I’m an “unhealthy” 9 :( I didn’t realize this was a religious video when I clicked on it... funny how God keeps trying to tell me to turn to him during this time of my life. Thanks for this series of videos.
In my weaknes I witness His strength. I'm a 9w1 and I struggle daily with complacency and laziness. Be assertive with your desire to tell God you trust him. He loves you and wants to live in your heart.
I'm a 9 who joined the Marines to learn how to be more direct. I'm now in the Air Force, and I've learned a few things. First, if you're a nine, being surrounded by 3's and 8's is the best thing you can do. You will be forced to find your voice, and you will learn to deal with conflict. Second, moving toward the positive side of the 3 is the best thing you can do to maximize your own abilities. I'm a chaplain who has been forced to find my voice in preaching, counseling, and in leading. Finally, build healthy stressors into your life. Set a goal and be OK with the discomfort of it. That's where growth happens, and it's where you find real peace.
9s are great listeners but are not heard themselves. So many times people either talk over them or don't care for their perspective at all. Although we often don't realise it we do need someone to see and hear us and you did that with this video. As a 9 I had to deal with a lot of narcissistic people that tried to destroy my life completely, and even people who were fine to others treated me badly because I wouldn't stand up for myself. I've changed a lot the last few years and don't let people take advantage of me. I've taken the test again and I'm a 9w8. It's like having two different personalities depending on who or what you're dealing with.
How do you do it? I’m at the start of just realising my type and how it drives my thoughts and reactions and choices. I’m starting to realise the problem is me not sharing my real thoughts and feel very very unheard of. Especially when surrounded by some narcissistic family members. I find it hard to voice up, I find myself still very very afraid of conflict. I find myself very accepting of their perspective that I bury mine....but I’m hurting inside for not being able to live as my true self. Now I know what needs to be done, but I still feel very much afraid and stuck...
I am a very unhealthy 9 indeed. When he said we are powerful at doing nothing. So true!!! I've been doing nothing for the past 7 or 8 years. Just been coasting through life thinking I'm a great person cause I don't do anything bad. But I also don't do anything good either. A real eye opener. & it explains exactly why I act the way I do. I feel like I am somewhat a 5 as well. Cause I love to observe everything from afar. But I don't act on any of the information I take in. I just sit there like a elephant looking at everyone else life being lived while in my head I'm thinking I'm already good & no need for me to move forward anymore. Man there is so many things I need to work on. I know God has called me to be more than stationary in 1 spot for the rest of my life. But I ain't gone lie, taking that 1st step man. It's not easy. Is it wrong to ask for help?
Hi friend! It's not wrong to ask for help at all. We'd love to connect with you and help you in this journey. Can you send us an email at social@sandalschurch.com?
I’m a 9 and this was so emocional for me and very helpful, was hard for me not to cry because you just triggered so many memories in my head and most are very hurtful things that I never share because is just so hard for me to do it and I don’t want to be a burden to my family and friends. Even writing this feels so awkward to me 😐 thank you once more, God bless you 💛
Oh my goodness where has this enneagram stuff been all my life!? This describes me perfectly! Oh wow.. and the way it describes Abraham too! I so needed to hear this, especially today. I’m currently a very unhealthy 9, but I definitely want to start trying to get to a healthy place. Thank you for uploading this!
When I heard this I was like "I'm not lazy" but then he continued to explain it more... I was like " Oh, wow! I guess when you say it like that I am..... Ugh. God help us !
I'm definitely an INFP enneagram 9 with wing 1 self preservation instinctual type. This video really help me reflect on why i have been so afraid, unmotivated, and hidden for so long besides severe childhood trauma and bullying. I don't have to be afraid to expressioning my views and followung my true values. I csn develop the courage to vote more often, research news articles, stand up when needed, and pursure job and xareer godls what match my intellectual abilities, aptitude, academic achievement and passions. I can take far better care of myself in so many fifferent ways to honor what God gave me. I definitely need to read my Bible more often and daily for 30-60 minutes per day minimum and start to meditate on scripture letting God lead me fully. I can no longer have self pity or slumber. I'm ready to heal and thrive.
I've never understood myself more than when I watched this video! It confronted me but im TOTALLY OK with it as it turns into an opportunity for the Lord to work on me.
Wow as a 9, I never really looked at my indecision as a sin. I like how you compared it to the 2 talents buried. Thank you for understanding that we need to be heard.
Grateful that I found this preaching and get to learn about personalities in the light of God's truth. May we all the Nines keep growing and become better and better. Thank you Pastor!
I encourage you to research the origins of the Enneagram. Even if these teachings seem helpful and good, they are rooted in mysticism. The Bible warns us that even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).
Wow this is so great. Definitely convicted me when you were talking about Abraham and Lot and made me understand why I back down from sharing my faith with people so often: to avoid any possible conflict in the moment. But ultimately it's worse for everyone in the long run because I become less confident about talking to people about God and they miss out on hearing about him and hearing what I've learned. Now that I see this, I can take steps towards redeeming that quality, by the grace of God.
WOW Pastor Matt ... every time you share about the Enneagram (especially the #2 and the #9, i'm 99% on both personality traits) I learn so much about myself!! Thank you!!
Wow. I’m a 9 and this really spoke to me!!! Especially when you said their sin is laziness. I couldn’t help but laugh a little because i know I’m guilty and you were so spot on! Right down to when you mentioned they will clean their rooms and do other things when they know what they should really be doing. That is SO me. 🙈 Thanks for this awesome video, I will definitely be revisiting it! 😊
I wouldn't type out as a 9 at all in this bogus system, but am lazy as all get out. The "core sins" of the Enneagram do not have any basis. "We are also told that for a Five to reach his potential he must go against the grain and strive to be like an Eight, whose main vice is lust. The scientific studies supporting this claim seem to have been lost, however." skepdic.com/enneagr.html "I will use myself as an example, I am mostly a 5 on the Enneagram, but I consistently have a lot of characteristics of a 1. From time to time, I also score fairly high on various other types, but that is pretty inconsistent. In fact, one test I took said I was a 7. Probably the best way to describe me on the Enneagram is a 5 with a 1 wing (which isn't even theoretically possible on the Enneagram), with regular 9, 6, and 3 tendencies, occasional 2 and 8 tendencies, and only rare 4 and 7 tendencies. Moreover, according to the Enneagram, my sin as a 5 is avarice (hoarding); however, of all the sins listed for the 9 types, this is probably the one I struggle the least! Ironically, the sin I probably struggle with most is associated with 7s (although the sins of 1s and 2s are about equal), which is the direction I am supposed to move when I am "healthy."" www.jaymedenwaldt.com/2019/01/the-enneagram-science-and-christianity_17.html The Enneagram has no more use than a Magic 8 ball.
