have 3 friends that didn't spend a dime on the game and they are up to date on progression. I spend a few bucks here and there but that was just because I like the game a lot.

    • @MrJuanrock89
      @MrJuanrock89 2 года назад +1

      @@MSupaCroc good for them, mihoyo made two billion from people that are not like that.

  • @seikanekasin
    @seikanekasin 2 года назад +3

    I mean i hated Genshin the moment i realized it was just chines spyware in a trench coat

  • @AkuniLesare
    @AkuniLesare 3 года назад +1

    As someone who absolutely hates Gacha games for being predatory scam casinos and therefore not taking up GI for being gacha.... I'd be all for gachas to evaporate and delete themself. I feel for the players that enjoy the *game* aspect of those casinos, but... yeah. Those are just aspects. Parts to sell the casino better. And they could be so much better without the casino aspect. They'd loose nothing but gain less grind, less hoops to jump through and overall more *game* for the game. You'd have to spend a few bucks for the full version? So what. It's a lot cheaper than the average spending on gacha. Hundredfold and more. So I'm just standing here and shaking my head at this whole fiasco. Especially after seeing how bad they breed toxic communities. Every freaking gacha game has *so* many entitled pricks or people defending being robbed in broad daylight. It's just mind boggling.
    And it's also important to note that saying "no" to spending money is *not* that easy. If you have that mindselt, that's good! Really, I applaud you for thinking about "do I need that?" before committing to spending or not. That's a lot of self reflection and thoughfulness. But those games are built to exploit psychological issues and even condition people who'd grow up fine to develop them. Most people who spend money on gacha do not notice how the game exploits them. They only realize after the fact and sometimes after ruining themself. That's not okay, ever. Especially since getting off the gacha hook can still mean you're suffering from long term issues (mainly impulsive spending habits).
    I firmly think that no one should support gacha games. We'd be better off without them. Just imagine how a full game could look and then look back to how the gacha version looks. It's never better. I no way shape or form. So why? Why are those games still supported? It boils down to being addicted. And that doesn't has to be crippling addiction. Being hooked is enough as it seems. How is that okay?

  • @TheHarDeOne
    @TheHarDeOne 3 года назад +6

    As someone who has been playing since day 1, I also love this game, and I definitely hear the passion as you talk about Genshin. I was always aware of the toxicity, I also find it hard to openly talk about it, but didn't know it had become this bad. Actors don't deserve this, they aren't even employees of miHoYo, they were just hired to play a character. I just wanna enjoy traveling across Teyvat with my waifu party.

  • @akba666
    @akba666 3 года назад +15

    I don't think players need to be grateful to a company for providing a product meant to make money. I do agree the community is pathetic.

    • @Dozer22334
      @Dozer22334 3 года назад +1

      Well, every product is meant to make money. More or less. Product named "Genshin Impact" actually have a nice game inside.

  • @vishop1188
    @vishop1188 3 года назад +3

    Can people quit referring to the dipshits that harass VAs and review bomb other games as the "genshin communiy." The genshin community despises those people. The anniversary is supposed to be about mihoyo showing appreciation to the players for all their support over the past year. Mihoyo made an amazing game and to support their game, the players made mihoyo a billion dollar company then to show appreciation to the community, mihoyo figuratively slaps us in the face, it's not about not getting more free stuff it's about mihoyo showing appreciation. Mihoyo has also been silencing anyone who expressed a negative view about the anniversary on discord, reddit, etc. Review bombing was the last resort, I'd like to hear what you think people should've done instead. Mihoyo has spent the year sweeping a lot of concerns the players have under the rug and not communicating with the community, that's why people are fed up. Also, as someone who spends a lot on this game, we don't spend money because we feel we have to, we spend money because we love the game and want to support it and it hurts when mihoyo shows that they don't appreciate the support. I suggest next time, instead of attacking the people who fund the game that you love based on speculation, you should look into why people are actually upset instead of making yourself look like a fool in a RUclips video.

  • @KhunShawn
    @KhunShawn 3 года назад +1

    6:05 That’s an extreme example that borderlines on absurdity.

  • @m0sadiii
    @m0sadiii 3 года назад +16

    I kind of disagree with you at the 5 minute mark, it's more likely that theyll give in and give out primos so that they stop losing players

    • @nurandika4563
      @nurandika4563 3 года назад +2

      As of right now, they did give out the supposed to be paid pack for free and split into 4 because fuck all

    • @bruhbruh4329
      @bruhbruh4329 3 года назад +1

      which is exactly what they did because complaining works

  • @turkish8969
    @turkish8969 3 года назад +2

    this really sucks, but you know whats worse? the tiannamen square massacre 1989

    • @PlayerUnoYT
      @PlayerUnoYT 3 года назад +2

      Or banning Winnie the Pooh just for saying Xi looked like him.

