É incrível a calma que ele tem pra posicionar os barris mesmo no meio de um duelo. Sem firula com one parr, o cara maximiza o uso dos barris a ponto de utilizar os três da carga de forma efetiva, sem tentar combar desnecessariamente. Aliás, fazer uso de barris solitários de forma tão efetiva requer um domínio do campeão muito superior ao necessário pra se combar 3 ou one parrs. Hydrogen, tu é meu ídolo.
tobito : diamante hydrogen : challenger . Unico q eu lembro q é bão de gp tb é o mangki , ele é challenger la na coreia do sul. Teoricamente o server la é mais complexo q o BR .
tobias fate só tem mecanica, hydrogen tem noção e sabe o que buildar em todas match ups, tobias fate picka gp mid de exaust fica safe, builda full critico e estoura um barril e ganha a fight. Quantos pdl o tobias fate tem no challenger?
shygo n é melhor q hydrogen '- , shygo é mestre '- . Fica upando um monte de smurf pra ficar bem no lolskill , hydrogen coloca 5 conta no top skill se quiser .
Let me just make something clear... The brazilian server is no where near as hard as NA and EUW. I travel A LOT and have had the pleasure to play on the NA, BR, OCE, EUNE and EUW servers, my current rank is d1 on euw and on my 2 weeks holiday to Brazil, i hit the very bottom of chall. even tho the server is very fun, it's not that compettitive.. Ima say, Tobias > Hydrogen, by far. Their plays are no where near the same caliber. That should stand out from the highlight vids.
i can only speak from my experience, which is that Brazil is reaaaally easy, it gets hard when you hit masters, but its no struggle.. have you played on NA or Euw? if so, you will see the difference almost instantly.. i played in NA for 1 and a half month, and i peeked at masters 40lp or so. and i played against a lot of pros, especially in the morning ques. qldurtms, meteos, sneaky, mike yeung, svenskeren, even aphromoo.. I think the NA LCS have more teams, and more pro players, and they all play in NA soloq... and Brazil vs NA history is onesided anyways..
I never really understood the GP rework until now. The high risk and high reward of the barrel mini game is exactly the kind of game a pirate would want to play. This guy has that game down perfectly.
Master Thief É que eu tinha pensado que era um coreano afrodescendente que vivia caçando borboletas saltitantes no bar do seu Zé que fica lá no Acre,c me entende...
He's better than Tobias. That's maybe not obvious if you don't play GP but check this guy's channel. He knows perfectly matchups and is able to handle almost every ones of them. He's challenger (those who says "Brazil", Rift Rival proved that it means nothing.) and he wins lane instead of crying over half of the game's champion he's losing to, like Tobias does.
Obviously theres a difference between BR pro play, and soloq.. The brazilian soloq is easier. I play on EUW, and im hardstuck d1-low masters. On my vacations to NA i can reach d1. On my 2 weeks holiday to brazil i hit low chall. It's not that hard.. And yeah he knows the matchup better, he goes for early game gp obviously. Grasp to make lane easier. Lethality for early game. Rift rivals did not prove anything in terms of the servers soloq though. That means Euw soloq is WAY worse than NA? it's not.
I didn't say a region is worse or not, just that the difference isn't as bigger as we most of people thought. But if you experienced it, you probably know it better. I think Tobias's problem is that he always do the same thing : getting bullied early (expect if enemy does error), wait for lvl13 and fight. He doesn't try by himself. He doesn't win lane often and sometimes, this play style loses the game alone. Tobias has good mechanics on GP, that's a fact. But i don't think his play style will make him climb or getting better. You said "taking grasp", or "building letality" : changing masteries and stuff is a part of the game. He changes, tries new things. That's also what makes Hydrogen, from my point of view.
