I love OCaml. I used it in my Programming Languages course to implement an interpreter for a byte-code language. Knowing that your code is provably correct (because of type theory) just makes for a really flow-y development process.
Great intro! Also, since starting to learn a little rust, ocaml is looking familiar (only to find the original compiler for rust was written in ocaml!)
Ive been learning F# for advent of code and it looks exactly the same as ocaml... so it feels like we did the same challenge and I can appreciate your answers much more 😂 functional programming is pretty incredible and it was really fun doing these challenges this way.
i actually picked scissors and i still feel like a winner EDIT: Can i ask you which plugin you use for the scope highlight (in which everything else grays out)? Thank you very much!
I love OCaml. I used it in my Programming Languages course to implement an interpreter for a byte-code language. Knowing that your code is provably correct (because of type theory) just makes for a really flow-y development process.
Great intro! Also, since starting to learn a little rust, ocaml is looking familiar (only to find the original compiler for rust was written in ocaml!)
The world should know more about OCaml and proper type systems! Great job TJ!
Ive been learning F# for advent of code and it looks exactly the same as ocaml... so it feels like we did the same challenge and I can appreciate your answers much more 😂 functional programming is pretty incredible and it was really fun doing these challenges this way.
Sick subliminal with the scissors. Got me!
good intro 😂
I chose scissors but I won, I can't believe this content is free 🎉
i actually picked scissors and i still feel like a winner
EDIT: Can i ask you which plugin you use for the scope highlight (in which everything else grays out)? Thank you very much!
@Denis Borsukov what a goddam hero, thank you
damn, got man with the rock shoulda known to go paper.
Damn u won in the rock paper scissors 🤣
"I'll see you in Day 3"....
Is this color scheme available anywhere? Seems perfect for ocaml I'd like to try it :)
instalike for this inro
Yeah i won !! At 4 try ✌️
Functional Johnson
Chose paper , ez win
TJ, why did you choose to learn Ocaml over some of the more popular functional programming languages?
I choose scissors.
I lost
i have Paper, i won!
Its a tie
you won...
nice thing is that you need only either get_win or get_lose and composing get_win with get_win will return the result of get_lose