  • @Eltanin
    @Eltanin 3 года назад +22

    It was so sad when I saw comments on reddit that were from actual rational human beings be treated as controversial and be downvoted to like, the -35s by these petulant children. Like this particular one for example:
    "Honestly? This is controversial but I don't really care. I'm happy with anything we get. I am of mind that no single developer and/or game is obligated to shower their users with rewards for their anniversary.
    Would it be nice? Damn right it would be. However, I feel no ill feelings towards MiHoYo for this. The game didn't suddenly become unplayable, they didn't take anything away from us, my game data didn't suddenly get deleted, I'm still enjoying the game.
    Those summons we get? Those go into storage for a future banner. Or maybe I'll spend them on Kokomi because damn I love Mimorin's voice acting. I have all the units I want and I can clear any content so to me it's just more stockpiling.
    I'm just confused over some people I know actually quitting the game over the anniversary rewards, or lack thereof. They were praising the game until a week ago. But now that we don't get more free shit the game is suddenly trash, not worth playing, and they're uninstalling the game to move onto a new game. Did I miss the update where the game suddenly turned into unenjoyable, unrefined and hot garbage overnight? It makes me wonder what they even played the game for to begin with tbh.
    I'm just going to let this all pass over, play the game I enjoy daily and run around murdering mobs with my Raiden Shogun."
    This comment to any rational human being would sound like just a normal comment from what you would expect a normal player would say BUT NO! According to the community, this was apparently against the narrative and was downvoted heavily because MUH FREEMOGEMS. It took a day after I've gilded the comment for it to come back to being positively upvoted and even then, the responses to the comment agreeing to it are still in the negatives.

    • @carbodude5414
      @carbodude5414 3 года назад +8

      This user deserved the downvotes for being a corporate sell out

    • @ratedr7845
      @ratedr7845 3 года назад +8

      @@carbodude5414 I agree, it's cool to just play the game and don't worry about the corporate is, but that guy just sounds like a brown nose

    • @monkey_blu
      @monkey_blu 3 года назад +5

      Corporate shills, man. Assuming that anyone that complains is not a rational human being.

  • @pain_rain609
    @pain_rain609 2 года назад +2

    Heat of the moment, huh. Is this a piece of history you wanna keep? Gacha vid?

  • @raiko6474
    @raiko6474 2 года назад +2

    1. Shitposting and review bombing is nothing like spreading hate towards voice actors. People are allowed to voice their displeasure in a review that's the point of reviews. As long as it does not include violence or hurt people like in the voice actor situation. I agree that harassing voice actors is too far but otherwise the backlash seems appropriate.
    2. So the community should be grateful that "Mihoyo gave us a wonderful game" but Mihoyo can't be grateful that the fans gave them hundreds of millions of dollars? Seems kind of hypocritical doesn't it? The community made Mihoyo so much richer and they can't afford to give us back a little that barely costs them anything and somehow the community should be grateful? We deserved better, not the company that made over 800 million dollars.
    2.5. Even if you ignore all that, other similar smaller gacha games have huge rewards to their communities on their anniversary and you're telling me giant Mihoyo can't?
    3. Saying "Just gacha responsibly to gambling addicts" is the same as saying "Just stop taking drugs to someone drug addicted". You don't "need" to pull anything. Its very closed minded and only considers what you in your position would do and neglects that its a real problem that can't be rationalized so easily by people suffering from the problem.

  • @Ceradeez
    @Ceradeez 3 года назад +14

    On one hand I can understand the point of the anniversary being dissapointing compared to other gachas as someone who has played other gacha games
    But on the other hand all of this shit the fandom is doing is just going way across the line of what is ok and quite frankly it gives every other genshin fan who isn't doing this stuff and just enjoying the game and fan media a terrible reputation just by association

    • @xXSamir44Xx
      @xXSamir44Xx 3 года назад

      The only bad thing people are doing is harrassing VAs and that's a very loud minority of the fandom.

  • @thatonedan7780
    @thatonedan7780 3 года назад +2

    Tell me you havent played a gacha game before without telling me you played a gacha game before:

  • @tiagoferreira234
    @tiagoferreira234 3 года назад +18

    I started playing from the start and because of college I stopped right before the very first big update, and I can't for the life of me understand how people give so much attention to the Gacha part of the game, that they forget they are playing a game that in my opinion is as good as Breath of the Wild for free... The game is a love letter to the entire gaming landscape, and I may say that if it weren't for the fact it's a Gacha game, it would certainly become a classic, and seeing people arassing the voice actors, who have no saying on the summons, makes me sad, because the effort they put in this game shouldn't be stained with 1 star reviews from people that can't appreciate the beauty of this game without bringing toxicity from gachas
    (If anyone read all of this, holy shit, thank you so much)

    • @thepeanutter9972
      @thepeanutter9972 3 года назад +3

      Just imagine if you could buy it outright and characters are unlocked via their story quests.

