For anyone wondering: The nerfs are -5 to -25 (with levels) base damage on Q. That’s it. Not a huge nerf for top kench since the scaling from passive is still where most of the damage for his Q comes from, so once you get an item or two you won’t feel much of a difference. It will be noticeable on support though where you can’t build as much bonus health as quickly.
tank champions should have like 5% of the damage of the team, not 99%... his Q should have like 20 to 100 damage total... look at 4:55 jinx has 2 kills, 2 guys helping her, do you think tk is weak ?? that's the only game where tank is not slow, where tanks are the most damage in average games
@@ArthurSouz4 I will keep saying this over and over and over, REMOVE HEARTSTEEL! If you think Tahm does anywhere near the same damage by rushing a Warmog's you're delusional.
@@ArthurSouz4You should also mention that she is 2 levels behind him and also already without mana AND half health, should pick a better point. A malphite would haver killed her faster there.
@ArthurSouz4 tanks in lol are designed to draw aggro and take up space by being a threat. This isn't an MMORPG where you can taunt or draw aggro of an NPCs behavior. You need to take up space in the teamfight that says "if you do not dedicate your resources to stopping/peeling me, I will walk over your backline." A tank that can't do any damage and isn't a kill-threat just gets ignored while the enemy team kills HIS back-line.
my man they're notr nerfing tahm kench because of toplane, they're nerfing him because of how insufferable he is as a support, im gold plat, every single lane tahm kench was in as support won, and i mean HARD stomped
Tahm in general is disgusting he is also broken top lane because he is one of the most disgusting stat checkers in the game. I genuinely am so happy I hope he gets gutted.
@@liam5254 If tahm is getting nerfed under your conceptualization of him being broken nerf every single lane bully in the game. They're all frustrating for being stat checkers, case and point:Darius,garen,mordekaiser,illaoi is a lane bully and the ONLY skill in playing her is landing E, also nerf k'sante, he is a literal stat check monsters because he has a stupid amount of EVERY stat and benefits from ALL of them. and even among those champions tahm kench gets butt fucked by all of them
I think the issue with Tahm Kench is that he's relatively easy to perform well with, even as a mechanically bad player. Some champions, like him, benefit greatly from strong macro knowledge. While at very high levels (like you) of play both macro and mechanical skills are crucial, below Gold, champions like Tahm Kench(supp or top) or Dr. Mundo(top) can be incredibly oppressive-especially Tahm Kench when played as support.
They should nerf tahm support not top then, tahm top is not any more oppressive than darius, who is fine according to riot, those champions are called lane bullys and are often juggernauts, tahm gets shredded by a good adc or fed midlaner
@timelost7055I perma ban him when I support bc there’s nothing I can do against him if he picks after me and even if I can pick after him, it’s annoying when I can dodge his poke, but my adc keeps dying to it. If I play top, I dont ban him bc he doesn’t bother me as much bc irelia is the only melee champ I play top. I think the biggest problem is him abusing heartsteel, but they already nerfed it
@@mathiaswagner8788 q slows less, for shorter duration, shorter w knock up duration, shorter cc duration with q, 4 stacks instead of 3 stacks for passive, less base armor and armor growth, less base health and health growth, less passive hp regen, less healing with q
The "problem" with tanks is actually not the champions, but Heartsteel. Especially with TK and the Q interaction. It also does way too much damage imo.
mt tinfoil hat theory is that all TK nerfs are based on riot *hating* that he's just plain more fun as a toplaner and wanting to break his kneecaps so they have an excuse to rework him into being a support again.
The only upgraded boots I would be interested in is the berserker grieves one and that is just because I play Kalista mainly and that is just a change to what Zephyr was last patch.
Them nerfing tahm kench again really just feels like they are out of touch with their game balance because that makes tahm kench annoying isn't his kit it's the busted ass tank items that he builds
What Riot really wants to do is nerf No Arm Whatley.. like remove more of his eye sight or something.. but since they can't think of a way to do that.. they'll settle with nerfing Tahm
Lots of people admitting how low elo they are in the comments. Support kench isn't broken, you just don't play around minions enough while you poke. They cant w into you without decent setup because the wind up is so long. If you are still being hit by it with zero setup, thats a skill issue.
