Nah, it'll be an E-1 twice demoted just for the sake of karma. You know damn well that E-1 heard about this and is like "I'm gonna fuck yo wife" all Tyrone style...
Officer’s wives are 10x worse. When my wife went to spouse newcomer orientation the base commander was introduced and said, “If you are O-6 please stand up.” A couple of ladies stood up. Then, “How many are 0-5?”, and so on. When around half the audience was standing, he said something like, “None of you have any rank. You are all civilian dependents. You have no rank, and therefore, have no special privilege over any other person in this room.” I guess there were a lot of egos pretty much deflated that day.
@@who346 if the dude’s career is fucked cuz he leaked out stuff like this (shit that’s fucked objectively), then shit definitely ain’t right. EDIT: This guy (the leaker) definitely deserves some beer
I'll bet you anything the person this letter went to was some enlistedman in charge of housing. Probably laughed his ass off reading it and shared it to everyone in the office too
As a senior enlisted 12Z, I had a Brigade Chief of Operations…. a Major, whose trash can was overflowing with crap told me to get one of the E4’s to take out the trash “because that’s their job” he went off to a meeting and I went around the office and took all the trash cans and locked them up. When he came back with an empty pizza slice box looking for his trash can, he came to me and asked where it was at. I told him he had lost his trash can privileges due to not taking his own trash out. He “ordered” me to give it back. After I explained that I, the Brigade Command Sergeant Major, Brigade Commander, and all other Senior Officers and senior enlisted take their own trash out so he could as well, he went to the Deputy Commander a LTC, and complained. The DCO after me explaining the situation,told him he also took his own trash out, and if that’s what he thought of his subordinates than since he out ranked the Major, that the Major could take out the DCO, Brigade Commander, and CSM trash for a few weeks. I was told to give the trash can back whenever I was ready to. A year later I retired with the trash cans still locked up.
How to kill morale. Have toxic leadership. A single 155 round is $15,000. On top of other training. Including Stryker and knights.. The army spent 1.8 million just training me as an FO. Artillery Scout. Training ALONE. The army lost its multi million dollar asset when I had encoutered: A major who insisted I didn't know anything. A chief warrant with 45 years who would not listen to the logic and reason I gave him for tactical situations. A captain, who was then promoted to major afterwards, that tried to ruin my life because I told her the emotional stress of my life was getting to me. She tried to just give me a crap ton of happy drugs. I needed life therapy advice and not to get addicted to drugs. My team thought of her as a nice person and I was a terrible person for going off on her after that. Still got my honorable discharge and possibility of re enlistment. Plus an arcom... which was apparently supposed to be something higher but you know....toxic. leadership.
Yeah I hate ego maniacs like that, they give the military a bad name. When I left the military I ended up working for the Army as a civil service worker and they hired a new guy that was a former officer with a masters degree and he couldn't stand that I had to train him because I was a prior enlisted guy, he even went to human resources about it and they kindly reminded him that he's no longer in the military.
Let me get this straight. A Major…ordered a CSM…to give his trash can back. Because the Major was an elitist prick. 1) That Major won’t need to ever buy a chicken for his shoulder. Yup. No Colonel Elitist Prick for him! 2) The Brigade Commander was exactly correct. 3) You, sir, are a gentleman, and a scholar. I bow. I bow.
Sun Tzu: Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. Navy LT: *I'll ignore that*
A rough translation: "I treat my subordinates like absolute shit, because I think I'm better than them. I don't want to be in a position where the consequences of my actions can catch up with me"
As a officer myself, this is exactly why so many people leave the Navy, toxic leadership is the #1 reason I hear why people transfer to a different service or get out.
As an enlisted soldier I can testify that this is true all over. and what's worse is the environment leaders like this create will often lead to suicides as well.
Yeah leadership can make or break a person’s experience in the military. I’ve met people who got out after 4 years due to shitty leadership and some gunning for 20 under amazing leadership.
This is how it is in the military. They treat lower enlisted like garbage, try and make them robots, pay them little to nothing, expect them to show up at stupid hours, get mad at them for asking genuine questions and throw a fucking surprised Pikachu face when they decide, "Fuck this, I'm gonna go do literally anything else other then this garbage."
@ Sad but true. My last humanities class everyone under 35 could not even break up a paragraph. Was so bad the professor had to warn she was about to start failing people. And still they would not change how they wrote the papers.
@@gravitatemortuus1080 well thats normal in humanities, iq increases in exact sciences, but they still have a very direct and practical language, independently of which one it is, English, Spanish, russian, French etc etc etc Now if you want super complex, ultra "intellectual" 1000 pages text that have lots of words just go to any philosophy or law school and pick any published paper hahaha
I once lived off post in an apartment. My next door neighbor was a LT. We were not in same unit. He later was promoted and eventually took command of my unit. Before he and his wife moved we hung out outside shared an occasional beer and talked about life. Once he took command we never discussed being neighbors and kept it completely professional. And that is how it's done.
Same here with my old SUPPO. He was a prior enlisted 0600 branch Marine who got his degree and came back as a Navy Supply Corps Officer. We were stationed together at two back to back commands and would regularly hang out outside of work. I'm retired now and he's an O-4 up at the Naval War College. He was a great dude to work with.
Here for all this! “O-MONEY” choked me. Angry is the straight up military OG truth preaching oracle of the biggest & craziest military truths & insanity. Calling out these folk & granting their demands for all the special attention & accolade-parade seeking these seriously entitled O’s neeeeeed riiiight meow... couldn’t this Pompous pious, & pretentious navy pope Lt. settle for a specially assigned detachment to roll out white carpets and drop rose petals so he may get a mere smidge of that elite treatment he believes he deserves. TLDR? Navy LT Allison needs a fully staffed 80’ minimum private duty yacht if at sea & requisition a custom 6k’ min, sq. Ft. navy Castle, must have a safe room for his extremely irresistible family, with 24/7 private security details so he may live the military life he needs so he is mentally fit to do his JOB. It’s not too late, on this, NAVY Command? Postscript: for LT Allison, the precious housing snob Gollum. Don’t ever bow to feels & status spending over practical needs these princess/terrorist demands like the NAVY & chair force tend to encourage for some military officers mentally disabled by their own overblown & twisted sense of value, worth, work contributions they are already PAID to perform, (usually very underserved), luxurious terrorist demands PLUS navy LT Allison took the biggest, most public, vulgar, demeaning, petty, & cheap steaming curry vindaloo dump all over the rest of the navy. Amazing.
When I was in Iraq there was this Sgt Major that had his guys build him a full set of furniture bed and all for his room...Some General came to visit and that Sgt Major Put his guys to work again to make the General a mini palace. The General saw the room and asked if everyone lived like that..When he was told no he found a regular room and bunked there. There are still a few good ones out there.
An I guarantee that general was well taken care of after that and the other soldiers probably would have ran away on the Sgtmj every time he even look like he wanted to talk.
That General probably had the best sleep of his life knowing the men sleeping next to him would put their lives up to protect his just by showing he isn’t any different
When you get past all the rank and all the officialness everybody in the military is just a person and honestly a lot of the higher-ups don't particularly like it when they get treated like the plague and people avoid them at all costs. General goes to eat in the chow hall and suddenly three tables of cleared up
A ship without officers will sail in circles, but a ship without sailors won't sail at all. Always treat your subordinates with the respect they deserve.
This is the type of officer that would say "I know your wife is about to go into labor, but we need you in the field" and then drives away from the field spending the night at home saying "I had an important meeting that day ".
Had this happen with a Sat Phone in Iraq. No time for the enlisted to make a 5 minute call home once a week, but Oscar 3 dickhead used it for an hour every day.
Here is the shitty part, this LT was enlisted Army 1999 thru 2003. He got out, went to Penn State earning his bachelor's and Masters in Math and Physics. He commissioned in the Navy, who paid for his PHD which he received in 2018. Imagine being a 40 year old captain. Talk about failure. Yep, he graduated HS in 1999, 22 years ago.
I was told this adage, in multiple forms throughout my military career: "Take care of your people and your people will take care of you. If you don't take care of your people... your people WILL take care of you. " Respect works both ways and must flow in both ways. If you don't respect your subordinates... they will give you the minimum respect due you... and they certainly won't stick their neck out for you. On the other hand, if you treat your subordinates with respect and even if you are "Firm but Fair" your troops will look out for you. This douche bag is a couple angry swabbies away from a man overboard drill... in rough seas... at night.
WEPS on my old ship was so disliked he wouldn't go outside the skin of the ship at night....not even out on the bridge wings when he had the conn. Pretty miserable way to live.....
Chris Hansen: “ so... you’re being the good guy, warning a child about internet predators, while saying you would stick your blank in her blank?” LT: “exactly”
It was that attitude that made me double down on pride that my husband was enlisted and not an officer. The sanctimony was obvious in FRG. The only good thing about having to participate in FRG crap was getting intel on those entitled women. I was older than many (all) of the other enlisted' wives, so the officers' wives often spoke freely around me. (It helped that my father and brother were officers, too, I guess.) It was a damned high school level soap opera around that place! The ironic thing is - one of the closest friends my husband made is an officer and although my hubby has been out of the service for several years, they still call each other regularly. He's nothing like 'ol Nathaniel, though.
@@NCrdwlf Ya gonna get canceled. Taking the civilians out of their required-by-law Safe Space. Now that I hear that, it sounds like what is happening to the poor poor subject Oh... "is me. I'm being treated so unfair". Why do all the others have that & you won't let me Mommy? Dismissing even the ones he admits are in similar situations of his own (used with extreme prejudice) kind. He's Speshal.