    • @genus5987
      @genus5987 3 года назад

      Or just wishing that someday this game is p2p so that you may unlock all characters throughout the story

    • @tiagoferreira234
      @tiagoferreira234 3 года назад

      @@thepeanutter9972 I wouldn't mind, if it already looks better than most triple A games, it should also merit we paying to play it

  • @yukariyoshisaki6333
    @yukariyoshisaki6333 3 года назад +1

    the thing i personally get most upset about is the fact that genshin didnt evolve in 1 fucking year on top of the fact of being the most lucrative gacha ever on top of the fact that they are the most stingy company managing a gacha game ive personally ever seen
    even delight works with fate grand order with this shitty gacha that has no pity and ridiculous SQ prices gives us around 300 three fucking hundred SQ during our last anniversary which are 100 pulls
    and then we have genshin in which not only every banner has 1 single worthwhile thing in it we also get a whoppin 180 primos on average every event we still dont have any content, resin is still broken, avenues of progression are sparse and either timelocked way too easy to complete or don't even function
    they refuse to respond to player feedback, they refuse to buff characters if their name isnt zhongli, they refuse to acknowledge the fact that the game has nothing to offer to long time players they refuse to acknowledge that their rewardstructure is busted as fuck
    im not one to jump ship on a game just because its kinda poopy in some regards and im not even that outraged about this whole situation
    im just fucking sad
    they have this amazing game and they simply refuse to make something out of it
    they are content with waffling around in mediocrity and people ate that shit up until now
    and im simply done. i love ganyu im a cringe weeblord who would proudly proclaim that i would marry ganyu but all i see when loading up genshin and seeing ganyu in my team is
    "cant wait to oneshot everything i sneeze at with my lvl70 xiangling and xingqui without even looking in ganyu's direction"
    just give me stuff to do ffs, why are you so afraid of people playing your game, what do you have to loose from that

  • @Eqvil
    @Eqvil 3 года назад +21

    I quit the game a month after release, realizing that it's too expensive and too grindy to play the game at it's best, but aside from attacking people directly, especially those who have no say in how the anni was designed to flow, mass backlash is THE best method to get change, especially review bombing. I play 3 other gacha games, Punishing Gray Raven, FFBE:WOTV, and Arknights, and I'm not f2p in any of them. All had their controversies and all of them had a negative backlash, and all had way better content in the future. Only when something happens that gets sales down will the devs take it seriously.
    Hearing that Genshin Impact, the game that set multiple new standards, a game that made more money than any other new IP that was released the same year, to the best of my knowledge, didn't shower their players in free pulls deserves this reaction. When you are the top, you have to give out the most.
    In GI, you need to get dupes of a character, 5 if I remember, to play them at their 100%. How much would it cost to pull 5 dupes of ONE 5* character? On average, around 1400 USD (source ruclips.net/video/66Oca2rS8v0/видео.html )
    They can go fuck themselves and I hope this backlash haunts their memories for a long time.

    • @mattgourgoville8088
      @mattgourgoville8088 3 года назад +1

      even worse bro, you need to pull 6 dupes instead of 5

    • @LegateSprinkles
      @LegateSprinkles 3 года назад +2

      Every character is also viable to use at the max level in a PvE game without any dupes.
      I think Genshin's anniversary rewards sucks. I think their rates are bad. But this narrative that yes its technically true you need 6 dupe pulls of a character to max them out...they are also completely viable for almost all the content in the game without them.

    • @genus5987
      @genus5987 3 года назад

      No cap bud

    • @Eqvil
      @Eqvil 3 года назад

      @@LegateSprinkles viable? I wasn't talking about viable, but getting a complete character, with his or her abilities doing what they were designed to do. If dupes only gave stat bonuses, I would understand, but dupes can change abilities or add additional effects. Playing with a skeleton is viable, but why should I accept only viable? Arknights has a dupe system, but the dupes don't change the abilities. At best they come slightly stronger, like something healing 18% more damage than 15% at one copy.
      This is without even mentioning the item RNG bullshit, the fact that characters have best in slot weapons etc.

  • @xxranxxran730
    @xxranxxran730 3 года назад +1

    >Every character works
    Does Amber still work?

