He changed my life, went right with him. I am so healthy now. I never could quit smoking but I got off the sugars and flours and all the bad stuff and got off cigs easy; in a week's time I was a non smoker for life and I was a two packer a day. I tried it all, but getting my nutrition on track was the key. This guy is a genius. Since my twenties I always woke up stiff, after one month of nutrient rich eating, I got up one morning and just got up, no stiffness! How can that be? Tried every supplement but this really works; nutrient-rich foods are the way-to-go.
What he describes is exactly what I experienced!! My body has been thanking me every day since I went whole food plant-based!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to tell everyone in my life and around the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Except nutritent density is highest with organ meats! This diet is healthy as it removes a lot of the refined cards and processing. But it's not the whole picture for optimal health G-BOMB + seafood + eggs and without any seed oils would be the best
I love his spunk, tenacity and fervor, he’s seen it, lives it through his family and knows firsthand what it takes to truly live the way we were naturally and originally intended to live. God bless you all 🙏🏽 🕊
Thank You for being thankful to God for His perfect created foods and also for this awesome doctor humanitarian Dr Joel Furhman. Hope I spelled his name right. I will admit my mistakes if I did I want to be humble as Jesus requested in the Holy Bible King James Version most original translation of Jesus words to His followers in book of Matthew Chapter 18, maybe verse 4. Love of one hundred percent truth and Humility I received from my awesome parenrs example and received from quiet mindfulness experiencing the best ongoing love of and from God and His truths and for all humanity and the how to see at least two or three sides of everything so how to help self and others by the negative learning and original new help ideas for every aspect of life. I also do thank God for His blessings of Nutritional Science that can help every human be happier and healthier. Many Thanks to You All Who Love Truth God and Jesus and humans.
Saw Dr. Fuhrman's presentation on the Atlanta PBS station around 2013. Made sense and gave it a try. Over the next three years I lost 65 pounds and the weight is still off. It works!
wow that's amazing! I'm now healing my own fatigue issue with GAPS diet, and this also gave me a lot of interest in nutritional science. Is there other schools that offer such course?
I work in a hospital and see so many conditions that could be helped with a healthy diet. . Hopefully this great information will be commonplace one day...
IMHO, reimbursement dictates medical practice not what is best for patients… if more people knew, less money would be made for the corporations that created the culture.
I am from Asia Singapore. I am one of the thousands of people who benefit from nutritarian diet. I slim down 10kg in 40 days and I have been maintaining my perfect weight since 2012 until now. I have a lot of respect of Dr. Fuhrman. Thanks you. Thousands of thanks!
If you don't mind me asking, but how hard is the degree/material? Im not very gifted scientifically or mathematically but very interested in this and your opinion on the subject.
I almost got kicked out of the program, but i managed to get 2.5 GPA which is the minimum. I wanted to change major, but since I have a passion in Nutrition, I am going to stick with it. I'd say it is freaking hard! Chemistry is not for me and this program is mostly chemistry. I've been getting C+ in all chemistry courses. I can't seem to get a B. If you have a passion in Nutrition, go for it! just study hard.
I just attended one of his seminar this summer~everything he preaches makes sense.. I have always been on the thinner side..but in the last 10 yrs, started to gain unwanted weight. Started food prepping/cooking more and adding G-BOMBS to my daily diet. Thank-you Dr Fuhrman. I wish that I had heard of ( & listened) to you 20 yrs ago. I've been a pharmacist for 40 yrs...food should be our medicine.
100% truth! I was 4'11" tall and 158 pds. Could not walk up a flight of stairs without feeling winded. Could not walk a city block without stopping to rest. Too much weight was on my small frame. Nothing I tried worked long term. Started following the Fuhrman plan. Never hungry. Easy to follow. The weight came off effortlessly. Lost 20 pounds in 2 months and the weight is steadily coming off. This is it for life for me.
