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I kinda wished you talked about the Duke Nukem Next-Gen/Reloaded fiasco, a team of fans recreating DN3D in UE3 ~2010-2011 and was given greenlight from Gearbox. Then somewhere in 2011 before DNF's release, iirc, they were randomly told they couldn't develop it any longer. Many spectulate it was because DNR would actually overshadow DNF and would make Gearbox look bad and mess with DNF's sales compared to a free fan game. There is also the topic of how Gearbox has the nearly completed ~90% build of the 2002 DNF, the one from the awesome 2001 trailer, which many speculated that it was just scripted but it actually wasn't. Randy doesn't want to release this until they can somehow make money off of it, like to entice people to buy yet another DN re-release. www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/83g0kf/duke_nukem_forevers_2002_build_is_almost_90/ Has more details and leaked images/small videos: rpgcodex.net/forums/threads/have-any-of-the-builds-of-duke-nukem-forever-ever-leaked.120567/ Dam, a "Deus Ex Duke" would've been amazing, the ~gameplay style of DE1 with Duke.
this game was announced when i was in kindergarten. I've literally graduated high school, gone to college, Dropped out, cried my eyes out over my future and then accpeted my fate as a chode before this game was released in my mid 20s
It was announced when I was a teenager. After 3 years of waiting, I still did not see it, and took a few years break from video games. I came back by 2004 and to my surprise it was still not out yet :D It was announced when I was still living with my parents and when I finally played I was already living on my own :D
Shit, sorry to hear that, dude For what it's worth, I dropped out of college and then had to claw my way back into it. And I succeeded. So maybe there's still hope for you
Sounds like the kid’s mom on that ventriloquist harassment thing where Nukem keeps going BALLS OF STEEEEL…..BALLS-BALLS-BALLS!!! And the chick is all pissed making threats at first and then cowers and acts all scared like a victim. Good times, pretty sure it was from around 2007 as well 😂
@@thuggeegaming659 Yeah but now he owns the IP and from what Ive seen there will never be another update to that franchise. At least 3d Realms came back with Wrath and Ion Maiden I mean Fury.
I can't wait for the day we have a "full version" of the game by modders. If it was just the 2001 build, that would have been great, but the fact we have the source code makes the future so bright for this version of the game
@@indigomizumi If the idea of Black Jack came across the desk of George Broussard's desk it would have added another two weeks to the development time.
With this information I just realized something; DNF was in development for so long, Jon St. John had enough time to voice Big the Cat in *SIX* Sonic titles. DNF was in development HELL all the while Sonic Adventure came out. Can you imagine Jon recording his lines for those Sonic games and wondering to himself about the progress of Duke Nukem? Holy and shit.
I still sometimes think about how Serious Sam, a series inspired by Duke Nukem's character, was created, had it's first 3 games, and then graphics technology evolved to the point the developers decided to remake the first 2 games in the time span it took duke nukem forever to come out.
I'm pretty sure he wasn't thinking that a game could be delayed for 15 years. That long of a time is never good for any game. If anything the sweet spot for games at least at the moment seems to be between 5-7 years. Anything more and quality drops off and anything less is rushed.
as a game developer myself I literally stopped the video and cupped my face in my hands when I heard "weekly profit share when the game came out". I cannot count how many times I've been approached with this absolute pipedream vapormodel of a business strategy. I have never in my life heard of any game or any company ever attempting to do that and meeting with any tangible form of success. That was the bit that actually made me shudder a little. Just the utterance of that mere concept is the truest sign one could ever get that someone is absolutely full of shit and you should run so fast it rips the soles out of your shoes.
Sierra had that model, and it worked for some time, every developer there was a millionaire. Until the owner got conned by a group of venture capitalist and the company was devaluated so fast, everyone became poor
So I actually met Randy at a show before the game launched and I told him I had been waiting for the game for fifteen years. He kinda scoffed and said "oh, I'm sorry" before moving on. I met him again a few years later at that same show and we talked about how jazzed I was for his new game, "Aliens: Colonial Marines". He remembered me and seemed to again be apologetic.
Star citizen is a pretty amazing experience. For like the first week. After that you realize theres not much to do in the game and it gets super boring. I gotta give them credit though not a single loading screen once your in the game
Not gonna lie, it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that that "commercial" for Duke Nuken wasn't something real you'd inserted into the episode. In my defense, you captured the mood of 90s commercials extremely well.
Ah, yes, one of my friends is a die hard Duke Nukem fan and during the years when Duke Nukem Forever was in development hell, we'd constantly tease him about it using the many mocking titles fans came up with such as: -Duke Nukem Whenever, -Duke Nukem If Ever, -Duke Nukem Whatever, -Duke Nukem Probably Never, -Duke Nukem Takes Forever. Then when the game was finally released and failed the stick the landing, I felt so bad for him I went out and bought a copy of the game and played through it, just so he would have at least one friend with whom he could talk about the game. I didn't particularly enjoy it (I wasn't a fan of the early games either, tbh), but I didn't have to suffer for too long because he quickly moved on to other titles and now it's a topic that only comes up once in a blue moon. RIP Duke. Can't personally say I'll miss you because I really don't care, but I'm sure you'll be missed but many others anyway.
It still baffles my mind with all the constant engine switching and backtracking, caused by a singular man. Finish what you worked on, and *THEN* you work on a sequel using new engines and whatever else you want to chuck in there. I'm honestly surprised that he can even keep his Twitter posts consistent.
@@MrSniperfox29 Because Scott Miller, then CEO of 3D Realms, was his friend. And I have a feeling Miller was far too willing to look the other way when Broussard was fucking around and pissing away their money. Ultimately, it's Broussard's narcissism and incompetence that killed not only the company and their friendship, but killed Duke Nukem Forever.
I still remember, as teenager I talked to my dad about getting Steam, and my dad just said "take mine, I don't need it anymore, it's just depressing" and sitting in the library was DNF, played for an hour. Truly a depressing sight to behold. My dad stopped gaming ages ago and apparently had wanted to play that game all this time, but was out of the loop on why it had taken so long.
They should totally make a game where Duke Nukem is an old man cracking lame, outdated jokes and references that his badass children don't like or understand. I like Duke Nukem as a character. It's just a shame he lives in Dumpstertown now.
My favorite thing about this entire debacle is a line from one of the No More Heroes games where one of the characters, Silvia, says to the protagonist, "You don't want this to be No More Heroes Forever, do you?" It's both sad and hilarious that even other games and devs poked fun at the development hell that DNF went through.
i think i preordered it 2 , but didnt live on the adress anymore so it went missing somewhere but i have no intention to buy it or play it now -unless i want to examine the maps in a editor -the enemies was a big thing in duke3d and in 4 d they are just plain crap -ai seem sto be crap also and how weapons work ditto
@@solidsnake8008 Yeah, the leak is a little bare-bones though. A lot of the "levels" are more like setpieces than anything else. Still, I'd love to see what talented creators can do with it.
Duke Nukem Forever: takes over 15 years to release, has a creator who doesn't know what he's doing, wastes money and is just generally a bad game Yandere simulator: Write that down, write that down!
Imagine how many Duke games there'd be if the man had just finished what was started and made more with the new tech in that 15 years. Also can I just point out how depressing it is to know that he lost his game to a former employee?
The one overarching lesson everyone should take from this: If the man on the top is not a grownup, your project is *doomed.* Maturity, calmness under fire, self-control, focus, and _following the freaking plan through to the end_ are mandatory.
