God is Able - Hillsong Chapel (with Lyrics/Subtitles) (Worship Song)

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Hillsong Chapel Album Forever Reign, 2012, Name of Song: God is Able
    To purchase this song in itunes,
    God is Able
    He will never fail
    He is almighty God
    Greater than all we seek
    Greater than all we ask
    He has done great things
    Lifted up, He defeated the grave
    raised to life, our God is able
    In His name, we overcome
    For the Lord, our God is able
    God is with us
    God is on our side
    He will make a way
    Far above all we know
    Far above all we hope
    He has done great things
    Lifted up, He defeated the grave
    Raised to life, our God is able
    In His name, we overcome
    For the Lord, our God is able
    God is with us
    He will go before
    He will never leave us
    He will never leave us
    God is for us
    He has open arms
    He will never fail us
    He will never fail us
    Lifted up, He defeated the grave
    raised to life, our God is able
    In His name, we overcome
    For the Lord, our God is able
    Lifted up, He defeated the grave
    raised to life, our God is able
    In His name, we overcome
    For the Lord, our God is able
    For the Lord, our God is able
    For the Lord, our God is able

Комментарии • 122

  • @musicanovas6
    @musicanovas6 3 года назад +2

    The person who is reading this comment, I wish you great success, health, love and happiness ❤️

  • @yasmin96131
    @yasmin96131 6 лет назад +2

    I'm so sad and this song make me cry so much. God is able...God is with us...God is for us...He will never leave us❤

  • @AbaloneKid
    @AbaloneKid 2 года назад

    You have paid for ALL our sins price with your blood and body! Burial and resurrection proof! (see doubting Thomas in upper room when the risen Jesus appeared! ) We confess to our Father in prayer all sins. Daily! Sin ruins our fellowship but not salvation. But what is the good of salvation if there is no joy or good works! That is why we GO TO GOD IN PRAYER DAILY! 1 John 1:5-10
    Gospel! The good news about Jesus Christ and salvation from judgment on our sins. Jesus dined with His disciples; Mark 14:22-25, the night before He went to the cross.
    Jesus and His disciples were eating a Passover meal together at the Last Supper. After partaking of bread and wine (His body and His blood) , the Bible mentions the hymn Jesus sang with His disciples. “And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives” Mark 14:26. What were they singing on such an occasion? PRAISE! Psalms 113-118.
    "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.."John 14.6
    Blood coming from his body, NAKED, hanging on that cross like Roman torture weapon! What a Lord God and Savior! He had to. HE is God the Son. Only His sinless blood could pay our sins price.1 John 2:1-2. The Savior was born to die for our sins so we could live through Him. I Subscribed.
    God knew your faithful praise ministry before the world was made! Ephesians 1:1-14. Prayer goes out for you and those here. A Crown in Heaven awaits all who share the Gospel of Jesus Christ that saves a soul. ( see"JESUS SAVES") 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20; Philippians 4:1. The Apostle Paul said in Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek".
    This praise resounds throughout the earth: "Jesus Christ is Lord and God. Only He saves". He testified: ''I and my Father are One" John 10:30
    2 Samuel chapter 22:verse 50 "Therefore I will praise you, O Lord, out of the countries, and I will praise your name."
    God the Son (Jesus Christ) has given us the gospel to share with the world. Mark 16:15: "And He said unto them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
    How can we hear it? Scripture tells us. Romans 10:17 "Then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (We receive the "word" in many ways. The "Word" is Jesus Christ!); John 1:1-5. God the Holy Spirit teaches through the Word of God in the Bible.
    The Birth of Jesus Christ
    Isaiah 7: 14: "Therefore the LORD shall give you a sign; behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and call His name Immanuel." Hebrew: עִמָּנוּאֵל, "God with us" in human flesh but without sin. The Savior of the world was born to die for our sins! He did so 33 years later. His terrible ordeal; body mutilated; blood poured out, finally died (John 19:30; Luke 23:46 ) and was placed in a tomb and rose from the dead the 3rd day ! "HE IS RISEN" Matthew 28: 6.
    Isaiah 53:" 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." - IT IS FOUNDED UPON GOD'S LOVE FOR MAN AND WOMAN HE CREATED
    John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
    "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3: 23
    " For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23
    "1 Corinthians 15: 3 "For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:"
    Romans 5:8 " But God demonstrates his love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, now justified by his blood, we will be saved from wrath through him."
    “For he (God) hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21.
    " In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;." Ephesians 1:7; 1 Peter 1:18-19.
    Matthew 26: 28 "For this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." (the life is in the blood. He had to pay with His life)
    "And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." Hebrews 9:22
    Ephesians 2:8 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 not of works, lest any man should boast."
    Jesus died and paid the penalty for our sins to rescue us from eternal death. He died on our behalf. We believe in Him, trusting His death and shedding of His blood as payment for ALL our sins and His burial and resurrection from the dead the third day! John 20:24-31; 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4 above.
    Romans 10:
    9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
    13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
    Salvation and forgiveness of sins is the blessing of anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We receive the baptism of God the Holy Spirit immediately which seals us in Christ and that is permanent! Ephesians 1:13-14. Those who reject the free gift of salvation, see John 3:16 above, "perish", which means their sins are judged by God the Son and they suffer eternal separation from God and the family of God forever called the "second death". Revelation 21:8.