  • @Noisykiller12
    @Noisykiller12 3 года назад +3

    Mihoyo: As thanks for the millions of dollars of revenue in the first month alone and making us the most popular of 2020 for our 1 year anniversary we will give you a guaranteed 4 star (weapon) and 3 fowl for your continued support.
    and for the next anniversary you need to lower your standards and expectations because we will only give you 3 rolls and a sweet flower.
    So basically giving love or hate to the company doesn't do anything.

  • @ignaciojohnjoy
    @ignaciojohnjoy 7 месяцев назад +1

    This aged terribly. I have a feeling Sugarpunch quit Genshin

  • @Dragonbro91_
    @Dragonbro91_ 3 года назад +2

    Ladies and gentlemen we have here one of mihoyos whiteknights.

  • @luxio131
    @luxio131 3 года назад +7

    Alright there buddy slow down. There's a lot more behind this than just the primos. The primos were just the tipping point for the community. It isn't the primos, its what they represent. The company has been super stingy and the game has had tons of problems still to this day are not fixed. And the last few 5 stars aren't fully functional out of the box, many have been clunky. A lot of Raidens strength is locked behind C2, Yoimiya has trouble working because the auto aim is really bad, kokomi is honestly just awful compared to any other healer, etc. The harassment is absolutely unacceptable and you're entirely right, the voice actors have no say in this and putting a flame under them isn't fair. But Mihoyo earned this reaction from the community. You don't just get massive backlash like this NATURALLY for no reason. As far as I'm aware, nobody rallied troops to review bomb. The community just naturally followed. Granted review bombing other games is stupid to say the least. However, saying that this is just over primos just isn't true and there's a lot more behind this than you think.

  • @KoinzellGaming
    @KoinzellGaming 3 года назад +4

    I agreed with a part of what you said - no one should be harassing the Kokomi VA, no one should be raiding places that aren't related to Genshin and screaming/thrashing around there, no one should go on other game's pages and leaving negative reviews due to Genshin. But I disagree with the rest.
    To provide some context:
    1. The English VA's that were "harassed" just for "appearing" in a livestream - they were literally the hosts of the livestream and the entire thing was put together in the most disingenuous and condescending way possible (the presentation was similar to them talking like the viewers were kindergartners with fully scripted horrible jokes), some of the voices were extremely grating to the ears and the reason why the livestream got hate was completely justified. Now maybe some people went and insulted the VAs afterwards, which is indeed excessive and toxic.
    2. "The people who are uninstalling the game - what is wrong with you?!" - this line was completely out of order in the video and naming this part separately seems to say that you aren't allowed to uninstall games in protest while you might have VALID REASONS to protest. People are also allowed to leave negative reviews on Genshin's playstore page if they're unhappy with it.
    3.The consensus in the ENTIRE Genshin community (every single big Genshin creator was onboard) was that the anniversary rewards were a bad joke, and Mihoyo was smoking specific rocks while thinking that it was ok, and it was an insult towards all the people who invested a year of their lives into supporting this game.
    4. The final context is that in most big gatcha games, anniversaries are usually the part when the developers are generous towards their own playerbase, and even one of the greediest gatcha games (Fate grand order) hands out 100 pulls to its players, they have big events and a lot of them even give free 10 pulls daily for a week. Their community events rewards were a joke, their ingame rewards were a joke, the entire thing was a bad joke. If you play other gatcha games, you will have certain expectations because it's an industry standard (a lot of people are addicted to gatchas and tend to be a lot more involved), but Mihoyo, one of the biggest and most profitable mobile gaming companies that exploded in popularity within the last year due to Genshin, was spitting in all of its supporters faces.
    TLDR: There were people who were going way too far, the majority consensus on the internet was negative towards the anniversary and a lot of people were justifiably angry at Mihoyo, and finally Mihoyo got a wake up call and will hopefully be managing future anniversary events better (which is a positive end to a negative story).

  • @Suika_Ibuki_The_Drunk_Oni
    @Suika_Ibuki_The_Drunk_Oni 3 года назад +1

    An Aniversary event in a game needs to do two things. Celebrate the game and it's history, and thank the players for playing. After all, without them the game wouldnt be successful. Problem is, most free to play games really suck at that later part. Like REALLY suck.

    • @r3zaful
      @r3zaful 3 года назад

      It's the first aniv
      I never seen a single Gacha games that doesn't gave shit rewards in their first anniv rewards not once.
      Fgo 3 riders token which is the equivalent of blue books in genshin
      Gbf 3k crystals for their first anniv
      Like really if this your first Gacha games then I can make sure you will used to it.