In alternate universe where this came wasn't condemned to the lowest circle of game dev hell it released in 2000 and became a hit classic to be remade in 2020 and Daikatana was a best seller
I like to fire up Chinese Democracy and play 2001-era DNF (which is actually playback thanks to modders working with leaked files in Dec 2022) and imagine a future that never was.
It boggles my mind that executives, producers, whatever, would allow the development of this game to drag on for so very long. Many games get taken off life support if they undergo that many changes.
When I was in Highschool when Forever launched on a weekend. A group of school 'mates' discussed how it was going to be the most epic game ever, they would be playing it all through the school year and wouldn't let us girls play a second of it, as it was made for boys like them. I asked them how it was the next week and none of them could look me in the eye and I asked if any of them regreted not getting Dead Space 2 earlyer that year.
The development cycle for this game has been a joke for so long that a random scientist in one of the Half-Life expansions (Opposing Force, I think it was) is secretly named Duke Takem Forever.
And ironically enough the expansions were made by Gearbox, which years later went to finish and release Duke Nukem forever, aswell as buying the IP from 3D Realms. Its so ironic its actually kinda funny to think about.
@@BGRANT777X Heck I hope he teaches his students well, and him defending it does not mean he is wrong for doing so, he is passionate and frankly if they had stuck with say the 2001 version and got that done, they would never have been in such crap to begin with. An animator loving his game and defending it is understandable considering how much they put in to keep a game going.
@@TomboyCEO Never said he wasn't a good teacher at all, maybe thats his true calling but he didn't make a very good game. By every measurable metric it failed, opinions of random people on the internet don't count because no matter what there will always be someone thats likes something and someone that hates it.... also its a joke, ya know. He was a game developer that made this game now he teaches.... don't make a big deal about it.
Have you considered possibly branching out from just games to notorious hardware flops as well? Stuff like the Ouya (Infamous kickstarter-backed system with tech weaker than your smartphone from 5 years ago), Virtual Boy (A prototype shoved out the door, and its creator was later punished by manning a booth at a show), and Gizmodo (Crappy handheld that ended up exposing the CEO's connection to the mafia) would all make for good "Wha Happuns", IMO.
@@GiordanDiodato I wouldn't call the Vita, Wii U, or Dreamcast disasters. Disappointing sales? Yes, but those consoles have their fans. They're all solid just not market leaders. I think it'd pretty hard to make this type of disaster commentary about them.
As someone who has to deal with my own ADHD as well as the ADHD symptoms of my son, Broussard’s actions and statements *scream* “I have ADHD, and I need help.” ADHD folks are insanely creative, but we also have real problems staying on track without being distracted by every new shiny thing on the way to never actually finishing anything.
We will have ideas and often hit a dead end when it comes to structure and process. Eventually, it gets too stressful to work with no progress and the idea is dumped for a new one that hasn't hit a wall
@@ArchieRatsworth There’s also the issue that we will get stuck on solving a particular problem or pursuing something we find fascinating, at the expense of everything else becoming neglected. I feel bad for him, because I’m sure he looked like a fun, likable, creative guy from the outside, but he desperately needed a boring logistical peer from the outset to balance it all out. And maybe a prescription for Concerta. ;)
Being diagnosed with ADHD myself and I kind of disagree. I mean, yeah, I do struggle more than expected to stay on track but I've developed more of an intellectual and efficient personality. While there are other ADHD people that go for more energetic and physical personalities. Our condition do not justify our blunders.
@@SugarPunch I think what they mean is 'Released'. Yandere Sim has not had an official 1.0 release yet, where as Fallout 76 did... even though it shouldn't have.
Wasn't it also revealed like a year or two ago that both the 2001 version and the 2004 versions of DNF were damn near close to being finished before George Broussard and his ballooning ambitions pulled the plug and made the entire team start over from scratch again? I could have sworn that there was a 4Chan thread that had a person leaking a bunch of in-depth information and screenshots about every version of DNF that was made before the game's release in 2011. DNF 2001 in particular was supposedly going to be very Deus Ex like at the time(hub world level design, quests,stats and all).
The 2001 version was fairly far along - 90% estimated by one guy, though it's really tricky to determine how complete something is that never had a final locked-down design so take that number with a grain of salt. You can reportedly play through the whole thing though. At that point I don't think it was balooning ambitions that sunk it, rather than new shooters on new tech (Doom 3, Half-Life 2 etc) coming out that made DNF look old. Maybe they should have toughed it out - say they needed another year or so of development - but by the time they would be done it would have been significantly aged and that definitely would have hurt sales. Ironically, when DNF finally *did* ship, one of the thing it got critizised the harshest for was its dated graphics....
@@Lugbzurg It came out a few months before, which made a significant difference in those days. Also, a lot of people couldn't run Quake well, and a lot of people would prefer the look of Duke over the muddy brown Lego figures of Quake. Still, true.
kotaku.com/the-story-behind-mass-effect-andromedas-troubled-five-1795886428 This is an excellent read on Mass Effect Adromeda's development Cycle. Spoiler: It was a SHIIIIIIIIIIIT SHOOOOOOOOW. Despite being in development for 5 years, the actual final version of game itself was only worked on for a little over a year. Yeah.
I had a coworker who waited from 1996 till the day it was released saying where there was an official launch date and the game was DEFINITELY coming out it was arguably gonna be the greatest day of his life. 3 days after it's release and playing it, he said he wasted his childhood. True story, sorry Ben Sullivan
I worked on this game at 2K as a tester. I was a huge duke fan since 3D, used to play in Lan Tournaments for the game, so its was an honor to work on Forever, especially given its history. I really enjoyed it, I knew it wouldn't do amazing numbers, but I thought old school fans would dig it, and people might give it a chance. I didn't expect it to take the beating it did, it made me sad, but im still happy with the final result!
Honestly the game isn't -terrible- when you look at it as a game, and not as the culmination of 15 years of development. Apart from a few terrible design choices in the mid section, there were moments of fun in it. Not to mention they eventually patched out the two weapon limit. I'm not saying it's stellar, but there are moments where it's quite fun.
@@3dmaster205 What makes it sad is that the 2-gun limit and regenerating health (and corridor levels, going by what's been said by developers) were all changes made late in development for the sake of working better on consoles. The game was never designed or intended to be played like that originally. If you look at the 2008 footage from the Jace Hall Show (briefly showed in this video) it has a full inventory and no regen health.
Old school Nukem was all about guns and babes. In Forever there's a gun limit and you kill the babes super early in the game. Then the rest plays out like Tomb Raider with jumping and random puzzles instead of shoot through the level and don't die like old school. Point being Forever isnt a bad game, but it's not Duke Nukem.
HEY!!!!! The nickname Georgie Porgie is exclusively reserved for George Wood of the legendary "Gaming in the Clinton years" and you will not drag that into the porno mag filled mud of George bossad
I wouldn't call this game the worst game ever, it's just the most disappointing. It's much easier for new gamers to digest because they weren't around for the 15 year hype train and countless engine moves because George Broussard couldn't keep his feature creep under control. Playing it nowadays is like playing through all the tropes and cliches of shooters from 98 to the late 2000's. Yahtzee mentioned that in his review of DNF years back but it's worth noting how funky it is to travel through the aesthetics of one era to another. What I would REALLY love to see, would be the 2001 build of DNF finally get a release. Because according to Slipgate's CEO, the game is roughly 70-80% complete and can be played from start to finish. Buuuuut according to everyones favorite porn magician Randy Pitchford, he's looking to monetize it in some way, something akin to an "Ultimate Duke Collection"... :C
Yeah but not the worst doesn't mean good. It was a really shitty game. Graphics years too old, terrible level design and those load times.... seriously maybe the longest load times for not just level but from restarts of any game on the 360
Honestly guys this I'm 19 rn and I live in the country so I didn't have games alot of my life but duke nukem (the original ) was my first game and I can honestly say dnf is a good game to me I've sat down an concurrently played them an tbh man que sera sera either it's your style or not :)
@@Landibert True that! Between 2001 and 2011 we could have gotten at least 3 different duke nukem games. And to be honest, they probably produced them, just never released because they wanted to make a 'perfect game'. It's a problem that all programmers suffer from, software can be improved on indefinitely, so we fear release, and postpone dates, because we know we can get it better. All it takes is a responsible management that can tell us when the software is good enough.
