去了Hugo’s 好幾次 ,最後一次在結業前。 很欣賞他們的細心招待 , 同時也有 菲律賓樂隊演奏 , 樂隊也會去到各枱客人面前奏樂, 十分溫馨。 Very Care all the details to serve the customer. 👍👍👍👍👍🥰🥰 Everyone Love Hugo’s 👏👏👍👍
Hugo's has been a family favourite since my childhood, but we were disappointed by our last visit, which was after the chef has changed. My prime rib was only 1/3 of the thickness you had. 🤨Although the new prime rib was seasoned with less herbs, the new recipe has made it more tender, which sparked a debate among us to which version is better. 🤷🏻♀️ Some of the previous highlights for the salad trolley were no longer available. Hugo's bread actually used to have 4-6 selections in the basket and they were great! So it is sad to see that even that has been taken out since my last visit. Most of all, the previous chef used to be quite chatty and warm, we would often start a conversation while he was slicing the prime rib and he would ask how we were enjoying our food. I remember once we chatted quite a while he even gave me some tips on marinating prime ribs to amp up my game at home dinner parties. Last time the chef gave us quite a cold service with disappointing portions. The staffs had great service as usual and well trained considering the number of new faces we are seeing in recent years. Our family will probably still go back in some time, given the memories that were made there over the years. We do hope our last visit was an anomaly. If anyone has any suggestions for another restaurant, please comment! (Maybe it will become our new favourite) 😛
Thank you for sharing that brings back happy memories! Today's Hugo's is no longer the Hugo's. In the old days, the quality of the starters was so good that you could choose to skip the steak. At that time, it was not like today, the starter could be chosen as the main course. Indeed the former chef was kinder and more friendly, and he always recommended the end-cut. As long as it's not too much, it used to be common to cut an extra piece :) Today doesn't even do well with the BBQ sauce.
Thanks for your review! Can you do a food trip of Lawry's Prime Rib in Hong Kong, I'm quite curious if any difference to the Beverly Hills branch. Thank you!
去了Hugo’s 好幾次 ,最後一次在結業前。 很欣賞他們的細心招待 ,
同時也有 菲律賓樂隊演奏 ,
Very Care all the details to serve the customer. 👍👍👍👍👍🥰🥰
Everyone Love Hugo’s 👏👏👍👍
想當年,第一次去 Hugo’s 是一位 aunt 在放學時到學校門口接我和家姐回家換衫,要穿西褲恤衫,姐姐要著裙,一去到完全不知反應,只係座低,也不知道叫什麼吃,aunt 就算我們叫了龍蝦湯,燒牛肉和梳夫里,還記得吃光在喝咖啡茶時,還有用銀器載著乾冰,用朱古力包著雪糕像珍寶珠的小吃送,那一餐真係為以後的美食世界打開了門戶。
80年代頭 在hugo' s做 侍應, 每晚 起 餐都好像打仗一樣,單 起一個 頭盤 魚子醬, 都要搬一座兩三尺冰雕 伴著上枱 你話幾有氣勢。
@@jackiai8802 話主廚想改變下喎!
Hugo's has been a family favourite since my childhood, but we were disappointed by our last visit, which was after the chef has changed. My prime rib was only 1/3 of the thickness you had. 🤨Although the new prime rib was seasoned with less herbs, the new recipe has made it more tender, which sparked a debate among us to which version is better. 🤷🏻♀️ Some of the previous highlights for the salad trolley were no longer available. Hugo's bread actually used to have 4-6 selections in the basket and they were great! So it is sad to see that even that has been taken out since my last visit. Most of all, the previous chef used to be quite chatty and warm, we would often start a conversation while he was slicing the prime rib and he would ask how we were enjoying our food. I remember once we chatted quite a while he even gave me some tips on marinating prime ribs to amp up my game at home dinner parties. Last time the chef gave us quite a cold service with disappointing portions. The staffs had great service as usual and well trained considering the number of new faces we are seeing in recent years. Our family will probably still go back in some time, given the memories that were made there over the years. We do hope our last visit was an anomaly. If anyone has any suggestions for another restaurant, please comment! (Maybe it will become our new favourite) 😛
Thank you for sharing that brings back happy memories! Today's Hugo's is no longer the Hugo's. In the old days, the quality of the starters was so good that you could choose to skip the steak. At that time, it was not like today, the starter could be chosen as the main course. Indeed the former chef was kinder and more friendly, and he always recommended the end-cut. As long as it's not too much, it used to be common to cut an extra piece :) Today doesn't even do well with the BBQ sauce.
