Opera Falcon- damn! And me thinking all along that a "liberal" is one who pursued thought processes fearlessly wherever they led, and could even enjoy the trip- an open, inquiring mind. Vice people like "W", Palin and such troglodytes. You know, a conclusion MAY result from observation, or may have to wait. This young lady sure seems bright, engaged with life, and observant- a primo liberal.
When touching a woman on the waist while posing for a photo without her explicit consent is the same as spiking someone's drink and raping them, something has gone wrong with society. Nuance is dead.
Marco Sartori One of the women who alleged sexual "misconduct" against Al Franken said he had touched her waist while posing for a picture. It is preposterous to think that there was any sexual "misconduct" there. The crazies on the far left will be the doom of the Democratic party. To deny that there are gradations and degrees to everything is stupidity.
malkooth I literally have no idea what you’re talking about or who you’re referring to. Who the fuck is blackholelicker and when did I defend him? It would help if you used proper usernames so I knew what the fuck you were talking about. Now fuck off. You’re the worst thing on the internet. Move out of your parents basement and do something with your life.
Being attacked by your own gender for speaking out rationally is the worst a liberal thinker can suffer from. I wish her all the best. She does have a clear thought process.
I think all she's saying is don't over do it. which is exactly how the movement should be handled. That's how it would have more credibility. Not get all these twitter mobs.
@@jamestidwell4989 You familiar with Bari Weiss's crazy campaigns at her old college...to basically get any professor fired for speaking out against Israel? You literally just described what this grifter is guilty of herself...her hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Gerard Talbot // No, she's fake. If she's really sincere, She should encourage aziz to sue that conniving girl to deter any future false accusations to men, how about that? //
I know it's so hard just to show affection to a girl, beyond shyness, beyond going out on a limb to have your heart crushed and said no to. It's hard now. And then add to it Facebook and Snapchat and tinder.
The 'one mustn't be presumed guilty by virtue of class membership' notion seems like it was something she lifted straight from Peterson. I'm glad the man is having the influence he's having. His popularity among young men is apparently forcing young women to listen.
A woman I know not very well told me some problems in her life and then began to cry. I felt a strong urge to put my arm around her shoulder to give her some comfort and reassurance, and I think she would have appreciated the gesture. I also felt a social constraint and there were danger signals going off in my head at that moment and I failed as a person and a man to give that poor woman a modicum of physical support. I feel bad about that. 20 years ago I was talking to a SIDS mother who I didn't know and had recently lost her baby. I am a SIDS father. We didn't say much but soon we broke down together in each other's arms. Those few moments were real and meant so much to us both, certainly to me. I think this sort of empathy and interaction are just about lost.
raysgr Don’t feel bad. You put your arm around some lady and 5 minutes later you are accused of unwanted groping or touching. Let the lady ball her eyes out. Keep your distance from them. Pretend you live in Saudi Arabia and the morality police will pick you up and kill or imprison you for years. I do that in my life I have never had a problem ever. My mother told me when I graduated from high school never to be in a library or office by myself with a woman. I took that advice in college. I never close the door to my office when a lady comes in. I do close my office door when it’s another guy. Don’t trust these women. They are crazy.
I feel this exact same way, a lot. I feel like this manufactured set of barriers has created an entire population (not just generationally, everyone is affected) of people who are touch-starved, and unable to ever, EVER express physical affection or synpathy of conraderie with other people for fear of being condemned. It's creating loneliness, anxiety, and fear in interactions between people who are otherwise friends, let alone between strangers.
I love finding myself agreeing with liberals as a conservative. It just goes to show that are differences aren't as extreme as the mainstream media would have us think.
Liberals and conservatives, ironically enough share a bit of a common root. I think the party orthodoxies have gotten so rigid that they seem to be finding each other again. We are in a very strange period of political realignment.
I agree- I was bought up in a family where my parents voted straight Republican. Which I considered myself to be up to when I was 23 - when I was reading how Jimmy Carter was being dumped on for not sending troops into Tehran to recover our embassy hostages. I had just read how the Iranians had slit the group up and spread them throughout the city which had a million population. Even at 23 I knew that trying A rescue in that situation was futile and what kind of idiots would be calling for that That was when I started to pay attention to politics and to examine if what we were being told lined up with what I felt was the right thing to do !!!! Since than I’ve had plenty of things that we’ve been told that has shaken my belief in the Republican Party. It wasn’t till 1996 that I finally said screw it and actually changed affiliation and went independent. And now !!!! Plenty of things have occurred since that now has me voting STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC. The GOP small government, low taxes: no taxes, anti-SS and no national healthcare is full of CRAP! Reagan ran on that basically and we had a collapsed economy by 1987 , 1100 banks fail and a huge deficit growth. NOTHING that would make any President an aspiration for any future administration!!! Yet the GOP quickly started to re-write history which conservative swallowed hook , line and sinker without a blink or the slightest introspective thought as to what happened in his admin. Than Clinton gets impeached trying to avoid telling the world and his wife and kids he got a blowjob!!! LOL !!! Self righteous conservatives with power in their grasp- Gingrich and Henry Hyde etc and fox etc tore the country apart to dirty Clinton while the Europeans, Russians, S Americans thought we were crazy!!! 2000 as a independent with a conservative view point the Supreme Court decision stopping Florida ‘s recount of their vote - which Every State has a right to do under the Constitution- was a hideous abuse of power and the first REAL step to ripping down our democracy-- This was when I realized that it was no longer just party politics but a much more deeper and very dangerous direction that the conservative media and the GOP were taking us into -- a very real dismantling of what every President and soldier had believed and fought for since 1780 to 2000. Trump is the birth product of the Republicans authoritarian birther movement. Self centered, power hungry, take and don’t give, me versus them. You name it or label it - doesn’t matter - it’s anti- American. But that’s only if you believe “American” Means a government for All. And an equal chance for every citizen And the belief in government and our elected leaders being truthful and honest. All guidelines but good guidelines that build trust and a strong base of citizens. As it is - we’ve had 30 years of Fox etc dividing us into separate groups that has lead to mistrust to the extent that Russia was able to take that mistrust and built up hatred and play it against us in the 2016 election that put trump in office Has trump given us better trade agreements than NAFTA- we got a name change and a milk consession but not a substantial difference. Our China trade - that’s out the window for the next 6-8 years as both countries backed into a corner pushing China to now speed up its naval: military growth and our farmers only benefited from this by the trump admin doling out more money to them than Obama needed to get us over the damage of the Great Recession/ depression of 2008. Meanwhile China has developed new farm markets with S America, Africa and Russia to make up for the loss of USA produce - and no guarantee the US will win that back!!! Or NATO alliance with our EU partners - we are at the point where Germany and France are now going on their own because they feel they can’t trust trump and England and the Israelis are hesitant to share the really deep intel for fear trump would compromise their intel assets. You don’t get that in a well functioning government. Any of it
I think like myself, most people have a mix of both leftwing values and right wing values. For example I'm a big supporter of socialism. But I'm also a strong supporter of nationalism and patriotic policies. I'm a vegetarian, I believe in clean renewable sources of energy I support universal healthcare. But I also believe that we need to kill all the Jews, and cut out their brains and put them in giant military robots who mercilessly hunt down and enslave or destroy other races in a large dystopian futuristic endWar. On some days, I like to drink a coke. On other days, I might enjoy a Pepsi. Now if there were some kind of political group I could belong to, that would be great. But unfortunately like many of you, I'm stuck in the middle of this left right paradigm.