@@fire-nrg7962 To sum it up, here's what happened ~Kotaku published an article discussing that "Games made under Crunch shouldn't win Best Direction Awards" referencing how The Last of Us 2 won that award despite being made under crunch. ~George Broussard saw the article and decided to throw a tantrum about it responding with this quote "Oh fuck off. You have no idea what it takes to ship world beating AAA games and you take the word of disgruntled ex-employees vs the 100's that are happy there. Also comparing a 20-man indie to a 300 person studio is stupid." basically defending crunch culture and Naughty Dog. ~People were quick to point out that he spent 15 or so years crunching devs to make Duke Nukem Forever (Which he ended up losing not only the development role but also the rights to Gearbox who finished the game) and that he should be the last person people wanted to hear from when it came to defending Crunch especially someone who caused 3D Realms to collapse. ~His only response was to block people on Twitter which gave people the impression he's still sore about what happened and he just won't admit it was his fault.
Do “Thrill Kill” for the PlayStation one! After it was 99% finished, it was deemed too graphic, then completely salvaged and released as Wu-Tang Shaolin Style! I had even pre-ordered Thrill Kill it was so close to being officially released. I ended up buying Wu-Tang Shaolin Style because I was so excited for Thrill Kill. I love this video series, by the way. It’s how I discovered your channel. I’ve watched all of your What Happened videos and I look forward to more 👍🤓🤩
My Idea: They could've released the id Tech 2 version on time and then used the profit from that to blow people's minds on Unreal with "Duke Nukem: And EVER."
Yea, they could have cranked out half a dozen sequels and let the franchise die a natural death instead of keeping it on barely functional life support for 15 years.
Here after the the leaked 2001 gameplay of DNF! It is entertaining, sad, and infuriating how neither Broussard nor Miller want to take responsibility for DNF! If either one of them just grew some balls and said “I’m sorry” to those who waited on DNF for so long they might gain back some of the respect they lost to this disaster.
I'll be eternally sad about how awfully they mangled Duke. My brother and I spent so many hours playing DN64 together and cherish those memories equally. RIP Duke 😭😭😭
@@smileprettymusic meh, the marketing and overpromising a Lot of stuff it couldnt even be delivered killed the game's reputation, so Its still bad on my book due to all lies and laughable lack of Basic details games 15 years before had. It was Just a waste of hype and money.
Even though I was aware of Duke Nukem at the time, I only knew of its history from years of X-Play coverage, and at that time, it looked dated and lackluster. When Sessler reviewed it, with his brutal honesty, it was the best thing about it.
I am seeing a pattern here with DNF and Daikatana: between the years of 1995 - 2005 or so, if you wanted your PC shooter to be cutting-edge you had to make your own engine. 3D technology was moving so incredibly fast in its early years that whatever the hotness 3D engine was would only be #1 for about 1 - 2 years. That isn't long enough to license the engine, learn the engine and actually develop and ship your game. If you were creating it in-house like Id or Epic were doing, your developers could be learning it and possibly even starting some game development before the engine is even complete (or in the case of Id during Quake and Quake II, your lead developer for the games is literally the guy who wrote the engine and he knows every line of code). Both DNF and Daikatana didn't seem to get this and got stuck in a race that they couldn't win to get a game on shelves with the best engine but were only starting when half of that engine's life was gone.
I worked at EB games when Duke Nukem Forever came out and it was one of the most busy days I'd ever worked... rival only to the next day when everyone came back to return it
Thank you for these videos Matt, they are so well done. I love this series so much, stories about how and why games ended up the way they did endlessly fascinate me (I read Blood, Sweat, and Pixels several times) and I gotta say this is quickly becoming one of my favorite video series to follow.
As a millennial who loves old FPSes, I think that this was one of the bigger tragedies of the genre. Forget your Destinys and your No Man's Skies, this is still the top disappointment.
This game's core set of problems can be summarized with the old adage, "feature creep", and people should have heeded the warnings to repeated examples such as today's Star Citizen. Unfortunately, history is always rhymes and will happen again. People need to play the DNF 2013 mod to get an idea how the game should have played.
I have zero, absolutely zero sympathy by those who have the responsibility of other people's careers on their shoulders and yet act like they are a one man army on a march to reach their personal destiny. I cannot begin to count how many of them I've seen in my life. And I cannot begin to tell you how deeply and passionately I despise them.
Aw....I miss Bloody Roar. It was the only dang fighting game I could play lol. Good lord the voice acting and that weird red lobster looking character in the game after Primal Fury. Blech
@@rosenrot234 Oh God you mean that woman who's beast form is some red growth and an arm blade who looked out of place in a fighting game with people turning into wolves and lions and cat people?
considering the oldest millennials are pushing 40, i am pretty sure alot of millennials know what Duke Nukem is. i am one of the Youngest Millenials beinng born in 1993, Duke Nukem 3D is one of my all time favorite FPS games. (Shadow Warrior and Blood for that matter as well, build engine games were dope.)
FPS games have regressed over time. Those old games like Duke 3D and Shadow Warrior were the pinnacle of the FPS genre. Interesting weapons, no kiddie mode regenerating health, and you have actual maps to explore with secrets to find.
@@Drakulas77 alot of games don't have the same levels of depth that they used to. like Thief 2 is still the best and deepest stealth game out there. and Bethesda games have steadily stripped out more depth in favor of accessibility every game. there are alot of great things about modern games that go more for spectacle and narrative than depth, but i do still really miss the design philosophy from 20 years ago.
We're Gen X. So called millennials were born in the tail end of the twentieth century. You know, like before the millennia shift? Out of the way, Peck! (Only eighties kids will get that) Goonies never die! (Same)
Yeah, I didn't know about any of this. Teenager me (years ago) saw this at GameStop for $5 and I shrugged like welp, if I don't like it, it was only $5, and I remember hearing my friends dad talk about Duke Nukem, I'll see what this game is about. Popped it and had a blast and got all the achievements for it and had a couple laughs. I loved the Easter egg helmets. I was beyond excited to meet Jon St John and get his autograph on my collectors edition box of the game
I remember hearing that a joke that went around Take 2 and 3D Realms, was keeping George as out of the loop as possible so he wouldn't completely scrap the game just to change Engines, or add another "take that" to other developers.
George bussard: chef Ramsay, I'm trying to cook my game, and no matter how long I wait, it's still raw! Gordon Ramsay: that's because your fucking stove is off!
George was definitely focusing way too much on what others do than what his team and him wanted to do in first place. If he stayed inside the bubble without looking out we would probably have 10 different official Duke Nukem games by now, not even exaggerating. Cause DNF has to be the longest game in development of all time at this point right along with Overwatch from Blizzard ( But at least Blizzard did not announce that game until it was literally coming to a conclusion of being developed and only tiny tiny hints being shared by fans around as rumors long before maybe ) But the more people know about a game or any product being almost done and then postponed to another millennia, the less it becomes exciting and when its out, it is bound to fail. But of course it wasn't really completely bad because it would fail as a game, but rather as it simply took way way too long while people already knew what was kind off going on, so each time their adrenalin and excitement would get up and then " OOps i forgot this game even was going to be released " then again " OOoh here goes another bump " then again nothing and then finally release, just really huge stretch of a journey. I do believe that if they never announced DNF being a thing back in 90's and actually SURPRISED people by releasing it as they did - it would possibly have better reception? What do you think?