@@ReallyGuy858 not to mention increased operational tempo coupled with consistently faulty equipment and the military being used as a social experiment by TPTB in the National Capitol Region.
@Jonesy 1776 I also can’t help but to this that his little girls one day will probably follow suite kinda like how the super racist guys daughter marries a black guy lol
Its officers like him that are the reason I turned down my Engineering commission and joined the enlisted trades. More fun rolling around in the dirt with the grunts than doing paperwork with the snobs.
Fuck that, dirt sucks. Work smart, not hard. Who gives a fuck about what assholes you work with. They all suck ass equally no matter what your job is, so I'd rather work with assholes in ac than assholes in the sun.
"You- you think I'm a dangerous lust monster?" Sniffles, failing to hold back tears. "Thank you so much, lieutenant. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me."
Have no fear, the enlisted will absolutely show him all the respect he deserves and has earned. Unfortunately, it won't be the respect he thinks he's owed.
It already has. It’s spread around the base the day it first got out. The hospitals XO sent out an email about it, and the base CO has been briefed on it.
@@Borklaser0808 God damn i want to see that email and hear about what kind of an ass chewing he got from this brain fart. im sure his reporting senior is really happy about all of this. his eval is going to be awesome! :D
Being such a highly educated “osiffer” , you’d think that his grammar and ability to write a letter would be far more superior than a middle school pre-teen writing his own letter of recommendation to JROTC.
@@nickcorkery7663 let's not be a party pooper. I'm sure he would have invited everyone. He was a rear admiral after all. Might have set up a ticket booth and prizes for the longest lasting.
The irony is that if he took his head out of his butt, he probably would find that the enlisted boys would make for the closest and most die hard friends you can have. Much better over someone who would throw you under the bus to get that sweet sweet promotion for a few thousand dollar increase in pay grade.
You know the base commander probably had heard of him and was like, “hey yall, wanna see something funny?” Then made sure he got housing with the enlisted.
I'd put him in with the E-3s for a month if his housing was unsuitable until his new housing is appropriately prepared for an officer of his rank. And let his E-3 roomies be the preparation detail for it
@@infernogaming7923 nah e-1s are too new and are probably still scared of everyone and everything, gotta have them e-3s and the e4 mafia take care of the LT. If he thinks the people in enlisted housing are bad this dudes head would explode if he spend a couple nights in a junior sailors barracks
When I was overseas we had an O6 die from huffing duster, an O3 charged with rape, another O3 die from alcohol poisoning, an O2 caught in drag leaving lower enlisted bhuts, and zero trouble from lower enlisted
If I, a 33 year old man, behaved like this, my dad, retired Navy Chief, would shred my heart, mind, and soul. He wouldn’t spill a drop of his coffee while doing it too.
There’s a reason they’re called Chief. My dad was a QMCS. My house ran like a ship and I was brought up to be an NCO. I could properly board a ship at 4 years old.
@@madebyhim1197 it’s the navy not the army. In the army, I’ve seen LTs and SFCs go hand to hand. (My platoon leader was prior enlisted and my platoon sergeant tried to army NCO. I was the Platoon RTO making coffee and once they started bitching at each other it was my time to escape.) I never once heard of my dad doing that. I think the culture is different. Chiefs have to work around officers. Army NCOs work through officers.
@@fathead8933 LMAO... try explaining to a 90 year old Master Chief how it's been going on "these days" in the miltary! 🤣 Korean war and Vietnam war... he is hardcore and just doesn't understand the crazy!
I was junior enlisted USMC in the mid 1980s. On a TAD assignment to a rec area, I encountered a wife still present well beyond closing. I reminded her 2x. She was reminded the 3x by the base police announcing herself as the base CG (MG) wife. I informed her HIS title is MG "X", hers is "Mrs.", and will still follow the same policies signed by her husband. My lavish TAD assignment ended the next weekend. During out processing, I told the Deputy CG my assignment would not change, showing a copy of my logbook entry, the MP visit report, the base policy, a copy of her written complaint, my check out sheet, and the CONGRINT ready to fax. Everything stopped. CG tried to bribe me with a NAM; as I declined as I was doing my job. I was meritorious Cpl within the hour and NEVER heard from her again. My paperwork stayed hidden beyond the COC relief.
That's why I'm shipping out to Lackland and not somewhere else in 2 weeks. The other branches are ok, but I want that $$$ and that good education and all that sweet sweet DFAC food
@@bladeporter6194 Do you think I'm doing it solely because it sounds fun? It does sound fun to me, but I don't expect you to understand that. I'm doing it because I want to go farther in life and I know this opportunity can give me that. The only way you can say "they all aren't good" is if you've served in all 5 branches. If you've been in the military in any capacity, why would you tell a newcomer that it sucks before they've even done basic? You just sound like someone who doesn't know how to be positive and looks at everything with the worst possible attitude. I hope to never even meet someone like you in the service. If you did serve, your attitude is a disgrace to yourself and your service, even if it was intended jovially. It's trash. Grow up.
Honestly if the officer just went "Hey I want a house and to not live on a base can I get put on a list for one or whatever" His odds of getting one would be way higher then whatever this shit is
@@clydediddit5753 he wasn’t able to work at that command (naval hospital Yokosuka) because everyone refused to work with him. Not sure what happened after.
Yeah all he had to say was "in order to avoid myself becoming too friendly and complacent with my enlisted personnel, and vice-versa, I respectfully request to be moved to a different location." Fraternization by being a neighbor seems like a pretty fair reason.
1:40 ... If he were an enlisted Marine, First Sergeant would be pulling the soul from his body with command voice and knife hands from his drill field days over that poorly grown flavor saver under his oxygen waster.
As a Nathaniel Myself, I feel like I now somewhat know what it feels like to be yelled at by a drill sergeant. And this Nathaniel brings shame to my name. He's not even a Nate, he's a buzzing and irritating Nat.
You’re absolutely right about that. He’s the guy who says “I’ve seen the devastation these rifles can cause.” Then we find out he was an aviation logistics officer.
My husband was enlisted with the Marines, and I once was talking to a captains wife, and she was complaining about her husbands pay, she was saying he made so little money that she qualified for welfare, me and the other ladies were just rolling our eyes at her, meanwhile we were trying to do our best for the non-nco’s families at Christmas time.
it is low pay...officers are educated and are sacrificing more than the enlisted as they are more valuable people and are in demand in civilian life. enlisted people don't have that value.
@@andrewkuoppala3925 Well thats not exactly true. My husband was enlisted, we retired, and because of his MOS and his reputation and work ethic, he now has a job where he makes A LOT of money, but more importantly he does what he likes and is respected in his field as an expert.
@@andrewkuoppala3925 didn't realize its officers going out on combat patrols lol. Anyone can go to a 4 year college these days, they're not that special
@@vladtheimp3219 I never forgot where I came from and I had several one way conversations in my career (with JO's and senior enlisted). I had an O-2 working for me in the desert who had the type of attitude that he was better than others because of his rank. I had some alone time with him and assigned him some tasks inwhich he had to work extremely close with his people and in not the best conditions. The Chief who I assigned with him kept me informed. By the end of the deployment he understood that his enlisted could assist him or could ruin his day depending on how he interacted with them. Needless to say he learned some humility fairly quickly.
I remeber a midshipman... was on the ship for around 2 weeks with us out to sea. I was an aviation support equipment technician and E5. He was assigned to work with my team on an engine swap. Our LT brought me into her office with Senior and they told me in no uncertain terms that he is to be treated as an E3, not to salute him or give any special treatment. I questioned that and was told they would handle any issue that arose. He about shit himself wen I had him up to his elbows in grease and oil. Decided he wasnt coming back the next day.... never did find out what happened after that.
Which means Nobody in his Command likes him. That shit was done on purpose; more than likely he screwed the pooch so hard, and made such a poor impression on the Operations Officer while under way that he was permanently transferred to Shore Duty. The dipshit probably thinks it's good for his Career. I think it's safe to say he's going to be hearing the words "Passed Over" soon.
@Duncan Hightower no just Naval Tradition, and Discipline. Officers, and Enlisted do not Fraternize; as familiarity breeds contempt. Contempt discourages attention to detail, and a lack of attention to detail gets people killed, or injured.
NEVER initiate a conversation with a Naval Officer, it will end badly. He will order the door dogged down with you in the compartment, and you will drown. If you are an Airedale, pilots will only be nice to you. And when they use your ejection seat they will buy a case of JD for you. I also advise sharing the Jack Daniels with the rest of the shop, and the pilot.
My favorite thing about angry cops is that he’s so popular now, this LT is definitely getting talked to by his superiors, getting dirty looks by his subordinates, and is 100% fucked where ever he goes in the Navy now. God I love you
Instead of keeping his mouth shut and doing his job and taking care of his family., this officer decides to go off on an ill-advised rant against the enlisted community God only knows about the NCO community or even his fellow officers what his true feelings are towards them ., on that location where he is currently stationed., he's about to Captain queeg his entire career without the use of strawberries, with just a pen and paper. If I were him I would just quietly request to be chaptered out because if he doesn't ., he won't have to die to experience hell because he is literally doing the career equivalent of burning the bridge he's standing on with thermite
@@arnoldsherrill6305 OMG!!! I laughed so hard at your comment!!! BRILLIANT!!! “Burned the bridge he’s standing on with thermite” LOL!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! 👍🤣
If you can’t live amongst those you’ll be in command of, or be part of their chain of command, you have no right to be overseeing them in any manner or form.