  • @thatomofolo452
    @thatomofolo452 Год назад

    He Will never fail us in His Name we overcome 💪💪💪💯

  • @damnprincess9822
    @damnprincess9822 6 лет назад +2

    Just singing this a while ago before going to school. I am so blessed Lord! You are able!

  • @HephziJ
    @HephziJ 7 лет назад

    Our King has surely defeated the grave and lives forever! Hallelujah to the Great Almighty GOD!!! 💖

  • @bollywoodmashupsongs2788
    @bollywoodmashupsongs2788 4 года назад

    I'm not a Christian.... but I think I'm falling in love with them.....forgive me lord...help me open my heart I want to let you in...you have been there for me when no one was there for me....thank you...❤🖐

  • @dimplegatan4402
    @dimplegatan4402 8 лет назад +38

    Jesus will never fail us. All highest of praise bring glory to Him 😍I love you Lord.

    • @twicekmdhyn7799
      @twicekmdhyn7799 7 лет назад +2

      My morning music, remember that God is always with us. He will never leaves us😇😍

    • @aaronclyne89
      @aaronclyne89 7 лет назад

      Dimple Gatan hallallujjiaa

  • @emmanueljohn4594
    @emmanueljohn4594 8 лет назад +6

    Our God is a great God he is always be on our side.. Amen..Glorify his Almighty and powerful.. Ever and Ever..

  • @Renamarak80
    @Renamarak80 2 года назад

    Praise the lord amen 🙏

  • @abigailochigbo7836
    @abigailochigbo7836 6 лет назад

    Indeed theres no one like jesus i will forever love him

  • @9550429215
    @9550429215 9 лет назад +1

    He'll never leave us. He'll never leave us as orphans

  • @alexw.8102
    @alexw.8102 7 лет назад +4

    satan wanted to prison our Christ in the grave.
    But our Christ showed him, that he is the winner.

  • @duhhitsck2346
    @duhhitsck2346 5 лет назад


  • @deborahmnkandla5891
    @deborahmnkandla5891 6 лет назад

    Our God is able

  • @ednajosephe8233
    @ednajosephe8233 6 лет назад +1

    God is able, He will never leave us 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @aminophilia2986
    @aminophilia2986 7 лет назад +2

    glory to the most High God he's worthy of all praise and worship

  • @psmickelkasonso324
    @psmickelkasonso324 7 лет назад

    thank you..evry time i watch this video..HIS present its so Real..oh JESUS...

  • @ruthabraham7832
    @ruthabraham7832 5 лет назад

    God is faithful even in our weakness

  • @lidiasehatang1191
    @lidiasehatang1191 7 лет назад

    thank you jesus, our god is able, and you'r my savior

  • @ednajosephe8233
    @ednajosephe8233 6 лет назад

    God is my everything , Lord please have your way in me Father God 😭😭😢😢😭😭😭😢😭😢😢😭😭😢😢😭

  • @heishalynch6551
    @heishalynch6551 6 лет назад

    Love the lyrics! I take comfort in this....Our God is able!!