Broussard is almost entirely to blame for it. they wouldn't have needed to get Gearbox to finish the game if it weren't for his sheer incompetence and narrow-mindedness
When a single person destroys a legendary IP... Duke was and still is the best 1st person shooter character ever. His over the top macho persona, pop reference jokes and badassery will never be duplicated. "No one messes with our chicks... and lives."
It's so sad. To build something up from the ground you need a bunch of people's effort, skills, passion and right decision-making. All those developers, coders, art designer and then, you need the good will of the audience to give you a shot in order to succeed. But crush something to the ground you only need one guy. The WRONG guh at the very top.
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I kinda wished you talked about the Duke Nukem Next-Gen/Reloaded fiasco, a team of fans recreating DN3D in UE3 ~2010-2011 and was given greenlight from Gearbox. Then somewhere in 2011 before DNF's release, iirc, they were randomly told they couldn't develop it any longer. Many spectulate it was because DNR would actually overshadow DNF and would make Gearbox look bad and mess with DNF's sales compared to a free fan game.
There is also the topic of how Gearbox has the nearly completed ~90% build of the 2002 DNF, the one from the awesome 2001 trailer, which many speculated that it was just scripted but it actually wasn't. Randy doesn't want to release this until they can somehow make money off of it, like to entice people to buy yet another DN re-release.
Has more details and leaked images/small videos:
Dam, a "Deus Ex Duke" would've been amazing, the ~gameplay style of DE1 with Duke.
this game was announced when i was in kindergarten. I've literally graduated high school, gone to college, Dropped out, cried my eyes out over my future and then accpeted my fate as a chode before this game was released in my mid 20s
It was announced when I was a teenager. After 3 years of waiting, I still did not see it, and took a few years break from video games. I came back by 2004 and to my surprise it was still not out yet :D It was announced when I was still living with my parents and when I finally played I was already living on my own :D
Shit, sorry to hear that, dude
For what it's worth, I dropped out of college and then had to claw my way back into it. And I succeeded. So maybe there's still hope for you
It's okay...honestly, being single has its perks.
@@ELEKTROSKANSEN Thtat's rough, buddy
Hey! I'm going through that process right now!
One of my old friends mom did voice over work for Duke nukem and alien colonial marines. I think she's the reason they tanked.
Who was it?
Sounds like the kid’s mom on that ventriloquist harassment thing where Nukem keeps going BALLS OF STEEEEL…..BALLS-BALLS-BALLS!!! And the chick is all pissed making threats at first and then cowers and acts all scared like a victim. Good times, pretty sure it was from around 2007 as well 😂
You are lying to get likes...
"Enter Randy Pitchford"
Cannot think of a worse omen tbh
@D Zuke Oh god, please no.
@D Zuke Randy is somehow worse than EA honestly
@D Zuke No, Randy is even more of an idiot
@D Zuke and a partnership with Atari.
@@thuggeegaming659 Yeah but now he owns the IP and from what Ive seen there will never be another update to that franchise. At least 3d Realms came back with Wrath and Ion Maiden I mean Fury.
Oh God, I just now got this: Duke Nukem 3D was the third game and Duke Nukem Forever was the fourth. “Four-ever.”
Wow thank you captain obvious!
@@toddtaylor8368 you're welcome you pissy prick
We got a smart one here (no irony)
@「Sexy Zombie Roo。」ʕʘ‿ʘʔ yea Soli in russian means 4
@「Sexy Zombie Roo。」ʕʘ‿ʘʔ and MGS3 was released for the 3ds, making it even more of a pun with 3d.
Duke Nukem 2001 has finally leaked. Not only is it fully playable, we have the fucking source code, too.
I can't wait for the day we have a "full version" of the game by modders. If it was just the 2001 build, that would have been great, but the fact we have the source code makes the future so bright for this version of the game
@@grodcoyote6635 Rumors are there is a more finished version of the game. Hopefully it get's leaked too.
And a HD version of the 2001 trailer to get us excited all over again.
@@grodcoyote6635 "I'll make my own Duke Nukem, with blackjack and hookers!"
In fact, blackjack and hookers doesn't seem too out of line for Duke.
@@indigomizumi If the idea of Black Jack came across the desk of George Broussard's desk it would have added another two weeks to the development time.
With this information I just realized something;
DNF was in development for so long, Jon St. John had enough time to voice Big the Cat in *SIX* Sonic titles. DNF was in development HELL all the while Sonic Adventure came out. Can you imagine Jon recording his lines for those Sonic games and wondering to himself about the progress of Duke Nukem? Holy and shit.
I mean Big is still worse then whatever Duke Nukem Forever is
@@HemmTBM he was fun in sonic heroes
I’m gonna remember this for the rest of my life 😆
I'd rather take Big
I still sometimes think about how Serious Sam, a series inspired by Duke Nukem's character, was created, had it's first 3 games, and then graphics technology evolved to the point the developers decided to remake the first 2 games in the time span it took duke nukem forever to come out.
The "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." by Shigeru Miyamoto doesn't apply well with this game xD
Probably because of the lack of focus on FINISHING and RELEASING their game at its time.
I'm pretty sure he wasn't thinking that a game could be delayed for 15 years. That long of a time is never good for any game. If anything the sweet spot for games at least at the moment seems to be between 5-7 years. Anything more and quality drops off and anything less is rushed.
Geeeee8 they never said anything about hl3 so no delay happen
Yeah, it seems like Gearbox's version of the game is almost entirely unrelated to what was shown in trailers decades earlier.
Let's just hope it applies to Metroid Prime 4 a little better.
DNF: a common acronym for Did Not Finish
this project was doomed from the start
@Lucien Hicks lol i never thought of it that way
or Duke Nukem (Took) Forever
Maybe it was all an elaborate shitpost by Broussard
Duke Nukem Forever would have been better off a DNF.
Do Not Fresuscitate
as a game developer myself I literally stopped the video and cupped my face in my hands when I heard "weekly profit share when the game came out".
I cannot count how many times I've been approached with this absolute pipedream vapormodel of a business strategy. I have never in my life heard of any game or any company ever attempting to do that and meeting with any tangible form of success. That was the bit that actually made me shudder a little. Just the utterance of that mere concept is the truest sign one could ever get that someone is absolutely full of shit and you should run so fast it rips the soles out of your shoes.
This is good to know. I'm taking game design in college and have been trying Unreal Engine at home. I'll keep an ear out for those keywords.
@@Lugbzurg Same here actually, didn’t even know this was a thing embarrassingly 😬😂
Sierra had that model, and it worked for some time, every developer there was a millionaire. Until the owner got conned by a group of venture capitalist and the company was devaluated so fast, everyone became poor
@@bruno17289 I gotta hear this story...
So I actually met Randy at a show before the game launched and I told him I had been waiting for the game for fifteen years. He kinda scoffed and said "oh, I'm sorry" before moving on. I met him again a few years later at that same show and we talked about how jazzed I was for his new game, "Aliens: Colonial Marines". He remembered me and seemed to again be apologetic.
If he was really sorry, he would stop making the same mistakes...
The battleborn guy?