Aw man he was talking about procrastinating and putting off what you know you should be doing and I am literally listening to this instead of writing a paper
LOL 😂. I’ve been called out! This video has my names on it!! Enlightenment! My spouse is a type 1. I thought he made me this way. This is a life saver.
Sometimes, I did not care where we go to eat, like yesterday. It is more important to us Nines that someone cared enough to ask us where we want to go eat, so that we know that we really matter to them. It is nice that my friend was so kind towards my dietary restrictions (Gluten-Free). It turned out to be a very harmonious beautiful experience. If I feel safe, and accepted I did speak up. Yes, it is true we do erupt like a volcano after a while if people keep hurting us. It used to take me 3 months to get in touch with my anger. I don't keep the peace at all costs (at my expense) anymore. It is no longer worth it to me anymore because it does not bring me real peace. When it comes to conflicts, there will be a solution, resolution and dissolution (I learned those 3 words from a Three) because I don't like to dwell on negativity or chaos. Not everything is black or white in life. Some things in life is actually gray. I don't choose sides of some situations because it really does not matter beyond it is a matter of preferences of individuals. I respect people's individuality as long as they respect my boundaries with their preferences. It's true, some Nines would lie to you to avoid conflicts. I have a 1 wing, so that makes me a little more honest and feel stronger about my values than a 9 with an 8 wing. I think you are good at presenting the Enneagram in a behavioral sort of way and in a way that it fits the needs of your church community. You did an excellent job. I know in your faith tradition, things are more black and white, so I know Nines will have to accept it or leave because trying to go alone with the flow only slowly kills Nines on the inside and lose their identity even more. I choose both sides if I see validity in both sides, like with abortion. I don't believe in it, but I do believe in women's right to a point but I cannot agree to late term abortion or using abortion as a birth control method and then throw it in my face. That irritates me and causes me to lose my ability to be a supportive and understanding person... when the ONE wing takes over that is trouble! If you want to get Nines to take more actions and be more in touch with their values, it helps to get Nines to stop fearing the anger of their wing types 8 or 1 and embrace it. I had to learn to embrace my ONE wing before I truly found my voice and allow anger to be my friend that helps me and no longer fear it as my enemy. Anger is my friend who helps me to find my voice and my true feelings about situations.
Forgive my last comment. It was self-serving please pray for me. I have Christian Counselor. Maybe being a Peacemaker is the way God will settle my soul Though 60 and unsettled, maybe one day I’ll have moments of peace which I don’t now have. I grew up in a family of extensive abuse. I do enjoy the sermons from Sandals Church.
I like the way he skipped over how Lot tried to broker peace with the city's men. Lol I dont blame you. Still, I LOVE this series and reccomend it to everyone. I like how he emphasizes the positives of each enneagram type yet doesn't shy away from the weaknesses. Edit: I'm a 5 so it's ok that I'm a jerk. Lol
Wow , I want to thank you so much . Things just suddenly became crystal clear to me . I am only recently becoming pretty certain I’m a 9. Your message here just made me know for sure that I am a 9 lol but not only that , I now know the path to health and healing . I see two sides like you mentioned to and I have this passion in me to advocate for this peace and resolution between the two sides . Often when I share my views on Facebook I get the sound of crickets as a response 😆. I can get insecure about that to and I’m deeply hurt if someone misinterpreted or misunderstood me . I love to write as well so I’ve thought that I’m not certain Facebook is a good platform due to people misunderstanding or misinterpreting things but I’m not sure , maybe it is a good platform if used right . Another thing I do is speak to people privately in PM if I disagree with a view of theirs that I find harmful ( but only if I know it’s ok to do that lol) . I speak respectfully to them and expect that in return in order to continue the conversation. I do it privately because I realize it’s hurtful / embarrassing even to be called out in public and I realize most people are not bad people but simply unaware ( as I to can be at times) . I also talk privately because I struggle with the fear of people fighting over a topic under my post especially if someone were to start being mean to a family member or good friend of mine . I really have been thinking about publishing a book or books on all the things I feel I’m seeing but just like you said , it’s hard to follow through . I’m slow , have low energy ( due to going through a tumultuous life experience) and feel like I’m waiting for the right time lol . Plus I really want to make sure I know what I’m talking about before I share it with the public which in my mind is going to take a lot of research . Anyway , I guess I digressed a bit lol … just wanted to say thank you . I listened to the one you did on type 8’s to and you described the dynamics between my husband and I to a tee and I am in the process of working myself up to telling him all the things on my mind that I haven’t been telling him per my counselors advice.
Oi I officially know what it’s like to feel TOO SEEN. But this was also so encouraging and wow I’m suddenly so thankful God gave me the gift of being a 9. Thank you for this.
Matt this series has helped me see who I am,and make the changes in my life to glorify God more,understand myself better and try and make those changes to be real with myself and others.
Gosh, your speech is really really powerful. Loved it. It really got into me. I'm not religious but I loved the comparisons you made to relate with enneagram 9. Thanks!!!
I’ve read and watched A LOT about Nines and this is by far the closest description of my personality I’ve found! Thanks for pointing out our shortcomings and telling us how to fix them, gonna rewatch that section for sure! P.s. You were wrong, I really don’t care where we go to eat :P
As a 9, I've experienced that if I say my idea in a meeting, the stronger personalities will try to ignore me or don't want hear me. So that makes me not want to say my ideas in that group.
This is interesting. I took both the myer-brigs as an ISFJ and identified as an '9', and I could relate to wanting to avoid conflict but in terms of laziness, I need to be doing something and be productive and check things off in order to be happy. I hate being complacent and I love learning new things (new languages, new instrument), I love self help books, and love improving myself! I do definitely agree that I need to work on avoiding conflicts but laziness drives me nuts when other people are lazy. Productivity and achieving goals is what makes me happy - and God! ☀️ I realized that this is because most people are a blend, and my top 3 ennegram scores are '3,5 and 9', which makes sense. Thank you for covering this topic. God bless you.
Thanks for this Pastor Matt, just took the test for the first time yesterday and found out I’m a 9. Eye opening to read the qualities that I struggle with. Thankful for your perspective on healthy ways to be the best 9 God has called me to be
Not even 10, only 4 and non of them were very righteous. Lot's wife couldn't obey God long enough to even make it out and his daughters slept with him knowing full well that incest was sinful.