  • @mastidiarushambila2012
    @mastidiarushambila2012 7 лет назад

    our God is able, is more than enough to ussss!!!!!

  • @ednajosephe8233
    @ednajosephe8233 6 лет назад

    yes GOD leave me 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢thank you mighty God😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😭

  • @edzyeryanrubio
    @edzyeryanrubio 7 лет назад

    God is able to do great things in our life...

  • @yetemfantaye5881
    @yetemfantaye5881 6 лет назад

    Our God is able....Jesus we worship you

  • @aurorita2012
    @aurorita2012 8 лет назад +3

    So so good
    Praise HIM

  • @srikanthkurapatis7635
    @srikanthkurapatis7635 5 лет назад

    starting music so memorable .. . . Glory to God.

  • @nyarikatayi8433
    @nyarikatayi8433 6 лет назад

    True Our God is able.l love Him,He is faithful

  • @eleazerladan2606
    @eleazerladan2606 7 лет назад

    Praise God for he is able,with him we can overcome I love hillsong

  • @lucywanjiro9497
    @lucywanjiro9497 7 лет назад +1

    Go before us dear heavenly Father

  • @geminiobed3838
    @geminiobed3838 6 лет назад

    He is able. Praise be to His name 🙏🏽

  • @jonalynalmiano8141
    @jonalynalmiano8141 9 лет назад +8

    I really love this song , since I heared this :)

    • @igorsantosteixera
      @igorsantosteixera 6 лет назад

      Jonalyn Pulleros esta mensagem de de jeusus

    • @igorsantosteixera
      @igorsantosteixera 6 лет назад

      Escuta e sabendo que não tem mais que eu possa me ajudar com o pessoal da minha vida

  • @paodyms1252
    @paodyms1252 8 лет назад +14

    our God is able..

  • @sherenaclark1624
    @sherenaclark1624 8 лет назад +2

    I love this song

  • @yusafajnala
    @yusafajnala 2 года назад

    ✝️ hallelujah ❤️

  • @jonahray9164
    @jonahray9164 8 лет назад +3

    Jesus saves

  • @franciszubrowski658
    @franciszubrowski658 2 года назад

    God is able just reach out

  • @jamiloke
    @jamiloke 3 года назад

    Luar biasa suaranya bagus sekali udah pasti jjjooooossss muuuntap

  • @shewitamebrahtu355
    @shewitamebrahtu355 6 лет назад

    Amen! Yes Our God Is able !

  • @simbamaramba9439
    @simbamaramba9439 7 лет назад

    For the Lord our God is able.

  • @jacquelynlabe9124
    @jacquelynlabe9124 7 лет назад +16

    he will do great things in your life,if u Will seek him First🙏
    God is able:)

    • @cherylstimpel3351
      @cherylstimpel3351 7 лет назад +1

      I really feel the spirit when I am listening to Hillsong . Heavenly Father definitely gave this awesome group a gift . when he brought these guy's together.

    • @anastasiabilly3826
      @anastasiabilly3826 7 лет назад

      Amen I know God is able to do if it is difficult for us.

  • @leee3940
    @leee3940 8 лет назад +1

    😭🙈🙈🙏🏽God please never fail us.....

  • @andysongerio2122
    @andysongerio2122 2 года назад

    I love Jesus227

  • @haykiegamingofficial6599
    @haykiegamingofficial6599 7 лет назад

    For the Lord our God is able 💓

  • @rahuli.p.s.6220
    @rahuli.p.s.6220 3 года назад


  • @lalangGaming
    @lalangGaming 8 лет назад

    I love this song... God bless us

  • @simonsigauke7924
    @simonsigauke7924 9 лет назад +2

    Oh yes! God is able

  • @alexjca5504
    @alexjca5504 7 лет назад +2

    Tuhan Yesus baik, selalu sediakan kebutuhanku

  • @NanaPonemani
    @NanaPonemani 3 месяца назад

    I love verymuk

  • @turyagumanawealex3820
    @turyagumanawealex3820 9 лет назад +1

    wow its a nice one which can never leave my mind

  • @genevawhite6954
    @genevawhite6954 5 лет назад

    I will sing to church

  • @kalyanpradhani1333
    @kalyanpradhani1333 5 лет назад


  • @marsubagan4610
    @marsubagan4610 7 лет назад


  • @genevawhite6954
    @genevawhite6954 5 лет назад

    I love to sing at church

  • @marvinquiatchon4635
    @marvinquiatchon4635 6 лет назад

    God is Good All the time

  • @chefvevekphiamphu271
    @chefvevekphiamphu271 6 лет назад

    praise the lord 😇

  • @rv-am
    @rv-am 7 лет назад

    thank you Lord🙌

  • @fatamafatama8121
    @fatamafatama8121 7 лет назад

    Amen amen God is able .