30 years from now we'll probably see an episode on Star Citizen after its cancellation during the first Beta in 2032
Hahahaha! Oh yes indeed. I can't wait the lawsuits, too. But I bet Roberts already got his money out of the company on some tax-free island.
Beta? Cancellation? 2032? wow you're pretty optimistic
Thing is that Star citizen was doing great and the fans chose to go even further with the money and increase project scope.
Star citizen is a pretty amazing experience. For like the first week. After that you realize theres not much to do in the game and it gets super boring. I gotta give them credit though not a single loading screen once your in the game
Not gonna lie, it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that that "commercial" for Duke Nuken wasn't something real you'd inserted into the episode. In my defense, you captured the mood of 90s commercials extremely well.
Same, I was deadass trying to look up the commercial.
@@wavnino1 I thought it was real too.
Same here though I never looked for it and found out via a 90’s advert for a game on the SEGA CD.
The quality and research that goes into these videos, man.
The amount of stolen content is also quite incredible!
AR7271 wait what are you referring to?
Every youtuber “steals” info. From news youtubers to game historians. It’s how the youtuber presents it. Adding personal charm goes a long way.
@@AdviceandAdventures fuck off
More than went into the game itself in 15 years.
Ah, yes, one of my friends is a die hard Duke Nukem fan and during the years when Duke Nukem Forever was in development hell, we'd constantly tease him about it using the many mocking titles fans came up with such as:
-Duke Nukem Whenever, -Duke Nukem If Ever, -Duke Nukem Whatever, -Duke Nukem Probably Never, -Duke Nukem Takes Forever.
Then when the game was finally released and failed the stick the landing, I felt so bad for him I went out and bought a copy of the game and played through it, just so he would have at least one friend with whom he could talk about the game. I didn't particularly enjoy it (I wasn't a fan of the early games either, tbh), but I didn't have to suffer for too long because he quickly moved on to other titles and now it's a topic that only comes up once in a blue moon.
RIP Duke. Can't personally say I'll miss you because I really don't care, but I'm sure you'll be missed but many others anyway.
This is a really lovely story and you are a good friend. Fair play mate 👍
@@mccarthy5825 Agreed
Man that made me tear up
It still baffles my mind with all the constant engine switching and backtracking, caused by a singular man. Finish what you worked on, and *THEN* you work on a sequel using new engines and whatever else you want to chuck in there.
I'm honestly surprised that he can even keep his Twitter posts consistent.
@@MrSniperfox29 Because Scott Miller, then CEO of 3D Realms, was his friend. And I have a feeling Miller was far too willing to look the other way when Broussard was fucking around and pissing away their money. Ultimately, it's Broussard's narcissism and incompetence that killed not only the company and their friendship, but killed Duke Nukem Forever.
I still remember, as teenager I talked to my dad about getting Steam, and my dad just said "take mine, I don't need it anymore, it's just depressing" and sitting in the library was DNF, played for an hour. Truly a depressing sight to behold. My dad stopped gaming ages ago and apparently had wanted to play that game all this time, but was out of the loop on why it had taken so long.
That's fucking sad man.
They should totally make a game where Duke Nukem is an old man cracking lame, outdated jokes and references that his badass children don't like or understand. I like Duke Nukem as a character. It's just a shame he lives in Dumpstertown now.
@@MattMcMuscles I'm glad you reciprocate dude. lol Thanks for the awesome vids!
Scotaku that would be awesome
Dac Dac ok that comic reeks of early 2010s “gamer” humor, I had a flashback to reading Ctrl+Alt+Del in middle school reading that
You can try watching Ash vs The Evil Dead because that’s basically that lol
My favorite thing about this entire debacle is a line from one of the No More Heroes games where one of the characters, Silvia, says to the protagonist, "You don't want this to be No More Heroes Forever, do you?" It's both sad and hilarious that even other games and devs poked fun at the development hell that DNF went through.
I was that guy! Th Local Game Stop where I lived in the late 1990s found my preorder and yea it sucked.
Wow how did u even remember?
i think i preordered it 2 , but didnt live on the adress anymore so it went missing somewhere but i have no intention to buy it or play it now -unless i want to examine the maps in a editor -the enemies was a big thing in duke3d and in 4 d they are just plain crap -ai seem sto be crap also and how weapons work ditto
How was the care package though?
@@Alolan.Vulpix.Getting.Railed i guess you liked forever but never played duke 3d or any build engine game like Blood (recommend over duke)
@@Alolan.Vulpix.Getting.Railed cursed name, PFP, and banner.
The sad part is, that E3 2001 trailer STILL looks amazing today. I would have paid good money for that game.
Well, people did pay good money for Dominion: Storm over gift 3, which looked way better than Starcraft...
You lucky bastard
Consider yourself lucky
Not only did the game get leaked, it got leaked with the source code and has an active team developing it into a full fledged game.
@@solidsnake8008 Yeah, the leak is a little bare-bones though. A lot of the "levels" are more like setpieces than anything else. Still, I'd love to see what talented creators can do with it.
Duke Nukem Forever: takes over 15 years to release, has a creator who doesn't know what he's doing, wastes money and is just generally a bad game
Yandere simulator: Write that down, write that down!
Nah multiply that by 3 and THAT would be yandere simulator
At least George tried to make it the best
And today, tried to declare he knew what actually went into making a good AAA game.
But George had actually original assets, ideas and actual coders
Only difference is that people who workers with George were actually getting paid
Imagine how many Duke games there'd be if the man had just finished what was started and made more with the new tech in that 15 years.
Also can I just point out how depressing it is to know that he lost his game to a former employee?
The one overarching lesson everyone should take from this: If the man on the top is not a grownup, your project is *doomed.* Maturity, calmness under fire, self-control, focus, and _following the freaking plan through to the end_ are mandatory.
In alternate universe where this came wasn't condemned to the lowest circle of game dev hell it released in 2000 and became a hit classic to be remade in 2020 and Daikatana was a best seller
And Half-life is just a Quake 2 mod
Meanwhile Ocarina of Time was rushed to be a N64 launch title and is criticized as the point where the series jumped the shark.
I like to fire up Chinese Democracy and play 2001-era DNF (which is actually playback thanks to modders working with leaked files in Dec 2022) and imagine a future that never was.
Ah yes, Randy "She's a fighter, hold her tighter" Pitchford.
you're thinking of dan schneider
Wow....that kind of stuff belongs on a flash drive that you'd find at Medieval Times...
There's no such thing as a macho gamer lmao, unless you're talking about the dudes who only play sports games and maybe Call of Duty.
didn't stop the metoo movement. Anyways, male feminists don't have a great track record.
Ahahaha oh my god you guys are still going on about gamergate. Get over it.
It boggles my mind that executives, producers, whatever, would allow the development of this game to drag on for so very long. Many games get taken off life support if they undergo that many changes.
I was always under the impression that it just got scrapped and then underwent short lived resurrections over the years.
3D Realms wasted mostly their own money on DNF endless development so there was little reason to sue them
When I was in Highschool when Forever launched on a weekend. A group of school 'mates' discussed how it was going to be the most epic game ever, they would be playing it all through the school year and wouldn't let us girls play a second of it, as it was made for boys like them. I asked them how it was the next week and none of them could look me in the eye and I asked if any of them regreted not getting Dead Space 2 earlyer that year.
Talk about a shitty weekend.
The development cycle for this game has been a joke for so long that a random scientist in one of the Half-Life expansions (Opposing Force, I think it was) is secretly named Duke Takem Forever.
And ironically enough the expansions were made by Gearbox, which years later went to finish and release Duke Nukem forever, aswell as buying the IP from 3D Realms.