  • @u3210
    @u3210 3 года назад +3

    You're WRONG, review bombing is the BEST thing you can do, look how it made them give us even MORE Primogems!!! Of course, they only listened to the review bombing, and ONLY THAT! It's the ONLY WAY!! It's not like they changed stuff in the game after players complained about it before... oh wait... Anyway, a company is not a human being, so doing this won't have ANY harm on anyone, it's the one true way of gacha gamers.
    On a serious note, yeah, the community (or at least the loud part of it) is pretty much a disgrace, but harrassing a VA is a different kind of wrong. It's a pretty good game imo, so I hope after we get our 10th 5* for free, it can stand back on its feet.

  • @KoylTrane
    @KoylTrane 3 года назад +11

    Anniversary fail is not the only reason, it's just a straw that broke the camel's back. Game has so many issues that needs addressing and MHY doesn't do shit.

  • @Xertaron.
    @Xertaron. 3 года назад +6

    I'll start with saying that i haven't played Genshin, i've merely been observing from sidelines various game controversies. This one isn't new and you clearly lack perspective on why people would even find this upsetting. Which isn't suprising considering you're only playing it from time to time, but then going on about how much you love this game and painting people who are review bombing and uninstalling the game as gambling addicts or assholes is really disingenuous. Like visiting a different country and telling people they're idiots for being mad about a local event.
    As to why this whole situation blew - nobody likes to be treated like trash, not regular players, not whales, nobody. Giving 40 primagems as a "thanks" is equivalent of giving cents as a tip in restaurant - it makes you want to punch that customer in the face. For a lot of people it feels like a an insult, basically being thrown scraps. Even no primagems wouldn't be as bad. If they instead incrased rate of gaining in game currency during anniversary event by at least 20%, nobody would complain.
    Does it excuse people's behavior? No, but Mihoyo brought it upon themselves and the blame is mostly on them. They got greedy and they should've know it would make people upset - it happened numerous times in games with much smaller communities. It's unfortunate that voice actors take collateral damage from this, but in times like this people will make sure their voices are heard, as companies often disregard them and they never learn from past mistakes. So don't be shocked that people take nuclear option in this case - it is unfortunate, but not suprising.

  • @ZioSerpe
    @ZioSerpe 3 года назад +1

    Good guy RUclips putting a Genshin Impact ad at the start since the video is not sponsored xD

  • @destinationskyline07
    @destinationskyline07 3 года назад +2

    I just came to read the comments :)

  • @monkey_blu
    @monkey_blu 3 года назад +2

    What the hell, man. I'm sorry but you can't compare harassing VA with being salty and dissatisfied with a game event. Uninstalling and leaving a bad review is absolutely understandable if you are not happy with the game. Also you have the right to complain in dedicated forums...oh wait no...you can't. MHY are censoring and banning anyone who does. Reddit? Doing exactly the same.
    So what should we all do? Shut up and take it like the little consumers we all are? The message is clear. They don't respect their the player base, at all. Not even to say SOMETHING about it.
    Also, I'm sorry but there are definitely other gachas that actually treat their players with more respect and appreciation than GI during their Anniversaries exactly BECAUSE they want to keep them around and spend more money, that's exactly how you entice them to keep spending, giving them free shit. GI is basically throwing 100 primo at their faces and expect them to be fucking grateful. Don't make me laugh, mate.

  • @penksmusicnmugen4493
    @penksmusicnmugen4493 3 года назад +1

    Why is it that people still think about harassing the voice actors for the game, or really anything, just because the company, not the VAs, the Company, is the one that did the oopsie? When will we learn?

  • @SaanWukong
    @SaanWukong 3 года назад +10

    While the fans are awful and have gone way too far, I feel the company haven't been caring about their fans. Cease and Deceasing leaked trailers while they haven't been making them until the banner already out, or getting rid of Discords and Reddits about their game, like actual feedback. Like come on, 100 gems for the players who been supporting you for a year and making fan art they fully intend to use for their marketing, you need 160 for a summon. They did cheated and silenced their fans and the fans have every right to be mad, I just wish they handled it the right way....

  • @PhillipOnTakos
    @PhillipOnTakos 3 года назад

    These kind of people are why I never get involved with fandoms. I'll talk to people individually about something but I never engage with the community. Too many times has the community at the peak of popularity turn into shit like this. I think part of it has to do with the trend followers who just jump from the hot new thing to the next. That doesn't excuse the rest of the community because it can't just be the trend followers. It just makes me ashamed to like something and not want to talk yo people about it lest I be judged by someone who only knows about it through the awful community.