I guess thats somewhat true, but grasp is just the better keystone for consistent laning phases. I have a hard time imagining this guy actually 1v9ing the game as Tobias does ever so often. But anyways, Hydrogen is definetely a very good player, but his macro is the center of his playstyle, his micro doesn't seem that impressive, aka Tobias is the better GP, he may or may not be the better player overall though. And Hydrogen doesn't seem to win lane phases on his main, these highlights of him stomping are on smurfs. Just my opinion by the way.
I see what you mean, i just think the macro is part of playing GP and not "the player", this is why i disagree about who is the best GP here. But except this, Im thinking like you do. Also, i used to watched Tobito but since he recently started tilting (i'm not blaming him for it, seeing by how cancer his chat is - but i don't really like watching people tilting, i'm pretty difficult about this.) i stopped watching, so i can't judge his recent performances. He left me the impression of an overrated diamond player. As a D1/Master, do you really think he's that good on GP ? Another question, who do you think is the best on the champion ?
on the champion, no doubt it's tobias. but macro is map awareness, build orientation etc. and micro management is about your ability to play your champ. But an overrated diamond player is not what he is, (off-stream). He easily hit d1, with a 70% winrate and 7KDA.) That's pretty darn impressive.. 2 years ago watching his stream was the highlight of my day, he was the funny guy he is today, but he was smashing pros. It was great, i'm sad the attention of many thousand people has managed to erupt his interest in the game though.. Theres no doubt in my mind that when tobias REALLY want to win, he is the best GP in the world. (micro-wise.) And he is really good at surviving lane, and scaling into a so called, hyper carry. People who recently have discovered his stream have no idea of what the 800lp chall tobias was like, he was smashing everyone, winning lane phase about 60% of the time, leading in farm etc. (the 20% crit triforce fit gp soo good, this was also before the nerfs.) yeah, i don't know the history of this guy, but he seems as if he is in his prime.. which is not nearly as good as tobias' prime..
This guy goes close combat a lot, but Tobias? He fking packs a lot of plays and combos well. Like the one-part combo, jesus that gives me chills when he does it perfectly.
Well, i mean, this guy is good, not gonna lie, but the lack of one part combos made it a normal montage of any gp chaining barrels and flashing TLDR+passive :(
hey man RLY LOVE ur videos.....assuming u play lol too, how about u make us a montage of urself, my birthday is after 4 days :) and i hope u make my wish come true (:
he's a good GP no doubt about it. but as you're watching the video, half the players don't learn from the first barrel and just walk into the next one. that's a decent representation of the skill of high elo in BR. they're not amazing, and still have a lot to learn, but players like these shine through the darkness of the BR region. still a one trick tho? maybe
He may be the best GP player with that boring style, not a single one pot combo and only a few 3 pots combos. That's not a true GP main play style. Tobias may be not the best gp player but he probally the true GP main. Playing GP is about moving around using your brain to put the barrels in right position in team fights or just for some hurtful poke dmg. Seeing tobito one-shots the enemy team is a way more satisfied than all others gp main. No hate to him but seeing those cmts saying he's the best gp main just made me annoyed
The way he coordinate his barrel is so satisfying to watch.
The way he last hits people with his q is satisfying as well
É incrível a calma que ele tem pra posicionar os barris mesmo no meio de um duelo. Sem firula com one parr, o cara maximiza o uso dos barris a ponto de utilizar os três da carga de forma efetiva, sem tentar combar desnecessariamente. Aliás, fazer uso de barris solitários de forma tão efetiva requer um domínio do campeão muito superior ao necessário pra se combar 3 ou one parrs.
Hydrogen, tu é meu ídolo.
Voltei aqui uma semana depois só pra lembrar que o Juragod duela Fioras de GP. huhuehiuahieuah
Representando o Brasil!!!
7:57 that was so clean wtf.
Primer vídeo donde vemos a alguien hacer buenas jugadas sin estar super feed... Esto si es habilidad para jugar!..
Lol Mlk é brabo de gp
Pequeno Alive Fiquei pasmo também, uma pena ser sempre do time inimigo na minha Soloq 😂
Sim T-T
Ele é br
True challenger GP main.