For me as a supp main, supp kench isnt the scariest champ, defo doesnt deserve a nerf, but he feels similar to swain supp where at a certain point he just walks up to you tanking everything and just wacks you to death. But unlike swain, if u have cc you can just stop his w
@@SCP-up4ot yup. Just save your cc for the w and you pretty much win. That being said if they build riftmaker the q does hit like a truck. That's usually how I build support kench
@damienmcgirl3577 yeah, although technically my support pick counters tahm, one wrong fight and he can scale like a mofo. Ig that might be the scary thing abt tahm? U lose 1 fight and he gets like 2 kills and he can become unkillable after that.
13:00 is Infinite Handcuff from the Yakuza 4 soundtrack. I dont recall what the song at nine minutes is but I think its the Shantae and the Pirates Curse soundtrack Edit: I was right, song at 9:35 is called Rave in the Grave
Im surprised tahm kench is being nerfed, its not realistically a bad nerf. Im just surprised riot is nerfing him considering hes not that popular of a champion
Would be crazy if they stopped just nerfing fun champs into the ground because they are annoying to low elo. And just tried to make them less annoying. Like I love playing Yorick. But also I know Yoricks shiddy litl goblins are the most annoying foockin things of all time. Them having so much Spell resistance when Malzahar's minions don't but they are actually a hard integral part of his kit. Is bewildering. Let me be clear too. I play Malz and I'm Okay with Malz's minions being able to be one shot with AoE spells. Means you should think about WHEN and HOW you use them.
I agree, yorick's an even harder one because part of what makes him annoying is like.... his entire kit. His minion and Maiden carry fights by themselves, and his Q makes it so even without minions you can split push pretty well. They need to fundamentally change aspects of a kit to stop a champ from being annoying... which I feel like they should know by now. A bad player will always be hit with the annoying aspects of a character, even if they win against the now kneecapped champion.
@ I mean his Q is strong and I think it should always be. But having 5 pets that can run you down DPSing you and you can't even use AoE as a counter to multiple targets? AoE should be his natural counter like it is for Malzahar. Simple as that. If they become too weak or strong they can increase or decrease hp on them to find the balance of them being useful but not annoying.
im b2 trying ot get to gold / plat im climbing fast i win a lot of games but every game lose at tahm is because my teammates troll / fed enemy and end up 3/15/9 at the end even if im fed
Honestly i find it funny how people complain about tankiness of champs but like everyone but adc's actually do damage to tanks. adcs until they hit there 6th item do negative damage to a tank, but an ap champ can build 2 items and that tank is instantly quaking in there boots. feel like it should be a no brainer based off that that adc items arent good right now. could also be as well that a lot of tank killing adc items have been removed essentially from adc's, like kraken not being a crit anymore and the true damage arguably, bork just being a meh item now a days, stuff like that are just not enough
I thought Tahm was fine... until a 20%hp Tahm 1v1 my 100%hp kha'zix, with isolation Q. Deals too much dmg, takes too little. But than again, AD assassins are turbo-ass rn, so odds are Tahm IS fine and my champ's just dogwater. Second one does make more sense after writing it down. ;-;
0:32 yeah theres sonething particularly annoying about, especially in lower elos, killing my lane opponent 5 times only for them to rush a heartsteel and riftmaker then becoming an unkillable 100-0 machine. Edit: also comparing silver winrates to diamond plus is insane lmao something like 90% of all league players are in silver/gold so something thats annoying in those elos is annoying to the majority of people playing the game versus the 5k people in diamond and a champion can be broken without being good lmao, aphelios and zeri are 2 examples that come to mind. Tahms just a stat check champ which has always been broken in league and thats why theyve been removing that type of gameplay from the game
top Tahm isn't even that strong in low elo 😂 he's terrorizing BOTLANE not TOPLANE, any lane bully like darius just demolishes him, same with sett, or any high scaling champion
@SylvisNuvara l mean that too but avgust said it himself in one of his posts he has to keep zed weak cuz he is frustrating to play against in low elo i can even find the video where he said it :видео.html
I feel like tk punishes you too hard once he gets little bit ahead. Ws out of vision, misses Slows you, eats you and kills you anyway. It’s fun watching whatley do it, but boy is it frustrating to play against
Yeah bro if you run from a tahm kench when equal/ahead ofc you can't do anything, a good adc or midlaner will shred tahm, and W is canceled by any stun which any good player will save for his W
For anyone wondering:
The nerfs are -5 to -25 (with levels) base damage on Q. That’s it. Not a huge nerf for top kench since the scaling from passive is still where most of the damage for his Q comes from, so once you get an item or two you won’t feel much of a difference.