Its so ironic its actually kinda funny to think about.
My animation teacher in high school was an animator for this game. He defends it to this day.
Well he is a teacher now and not a game developer so he is wrong.
@@BGRANT777X Heck I hope he teaches his students well, and him defending it does not mean he is wrong for doing so, he is passionate and frankly if they had stuck with say the 2001 version and got that done, they would never have been in such crap to begin with. An animator loving his game and defending it is understandable considering how much they put in to keep a game going.
Fcoon JJ he was a great teacher. I had him for two separate classes in the same year and it was great.
@@TomboyCEO Never said he wasn't a good teacher at all, maybe thats his true calling but he didn't make a very good game. By every measurable metric it failed, opinions of random people on the internet don't count because no matter what there will always be someone thats likes something and someone that hates it.... also its a joke, ya know. He was a game developer that made this game now he teaches.... don't make a big deal about it.
Donut he also worked on Borderlands 1 and 2 so he had some success in the field but apparently he legitimately enjoys teaching more.
The fact that this game was profitable is a true achievement. Like seriously...
Hail to the stockholders, baby
Have you considered possibly branching out from just games to notorious hardware flops as well? Stuff like the Ouya (Infamous kickstarter-backed system with tech weaker than your smartphone from 5 years ago), Virtual Boy (A prototype shoved out the door, and its creator was later punished by manning a booth at a show), and Gizmodo (Crappy handheld that ended up exposing the CEO's connection to the mafia) would all make for good "Wha Happuns", IMO.
@@GiordanDiodato I wouldn't call the Vita, Wii U, or Dreamcast disasters. Disappointing sales? Yes, but those consoles have their fans. They're all solid just not market leaders. I think it'd pretty hard to make this type of disaster commentary about them.
@@GiordanDiodato ahh the vita and its memory cards. If it werent for that i wouldve loved the vita so much more
Butch Hartman....... oh my God that will be one fucking ride we'll all be begging to get off
As someone who has to deal with my own ADHD as well as the ADHD symptoms of my son, Broussard’s actions and statements *scream* “I have ADHD, and I need help.” ADHD folks are insanely creative, but we also have real problems staying on track without being distracted by every new shiny thing on the way to never actually finishing anything.
We will have ideas and often hit a dead end when it comes to structure and process. Eventually, it gets too stressful to work with no progress and the idea is dumped for a new one that hasn't hit a wall
Omg same problem here
@@ArchieRatsworth There’s also the issue that we will get stuck on solving a particular problem or pursuing something we find fascinating, at the expense of everything else becoming neglected. I feel bad for him, because I’m sure he looked like a fun, likable, creative guy from the outside, but he desperately needed a boring logistical peer from the outset to balance it all out. And maybe a prescription for Concerta. ;)
Being diagnosed with ADHD myself and I kind of disagree. I mean, yeah, I do struggle more than expected to stay on track but I've developed more of an intellectual and efficient personality. While there are other ADHD people that go for more energetic and physical personalities.
Our condition do not justify our blunders.
I suffer from all this.
Speaking of impossibly long development cycles, I wonder if Matt would be able to do an episode on Yandere Simulator
I love your vids man
OOOOOFF, Can't wait for it
@@MrShambles but he did an episode of Fallout76 and that shit's still going
That one is still happun-ing and it's still a glorious shitshow
@@SugarPunch I think what they mean is 'Released'. Yandere Sim has not had an official 1.0 release yet, where as Fallout 76 did... even though it shouldn't have.
come to today and George Broussard is praising naughty dog for employee crunch
What a douche
What a jerk.
What a bastard.
What an asshole.
What a piece of shit.
Wasn't it also revealed like a year or two ago that both the 2001 version and the 2004 versions of DNF were damn near close to being finished before George Broussard and his ballooning ambitions pulled the plug and made the entire team start over from scratch again?
I could have sworn that there was a 4Chan thread that had a person leaking a bunch of in-depth information and screenshots about every version of DNF that was made before the game's release in 2011. DNF 2001 in particular was supposedly going to be very Deus Ex like at the time(hub world level design, quests,stats and all).
The 2001 version was fairly far along - 90% estimated by one guy, though it's really tricky to determine how complete something is that never had a final locked-down design so take that number with a grain of salt. You can reportedly play through the whole thing though.
At that point I don't think it was balooning ambitions that sunk it, rather than new shooters on new tech (Doom 3, Half-Life 2 etc) coming out that made DNF look old. Maybe they should have toughed it out - say they needed another year or so of development - but by the time they would be done it would have been significantly aged and that definitely would have hurt sales.
Ironically, when DNF finally *did* ship, one of the thing it got critizised the harshest for was its dated graphics....
@@todesziege Which is ironic, considering Duke Nukem 3D launched the same year as Quake, and basically looked outdated by comparison anyway.
@@Lugbzurg It came out a few months before, which made a significant difference in those days.
Also, a lot of people couldn't run Quake well, and a lot of people would prefer the look of Duke over the muddy brown Lego figures of Quake. Still, true.
@@todesziege > a lot of people couldn't run Quake well
Hence why I said Duke Nukem "basically looked outdated by comparison anyway."
This comment has aged so well. IT IS OUT.
Why is there no more Duke? Two answers:
*George Broussard, and Randy Pitchford.*
The assholes who ruined it
Hm, Broussard seems like the real life Simpson's comic book guy.
"Aliens: Colonial Marines is loved by all".
Wait, what?
*suddenly changes to shitty score".
"Oh you."
Id love to see a mass effect andromeda wha happun
ConAirAmvs just watch raycevicks video on it
@@thehook8921 BUT DAT MATT THO 😘
Fuck that game 💕💕
kotaku.com/the-story-behind-mass-effect-andromedas-troubled-five-1795886428 This is an excellent read on Mass Effect Adromeda's development Cycle. Spoiler: It was a SHIIIIIIIIIIIT SHOOOOOOOOW. Despite being in development for 5 years, the actual final version of game itself was only worked on for a little over a year. Yeah.
EA happun
I had a coworker who waited from 1996 till the day it was released saying where there was an official launch date and the game was DEFINITELY coming out it was arguably gonna be the greatest day of his life. 3 days after it's release and playing it, he said he wasted his childhood. True story, sorry Ben Sullivan
I worked on this game at 2K as a tester.
I was a huge duke fan since 3D, used to play in Lan Tournaments for the game, so its was an honor to work on Forever, especially given its history.
I really enjoyed it, I knew it wouldn't do amazing numbers, but I thought old school fans would dig it, and people might give it a chance.
I didn't expect it to take the beating it did, it made me sad, but im still happy with the final result!
I'm a fan of the game
What is old school about a two weapon limit, linear levels, and regenerating health?
Honestly the game isn't -terrible- when you look at it as a game, and not as the culmination of 15 years of development. Apart from a few terrible design choices in the mid section, there were moments of fun in it. Not to mention they eventually patched out the two weapon limit. I'm not saying it's stellar, but there are moments where it's quite fun.
@@3dmaster205 What makes it sad is that the 2-gun limit and regenerating health (and corridor levels, going by what's been said by developers) were all changes made late in development for the sake of working better on consoles. The game was never designed or intended to be played like that originally.
If you look at the 2008 footage from the Jace Hall Show (briefly showed in this video) it has a full inventory and no regen health.
Old school Nukem was all about guns and babes. In Forever there's a gun limit and you kill the babes super early in the game. Then the rest plays out like Tomb Raider with jumping and random puzzles instead of shoot through the level and don't die like old school. Point being Forever isnt a bad game, but it's not Duke Nukem.
