Sadly, I do have an empty 55 since my Oscar jumped out of it and my dog ate him today while I was at work. I was saving up to upgrade him to a 90g next month so now I'm stuck looking at a stupid empty tank. Thanks for stocking ideas.
peacock gudgeons are peaceful since they're small, but theyll eat anything that fits in their mouth, shrimp, and endler/guppy fry included. I love your idea of pumpkin seed fish, I had some (3) blue gills in a 200 gallon and they seem to take up any space you give them, but also build circle sand nests and decorate the edges with shells and stones
I’ve had my 75 gallon running for about a year and a half, I’ve got 2 nice hand sized bluegills, 3 crappies, a couple of smaller 4 inch bluegills, 4 bullhead catfish approaching 6 inches, and of course a chunky pleco that never misses a meal.
Thanks darius, I like the content you bring, you mentioned alot of fish that these other fish keepers never talk about. Great job, good selections, I learned about new species today thanks.
Wow, similar story here! There are different species of silver dollars ranging in size, these spotted silver dollars only get about 5 inches, while the wide bar silver dollars can hit 12 inches
HAh i started with a 2 gallon that i currently only use to keep baby fry. Then upgraded to a 16 gallon that i have 1 betta and some shrimp. Then to a 50 gallon that i have no idea what to keep in even though i have the tank for a year
I truly liked watching and listening to your videos. You make the fish hobby very interesting. I look forward in watching your videos every chance I get.
Great list of 55 for a 55 kept most of them that you mentioned, really like the bonus fish the Bartoni would like to find one some day! When I was a kid a 55 seemed like such a huge tank, awesome video as always!
Colleen Robinson hi I’ve just recently started with fish wondering what size tank you should get at the smallest and any odd cool fish species you know
as of right now i have 4 tiny koi in a 75g who are waiting for spring so they can be moved to the pond (: i've been having trouble thinking of a new tank stocking for once they move out and this really helped. nice video!
Dang this was an awesome video! I have a 75 gallon that I need stocking ideas with and a 55 but I'm thinking I'm gonna go with Geophagus tapahos on the 55
OG Awesomoby I just did this with a left over 30g I had and old hob filter. 20 tiger barbs. Such an underrated fish. They school very tight and spend all day swimming end to end never stopping. Keep the decorations very limited as they do like to hide. I left mine with 1/2” sand and nothing else in the tank. Most underrated setup in the fish world imop and wish I had done it much sooner. In a 55g I would personally do 30-40 tiger barbs with a couple clown loaches. For some reason they will school together so no need for 6 it more loaches and a bigger tank for them. Eventually the loaches will get large but they grow very slow so long as you have somewhere to put them in a few years you’ll be fine. They feed like piranha so there is never food waste rotting away and with 20 barbs and 3 clown loaches in a 30g I only run 15ppm weekly nitrates feeding frozen brine shrimp once a day 2 cubes a day. All that with an old school 10yo emperor 400 I pulled out the closet lol. I’m running factory filter pads though as I like how they prevent bypass in this particular filter and they are only like $6 for a 4 pk on amazon. I then run a bag of seachem matrix in one chamber and in the other I run a bag with 1 cup or zeolite and 1 cup black diamond carbon. Mixed in the same bag. I do this to reduce nutrients with the carbon as well as remove some of the ammonia with the zeolite before it’s consumed by the bacteria. I then alternate biowheel chambers monthly as for which side gets the zeolite as to not over starve one side. Less of an issue as the wheels mostly get unfiltered water from the 2 stage pump but extra caution I still take to not over power either side. I’ve actually started using zeolite carbon mix in most of my heavy stock tanks after media to suck up ammonia missed on first filter pass. I’ve seen 50% reduction in nitrates from doing this so if you are not ready for this kind of filtration you’ll likely see 2x the nitrate levels I do in my 30g and might need to stock a little lower. If you fully understand how zeolite works then don’t use it till your tank is very established and mature. If you introduce it too soon or before biomedia you risk a tank crash from over starving the bacteria I’ll add on most my tanks I’m running multiple filters as they are much larger and much heavier stocked. As a result one typically ends up with one filter dedicated to mechanical filtration and one to biological. If you run more then one filter in similar fashion place zeolite in the non bio filter. In my 125g cichlid tank I actually run three and the third filter is nothing but zeo and carbon. This is much less risky then adding it to a single filter tank. Long as it’s a small amount 1cup per 50g and placed after bio media then it shouldn’t be an issue. I’m going round and round here cause I don’t want someone seeing this to run out buy 500g of zeolite fill Thier filter full and a month or two later when it expires lose Thier entire tank to a massive ammonia spike cause Thier filter is uncycled do to over use and removing too much ammonia to fast starving and killing off the bacteria they once had. This can only be done once a very healthy bacteria colony already is present in tank and filter and even then must be done in small amounts placed after all biological filtration media. On average if your filter flows 10x tank per hour it takes 1-1/2 to 2 full passes through the filter to remove all ammonia completely.. this simply removes the left over 1/2-1 on first pass which prevents ammonia spikes (which all tanks have daily for short times) and as a result it reduces nitrates due to there being less ammonia broken down by bacteria. Zeolite can be recharged several times before discarding. Soak in saltwater for 24h and the salt forces the stored ammonia to discharge. After 3-4x the media becomes to dirty to keep using as its lost much of its capacity.