Pastor Matt Brown, thank you for this inspired message and for your decision to love God. I'm a newly self discovered 9w1 and my personal journey is expanding and progressing by Gods grace alone. Keep up the good work and I will continue to seek the truth about Gods gifts that He gives each and every one of us. Peace and love to you!
I know this is 2 years old and I just now came across it but I'm a nine and there are so many things here that are bang on: start 50 things and never finish, work on a million other things except what I should be. More thinking....way more thinking than doing. Being able to see all sides and live in the middle comfortably, avoiding conflict to the point where my silence hurts another because I was unwilling to warn or confront. Were im different than these descriptions: in the analogy of the tortoise and the hare...I'm the hare. I run everywhere but rest alot in between. I always think because I'm fast when I'm focused Ive got time so I take time. The slowness is real, but not because I'm slow but because I'm so fast I take far too long to get back into the game after I rest because I assume I can still win. I also have no problem whatever voicing my opinions. I'm a great public speaker and have no qualms arguing my point. But as a peace maker who sees all sides it makes me a contrarian thinker in many ways. Especially in challenging standard accepted theologies, And holding diverse theological opinions in hand.
9/8/2021 I’m going back through this study I’ve been blessed to better understand myself. I’m ready to start a new series You, hey we have an awesome Pastor Matt Brown you’ve been on fire for a long time and thank you for feeding us and taking care of it can’t wait till your book comes out I’ve already pre-ordered it I encourage everybody to support Matt with his book I know it’s going to be Fire 🔥 hurry up and drop the book already. Lol, patiently waiting.
Hi Brian! Good to see you in the comments again. We're so glad you're loving these videos! We're just as excited about the new series. Praying for you today!
Thank you pastor Brown for this study. I have been super blessed. I am a 4 and my husband is a 5. Thank you thank you. May The Lord keep on using you...
lol, when you said that the core sin of laziness is indecision and then listed off my life, I laughed until tears came out. I don't have a career, I dropped out of school because I didn't know what I wanted to do, and I've only been with one person in my entire life because I don't know who to date. It's not from lack of trying either... I've been to school so many times trying to figure it out and I've been on quite a few dates but nothing came of them.
You did an excellent job of presenting the Enneagram from a Christian and Church perspective. I found it helpful and reinforcing what I already know. It feels different to hear a pastor seeing Nines from his perspective based on his experiences, observation and understanding of Nines. Even if a not so healthy NIne is lazy to himself, you can still get some work out of him if he feels like he truly matter to you and will speak his opinions if he does not have to deal with conflicts, disapproval or debates. When a Nine gets in touch with that 8 or 1 wing, you may get a good debate out of them if it is a healthy and kind debate! Famous Presidents Nines: Barack Obama (Michelle Obama is a 1), Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Wilson Reagan, Abraham Lincoln. And my favorites: Walt Disney, Jim Henson, Carl Rogers, Walter Cronkite, Dalai Lama, Whoopi Goldberg, Bing Cosby, etc...
worshiphisbeauty.wordpress.com/2020/05/09/the-theology-of-the-enneagram/ There is no Christian perspective on the Enneagram except to just ignore it, we can not serve two masters.
A 9 that feels positively in tune with their gut will take on the aggressive and confrontational traits of a 3, but from a more neutralized perspective that results in more widespread appeal than a typical 3 is capable of. It's only wise to go with gut feelings when 1 knows their guts are in great shape. When guts are not in ideal shape, compulsive decision making creates collateral damage which will result in a 9 like myself strategically slowing things down.
I encourage you to research the origins of the Enneagram. Even if these teachings seem helpful and good, they are rooted in mysticism. The Bible warns us that even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).
@@radnerb all the arguments against enneagram that I've heard didn't make any sense. The Bible says to judge all spirits by their fruit. Enneagram has been an incredible tool to love and serve others so I would say the fruit is good
God teaches us through the Bible, which is the only tool we need. Proverbs 30:6 warns us, "Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar." The enneagram is strongly associated with New Age philosophy and has occultic origins. The man credited with introducing the enneagram to the West is George Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff was a mystic, philosopher, and spiritual teacher immersed in occultic practices such as astrology, mental telepathy, spiritism, fortune telling, and posession. One of his followers Oscar Ichazo, along with Claudio Naranjo (a psychiatrist) began relating the enneagram with personality types in the 1960s. In a 2010 interview, Caudio Naranjo admitted that he lied about the origins of the enneagram because he wanted his idea to become famous and widely accepted. Naranjo admitted the enneagram is not an ancient tool of Babylonian origin. He confessed he arrived at the nine personality types through "automatic writing," which is the process of producing written words while in a trance state. The words arose from a supernatural source. The bible warns us not to channel spirits (Leviticus 19:31). The enneagram is a demonic New Age teaching that is infiltrating the church. Please do your research, and remember the devil is the master of deception. Don't be led astray. 🙏🏼 The interview link: ruclips.net/video/wlO3KJWnNd8/видео.html
We often joked about me being lazy/relaxed/calm... but now that i have a disabled child, i can see that my lazy/calm nature is great for this... i am in no ways perfect but at least the lazyness was actualy a great thing for me😂
I don't really like conflict but that doesn't stop me from expressing my opinion. There are times when it starts to affect me physically if gets to be too much for me to handle, I wonder if others experienced this too. I'm also not always good at speaking up for myself but I at least try. But when it comes to others, it's easier for me to say something about it.
Who writes the questions for the enneagram tests? How many different tests are there? How are the tests graded and interpreted? How does your enneagram identity help you to love others and God? Just some questions to think about.
LOVED LOVED LOVED THIS SERIES!!!.THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! My highest was #2 @ 99 score and #9 @ 97 score. My lowest scores were #1 & #8 both at 6. I love how this series has help ed me share with my husband and others have a better understanding of why I am the way I am. As I love to serve and help others but deny myself(#2) and I love the peace but I do avoid conflict at ALL cost(#9). As I continue to grow what advise do you have for my personalities? Also what advise do you have as I'm married to #7/ #8 in which his scores tied at 99 and #3 scored at 97? Thank you so much and God Bless! Maria
You're on the right track. It's called the Barnum Effect or the Forer Effect. Generalities that can apply to everyone. The overarching theory is based on New Age philosophy and false religious practice of finding the "God within" by "removing the False Self of personality" blah blah blah. Read more: worshiphisbeauty.wordpress.com/2020/05/09/the-theology-of-the-enneagram/
Marcia Montenegro of Christian Answers for the New Age shared a gem on Facebook today, mentioning former enneagram teacher Dr. Kathleen Speeth: "There's a lot of reasons to teach it," she said, "There's a lot of money to be made, a lot of prestige to be had, but it cannot be used for transcendence. Truly, I must say I have never seen anyone develop using the enneagram of personality." And so she gave up teaching it, commenting that "I can no longer take on the karmic burden of passing this on." Ironic that even some of the New Agers gave up on this scientifically invalidated train wreck.