  • @ancientspark7984
    @ancientspark7984 3 года назад +1

    The thing is that it's not just the 40 primos - it's a strong catalyst for complaints about the game that have been long fomenting about the game for quite a while. Although you do note that you have a different perspective than a lot of people as a more casual player (and yeah, most of the people who don't have an issue with the game tend to be more casual players).
    For example, you mention that the characters just work. Quite frankly, no - the game's balance has been seriously broken ever since release, but broken in a way that heavily favors specific 4 star characters that was very unintentional and completely game warping (see National Comp as an example). After the initial period of people discovering what was good, there was an exploration period where people sort of accepted that mhy can just throw stuff at the wall to see what can work to be exciting, sometimes ending up with even more crazy broken stuff like Ganyu (in Morgana comp).
    But at this point, it's pretty clear that the balance of the game is completely untenable - it's why there were characters like Yoi or Kokomi who don't have bad kits in theory, but are quite bad in the context of the game because stuff like Bennett are so overwhelmingly broken. It's why they can't make systemic changes to make Electro a reasonable element, because Fischl and Beidou's base power are so incredibly overpowered that any system wide changes to the element would make those two broken characters completely game destroying. And mhy keeps introducing more and more frustrating mechanics that aren't fun in an attempt to keep this brokenness down (there's a specific reason why the Lectors are balanced the way they are).
    But, for context, I booted up the game two days ago, played a few floors through SA, then realized that I was doing the same stuff over and over again and not having fun. I had a Baal sitting there that I rolled, but I didn't feel any incentive to raise her and keep her up because what's the point? The combat is getting worse over time, the mechanics are getting less and less fun, the story is getting more and more rushed now. The only thing keeping people coming back besides general FOMO or gacha addiction is how much investment they have in the open-world and that's not sustainable UNLESS you're casual; people don't play open-world games forever and ever. Magic is limited unless you get inventive and mhy just haven't been doing that.

  • @ciphercdr3349
    @ciphercdr3349 3 года назад +6

    Alright, I know this is might be a discussion on the internet, in the RUclips Comments of all things.
    So, here it goes.
    Anniversarys in Games are important, especially in Gachas. You celebrate the game and reward the player for playing your game.
    Lets compare Genshins Anniversary Rewards with another game from Mihoyo, Honkai Impact.
    Honkai Impacts anniversary gave you around 3000 Crystals, what is a bit over 10 Rolls. You also got a free costume and a bunch of other things, they also released 2 new Valkyries at that Event.
    Then you got smaller goodies and bonuses.
    Genshin doesn't give you enough for even a 10x roll. They even want you to gamble for the rewards what is just pathethic and disrespectfull.
    Another comparison, FGOs first Anniversary, they not just reduced summoning Cost as a whole, they also gave you enough for a 10x Roll and a lot of other goodies, they also started to introduce the guranteed 5* Banners with that, what is a paid Banner, where you get a guranteed 5*.
    So no, Genshin didn't go above and beyond to deliver more than what Gachas usually deliver and them getting Genshin reviewbombed and getting the backslash they get is deserved.
    It is not about Gambling addiction it is about celebrating your game and the players who stuck with you all this time.
    Genshin literally gives you a bone, tells you to promote their game everywhere and then maybe, just maybe they give you a small reward, not even enough for a single roll.
    The fact that Mihoyos reaction to this is to literally ban everyone everywhere who is upset about them and call google to delete the bad reviews is also just pathetic.
    The right respons would have been to say sorry and give people more rewards.
    HEck GEnshin has no login-bonuses to this day, Honkai has it, FGO has it, I think about every F2P game has something like this. Genshin doesn't.
    Now the one thing I am completle against is people giving other games bad reviews or harrase the communities because of this. Heck them going to harrase Voice Actors is also just the bottom of the barrel.
    It is inexcuseable.

  • @nkhailhna4850
    @nkhailhna4850 3 года назад +2

    I completely disagree.
    Way I see it, people is not angry at the lack of anniversary gifts; that's just the surface, detonating symptom. What you're looking at is the outcome of a full year's worth of slavery and mental abuse.
    This game happened about when the pandemic started. This means a truckload of people wasted their year-long vacations in it. And now people is finally starting to realize it. Full year of their lives. They could have learned piano, painting, absolutely anything. This had the potential of being the greatest year of everyone's lives, and Mihoyo stepped in and ruined everything.
    Because it's not even a good game, really. It's just a big-ass grind. The "good" parts about it are shallow things like graphics and waifus. At its core, the game is hundreds of hours of minimum wage work.
    And Mihoyo profits from that. They profit from exploiting people's weaknesses, and ruining their lives. And they're damn good at it.
    In blaming the audience, you are helping normalize this "gaming is an addictive, life-encompassing job" model. And you're making the problem worse.
    People is absolutely right about hating Mihoyo. There is nothing ethical about what they're doing. They should be placed behind bars.
    This is NOT the community's fault. It's Mihoyo's.