Here 'cause Georgie Porgie just said crunch in video game making was a good thing and needed a thing to link on Twitter.
Same, you'd think the guy known for crunching a game for 15 years would keep his mouth shut when it comes to lecturing people on video game making.
HEY!!!!! The nickname Georgie Porgie is exclusively reserved for George Wood of the legendary "Gaming in the Clinton years" and you will not drag that into the porno mag filled mud of George bossad
@@Sonichero151 My apologies, I didn't write this comment on a sillicon graphics computer.
I wouldn't call this game the worst game ever, it's just the most disappointing. It's much easier for new gamers to digest because they weren't around for the 15 year hype train and countless engine moves because George Broussard couldn't keep his feature creep under control.
Playing it nowadays is like playing through all the tropes and cliches of shooters from 98 to the late 2000's. Yahtzee mentioned that in his review of DNF years back but it's worth noting how funky it is to travel through the aesthetics of one era to another.
What I would REALLY love to see, would be the 2001 build of DNF finally get a release. Because according to Slipgate's CEO, the game is roughly 70-80% complete and can be played from start to finish. Buuuuut according to everyones favorite porn magician Randy Pitchford, he's looking to monetize it in some way, something akin to an "Ultimate Duke Collection"... :C
i was thinking the same thing. i'd love to play the 2001 build.
Yeah but not the worst doesn't mean good. It was a really shitty game. Graphics years too old, terrible level design and those load times.... seriously maybe the longest load times for not just level but from restarts of any game on the 360
Honestly guys this I'm 19 rn and I live in the country so I didn't have games alot of my life but duke nukem (the original ) was my first game and I can honestly say dnf is a good game to me I've sat down an concurrently played them an tbh man que sera sera either it's your style or not :)
Absolutely agree, it's not a great game by any means but it's not terrible either. It is just simply horrendous proportionate to the development time.
@@Landibert True that! Between 2001 and 2011 we could have gotten at least 3 different duke nukem games. And to be honest, they probably produced them, just never released because they wanted to make a 'perfect game'.
It's a problem that all programmers suffer from, software can be improved on indefinitely, so we fear release, and postpone dates, because we know we can get it better. All it takes is a responsible management that can tell us when the software is good enough.
Who's watching this now that Georgie Boy is back again flapping his gums on twitter about how crunch is a good thing?
Please, get out of my head. That is EXACTLY why I'm here.
@@jurfrokstar Great minds think alike my man.
I'm ootl what happened?
@@fire-nrg7962 To sum it up, here's what happened
~Kotaku published an article discussing that "Games made under Crunch shouldn't win Best Direction Awards" referencing how The Last of Us 2 won that award despite being made under crunch.
~George Broussard saw the article and decided to throw a tantrum about it responding with this quote "Oh fuck off. You have no idea what it takes to ship world beating AAA games and you take the word of disgruntled ex-employees vs the 100's that are happy there. Also comparing a 20-man indie to a 300 person studio is stupid." basically defending crunch culture and Naughty Dog.
~People were quick to point out that he spent 15 or so years crunching devs to make Duke Nukem Forever (Which he ended up losing not only the development role but also the rights to Gearbox who finished the game) and that he should be the last person people wanted to hear from when it came to defending Crunch especially someone who caused 3D Realms to collapse.
~His only response was to block people on Twitter which gave people the impression he's still sore about what happened and he just won't admit it was his fault.
@@MoonlightStrider I'm pretty sure The Last of Last II was really good, don't get me wrong. But I do believe that crunching is unacceptable.
Remember that Duke nukem trailer that was just like logos for like 3 minutes?
Do “Thrill Kill” for the PlayStation one! After it was 99% finished, it was deemed too graphic, then completely salvaged and released as Wu-Tang Shaolin Style! I had even pre-ordered Thrill Kill it was so close to being officially released. I ended up buying Wu-Tang Shaolin Style because I was so excited for Thrill Kill.
I love this video series, by the way. It’s how I discovered your channel. I’ve watched all of your What Happened videos and I look forward to more 👍🤓🤩
He got you fam
Aw man I forgot this game, the trailer was amazing. It was wasn’t released in the uk for being to graphic!
Didn’t the devs leak the game on purpose?
The part at the end with Metacritic had me rolling. Good job, man.
18:10 "except it super doesn't" That phrasing tickles me so much.
About the title being a reference to "Batman Forever".... well it is also based on numbers - DN, DN2 DN3D, DN4EVER
Yeah, I'd be interested where he got the Batman thing from because I'd never heard that before. Just the Duke4-ever thing...
Duke Nukem Forever it sucked back then and it sucks forever!
My Idea: They could've released the id Tech 2 version on time and then used the profit from that to blow people's minds on Unreal with "Duke Nukem: And EVER."
Yea, they could have cranked out half a dozen sequels and let the franchise die a natural death instead of keeping it on barely functional life support for 15 years.
Either that or Duke would’ve kept going for all eternity like COD
You either want to finish the game, or license yet another game engine.
Here after the the leaked 2001 gameplay of DNF! It is entertaining, sad, and infuriating how neither Broussard nor Miller want to take responsibility for DNF! If either one of them just grew some balls and said “I’m sorry” to those who waited on DNF for so long they might gain back some of the respect they lost to this disaster.
Infogrames sounds like Steve Brule trying to say Infogames
"We would never release a game early"
He was not wrong.
I'll be eternally sad about how awfully they mangled Duke.
My brother and I spent so many hours playing DN64 together and cherish those memories equally.
RIP Duke 😭😭😭
When Halo came up, you missed the chance to say "-first person COMBAT was evolving" for the big pun bucks.
Somebody leaked the 2001build!!! Unbelieveable!!!
You should do a special episode or something.
Cyberpunk 2077: 8 Years of Development Hell for Nothing
Duke Nukem Forever: 15 Years of Development Hell for Nothing
CP2077 is still more functional than DNF (at least on PC)
Cyberpunk is great! While I only played it on ps5 I really liked it.
@@smileprettymusic meh, the marketing and overpromising a Lot of stuff it couldnt even be delivered killed the game's reputation, so Its still bad on my book due to all lies and laughable lack of Basic details games 15 years before had. It was Just a waste of hype and money.
Cyberpunk was solid once the bugs were fixed though
I look at Randy Pitchford like Civvie11 does: greasy.
I'm surprised the guy who ordered it in 2001 was still alive
Took me a minute to realize DNF was not a Did Not Finish joke.
Even though I was aware of Duke Nukem at the time, I only knew of its history from years of X-Play coverage, and at that time, it looked dated and lackluster. When Sessler reviewed it, with his brutal honesty, it was the best thing about it.
I totally remember that!
Adam Sessler was a host and reviewer for G4's X-Play, and was famous for his "brutally honest" reviews and coverage.
Honestly they should've focused on finishing the game when they started and then saved any new engines and ideas for potential sequels.
I am seeing a pattern here with DNF and Daikatana: between the years of 1995 - 2005 or so, if you wanted your PC shooter to be cutting-edge you had to make your own engine. 3D technology was moving so incredibly fast in its early years that whatever the hotness 3D engine was would only be #1 for about 1 - 2 years. That isn't long enough to license the engine, learn the engine and actually develop and ship your game. If you were creating it in-house like Id or Epic were doing, your developers could be learning it and possibly even starting some game development before the engine is even complete (or in the case of Id during Quake and Quake II, your lead developer for the games is literally the guy who wrote the engine and he knows every line of code). Both DNF and Daikatana didn't seem to get this and got stuck in a race that they couldn't win to get a game on shelves with the best engine but were only starting when half of that engine's life was gone.