  • @genevawhite6954
    @genevawhite6954 5 лет назад

    I love to sing at church and people loves singing

  • @renianggriani5039
    @renianggriani5039 4 года назад

    God bless us😭🙏

  • @rachelicequin145
    @rachelicequin145 6 лет назад

    I Love You Lord ❤

  • @bernicekankinza4410
    @bernicekankinza4410 8 лет назад

    be lifted high lord amen

  • @yaapatience4893
    @yaapatience4893 7 лет назад

    God bless you guys

  • @Ivom071
    @Ivom071 8 лет назад

    the girl Jill doing the harmony sounds great

  • @epiladickens4305
    @epiladickens4305 9 лет назад +1


  • @nextlevelfilmphotographyst8695
    @nextlevelfilmphotographyst8695 4 года назад

    Super song

  • @godlivinmylif
    @godlivinmylif 8 лет назад +1

    Amen love you all life GOD

  • @tolekamnqweni5954
    @tolekamnqweni5954 9 лет назад +2


  • @steffilz8327
    @steffilz8327 5 лет назад


  • @ednajosephe8233
    @ednajosephe8233 6 лет назад

    amen glory to God

  • @Ibelieveinlove77
    @Ibelieveinlove77 5 лет назад +9

    I'm sorry to post this here but I didn't know how else to reach you. I have some songs that I would like to share with you that I wrote. Thanks for considering. Blessings

  • @arthidammrong6198
    @arthidammrong6198 7 лет назад +2

    yes he will never leave us

  • @mireilleparker8864
    @mireilleparker8864 7 лет назад

    God is able

  • @akshajonson5185
    @akshajonson5185 7 лет назад

    awesome song i really love the song

  • @JesusChristInspiration
    @JesusChristInspiration 5 лет назад

    So Powerful!

  • @renchris143malicuban4
    @renchris143malicuban4 6 лет назад

    Praise GOD 🙏🙏🙏

  • @margaretnantumbwe5889
    @margaretnantumbwe5889 9 лет назад +1

    God is always on our side.

  • @jenniferkc9889
    @jenniferkc9889 6 лет назад

    god blessed u guys

  • @vilmamedrano8635
    @vilmamedrano8635 8 лет назад

    God bless you and good song

  • @vevelaw7531
    @vevelaw7531 7 лет назад

    awesome..tx God

  • @edidaviswaprajod8953
    @edidaviswaprajod8953 7 лет назад

    Superbly sung👍👍

  • @ninagalabova3882
    @ninagalabova3882 7 лет назад +1

    perfect,actually worship.merci from me all heart.