He's going to claim PTSD for fear of the Enlisted, just like some of the younger ones claim PTSD due to Drills yelling at them and treating them like "prisoners".
I can get on board with that description it certainly felt that way at times but at the same time PTSD? from feeling like a prisoner? it isn't tramatic it is inane, boring, frustrating, and demeaning but post TRAUMATIC stress disorder? where is the trauma? Not to mention the comparison to prisoners is an exaggeration simply because you signed up for it. What do they expect a hostile military to do? cuddle them to sleep at night in a POW camp?
@@hi14993 Believe me, there have been some younger "veterans" making claims for PTSD, because their DSs yelled at them. One even told me that he couldn't sleep at night, and cried in his girlfriend's lap.
The amount of grammatical errors in his letter tells me he's one of the guys that used to hire me to write their online college papers, and the tone of his letter tells me he's one of the guys who used to hit on me online when I was 14.
“A woman will always find a way to include herself in a mans tale”-ancient Chinese proverb. Glad to hear your own sob/brag inclusion because you couldn’t actually empathize with the officer/enlisted dichotomy portrayed so you latch yourself like a leach onto his “writing style” to tell us that you were groomed and good enough to be hired for your writing prowess back in college. I know I’m being a nitpicky asshole but imagine if I went onto a woman’s video talking about her boss threatening to fire her if she didn’t sleep with him and said “man that guys blackmail note reminds me of all the hooligans who used to bully me for money back in school lol he can’t even spell the word substantial correctly what a loser good thing I fucked all their girlfriends with my big pp lmao” it has literally nothing to do with the actual issue at hand. I guarantee there are other officers who have horrible grammar and verbiage but are all around stand up leaders who despite their poor writing style are highly capable, but because you can’t comment on the actual unprofessional conduct being quoted you have to chime in with your completely unrelated two cents to try and get your slice of attention. Its gotten to the point now that I think anyone who is not actively involved with military affairs should just refrain from taking part in our discussions, because it starts off with small stuff like this and then civilians feel the need to form groups to lobby over matters they are entirely misinformed over just adding extra sludge to the bloated bureaucracy.
As a mustang Colonel once told me, "Officers tend to come from upper middle to low high class backgrounds that hail from the suburbs that watched too many war movies. All can have potential to be great. Family and personal wealth isn't a factor to being good or bad in command. But their is a reason why some officers give all commission officers a bad reputation as dandies." This guy's letter just gives me that impression. Working with officers for 6 years tells me, he's that guy.
I'm guessing he won't be needing any babysitters for his next anniversary. How to ruin your career with a single correspondence. Keep up the righteous work Rich
:...brain hungry zombies. Just clawing and walking their way towards your family so they can fuck 'em!" This literally had me on the floor dying of laughter
The way a solider says "Officer" when talking about someone tells you exactly how they feel about them. The way that one word is said will tell you if an officer is liked, hated or ambiguous. Its a skill you learn early
Yep every troop, company, or detachment does it differently too. I knew this one platoon that loved their LT and called him “The Sir” they thought it sounded badass. In another troop they had a platoon that had the same nickname for their LT. But you could clearly here the difference in how they said it and it was only behind his back. Apparently they called him the sir because he always reminded his soldiers about the difference between bars and stripes.
I find it hilarious and sad that he was Army enlisted before he became a naval officer and has this type of mentality. He's suppose to be someone who bridges the gap due to wearing both ranks. He probably thought he'd be treated like royalty as a naval officer because of separate mess halls and the like. The Army and Marines mostly avoid this as leadership branches. I had a closer relationship with my PSG and 1SG than I ever had with my Battlion Commander.
I lived in those towers in 2006 and they are really nice. I was an E-5 in the Army stationed in Yokosuka (not many Army). Now that I am an officer, I would prefer to live with enlisted but would be okay with living with other officers. People are people.
All the officers kicked his ass out, they didn't want to deal with him so they gave him to the enlisted because "enlisted puts the lotion on its skin" 😂.
If I were SecNav, this guy would be issuing a public apology to everyone in that complex, then immediately defrocked and dishonorably discharged for conduct unbecoming an officer.
@@johndoe-ng8gb a couple of officers on a thread. “ you need to understand that some people are better than other people. There is reason for better treatment than the slave class. Communism is where you pretend that everyone is equal.” A reply I got because I said it was time to end the class system.
'that awkward moment when you realize the lower enlisted are a reflection of their leadership AKA OFFICERS' A mate of mine, a Sergeant in a Repair Parts Store (RPS) at the Armoured Regt, told me that when he was in the Sgts Mess, his boss, a Warrant Officer was bagging out his workers and saying how usless they were out infront of his other Warrant officer mates. My mate said he piped up and said 'Sir...we are but a reflection on how we are led.' The Turret and Spanner (RAEME) Heads were all pissing themselves laughing. His boss was seething but nothing he could do about it.
I did 4 years in the Navy and 8 in the army. As a young E3 in the Navy, I was stationed in San Diego. I lived with my girlfriend and she had a good job, so we had an off base apartment in a really nice complex. My littoral next-door neighbor was a lieutenant from my ship, small world. I don’t recall ever having an issue, we were civil and talkative at home and down to business on the ship. miss LTC is a real piece of work.
He was the PFC who couldn’t fit in anywhere and was like I will show these guys one day I’m gonna be an officer. I will be respected because I am an officer.
Had one that was an E4 in 10th Mountain and hated being told to do shit by the NCOs so he went to OCS to show those meanies who is boss. He was relieved of duty as a 1LT in Iraq after his platoon wrote a letter to the commander complaining about him LOL.
@@Lafly84 I had an NCO tell me once that I should do green to gold. I’m not 100% sure, but my facial expression might have easily been considered disrespect to an NCO. For the brief second before he explained, that was the worst insult I had ever received in the Army. Turned out to be one of the best compliments I got in the Army. Still didn’t do that. Enlisted and officers alike only tolerate Mustangs.
"If you have a question, ask an officer, and officer will always answer your question. However, if you want the correct answer, ask your NCO." Advice my Aunt, who was a Lt. Commander at the time gave to a bunch of future Corpsmen she was training, Not all officers despise enlisted and NCO ranks.
Back when I was still in the military, my ex wife took our dog to the local dog park. She was talking to some dude who was talking about the military. As soon as the ex said to this dude I was enlisted he immediately quit talking to her.
Seen it both ways. My kids were playing with an O’s kids at the park and looked concerned like they were playing with a bonfire. My neighbor is a Lt Col and he is the greatest neighbor I could ever ask for. It boils down to how the O was raised amongst his unit and his/her own choices.
We had an ensign worse than him on my ship. He was the div-O for mechanical division. As the day approached when we would cross the equator, he adamantly refused to go through the ceremony. Understand this, on that day, there is no officer or enlisted; only polliwog and shellback. Thank God we had a Captain who ordered all the polliwog officers to go through the ceremony. On that fateful day, he crawled on the deck with a coveted red “S” on his shirt. Shortly into the ceremony, a shout rang out “PADDED WOG!!!!!!!” And wouldn’t you know it was HIM! And the beatings commenced. The shillelaghs were a flyin! When we pulled into port a week later, he transferred off the ship, and was never heard from again.
Yes!! I can’t tell you how many times I had to deal with some wife who started the conversation with “ I’m Mrs. Major so & so”. No lady you ain’t shit but along for the ride.
I'm kinda disappointed he gleaned over the numerous typos and grammatical errors... only thing that makes this seem suspect. Either the LT is lying about having a PHd, or he truly is just an awful jackass.
@@williamescolantejr5871 Probably because it's an overseas assignment with limited housing options. Generally a statement of non-availability and a housing allowance avoids this, but perhaps living on the foreign economy isn't an option.
Kinda interesting how the guy with a PhD in biomedical physics misspelled "hear" as "here" in the second line of his letter about why he's better than everyone
Indeed, one would expect someone so "qualified" to know how to write a letter. However, one would also be surprised by how some pretty inteligent people have very little domain of the english language, almost always STEM people. I've seen it first hand.
I live in Ikego, the same housing he described as Fort Hood, the most deviant behavior is the families in townhomes that live next to playgrounds treat it as an extension of their backyards and leave toys and bikes there all the time.
The hell of it is, as an O3 he would be living with SENIOR Enlisted. Talking about SENIOR Enlisted this way he will get his career ruined by those who do NOT put up with this pretentious garbage!
@@AngryCops you got an email i can send it to. It is a 5 minute compilation of your that can only mean one thing moments. Here is the link to it.видео.html
@@Nurgles_Rot_ Usually those guys aren't in it for the benefits or anything, they legit want to serve their country even though they already have a civilian life set out for them. Usually they see something on the news or something that inspires them to join.
he has the right navy mindset, the navy still has its roots to the british navy in the old days, where enlisted were treated worse than animals and an enlisted man so much as making eye contact with an officer was a crime. I don't know why people expected to be treated like people in a branch of the armed forces famous for not treating people like people.
Dad was an O-3 whenever we moved into a new unit he would specifically request that he house in the worst house for his unit. If the unit refused he knew he had some work to do, if they allowed it he gained the respect of his enlisted soldiers. He compared it to eating, if the highest ranked eat last shouldn’t it be the same in housing?
_Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death._ - Sun Tzu
My question is, why did this guy join the navy and not go work at a hospital or conduct research. He has an envious amount of education in an extremely difficult field.. and he joined the navy...
I was thinking the same thing. Some of those sentences had duplicate segments as if the guy was so distracted that he forgot he had already written the segment he was currently writing. I just thought to myself: "This guy got a college degree? HOW???"