Does your ministry offer help or other suggestions than "read your bible" to 9s who really struggle and have a hard time with this? 🙋🏾♀️ reading Psalm 119 in my warped thinking makes me see how im nothing like the writer 😭
Yes, definitely! We would love to help you get connected to other members of our church for a community group. Being around other believers who want to grow in their faith as well is one of the best ways to be encouraged and learn more. We have online group options, or if you're close to one of our campuses we have in person options as well. If you send us an email at online@sandalschurch.com we can help you get connected!
Im a nine .My concern is that I do speak up ,regularly .Triggers or calling people out creates anger from people ( reaction ) to be honest instead of someone saying thankyou for your insight ,sulking rage ,immaturatiy follows .People do not want to hear it ."Pearls before swine."I think the approach for a nine is tme and place and readiness.Choose who you decide to build relationship with .Maximun result with minmum effort .It should be effective but not hard .Hard work is a mindset ,Effeciency is better .Hard work is a waste of time .Enthusiam can help.
Great video. Some points were a little harsh. I don't like when people go so far as to say "this is how a 9 is" with no wiggle room. For example, I'm a 9, but I'm also very athletic. I love to exercise and I have done triathlons too. Even with the dream to do an Ironman one day. Therefore, I disagree that all 9's are lazy (regardless of wings). The points about procrastination are SPOT ON. The more overwhelmed I get, the more I push things off. BUT we can accomplish things. It isn't that big of a deal when a 9 finishes a project.
I've taken the Enneagram test and got Type 9, and I do relate to so much of it, but when you said our core sin was laziness, it didn't strike me as strongly. Is this just me being stubborn and refusing to let the reality of my type sink in?
No, it's the invalidity of the Enneagram shining through. From an actual psychologist (Jay Medenwaldt): "I will use myself as an example, I am mostly a 5 on the Enneagram, but I consistently have a lot of characteristics of a 1. From time to time, I also score fairly high on various other types, but that is pretty inconsistent. In fact, one test I took said I was a 7. Probably the best way to describe me on the Enneagram is a 5 with a 1 wing (which isn't even theoretically possible on the Enneagram), with regular 9, 6, and 3 tendencies, occasional 2 and 8 tendencies, and only rare 4 and 7 tendencies. Moreover, according to the Enneagram, my sin as a 5 is avarice (hoarding); however, of all the sins listed for the 9 types, this is probably the one I struggle the least! Ironically, the sin I probably struggle with most is associated with 7s (although the sins of 1s and 2s are about equal), which is the direction I am supposed to move when I am "healthy."" www.jaymedenwaldt.com/2019/01/the-enneagram-science-and-christianity_17.html For his bottom-line verdict in the scientific part of his blog: "Unless you've done graduate work in psychometrics, the scientific data probably doesn't mean a whole lot to you (which is why there are two parts to this article). For those who have studied psychometrics, it's a no-brainer that the enneagram simply cannot do all its proponents claim it can. Any scientist who studies personality would simply look at the reliability scores and conclude the test is not accurate enough to be helpful, and therefore, they wouldn't use it because the potential for harm will be too high." Completely ruins Matt Brown's statement that the Enneagram's pagan origins don't matter because "truth is truth".
I’m an “unhealthy” 9 :( I didn’t realize this was a religious video when I clicked on it... funny how God keeps trying to tell me to turn to him during this time of my life. Thanks for this series of videos.
So Amazing! God bless
That is so awesome! He’s definitely in pursuit of you!
Have you invited Him into your heart yet?
The good news is that you can change! :)
In my weaknes I witness His strength. I'm a 9w1 and I struggle daily with complacency and laziness. Be assertive with your desire to tell God you trust him. He loves you and wants to live in your heart.
I’m an unhealthy nine as well at this point in life😩
I'm a 9 who joined the Marines to learn how to be more direct. I'm now in the Air Force, and I've learned a few things. First, if you're a nine, being surrounded by 3's and 8's is the best thing you can do. You will be forced to find your voice, and you will learn to deal with conflict. Second, moving toward the positive side of the 3 is the best thing you can do to maximize your own abilities. I'm a chaplain who has been forced to find my voice in preaching, counseling, and in leading. Finally, build healthy stressors into your life. Set a goal and be OK with the discomfort of it. That's where growth happens, and it's where you find real peace.
Thank you for this. By "healthy stressors" do you mean things like exercising everyday and other activities that keep you from being a couch potato?
I appreciate this a lot! Thank you!
@joshua church An example of a healthy stressor is a deadline that you commit to keep (even if the action doesn't have a deadline).
So true Chaps ,going to the military helped me in so many ways with being more direct and assertive and learning more about conflict
Thank yoooou!!!!
18:58 "And here's the thing with nines, they can be powerful at going nowhere"
I felt that *HARD* .
30:52 Laziness is a real sin. This is something that I need to keep hearing over and over. What an excellent sermon! Thank you.
I`m a nine w8, like this video. Great advice. The phrase ` saying how you feel will bring conflict` got me.
9s are great listeners but are not heard themselves. So many times people either talk over them or don't care for their perspective at all. Although we often don't realise it we do need someone to see and hear us and you did that with this video. As a 9 I had to deal with a lot of narcissistic people that tried to destroy my life completely, and even people who were fine to others treated me badly because I wouldn't stand up for myself. I've changed a lot the last few years and don't let people take advantage of me. I've taken the test again and I'm a 9w8. It's like having two different personalities depending on who or what you're dealing with.
@Richard: I strongly sympathize with you, being at a very similar point in my life. God bless you, and keep going!
Same here ,narcissistic people can smell us from a mile away I swear 🥴 definitely learning to stand up for myself too
How do you do it? I’m at the start of just realising my type and how it drives my thoughts and reactions and choices. I’m starting to realise the problem is me not sharing my real thoughts and feel very very unheard of. Especially when surrounded by some narcissistic family members. I find it hard to voice up, I find myself still very very afraid of conflict. I find myself very accepting of their perspective that I bury mine....but I’m hurting inside for not being able to live as my true self. Now I know what needs to be done, but I still feel very much afraid and stuck...
I am a very unhealthy 9 indeed.