If you're a conservative then you probably listened to 40 years of fascist scumbags like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter saying "liberals are all evil!!1!". Congratulations, you have been brainwashed by conservatism into hating liberty and freedom. Does that serve your own best interests?
Bari and Bill are more moderate liberals willing to call out insanity and extremism on the left. For example both oppose Wokeness. Bari I think describes herself as a “liberal leaning centrist”
Lol. She looks like she is 45 years old. She has the morality and tricks of a nutjob clinton supporter. Fuck her goofy ass. That clip was cringeworthy.
I agree with Bari 100 percent. As a progressive millennial myself, I'm glad women are finally being believed and I support the me too movement. But we need to treat each of these sexual misconduct cases on an individual basis. A touch on the waist or ass during a picture is not the same as rape or sexual assault.
Wow. I totally disagree with that statement. Someone touches me on the waist, I'll straight threaten to kill them. That's my waist. Wtf. You wonder how men and some women become violent predators? Because of people like you saying that early shit is okay.
@vee k do you think he should have his life ruined for touching your waist? if so then you have the much bigger problem. plus that sounds like a red flag for a lady who has been sexually assaulted or raped and never got therapy for it. O.O
I still have yet to meet any of these people everyone keeps referring to as SJW's. Honestly, do they actually exist? Or are there just a lot of people who are sick of being treated like shit and speaking out about it?
I am a constitutional conservative and no fan of the New York Times but with that said..... Bari Weiss gives one of the first glimmers of hope for the future for my grandson I have heard in media for some time. Keep up the good work young lady.
God, this was so refreshing to hear... a woman so grounded in reason and common sense. It was much needed. Bari Weiss needs to be put on a mantle to serve as a guiding light for all women, and keep those among them who are influential, but "lost", from sabotaging a good cause.
I'm glad she's speaking up but I think her point was lost due to the nature of this show. She's not saying "metoo" is bad. She's saying there is an element of feminism that pushes things too far and is essentially misandrist and instead of letting them dictate things because they are the loudest and quick to attack, women who don't agree with them should not be afraid to speak up and know they aren't alone.
Totally agree. I've argued that innocent men going down with the ship is not ok. It's not only going to harm innocent people, but also damage the credibility of what's a very important movement. Extremists ruin everything. On all sides. We can not have measured debates anymore it's all hyperbole and twisting facts to suit whatever agenda is being pushed. I feel the right is more guilty of this but the left is starting to play catchup.
It's not even just feminism, the Black Lives Matter movement is doing the same thing. Twitter is engaging in proxy wars with people like Taylor Swift and Justin Timberlake. It's like the Twitterheads expect every celebrity now to be total avatars of their extremist views, otherwise they will want to blot you out, even if they agree with you on a lot of things.
"She's not saying "metoo" is bad. She's saying there is an element of feminism that pushes things too far" Element? Pushing too far? OMG you people dont get it do you? You truly are blind. If I wanna donate to a left cause without helping the authoritarian hard left people WHERE THE FCK DO I TURN TODAY? Where the fck does left not support hard left pecople? Its not an element, they are everywhere in your movemenmt. They fkcing dont even allow gridgirls in motorsport.WAKE UP! Your movement is a chinese cultural revolution waiting to happen....and you are as blind and the chinese were.
Glad to see I’m not the only girl in my generation that’s been called a traitor to my gender. I love men ❤️ I feel like men are being obliterated by modern feminism. The world needs both masculine and feminine energies. More Of this Bari Weiss girl! I’m so with her!!
It's a vicious cycle, I believe all women love real men. The problem is that society demonizes them and tells them no matter what they do, they will be this bad thing or that bad thing because of _insert historical context_ while at the same time seeking to feminize them. So women get surrounded by men who are indoctrinated to think and act in a feminine way, and it's just not attractive to them, nor worthy of respect. It's like sorry, but straight women aren't attracted to women. So it is no wonder a lot of women have disdain against men today. Conversely, society is also attempting to masculinize women. And largely speaking that's not attractive to straight men, if they're being honest with themselves. There is a kind of feeling I get when I'm with a pleasant, happy, friendly, feminine woman, regardless of who she is. It's natural, it feels so nice.
What conversation? This was just another left/milenial hating 7 minute long tyrade between to people who already seemed to agree 100% without any one who could represent this ''hard left''
Ala Alfa pred 0 sekundami They want to turn people in robots. Robots have no hormonal release, because of no emotions of feelings. Being attracted to other gender shouldnt be shame though….. but it doesnt mean that just because man enjoys spending time in group of women or one woman……that he wants automatically be with her. Its very healthy thing to enjoy social life … because as scientists say over the years our brain developed that way, that when man is in same room with woman , his body releases the hormones…..even if he is not attracted to her….th ehormone realease is very healthy for our brain and body, the person doesnt need a medication because of having healthy social contact with humans and genders. Its scientific fact about how man's body reacts even if there is noooo attraction…. Dear people wake up, and we shouldn't make people suffer scientific measurements say socialisation is healthy, I am not talking about physical touching in wrong place and time. Women on the other hand want to be liked, its in their dna as well over the thousands of years of evolution of human brain……because humans developed through social interaction, and hormone realease, serotonin, oxytocin but some may get serotonin melatonin, oxytocin release in different times than others. but there are people who have empathy toward each other therefore when they like woman in the room it doesn't mean they take it as an invitation automatically because they also have their own life, and other hobbies etc he may tell some woman nice to meet you and never meet her again. because he has his own wife at home or girlfriend. why we can not be civilised and understand the fact that men have hormonal release in brain even though if he is completely not attracted to her....she can be old, fat, and his brain releases hormones anyway as Professor Sam Vaknin says….. but people dont realise that the planet Earth is not 1000 years old but the human race and hormones developed hundreds and thousands of years. Probably it is also artificial intelligence movement too. That robots and human become the same.
The worst thing that's happening is there are so many "movements" we've reached saturation level so we're at a stand still on all fronts. Black lives, women's rights, trans rights, and so on. History has show each decade we handled one at a time & moved on. Now we are juggling the lot & it feels never ending.
no dear sweet Carissa that is how you translated it in your mind. I Was very clear about how these things were handled "historically" and actually stuck. Whereas we deal with "trans bathroom" when its a hot topic than forget about it within a week or so for the latest scandal. There's never a true resolution , just a heated debate in the comment sections of your preferred social platform. Got it?
agreed they literally get online every day skimming for something that sparks an endorphin fuel rage attack so they can immediately go to verbal battle. No better proof of this than their latest way to get attention called "Lets argue...." They are literally just putting it out there. Very sad indeed.
The thing is these movements havent stuck, there are been small changes but not alot. Change is happening, and younger generations have decided to fight back and not take it anymore
One gets the impression that all these movements just find some "oppressed" group to use as a shield; they don't give a damn about the "oppressed" group, never have, never will. It's just a way to control the conversation. So instead of _saying_ the left hates free speech, they whine about the right of trans people to not be offended. There is no God damn right to not be offended. And it's all doublespeak like that. Another example: supporting woman became sabotaging the lives of men. Justice became social media "justice" where there is no right to face your accuser or even know who she is, no opportunity to defend yourself. Violence redefined to include mean words. It's all bullshit on the left now; the few who speak up are too few, too little, and too late.
This is true. And i'm glad a liberal show is talking about this. This neopuritanism and postmordernism mentality is definitely getting out of hand. It's actually getting pretty disturbing to watch at this point.
if this crap continues it will kill off the meetoo movement, it will be discredited and proven dangerous, she is correct, it needs to be combined with due process and no consequences till proven guilty...the accusations should be kept private and only revealed if prove true...or it will die out..people are reasonable and get sick of injustice after a given length of time...