@Redneck Hillbilly He's an LT with a PhD so he's almost certainly a research scientist commission. Like how we give doctors commissions after an 8 week Officer Training Course and they graduate as an O4 or O5.
@Redneck Hillbilly No, like most doctors who end up joining the army end up joining as Majors or LTC+, or higher, not LTs living amongst us uncouth enlisted.
@Redneck Hillbilly I replied to the wrong person, I agree with you that he looks too old for a LT but I’ve met people who joined in their 30’s so maybe he just got commissioned
It was my experience when an enlisted person got an article 15 or a Court Martialed for stuff like drunk driving, fighting theft etc there peers who likely saw the bad behavior were more apt to side with the officer because they put a stop to it.
He just afraid his wife is gonna leave him for an E-5
E-3 probably
No joke! 😆
He SHOULD be afraid.
Yea....she probably got a wink and a smile from a black E-5..... Ruined his whole day.....
Nah, it'll be an E-1 twice demoted just for the sake of karma. You know damn well that E-1 heard about this and is like "I'm gonna fuck yo wife" all Tyrone style...
Officer’s wives are 10x worse. When my wife went to spouse newcomer orientation the base commander was introduced and said, “If you are O-6 please stand up.” A couple of ladies stood up. Then, “How many are 0-5?”, and so on. When around half the audience was standing, he said something like, “None of you have any rank. You are all civilian dependents. You have no rank, and therefore, have no special privilege over any other person in this room.” I guess there were a lot of egos pretty much deflated that day.
Exactly right. The "First Lady" is NOT the President and the Captain's wife is NOT a Captain. Get over it, spouses.
Some great leadership on the part of the Base Commander.
That all works until the wives make speaks with their husbands later.
I work as a landscape contractor on a Base (refuse to say where) but the officers wife's are kind of stuck up.
@@brucecampbell4528 Just "kind of?" LOL
Whoever leaked this deserves a medal.
or a case of beer
And a case of beer
This guys career is fuucked.
@@who346 if the dude’s career is fucked cuz he leaked out stuff like this (shit that’s fucked objectively), then shit definitely ain’t right. EDIT: This guy (the leaker) definitely deserves some beer
I'll bet you anything the person this letter went to was some enlistedman in charge of housing. Probably laughed his ass off reading it and shared it to everyone in the office too
As a senior enlisted 12Z, I had a Brigade Chief of Operations…. a Major, whose trash can was overflowing with crap told me to get one of the E4’s to take out the trash “because that’s their job” he went off to a meeting and I went around the office and took all the trash cans and locked them up. When he came back with an empty pizza slice box looking for his trash can, he came to me and asked where it was at. I told him he had lost his trash can privileges due to not taking his own trash out. He “ordered” me to give it back. After I explained that I, the Brigade Command Sergeant Major, Brigade Commander, and all other Senior Officers and senior enlisted take their own trash out so he could as well, he went to the Deputy Commander a LTC, and complained. The DCO after me explaining the situation,told him he also took his own trash out, and if that’s what he thought of his subordinates than since he out ranked the Major, that the Major could take out the DCO, Brigade Commander, and CSM trash for a few weeks. I was told to give the trash can back whenever I was ready to. A year later I retired with the trash cans still locked up.
How to kill morale. Have toxic leadership. A single 155 round is $15,000. On top of other training. Including Stryker and knights.. The army spent 1.8 million just training me as an FO. Artillery Scout. Training ALONE. The army lost its multi million dollar asset when I had encoutered: A major who insisted I didn't know anything. A chief warrant with 45 years who would not listen to the logic and reason I gave him for tactical situations. A captain, who was then promoted to major afterwards, that tried to ruin my life because I told her the emotional stress of my life was getting to me. She tried to just give me a crap ton of happy drugs. I needed life therapy advice and not to get addicted to drugs. My team thought of her as a nice person and I was a terrible person for going off on her after that. Still got my honorable discharge and possibility of re enlistment. Plus an arcom... which was apparently supposed to be something higher but you know....toxic. leadership.
Yeah I hate ego maniacs like that, they give the military a bad name. When I left the military I ended up working for the Army as a civil service worker and they hired a new guy that was a former officer with a masters degree and he couldn't stand that I had to train him because I was a prior enlisted guy, he even went to human resources about it and they kindly reminded him that he's no longer in the military.
Let me get this straight. A Major…ordered a CSM…to give his trash can back. Because the Major was an elitist prick.
1) That Major won’t need to ever buy a chicken for his shoulder. Yup. No Colonel Elitist Prick for him!
2) The Brigade Commander was exactly correct.
3) You, sir, are a gentleman, and a scholar. I bow. I bow.
you should have gotten a medal with a trash can on it
May all good things come to you for outdicking a dick (I’m serious on this one) 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Sun Tzu: Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.
Navy LT: *I'll ignore that*
Think about his career now.... Every enlisted will be out for him.... Cant wait for the update...
500 BC and Sun Tzu still has it 100% correct! Some things are timeless, priceless and will NEVER change.
Exactly correct
@@toddsmith293 war never changes
@@evil2862 war has changed
“I don’t trust my own men, I think they’re gonna hurt me.”
-The worst leader ever
@Nunya bidness legit says nothing abt Biden
@@cameronfrance4629 i think was refering to yer worst leader comment
@@strelokblackburn4651 I didn’t say anything about the worst leader
@@cameronfrance4629 they other guy did
@@strelokblackburn4651 ya and it still says nothing about Biden
A rough translation:
"I treat my subordinates like absolute shit, because I think I'm better than them. I don't want to be in a position where the consequences of my actions can catch up with me"
This the type of idiot who gets fragged
pretty fucking spot on translation there mate
Oh that's exactly what this is
WELL WELL WELL. If it isn't the consequences of my own actions.
As a officer myself, this is exactly why so many people leave the Navy, toxic leadership is the #1 reason I hear why people transfer to a different service or get out.
As an enlisted soldier I can testify that this is true all over. and what's worse is the environment leaders like this create will often lead to suicides as well.
Yeah leadership can make or break a person’s experience in the military. I’ve met people who got out after 4 years due to shitty leadership and some gunning for 20 under amazing leadership.
i figured it was all the gay jokes
This is how it is in the military. They treat lower enlisted like garbage, try and make them robots, pay them little to nothing, expect them to show up at stupid hours, get mad at them for asking genuine questions and throw a fucking surprised Pikachu face when they decide, "Fuck this, I'm gonna go do literally anything else other then this garbage."
@@casartherandom3010 "i couldn't cut it and it's their fault!" Basically.
He's acting like a Roman Emperor who's scared his legions will kill him for no apparent reason
I'm pretty sure there's a reason
@@918Mitchell depends on the Emperor
@@calebrussell3549 talking about the LT
Et Tu Jodie?
You called?
This man has a PhD and writes on a 4th grade level. This is amazing.
Unis are just degree mills. If you can sit still and pay $300k you can get any kind of degree you want.
@ Sad but true. My last humanities class everyone under 35 could not even break up a paragraph. Was so bad the professor had to warn she was about to start failing people. And still they would not change how they wrote the papers.
His phd is in physics though. Sophistication of writing tend to be less in STEM since people only care about the data and result
@@gravitatemortuus1080 well thats normal in humanities, iq increases in exact sciences, but they still have a very direct and practical language, independently of which one it is, English, Spanish, russian, French etc etc etc
Now if you want super complex, ultra "intellectual" 1000 pages text that have lots of words just go to any philosophy or law school and pick any published paper hahaha
PhD - Piled higher and Deeper.
Poor enlisted, they have to live with an Officer.
Enlisted men start complaining about how this officer doesn't wipe his ass cause "his shit dont stink."
I mean, hes really doing them a favor.
doesn't matter where u from, carreer officers sucks worldwide
I am waiting for the letter from the enlisted.
It's okay, Lt will never find his way back to base housing from the ship (or is that only Army Lts who can't land nav?).
I once lived off post in an apartment. My next door neighbor was a LT. We were not in same unit. He later was promoted and eventually took command of my unit. Before he and his wife moved we hung out outside shared an occasional beer and talked about life. Once he took command we never discussed being neighbors and kept it completely professional. And that is how it's done.
Same here with my old SUPPO. He was a prior enlisted 0600 branch Marine who got his degree and came back as a Navy Supply Corps Officer. We were stationed together at two back to back commands and would regularly hang out outside of work. I'm retired now and he's an O-4 up at the Naval War College. He was a great dude to work with.
As a former enlisted sailor and network administrator, the first thing that should be checked is his internet browser history.
Yeah I'm seizing that guy's laptop as soon as I see him for "potential cyber violation."
We already saw the mustache is that not enough?
Ha!! Damn skippy.
Oh Yes. Where there is smoke there is a fire.
"oh don't worry officer, we have fixed your housing problem. You've been demoted"
Unfortunately Naval commissioned can’t be busted down
Here for all this! “O-MONEY” choked me. Angry is the straight up military OG truth preaching oracle of the biggest & craziest military truths & insanity. Calling out these folk & granting their demands for all the special attention & accolade-parade seeking these seriously entitled O’s neeeeeed riiiight meow... couldn’t this Pompous pious, & pretentious navy pope Lt. settle for a specially assigned detachment to roll out white carpets and drop rose petals so he may get a mere smidge of that elite treatment he believes he deserves.
TLDR? Navy LT Allison needs a fully staffed 80’ minimum private duty yacht if at sea & requisition a custom 6k’ min, sq. Ft. navy Castle, must have a safe room for his extremely irresistible family, with 24/7 private security details so he may live the military life he needs so he is mentally fit to do his JOB.