Hydro is a beast !
pq ele é um besta?
kk é zueira né ?
Hydro is a beast kkkkkkkkkkkkk
se vc quis falar que ele é o melhor é "Best"
ele quis dizer que ele é uma fera com o boneco, um monstro, é isso que ele quis dizer.
Que orgulho de ver um BR aqui mano, parabéns!
Hydrogen is the best gangplank in the world
tobito : diamante
hydrogen : challenger . Unico q eu lembro q é bão de gp tb é o mangki , ele é challenger la na coreia do sul. Teoricamente o server la é mais complexo q o BR .
tobias fate só tem mecanica, hydrogen tem noção e sabe o que buildar em todas match ups, tobias fate picka gp mid de exaust fica safe, builda full critico e estoura um barril e ganha a fight.
Quantos pdl o tobias fate tem no challenger?
pra mim o unico melhor que o hydrogen é o shygo
q é br tambem
shygo n é melhor q hydrogen '- , shygo é mestre '- . Fica upando um monte de smurf pra ficar bem no lolskill , hydrogen coloca 5 conta no top skill se quiser .
Top Gangplanks
1:Mangki (best gp korean challenger)
2:Hydrogen (best gp Br Challenger)
3:Tobias/The Barrels/Nikjojo (Diamond N.A)
Enfim uma comparação de verdade
Here guys ^
Let me just make something clear... The brazilian server is no where near as hard as NA and EUW. I travel A LOT and have had the pleasure to play on the NA, BR, OCE, EUNE and EUW servers, my current rank is d1 on euw and on my 2 weeks holiday to Brazil, i hit the very bottom of chall. even tho the server is very fun, it's not that compettitive.. Ima say, Tobias > Hydrogen, by far. Their plays are no where near the same caliber. That should stand out from the highlight vids.
Dude almost no pro players play on NA soloq, but a lot of br pros play on Br soloQ and Br teams can beat Na teams for sure so...
i can only speak from my experience, which is that Brazil is reaaaally easy, it gets hard when you hit masters, but its no struggle.. have you played on NA or Euw? if so, you will see the difference almost instantly.. i played in NA for 1 and a half month, and i peeked at masters 40lp or so. and i played against a lot of pros, especially in the morning ques. qldurtms, meteos, sneaky, mike yeung, svenskeren, even aphromoo.. I think the NA LCS have more teams, and more pro players, and they all play in NA soloq... and Brazil vs NA history is onesided anyways..
caio oliver oh i think tobias fate is the best gp
O cara ao live joga bem mesmo, não é só plays guardadas, essas plays ele faz ao vivo mesmo. Nunca vi um GP tão bom ^-^
Lucas Felipe Tobias Fate :)
Beatriz Rosewood Tobias fate o platina 4 afundado que só joga de Sion mid ? Kkkkkkkk ok ne, mecânica do Tobias agr está igual a de um prata
Como esperado do Hydro joga demais!!!! muleque e brabo
I never really understood the GP rework until now. The high risk and high reward of the barrel mini game is exactly the kind of game a pirate would want to play. This guy has that game down perfectly.
Esse juracy é um monstro.. melhor stream br
Last time i was this early Gangplank was still OP
8:39 is a One Part Gp Combo..OMG so cool..
The way he abuse his passive is so good.
Finally a Hydrogen Montage :P
Good stuff man!
É um BR
uau! você é bastante perspicaz
Sempre q vc me encontrar eu serei o Batman Ava e mesmo
Wesley Lopes Eu sou msm;kkkkkkkkj
Master Thief É que eu tinha pensado que era um coreano afrodescendente que vivia caçando borboletas saltitantes no bar do seu Zé que fica lá no Acre,c me entende...
Sempre q vc me encontrar eu serei o Batman E claro man tbm confundo isso sempre
Nice plays and Skills but , Tobito is the Gangplank GOD
who was here back when The Carry had only 75k subscribers?
