I’ve made quite a lot of these over the last couple of years. The only difference is I make a full big picture frame then add a smaller picture frame to fit inside that is offset, not in the middle and is able to rotate. The other side, inside the bigger picture, that was left offset, I add a small accent decor (like a cute couple sitting on a bench or a mini action figure if it’s for a child) depending on the picture that is being framed. Hopefully that makes sense 😂 Nevertheless, thanks for sharing and happy holidays!
Thank you, you just gave me ideas for Christmas gifts of all my grandchildren. You are the best😊
You are so welcome! Have fun building! Merry Christmas !
Thanks Anika! Happy Holidays :)
Very cool
Love this
Thank you!!
Great project
Very cool. Cute frame and great instructions as well. Enjoyed watching it come together 😊
Thanks, I'm glad it was helpful!
Amazing project and glue is holding it together.
I’ve made quite a lot of these over the last couple of years. The only difference is I make a full big picture frame then add a smaller picture frame to fit inside that is offset, not in the middle and is able to rotate. The other side, inside the bigger picture, that was left offset, I add a small accent decor (like a cute couple sitting on a bench or a mini action figure if it’s for a child) depending on the picture that is being framed. Hopefully that makes sense 😂
Nevertheless, thanks for sharing and happy holidays!
What about either a triangle or cube version, giving you 3 or 4 pics. Great job.
That would be a fun challenge!! It’s definitely got my wheels spinning!
👀y cómo lo HIZO porque yo vi el vídeo 📹 y ya todos está armado ❓🤔🫣😥📹⚒️🔨🗨️❓👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
Very nice idea. I can see someone with more brain power than me figuring out how to motorize it so it constantly spins.