It’s not too late, on this, NAVY Command?
Postscript: for LT Allison, the precious housing snob Gollum. Don’t ever bow to feels & status spending over practical needs these princess/terrorist demands like the NAVY & chair force tend to encourage for some military officers mentally disabled by their own overblown & twisted sense of value, worth, work contributions they are already PAID to perform, (usually very underserved), luxurious terrorist demands PLUS navy LT Allison took the biggest, most public, vulgar, demeaning, petty, & cheap steaming curry vindaloo dump all over the rest of the navy. Amazing.
@Gunnar Williams in the army they’re moved. Probably for everyone’s safety.
@@micahk99 clearly it was a joke
That would be glorious!
When I was in Iraq there was this Sgt Major that had his guys build him a full set of furniture bed and all for his room...Some General came to visit and that Sgt Major Put his guys to work again to make the General a mini palace. The General saw the room and asked if everyone lived like that..When he was told no he found a regular room and bunked there. There are still a few good ones out there.
Fucking legend
An I guarantee that general was well taken care of after that and the other soldiers probably would have ran away on the Sgtmj every time he even look like he wanted to talk.
That General probably had the best sleep of his life knowing the men sleeping next to him would put their lives up to protect his just by showing he isn’t any different
When you get past all the rank and all the officialness everybody in the military is just a person and honestly a lot of the higher-ups don't particularly like it when they get treated like the plague and people avoid them at all costs.
General goes to eat in the chow hall and suddenly three tables of cleared up
Wait, did I deploy with you..we had similar
A ship without officers will sail in circles, but a ship without sailors won't sail at all. Always treat your subordinates with the respect they deserve.
can't spell lost without Lt
This is the type of officer that would say "I know your wife is about to go into labor, but we need you in the field" and then drives away from the field spending the night at home saying "I had an important meeting that day ".
Had this happen with a Sat Phone in Iraq. No time for the enlisted to make a 5 minute call home once a week, but Oscar 3 dickhead used it for an hour every day.
This is the type of LT that my Commander would have stripped of rank and demoted to Apprentice lol He sounds like a prissy Airman.
Here is the shitty part, this LT was enlisted Army 1999 thru 2003. He got out, went to Penn State earning his bachelor's and Masters in Math and Physics.
He commissioned in the Navy, who paid for his PHD which he received in 2018. Imagine being a 40 year old captain. Talk about failure. Yep, he graduated HS in 1999, 22 years ago.
@@SuperWagner23 wow so he's a prick and a sham
"The enlisted man is stupid but extremely cunning and sly and bear considerable watching" - Army officers guide 1894
😂🤣 this is gold!
My Grandfather was in the horse cavalry in 1894.
Words to that effect were also in an 1800's copy of the British Watch Officer's Guide. Kind of made me proud of having been enlisted in the USN.
It’s true
People in 1894 weren't big on medical knowledge, but this they got
Translation: His wife got her world rocked by an enlisted. His daughters might not be his.
This holds more truth than many even realize
Damn. Ouch. 🤣
damn dude do him like that lmao
Some E-3 out there with two kids he don't know about LOL
I was told this adage, in multiple forms throughout my military career:
"Take care of your people and your people will take care of you. If you don't take care of your people... your people WILL take care of you. "
Respect works both ways and must flow in both ways. If you don't respect your subordinates... they will give you the minimum respect due you... and they certainly won't stick their neck out for you. On the other hand, if you treat your subordinates with respect and even if you are "Firm but Fair" your troops will look out for you.
This douche bag is a couple angry swabbies away from a man overboard drill... in rough seas... at night.
"Conn, forward lookout, I'm trying to spot the overboard.I can't see him,Sir,I can't see hiiiiim!"
WEPS on my old ship was so disliked he wouldn't go outside the skin of the ship at night....not even out on the bridge wings when he had the conn. Pretty miserable way to live.....
If this guy was on to catch a predator, he’d be the guy that came to ‘warn’ the kid.
Chris Hansen: what are you doing here LT?
LT: I came to warn him about predators
Chris: with a box of condoms and a bottle of liquor?
LT: 😶......
@@absolutetuber ... to show him what a predator would do so he can be more careful
@Justin Macisaac ‘you are free to leave out that front door’
Chris Hansen: “ so... you’re being the good guy, warning a child about internet predators, while saying you would stick your blank in her blank?”
LT: “exactly”
"Salute me. My husband is a lieutenant."
Outside Voice: Quotes regs on hand salutes and military courtesy. Inside Voice: "If you're worthy, you'll find your salute behind my gig line."
Don't say that too loud, they'll actually want that.
LT Karen
100% his wife says that
It was that attitude that made me double down on pride that my husband was enlisted and not an officer. The sanctimony was obvious in FRG. The only good thing about having to participate in FRG crap was getting intel on those entitled women. I was older than many (all) of the other enlisted' wives, so the officers' wives often spoke freely around me. (It helped that my father and brother were officers, too, I guess.) It was a damned high school level soap opera around that place! The ironic thing is - one of the closest friends my husband made is an officer and although my hubby has been out of the service for several years, they still call each other regularly. He's nothing like 'ol Nathaniel, though.
“It smells like poor in here” is essential what this LT is saying
Smells liked enlisted spirit
That sure does give the name “Rear Admiral” a whole new meaning.
The DOD as a whole: "Why is no one re-enlisting?"
Why doesnt anyone reenlist? Officers.
They're all woke, like this guy, God help us
Well. That and the commissars
I hope it continues . Let them enact the draft . This country deserves it right now .
@@NCrdwlf Ya gonna get canceled. Taking the civilians out of their required-by-law Safe Space. Now that I hear that, it sounds like what is happening to the poor poor subject Oh... "is me. I'm being treated so unfair". Why do all the others have that & you won't let me Mommy? Dismissing even the ones he admits are in similar situations of his own (used with extreme prejudice) kind. He's Speshal.
Military: "Why are retention rates so low?!?"
Me: "Wildly gestures at toxic, self-absorbed and ineffective leadership."
Well and shit pay :D
@@ReallyGuy858 not to mention increased operational tempo coupled with consistently faulty equipment and the military being used as a social experiment by TPTB in the National Capitol Region.
*Jazz hands*
@@hazegrayprepper4396 what does TPTB stand for?
@@jamesjimotheius8275 The Powers That Be
I’m betting that dudes wife has had a few enlisted run trough her and he’s tired of it!!
@Jonesy 1776 I also can’t help but to this that his little girls one day will probably follow suite kinda like how the super racist guys daughter marries a black guy lol
I bet his wife is Aimee Challenor
@@TankGunner84 his daughter will probably enlist in the navy. Lmao
I bet his wife wrote the letter...its got that spin.
Yup that’s exactly why and that’s exactly what I was thinking.
In summary: LT tried to Karen his way into a free hotel.
That Lt. when he sees the barracks "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy"
Well I just lost some of my coffee. that is going to be one of the funniest things ever had today.
Kinda makes me miss the barracks....
It kinda is, but that besides the point, Army Level HQ and up to and including Pentagon / DoD got that beat easily
Hell yea enlisted life.
I loved hanging with my fellow scum. E5 US ARMY '88 to '96.
The only channel I like getting ads on, knowing that our homie actually gets paid for his masterpieces.
I got tired of ads so I paid YT to remove them.
Same tbh
@@defresurrection Same.
LT Karen has it rough. Cut him some slack! Every time he calls his wife's boyfriend, he tells him to STFU. Poor LT Karen...
We both know his wife has a girlfriend 😂
Fucking gold
Its officers like him that are the reason I turned down my Engineering commission and joined the enlisted trades. More fun rolling around in the dirt with the grunts than doing paperwork with the snobs.
is your name a Hunt for Red October reference?
@@USSKankakee44 My favourite book growing up, and not a bad movie either
Fuck that, dirt sucks. Work smart, not hard. Who gives a fuck about what assholes you work with. They all suck ass equally no matter what your job is, so I'd rather work with assholes in ac than assholes in the sun.
@@MrVilniusNastavnik Yes sir. Just based off of your comment and name, I'd say you qualify to be the schoolmaster.
Was it worth it?
I got a little chub as he talked about how dangerous we enlisted are.
Yeah we are just so ruthless and horny it's so dangerous
A little. Raging battle buddy f@cking hard on.
"You- you think I'm a dangerous lust monster?" Sniffles, failing to hold back tears. "Thank you so much, lieutenant. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me."
@Jussi West the things they will learn will teach them to stay out of the ghettos.
I can't WAIT until this spreads through his unit. "Captain, I can't understand why the enlisted don't show me the respect I deserve"
Have no fear, the enlisted will absolutely show him all the respect he deserves and has earned. Unfortunately, it won't be the respect he thinks he's owed.
It already has. It’s spread around the base the day it first got out. The hospitals XO sent out an email about it, and the base CO has been briefed on it.
@@Borklaser0808 Given the effectiveness of the Navy Gossip line, it probably spread before it got out.
@@Borklaser0808 God damn i want to see that email and hear about what kind of an ass chewing he got from this brain fart. im sure his reporting senior is really happy about all of this. his eval is going to be awesome! :D
@@norahc. Yeah, the mess deck media is very, very efficient.
Being such a highly educated “osiffer” , you’d think that his grammar and ability to write a letter would be far more superior than a middle school pre-teen writing his own letter of recommendation to JROTC.
This is what happens when the Twitter kid's grow up
This guy is proof that
1- The Navy will give anyone with a bachelor's a commission
2- Devry does have a doctorate program
Thank you. That shit was painful to read. He was clearly asleep or drunk through the whole year of English in college.