I have a 75 gallon tank that I have 2 tiger oscars in. I bought them about a week ago, after researching them and seeing how actually playful they can be and puppy like I had to get one. I called all my local pet stores but none of them had any in stock and the hurricane florence was halting shipments so I went out tail tucked and sad haha and me and my family went to walmart. I also have a 10 inch pleco that never comes out from under his dock in the tank so I went back to find him some algae and zucchini wafers and BAM there they were, a tank plum full of oscars. Albino tigers, red oscars, and there they were...two beautiful tiger oscars one was a long fin tiger. I put my hand up to the glass and none of them paid a bit of attention to me except for the two plain tigers. I know that 2 tigers may be a bit much for a 75 gallon but I do have a 125 gallon tank on standby if they need to be moved to a bigger tank. I have no idea whether they are males females or a male and a female but all I know is they were so pretty and I couldnt get one and leave the other as they stuck beside of eachother as if they were friends. I havent come up with names for them yet because id like to find out whether they are boys or girls before I name them. Its a long story but I love these two new fish. If you are on the fence about oscars...if you have a 75 gallon or bigger DO IT! Haha they are amazing fish and they already love to come to the front of the tank when i come into my room. An oscar is the perfect size for the person who likes larger fish but doesnt have a 125 or 200 gallon aquarium. The only downfall is they have to be kept almost alone or with other oscars. Plecos and other boney fish will be alright but even if the fish gets the same size as an oscar they have a pretty strong bite so if you house an oscar with other fish just keep an eye out for any biting or angry behavior, its best to introduce tank mates at a small size around 2 inches to help grow a possible bond while the oscars arent real aggressive.
Just recently setup a 30g with 20 tiger barbs just trying to use up some extra stuff I had laying around. Has to be one of my favorite tanks I love how aggressively they feed and how tight the school. Any large number of tigers in any suitable size tank is something I recommend everyone try at least once. I would recommend keeping hardscape very limited even just a little sand and nothing else. They will school from end to end back and forth all day never stoping. One rainbow shark in a 55g is perfect for schooling fish.. they are just enough to keep the school together and tight. I use them in my tetra tanks and it works great.
DWSDARIUS FISH TANKS I’ve heard a lot of people say the same thing. I’ve had several in various setups and really never had an issue. I wouldn’t call them aggressive as much as I would territorial but they normally don’t claim a very large area like say a breeding pair of cichlids would. Generally I can place one small rock cave for them and they will typically only defend a few inches around that rock. I’ve always used the 3rds rule for all my tanks even saltwater. Using lots of hardscape and plants etc on one end.. tapering to completely open free swimming space on the other. Even in my guppy breeding tank I’ve got a rainbow who might pick off a stray fry once in a while but generally only when they leave themselves exposed near him. The only time I ran into an issue is when I had bala and rainbows in the same tank. The rainbow constantly harassed them until I eventually had to remove them cause they were taking heavy scale damage. Both are fish I generally try to keep in every tank as I use intake prefilters and they are great at cleaning all the leftovers that get stuck to them. The only one I’d would even consider being aggressive is the one I have in my 125g juvie growout tank and even then he’s not as aggressive as he holds his own against the cichlids and doesn’t let them punk him. At the same time though I’ve never really kept to norms of what fish to keep with what. I’ve always had good luck throwing in whatever I want in any tank without much issue. I’ve even kept neon tetras with predator haps lol. My local stores have very messed up tank stocking, like keeping loaches with snails and nippy tetra with angles kinda messed up.. so I’m likely lucky that their inability to properly separate fish becomes a blessing to me allowing me to mis match all kinds of things that shouldn’t go but grew up that way before I got them. I’ve only ever had issues with bala and rainbow together, and recently I tried to add two 4” Oscars from quarantine to my juvie growout tank and the other cichlids ate them in less then a day. Pretty odd considering these are same fish that just a few months ago I had in a 60g with tetras and guppies wo issue. Even at 4” they were not even close to the smallest fish in there so I’m at a bit of a loss as to what happened although a lot of those fish have been together for many months so I might be at a point where they will no longer accept outsiders? Really the only problems I’ve ever really had keeping fish is with my adult slider turtle which hunts like an alligator just floating helpless like a log waiting for a fish to get to close. It’s actually how I got started with cichlids as I wanted a fish that would punk my turtle lol..