  • @warriorsforjesus2308
    @warriorsforjesus2308 8 лет назад

    Yes lord. 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌

  • @simonsigauke7924
    @simonsigauke7924 9 лет назад

    Ooh Yes! good song

  • @sawehdoh9598
    @sawehdoh9598 6 лет назад

    Thank you for jeauses

  • @daddyawaseb5346
    @daddyawaseb5346 9 лет назад

    His able

  • @AbaloneWorld
    @AbaloneWorld 4 года назад

    I will pray for your praise ministry and the brethren gathered here, beloved Saint. Jesus sang praises with His disciples at His last supper before He was crucified. Matt. chapter 26:verses 26-30; Psalms 113-118. ***There is a Crown in Heaven awaiting all who faithfully share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a soul is saved. ( "THE GOSPEL SAVES" below) 1 Thessalonians chapter 2:verse 19-20; Philippians chapter 4:verse 1. So too be Rapture ready to meet Jesus Christ in the air. "Maranatha!" meaning "HE COMES". Mark chapter 13: verses 33-37. The Apostles and saints greeted one another that way! Proofs:John chapter 14: verse 1-3; Titus chapter 2:verses 11 -14; Rev.chapter 3:verse 10; 1 Thessalonians chapter 5:verse 9. This beautiful crown awaits us. 1 Peter chapter 5: verse 4; 2 Timothy chapter 4:verse 8.
    This praise resounds across the earth: "Jesus is Lord and only He saves".
    2 Samuel chapter 22: Verse 50 "Therefore I will praise you, O Lord, out of the countries, and I will praise your name."
    God the Son (Jesus Christ) has given us the gospel to share with the world.
    Mark chapter 16: Verse 15: And He said unto them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
    How can anyone hear the "good" news? Romans chapter 10: verse 17 Then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
    Isaiah chapter 7: verse 14: "Therefore the LORD shall give you a sign; behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and call His name Immanuel." Hebrew: עִמָּנוּאֵל, "God with us" in human flesh but without sin. The Savior of the world was born to die for our sins! He did so 33 years later. His terrible ordeal; body mutilated; blood poured out, finally died and was placed in a tomb and rose from the dead the 3rd day ! "HE IS RISEN" Matthew chapter 28: verse 6.
    Isaiah chapter 53: verse 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. - IT IS FOUNDED UPON GOD'S LOVE FOR MAN AND WOMAN HE CREATED
    John chapter 3: Verse 16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
    "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans chapter 3: verse 23
    " For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans chapter 6: verse 23
    " Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.."John chapter 14.verse 6
    "1 Corinthians chapter 15: verse 3 "For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:"
    And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. 1 John chapter 2: verse 2
    Romans chapter 5:verse 8 But God demonstrates his love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, now justified by his blood, we will be saved from wrath through him."
    “For he (God) hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 2 Corinthians chapter 5:verse 21.
    " In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;." Ephesians chapter 1:verse 7
    Matthew chapter 26:verse 28 "For this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." (the life is in the blood. He had to pay with His life)
    "And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." Hebrews chapter 9:verse 22
    Ephesians chapter 2:verse 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 not of works, lest any man should boast.
    Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins and rescue us from eternal death. Because of Jesus' death on our behalf, all we have to do is believe in Him, trusting in His death and in the shedding of His blood as payment for our sins, as well as in His resurrection from the dead, and we will be saved! John chapter 20: verses 24-31
    Romans 10:
    9 That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
    10 For with the heart man believes in righteousness; And a confession by mouth is given for salvation.
    13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
    Salvation and forgiveness of sins is the blessing of anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Those who reject the free gift of salvation, see John chapter 3: verse 16 above, "perish", which means their sins are judged by God the Son and they suffer eternal separation from God and the family of God forever called the "second death". Revelation chapter 21: verse 8.
    Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. ”Romans chapter 5:verse 1

  • @marsubagan4610
    @marsubagan4610 7 лет назад


  • @clareharris2139
    @clareharris2139 3 года назад

    Am I able to get permission to use this video in worship?

  • @lisunarnarnaw8839
    @lisunarnarnaw8839 6 лет назад


  • @dewitampubolon4841
    @dewitampubolon4841 6 лет назад


  • @uandersonalves5581
    @uandersonalves5581 8 лет назад

    mais um inscrito god and lord have power hoooo gloria .....kkkk

  • @motote03
    @motote03 8 лет назад +12

    God bless you all, my name is Victor'm Dominican and I am very interested in learning Inglés I wonder if some of you would like to help me?

  • @cfar777
    @cfar777 5 лет назад

    Can i ask why u chose 227 at the end of your profile name?

  • @Raphaela01
    @Raphaela01 3 года назад


  • @HaiNguyen-wv3uy
    @HaiNguyen-wv3uy 5 лет назад

    Hey, I want to buy your channel. Please reply. Thanks

  • @Miner-ny1nm
    @Miner-ny1nm 7 лет назад

    ilovepi227 Does She Still Do Vids Or No?

  • @champprill1527
    @champprill1527 8 лет назад +3

    Trump is able too... God works in mysterious and sometimes deplorable ways..

  • @ednajosephe8233
    @ednajosephe8233 6 лет назад

    yes GOD leave me 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢thank you mighty God😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😭