This is a very powerful message: Nutrition is medicine. There is a strong correlation between obesity and the type of food consumed regularly. Thank you, Joel, for sharing this great insight. The problem is the same in Europe also, not just in US.
Following Dr. Furhman's tips, my cholesterol dropped 108 points into the acceptable range (297 to 189) though I was already thin and eating what doctors would say was a good diet. But his approach is better and I feel great! My blood pressure is lower too and I don't get colds or flu.
My husband and I started this and I failed the first time around. While we were on the Eat to Live diet, we felt amazing. The problem with me was mental. I know this now and about to start again with my husband again. My Aunt is on it and she not only lost weight but is also eliminating her need for meds. She is diabetic and her doctor was going to push her on insulin. It works. I am seeing a therapist now and this is why I am ready again.
Not a genius but definitely someone with good common sense! It only makes sense that if we eat plants that are GROWN in nature rather than manufactured IN A PLANT,, we will be healthier! I am in the process of losing 40 lbs because I was pre-diabetic 3 months ago, have lost 22 lbs and will never look back. I have developed my own health regime, eating more cruciferous greens, berries, drinking fermented kefir milk for gut health, reduced grains by 90%, and sugar by 95%, eating only chicken breast and salmon as meat, taking regular supplements and working on exercising twice a day including Tai Chi. I look forward to being completely healthy mentally and physically!
It all makes perfect sense absolutely. It's not so much about "weight" loss, but nutrition. You eat the good things you will release the weight which is just a side effect of good sound nutrition you feed your body.
Wow! He is a skillful presenter; he's funny, provides case studies, and keeps it real and natural. Nice job, Dr. Fuhrman. I love your work! ~Please keep it up!
I discovered Dr Furhman's work in 2010 and it has completely changed my life in so many positive ways, I can't evangalize his message enough, it's the real deal.
I love the hammer analogy. It describes the SAD American diet perfectly! Reading Eat to Live started me and my family in our healthy healing journey 🤗 Thank you Dr. Fuhrman
A great talk by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD. We are very fortunate to have MDs like him that write and tour the country giving lectures about the inherent healing power of the body. The great Harvard physiologist, Walter Bradford Cannon, who first described the Autonomic Nervous System and coined the term, "fight or flight response", titled his most famous book for medical students (back in 1932) "The Wisdom of the Body". Great job.
He barely scratches the surface here, but if you follow the research he outlines in Eat-to-live - you'll see why 'nutritarian' makes sense. The China Study is the other book you should read to understand the science. It's transformed my health in only a couple months.
Fantastic! ...I see you posted this 3 years ago..."How Not to Die" by Michael Greger MD is also an awesome resource! I've been eating this way since 2010 and though I'm 60, I FEEL like I'm 20!
What a great example of what all physicians should be. What I don't get are those 143 downward pointing thumbs? This is a good doctor trying to help humanity. All the best to you Doc!
Proud to be a Nutritarian :) Down 72lbs and counting... Am anxious to have my Fibromyalgia lose it's grip on me...Thanks so much Dr. Fuhrman... Saving my life with G-Bombs :)
@@whisper2162 Thank you! I guess I should update the weight removal. I'm now down 170lbs. It's been slow, but it's been steady with many missteps in between, but I'm not giving in or giving up! I've 'adopted' the slogan "Slow and steady wins the race" as a personal mantra for me 😉 I've had a setback recently and added 7lbs, but that was a 6 month ordeal of recovering from getting hit by a car while crossing the Street and if it wasn't for my dietary lifestyle, it would have been many more pounds. I'm just beginning to walk again, with the aid of a walker and I expect the pounds to come off as well. Thank you again for the encouraging comment.
@@annettelauretta Thank you for updating Annette. I too am slowly starting to shed some lbs. I wish I had known about all the health benefits of plant-based eating when I was in my early 20s. Are you still eating the way Dr. Fuhrman recommends? Do you follow any of the other plant-based docs like Ornish, McDougall, Barnard, or Esselstyln?