Where it became a true shit show is women would take accusations to social media without even filing a police report. On social media you're pretty much gurantee to get automatic sympathy and the accused will automatically be seen as guilty bc of listen and believe. I'm also one of those people who's crazy enough to think that false accusations need to carry some punsihment as well
Thank you Bill Maher for this conversation! I have been waiting for this one. As the Me Too movement started, I could feel this confusion coming. All I could do is really watch it unfold as I started understanding what it all really meant. Reacting to it is acting without thinking, which we all have done and Me Too has revealed all our ugliness on this subject as well as open us for changing this issue for the better. We have all witnessed, are witnessing, and will continue to witness the inevitable emotional shift of human sexuality and how it pertains to each one of us and how important it is to take individual responsibility in privacy and publicly. Human sexuality is in our thoughts, words, and deeds: it is a chaos waiting to be tamed and war like tactics in battle of the sexes banter is not the resolution. It is human sexual revolution and this is the point where I see that it is pivotal for our thoughts, words, and deeds to turn it to rhetoric of human sexuality resolution. For this subject to change for the better, we should think of all the good things we benefit by male and female interactions, whatever those interactions be, so we can see the reasons why we interact with each to begin with, more clearly. It is simpler and less complicated and life is way more enjoyable when we allow ourselves this human resolution to take place. God bless, Atheist bless and everything in between!
Watch her conversation on Rogan where it’s clear she is an idiot. These aren’t regular conversations they know what they are going to y’all about in advance.
She's an idiot... Bill Maher kept her in the comfort zone. JRE took her down by allowing her to be an idiot...that she is deep down I am pretty positive about that...😂😂
@@echo5226 You're right. Maybe she's been recruited by the Biden lobby in the DNC to keep competition (Tulsi) out. Tulsi has substance, charisma...That makes Bari partisan, dishonest. And it was revealed on Joe Rogan.
it's not hard to debate a fundamental idiot, that's why Peterson and Shapiro and etc. only go after a certain type of person to debate... gender is a social construct, becasue gender and sexuality are different. there are only two sexes, male or female, gender is a social construct, and has been defined as such by the World health organization for 30-40 years.
@@mckenzie.latham91 Nope, there is a social construct around gender but gender is not a social construct. Forget Peterson and Shapiro. This is hard Neuroscience, check out Robert Sapolsky, Richard Dawkins. In order to claim there is a difference between gender and sexuality or more accurately sex you would have to describe the differences.
I don't want stuff like the Aziz Ansari story. I don't want sexual assault to be likened to bad dates. It was a teachable moment, sure, the anxiety women feel when saying no - not saying it directly so as to challenge and anger the man. But it was the wrong thing to do.
There is no hope for a woman who can't even summon the courage to say no. She had the courage to pursue him, had the courage to go back to his apartment with him, but then suddenly she's a child who can't even say no? Sounds like a woman who set out to find a famous man, and get famous by ruining his life.
Best thing I heard about the Aziz situation. She claimed oh I gave strong non verbal queues that I wasn't into it Someone says : you know what's a REALLY strong non verbal queue? Pushing him off of you and going home
We need many more conversations like this in the mainstream. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and the more derision aimed at the thought police, third wave feminists, sjw's, snowflakes, whatever you want to call them, the better.
The women on the hard left will figure out they are going down the wrong path when they turn 42 years old and find themselves standing in line at Petco about to purchase their third cat.
JamesNT Not that I agree with the hard left but just so you know, you could be 42 and without a partner and still be a very happy woman. Not having a man in your life doesn’t automatically mean you are miserable since some women (as do some men) actually choose to remain single.
Indeed. I have friends both male and female that have no intention of spending the rest of their lives with someone. They are very happy alone most hours of the day. But we aren't talking about those few people, now are we?
lacountess it is a punishment or at least not enough fulfilling and not the best of feelings for most out there. You’re more the exception, and even you, let’s see how many years this lasts. No one said anything about being a decent person, just laying out the reality.. you can choose to accept the reality or be in denial, sorry
That concept of 'Trial by Twitter' is an old thing.... The court of public opinion will always carry more weight than any trial by jury will. Once you're branded, you never escape it, even if you are demonstrably not guilty, or even outright innocent. Someone will always point at you and say 'remember that guy...', and it all comes back around again. It just used to be you needed to have connections to get the word out, and ruin someone... a trusted 'grapevine'... Now any goof with thumbs can do it, and some guy who winks at you when you're feeling pissy gets ganked, 'goes viral', and ends up losing everything, as if he was convicted of rape, and personally sent the pics to the judge. Unless he's hot.. then you Instagram that shit while making a duck face, and title it 'Pullin' on the parkade, bishes!'
hhiippiittyy So your victim-blaming now? You don't get a pass in the courtroom because your gun is unloaded, when somebody dies of a heart-attack while you stick that gun in his/her face. And neither get a pass because the victim had a heart condition. If your actions lead to somebody dying as a result, you're culpable.
finally someone said it, yes, men and women are different. but that is okay. acknowledge your difference and play to your strength. we do not need to have equal number of men and women in all professions and aspect of society. men are naturally stronger (physiologically) and so it is okay to have more men construction workers. women have better memory and recall ability and so are better in other aspects of the society. it is so stupid when people say they do not see gender. it is okay to see gender but it is not okay to be sexist and discriminate based on gender.
dany manchster There are differences between men and women but it is bullshit to say it is not a social construct. There are plenty of ideals we have in our society that have nothing to do with biology. Some people say women shouldnt lead. There is no biological evidence for that. This is an example of a social construct
I agree that some aspects of gender are social construct but some and not all. majority of differences are rooted in biology and the evolutionary history.
I think I'm getting what you're saying here, but the wording might have come out funny. Here's what I think you said, please feel free to correct my misinterpretations and rebut. Biological differences are NOT a social construct. This is biology 101, facts & figures. Some fields of work/study exhibit gender dominance due to biological affinities. Society, however, has imposed constructs which are contrary to the evidence (for whatever reason the snowflake factory seems to want to pump out). The "women shouldn't lead" is a great example of this. It's something that is perpetuated through the culture which is patently untrue.
dany manchster men are stronger in the mentality department? I have seen more men in tech be little cry babies. I know many women in construction that out due men. Exactly what professions do you see fit for women? Nurses, teachers, babysitters and caregivers? Women should be allowed to do whatever job they want to do. Yes their is a difference between men and women but you seem to think that should put us into different categories of work which in itself is discrimination.
Gardner, that is exactly the opposite of what I said. I said that there are in fact biological differences within us. On average men are stronger than women but there will always be exceptions and some women will be very strong and if they like to work, for example, in construction then they should be able to. as it is for the tech industry, it is due to history of sexual discrimination based on baseless idea that women are not good in math. this is an example of social construct. we must separate social construct and biological construct of genders.
@Felipe Carrillo I would mostly agree with you and add, the reason they seem to have gained so much ground is because they don't fight fair, choosing their weapon of choice to be emotional blackmail and other forms of mental maniulation, so that even if most of us aren't on the left, people end up leaning left enough to make the lives of conservatives miserable.
One of the horrible things about social media is that it has given voices to the people who should not be speaking because they are ignorant and causing chaos in society. These small little bands of idiots group together and Bully everybody else into thinking idiotic things and if they don't they're going to destroy their life.
Maybe it means that if a woman complains about "harassment", there will be an investigation instead of "just believe her", and then if the transgression is serious, he gets fired, and if she lied or complained about nothing, she gets fired.