When he said we are powerful at doing nothing. So true!!! I've been doing nothing for the past 7 or 8 years. Just been coasting through life thinking I'm a great person cause I don't do anything bad.
But I also don't do anything good either.
A real eye opener. & it explains exactly why I act the way I do.
I feel like I am somewhat a 5 as well. Cause I love to observe everything from afar. But I don't act on any of the information I take in. I just sit there like a elephant looking at everyone else life being lived while in my head I'm thinking I'm already good & no need for me to move forward anymore.
Man there is so many things I need to work on. I know God has called me to be more than stationary in 1 spot for the rest of my life.
But I ain't gone lie, taking that 1st step man. It's not easy. Is it wrong to ask for help?
Hi friend! It's not wrong to ask for help at all. We'd love to connect with you and help you in this journey. Can you send us an email at social@sandalschurch.com?
I often think as a 9 that I will be sad someday when God shows me all the missed opportunities I had because i chose go stay comfortable.
With God there is redemption. Nothing is wasted. He restores, revives, renews.
I’m a 9 and this was so emocional for me and very helpful, was hard for me not to cry because you just triggered so many memories in my head and most are very hurtful things that I never share because is just so hard for me to do it and I don’t want to be a burden to my family and friends. Even writing this feels so awkward to me 😐 thank you once more, God bless you 💛
Oh my goodness where has this enneagram stuff been all my life!? This describes me perfectly! Oh wow.. and the way it describes Abraham too! I so needed to hear this, especially today. I’m currently a very unhealthy 9, but I definitely want to start trying to get to a healthy place. Thank you for uploading this!
"Their core sin is laziness"
Germae Anne same girl. Same 😂
When I heard this I was like "I'm not lazy" but then he continued to explain it more... I was like " Oh, wow! I guess when you say it like that I am..... Ugh. God help us !
Abbey Howe describes enneagram pretty well. She talks the laziness means falling asleep to their own needs.
I'm definitely an INFP enneagram 9 with wing 1 self preservation instinctual type. This video really help me reflect on why i have been so afraid, unmotivated, and hidden for so long besides severe childhood trauma and bullying. I don't have to be afraid to expressioning my views and followung my true values. I csn develop the courage to vote more often, research news articles, stand up when needed, and pursure job and xareer godls what match my intellectual abilities, aptitude, academic achievement and passions. I can take far better care of myself in so many fifferent ways to honor what God gave me. I definitely need to read my Bible more often and daily for 30-60 minutes per day minimum and start to meditate on scripture letting God lead me fully. I can no longer have self pity or slumber. I'm ready to heal and thrive.
I've never understood myself more than when I watched this video! It confronted me but im TOTALLY OK with it as it turns into an opportunity for the Lord to work on me.
I’m glad I got into this before marriage. It explains a lot of things about me, and how I need to change.
Wow as a 9, I never really looked at my indecision as a sin. I like how you compared it to the 2 talents buried. Thank you for understanding that we need to be heard.
This hit hard with me too🥺
Grateful that I found this preaching and get to learn about personalities in the light of God's truth. May we all the Nines keep growing and become better and better. Thank you Pastor!
I encourage you to research the origins of the Enneagram.
Even if these teachings seem helpful and good, they are rooted in mysticism. The Bible warns us that even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).
Wow this is so great. Definitely convicted me when you were talking about Abraham and Lot and made me understand why I back down from sharing my faith with people so often: to avoid any possible conflict in the moment. But ultimately it's worse for everyone in the long run because I become less confident about talking to people about God and they miss out on hearing about him and hearing what I've learned. Now that I see this, I can take steps towards redeeming that quality, by the grace of God.
WOW Pastor Matt ... every time you share about the Enneagram (especially the #2 and the #9, i'm 99% on both personality traits) I learn so much about myself!! Thank you!!
Whoa...God is seriously speaking to my spirit through this...
Doubtful, please reconsider worshiphisbeauty.wordpress.com/2020/05/09/the-theology-of-the-enneagram/
God is not as interested in your "amen" as He is in your action. Tony Evans I felt this quote in my soul as a 9. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Thank you for watching with us friend!
I am a nine, and not religious, but I still relate to this video so much! Thanks for making this. Much love~
Wow. I’m a 9 and this really spoke to me!!! Especially when you said their sin is laziness. I couldn’t help but laugh a little because i know I’m guilty and you were so spot on! Right down to when you mentioned they will clean their rooms and do other things when they know what they should really be doing. That is SO me. 🙈 Thanks for this awesome video, I will definitely be revisiting it! 😊
I wouldn't type out as a 9 at all in this bogus system, but am lazy as all get out. The "core sins" of the Enneagram do not have any basis.
"We are also told that for a Five to reach his potential he must go against the grain and strive to be like an Eight, whose main vice is lust. The scientific studies supporting this claim seem to have been lost, however."
"I will use myself as an example, I am mostly a 5 on the Enneagram, but I consistently have a lot of characteristics of a 1. From time to time, I also score fairly high on various other types, but that is pretty inconsistent. In fact, one test I took said I was a 7. Probably the best way to describe me on the Enneagram is a 5 with a 1 wing (which isn't even theoretically possible on the Enneagram), with regular 9, 6, and 3 tendencies, occasional 2 and 8 tendencies, and only rare 4 and 7 tendencies.
Moreover, according to the Enneagram, my sin as a 5 is avarice (hoarding); however, of all the sins listed for the 9 types, this is probably the one I struggle the least! Ironically, the sin I probably struggle with most is associated with 7s (although the sins of 1s and 2s are about equal), which is the direction I am supposed to move when I am "healthy.""
The Enneagram has no more use than a Magic 8 ball.
@@andrewcramer9200 This is such a 5 response lol
Wonderful Ministry. Thank you Lord for these teachings.
Aw man he was talking about procrastinating and putting off what you know you should be doing and I am literally listening to this instead of writing a paper
Wheew this blessed me as I’m learning more about my 9 self. ❤
Yes by the time I say something I'm in rage and I'm DONE. wow!
thank you - this video makes me feel understood!! Pray for my strength to do something useful and not be lazy with indecision
LOL 😂. I’ve been called out! This video has my names on it!! Enlightenment! My spouse is a type 1. I thought he made me this way. This is a life saver.
Thank you for watching Zelma! We're praying for you today!
Sometimes, I did not care where we go to eat, like yesterday. It is more important to us Nines that someone cared enough to ask us where we want to go eat, so that we know that we really matter to them. It is nice that my friend was so kind towards my dietary restrictions (Gluten-Free). It turned out to be a very harmonious beautiful experience.