Im sold, hes a great marketer indeed. I hope to be among those 6 people who are significantly healthier after reading his books and following his diet plan 👍
Truth is clear, simple and consistent! That is Dr Fuhrman's message. Living in America during the information and consumption age we expect something new and high tech constantly. If we just clear our heads and eat what our ancestors (human and primate) we can get back to our roots of real food and health. Thanks Dr Fuhrman for reminding us of the truth. Crazy how people can forget basic truths!
This is awesome!!! I've been thinner and still have had to take blood pressure meds...since paying more attention to eating more of the right nutrients...I was able to decrease my bloodpressure....never before...even with weight loss in the past has that happened to me! This Works!!!!
Fabulous man, who does amazing work in helping people. Can someone tell me who on earth could give this video a down arrow? Clearly only those who don't care about humanity.
Love Dr. Fuhrman, who has appeared on PBS specials over the years. I accidentally discovered this video while doing research for my latest book, "Skilled Jobs in Technology."This career book for teens, to be published by Reference Point Press in San Diego has a chapter on food science technicians. Great to see him again in this most valuable, informative TED talk!
Thank you Dr Fuhrman for your insight into how to live not only longer but a lot healthier. It's not hard, it just takes a person to decide on HOW they wish to live -- healthy or sick !!!
I have been so passionate about your information. That I have been watching all your videos and taking notes. For a long time I wanted to change my diet but I didn't know exactly how. Now, I WILL begin a new life. Because I want to live over 100 years old to be with my daughter. God bless you. You are the Angel God send us, for those who want to listen. Baudelia Mendoza
My favorite book of Fuhrman's is Fasting and Eating for Health. Fuhrman's father did two 21 day water fasts to heal from arthritis. Fuhrman himself did a 46 day water fast to heal after car wreck. The water fasting isn't addressed enought
I like his diet. It doesn't exclude animal products and it makes vegetables the star of the show. Sounds like a sensible diet if I ever heard one for most people.
Susan Rose He's doing a great work but very sensitive people stop eating meat. Sensitive for the animals, sensitive for theirs guts that no keep lots of toxin.
My mother didn't feel well and thought it was the flu. She went to her doctor and he told her that she had a minor heart attack. He offered her an angioplasty, or major heart surgery and she chose angioplasty thinking it was the least invasive of the two. In the middle of the operation, the stints collapsed, giving her a major heart attack and she spent the next five years of misery and passed away. It's terrible how misinformed we are regarding diet. When I was a baby, I had Pneumonia and my mother had doctors give me antibiotic shots which left me with a major fungal infection for years. My yeast issue was so devastating that I was constantly sick. I had a close friend that was a nutritionist. I called her and told her that I was going to check myself into a hospital and ask them to pump me full of antibiotics so I can get rid of this problem once and for all. She told me if I did that, I probably would kill myself and recommended several superfoods and vitamins for me. In two weeks I was over the problem and really opening my eyes to the importance of holistic remedies. Oddly enough, when I was a child, I refused to eat meat. Every night my mother had to urge me to eat the meat. I would wait till she left the room and throw it down the stairs for the stray cats to eat. Finally I became a regular meat eater. My significant other passed away 5 years ago and to get over the isolation and fear, I started to meditate on unconditional love. The more I did the happier and more loving I became. One day I had this thought that it's not loving to subjugate animals to this cruel fate of being slottered to feed humans and decided to stop eating meat.
Incredibly well spoken Dr. Fuhrman. Many thanks. Down 23 pounds and never looking back. Speech is packed with great information and does not sound like snake oil, just sensible.
Copernicia Alba I lost 27 pounds in the first month... I kept loosing about 1 pound a month for a while... then I came back to some junk food and now I am heavier, but not as heavy as when I started... I have to get back on track...