This country, and most Western cultures, NEED more of this type of open, REALISTIC, rational, thoughtful, CENTRIST, dialogue, regarding a myriad of social issues, including politics, and, just, IMO, in general...so sick of extremism... PERIOD..
i wish there where more RATIONAL liberals like these two. it seem like there arent any sane progressives left in the world becos they are all soo far to the left.
what's lost in their discussion is the role of power in sexual relations. If a stranger asks me out, I can say "no", but what can I do when its my boss? Its one thing to "court" me, but when you wont take no for answer, then what?
are you serious, your boss asks you out and your afraid to say no.. ur an idiot and fragile ..I had a boos who liked me and asked me out a couple of times, I just said no. it's easy...they won't take no for an answer to bad, just keep saying no and then go the HR or tell your dad or brother and they can have a talk with the guy....I bet u would roll over and go out with the dickhead. cuz ur a snowflake
why would HR believe me over him? and what if I cant afford to lose my job cause I have a sick kid and need the coverage? Far too many guys abuse their power to force women to do things the women dont want to do.
Dorothy Bellion are you kidding? Nowadays he'd probably be fired before lunch and you most likely wouldn't even have to prove he did anything. Women are grown ups who are responsible for their own choices. Is your hypothetical boss a lowlife scumbag and breaking the law for asking for sexual favors in exchange for keeping a job? Absolutely. But if you make the choice to give in that's not you being forced. That's you making a choice.
yeah, right, you know how many powerful men are in jail for trying to extort their power for sex? not very dam many. Look how many victims that gymnastics coach had before anybody spoke up. I suppose you think the girls who trusted him had a "choice" too.
Dorothy Bellion they had a "choice" to speak up certainly as evidenced by the first brave girl who did so which led to the dominos falling. Its kinda hard to prosecute someone if nobody knows what he did. Not saying it was easy but they had a choice.
I do not always agree with bill maher but he is right on this one. As for Bari Weiss, just absolutely correct and seems determined. This is an inspiring woman
Bari seems to operate from a place of common sense, logic, and reason...I wish her luck...She's gonna need it in the land of feelings!
I imagine the Twitter universe is crucifying as we speak.
Michael Anderson your bias is showing
michael mattice Is that the same Land of Feelings where “l’m offended” passes for considered, well-researched rhetoric?
Michael Anderson Then you don't know what being a proper liberal is.
Opera Falcon- damn! And me thinking all along that a "liberal" is one who pursued thought processes fearlessly wherever they led, and could even enjoy the trip- an open, inquiring mind. Vice people like "W", Palin and such troglodytes. You know, a conclusion MAY result from observation, or may have to wait. This young lady sure seems bright, engaged with life, and observant- a primo liberal.
When touching a woman on the waist while posing for a photo without her explicit consent is the same as spiking someone's drink and raping them, something has gone wrong with society. Nuance is dead.
Prithvi Singh Really well said. Thank you.
Who is actually equating these things, besides a bunch of fools on twitter?
How about just keeping your hands off without her permission.
Marco Sartori One of the women who alleged sexual "misconduct" against Al Franken said he had touched her waist while posing for a picture. It is preposterous to think that there was any sexual "misconduct" there. The crazies on the far left will be the doom of the Democratic party. To deny that there are gradations and degrees to everything is stupidity.
Sad when Matt Damon is attacked when he suggests there should be a scale
The most sane and rational conversation I’ve heard on the Metoo movement yet. Aahhh so very refreshing.
malkooth Cool man. Now why don’t you grow up a little, instead of harassing people on RUclips?
malkooth It’s confirmed, I’m interacting with a 12 year old. Begone little boy. The adults are talking.
malkooth Cool story bro. Keep it up. Get it out of your system.
malkooth I literally have no idea what you’re talking about or who you’re referring to. Who the fuck is blackholelicker and when did I defend him? It would help if you used proper usernames so I knew what the fuck you were talking about. Now fuck off. You’re the worst thing on the internet. Move out of your parents basement and do something with your life.
that wasn't much of a conversation as Ann Coulter appearing on Fox News... sorry...
Valentines Card of 2018: "I request a meeting with your attorney to discuss the possibility of being in the same room with you"
That's actually a god's honest actual valentines card in some places. And people use it.
Or not
Being attacked by your own gender for speaking out rationally is the worst a liberal thinker can suffer from. I wish her all the best. She does have a clear thought process.
I think all she's saying is don't over do it. which is exactly how the movement should be handled. That's how it would have more credibility. Not get all these twitter mobs.
@MbseedM 3:36
“Liberal thinker” lol
it's called virtue signaling. when little boys, they probably squealed on their classmates to gain favor from the teacher.
@@jamestidwell4989 You familiar with Bari Weiss's crazy campaigns at her old college...to basically get any professor fired for speaking out against Israel? You literally just described what this grifter is guilty of herself...her hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Oh my god, this woman is a legend.
blackout07maroon someone is salty as hell, damn.
blackout07maroon cry some more you little snowflake
blackout07maroon Shut the fuck up coward
Just here to comment, ok, don't want any trouble thanks for your opinion bwro
Gobsnachaz meh
I’m with her. Smart lady.
Gerard Talbot // No, she's fake. If she's really sincere, She should encourage aziz to sue that conniving girl to deter any future false accusations to men, how about that? //
kura kura Don’t be stupid. She isn’t a fake just because she doesn’t advocate for everything you want her to.
Aziz Ansari? Seriously? I wouldn't want to drink with that guy cuz i drink til i pass out.
And cute
she perfectly illustrates why young men are avoiding relationships.
Incel says what?
@@julesmark8149 you just said it
3827167492842 and that her being gay thing......
Avoiding women period. They're terrifying now.
some of you clearly didn't get the joke...but that's ok.
Coming here after she resigned from the NYT, and I feel the NYT really lost someone great
geezuz do you even know who she is???
she sounds perfectly reasonable here...but on Joe Rogan she was unhinged and moronic....soooo she's human...although she is really dumb on Tulsy
rfcilia think she’s gonna take the red pill?
Lol, nah nothing will be missed
@@MaartenOosterbaan Yes!! So I'm thrilled she got a taste of her own medicine!😂😂
There is no Patriarchy, Competence is the barometer for creative success.
I'm with her 😎... there's a difference... 🚧
I know it's so hard just to show affection to a girl, beyond shyness, beyond going out on a limb to have your heart crushed and said no to. It's hard now. And then add to it Facebook and Snapchat and tinder.
Francisco Garay I don't think getting to know someone is the issue.
The issue is exposing rape culture.
Pia Rossi I concur. When will we finally talk about the prison rape culture that exists in this country?
blackout07maroon you’re a triggered little snowflake aren’t you?
she's a smart person, thanks for having her on bill
blackout07maroon Is that the best you got? Man! Trolls today are lazy.
reiseRi K Reported the attention seeking troll.
assuming zhirs gender in 2018
She is a right wing shill for Israel. Another reason the Times is unreadable.
Her room is pretty clean
Exactly!(Jordan would be proud:)
Marduk Peterson is so overrated. I don't understand why you people fawn over him.
The 'one mustn't be presumed guilty by virtue of class membership' notion seems like it was something she lifted straight from Peterson.
I'm glad the man is having the influence he's having. His popularity among young men is apparently forcing young women to listen.
Stop with the cult speak.
A woman I know not very well told me some problems in her life and then began to cry. I felt a strong urge to put my arm around her shoulder to give her some comfort and reassurance, and I think she would have appreciated the gesture. I also felt a social constraint and there were danger signals going off in my head at that moment and I failed as a person and a man to give that poor woman a modicum of physical support.
I feel bad about that.