I worked at EB games when Duke Nukem Forever came out and it was one of the most busy days I'd ever worked... rival only to the next day when everyone came back to return it
Thank you for these videos Matt, they are so well done. I love this series so much, stories about how and why games ended up the way they did endlessly fascinate me (I read Blood, Sweat, and Pixels several times) and I gotta say this is quickly becoming one of my favorite video series to follow.
No, profit-share does NOT sound good on paper. To quote a great American: "Fuck you. Pay me."
Well, let's hope we get Duke Nukem Redemption someday.
As a millennial who loves old FPSes, I think that this was one of the bigger tragedies of the genre. Forget your Destinys and your No Man's Skies, this is still the top disappointment.
I still remember seeing screenshots of the 97/98 build in a gaming magazine in the grocery store, and being so stoked.
1:55 that pool table interaction just blew my mind, funny to say I've never seen so much detail in a game let alone from that time
You could even do it in multiplayer.
This game's core set of problems can be summarized with the old adage, "feature creep", and people should have heeded the warnings to repeated examples such as today's Star Citizen. Unfortunately, history is always rhymes and will happen again. People need to play the DNF 2013 mod to get an idea how the game should have played.
I have zero, absolutely zero sympathy by those who have the responsibility of other people's careers on their shoulders and yet act like they are a one man army on a march to reach their personal destiny. I cannot begin to count how many of them I've seen in my life. And I cannot begin to tell you how deeply and passionately I despise them.
So when do we get What Happened on MVCI or Bloody Roar 4?
Like your pfp. We should also have a what happened to MK Armageddon.
Floppy Opossum80 I love that game it's a pile of shit
Aw....I miss Bloody Roar. It was the only dang fighting game I could play lol. Good lord the voice acting and that weird red lobster looking character in the game after Primal Fury. Blech
For MvCI, StumbleBee made a good video on it.
@@rosenrot234 Oh God you mean that woman who's beast form is some red growth and an arm blade who looked out of place in a fighting game with people turning into wolves and lions and cat people?
These videos don't disappoint. So much quality and research.
considering the oldest millennials are pushing 40, i am pretty sure alot of millennials know what Duke Nukem is. i am one of the Youngest Millenials beinng born in 1993, Duke Nukem 3D is one of my all time favorite FPS games. (Shadow Warrior and Blood for that matter as well, build engine games were dope.)
1990 here, and played Duke Nukem as a kid. I'd say Gen Z and onward are much more likely to not know Duke Nukem.
I'm pretty sure he was just making a joke about people who make stupid millennial jokes.
FPS games have regressed over time. Those old games like Duke 3D and Shadow Warrior were the pinnacle of the FPS genre. Interesting weapons, no kiddie mode regenerating health, and you have actual maps to explore with secrets to find.
@@Drakulas77 alot of games don't have the same levels of depth that they used to. like Thief 2 is still the best and deepest stealth game out there. and Bethesda games have steadily stripped out more depth in favor of accessibility every game. there are alot of great things about modern games that go more for spectacle and narrative than depth, but i do still really miss the design philosophy from 20 years ago.
We're Gen X. So called millennials were born in the tail end of the twentieth century. You know, like before the millennia shift? Out of the way, Peck! (Only eighties kids will get that)
Goonies never die!
Well at least he grew a pretty sick ponytail in all those years lol
This series is about to become my most loved thing on the internet 🙂
I'm starting to think the Forever in Duke Nukem Forever isn't a reference to the Batman movie, but the development period
today marks the 10 anniversary of the colossal catastrophy that was this game. (not) happy birthday to Duke Nukem Forever
Yeah, I didn't know about any of this. Teenager me (years ago) saw this at GameStop for $5 and I shrugged like welp, if I don't like it, it was only $5, and I remember hearing my friends dad talk about Duke Nukem, I'll see what this game is about. Popped it and had a blast and got all the achievements for it and had a couple laughs.
I loved the Easter egg helmets.
I was beyond excited to meet Jon St John and get his autograph on my collectors edition box of the game
$5 gamble pays off
I remember hearing that a joke that went around Take 2 and 3D Realms, was keeping George as out of the loop as possible so he wouldn't completely scrap the game just to change Engines, or add another "take that" to other developers.
duke nukem was on the stove so long you’d expect it to be burnt and it was still raw
George bussard: chef Ramsay, I'm trying to cook my game, and no matter how long I wait, it's still raw!
Gordon Ramsay: that's because your fucking stove is off!
If it was released today maybe they could even have the same number of weapons as Duke 3D
I just found your channel... And I marathoned all your episodes... Good stuff man, keep it up!
Better change that wholesome twitter comment at the end....
3 years late to ask this but... dare I ask what exactly happened?
Well, there's Duke Nukem Forever 2013, the mod that should have been the true sequel we so desperately wanted.
George was definitely focusing way too much on what others do than what his team and him wanted to do in first place. If he stayed inside the bubble without looking out we would probably have 10 different official Duke Nukem games by now, not even exaggerating.
Cause DNF has to be the longest game in development of all time at this point right along with Overwatch from Blizzard ( But at least Blizzard did not announce that game until it was literally coming to a conclusion of being developed and only tiny tiny hints being shared by fans around as rumors long before maybe )
But the more people know about a game or any product being almost done and then postponed to another millennia, the less it becomes exciting and when its out, it is bound to fail. But of course it wasn't really completely bad because it would fail as a game, but rather as it simply took way way too long while people already knew what was kind off going on, so each time their adrenalin and excitement would get up and then " OOps i forgot this game even was going to be released " then again " OOoh here goes another bump " then again nothing and then finally release, just really huge stretch of a journey.
I do believe that if they never announced DNF being a thing back in 90's and actually SURPRISED people by releasing it as they did - it would possibly have better reception? What do you think?
There should be an amendment to the Constitution making Randy being involved in any interactive entertainment medium to be a war crime.
Beyond Good and Evil 2 has surpassed DNF's vaporware record as of 2022.
A lot of people blame Randy Phitford for DNF but i think that the true villain in this history is James Broussard.
Broussard is almost entirely to blame for it. they wouldn't have needed to get Gearbox to finish the game if it weren't for his sheer incompetence and narrow-mindedness
“Either we’re stupid and clueless or we believe what we’re working on” probably both
it amazing how brussard would get distracted because clearly he was very capable of committing to beautifying that gigantic mullet.
i love how no matter what year it is reading "Gearbox and Randy are currently going through their own shit right now" is always relevant
Talk about the fustercluck that was Mass Effect Andromeda's development
Now Duke Nukem Forever 2001 is playable for everyone
“I ain’t afraid of no quake”
But apparently afraid of halo.
Should’ve stuck with gameplay > graffix
For those of you who might be wondering, 3D Realms is still a dumpster fire.
When a single person destroys a legendary IP... Duke was and still is the best 1st person shooter character ever. His over the top macho persona, pop reference jokes and badassery will never be duplicated.
"No one messes with our chicks... and lives."
It's so sad. To build something up from the ground you need a bunch of people's effort, skills, passion and right decision-making. All those developers, coders, art designer and then, you need the good will of the audience to give you a shot in order to succeed. But crush something to the ground you only need one guy. The WRONG guh at the very top.
"Not my babes, not in my town! You alien motherfuckers are gonna pay for this!"
Deadpool has replaced Duke Nukem in that case.
Rerez did a Just Bad Games episode on this game. These two should totally crossover. Matt could do the backstory and Rerez could do the game portion
I’d love to see a What Happened on the Fable series. So many promises that fell on their faces. They still have some charm. As little as it is.