Wow, that's cool. I've had problems with my rainbow shark chasing my barbs, but perhaps I'll give them another shot seeing that they are beautiful fish and very active. That's very strange what happened to your Oscar...and not 1 but 2...that falls into the unsolved aquarium mystery! Turtles got me into the hobby too, tried to winter them from my pond in a 55g and decided to add 2 jack dempseys and the ball just kept rolling
Thank you good video! I just bought a 55 to accommodate my betta fry. (They had several cycled filters and decor from their 50 gallon tub) since I’m probably selling a good portion when they reach the 3 month mark in a couple weeks and I have over a dozen tanks dedicated solely to bettas I was thinking down the line I wanted to use it for a chiclid since these are really only other fish I have interest in keeping my first choice was discus I had 5 of them, years ago when I had a 75 gallon I had for 6 years unfortunately I sold that tank I now live in a small apt and not a house anymore and though I know I can do discus personally I’m not sure 55 is enough,wish I never sold my 75 but I had to move several times. Second choice was a lemon Oscar but all the research says minimum 75, bigger better so that’s out, I really want a larger chiclid I’m not interested in African chiclids or any of the smaller ones I’d be happy with one decent size fish would not require an upgrade any time soon and can live in a planted aquarium since I prefer some plants , Oscar wasn’t a good choice for that either so you’ve given me some ideas to research I got time,looking into this for maybe next year the betta females will occupy this for now but I do have another 35 I use for my sorority. So this is a down the line plan but when I’m ready I want to know exactly what I’m putting in there and have it set up even with the fry to accommodate the future fish that tank will belong to. I still want to keep bettas but maybe not as many as more tanks mean more work why I want something different so also down the line I can sell some of the 5 gallons maybe keep just the 10s and up for my bettas. Work my way down to maybe 7 tanks instead of 14. Has to be a chiclid one is fine I’m so used to taking care of one fish per tank cept my sororities so I’ll research some you mentioned that I thought were interesting.
I started with a 10 gal tank for a baby red rated slider, then eventually got a 55 gal and now I’m 13 with a 110 gal tank and a split 10 gal beta tank :}
I have a 75G with a Blue Acara that I absolutely love, as well as some barbs(tiger, albino, & gold), four Cory cats, & a few Molly’s though those will prolly be moved once the Acara gets bigger. My question is can I put a Yellow Kribensis or possibly even an Orange Chromide in with my Acara?? My son keeps asking for a beautiful bright yellow/orange fish & all of my searches keep coming back to those without much information including the Acara ect. Look forward to your response & great video!!
Thank you, sounds like a nice active tank. You definitely have space for an addition, I don't know much about the orange chromide but if they are anything like green chromides they may eat plants, but should work well with the acara. The kribensis should in with no problems
Thanks, classic combo: Angle fish, acara cichlids and some sort of tetra Barbs+smaller loachs Rainbow fish+barbs Geophagus+Mollies Convict Pair+Danio African leaf fish+ congo tetra those are combos that I actually had that worked out well
Thanks, its definitely enough space...I do imagine do if the kribs breed they may be a bit aggressive towards the betta; but with plenty of plants, rocks and other décor it should make it so they their territory isn't too big which means minimized aggression
@@dwsdarius thanks. I've had another look at dwarf cichlids and really like the Bolivian ram and contemplating having a pair. I have read and heard that they are hardy and peaceful. What are your thoughts. Thanks
got my 55 gal 4 ft 1 ft wide wanted mbuna cichlid--can do yellow lab? something blue and red thanks in advance maybe 2 kinds 4 each 8 total or 3 types 12 total get from babies ?? thanks in advance your videos are great may try some fun planted tank next
Awesome as usual, I've had different set ups in my 125, I've had a few rope fish, have you ever delt with them? currently I have an African Cichlid set up and unfortunately had to rehome my large buttikoferi cause he was being a jerk and I only have that one aquarium.
@@dwsdarius I had a couple when I had my South American set up, Long nose gar, tiger shovel nose cat, blood parrot, and a a Jack Dempsey I believe it was.
Nice video brother I have a 55 gallon and I have black skirt tetras and glow tetras and I do have a pictus and red fin shark thought about getting me a mystery snail to add to my aquarium if you make can you do a video on mystery snails and snails and general for aquariums keep up the good work
Can I put a firemouth and Kribensis cichlid together in a 75 gallon aquarium with other fish like danios, tetras, barbs, live-bearers abd cory cat fish?
Can you recommend any large fish to put in a 65 gallon? I want something like a flower horn but I don’t think it can go in there. Any suggestions would be amazing! Thanks
A short body flowerhorn could work in a 65g, you just need to be sure you buy if from a reputable seller so that you actually get a short body because they all look the same a juvies...but price my be a little higher. Blood parrots and/or king kong parrots have the same personality potential as flowerhorns and they'd work in a 65g, Haitian cichlids,, severum cichlid, those cichlids are capable of being very friendly (with you, not tank mates)
Hey dude great video! I have a new 55 gallon, was thinking of doing angles and peacock gudgeons, and some catfish for the bottom!? Is that possible! Any thoughts welcome!
Thank you for the info I have Oscar’s and want to make sure they have lots of space. And I personally felt that 55 gallons is not enough space! So I will be getting a 125 or bigger tank for my Oscar’s
Just from my experience, you said a single dojo loach to add with the orianda, they just hide most of the time, but the more you have the more active they are. It's worth getting at least 5, and they'll only take up space at night when others are more asleep.
What can be paired with a male betta and lots of plants and hiding spots? Should I add some if he is not very aggressive? Should I add any other fish at all?
Can i keep 1 geophagus tapajos with 2 blue acaras and 3 or so Synodontis petricola in a 125x40x40 (53 gallon) aquarium? Ps. I have some goeramis, so can i keep them also in that ?