20 years ago I was talking to a SIDS mother who I didn't know and had recently lost her baby. I am a SIDS father. We didn't say much but soon we broke down together in each other's arms. Those few moments were real and meant so much to us both, certainly to me. I think this sort of empathy and interaction are just about lost.
raysgr Don’t feel bad. You put your arm around some lady and 5 minutes later you are accused of unwanted groping or touching. Let the lady ball her eyes out. Keep your distance from them. Pretend you live in Saudi Arabia and the morality police will pick you up and kill or imprison you for years. I do that in my life I have never had a problem ever.
My mother told me when I graduated from high school never to be in a library or office by myself with a woman. I took that advice in college. I never close the door to my office when a lady comes in. I do close my office door when it’s another guy. Don’t trust these women. They are crazy.
They are, cause this generation are emotionally stunted and don't know how to handle such powerful emotional interactions
@@MHiggins but you trusted your mom, she is a woman
@@MHiggins but you're right on to keep respectful distance from women
I feel this exact same way, a lot. I feel like this manufactured set of barriers has created an entire population (not just generationally, everyone is affected) of people who are touch-starved, and unable to ever, EVER express physical affection or synpathy of conraderie with other people for fear of being condemned.
It's creating loneliness, anxiety, and fear in interactions between people who are otherwise friends, let alone between strangers.
I love finding myself agreeing with liberals as a conservative. It just goes to show that are differences aren't as extreme as the mainstream media would have us think.
Liberals and conservatives, ironically enough share a bit of a common root. I think the party orthodoxies have gotten so rigid that they seem to be finding each other again. We are in a very strange period of political realignment.
I agree- I was bought up in a family where my parents voted straight Republican. Which I considered myself to be up to when I was 23 - when I was reading how Jimmy Carter was being dumped on for not sending troops into Tehran to recover our embassy hostages. I had just read how the Iranians had slit the group up and spread them throughout the city which had a million population. Even at 23 I knew that trying A rescue in that situation was futile and what kind of idiots would be calling for that
That was when I started to pay attention to politics and to examine if what we were being told lined up with what I felt was the right thing to do !!!! Since than I’ve had plenty of things that we’ve been told that has shaken my belief in the Republican Party.
It wasn’t till 1996 that I finally said screw it and actually changed affiliation and went independent. And now !!!!
Plenty of things have occurred since that now has me voting STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC.
The GOP small government, low taxes: no taxes, anti-SS and no national healthcare is full of CRAP! Reagan ran on that basically and we had a collapsed economy by 1987 , 1100 banks fail and a huge deficit growth. NOTHING that would make any President an aspiration for any future administration!!! Yet the GOP quickly started to re-write history which conservative swallowed hook , line and sinker without a blink or the slightest introspective thought as to what happened in his admin.
Than Clinton gets impeached trying to avoid telling the world and his wife and kids he got a blowjob!!! LOL !!! Self righteous conservatives with power in their grasp- Gingrich and Henry Hyde etc and fox etc tore the country apart to dirty Clinton while the Europeans, Russians, S Americans thought we were crazy!!!
2000 as a independent with a conservative view point the Supreme Court decision stopping Florida ‘s recount of their vote - which Every State has a right to do under the Constitution- was a hideous abuse of power and the first REAL step to ripping down our democracy-- This was when I realized that it was no longer just party politics but a much more deeper and very dangerous direction that the conservative media and the GOP were taking us into -- a very real dismantling of what every President and soldier had believed and fought for since 1780 to 2000.
Trump is the birth product of the Republicans authoritarian birther movement. Self centered, power hungry, take and don’t give, me versus them. You name it or label it - doesn’t matter - it’s anti- American.
But that’s only if you believe “American”
Means a government for All. And an equal chance for every citizen And the belief in government and our elected leaders being truthful and honest. All guidelines but good guidelines that build trust and a strong base of citizens.
As it is - we’ve had 30 years of Fox etc dividing us into separate groups that has lead to mistrust to the extent that Russia was able to take that mistrust and built up hatred and play it against us in the 2016 election that put trump in office
Has trump given us better trade agreements than NAFTA- we got a name change and a milk consession but not a substantial difference. Our China trade - that’s out the window for the next 6-8 years as both countries backed into a corner pushing China to now speed up its naval: military growth and our farmers only benefited from this by the trump admin doling out more money to them than Obama needed to get us over the damage of the Great Recession/ depression of 2008. Meanwhile China has developed new farm markets with S America, Africa and Russia to make up for the loss of USA produce - and no guarantee the US will win that back!!!
Or NATO alliance with our EU partners - we are at the point where Germany and France are now going on their own because they feel they can’t trust trump and England and the Israelis are hesitant to share the really deep intel for fear trump would compromise their intel assets.
You don’t get that in a well functioning government. Any of it
I think like myself, most people have a mix of both leftwing values and right wing values.
For example I'm a big supporter of socialism. But I'm also a strong supporter of nationalism and patriotic policies. I'm a vegetarian, I believe in clean renewable sources of energy I support universal healthcare. But I also believe that we need to kill all the Jews, and cut out their brains and put them in giant military robots who mercilessly hunt down and enslave or destroy other races in a large dystopian futuristic endWar.
On some days, I like to drink a coke. On other days, I might enjoy a Pepsi. Now if there were some kind of political group I could belong to, that would be great. But unfortunately like many of you, I'm stuck in the middle of this left right paradigm.
If you're a conservative then you probably listened to 40 years of fascist scumbags like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter saying "liberals are all evil!!1!". Congratulations, you have been brainwashed by conservatism into hating liberty and freedom. Does that serve your own best interests?
Bari and Bill are more moderate liberals willing to call out insanity and extremism on the left. For example both oppose Wokeness. Bari I think describes herself as a “liberal leaning centrist”
Bari wiess... You killed it representing Millennials well
that "don't touch me" was scary-good
Lol. She looks like she is 45 years old. She has the morality and tricks of a nutjob clinton supporter. Fuck her goofy ass. That clip was cringeworthy.
blackout07maroon Show your face you fucking coward
I thought she was totally cute(unapologetically) but also greatly creadable & had clearly thought through views. Hit me up @bariweiss ;-)
Millennials are still aids!
Lol. You’re a nutjob.
blackout07maroon you are right and its thanks to the sjws to boot
I agree with Bari 100 percent. As a progressive millennial myself, I'm glad women are finally being believed and I support the me too movement. But we need to treat each of these sexual misconduct cases on an individual basis. A touch on the waist or ass during a picture is not the same as rape or sexual assault.
A touch on the waist isn’t the problem. It’s your al Franken fucking groping people, you fucking nutcase.
Wow. I totally disagree with that statement. Someone touches me on the waist, I'll straight threaten to kill them. That's my waist. Wtf. You wonder how men and some women become violent predators? Because of people like you saying that early shit is okay.
+Vee K. She didn't say it was ok. She said it wasn't the same as rape, and it isn't.
MissNisyah exactly
@vee k do you think he should have his life ruined for touching your waist? if so then you have the much bigger problem. plus that sounds like a red flag for a lady who has been sexually assaulted or raped and never got therapy for it. O.O
Nowadays, the term 'courting' usually means having to show up in court with your lawyer.
And when the marriage falls apart and not in the build up to them.
Okay! Fuck me, FINALLY! A sane, reasonable voice who understands the need to acknowledge nuance! That's all I've been asking for.
This is so fucking TRUE. Finally, some one bringing up Romance in the Me Too conversation.
Lol. You’re such a fucking goof.
"Emotional Hemophiliacs" is the best description!
Daryl Hodson =Emophiliac
Daryl Hodson not you, just making the conjunction
That is pretty damn good sir. Up you go!