We all have ups and downs in life. I am too at the down right now. I hope we will get back on track starting today! Today is the right time to start! :)
He's been vegan since the 70's. His parents became vegan @ the same time he did. His wife & kids were on board too. Wish I had had this good influences. I am doing it on my own now.
@@ganymeade5151 He mentioned in my interview with him that food affects your personality ! Super interesting- hope you can convince your husband- especially in Covid 19 Times nutrition is so important
Thank you Dr. Fuhrman for this amazing video. I already do most of what you say. I have bought your book and will now read it. This video gives me so much hope. I have managed successfully to cut both my meds down by 50%. Here’s hoping eventually I can cut them even further. Many thanks.
I have gone off and on this diet for 4 years now. Every time I lapse - I gain weight and get very sick. I am in my sixties. I have become a true believer in Dr. Furhman's recommendations.
I love nutritional science too I’m going to be a dietitian thanks to you and your team love you guys thank you for being honest and helping us all learn the right way not the corrupt way
Bless humanistic plant-based doctors. "We cannot segregate the human heart from the environment outside us and say that once one of these is reformed everything will be improved. Man is organic with the world. His inner life molds the environment and is itself deeply affected by it." ~ Baha'i Faith
I think he is intelligent enough to not really believe it is "his" diet. It is the diet we ate 10 million years ago. Max Gerson may be the first physician to be documented as treating Chronic disease with Vegan diet. Joel is an evangelist. I think his delivery is top drawer, speaking common sense with simple analogy, and backing it with true science. Although some of his website is a bit commercialized , I am sure he has saved hundreds of lives. Not something any cardiologist can say. Bypass patients get temporary short term lease. Joel gives them their health back. For good.
This is very good information. I have s degree in nutrition and, I too, love nutritional science and research. I'm currently on a carnivore diet for 3 months and will begin adding back in those healthy plants and fruits that don't irritate my system. I feel great, really great. So if you start being hateful don't worry, I don't care because like Dr Fuhrman, I know how to read and interpret research data, not just read misleading surveys. Almost any lifestyles of eating that recommend eliminating processed foods and focusing on nutrients dense foods will improve health; baring genetic disorders. If you filled his advice, you will do great and be a healthier person. God speed.
it is so interesting to hear that he become aware of nutrition before medical school and its impact on health. med. school conditions to diagnose and then to choose the drug according to your diagnosis! very little nutrition is taught in medical school. i did not have a chance to read his books, but looking ahead to do so. it seems to me that he is a vegetarian? meat was not mentioned. good presentation!
I'm like one of these people he's talking about. I've been diagnosed with numerous physical and psychological disorders and I currently have a small pharmacy worth of medications I take for my conditions and I'm still barely able to function. I'm using what little energy I have to try to educate myself so I can make changes in my life to basically save myself as dramatic as that sounds. I don't have the time or energy to keep trying to find providers who can help me and so I'm doing it on my own. Nutrition is my main focus at this point. It is my hope that I will be down to five medications of less within the next five years.
Dahlsyar Storm ...Praying for the best for you. Dr. Furhman is one of the best. I have a couple of his books. He also wrote the best book on water fasting I've ever read. He cured himself by first doing an extended water fast after his skating accident. Perhaps you might consider fasting to get your health quickly back on track.
I ordered best reviewed 5 star rating book 'Eat to Live'. May Allah bless Dr. Fhurman for his great medical and humanity contribution. Just one thing, Dr. should not use words like Al-Quada for fun. Many people may relate it to the religion Islam, which no where actually related.
This is a real doctor. A hero.
i follow dr fuhrmans adwise now for 3 Month, my bloodpreassure is now normal and i am off medication!!!! thx dr fuhrman
please share Dr Fuhrmans email address and phone number
@@tigereye18th 0ll00000opp0000000000
That is awesome, congratulations!!!