    • @Lucent151
      @Lucent151 3 года назад

      Yeah this creator kinda missed some points too similar to Mihoyo white knights.

  • @beardyjesus4591
    @beardyjesus4591 3 года назад +4

    I don't play Genshin but say my perspective. Harassing is really over the top, but LOL giving people 1/4 of one gacha roll for anniversary seems like very bad decision. It is like coming to poor village in Africa with 2 small bottles of water, looks more like an insult than a gift
    If they didn't get anything people would be less upset, I think

  • @MrTheil
    @MrTheil 3 года назад +10

    12:02 Legit how I feel. It's the whole reason I don't even play the game anymore

    • @yukariyoshisaki6333
      @yukariyoshisaki6333 3 года назад

      same but the other way around, at this point im ashamed of every having spent money on this trash heap.
      i just get unreasonably sad thinking about the potential this game had
      and then i go like "yea, there is FGO which has legit the worst gacha of any game and as such ive never spent money on it but i probably have had the most amount of fun with it out of every gacha game"
      what is genshin's excuse

    • @PegAsi_
      @PegAsi_ 3 года назад

      not playing a game because of people on social media isn't really a good reason . Just play what you like and forget about other people

  • @markmorales7958
    @markmorales7958 3 года назад +11

    I’m sorry ABI… this is unfortunately a continuous case of “fandoms be fandoms” and “people… don’t we just suck”… I never played this game, but I know EXACTLY how you feel against those who tha be this type of problem and never shutting up about… 😓

  • @ThatWolfArrow
    @ThatWolfArrow 3 года назад +6

    This honestly is how I feel about many of the fandoms tied to the things I enjoy. It's gotten to a point where I refuse to call myself a "fan" of anything because of what being a fan means in the modern era. That won't stop me from enjoying them (I mean, just look at my PFP), but it's still frustrating to know that so many people are just absolutely toxic and evil in the fandoms of the stuff I enjoy and that those people are who outsiders point two whenever I bring them up.

  • @commanderlp2010
    @commanderlp2010 3 года назад +2

    This is exactly how I feal about this community...

  • @wdcain1
    @wdcain1 3 года назад

    I was upset when TimeWarner refused to let WB-Montreal patch the bugs in _Arkham Origins_ so they could pump out more DLC. That meant this game I paid for would never get fixed. Where was this anger back then? This was a serious problem in companies releasing games in buggy states to screw over the consumer but I didn't hear a peep out of them.

  • @jpgarcia7892
    @jpgarcia7892 3 года назад +2

    As an ex Genshin players myself, I agree with your take. I quit the game because I burned myself out, long before all these shitstorm started happening.

    • @Christian-gr3gu
      @Christian-gr3gu 3 года назад +3

      You do know that Sugar said your part of the problem. At 5:00 he says WTF is wrong with you, to the people who merely uninstalled it cause they didn't like it, like you

    • @iota-09
      @iota-09 3 года назад

      @@Christian-gr3gu "all of you who are pissed off about this"
      he's referring to the people who uninstalled specifically due to the anniversary and are trying to make a sort of statement with uninstalling, not people who uninstalled just because of other reasons(boredom, hdd space, burnout, etc)

    • @StellaEFZ
      @StellaEFZ 3 года назад

      @@Christian-gr3gu You need better english comprehension, and stop attacking people for not reason

  • @LegateSprinkles
    @LegateSprinkles 3 года назад

    Like yea Ive criticized that the anniversary rewards are bad but holy shit the shit storm has been going on is batshit crazy.

  • @lunasperidot8760
    @lunasperidot8760 3 года назад

    I think the backlash is in part made worse by comparison. Other gacha games having their anniversary currently and giving from 100 up to 500 free pulls and events that give you tons of mats and more pulls. That on top of genshins abysmal pull rates makes it feel like a slap in the face. A free 10 pull is likely to be actual garbage. I haven't played this game in months but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get it a little bit.

  • @CloudXStrife136
    @CloudXStrife136 3 года назад +4

    This isn't just about primogems.
    I feel the problem is your view is how others on the outside will also see it.
    You say you dont play the game regularly but criticise the people who have played since launch, may play everyday, and have seen everything happen over that year as that built up overtime.
    No one with sense is justifying harassing VAs, or review bombing games that arent genshin, those people are obviously just absurd.
    The anniversary itself isn't what people are upset about, its a build up of stuff over a long time finally coming to a cap.
    Lack of communication, not listening to feedback, releasing premium characters who dont work properly or greatly under perform, leaving characters with issuss unpatched/unfixed and unbuffed, etc.
    I would say try to look at the subreddit or something for informative posts, and see that this is deeper than you think, some people may be vapid, but they dont speak for everyone

  • @Amelanduil
    @Amelanduil 3 года назад +1

    The best way to enjoy media is to never interact with its fanbase.