@@jamessmallwood5544 You probably could fit 4-5, but they'll most likely end up paring up and if the pair its best you just keep the pair because they well become aggressive towards the others
DWSDarius, what do you think about a 55 gallon tank with a breeding pair of Kribensis cichlids (pelvicichromis pulcher) and a breeding pair or two of apistogrammas and some tetras? Would that work?
It could work as long as you create visual barriers, basically add plants and other décor to make it so that if they breed they can have their own section of the tank without seeing each other (theres a better term that describes that).
I was thinking about a heavily planted 55 gallon tank with a breeding pair of Kribensis, a breeding pair of apisto cacatuoides, a breeding pair of apisto borelli, 6 CPDs, 6 Buenos Aires tetras, and 6 black emperor tetras. Maybe also 6 clown killis or pygmy sunfish and a breeding pair of apisto trifaciatas if they would fit. What do you think?
Any tetra over 1.5", different ram cichlids, apistos, acara cichlid, angel fish could work if its well planted (angel fish are higher swimming fish like the gouamis which is why plants are essential) danio, yoyo loaches...if the tank is planted and scaped as you said you can consider the golden gourami peaceful...its empty tanks the encourage more territorial aggression
Sadly, I do have an empty 55 since my Oscar jumped out of it and my dog ate him today while I was at work. I was saving up to upgrade him to a 90g next month so now I'm stuck looking at a stupid empty tank. Thanks for stocking ideas.
Benjamin P. Make a community tank
Keep it cycling so you'll have good bacteria when you start the new one.
Get a lid
Rip to your Oscar
I am so sorry for you!
I have an idea for a drinking game.
Do a shot everytime he says '55'.
You'll forget where you live by halfway through the video.
Bifkeki challenge accepted
Or cichlid
COD: Alcohol intoxication
He said it 72 times
oh shit I can barely remeber my name
right on. I have lists for smaller tanks but you are getting to the real heart of the hobby at this size.
I’ve watched this video so many times I just can’t decide what to do with my 55 so many options!
peacock gudgeons are peaceful since they're small, but theyll eat anything that fits in their mouth, shrimp, and endler/guppy fry included. I love your idea of pumpkin seed fish, I had some (3) blue gills in a 200 gallon and they seem to take up any space you give them, but also build circle sand nests and decorate the edges with shells and stones
Thanks dude, yes I've seen the sunfish create those nest in the wild, it'll be cool to see mine do It!
Two years late after setting up my 55. Loved this.
Wow. That was the greatest treatment I've seen or read on that topic.
I’ve had my 75 gallon running for about a year and a half, I’ve got 2 nice hand sized bluegills, 3 crappies, a couple of smaller 4 inch bluegills, 4 bullhead catfish approaching 6 inches, and of course a chunky pleco that never misses a meal.
Thanks darius, I like the content you bring, you mentioned alot of fish that these other fish keepers never talk about. Great job, good selections, I learned about new species today thanks.
Thanks for watching!
Thank you so much for all the different options of fish to keep together. I found this very helpful.
Thank You!
I started with a 5gal. then 10gal. then 20gal. then long 20gal. then 55gal. Now 500gal... 😂🤦♂️ Don’t silver dollar get big?
Wow, similar story here! There are different species of silver dollars ranging in size, these spotted silver dollars only get about 5 inches, while the wide bar silver dollars can hit 12 inches
I started with 10 gallons then upgraded to 30 gallon. Now I'm saving for a 75 gallon.
HAh i started with a 2 gallon that i currently only use to keep baby fry. Then upgraded to a 16 gallon that i have 1 betta and some shrimp. Then to a 50 gallon that i have no idea what to keep in even though i have the tank for a year
Lol I'm doing the same right now
Jose Lopez same except I’m getting a 100 gallon tank for free and it’s legit
I truly liked watching and listening to your videos. You make the fish hobby very interesting. I look forward in watching your videos every chance I get.
Thank you, that's awesome to know!
Title itself is worth a thumbs up
Thank You!
Dude... you are the man
Just watched your 55 gallon tank fish video. Very interesting selections. Gave me good ideas for my 55 gallon tank. Thanks!
Great list of 55 for a 55 kept most of them that you mentioned, really like the bonus fish the Bartoni would like to find one some day! When I was a kid a 55 seemed like such a huge tank, awesome video as always!
Thank you, yeah the Bartoni is awesome, but tough to keep...I'm left with 1 of 4 from aggression
This is a very under-rated video!
I love my 55 Gallon Hillstreams and white cloud minnows. Great list.
Thanks, yes I would love to move my hillstream tank up to a 55g
Bro you the reason why I made a RUclips channel keep up the good work
Thank You!
Thank you ❤️👌🏿 very nice video and very useful keep up the great work 🔥
Thank you. I enjoyed your video. Very informative.
Great video! i was so pumped when i saw the video and then i saw my post! that was awesome!
Thanks for the suggestion!
Thanks for the tips. Definitely gave me some ideas 💡 for my 46 gallon planted. Awesome video
Thanks for watching!
Great job! Thank you!