If I feel safe, and accepted I did speak up. Yes, it is true we do erupt like a volcano after a while if people keep hurting us. It used to take me 3 months to get in touch with my anger. I don't keep the peace at all costs (at my expense) anymore. It is no longer worth it to me anymore because it does not bring me real peace. When it comes to conflicts, there will be a solution, resolution and dissolution (I learned those 3 words from a Three) because I don't like to dwell on negativity or chaos.
Not everything is black or white in life. Some things in life is actually gray. I don't choose sides of some situations because it really does not matter beyond it is a matter of preferences of individuals. I respect people's individuality as long as they respect my boundaries with their preferences. It's true, some Nines would lie to you to avoid conflicts. I have a 1 wing, so that makes me a little more honest and feel stronger about my values than a 9 with an 8 wing.
I think you are good at presenting the Enneagram in a behavioral sort of way and in a way that it fits the needs of your church community. You did an excellent job. I know in your faith tradition, things are more black and white, so I know Nines will have to accept it or leave because trying to go alone with the flow only slowly kills Nines on the inside and lose their identity even more. I choose both sides if I see validity in both sides, like with abortion. I don't believe in it, but I do believe in women's right to a point but I cannot agree to late term abortion or using abortion as a birth control method and then throw it in my face. That irritates me and causes me to lose my ability to be a supportive and understanding person... when the ONE wing takes over that is trouble!
If you want to get Nines to take more actions and be more in touch with their values, it helps to get Nines to stop fearing the anger of their wing types 8 or 1 and embrace it. I had to learn to embrace my ONE wing before I truly found my voice and allow anger to be my friend that helps me and no longer fear it as my enemy. Anger is my friend who helps me to find my voice and my true feelings about situations.
There are none that are righteous, no not one. Praise Jesus!!
Forgive my last comment. It was self-serving please pray for me. I have Christian Counselor. Maybe being a Peacemaker is the way God will settle my soul Though 60 and unsettled, maybe one day I’ll have moments of peace which I don’t now have. I grew up in a family of extensive abuse. I do enjoy the sermons from Sandals Church.
Hi Michael, grace and peace to you friend! We're praying for you as you seek healing from your abuse. We'd still love to connect with you!
I like the way he skipped over how Lot tried to broker peace with the city's men. Lol I dont blame you. Still, I LOVE this series and reccomend it to everyone. I like how he emphasizes the positives of each enneagram type yet doesn't shy away from the weaknesses.
Edit: I'm a 5 so it's ok that I'm a jerk. Lol
Wow , I want to thank you so much . Things just suddenly became crystal clear to me . I am only recently becoming pretty certain I’m a 9. Your message here just made me know for sure that I am a 9 lol but not only that , I now know the path to health and healing . I see two sides like you mentioned to and I have this passion in me to advocate for this peace and resolution between the two sides . Often when I share my views on Facebook I get the sound of crickets as a response 😆. I can get insecure about that to and I’m deeply hurt if someone misinterpreted or misunderstood me . I love to write as well so I’ve thought that I’m not certain Facebook is a good platform due to people misunderstanding or misinterpreting things but I’m not sure , maybe it is a good platform if used right . Another thing I do is speak to people privately in PM if I disagree with a view of theirs that I find harmful ( but only if I know it’s ok to do that lol) . I speak respectfully to them and expect that in return in order to continue the conversation. I do it privately because I realize it’s hurtful / embarrassing even to be called out in public and I realize most people are not bad people but simply unaware ( as I to can be at times) . I also talk privately because I struggle with the fear of people fighting over a topic under my post especially if someone were to start being mean to a family member or good friend of mine . I really have been thinking about publishing a book or books on all the things I feel I’m seeing but just like you said , it’s hard to follow through . I’m slow , have low energy ( due to going through a tumultuous life experience) and feel like I’m waiting for the right time lol . Plus I really want to make sure I know what I’m talking about before I share it with the public which in my mind is going to take a lot of research .
Anyway , I guess I digressed a bit lol … just wanted to say thank you . I listened to the one you did on type 8’s to and you described the dynamics between my husband and I to a tee and I am in the process of working myself up to telling him all the things on my mind that I haven’t been telling him per my counselors advice.
You have to create a SAFE PLACE! My God.
Yeah. Imagine being vulnerable enough to share your feelings, then someone mocks you or shames you for it. I’m literally never sharing again.
Oi I officially know what it’s like to feel TOO SEEN. But this was also so encouraging and wow I’m suddenly so thankful God gave me the gift of being a 9. Thank you for this.
Matt this series has helped me see who I am,and make the changes in my life to glorify God more,understand myself better and try and make those changes to be real with myself and others.
Gosh, your speech is really really powerful. Loved it. It really got into me. I'm not religious but I loved the comparisons you made to relate with enneagram 9. Thanks!!!
David BCN Being a Christian isn't a Religion. 😉 💞
I’ve read and watched A LOT about Nines and this is by far the closest description of my personality I’ve found! Thanks for pointing out our shortcomings and telling us how to fix them, gonna rewatch that section for sure!
P.s. You were wrong, I really don’t care where we go to eat :P
As a 9, I've experienced that if I say my idea in a meeting, the stronger personalities will try to ignore me or don't want hear me. So that makes me not want to say my ideas in that group.
This is good! Very insightful! Thank you, Pastor! God bless you!
Thank you so much, especially for the prayer at the end. I’m gonna tape that to my mirror.
This is interesting. I took both the myer-brigs as an ISFJ and identified as an '9', and I could relate to wanting to avoid conflict but in terms of laziness, I need to be doing something and be productive and check things off in order to be happy. I hate being complacent and I love learning new things (new languages, new instrument), I love self help books, and love improving myself! I do definitely agree that I need to work on avoiding conflicts but laziness drives me nuts when other people are lazy. Productivity and achieving goals is what makes me happy - and God! ☀️ I realized that this is because most people are a blend, and my top 3 ennegram scores are '3,5 and 9', which makes sense.
Thank you for covering this topic. God bless you.
Same here. Infj
This was incredibly accurate. Wow. Thank you!
Thanks for this Pastor Matt, just took the test for the first time yesterday and found out I’m a 9. Eye opening to read the qualities that I struggle with. Thankful for your perspective on healthy ways to be the best 9 God has called me to be
God: I will not destroy Sodom if you can find 50 righteous people
Abraham: best I can do is 10
Not even 10, only 4 and non of them were very righteous. Lot's wife couldn't obey God long enough to even make it out and his daughters slept with him knowing full well that incest was sinful.
Thank you from a 9 🙏🏼✨❤️
Thank you for watching friend!