  • @samfivedot
    @samfivedot 3 года назад +1

    Luckily for me I already got the cool pirate lady and the goth nun with the fishnets, I have no use for primogems anymore

  • @blueblade6174
    @blueblade6174 3 года назад +1

    I honestly didn't know the fanbase was this toxic. But then I haven't been involved as much with the community because I'm yet to play the game. I'm still impatiently waiting for it to be released on Switch.

    • @yearslate9349
      @yearslate9349 3 года назад +1

      It's because of the sheer size of it. There's just bound to be that many people who could be angry about it, and since it's free to start playing, many of them will be young too.

  • @xidjav1836
    @xidjav1836 3 года назад +5

    Honestly, I'm more pissed about the contest, people who worked their asses of for the game they love get paid cents worth of rewrds even the physical rewrds they give you feels cheap A dude can buy all of them for dirt cheap online even if it is expensive, it's worth less than what the works the winners submitted. that's just downright scummy to me.
    The Primogem thing is although extremely shit especially from an anniversary no less, won't ruin my day it'll annoy me for a month yes but it ain't like it's as bad as badly designed characters (although playable and you need a lot of investment if you want to make them usable later on) Seriouslly who in the right mind would think Xinyan's kit would be a good idea without addressing bug fixes for so long, which reminds me, they barely listen to fans, they only do so when there's money on the line
    The harrassment is although really bad, you kinda knew they'll do it

  • @ultracombo764
    @ultracombo764 3 года назад +1

    I was kinda mad at first but it slowly turned into being funny for me

  • @krausercruz2780
    @krausercruz2780 3 года назад

    I don't get how people are so bad at directing their anger.
    Why harras a voice actor or the artist when you can just harras the company itself, the directors and what not, and the companies that own the development team.
    This feels like trying to kill a giant by stabbing their fingers with a toothpick

  • @Fastroboom
    @Fastroboom 2 года назад +3

    the only good take in this vid was saying that harassing VAs is bad but that should be fucking obvious everything else came off as pretentious and out of tune tho and considering you called the genshin fans pissbabies you sounded like a angry child when talking about people mass uninstalling as if it isnt their choice to uninstall a game they arent enjoying (btw ive never even installed genshin and i understand that this situation was more of the final straw for alot of people and not the only reason that people were quitting)

  • @Jirujan
    @Jirujan 3 года назад +1

    9:30 "there are so many ways to enjoy Genshin that doesn't involve having C6 banner character." THIS WORDS IS 100 TRUE
    also, i'm upset that people at facebook always talking about Abyss. the game have lots of area to explore, lots of collectible, lots of activity, etc. and those people just focus on Abyss. what the hell is wrong with you people?
    feels like their only reason to play Genshin is just finishing the Abyss Challenge and making every characters into DPS (even if they're not a DPS characters)

    • @rboygamer6668
      @rboygamer6668 3 года назад

      Most of the players playing spiral abyss to earn more primogems yes primogems thats why they always focus on Abyss but you can earn more primogems without doing abyss because spiral abyss is a optional.

  • @AdachiSimp
    @AdachiSimp 2 года назад +1

    Says you love Genshin.
    Flex five 5 stars at our face, 4 of them being limited.

  • @boomerhands5719
    @boomerhands5719 3 года назад +3

    as a paying customer of mihoyo for a full year, i feel utterly disrespected after all the support i gave them.
    i will not shut up about how greedy and cheap they are on top of them not addressing many many issues we've had with the game for months now!
    people have every right to riot, the only things i don't condone is attacking VAs and review bombing other apps that are not genshin.
    but genshin specifically absolutely needs to be blasted left and right and from now on I'm going f2p.
    i spent over 1000 usd in game (at the time it was my own choice so I'm fine with it) and they can't even give a single free 4* and maybe 30 wishes or so???
    and no, at this point it is not about the rewards at all! i don't want any. they showed on the 28th how they see us, as mindless walking wallets!
    if they can be so deaf to our concerns about the game, if they can ignore public communication for months now, if they can mislead people with character constellation descriptions, if they can censor us, if they can be greedy and cheap on the very first anniversary after we made them BILLIONS, so can I be cheap from now on.
    hit them where it hurts, profits.

    • @PlayerUnoYT
      @PlayerUnoYT 3 года назад +2

      Keep shitting on Mihoyo man, you have all the right in this world to do it. Don't let a third rate youtuber tells you otherwise.