A single proofread can do wonders.
Spell check
That LT deserves the highest award ever given to servicemen like him, the highest honor ever given to such paragons of virtue:
"Part of the fun of being in the military is being deviant."
Can confirm.
Dude perfect f@cking timing.
Rear admiral shoving dildos in his pocket.
Well to be fare it wasn't for his pocket.
But I'm not going to deny it either
@@dontneedtoknow5836 to be fairrrrrr
@@nickcorkery7663 let's not be a party pooper. I'm sure he would have invited everyone. He was a rear admiral after all. Might have set up a ticket booth and prizes for the longest lasting.
Gotta know where the boundaries are by testing them all the time.
This feels like a rich child complaining to his parents that he has to go to public school
The irony is that if he took his head out of his butt, he probably would find that the enlisted boys would make for the closest and most die hard friends you can have. Much better over someone who would throw you under the bus to get that sweet sweet promotion for a few thousand dollar increase in pay grade.
You know the base commander probably had heard of him and was like, “hey yall, wanna see something funny?” Then made sure he got housing with the enlisted.
I'd put him in with the E-3s for a month if his housing was unsuitable until his new housing is appropriately prepared for an officer of his rank. And let his E-3 roomies be the preparation detail for it
@@avroarchitect1793 nah E-1s thatd be a hella lot funnier
@@infernogaming7923 nah e-1s are too new and are probably still scared of everyone and everything, gotta have them e-3s and the e4 mafia take care of the LT. If he thinks the people in enlisted housing are bad this dudes head would explode if he spend a couple nights in a junior sailors barracks
@@bootybandit6111 you can be an E-1 if you get article 15d
When I was overseas we had an O6 die from huffing duster, an O3 charged with rape, another O3 die from alcohol poisoning, an O2 caught in drag leaving lower enlisted bhuts, and zero trouble from lower enlisted
What 😳😳 that sounds like something out of a movie
@@wolfetteplays8894All too real. Air Force, too.
If I, a 33 year old man, behaved like this, my dad, retired Navy Chief, would shred my heart, mind, and soul. He wouldn’t spill a drop of his coffee while doing it too.
There’s a reason they’re called Chief. My dad was a QMCS. My house ran like a ship and I was brought up to be an NCO. I could properly board a ship at 4 years old.
@@fathead8933 Haaa haa yeah Master Chief dad here. His name wasn't 'Dad" all 10 of us called him Master Chief.
Unfortunately some Chief failed to properly teach this O3 how to be a leader...What Chief failed this village idot?
@@madebyhim1197 it’s the navy not the army. In the army, I’ve seen LTs and SFCs go hand to hand. (My platoon leader was prior enlisted and my platoon sergeant tried to army NCO. I was the Platoon RTO making coffee and once they started bitching at each other it was my time to escape.) I never once heard of my dad doing that. I think the culture is different. Chiefs have to work around officers. Army NCOs work through officers.
@@fathead8933 LMAO... try explaining to a 90 year old Master Chief how it's been going on "these days" in the miltary! 🤣 Korean war and Vietnam war... he is hardcore and just doesn't understand the crazy!
"I have a good looking family"
I can see why he excluded himself from that statement
WHY was that statement even necessary in his letter???
@Brooke B 🤣🤣🤣
As a former sailor, I can tell you this attitude is more prevalent than the Navy is willing to admit.
I mean, who would've thought there were drunken sailors hanging around the barracks.
I tended to see it more with JO's, we tend to have whipped it out of them by the time they were LT's. But then I was on subs.
it's not as prevalent with the Mustangs (CWOs/LDOs)) in the fleet... they tend to be more grounded than their OCS/Academy/ROTC counterparts.
I’m SO glad I got out. The Navy was FUCKED.
I was junior enlisted USMC in the mid 1980s. On a TAD assignment to a rec area, I encountered a wife still present well beyond closing. I reminded her 2x. She was reminded the 3x by the base police announcing herself as the base CG (MG) wife. I informed her HIS title is MG "X", hers is "Mrs.", and will still follow the same policies signed by her husband. My lavish TAD assignment ended the next weekend. During out processing, I told the Deputy CG my assignment would not change, showing a copy of my logbook entry, the MP visit report, the base policy, a copy of her written complaint, my check out sheet, and the CONGRINT ready to fax. Everything stopped. CG tried to bribe me with a NAM; as I declined as I was doing my job. I was meritorious Cpl within the hour and NEVER heard from her again. My paperwork stayed hidden beyond the COC relief.
"I deserve a town home. "
"Uh... did you think this is the airforce?"
That's why I'm shipping out to Lackland and not somewhere else in 2 weeks. The other branches are ok, but I want that $$$ and that good education and all that sweet sweet DFAC food
@@TmanT321 don’t hold your breath. They all aren’t good.😅
@@TmanT321 I'm currently working on a pardon so i can do the same. Got a stupid felony that should have been a misdemeanor from when i was 12.
@@bladeporter6194 Do you think I'm doing it solely because it sounds fun? It does sound fun to me, but I don't expect you to understand that. I'm doing it because I want to go farther in life and I know this opportunity can give me that. The only way you can say "they all aren't good" is if you've served in all 5 branches. If you've been in the military in any capacity, why would you tell a newcomer that it sucks before they've even done basic? You just sound like someone who doesn't know how to be positive and looks at everything with the worst possible attitude. I hope to never even meet someone like you in the service. If you did serve, your attitude is a disgrace to yourself and your service, even if it was intended jovially. It's trash. Grow up.
@@TmanT321 Lighten up guy, he was talking about the DFAC food. He’s right, they’re all ok at best.
Honestly if the officer just went "Hey I want a house and to not live on a base can I get put on a list for one or whatever"
His odds of getting one would be way higher then whatever this shit is
He went full Karen. Never go full Karen.
That letter he wrote will very likely get him put permanently on the bottom of any waiting list given what he said about Enlisted Personnel!
@@clydediddit5753 he wasn’t able to work at that command (naval hospital Yokosuka) because everyone refused to work with him. Not sure what happened after.
@@benjaminghazi787 update: he got adsepped
Yeah all he had to say was "in order to avoid myself becoming too friendly and complacent with my enlisted personnel, and vice-versa, I respectfully request to be moved to a different location."
Fraternization by being a neighbor seems like a pretty fair reason.
1:40 ... If he were an enlisted Marine, First Sergeant would be pulling the soul from his body with command voice and knife hands from his drill field days over that poorly grown flavor saver under his oxygen waster.
Damn right
The most amusing way to put it and by far the best
As a Nathaniel Myself, I feel like I now somewhat know what it feels like to be yelled at by a drill sergeant. And this Nathaniel brings shame to my name. He's not even a Nate, he's a buzzing and irritating Nat.
But what about Nathans? Where do they stand on the spectrum of Nathaniels
LT looks like kinda guy who says shit like "I'm a vet and i think no one needs an assault weapon!"
Like the full semi automatic clown
This is a younger version of that general who attempted to shoot an AR for cnn hahaha.
You’re absolutely right about that. He’s the guy who says “I’ve seen the devastation these rifles can cause.” Then we find out he was an aviation logistics officer.
My husband was enlisted with the Marines, and I once was talking to a captains wife, and she was complaining about her husbands pay, she was saying he made so little money that she qualified for welfare, me and the other ladies were just rolling our eyes at her, meanwhile we were trying to do our best for the non-nco’s families at Christmas time.
it is low pay...officers are educated and are sacrificing more than the enlisted as they are more valuable people and are in demand in civilian life. enlisted people don't have that value.
@@andrewkuoppala3925 Well thats not exactly true. My husband was enlisted, we retired, and because of his MOS and his reputation and work ethic, he now has a job where he makes A LOT of money, but more importantly he does what he likes and is respected in his field as an expert.
@@andrewkuoppala3925 bot
@@andrewkuoppala3925 this is satire right?
@@andrewkuoppala3925 didn't realize its officers going out on combat patrols lol. Anyone can go to a 4 year college these days, they're not that special
As a retired Naval Officer who was prior enlisted, I've run into a few of these guys over my career.
Hope you did something about it
@@vladtheimp3219 I never forgot where I came from and I had several one way conversations in my career (with JO's and senior enlisted).
I had an O-2 working for me in the desert who had the type of attitude that he was better than others because of his rank. I had some alone time with him and assigned him some tasks inwhich he had to work extremely close with his people and in not the best conditions. The Chief who I assigned with him kept me informed. By the end of the deployment he understood that his enlisted could assist him or could ruin his day depending on how he interacted with them. Needless to say he learned some humility fairly quickly.
@@paulpski9855 respect
Mad respect sir
I remeber a midshipman... was on the ship for around 2 weeks with us out to sea. I was an aviation support equipment technician and E5. He was assigned to work with my team on an engine swap. Our LT brought me into her office with Senior and they told me in no uncertain terms that he is to be treated as an E3, not to salute him or give any special treatment. I questioned that and was told they would handle any issue that arose. He about shit himself wen I had him up to his elbows in grease and oil. Decided he wasnt coming back the next day.... never did find out what happened after that.
Officers like this are one of the reasons why people do not want to enlist anymore.
"Part of the fun of being in the military is being deviant." I felt that
The best times i had in the army can be generalized as deviant activities haha
Its one of the three things I miss!
Hello it's Sailors
I'll never understand why the military, of all things, taught me to say "fuck the rules"
Too had thats not the case anymore
Fun fact, he was actually just quoting the naval officer's manual.