I still have yet to meet any of these people everyone keeps referring to as SJW's. Honestly, do they actually exist? Or are there just a lot of people who are sick of being treated like shit and speaking out about it?
That's the thing Dewayne, there really are so few of them it's astonishing how loud their voice is and how much soft power they have.
It's a relief to know that millennials like Weiss are out there standing up for liberal values. Keep on fighting, Bari!
I am a constitutional conservative and no fan of the New York Times but with that said..... Bari Weiss gives one of the first glimmers of hope for the future for my grandson I have heard in media for some time. Keep up the good work young lady.
God, this was so refreshing to hear... a woman so grounded in reason and common sense. It was much needed. Bari Weiss needs to be put on a mantle to serve as a guiding light for all women, and keep those among them who are influential, but "lost", from sabotaging a good cause.
This comment did not age well.
@@hellogoodbye4061 How's that? What'd I miss?
Wow! Some sense spoken finally!
it's rare occasion and require a lots of guts to speak sense
People have been speaking up. Unfortunately some of them have been hushed.
Now this IS A TRUE FEMINIST! All women should listen to her.
Thanks for the memo Alex, we really need a guy to let us know who we are lol
Congrats! You just proved her point.
Thanks Alex, we women don't have our own minds, thanks for your validation :)
Right... So I should not say anything? Is that your point? Do you even have something else to say about this segment?
wait what? most feminists are men.
I'm glad she's speaking up but I think her point was lost due to the nature of this show. She's not saying "metoo" is bad. She's saying there is an element of feminism that pushes things too far and is essentially misandrist and instead of letting them dictate things because they are the loudest and quick to attack, women who don't agree with them should not be afraid to speak up and know they aren't alone.
Anything extreme is bad, either patriarchy or matriarchy, our universities are filled with extreme leftists who are spreading the hate of extremisim
That's not what feminism is.
Totally agree. I've argued that innocent men going down with the ship is not ok. It's not only going to harm innocent people, but also damage the credibility of what's a very important movement. Extremists ruin everything. On all sides. We can not have measured debates anymore it's all hyperbole and twisting facts to suit whatever agenda is being pushed. I feel the right is more guilty of this but the left is starting to play catchup.
It's not even just feminism, the Black Lives Matter movement is doing the same thing. Twitter is engaging in proxy wars with people like Taylor Swift and Justin Timberlake. It's like the Twitterheads expect every celebrity now to be total avatars of their extremist views, otherwise they will want to blot you out, even if they agree with you on a lot of things.
"She's not saying "metoo" is bad. She's saying there is an element of feminism that pushes things too far"
Element? Pushing too far? OMG you people dont get it do you? You truly are blind. If I wanna donate to a left cause without helping the authoritarian hard left people WHERE THE FCK DO I TURN TODAY? Where the fck does left not support hard left pecople? Its not an element, they are everywhere in your movemenmt. They fkcing dont even allow gridgirls in motorsport.WAKE UP! Your movement is a chinese cultural revolution waiting to happen....and you are as blind and the chinese were.
Glad to see I’m not the only girl in my generation that’s been called a traitor to my gender. I love men ❤️ I feel like men are being obliterated by modern feminism. The world needs both masculine and feminine energies. More Of this Bari Weiss girl! I’m so with her!!
We have allowed the most malicious and destructive people in our society to lead the culture. What do we expect.
welp, covid screwed her brain, that’s for sure,,.
It's a vicious cycle, I believe all women love real men. The problem is that society demonizes them and tells them no matter what they do, they will be this bad thing or that bad thing because of _insert historical context_ while at the same time seeking to feminize them. So women get surrounded by men who are indoctrinated to think and act in a feminine way, and it's just not attractive to them, nor worthy of respect. It's like sorry, but straight women aren't attracted to women. So it is no wonder a lot of women have disdain against men today.
Conversely, society is also attempting to masculinize women. And largely speaking that's not attractive to straight men, if they're being honest with themselves. There is a kind of feeling I get when I'm with a pleasant, happy, friendly, feminine woman, regardless of who she is. It's natural, it feels so nice.
Thank you for distinguishing between liberals and the left! What a good guest! Completely agree with her 100%! Finally a REAL conversation of #metoo
What conversation? This was just another left/milenial hating 7 minute long tyrade between to people who already seemed to agree 100% without any one who could represent this ''hard left''
ur a fucking idiot
@@uncleirohofthefirenation5987The hard left is nuts like most on the extremes
i like her
We know you like strawmen, you goofy bitch.
That bit where he was talking about the upper middle class children was the most accurate description of those kid's backgrounds
"when you're wrong even if you said the right thing .. then i feel like a husband" - Bill Maher /mankind
Bari Weiss is marvellous - Bill Maher too.
Bari Weiss is extremely smart. Voices like hers should be heard a lot more.
Lol. Glad she got the approval of breitbart. Your homely self did nothing but generalize and virtue signal.
The anti-feminist channels will of course pretend she doesn't exist and seek out all those "feminists want to kill all men" videos to react to
R u kidding watch her on rogan
Ala Alfa
pred 0 sekundami
They want to turn people in robots.
Robots have no hormonal release, because of no emotions of feelings.
Being attracted to other gender shouldnt be shame though…..
but it doesnt mean that just because man enjoys spending time in group of women or one woman……that he wants automatically be with her.
Its very healthy thing to enjoy social life
… because as scientists say over the years our brain developed that way, that when man is in same room with woman ,
his body releases the hormones…..even if he is not attracted to her….th ehormone realease is very healthy for our brain and body, the person doesnt need a medication because of having healthy social contact with humans and genders.
Its scientific fact about how man's body reacts even if there is noooo attraction….
Dear people wake up, and we shouldn't make people suffer scientific measurements say socialisation is healthy,
I am not talking about physical touching in wrong place and time.
Women on the other hand want to be liked,
its in their dna as well over the thousands of years of evolution of human brain……because humans developed through social interaction, and hormone realease, serotonin, oxytocin
but some may get serotonin melatonin, oxytocin release in different times than others.
but there are people who have empathy toward each other therefore when they like woman in the room
it doesn't mean they take it as an invitation automatically
because they also have their own life, and other hobbies etc
he may tell some woman nice to meet you and never meet her again.
because he has his own wife at home or girlfriend.
why we can not be civilised and understand the fact that men have hormonal release in brain even though if he is completely not attracted to her....she can be old, fat, and his brain releases hormones anyway as Professor Sam Vaknin says….. but people dont realise that the planet Earth is not 1000 years old but the human race and hormones developed hundreds and thousands of years.
Probably it is also artificial intelligence movement too.
That robots and human become the same.
Well this was a breath of fresh air. Good stuff. Bring back sanity!
The worst thing that's happening is there are so many "movements" we've reached saturation level so we're at a stand still on all fronts. Black lives, women's rights, trans rights, and so on. History has show each decade we handled one at a time & moved on. Now we are juggling the lot & it feels never ending.
chasemebaby so basically you’re saying only one group at a time should be treated with respect? 🤨
no dear sweet Carissa that is how you translated it in your mind. I Was very clear about how these things were handled "historically" and actually stuck. Whereas we deal with "trans bathroom" when its a hot topic than forget about it within a week or so for the latest scandal. There's never a true resolution , just a heated debate in the comment sections of your preferred social platform. Got it?
agreed they literally get online every day skimming for something that sparks an endorphin fuel rage attack so they can immediately go to verbal battle. No better proof of this than their latest way to get attention called "Lets argue...." They are literally just putting it out there. Very sad indeed.