Boa Juracy representa
He's better than Tobias.
That's maybe not obvious if you don't play GP but check this guy's channel. He knows perfectly matchups and is able to handle almost every ones of them. He's challenger (those who says "Brazil", Rift Rival proved that it means nothing.) and he wins lane instead of crying over half of the game's champion he's losing to, like Tobias does.
Obviously theres a difference between BR pro play, and soloq.. The brazilian soloq is easier. I play on EUW, and im hardstuck d1-low masters. On my vacations to NA i can reach d1. On my 2 weeks holiday to brazil i hit low chall. It's not that hard.. And yeah he knows the matchup better, he goes for early game gp obviously. Grasp to make lane easier. Lethality for early game. Rift rivals did not prove anything in terms of the servers soloq though. That means Euw soloq is WAY worse than NA? it's not.
I didn't say a region is worse or not, just that the difference isn't as bigger as we most of people thought. But if you experienced it, you probably know it better.
I think Tobias's problem is that he always do the same thing : getting bullied early (expect if enemy does error), wait for lvl13 and fight. He doesn't try by himself. He doesn't win lane often and sometimes, this play style loses the game alone. Tobias has good mechanics on GP, that's a fact. But i don't think his play style will make him climb or getting better.
You said "taking grasp", or "building letality" : changing masteries and stuff is a part of the game. He changes, tries new things. That's also what makes Hydrogen, from my point of view.
I guess thats somewhat true, but grasp is just the better keystone for consistent laning phases. I have a hard time imagining this guy actually 1v9ing the game as Tobias does ever so often. But anyways, Hydrogen is definetely a very good player, but his macro is the center of his playstyle, his micro doesn't seem that impressive, aka Tobias is the better GP, he may or may not be the better player overall though. And Hydrogen doesn't seem to win lane phases on his main, these highlights of him stomping are on smurfs. Just my opinion by the way.
I see what you mean, i just think the macro is part of playing GP and not "the player", this is why i disagree about who is the best GP here. But except this, Im thinking like you do.
Also, i used to watched Tobito but since he recently started tilting (i'm not blaming him for it, seeing by how cancer his chat is - but i don't really like watching people tilting, i'm pretty difficult about this.) i stopped watching, so i can't judge his recent performances. He left me the impression of an overrated diamond player.
As a D1/Master, do you really think he's that good on GP ?
Another question, who do you think is the best on the champion ?
on the champion, no doubt it's tobias. but macro is map awareness, build orientation etc. and micro
management is about your ability to play your champ. But an overrated diamond player is not what he is,
(off-stream). He easily hit d1, with a 70% winrate and 7KDA.) That's pretty darn impressive..
2 years ago watching his stream was the highlight of my day, he was the funny guy he is today, but he was smashing
pros. It was great, i'm sad the attention of many thousand people has managed to erupt his interest in the game though.. Theres no doubt in my mind that when tobias REALLY want to win, he is the best GP in the world. (micro-wise.) And he is really good at surviving lane, and scaling into a so called, hyper carry.
People who recently have discovered his stream have no idea of what the 800lp chall tobias was like, he was smashing everyone, winning lane phase about 60% of the time, leading in farm etc. (the 20% crit triforce fit gp soo good, this was also before the nerfs.) yeah, i don't know the history of this guy, but he seems as if he is in his prime.. which is not nearly as good as tobias' prime..
i love gangplank montages
wow perfect timing, im taking a dump now
Nice video
The SaeP eren sen misin la
Emirhan Zeren Aynen baba sen de mi buradaydın .d
vay a q tesadüfe bak
Harbiden tesadüfe bak .d
Esses timmings dos barris ...mds cara que mlk monstro de gp , sou fanzão do tobias mas as tuas plays são mais limpas
this is why we like GP
Esperando esse video a tempos partiu ver carai
2:37 olhem o chat
wanna have enemies like his... completely ignores barrels
O moleque é brabo memo!!