It will be noticeable on support though where you can’t build as much bonus health as quickly.
tank champions should have like 5% of the damage of the team, not 99%... his Q should have like 20 to 100 damage total... look at 4:55 jinx has 2 kills, 2 guys helping her, do you think tk is weak ?? that's the only game where tank is not slow, where tanks are the most damage in average games
@@ArthurSouz4 I will keep saying this over and over and over, REMOVE HEARTSTEEL! If you think Tahm does anywhere near the same damage by rushing a Warmog's you're delusional.
@@ArthurSouz4You should also mention that she is 2 levels behind him and also already without mana AND half health, should pick a better point. A malphite would haver killed her faster there.
@ArthurSouz4 tanks in lol are designed to draw aggro and take up space by being a threat. This isn't an MMORPG where you can taunt or draw aggro of an NPCs behavior. You need to take up space in the teamfight that says "if you do not dedicate your resources to stopping/peeling me, I will walk over your backline." A tank that can't do any damage and isn't a kill-threat just gets ignored while the enemy team kills HIS back-line.
clearly the brain damage is not enough so we must nerf you more so youd get the fuull suffering experience
my man they're notr nerfing tahm kench because of toplane, they're nerfing him because of how insufferable he is as a support, im gold plat, every single lane tahm kench was in as support won, and i mean HARD stomped
Can confirm. Impossible to play against, impossible to lose lane on.
they shouldn't be nerfing tahm kench then but change him so that he isn't a support??? he should be a toplaner
Tahm in general is disgusting he is also broken top lane because he is one of the most disgusting stat checkers in the game. I genuinely am so happy I hope he gets gutted.
@@liam5254 I second that
@@liam5254 If tahm is getting nerfed under your conceptualization of him being broken nerf every single lane bully in the game. They're all frustrating for being stat checkers, case and point:Darius,garen,mordekaiser,illaoi is a lane bully and the ONLY skill in playing her is landing E, also nerf k'sante, he is a literal stat check monsters because he has a stupid amount of EVERY stat and benefits from ALL of them. and even among those champions tahm kench gets butt fucked by all of them
I think the issue with Tahm Kench is that he's relatively easy to perform well with, even as a mechanically bad player. Some champions, like him, benefit greatly from strong macro knowledge. While at very high levels (like you) of play both macro and mechanical skills are crucial, below Gold, champions like Tahm Kench(supp or top) or Dr. Mundo(top) can be incredibly oppressive-especially Tahm Kench when played as support.
They should nerf tahm support not top then, tahm top is not any more oppressive than darius, who is fine according to riot, those champions are called lane bullys and are often juggernauts, tahm gets shredded by a good adc or fed midlaner
@timelost7055 your right,got any suggestions how to nerf supp Tahm without nerfing top Tahm ?
@timelost7055I perma ban him when I support bc there’s nothing I can do against him if he picks after me and even if I can pick after him, it’s annoying when I can dodge his poke, but my adc keeps dying to it. If I play top, I dont ban him bc he doesn’t bother me as much bc irelia is the only melee champ I play top. I think the biggest problem is him abusing heartsteel, but they already nerfed it
@@mathiaswagner8788 make him more focused on his scalings with items (gained through solo lane gold) than base stats (abused in support role)
@@mathiaswagner8788 q slows less, for shorter duration, shorter w knock up duration, shorter cc duration with q, 4 stacks instead of 3 stacks for passive, less base armor and armor growth, less base health and health growth, less passive hp regen, less healing with q
I was not expecting Mustang's theme at all XD
EEEEEENTERTAINMENT!!! (based editor)
Goated editor with goated gooner gacha game OST
Composer is Cosmograph for anyone interested
The "problem" with tanks is actually not the champions, but Heartsteel. Especially with TK and the Q interaction.
It also does way too much damage imo.
Exactly lol
mt tinfoil hat theory is that all TK nerfs are based on riot *hating* that he's just plain more fun as a toplaner and wanting to break his kneecaps so they have an excuse to rework him into being a support again.
The nerfs are targeting support tahm harder than top. Guess the tinfoil thing is correct.
The only upgraded boots I would be interested in is the berserker grieves one and that is just because I play Kalista mainly and that is just a change to what Zephyr was last patch.