Hi Shea, so what are some of the tips you have learned that we can ALL marinate like a pro? haha do share! :D
第一次去,係1976年;對上一次,已經係20多年前,大概是1996年左右。舊Hugo's,因為舊Hyatt 要清拆而被逼關門時,覺得非常惋惜;新 Hugo's 重開之後未去過, 不過,無論是裝修、氣氛、 menu、service, 跟舊 Hugo's 都不太一樣。
以前舊Hugo's 有string quartet 到每枱客人面前演奏 violin/viola, 用餐完畢後,每位男客人會送一枝 cigar, 女客人會送一枝玫瑰花。
有幸喺HUGO's 做過intern, 聽經理講以前你係做HUGO's, 你就算係做waiter仔, 著住件格仔西裝行去其他outlet拎野又好, 去canteen食飯又好, 係真係好威, 點都會俾面你, 不過一早無呢支歌仔唱, 經理都唔知轉咗幾多個 so sad
WOO 終於有HUGO'S 睇~ 好多後生都唔知衣間咁 , 個個淨係識AMIGO
Hugo’s 同Amigo食物出品各有所長,但我個人認為Amigo更古典、更有氣派。
之前食過Set Dinner有席前煑龍蝦湯,甜品有桑芙梨和雪糕珍寶珠,呢三樣最正
繼續留名支持! 都係咁高汁
會為旁邊嘅人打格仔,俾個 Like你👍
Wow, very nice. Thanks.😊
Your presentation is highly interesting to watch and Gung Hei Fai Choi, Lai Si Dow Loi. 👍👍
好幾年前,銀聯卡有Hugo’s 買一送一優惠,非常回味
so yum yum yum, this is my next place to visit such an honourable dining place
很多回憶。記得80年代尾升VP, 在這裡請大班食飯
最近平日晚餐去,好靜啊⋯仲要做promo set dinner買二送二
但我同朋友唔知有呢個promo加埋一心食佢個prime rib冇理到。prime rib仍然好好啊❤
HUGO's Lunch,真心好抵食~~~~會再去!
btw book果陣佢問係咩purpose去. 去到完全無表示係咩玩法. fyr?
想當年,每次在Hugo’s 食完晚飯後,一定出去Nathan 飲咖啡食甜品,貪佢夠熱閙~
Hyatt Hugo ,1981-82年首次係嗰度食晏。當時應該係香港首五位之一😊
Thanks for your review! Can you do a food trip of Lawry's Prime Rib in Hong Kong, I'm quite curious if any difference to the Beverly Hills branch. Thank you!
我遲你一日去,但感覺係完全唔一樣。官網有得比你揀係特別場合有咩用呀,我揀左慶祝生日但佢都冇睇,乜都冇安排,同埋service真係麻麻地。舊Prime Rib肉味唔算濃,反而覺得頭盤車係最出色。可能係我唔好彩啦。食物一般般Service又麻麻地,價錢就fine dining囉。
Ah Jun, the background music is it PACHELBEL Canon and Gigle ? 🎼🎹🎧👌👍
之前有機會食過佢個brunch 可以話係大開眼界 食物係可以做到咁高水準
Thanks for sharing ! I love this restaurant !
價格不貴 氣氛挺好
片頭 ge 音樂好好聽,係 canon ma? 我搵唔到呢個版本
依家有番 brunch 啦
高汁 fine dining BTW lunch 是否每人要叫一份,我想帶小朋友去
上網booking 時remark 落左想寫happy anniversary完全無理過。朋友去都有同一情況。建議有咩特別記念就去第二到好過。同一價錢好多選題,好過得失另一半
純粹好奇一問 50年歷史嘅傢俬 可算是古董嗎
唔經唔覺原來已經250k 了👍🏻
有得揀今餐飯咩目的 。。。鴻門宴。😂😂
我想問下你覺得 DanRyan既扒質數如何?
講開 Amigo諗佢地的水魚清湯 疫情後去過3次 都無做, 唔知是咁啱無貨 定疫情期間水魚難入貨。
你再去一定要飲一次 如果有的話
已經好難book, 你講完之後不敢想象😂😂
生日將近 希望能夠訂到位
以前Brunch Buffet 好好多
美國牛點Medium Rare 才像樣
why u compare it with amigo? amigo is msg restaurant
你上個月食LUNCH都應該過得去,我今個月中食BRUNCH真係好唔掂,前菜失色,主菜我地叫MEDIUM RIB都出事,RARE過你個塊
Brunch 加左價 埋單差唔多 $9xx
牛肉他他 蝦咯爹 仲有冇呀?😂
唔睇歷史,呢間餐廳係over priced. 利申 試過四次