As usual this is very thorough video and informative, thank you. I like how you paired fish along with numbers rather than 2.goldfish 3. Tetra.
Thank you, yes tried to think of realistic scenarios
Great editing and awesome variety of fish mentioned!!
Thank You!
Awesome video D.... I’ll be stocking my spare 55 now🤗
Thank You...that's awesome!
Thank you! So helpful as I have a 55 gallon. My rope fish is the largest one in tank!
Thank you, ropefish are cool but I hate how they love to jump!
Colleen Robinson hi I’ve just recently started with fish wondering what size tank you should get at the smallest and any odd cool fish species you know
Great ideas for stocking!
Thank You!
Just wanted to say thanks for the video it's great, have a great day
Thank you for watching!
as of right now i have 4 tiny koi in a 75g who are waiting for spring so they can be moved to the pond (: i've been having trouble thinking of a new tank stocking for once they move out and this really helped. nice video!
Thank you!
Koi can be thrown into a pond whenever Koi are very good at surviving any weather
Thank you for this Awesome video! Very informative with the best photos.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Awesome video, great editing. Thanks :)
Thank you!
very cool, lots of ideas ty
Thank you!
Great video A good rule of thumb for 55 gallon stocking is to get fish 6 inches or less
I enjoy the stocking ideas for tanks.
Thank You
Great video, so many ideas and to the point! :D
Great video I kinda want to do something like this now since I have a 60 and 55!
Thanks, the options seem limitless
Dang this was an awesome video! I have a 75 gallon that I need stocking ideas with and a 55 but I'm thinking I'm gonna go with Geophagus tapahos on the 55
I'd love to create a 55 tank with nothing but 25 tiger barbs, or any barbs really, they're all awesome. Awesome video as always. 🔥👊🏽🐠
Thanks, yeah I imagine that they'll be more interactive with such big numbers
OG Awesomoby I just did this with a left over 30g I had and old hob filter. 20 tiger barbs. Such an underrated fish. They school very tight and spend all day swimming end to end never stopping. Keep the decorations very limited as they do like to hide. I left mine with 1/2” sand and nothing else in the tank. Most underrated setup in the fish world imop and wish I had done it much sooner. In a 55g I would personally do 30-40 tiger barbs with a couple clown loaches. For some reason they will school together so no need for 6 it more loaches and a bigger tank for them. Eventually the loaches will get large but they grow very slow so long as you have somewhere to put them in a few years you’ll be fine.
They feed like piranha so there is never food waste rotting away and with 20 barbs and 3 clown loaches in a 30g I only run 15ppm weekly nitrates feeding frozen brine shrimp once a day 2 cubes a day.
All that with an old school 10yo emperor 400 I pulled out the closet lol. I’m running factory filter pads though as I like how they prevent bypass in this particular filter and they are only like $6 for a 4 pk on amazon. I then run a bag of seachem matrix in one chamber and in the other I run a bag with 1 cup or zeolite and 1 cup black diamond carbon. Mixed in the same bag. I do this to reduce nutrients with the carbon as well as remove some of the ammonia with the zeolite before it’s consumed by the bacteria. I then alternate biowheel chambers monthly as for which side gets the zeolite as to not over starve one side. Less of an issue as the wheels mostly get unfiltered water from the 2 stage pump but extra caution I still take to not over power either side. I’ve actually started using zeolite carbon mix in most of my heavy stock tanks after media to suck up ammonia missed on first filter pass. I’ve seen 50% reduction in nitrates from doing this so if you are not ready for this kind of filtration you’ll likely see 2x the nitrate levels I do in my 30g and might need to stock a little lower. If you fully understand how zeolite works then don’t use it till your tank is very established and mature. If you introduce it too soon or before biomedia you risk a tank crash from over starving the bacteria
I’ll add on most my tanks I’m running multiple filters as they are much larger and much heavier stocked. As a result one typically ends up with one filter dedicated to mechanical filtration and one to biological. If you run more then one filter in similar fashion place zeolite in the non bio filter. In my 125g cichlid tank I actually run three and the third filter is nothing but zeo and carbon. This is much less risky then adding it to a single filter tank. Long as it’s a small amount 1cup per 50g and placed after bio media then it shouldn’t be an issue. I’m going round and round here cause I don’t want someone seeing this to run out buy 500g of zeolite fill Thier filter full and a month or two later when it expires lose Thier entire tank to a massive ammonia spike cause Thier filter is uncycled do to over use and removing too much ammonia to fast starving and killing off the bacteria they once had. This can only be done once a very healthy bacteria colony already is present in tank and filter and even then must be done in small amounts placed after all biological filtration media. On average if your filter flows 10x tank per hour it takes 1-1/2 to 2 full passes through the filter to remove all ammonia completely.. this simply removes the left over 1/2-1 on first pass which prevents ammonia spikes (which all tanks have daily for short times) and as a result it reduces nitrates due to there being less ammonia broken down by bacteria.
Zeolite can be recharged several times before discarding. Soak in saltwater for 24h and the salt forces the stored ammonia to discharge. After 3-4x the media becomes to dirty to keep using as its lost much of its capacity.
