I really appreciate the compliment. The improvement is a combination of moving to a new place and finally being smart enough to let my wife design the look
First I want to say thank! Question, I have this horrible virus. I tested positive on last this past Wednesday and my job said for me to return on Monday. Is that correct? Technically 5 days is Tuesday unless they are starting from the day I got symptoms which was Tuesday, the day before I tested positive.
Yeah it can be confusing. The following is not medical advice, just describing cdc guidelines as they exist today at www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html . For someone with symptoms testing positive it would 5 days isolation and 5 days strict masking but there are some more details. Day 0 is first day of symptoms or the test (which ever is first). Then you count down days and isolate through day 5. The criteria for leaving isolation and going to just strict masking is that by day 6 starting we should be fever free for 24hrs (without meds to break fever like tylenol) and starting to improve. These guidelines change often so always feel free to check the original source linked here. Hope you get through this soon without issue. Keep your head up
Who was the genius who signed off on firing anyone who wouldn’t get vaccinated and letting them all go? Adding to unemployment, depriving us of necessary staff. Now telling people that even if they have an infectious disease, get to work because we are short staffed. Really bright (not)
So we have new recommendations. What thoughts do you have about this?
I just came out of isolation on Wednesday
Glad you doing ok
Thanks so much. Keep us updated. Nice background
I really appreciate the compliment. The improvement is a combination of moving to a new place and finally being smart enough to let my wife design the look
First I want to say thank! Question, I have this horrible virus. I tested positive on last this past Wednesday and my job said for me to return on Monday. Is that correct? Technically 5 days is Tuesday unless they are starting from the day I got symptoms which was Tuesday, the day before I tested positive.
Yeah it can be confusing. The following is not medical advice, just describing cdc guidelines as they exist today at www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html . For someone with symptoms testing positive it would 5 days isolation and 5 days strict masking but there are some more details. Day 0 is first day of symptoms or the test (which ever is first). Then you count down days and isolate through day 5. The criteria for leaving isolation and going to just strict masking is that by day 6 starting we should be fever free for 24hrs (without meds to break fever like tylenol) and starting to improve. These guidelines change often so always feel free to check the original source linked here. Hope you get through this soon without issue. Keep your head up
Who was the genius who signed off on firing anyone who wouldn’t get vaccinated and letting them all go? Adding to unemployment, depriving us of necessary staff. Now telling people that even if they have an infectious disease, get to work because we are short staffed. Really bright (not)
If someone had called to ask my opinion the message never got to me