Ellen G. White and Her Prophetic Legacy - Michael Sokupa

  • Опубликовано: 14 июл 2024
    There are many Seventh-day Adventist church members who have never received an orientation to Ellen White’s writings. The best orientation anyone can have, is to read Ellen White’s writings for themselves.
    The White Estate has several resources that are available online that offer this orientation.
    The Messenger of the Lord, by Herbert Douglas; A Gift of Light by Roger Coon; Understanding Ellen White edited by Merlin Burt; 101 Questions About Ellen White and Her Writings by William Fagal; Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and History edited by Alberto Timm and Dwain Esmond
    There are many more resources, but these four-reference works are accessible for free online on one of the White Estate websites. You can use these resources to prepare your own presentations as a pastor, elder or lay church leader: for a Spirit of Prophecy Day presentation, a special seminar on Ellen White and the Gift of Prophecy, a series of presentations to new members as part of your bible study program, the list goes on… The white Estate is preparing Prophetic Guidance lessons that will help to guide young people, new members, these reference works will be used for further reading. There are very interesting connections here: These resources help us understand Ellen White, while Ellen White leads us to the Bible and to Jesus. Ultimately an interest should be generated for the study of the Bible and full commitment to a relationship with Jesus. See ellenwhite.org and egwwritings.org
    Ellen White’s contribution has been recognized by the Smithsonian journal in 2014. In the religious section she was in the first ten and a full page was dedicated to her life story and contribution. She was the co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist church. While her contribution is recognized widely, her life and ministry are a partial fulfillment of the renewal of the gift of prophecy. During her 70-year ministry, Ellen White received hundreds of visions. There are more than 130 book titles including compilations under her name. She wrote on a variety of subjects, such as health, education, bible prophecy etc.
    Ellen White’s life story has been appreciated by many readers. A view of her early struggles, spiritual orientation had added value to the appreciation of her writings. It is therefore important for those who read her writings to have an orientation to her:
    • Spiritual formation during her early years
    • Spiritual life
    • Life at home
    • Life in the church and community
    “My whole being longs after the Lord, I am not content to be satisfied with occasional flashes of light. I must have more.” Diary entry, July 15, 1892; 7LtMs, Ms 34, 1892, par 27.
    “My only helper is the Lord. When I get into these hard, suffering times I try to be quiet in God and trust fully in Him, asking His forgiveness for my imprudence. I love to speak of Jesus and His matchless love and my whole soul is in this work. I have not one doubt of the love of God and His care and His mercy and ability to save to the utmost all who come unto Him. That which I have seen of His precious love is a reality to me.” Lt 61, 1891
    Ellen White assumed her roles with humility. “My work includes much more that this name signifies. I regard myself as a messenger entrusted by the Lord with a message for His people.” (Letter 55, 1905; 1SM 35, 36)
    • Messenger of the Lord/Prophet
    • Preacher
    • Prophetic Teacher
    • Inspired writer
    • Counselor
    • Biblical Expositor
    In the history of the development of the Seventh-day Adventist church, Ellen White made a significant contribution in but not limited to these areas:
    • Doctrinal development
    • Theological theme
    • Organizational development
    • Ministries and departmental development
    • Books
    • Letters and Manuscripts
    • Journal Articles
    • Diaries
    • Compilations
    • Electronic Resources
    • White Estate Inc.
    • Branch Offices
    • Research Centers
    • Study Centers
    • Mini Centers

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