He changed my life, went right with him. I am so healthy now. I never could quit smoking but I got off the sugars and flours and all the bad stuff and got off cigs easy; in a week's time I was a non smoker for life and I was a two packer a day. I tried it all, but getting my nutrition on track was the key. This guy is a genius. Since my twenties I always woke up stiff, after one month of nutrient rich eating, I got up one morning and just got up, no stiffness! How can that be? Tried every supplement but this really works; nutrient-rich foods are the way-to-go.
Very good ! I am happy for you ! In my interview with him last May I said:" he is a person I would share a fridge with ! "
So true .. I too was able stop smoking after switching to healthy Whole Foods. My body started rejecting the nicotine smell and taste.
@@Editthem very true! I stopped smoking blunts after switching to a WFPB lifestyle.
Mmmmn mmm
What he describes is exactly what I experienced!! My body has been thanking me every day since I went whole food plant-based!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to tell everyone in my life and around the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Except nutritent density is highest with organ meats! This diet is healthy as it removes a lot of the refined cards and processing. But it's not the whole picture for optimal health G-BOMB + seafood + eggs and without any seed oils would be the best
I love his spunk, tenacity and fervor, he’s seen it, lives it through his family and knows firsthand what it takes to truly live the way we were naturally and originally intended to live. God bless you all 🙏🏽 🕊
Thank You for being thankful to God for His perfect created foods and also for this awesome doctor humanitarian Dr Joel Furhman. Hope I spelled his name right. I will admit my mistakes if I did I want to be humble as Jesus requested in the Holy Bible King James Version most original translation of Jesus words to His followers in book of Matthew Chapter 18, maybe verse 4. Love of one hundred percent truth and Humility I received from my awesome parenrs example and received from quiet mindfulness experiencing the best ongoing love of and from God and His truths and for all humanity and the how to see at least two or three sides of everything so how to help self and others by the negative learning and original new help ideas for every aspect of life. I also do thank God for His blessings of Nutritional Science that can help every human be happier and healthier. Many Thanks to You All Who Love Truth God and Jesus and humans.
Hearing Dr. Fuhrman speak about nutrition is so inspiring. Nutrition is also a huge passion of mine.
Don't look at this as a diet look at it as Respecting your body and loving yourself
Exactly the mind set to have! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@John Lamee Coffee is good for you but for me it causes stomach problems (acid reflux). I can't drink it.
@@crand20033 Coffee isn't good for people with hypothyroid conditions, either.
@@themaggattack why not? I have hypothyroidism and drink coffee all the time. It's done me no harm.
@@toni4729 ABSOLUTELY!!! :) I mix my Almond Chocolate Milk with my Cold-Brewed, UN-Sweetened Starbucks Blonde & it's DeeeeeLish :)
Saw Dr. Fuhrman's presentation on the Atlanta PBS station around 2013. Made sense and gave it a try. Over the next three years I lost 65 pounds and the weight is still off. It works!
WONDERFUL! I GOTTA DO THIS!! Being 70 I was encouraged by the 72 yo guy who is NOW 92!
IKR me too
Eat to Live changed my life. Bless you Dr. Fuhrman. I want to study nutrition now at my age
Go for it , Iris. Dr. Fuhrman is very motivational. Good luck !
Mine too!
You're inspiring :)
Just reading the book. Makes sense to me 😀
@@carmencarrion7072 Hi, what's the name of the book plesse ?
GOD bless this man as he helps the world wake up! Amen
This guy is the reason why I sold all my health and nutrition books and just kept Eat to Live. He is amazing.
I'm burning mine!
Ditto! Been looking long and hard for the proper nutrition guideline. Dr. Furhman's the most sensible of them all, and I'm really loving it! 👍🙂🌱
After a heart attack my husband and I followed this healthy way of eating and are pleased with so many health benefits. It is totally worth it!
This is exactly why I'm studying Nutritional Medicine 😊
+ephilosophizer Thank you ☺
Heart & Soul where do you study?