Right after the little reminder saying "don't do this until after you get to O5"
Which means Nobody in his Command likes him. That shit was done on purpose; more than likely he screwed the pooch so hard, and made such a poor impression on the Operations Officer while under way that he was permanently transferred to Shore Duty. The dipshit probably thinks it's good for his Career. I think it's safe to say he's going to be hearing the words "Passed Over" soon.
@Duncan Hightower no just Naval Tradition, and Discipline. Officers, and Enlisted do not Fraternize; as familiarity breeds contempt. Contempt discourages attention to detail, and a lack of attention to detail gets people killed, or injured.
NEVER initiate a conversation with a Naval Officer, it will end badly.
He will order the door dogged down with you in the compartment, and you will drown.
If you are an Airedale, pilots will only be nice to you.
And when they use your ejection seat they will buy a case of JD for you.
I also advise sharing the Jack Daniels with the rest of the shop, and the pilot.
Where’d AC get this letter from? It’s gold.
My favorite thing about angry cops is that he’s so popular now, this LT is definitely getting talked to by his superiors, getting dirty looks by his subordinates, and is 100% fucked where ever he goes in the Navy now. God I love you
Seems pretty likely, lol.
Yes, I'm sure the post command just loves the picture he painted of their base.
Instead of keeping his mouth shut and doing his job and taking care of his family., this officer decides to go off on an ill-advised rant against the enlisted community God only knows about the NCO community or even his fellow officers what his true feelings are towards them ., on that location where he is currently stationed., he's about to Captain queeg his entire career without the use of strawberries, with just a pen and paper. If I were him I would just quietly request to be chaptered out because if he doesn't ., he won't have to die to experience hell because he is literally doing the career equivalent of burning the bridge he's standing on with thermite
@@arnoldsherrill6305 OMG!!! I laughed so hard at your comment!!! BRILLIANT!!! “Burned the bridge he’s standing on with thermite” LOL!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! 👍🤣
There will be stickers around base.
If you can’t live amongst those you’ll be in command of, or be part of their chain of command, you have no right to be overseeing them in any manner or form.
He's going to claim PTSD for fear of the Enlisted, just like some of the younger ones claim PTSD due to Drills yelling at them and treating them like "prisoners".
I can get on board with that description it certainly felt that way at times but at the same time PTSD? from feeling like a prisoner? it isn't tramatic it is inane, boring, frustrating, and demeaning but post TRAUMATIC stress disorder? where is the trauma? Not to mention the comparison to prisoners is an exaggeration simply because you signed up for it. What do they expect a hostile military to do? cuddle them to sleep at night in a POW camp?
@@hi14993 Believe me, there have been some younger "veterans" making claims for PTSD, because their DSs yelled at them. One even told me that he couldn't sleep at night, and cried in his girlfriend's lap.
The amount of grammatical errors in his letter tells me he's one of the guys that used to hire me to write their online college papers, and the tone of his letter tells me he's one of the guys who used to hit on me online when I was 14.
Are you available for hire
can i marry you?
likey his crazy wife wrote the letter
“A woman will always find a way to include herself in a mans tale”-ancient Chinese proverb. Glad to hear your own sob/brag inclusion because you couldn’t actually empathize with the officer/enlisted dichotomy portrayed so you latch yourself like a leach onto his “writing style” to tell us that you were groomed and good enough to be hired for your writing prowess back in college. I know I’m being a nitpicky asshole but imagine if I went onto a woman’s video talking about her boss threatening to fire her if she didn’t sleep with him and said “man that guys blackmail note reminds me of all the hooligans who used to bully me for money back in school lol he can’t even spell the word substantial correctly what a loser good thing I fucked all their girlfriends with my big pp lmao” it has literally nothing to do with the actual issue at hand. I guarantee there are other officers who have horrible grammar and verbiage but are all around stand up leaders who despite their poor writing style are highly capable, but because you can’t comment on the actual unprofessional conduct being quoted you have to chime in with your completely unrelated two cents to try and get your slice of attention. Its gotten to the point now that I think anyone who is not actively involved with military affairs should just refrain from taking part in our discussions, because it starts off with small stuff like this and then civilians feel the need to form groups to lobby over matters they are entirely misinformed over just adding extra sludge to the bloated bureaucracy.
You just summed up what politicians think about everyone else who isn't like them. Also screw that Lt.
Absolutely! "You don't know what's best for you, BUT WE DO"
As an retired enlisted I have to say I wouldn't want this "fine officer" in enlisted housing. Home is where we go to get away from those assholes.
As a mustang Colonel once told me, "Officers tend to come from upper middle to low high class backgrounds that hail from the suburbs that watched too many war movies. All can have potential to be great. Family and personal wealth isn't a factor to being good or bad in command. But their is a reason why some officers give all commission officers a bad reputation as dandies." This guy's letter just gives me that impression. Working with officers for 6 years tells me, he's that guy.
I find it hilarious that even though he has allegedly a PhD, he writes like that.
BS. Me and my buds ALL came from working-class/NCO backgrounds...
I'm guessing he won't be needing any babysitters for his next anniversary. How to ruin your career with a single correspondence. Keep up the righteous work Rich
The funniest part of all of this is that Lt Allison started off as Army enlisted, with a tour in Germany.
He definitely forgot where he came from. I hated officers who were prior enlisted and upon commissioning, became total monsters.
:...brain hungry zombies. Just clawing and walking their way towards your family so they can fuck 'em!"
This literally had me on the floor dying of laughter
I thought it couldn't get worse, only to find out he started his military career as an enlisted man. Like wtf
lol xD
the cherry on top of the cake I tell ya.
"Finally, I've graduated from enlistment to officer commission! Now it's my turn to do the bullying and hide behind my rank!"
The way a solider says "Officer" when talking about someone tells you exactly how they feel about them.
The way that one word is said will tell you if an officer is liked, hated or ambiguous.
Its a skill you learn early
Or "sir"
Yep every troop, company, or detachment does it differently too.
I knew this one platoon that loved their LT and called him “The Sir” they thought it sounded badass.
In another troop they had a platoon that had the same nickname for their LT. But you could clearly here the difference in how they said it and it was only behind his back. Apparently they called him the sir because he always reminded his soldiers about the difference between bars and stripes.
Untill I was like ten, I thought it was a curse word cause of the way my dad said it.
instead of saluteing and proper greeting of “ rah sir” for three years i saluted and said lobster to the s2 officer
@@realman88cheerleader or it can be "cur"
I'm in Yokosuka. He's not in the barracks he lives in the towers which are decent apartments for families.
I was about to ask where he is stationed at. I need to reach out to my fellow enlisted and see what else they know about this D-bag. Fucking LT's man.
But how can they be decent apartments if they have ENLISTED living there!?!? ! ?
I find it hilarious and sad that he was Army enlisted before he became a naval officer and has this type of mentality. He's suppose to be someone who bridges the gap due to wearing both ranks. He probably thought he'd be treated like royalty as a naval officer because of separate mess halls and the like. The Army and Marines mostly avoid this as leadership branches. I had a closer relationship with my PSG and 1SG than I ever had with my Battlion Commander.
Are you fucking kidding me?! I was in the barracks he is in the towers?! That is fucking luxury
I lived in those towers in 2006 and they are really nice. I was an E-5 in the Army stationed in Yokosuka (not many Army). Now that I am an officer, I would prefer to live with enlisted but would be okay with living with other officers. People are people.
sounds like his wifes sleeping with an enlisted. and he is desperately trying to weasel control of the situation instead of confronting it/handing it.
All the officers kicked his ass out, they didn't want to deal with him so they gave him to the enlisted because "enlisted puts the lotion on its skin" 😂.
I'm hollering 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Sometimes, we DO put the lotion on our skin. And we get it for 20% off, with the angry cops discount code.
@@specialk9424 It puts the lotion on the Lt's skin, or it gets to run the obstacle course again.
@@bluecollarcanuck then it puts the lotion in the basket........PUT THE FUCKIN' LOTION IN THE BASKET!!!!!!!
Ahahahahahahah XD
translation: I can't please my wife so I'm trying to keep her from being an enlistee town bike.
A noble, but sisyphusian task.
Exactly immediately what I thought. 😂
Fucking savage!!
My new favorite saying is "They're all hopped up on man drug"
It's refer madness man
I was enlisted and I never heard of "man drug". Sounds like I missed out 😞
@@Baddawg_313 isn’t it viagra that he’s talking about 🤟🏼😆
Oh that's the good stuff, ripits and nicotine!
@@danielhancock6633 oh drug....makes sense now lol
If I were SecNav, this guy would be issuing a public apology to everyone in that complex, then immediately defrocked and dishonorably discharged for conduct unbecoming an officer.
The entire US Navy Officer Corps just took an L for this man lmao.
They aren't going to let him get off easy either
And they’re defending him.
@@fathead8933 who is defending him?
@@johndoe-ng8gb a couple of officers on a thread.
“ you need to understand that some people are better than other people. There is reason for better treatment than the slave class. Communism is where you pretend that everyone is equal.”
A reply I got because I said it was time to end the class system.
*that awkward moment when you realize the lower enlisted are a reflection of their leadership AKA OFFICERS*
I can see you’re tired of this insubordination
So THAT is why my medical laboratory technician barracks NCOs were such "shitbags".
'that awkward moment when you realize the lower enlisted are a reflection of their leadership AKA OFFICERS' A mate of mine, a Sergeant in a Repair Parts Store (RPS) at the Armoured Regt, told me that when he was in the Sgts Mess, his boss, a Warrant Officer was bagging out his workers and saying how usless they were out infront of his other Warrant officer mates. My mate said he piped up and said 'Sir...we are but a reflection on how we are led.' The Turret and Spanner (RAEME) Heads were all pissing themselves laughing. His boss was seething but nothing he could do about it.