Recently as i was watching rekkles play tahm support it seemed broken to me even in pro play
0:32 “so there basically nerfing him because he’s annoying”
So when they throwin heimerdinger in the dumpster?
No offense to Whatley but my man was in a coma, has brain damage and was partially blind and still reached Masters playing Kench
I mean......
you were talking about boots value. I'm persuaded that cooldown boots (up 25%) might be the best. Costs less then most boots also.
I was wondering if one video came out without me noticing just to BE AHEAD OF THE NOTIFICATION.
Big thought for you Whatley !
no gyat whatley
Them nerfing tahm kench again really just feels like they are out of touch with their game balance because that makes tahm kench annoying isn't his kit it's the busted ass tank items that he builds
I see him getting banned as support all the time. I think almost all the frustration is coming from bot lane
As a tahm player this is depression :((
What Riot really wants to do is nerf No Arm Whatley.. like remove more of his eye sight or something.. but since they can't think of a way to do that.. they'll settle with nerfing Tahm
Nobody comments how the background music is the Kozatsky kick song from TF2
This is ableism by riot. They are nerfing him simply because a coma patient can get to master with him
Lots of people admitting how low elo they are in the comments. Support kench isn't broken, you just don't play around minions enough while you poke. They cant w into you without decent setup because the wind up is so long. If you are still being hit by it with zero setup, thats a skill issue.
For me as a supp main, supp kench isnt the scariest champ, defo doesnt deserve a nerf, but he feels similar to swain supp where at a certain point he just walks up to you tanking everything and just wacks you to death. But unlike swain, if u have cc you can just stop his w
@@SCP-up4ot yup. Just save your cc for the w and you pretty much win. That being said if they build riftmaker the q does hit like a truck. That's usually how I build support kench
@@damienmcgirl3577 yeah ap kench is so annoying/scary. U dont respect him in mid-late game for 2 seconds and ur dead
@@SCP-up4ot yup. Heart steel+warmogs+riftmaker is pretty much all he needs
@damienmcgirl3577 yeah, although technically my support pick counters tahm, one wrong fight and he can scale like a mofo.
Ig that might be the scary thing abt tahm? U lose 1 fight and he gets like 2 kills and he can become unkillable after that.
Imaging target nerfing a coma patient
who up eating they biscuits
thank god for the tahm nerf😌 I would much rather lane against a Heimerdinger!
yeah because heimer is dog nowdays 😂 the rockets used to chunk 60% of your hp back in the mythic item seasons
song that starts at 9:35? And at 13:00?
13:00 is Infinite Handcuff from the Yakuza 4 soundtrack. I dont recall what the song at nine minutes is but I think its the Shantae and the Pirates Curse soundtrack
Edit: I was right, song at 9:35 is called Rave in the Grave
they really out here nerfing my new favorite support again.
1:07 do people not know about "better nerf irelia" anymore? better nerf kench i guess
Taking him in for an interview lol amazing
Im surprised tahm kench is being nerfed, its not realistically a bad nerf. Im just surprised riot is nerfing him considering hes not that popular of a champion
If you regain vision, it cancels out.
Would be crazy if they stopped just nerfing fun champs into the ground because they are annoying to low elo. And just tried to make them less annoying.
Like I love playing Yorick. But also I know Yoricks shiddy litl goblins are the most annoying foockin things of all time.
Them having so much Spell resistance when Malzahar's minions don't but they are actually a hard integral part of his kit. Is bewildering.
Let me be clear too. I play Malz and I'm Okay with Malz's minions being able to be one shot with AoE spells. Means you should think about WHEN and HOW you use them.
I agree, yorick's an even harder one because part of what makes him annoying is like.... his entire kit. His minion and Maiden carry fights by themselves, and his Q makes it so even without minions you can split push pretty well. They need to fundamentally change aspects of a kit to stop a champ from being annoying... which I feel like they should know by now. A bad player will always be hit with the annoying aspects of a character, even if they win against the now kneecapped champion.
The problem is heartsteel
@ I mean his Q is strong and I think it should always be. But having 5 pets that can run you down DPSing you and you can't even use AoE as a counter to multiple targets? AoE should be his natural counter like it is for Malzahar. Simple as that. If they become too weak or strong they can increase or decrease hp on them to find the balance of them being useful but not annoying.
Deserved. Champ is hot ass to play against, champs that can actually beat him right now are really few.