9w8 here, I’m not religious but I enjoyed the video. Thanks for the open minded speaking and passion man.
Whoo! That was awesome! Been waiting 9 long weeks for this one!
Eric Escandon good thing that we are patient ;)
Pastor Matt Brown, thank you for this inspired message and for your decision to love God. I'm a newly self discovered 9w1 and my personal journey is expanding and progressing by Gods grace alone. Keep up the good work and I will continue to seek the truth about Gods gifts that He gives each and every one of us. Peace and love to you!
Amen!!!!!!! Need the nines in a conflict!!!💛💛💛💛
I know this is 2 years old and I just now came across it but I'm a nine and there are so many things here that are bang on: start 50 things and never finish, work on a million other things except what I should be. More thinking....way more thinking than doing. Being able to see all sides and live in the middle comfortably, avoiding conflict to the point where my silence hurts another because I was unwilling to warn or confront.
Were im different than these descriptions: in the analogy of the tortoise and the hare...I'm the hare. I run everywhere but rest alot in between. I always think because I'm fast when I'm focused Ive got time so I take time. The slowness is real, but not because I'm slow but because I'm so fast I take far too long to get back into the game after I rest because I assume I can still win. I also have no problem whatever voicing my opinions. I'm a great public speaker and have no qualms arguing my point. But as a peace maker who sees all sides it makes me a contrarian thinker in many ways. Especially in challenging standard accepted theologies, And holding diverse theological opinions in hand.
I’ve never listened to a more relatable sermon... thank you PMB
9/8/2021 I’m going back through this study I’ve been blessed to better understand myself. I’m ready to start a new series You, hey we have an awesome Pastor Matt Brown you’ve been on fire for a long time and thank you for feeding us and taking care of it can’t wait till your book comes out I’ve already pre-ordered it I encourage everybody to support Matt with his book I know it’s going to be Fire 🔥 hurry up and drop the book already. Lol, patiently waiting.
Hi Brian! Good to see you in the comments again. We're so glad you're loving these videos! We're just as excited about the new series. Praying for you today!
I love the Bible stories here!!!
Thank you for this series. Wow, I could say soooo much about this video. Wow!
Thank you pastor Brown for this study. I have been super blessed. I am a 4 and my husband is a 5. Thank you thank you. May The Lord keep on using you...
lol, when you said that the core sin of laziness is indecision and then listed off my life, I laughed until tears came out. I don't have a career, I dropped out of school because I didn't know what I wanted to do, and I've only been with one person in my entire life because I don't know who to date. It's not from lack of trying either... I've been to school so many times trying to figure it out and I've been on quite a few dates but nothing came of them.
You did an excellent job of presenting the Enneagram from a Christian and Church perspective. I found it helpful and reinforcing what I already know. It feels different to hear a pastor seeing Nines from his perspective based on his experiences, observation and understanding of Nines. Even if a not so healthy NIne is lazy to himself, you can still get some work out of him if he feels like he truly matter to you and will speak his opinions if he does not have to deal with conflicts, disapproval or debates. When a Nine gets in touch with that 8 or 1 wing, you may get a good debate out of them if it is a healthy and kind debate!
Famous Presidents Nines: Barack Obama (Michelle Obama is a 1), Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Wilson Reagan, Abraham Lincoln. And my favorites: Walt Disney, Jim Henson, Carl Rogers, Walter Cronkite, Dalai Lama, Whoopi Goldberg, Bing Cosby, etc...
worshiphisbeauty.wordpress.com/2020/05/09/the-theology-of-the-enneagram/ There is no Christian perspective on the Enneagram except to just ignore it, we can not serve two masters.
A 9 that feels positively in tune with their gut will take on the aggressive and confrontational traits of a 3, but from a more neutralized perspective that results in more widespread appeal than a typical 3 is capable of. It's only wise to go with gut feelings when 1 knows their guts are in great shape. When guts are not in ideal shape, compulsive decision making creates collateral damage which will result in a 9 like myself strategically slowing things down.
Watched this last year. Watching again! 💜💜
I encourage you to research the origins of the Enneagram.
Even if these teachings seem helpful and good, they are rooted in mysticism. The Bible warns us that even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).
@@radnerb all the arguments against enneagram that I've heard didn't make any sense. The Bible says to judge all spirits by their fruit. Enneagram has been an incredible tool to love and serve others so I would say the fruit is good
@@radnerb if something produces the fruit of the spirit love joy peace patience kindness gentleness self-control then it CANNOT be the works of Satan
Thank you! This is so eye opening!
Sir I love your blue eyes it's deep and beautiful
I literally procrastinated sending a letter for an entire month. I just send it out today. It took 5 min... I’m definitely an unhealthy 9
Thank you for sharing this!!
Your will be done Oh LORD
God teaches us through the Bible, which is the only tool we need. Proverbs 30:6 warns us, "Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar."
The enneagram is strongly associated with New Age philosophy and has occultic origins. The man credited with introducing the enneagram to the West is George Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff was a mystic, philosopher, and spiritual teacher immersed in occultic practices such as astrology, mental telepathy, spiritism, fortune telling, and posession. One of his followers Oscar Ichazo, along with Claudio Naranjo (a psychiatrist) began relating the enneagram with personality types in the 1960s. In a 2010 interview, Caudio Naranjo admitted that he lied about the origins of the enneagram because he wanted his idea to become famous and widely accepted. Naranjo admitted the enneagram is not an ancient tool of Babylonian origin. He confessed he arrived at the nine personality types through "automatic writing," which is the process of producing written words while in a trance state. The words arose from a supernatural source. The bible warns us not to channel spirits (Leviticus 19:31). The enneagram is a demonic New Age teaching that is infiltrating the church. Please do your research, and remember the devil is the master of deception. Don't be led astray. 🙏🏼
The interview link:
We often joked about me being lazy/relaxed/calm...
but now that i have a disabled child, i can see that my lazy/calm nature is great for this... i am in no ways perfect but at least the lazyness was actualy a great thing for me😂
Excellent information, thanks for sharing!
I don't really like conflict but that doesn't stop me from expressing my opinion. There are times when it starts to affect me physically if gets to be too much for me to handle, I wonder if others experienced this too.
I'm also not always good at speaking up for myself but I at least try. But when it comes to others, it's easier for me to say something about it.
So encouraging. Thanks
Wow! So spot on.
This is sooo good
This was so helpful! Thank you so much for making this video
Wish your church was in North Texas.
I'm a 9.but I'm a reliable 9. If I say something I mean it. I hate it and feel bad for doing it but I have gotten very good at saying no.