"Two drugs gangs in the barracks start attacking each other with...hatchets." I freaking died!!
Sounds like a good time
@@Blade_wolf729 sounds like a giant load of 💩😂😂😂
Seriously. I'l take shit that never happened for $600 Alex.
General James Wolfe and the Duke of Wellington would have killed to lead these kind of men against France.
That sounds like a great time
I did 4 years in the Navy and 8 in the army. As a young E3 in the Navy, I was stationed in San Diego. I lived with my girlfriend and she had a good job, so we had an off base apartment in a really nice complex. My littoral next-door neighbor was a lieutenant from my ship, small world. I don’t recall ever having an issue, we were civil and talkative at home and down to business on the ship. miss LTC is a real piece of work.
He was the PFC who couldn’t fit in anywhere and was like I will show these guys one day I’m gonna be an officer. I will be respected because I am an officer.
Had one that was an E4 in 10th Mountain and hated being told to do shit by the NCOs so he went to OCS to show those meanies who is boss. He was relieved of duty as a 1LT in Iraq after his platoon wrote a letter to the commander complaining about him LOL.
@@Lafly84 I had an NCO tell me once that I should do green to gold. I’m not 100% sure, but my facial expression might have easily been considered disrespect to an NCO. For the brief second before he explained, that was the worst insult I had ever received in the Army. Turned out to be one of the best compliments I got in the Army.
Still didn’t do that. Enlisted and officers alike only tolerate Mustangs.
@@fathead8933 I've heard it a time or two, always with a quick snap back of "I'm not a sellout, I don't like fucking other people"
"If you have a question, ask an officer, and officer will always answer your question. However, if you want the correct answer, ask your NCO." Advice my Aunt, who was a Lt. Commander at the time gave to a bunch of future Corpsmen she was training, Not all officers despise enlisted and NCO ranks.
As an NCO I can confirm, though exceptions to the rule were if you had a Warrant Officer you ask them. Lol. They pretty much knew everything.
Back when I was still in the military, my ex wife took our dog to the local dog park. She was talking to some dude who was talking about the military. As soon as the ex said to this dude I was enlisted he immediately quit talking to her.
Way to support the brotherhood
He was scared
Seen it both ways. My kids were playing with an O’s kids at the park and looked concerned like they were playing with a bonfire. My neighbor is a Lt Col and he is the greatest neighbor I could ever ask for. It boils down to how the O was raised amongst his unit and his/her own choices.
We had an ensign worse than him on my ship. He was the div-O for mechanical division. As the day approached when we would cross the equator, he adamantly refused to go through the ceremony. Understand this, on that day, there is no officer or enlisted; only polliwog and shellback. Thank God we had a Captain who ordered all the polliwog officers to go through the ceremony. On that fateful day, he crawled on the deck with a coveted red “S” on his shirt. Shortly into the ceremony, a shout rang out “PADDED WOG!!!!!!!” And wouldn’t you know it was HIM! And the beatings commenced. The shillelaghs were a flyin! When we pulled into port a week later, he transferred off the ship, and was never heard from again.
Dude wrote this shit like a high school essay, intro thesis and everything.
7:46 "and *WE'RE* an officer" that sums up every dependa family lmao
Yes!! I can’t tell you how many times I had to deal with some wife who started the conversation with “ I’m Mrs. Major so & so”. No lady you ain’t shit but along for the ride.
That’s a dependapotomus
We just not gonna mention how he said verbatim and actually read "THESES" instead of fixing it? I fucking love it.
I'm kinda disappointed he gleaned over the numerous typos and grammatical errors... only thing that makes this seem suspect. Either the LT is lying about having a PHd, or he truly is just an awful jackass.
Or “here” for “hear” and “man” instead of “many”. Not what one would expect from a PhD.
One thesis. Two theses?
its been 80 degrees in the barracks for weeks but its not "summer" yet so the command refuses to turn on the A/C
As a former Naval Officer, I endorse this video 100%
🤣🤣🤣 nice one, troll
I concur... 🧐
fmr enlisted navy here an i never heard of them putting 'zeros' with enlisted like this but was in 30plus ago
@@williamescolantejr5871 Probably because it's an overseas assignment with limited housing options. Generally a statement of non-availability and a housing allowance avoids this, but perhaps living on the foreign economy isn't an option.
Kinda interesting how the guy with a PhD in biomedical physics misspelled "hear" as "here" in the second line of his letter about why he's better than everyone
Indeed, one would expect someone so "qualified" to know how to write a letter. However, one would also be surprised by how some pretty inteligent people have very little domain of the english language, almost always STEM people.
I've seen it first hand.
Naw it's alright, he probably hired someone to write his papers and do his homework, and I bet he got someone to do his thesis to get his PHD.
Then there's me...just sitting here playing PC games on my liberty day. Yet the article says I'm a menacing alcoholic.
Aren't you glad someone told you??? That must be a load off your mind, go get a beer. Stat!!!
I live in Ikego, the same housing he described as Fort Hood, the most deviant behavior is the families in townhomes that live next to playgrounds treat it as an extension of their backyards and leave toys and bikes there all the time.
@@katiearcher4475 sounds like the surrounding families trust the sailors around their kids a lot more than this 'officer' does.
Um... You're sailor-ing wrong, my friend.
@@katiearcher4475 so no Hatchet fights?
The hell of it is, as an O3 he would be living with SENIOR Enlisted. Talking about SENIOR Enlisted this way he will get his career ruined by those who do NOT put up with this pretentious garbage!
We need a "that can only be one thing" compilation
make one and send it to me
@@AngryCops you got an email i can send it to. It is a 5 minute compilation of your that can only mean one thing moments. Here is the link to it.видео.html
@@TheUrbanEMT Watched and enjoyed, thanks!
I feel like this officer is the type of kid to say that their dad works at Microsoft over Xbox live on the 360
Let’s not forget that the offending officer is a prior enlisted.
That's the mind blowing part. He's definitely had Jodie issues in the past.
Had a guy with a Masters at Basic with me....we all asked him WTF are you doing here?? He was a year before max age to enlist.
@@Nurgles_Rot_ Usually those guys aren't in it for the benefits or anything, they legit want to serve their country even though they already have a civilian life set out for them. Usually they see something on the news or something that inspires them to join.
@@cycologist7069 99. Guy had done it to pay off student loan. No issue from me....just we were all 18/19 year olds looking at him as the old man.
I wouldn't consider this dude a Mustang by any means of the imagination, at least from my outlook.
he has the right navy mindset, the navy still has its roots to the british navy in the old days, where enlisted were treated worse than animals and an enlisted man so much as making eye contact with an officer was a crime. I don't know why people expected to be treated like people in a branch of the armed forces famous for not treating people like people.
Dad was an O-3 whenever we moved into a new unit he would specifically request that he house in the worst house for his unit. If the unit refused he knew he had some work to do, if they allowed it he gained the respect of his enlisted soldiers. He compared it to eating, if the highest ranked eat last shouldn’t it be the same in housing?
_Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death._
- Sun Tzu
I feel like we should get a bonus extended cut of him going in in every point humanly possible.
Yes, please!! Oh pretty, pretty please with sugar on top?!?
I get all of my news from you and angry cops lol
🤣A video a sailor could never make...(especially one trying to get stationed at Walter Reed)
As an enlisted sailor, this video made me laugh my ass off for a solid 20 minutes😂
Never served, but I loved it as well. Sounds like an entitled ass hole. I need better housing.
How did you have a spare 20 minutes?
Don't you have something deviant you need to be doing?
@@Waltham1892 you know that’s a brilliant idea! Break shit aye aye sir
@@kayz4281 Carry on, I'll be in the area.
Thank you for your service. 🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🍻⚜⚜
My question is, why did this guy join the navy and not go work at a hospital or conduct research. He has an envious amount of education in an extremely difficult field.. and he joined the navy...
This guy is a PhD? He writes like a left-tail-of-the-bell-curve high school sophomore.
If I graded his paper it would look like the fucking battle of Hastings .
I was thinking the same thing. Some of those sentences had duplicate segments as if the guy was so distracted that he forgot he had already written the segment he was currently writing.
I just thought to myself: "This guy got a college degree? HOW???"
Yeah, just take your GI Bill and toss that in the trash. You are much better off not stepping foot into one of these "universities."
No twat left behind
@@matthewmchenry2889 go to a trade/technical school
His wife is about to leave him for an enlisted man, thats the real issue here
@Nunya bidness ...dozen.
I'm surprised they managed to get a picture of him... I figured he would be hiding behind his rank and all of his Integrity.
@Redneck Hillbilly He's an LT with a PhD so he's almost certainly a research scientist commission. Like how we give doctors commissions after an 8 week Officer Training Course and they graduate as an O4 or O5.
@Redneck Hillbilly No, like most doctors who end up joining the army end up joining as Majors or LTC+, or higher, not LTs living amongst us uncouth enlisted.
@Redneck Hillbilly he stated in the video that he was army enlisted prior to navy. He may have had to go to school then go Navy.
@Redneck Hillbilly actually it does but whatever
@Redneck Hillbilly I replied to the wrong person, I agree with you that he looks too old for a LT but I’ve met people who joined in their 30’s so maybe he just got commissioned
It was my experience when an enlisted person got an article 15 or a Court Martialed for stuff like drunk driving, fighting theft etc there peers who likely saw the bad behavior were more apt to side with the officer because they put a stop to it.