Forever Toast "Yasuo" Montage - best Yasuo plays|
League Of Legends
Forever Toast "Lucian Main" Montage - best Lucain plays|
League Of Legends
BR Dominando o mundo.
HydroGod moleque é brabo de GP.
finalmente um BR :))
I love his smile
GP main
caralho mané esse cara ia na mesma Lan que eu ia mlk joga muito
where is our beloved captain Tobias?
What elo is it?I see him put a barrel in there face and they only walk to hit you wtf ?
Hydrogen GOD
BR representando boa mlk
Herdyn Jarvan IV motage pls!
sdds de quando o hydrogen era quente
R.I.P Hydrogen
Still The Barrels 😍
i come here to see the songs he set up feelsgoodman
Oh so elements can be usernames now, guess ill change mine to bronze
Tobito in My heart
q orgulho dos agr hein
This guy goes close combat a lot, but Tobias? He fking packs a lot of plays and combos well. Like the one-part combo, jesus that gives me chills when he does it perfectly.
The difference is Hydrogen is actually challenger not hardstuck tobias
Juracy é brabo '- '
pelo amor de deus quem foi o anão? '-'
current rank of him ? ^^
better than tobias fate question mark question mark??
Anyone else think he looks like General Zod from the most recent Superman?
Tobias is better overall, but Hydrogen is the better duelist and laner.
Well, i mean, this guy is good, not gonna lie, but the lack of one part combos made it a normal montage of any gp chaining barrels and flashing TLDR+passive :(
Tobias mecanicamente faz combos mitolicos porem nunca pego challeger ja esse ai tem varias smurf e main e challeger 600 pdl por ai
Shygo é vc?
hades underworld yasuo montage pls
hey man RLY LOVE ur videos.....assuming u play lol too, how about u make us a montage of urself, my birthday is after 4 days :) and i hope u make my wish come true (:
lel lel check his channel and you'll see
link me the video...cant find it
Still Tobias Fate > other gp mains ☺
HYDRO THE GOD !? Tobias VS Hydrogen ?
saudades desse gp
BR representando
nice plays
que skin da HORA do donkey kong o chefão jacaré
Qual a música aos 6:27 por ai kk.
no thanks, tobias will always be my daddy.
The Storm this is why you are stuck in bronze five
@@anything256 how the fk does admiring someone makes u a bad player?
I love you
finally u did a montage on a high elo player not some diamond scrub
Logan Turner Oh man silver 5 talking here.12 btw.
ayato amagiri best yasuo plays plzzz
hes just 15 yers old an the best yasuo br
Yes, the tobito is better because of it tobito is diamont and the hydrogen is master / challenger
Where the lvl7 Gp's at?
son of tobias fate
he's a good GP no doubt about it. but as you're watching the video, half the players don't learn from the first barrel and just walk into the next one. that's a decent representation of the skill of high elo in BR. they're not amazing, and still have a lot to learn, but players like these shine through the darkness of the BR region. still a one trick tho? maybe
He may be the best GP player with that boring style, not a single one pot combo and only a few 3 pots combos. That's not a true GP main play style. Tobias may be not the best gp player but he probally the true GP main. Playing GP is about moving around using your brain to put the barrels in right position in team fights or just for some hurtful poke dmg. Seeing tobito one-shots the enemy team is a way more satisfied than all others gp main. No hate to him but seeing those cmts saying he's the best gp main just made me annoyed
Capitão Hydro no Comando
Bunu kafalardaki atakana benzeten sadece ben miyim?
menino é bom e é novo
sdds do gp quando ele era ligeiro
I always Wonder "oq houve co meu gepeto preferedo?"
hello from turkey, this man is a beast and he is cute no homo
Song Name?
Prepotente raiz
Quente novamente
representa o brasil meu bom
how can hydrogen play in china and korea? his ping must be ridicoulus high
ILoveListeniningToEDM ele só muda a língua. Continua no server Br