The thing is these movements havent stuck, there are been small changes but not alot. Change is happening, and younger generations have decided to fight back and not take it anymore
One gets the impression that all these movements just find some "oppressed" group to use as a shield; they don't give a damn about the "oppressed" group, never have, never will. It's just a way to control the conversation. So instead of _saying_ the left hates free speech, they whine about the right of trans people to not be offended. There is no God damn right to not be offended. And it's all doublespeak like that. Another example: supporting woman became sabotaging the lives of men. Justice became social media "justice" where there is no right to face your accuser or even know who she is, no opportunity to defend yourself. Violence redefined to include mean words. It's all bullshit on the left now; the few who speak up are too few, too little, and too late.
This is true. And i'm glad a liberal show is talking about this.
This neopuritanism and postmordernism mentality is definitely getting out of hand. It's actually getting pretty disturbing to watch at this point.
the free press is the best news website - thank you and good job Bari!!
I Love her. She actually has a sense of nuance. Praise her
if this crap continues it will kill off the meetoo movement, it will be discredited and proven dangerous, she is correct, it needs to be combined with due process and no consequences till proven guilty...the accusations should be kept private and only revealed if prove true...or it will die out..people are reasonable and get sick of injustice after a given length of time...
You’re a stooge, OP.
Where it became a true shit show is women would take accusations to social media without even filing a police report. On social media you're pretty much gurantee to get automatic sympathy and the accused will automatically be seen as guilty bc of listen and believe.
I'm also one of those people who's crazy enough to think that false accusations need to carry some punsihment as well
Thank you Bill Maher for this conversation! I have been waiting for this one. As the Me Too movement started, I could feel this confusion coming. All I could do is really watch it unfold as I started understanding what it all really meant. Reacting to it is acting without thinking, which we all have done and Me Too has revealed all our ugliness on this subject as well as open us for changing this issue for the better. We have all witnessed, are witnessing, and will continue to witness the inevitable emotional shift of human sexuality and how it pertains to each one of us and how important it is to take individual responsibility in privacy and publicly. Human sexuality is in our thoughts, words, and deeds: it is a chaos waiting to be tamed and war like tactics in battle of the sexes banter is not the resolution. It is human sexual revolution and this is the point where I see that it is pivotal for our thoughts, words, and deeds to turn it to rhetoric of human sexuality resolution. For this subject to change for the better, we should think of all the good things we benefit by male and female interactions, whatever those interactions be, so we can see the reasons why we interact with each to begin with, more clearly. It is simpler and less complicated and life is way more enjoyable when we allow ourselves this human resolution to take place. God bless, Atheist bless and everything in between!
I love these moments where Bill stands up to the hard/new left and calls them out on their lunacy.
A common sense discussion... imagine that. I miss normal conversations with people.
Watch her conversation on Rogan where it’s clear she is an idiot. These aren’t regular conversations they know what they are going to y’all about in advance.
Then you should get out more to have normal conservations, are you living in solitary?
there's hope for the NY Times.
Lol. They’ve still got the homely neoliberal vote.
Yes, the Woody Allen piece
They just hired Sarah Jeong for fucks sake.
Pretty sure he said "former columnist". I may be wrong
This comment aged very poorly
Love how she brings the movement back to its good place
"people are losing their minds."
I'm a Conservative, not a Liberal and I don't disagree with a single thing this woman says.
How can someone this logical and articulate be so idiotic on Tulsi Gabbard when she (Weiss) appeared on JRE?
Because she's a warmongering Zionist?
She's an idiot... Bill Maher kept her in the comfort zone. JRE took her down by allowing her to be an idiot...that she is deep down
I am pretty positive about that...😂😂
Logical and articulate, but owned by the DNC. In the nytimes, they all got the unwritten unspoken memo that they better stop Tulsi and promote Biden.
I was thinking the same thing. Maybe I judged her wrong but then again...i'm still baffled by her logic on the Rogan Podcast.
@@echo5226 You're right. Maybe she's been recruited by the Biden lobby in the DNC to keep competition (Tulsi) out. Tulsi has substance, charisma...That makes Bari partisan, dishonest. And it was revealed on Joe Rogan.
"Gender is a social construct"... prof. Jordan Peterson is fighting against the same "political correcteness" culture.
That guy is a fucking idiot.
it's not hard to debate a fundamental idiot, that's why Peterson and Shapiro and etc. only go after a certain type of person to debate...
gender is a social construct, becasue gender and sexuality are different.
there are only two sexes, male or female, gender is a social construct, and has been defined as such by the World health organization for 30-40 years.
blackout07maroon you're a loser
Mckenzie .Latham gender is not a social construct lmao. You're born male and your gender and sex are also male. Same goes for female.
@@mckenzie.latham91 Nope, there is a social construct around gender but gender is not a social construct.
Forget Peterson and Shapiro. This is hard Neuroscience, check out Robert Sapolsky, Richard Dawkins.
In order to claim there is a difference between gender and sexuality or more accurately sex you would have to describe the differences.
I don't want stuff like the Aziz Ansari story. I don't want sexual assault to be likened to bad dates. It was a teachable moment, sure, the anxiety women feel when saying no - not saying it directly so as to challenge and anger the man. But it was the wrong thing to do.
You Clinton Dems have such high morality. LOL. Not.
There is no hope for a woman who can't even summon the courage to say no. She had the courage to pursue him, had the courage to go back to his apartment with him, but then suddenly she's a child who can't even say no? Sounds like a woman who set out to find a famous man, and get famous by ruining his life.
+David Waters, you must have been raised by a feminist; your head is full of shit.
Best thing I heard about the Aziz situation. She claimed oh I gave strong non verbal queues that I wasn't into it
Someone says : you know what's a REALLY strong non verbal queue? Pushing him off of you and going home
I swear i heard him say 'Barry White' .
New Message me too.
Bill was literally so excited to speak with someone who was actually sensible. I guess it is rare to find in this new social media culture.
We need many more conversations like this in the mainstream. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and the more derision aimed at the thought police, third wave feminists, sjw's, snowflakes, whatever you want to call them, the better.
The hesitant applause at the necessity of due process is interesting
That's not Barry White!
Lol i heard the same thing when he introduced her
The women on the hard left will figure out they are going down the wrong path when they turn 42 years old and find themselves standing in line at Petco about to purchase their third cat.
JamesNT Not that I agree with the hard left but just so you know, you could be 42 and without a partner and still be a very happy woman. Not having a man in your life doesn’t automatically mean you are miserable since some women (as do some men) actually choose to remain single.
Indeed. I have friends both male and female that have no intention of spending the rest of their lives with someone. They are very happy alone most hours of the day. But we aren't talking about those few people, now are we?
No, but it is disheartening as one of those people to read that the lifestyle you chose is considered a punishment for not being a decent person.
lacountess it is a punishment or at least not enough fulfilling and not the best of feelings for most out there. You’re more the exception, and even you, let’s see how many years this lasts. No one said anything about being a decent person, just laying out the reality.. you can choose to accept the reality or be in denial, sorry
Leave the cats out of this
Spot on about everything.
Amen Bill, amen.
That concept of 'Trial by Twitter' is an old thing.... The court of public opinion will always carry more weight than any trial by jury will.
Once you're branded, you never escape it, even if you are demonstrably not guilty, or even outright innocent. Someone will always point at you and say 'remember that guy...', and it all comes back around again. It just used to be you needed to have connections to get the word out, and ruin someone... a trusted 'grapevine'... Now any goof with thumbs can do it, and some guy who winks at you when you're feeling pissy gets ganked, 'goes viral', and ends up losing everything, as if he was convicted of rape, and personally sent the pics to the judge.