Mix barbs and tiger loaches boom
Great vid man that helped me heeps u should do more vids like this
Thank you, its a viewer request so any idea's let me know
Very interesting. Great info, Great job!!
I have a 75 gallon tank that I have 2 tiger oscars in. I bought them about a week ago, after researching them and seeing how actually playful they can be and puppy like I had to get one. I called all my local pet stores but none of them had any in stock and the hurricane florence was halting shipments so I went out tail tucked and sad haha and me and my family went to walmart. I also have a 10 inch pleco that never comes out from under his dock in the tank so I went back to find him some algae and zucchini wafers and BAM there they were, a tank plum full of oscars. Albino tigers, red oscars, and there they were...two beautiful tiger oscars one was a long fin tiger. I put my hand up to the glass and none of them paid a bit of attention to me except for the two plain tigers. I know that 2 tigers may be a bit much for a 75 gallon but I do have a 125 gallon tank on standby if they need to be moved to a bigger tank. I have no idea whether they are males females or a male and a female but all I know is they were so pretty and I couldnt get one and leave the other as they stuck beside of eachother as if they were friends. I havent come up with names for them yet because id like to find out whether they are boys or girls before I name them. Its a long story but I love these two new fish. If you are on the fence about oscars...if you have a 75 gallon or bigger DO IT! Haha they are amazing fish and they already love to come to the front of the tank when i come into my room. An oscar is the perfect size for the person who likes larger fish but doesnt have a 125 or 200 gallon aquarium. The only downfall is they have to be kept almost alone or with other oscars. Plecos and other boney fish will be alright but even if the fish gets the same size as an oscar they have a pretty strong bite so if you house an oscar with other fish just keep an eye out for any biting or angry behavior, its best to introduce tank mates at a small size around 2 inches to help grow a possible bond while the oscars arent real aggressive.
OMG!! I love your Labrador😍 And you got the "english" type😍 What a beauty!
Great ideas!
Thank you
Your dog is so cute ! Thanks for the video, got some good ideas. :^)
Thank you! 😊
Just recently setup a 30g with 20 tiger barbs just trying to use up some extra stuff I had laying around. Has to be one of my favorite tanks I love how aggressively they feed and how tight the school. Any large number of tigers in any suitable size tank is something I recommend everyone try at least once. I would recommend keeping hardscape very limited even just a little sand and nothing else. They will school from end to end back and forth all day never stoping.
One rainbow shark in a 55g is perfect for schooling fish.. they are just enough to keep the school together and tight. I use them in my tetra tanks and it works great.
Thank you, yes I love the energy of tiger barbs. I've had no luck with rainbow sharks, the ones I get are always very aggressive
DWSDARIUS FISH TANKS I’ve heard a lot of people say the same thing. I’ve had several in various setups and really never had an issue. I wouldn’t call them aggressive as much as I would territorial but they normally don’t claim a very large area like say a breeding pair of cichlids would. Generally I can place one small rock cave for them and they will typically only defend a few inches around that rock. I’ve always used the 3rds rule for all my tanks even saltwater. Using lots of hardscape and plants etc on one end.. tapering to completely open free swimming space on the other. Even in my guppy breeding tank I’ve got a rainbow who might pick off a stray fry once in a while but generally only when they leave themselves exposed near him. The only time I ran into an issue is when I had bala and rainbows in the same tank. The rainbow constantly harassed them until I eventually had to remove them cause they were taking heavy scale damage. Both are fish I generally try to keep in every tank as I use intake prefilters and they are great at cleaning all the leftovers that get stuck to them. The only one I’d would even consider being aggressive is the one I have in my 125g juvie growout tank and even then he’s not as aggressive as he holds his own against the cichlids and doesn’t let them punk him. At the same time though I’ve never really kept to norms of what fish to keep with what. I’ve always had good luck throwing in whatever I want in any tank without much issue. I’ve even kept neon tetras with predator haps lol. My local stores have very messed up tank stocking, like keeping loaches with snails and nippy tetra with angles kinda messed up.. so I’m likely lucky that their inability to properly separate fish becomes a blessing to me allowing me to mis match all kinds of things that shouldn’t go but grew up that way before I got them. I’ve only ever had issues with bala and rainbow together, and recently I tried to add two 4” Oscars from quarantine to my juvie growout tank and the other cichlids ate them in less then a day. Pretty odd considering these are same fish that just a few months ago I had in a 60g with tetras and guppies wo issue. Even at 4” they were not even close to the smallest fish in there so I’m at a bit of a loss as to what happened although a lot of those fish have been together for many months so I might be at a point where they will no longer accept outsiders? Really the only problems I’ve ever really had keeping fish is with my adult slider turtle which hunts like an alligator just floating helpless like a log waiting for a fish to get to close. It’s actually how I got started with cichlids as I wanted a fish that would punk my turtle lol..
Wow, that's cool. I've had problems with my rainbow shark chasing my barbs, but perhaps I'll give them another shot seeing that they are beautiful fish and very active. That's very strange what happened to your Oscar...and not 1 but 2...that falls into the unsolved aquarium mystery! Turtles got me into the hobby too, tried to winter them from my pond in a 55g and decided to add 2 jack dempseys and the ball just kept rolling
You are AWESOME! Thank you.