I may have missed it but how we can help make ourselves healthy as 9's?
Where can I retake the test? Is it still 10.00?
Makes sense why I am a teacher!
They do 50 things and finish none😬🤦🏾♀️
Who writes the questions for the enneagram tests? How many different tests are there? How are the tests graded and interpreted? How does your enneagram identity help you to love others and God? Just some questions to think about.
Thank you 😊
LOVED LOVED LOVED THIS SERIES!!!.THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! My highest was #2 @ 99 score and #9 @ 97 score. My lowest scores were #1 & #8 both at 6. I love how this series has help ed me share with my husband and others have a better understanding of why I am the way I am. As I love to serve and help others but deny myself(#2) and I love the peace but I do avoid conflict at ALL cost(#9). As I continue to grow what advise do you have for my personalities? Also what advise do you have as I'm married to #7/ #8 in which his scores tied at 99 and #3 scored at 97? Thank you so much and God Bless!
There’s some I relate to with a 9 and all #’s but now I’m starting to think enneagram isn’t really helpful after all.
You're on the right track. It's called the Barnum Effect or the Forer Effect. Generalities that can apply to everyone. The overarching theory is based on New Age philosophy and false religious practice of finding the "God within" by "removing the False Self of personality" blah blah blah. Read more: worshiphisbeauty.wordpress.com/2020/05/09/the-theology-of-the-enneagram/
I took it 2 years ago....I was an unhealthy 9.....I've changed I'd like to see what I am now.
this is INCREDIBLE and so so so helpful - thank you!!! could you make a video for the other types in the same way/format you made this one?!
I had 5 as my main number, but 6 & 9 both tied with 5 w/ the same percentage.
This was so helpful... Thank you so much!
Marcia Montenegro of Christian Answers for the New Age shared a gem on Facebook today, mentioning former enneagram teacher Dr. Kathleen Speeth:
"There's a lot of reasons to teach it," she said, "There's a lot of money to be made, a lot of prestige to be had, but it cannot be used for transcendence. Truly, I must say I have never seen anyone develop using the enneagram of personality." And so she gave up teaching it, commenting that "I can no longer take on the karmic burden of passing this on."
Ironic that even some of the New Agers gave up on this scientifically invalidated train wreck.
Thank you for this!
Regarding the slow pace thing.... I even watched this video on 0.75 speed XD
Hahaha :'D I feel that!
After watching all nine videos, I think that I would probably be a combination of 5, 1 and 9. May have to actually take a test to verify this.
Enneagram originated from eastern religions,what wrong whit you guys,lessening to this nine since,mixing Bible with eastern pagan religion !
my number is nine has the disintegrated … I am working really hard to try to be healthy! If anybody has any tips or tricks or lessons, please share …
I'm curious what the test is that you refer to.
Barbara Mathews enneagram test.. you can find it online
worshiphisbeauty.wordpress.com/2020/05/09/the-theology-of-the-enneagram/ Avoid it, it's not all it's hyped up to be.
Does your ministry offer help or other suggestions than "read your bible" to 9s who really struggle and have a hard time with this? 🙋🏾♀️ reading Psalm 119 in my warped thinking makes me see how im nothing like the writer 😭
Yes, definitely! We would love to help you get connected to other members of our church for a community group. Being around other believers who want to grow in their faith as well is one of the best ways to be encouraged and learn more. We have online group options, or if you're close to one of our campuses we have in person options as well. If you send us an email at online@sandalschurch.com we can help you get connected!
This is much needed! So appreciative of this video! Thank you!
Im a nine .My concern is that I do speak up ,regularly .Triggers or calling people out creates anger from people ( reaction ) to be honest instead of someone saying thankyou for your insight ,sulking rage ,immaturatiy follows .People do not want to hear it ."Pearls before swine."I think the approach for a nine is tme and place and readiness.Choose who you decide to build relationship with .Maximun result with minmum effort .It should be effective but not hard .Hard work is a mindset ,Effeciency is better .Hard work is a waste of time .Enthusiam can help.
5 Prana Kama Yoga Gayle Carter you sound like a 1, not a 9.
@@alyssarogge8621 it's almost like the whole thing is arbitrary, hmmmm.
Great video. Some points were a little harsh. I don't like when people go so far as to say "this is how a 9 is" with no wiggle room. For example, I'm a 9, but I'm also very athletic. I love to exercise and I have done triathlons too. Even with the dream to do an Ironman one day. Therefore, I disagree that all 9's are lazy (regardless of wings). The points about procrastination are SPOT ON. The more overwhelmed I get, the more I push things off. BUT we can accomplish things. It isn't that big of a deal when a 9 finishes a project.
Jordan Boom it’s mostly metaphorical, he’s not saying you can’t be an athlete
He literally talked about this and said that nines can be athletic and motivated...
i think numbing would be a better word than lazy. So agree nines are everything I heard sloth or just growing numb to everything.
The Enneagram is invalid. Staaaahp.
I've taken the Enneagram test and got Type 9, and I do relate to so much of it, but when you said our core sin was laziness, it didn't strike me as strongly. Is this just me being stubborn and refusing to let the reality of my type sink in?
No, it's the invalidity of the Enneagram shining through. From an actual psychologist (Jay Medenwaldt):
"I will use myself as an example, I am mostly a 5 on the Enneagram, but I consistently have a lot of characteristics of a 1. From time to time, I also score fairly high on various other types, but that is pretty inconsistent. In fact, one test I took said I was a 7. Probably the best way to describe me on the Enneagram is a 5 with a 1 wing (which isn't even theoretically possible on the Enneagram), with regular 9, 6, and 3 tendencies, occasional 2 and 8 tendencies, and only rare 4 and 7 tendencies.
Moreover, according to the Enneagram, my sin as a 5 is avarice (hoarding); however, of all the sins listed for the 9 types, this is probably the one I struggle the least! Ironically, the sin I probably struggle with most is associated with 7s (although the sins of 1s and 2s are about equal), which is the direction I am supposed to move when I am "healthy.""
For his bottom-line verdict in the scientific part of his blog:
"Unless you've done graduate work in psychometrics, the scientific data probably doesn't mean a whole lot to you (which is why there are two parts to this article). For those who have studied psychometrics, it's a no-brainer that the enneagram simply cannot do all its proponents claim it can. Any scientist who studies personality would simply look at the reliability scores and conclude the test is not accurate enough to be helpful, and therefore, they wouldn't use it because the potential for harm will be too high."
Completely ruins Matt Brown's statement that the Enneagram's pagan origins don't matter because "truth is truth".
The quality of form