Bro, he's literally 47% winrate in D2+ and 45% winrate on master plus.
Wtf is wrong with Riot.
Because riot august is a bot
Whatley video!
Don't even care about the nerfs. My day is 10 times better now
im b2 trying ot get to gold / plat im climbing fast i win a lot of games but every game lose at tahm is because my teammates troll / fed enemy and end up 3/15/9 at the end even if im fed
Honestly i find it funny how people complain about tankiness of champs but like everyone but adc's actually do damage to tanks. adcs until they hit there 6th item do negative damage to a tank, but an ap champ can build 2 items and that tank is instantly quaking in there boots. feel like it should be a no brainer based off that that adc items arent good right now. could also be as well that a lot of tank killing adc items have been removed essentially from adc's, like kraken not being a crit anymore and the true damage arguably, bork just being a meh item now a days, stuff like that are just not enough
I am low elo (silver atm, usually gold) and I HATE Yorick, please give me tips for dealing with him
Bro, I'm climbing hard on low elo right now on top kench. Support kench users needs to chill were always catching stray nerfs smh
Good. Tahm is incredibly op
Admiting your low elo
low elo detected.
Person who's unable to play around minions detected
What. He's incredibly strong though? Missing health heal for Q a massive shield, a knock up, his R which does a pretty good amount of damage.
@ minions block q. get gud (joking, maybe)
I thought Tahm was fine... until a 20%hp Tahm 1v1 my 100%hp kha'zix, with isolation Q. Deals too much dmg, takes too little. But than again, AD assassins are turbo-ass rn, so odds are Tahm IS fine and my champ's just dogwater. Second one does make more sense after writing it down. ;-;
Love tahm kench but yeah long overdue nerf, it'd be btger if they straught up nerfed the damage om heartsteel but hey its a step
Sounds like a phreak nerf to me.
Tahm in support 1 v 9's too hard
Pulled down his q damage.
Yoooooo tahm kench getting the fucking yuumi treatment FR just for being annoying
No, they're nerfing him because he's broken.
They are nerfing Tahm b/c of heartsteel imo
0:32 yeah theres sonething particularly annoying about, especially in lower elos, killing my lane opponent 5 times only for them to rush a heartsteel and riftmaker then becoming an unkillable 100-0 machine.
Edit: also comparing silver winrates to diamond plus is insane lmao something like 90% of all league players are in silver/gold so something thats annoying in those elos is annoying to the majority of people playing the game versus the 5k people in diamond and a champion can be broken without being good lmao, aphelios and zeri are 2 examples that come to mind. Tahms just a stat check champ which has always been broken in league and thats why theyve been removing that type of gameplay from the game
top Tahm isn't even that strong in low elo 😂 he's terrorizing BOTLANE not TOPLANE, any lane bully like darius just demolishes him, same with sett, or any high scaling champion
they are absolutely not removing statcheckers from the game, just look at ksante
1:07 reason zed has to be allways underpowered my main has to suffer cuz he is annoying for lower elo 😋
it's actually the opposite for zed, he's in proplay jail
@SylvisNuvara l mean that too but avgust said it himself in one of his posts he has to keep zed weak cuz he is frustrating to play against in low elo i can even find the video where he said it :видео.html
bring back LDR passive
Its barely a nerf though
beans on toast
happy to see him get nerfed
tbh theyre just reminding you that riot hates monster(non-egirl) champs lol
I'm here pretty early, what's up Whatley fans?
Maybe if supports didnt get so much gold for no reason he wouldn't be so annoying to play against bot
Fair enough
hello whatley :D
praying on tahm's downfall
Sorry but every Kench I see in my games dictate the flow of the match.
big dog
that yas tho xd
A a fellow master frog supp Player, we are going back go plat with this one :DDDD
you suck
Keep yourself safe
I mean yeah, that is his ult
I feel like tk punishes you too hard once he gets little bit ahead. Ws out of vision, misses Slows you, eats you and kills you anyway. It’s fun watching whatley do it, but boy is it frustrating to play against
Yeah bro if you run from a tahm kench when equal/ahead ofc you can't do anything, a good adc or midlaner will shred tahm, and W is canceled by any stun which any good player will save for his W
@ btw I was talking about laning against him
Imaging target nerfing a coma patient
Imaging target nerfing a coma patient
Imaging target nerfing a coma patient