Very useful and informative video 👏
Thank you good video! I just bought a 55 to accommodate my betta fry. (They had several cycled filters and decor from their 50 gallon tub) since I’m probably selling a good portion when they reach the 3 month mark in a couple weeks and I have over a dozen tanks dedicated solely to bettas I was thinking down the line I wanted to use it for a chiclid since these are really only other fish I have interest in keeping my first choice was discus I had 5 of them, years ago when I had a 75 gallon I had for 6 years unfortunately I sold that tank I now live in a small apt and not a house anymore and though I know I can do discus personally I’m not sure 55 is enough,wish I never sold my 75 but I had to move several times. Second choice was a lemon Oscar but all the research says minimum 75, bigger better so that’s out, I really want a larger chiclid I’m not interested in African chiclids or any of the smaller ones I’d be happy with one decent size fish would not require an upgrade any time soon and can live in a planted aquarium since I prefer some plants , Oscar wasn’t a good choice for that either so you’ve given me some ideas to research I got time,looking into this for maybe next year the betta females will occupy this for now but I do have another 35 I use for my sorority. So this is a down the line plan but when I’m ready I want to know exactly what I’m putting in there and have it set up even with the fry to accommodate the future fish that tank will belong to. I still want to keep bettas but maybe not as many as more tanks mean more work why I want something different so also down the line I can sell some of the 5 gallons maybe keep just the 10s and up for my bettas. Work my way down to maybe 7 tanks instead of 14. Has to be a chiclid one is fine I’m so used to taking care of one fish per tank cept my sororities so I’ll research some you mentioned that I thought were interesting.
I have a 55 gallon with a flowerhorn pair that breed and they been chillin in it for 2 years now never had a problem 😀
wow,two flowerhorns in a 55 are they doing now?
Super good video, informative and inspiring, I subscribe !
Thank You!
Shout out for mentioning the Geophagus S. Very nice fish.
One of the best Geo's I've kept!
Great job!! Thank you so much ;)
Thank You!
I started with a 10 gal tank for a baby red rated slider, then eventually got a 55 gal and now I’m 13 with a 110 gal tank and a split 10 gal beta tank :}
Awesome!!! I didn't get my first tank until I was 14...your off to a great start
Great video. Very informative.
Thank You!
I have a 75G with a Blue Acara that I absolutely love, as well as some barbs(tiger, albino, & gold), four Cory cats, & a few Molly’s though those will prolly be moved once the Acara gets bigger.
My question is can I put a Yellow Kribensis or possibly even an Orange Chromide in with my Acara?? My son keeps asking for a beautiful bright yellow/orange fish & all of my searches keep coming back to those without much information including the Acara ect. Look forward to your response & great video!!
Thank you, sounds like a nice active tank. You definitely have space for an addition, I don't know much about the orange chromide but if they are anything like green chromides they may eat plants, but should work well with the acara. The kribensis should in with no problems
Awesome vid. Thanks.
Love your channel dude
I have some platys and a few yoyo loaches, could I get a bigger fish as a centerpiece? If so what would you pick?
Perhaps a medium sized gourami like the pearl or snakeskin?
Good video man, some nice fish. Some cichlids i am guna look up see if they can go in mine 😁👍✌️️
Never seen a Salvini that thing looks dope
Beautiful fish but one of the most aggressive
Great video. Thanks
Thank you!
Great options
I am thinking about geting cichlids probably 6 to start with
Great video thank you!
Thank you!
Dog just chilling and looking out the window.
I’m pretty new on the hobby, so this really helps! I have had a 5 gallon, 10 gallon, and 20 gallon now. I’m looking for a good 55 gallon, so thanks!
Can I have 6 cichlids, 4 angel fish, 1 redtail shark... and 6 neon tetra in a 55 gallon?
It would be kool to have a 55 gallon community aquarium
Nice video man!
Thank You!
I like the odd balls like rope fish probably my favorite all time fish
Any ideas for some good combos in a 55 gal? Great video btw
Thanks, classic combo: Angle fish, acara cichlids and some sort of tetra
Barbs+smaller loachs
Rainbow fish+barbs
Convict Pair+Danio
African leaf fish+ congo tetra
those are combos that I actually had that worked out well
Your doggo looks like a bear. Much cute.
Dws great informative video. I have a community tank with a male betta. Can i add a kribensis pair in a 55g tank?
Thanks, its definitely enough space...I do imagine do if the kribs breed they may be a bit aggressive towards the betta; but with plenty of plants, rocks and other décor it should make it so they their territory isn't too big which means minimized aggression
@@dwsdarius thanks. I've had another look at dwarf cichlids and really like the Bolivian ram and contemplating having a pair. I have read and heard that they are hardy and peaceful. What are your thoughts. Thanks
Nice ideas. Can you do a video like this for a 46 gallon bowfront aquarium?
I think the stock options are pretty much the same as this considering how close they are in size
got my 55 gal 4 ft 1 ft wide wanted mbuna cichlid--can do yellow lab? something blue and red thanks in advance maybe 2 kinds 4 each 8 total or 3 types 12 total get from babies ?? thanks in advance your videos are great may try some fun planted tank next
I have a 75 that is empty cause I didn't know what to stock it with so this video really helped me a lot
But you left out.....