Unless he's hot.. then you Instagram that shit while making a duck face, and title it 'Pullin' on the parkade, bishes!'
If you're really good looking you can recover. Think Rob Lowe vs. Michael Richards.
Exactly. You'r life and career is already ruined before you ever take a step in court. what ever fucking happened to innocent until proven guilty.
I wonder what Rose McGowan's ex-agent thinks of all this. Oh, she just comitted suicide because she was thrown under the bus because of it. Nevermind.
Yeah, I was thinking along those lines, too.
Did she really? Shit I’ll have to google that now!
She'd been battling bi-polarity and depression for years though.
Oh, so McGowan was justified. How was poor Rose supposed to know that unfairly throwing someone under the bus could possibly have repercussions?
So your victim-blaming now?
You don't get a pass in the courtroom because your gun is unloaded, when somebody dies of a heart-attack while you stick that gun in his/her face. And neither get a pass because the victim had a heart condition.
If your actions lead to somebody dying as a result, you're culpable.
finally someone said it, yes, men and women are different. but that is okay. acknowledge your difference and play to your strength. we do not need to have equal number of men and women in all professions and aspect of society. men are naturally stronger (physiologically) and so it is okay to have more men construction workers. women have better memory and recall ability and so are better in other aspects of the society. it is so stupid when people say they do not see gender. it is okay to see gender but it is not okay to be sexist and discriminate based on gender.
dany manchster There are differences between men and women but it is bullshit to say it is not a social construct. There are plenty of ideals we have in our society that have nothing to do with biology. Some people say women shouldnt lead. There is no biological evidence for that. This is an example of a social construct
I agree that some aspects of gender are social construct but some and not all. majority of differences are rooted in biology and the evolutionary history.
I think I'm getting what you're saying here, but the wording might have come out funny. Here's what I think you said, please feel free to correct my misinterpretations and rebut.
Biological differences are NOT a social construct. This is biology 101, facts & figures. Some fields of work/study exhibit gender dominance due to biological affinities.
Society, however, has imposed constructs which are contrary to the evidence (for whatever reason the snowflake factory seems to want to pump out). The "women shouldn't lead" is a great example of this. It's something that is perpetuated through the culture which is patently untrue.
dany manchster men are stronger in the mentality department? I have seen more men in tech be little cry babies. I know many women in construction that out due men. Exactly what professions do you see fit for women? Nurses, teachers, babysitters and caregivers? Women should be allowed to do whatever job they want to do. Yes their is a difference between men and women but you seem to think that should put us into different categories of work which in itself is discrimination.
Gardner, that is exactly the opposite of what I said. I said that there are in fact biological differences within us. On average men are stronger than women but there will always be exceptions and some women will be very strong and if they like to work, for example, in construction then they should be able to. as it is for the tech industry, it is due to history of sexual discrimination based on baseless idea that women are not good in math. this is an example of social construct. we must separate social construct and biological construct of genders.
Thank you!
I'm right leaning.... and I'm almost half way through the video and I agree with everything Bari Weiss has said thus far
"If you're wrong for saying the right thing then it makes you feel like a husband".
If only conservative talk shows could criticise extreme 'right' movements..
Hmm have you ever heard of Ben Shapiro?
@Felipe Carrillo I would mostly agree with you and add, the reason they seem to have gained so much ground is because they don't fight fair, choosing their weapon of choice to be emotional blackmail and other forms of mental maniulation, so that even if most of us aren't on the left, people end up leaning left enough to make the lives of conservatives miserable.
"a lie the sexual revolution told our generation."
Thank you Bill.
Outstanding conversation. And Bari Weiss is so smart and thoughtful and fantastic on every level.
Women like Bari Weiss partially restore MGTOW's like me faith in humanity.
Oh fuck off incel
"What we say in our homes vs our public persona. " Democrats stating that they are hypocrites. Something the rest of us already knew...
I agree with her
Words has become dangerous - stop using them in public and be free -- silence= peace :-)
The two extremes are more similar than different. Reasonable people know this.
One of the horrible things about social media is that it has given voices to the people who should not be speaking because they are ignorant and causing chaos in society. These small little bands of idiots group together and Bully everybody else into thinking idiotic things and if they don't they're going to destroy their life.
"...they're going to bleed what is so great, out of life." Well, that's the mission of the Hard Left in a nutshell.
Wow a liberal with logic who's not crazy,great,make liberalism great again.
Love you guys, keep fighting the good fight! Love what you guys do.
The truth is always best. Seek the truth and speak truth.
"Emotionally Hemophiliacs"
She's cute and smart. Good for her
Famous woman: “I slept my way to the top.” and now “How dare he make me sleep with him to get to the top?” How dare he...
Why take responsibility when you can blame others?
😂😂😂 Women are something else.
Only time I ever have agreed with Bill Mahr
Well said.
I think I'm in love...
A "New York Times journalist" has a problem with the "hard left." What a surprise. 🤣😂🤣😂
Bill Maher is my favourite leftist.
Finally people are catching on.
She's decidedly left-of-center, but that's obviously not far left enough for today's Leftofascists.
#theresadifference is trending
Yay! Does that mean our groping senators will get to stay from now on?
Maybe it means that if a woman complains about "harassment", there will be an investigation instead of "just believe her", and then if the transgression is serious, he gets fired, and if she lied or complained about nothing, she gets fired.
Define “toadie“
Words of truth from Mr. Maher pertaining to this subject matter.
This country, and most Western cultures, NEED more of this type of open, REALISTIC, rational, thoughtful, CENTRIST, dialogue, regarding a myriad of social issues, including politics, and, just, IMO, in general...so sick of extremism... PERIOD..
i wish there where more RATIONAL liberals like these two. it seem like there arent any sane progressives left in the world becos they are all soo far to the left.
what's lost in their discussion is the role of power in sexual relations. If a stranger asks me out, I can say "no", but what can I do when its my boss? Its one thing to "court" me, but when you wont take no for answer, then what?
are you serious, your boss asks you out and your afraid to say no.. ur an idiot and fragile ..I had a boos who liked me and asked me out a couple of times, I just said no. it's easy...they won't take no for an answer to bad, just keep saying no and then go the HR or tell your dad or brother and they can have a talk with the guy....I bet u would roll over and go out with the dickhead. cuz ur a snowflake
why would HR believe me over him? and what if I cant afford to lose my job cause I have a sick kid and need the coverage? Far too many guys abuse their power to force women to do things the women dont want to do.
Dorothy Bellion are you kidding? Nowadays he'd probably be fired before lunch and you most likely wouldn't even have to prove he did anything. Women are grown ups who are responsible for their own choices. Is your hypothetical boss a lowlife scumbag and breaking the law for asking for sexual favors in exchange for keeping a job? Absolutely. But if you make the choice to give in that's not you being forced. That's you making a choice.
yeah, right, you know how many powerful men are in jail for trying to extort their power for sex? not very dam many. Look how many victims that gymnastics coach had before anybody spoke up. I suppose you think the girls who trusted him had a "choice" too.
Dorothy Bellion they had a "choice" to speak up certainly as evidenced by the first brave girl who did so which led to the dominos falling. Its kinda hard to prosecute someone if nobody knows what he did. Not saying it was easy but they had a choice.
Barri Weiss is open minded? Bawhaha!
Yes, she really is.
This is the Bill I like best. I loved his guest. Keep up the good work.
She's always right on about the two state solution being denied over and over by Palestinians
I do not always agree with bill maher but he is right on this one. As for Bari Weiss, just absolutely correct and seems determined. This is an inspiring woman