Flagtail Porthole catfish lovers and Jurupari lovers thank you!! Nice selection.
Lol, thanks!
Awesome as usual, I've had different set ups in my 125, I've had a few rope fish, have you ever delt with them? currently I have an African Cichlid set up and unfortunately had to rehome my large buttikoferi cause he was being a jerk and I only have that one aquarium.
Thank you, no experience with rope fish...I heard they are escape artist!
@@dwsdarius I had a couple when I had my South American set up, Long nose gar, tiger shovel nose cat, blood parrot, and a a Jack Dempsey I believe it was.
Nice video brother I have a 55 gallon and I have black skirt tetras and glow tetras and I do have a pictus and red fin shark thought about getting me a mystery snail to add to my aquarium if you make can you do a video on mystery snails and snails and general for aquariums keep up the good work
Thank you, I'll have to get me some mystery fish always eat them!
Great informative video
Thank You!
you deserve more views
Can I put a firemouth and Kribensis cichlid together in a 75 gallon aquarium with other fish like danios, tetras, barbs, live-bearers abd cory cat fish?
Yes the firemouth shouldn't see the kribensis as a threat considering the size difference
DWSDARIUS FISH TANKS thanks for your input
Can you recommend any large fish to put in a 65 gallon? I want something like a flower horn but I don’t think it can go in there. Any suggestions would be amazing! Thanks
A short body flowerhorn could work in a 65g, you just need to be sure you buy if from a reputable seller so that you actually get a short body because they all look the same a juvies...but price my be a little higher. Blood parrots and/or king kong parrots have the same personality potential as flowerhorns and they'd work in a 65g, Haitian cichlids,, severum cichlid, those cichlids are capable of being very friendly (with you, not tank mates)
Thx for all the info
Hey dude great video! I have a new 55 gallon, was thinking of doing angles and peacock gudgeons, and some catfish for the bottom!? Is that possible! Any thoughts welcome!
Thank you for the info I have Oscar’s and want to make sure they have lots of space. And I personally felt that 55 gallons is not enough space! So I will be getting a 125 or bigger tank for my Oscar’s
Just from my experience, you said a single dojo loach to add with the orianda, they just hide most of the time, but the more you have the more active they are. It's worth getting at least 5, and they'll only take up space at night when others are more asleep.
What can be paired with a male betta and lots of plants and hiding spots? Should I add some if he is not very aggressive? Should I add any other fish at all?
Can i keep 1 geophagus tapajos with 2 blue acaras and 3 or so Synodontis petricola in a 125x40x40 (53 gallon) aquarium?
Ps. I have some goeramis, so can i keep them also in that ?
Or 2 geophagus tapajos
Yes you could fit them in a tank that size, if you get 2 geophagus its best they be a mated pair otherwise they'll fight
@@dwsdarius but dont the geophagus get 30 cm
Can I put electric blue acaras, Congo tetras, rose lines, and severums in a 65 gallon or do you recommend anything else
Yes all of those fish will go together fine in a 65g, but maybe just 1 severum because males can get pretty big
Thanks bro, so how many blue acaras do you recommend and keep up the great work.
@@jamessmallwood5544 You probably could fit 4-5, but they'll most likely end up paring up and if the pair its best you just keep the pair because they well become aggressive towards the others
Drink every time he says “55 gallon aquarium”
Great video
Thank you
DWSDarius, what do you think about a 55 gallon tank with a breeding pair of Kribensis cichlids (pelvicichromis pulcher) and a breeding pair or two of apistogrammas and some tetras? Would that work?
It could work as long as you create visual barriers, basically add plants and other décor to make it so that if they breed they can have their own section of the tank without seeing each other (theres a better term that describes that).
@@dwsdarius if I did it, I would heavily plant an underwater jungle before adding fish.
I was thinking about a heavily planted 55 gallon tank with a breeding pair of Kribensis, a breeding pair of apisto cacatuoides, a breeding pair of apisto borelli, 6 CPDs, 6 Buenos Aires tetras, and 6 black emperor tetras. Maybe also 6 clown killis or pygmy sunfish and a breeding pair of apisto trifaciatas if they would fit. What do you think?
You put a lot of thought into this video. I enjoyed watching it. Thanks for sharing. Cheers.
Thank You!
Could I stock one jack dempsey in a 55?
Yes a single jack Dempsey could work
DWSDARIUS FISH TANKS Awesome, thank you very much for the quick answer!
Do you have a recommendation for tank mates with golden guaramis if well planted / scaped?
Any tetra over 1.5", different ram cichlids, apistos, acara cichlid, angel fish could work if its well planted (angel fish are higher swimming fish like the gouamis which is why plants are essential) danio, yoyo loaches...if the tank is planted and scaped as you said you can consider the golden gourami peaceful...its empty tanks the encourage more territorial aggression
@@dwsdarius Thank you. I like the cichlid options!
A nice school of Giant Danios would look great in a planted 55.
Yes they would!