I study at The Southern School of Natural Therapies, in Melbourne.
Heart & Soul where at?
wow that's amazing!
I'm now healing my own fatigue issue with GAPS diet, and this also gave me a lot of interest in nutritional science. Is there other schools that offer such course?
You are what you eat, in a sense. Thank you Doctor.
Thank you so much Dr. Fuhrman for your facts!
I work in a hospital and see so many conditions that could be helped with a healthy diet. . Hopefully this great information will be commonplace one day...
Yes be staying away from bad food and there is a long list of that.
Info that can’t be sold generally doesn’t go anywhere.
IMHO, reimbursement dictates medical practice not what is best for patients… if more people knew, less money would be made for the corporations that created the culture.
This diet works. 20 pounds in 6 weeks, and 30 points off my blood pressure.
that is awesome!!! I must do it!
Look at yourself and ask "how do I feel?" I'm proud of you.
If you just cook from scratch and stay away from processed foods, that makes a huge difference.
Good job Joe!👍
I am from Asia Singapore. I am one of the thousands of people who benefit from nutritarian diet. I slim down 10kg in 40 days and I have been maintaining my perfect weight since 2012 until now. I have a lot of respect of Dr. Fuhrman. Thanks you. Thousands of thanks!
That sounds fantastic ! In my interview with him he talked about the overweight malnutritioned.Keep it going !
I am studying for Nutritional science and this video inspired me to do well. I am a fan of Dr. Joel Fuhrman. I like this guy!
If you don't mind me asking, but how hard is the degree/material? Im not very gifted scientifically or mathematically but very interested in this and your opinion on the subject.
I almost got kicked out of the program, but i managed to get 2.5 GPA which is the minimum. I wanted to change major, but since I have a passion in Nutrition, I am going to stick with it. I'd say it is freaking hard! Chemistry is not for me and this program is mostly chemistry. I've been getting C+ in all chemistry courses. I can't seem to get a B. If you have a passion in Nutrition, go for it! just study hard.
thanks for the reply. I wish you luck.
hey Eduardo! May i ask where you study your course at?
Same here! Studying nutritional science can be frustrating but it is definitely worth the effort.
I love this guy. Everyone who hears his message is blessed.
Went to doctors and my blood pressure was normal for the first time ever! Using dr Furnham methods!
I just attended one of his seminar this summer~everything he preaches makes sense.. I have always been on the thinner
side..but in the last 10 yrs, started to gain unwanted weight. Started food prepping/cooking more and adding G-BOMBS
to my daily diet. Thank-you Dr Fuhrman. I wish that I had heard of ( & listened) to you 20 yrs ago.
I've been a pharmacist for 40 yrs...food should be our medicine.
This is exactly the philosophy that people should follow nowadays. Thank you for such a great presentation. Thank you for your contribution.
Perfectly said! I also git a great insight at my interview with him
100% truth! I was 4'11" tall and 158 pds. Could not walk up a flight of stairs without feeling winded. Could not walk a city block without stopping to rest. Too much weight was on my small frame. Nothing I tried worked long term. Started following the Fuhrman plan. Never hungry. Easy to follow. The weight came off effortlessly. Lost 20 pounds in 2 months and the weight is steadily coming off. This is it for life for me.
Congrats, you lost weight therefore got better.
A true doctor, sm1 who actually cares and tells the truth
This is a very powerful message: Nutrition is medicine. There is a strong correlation between obesity and the type of food consumed regularly. Thank you, Joel, for sharing this great insight. The problem is the same in Europe also, not just in US.
I owe a great debt to Dr. Fuhrman for opening my eyes to the benefits of a diet exclusive of animal products. Thank you
until they kill you...
Following Dr. Furhman's tips, my cholesterol dropped 108 points into the acceptable range (297 to 189) though I was already thin and eating what doctors would say was a good diet. But his approach is better and I feel great! My blood pressure is lower too and I don't get colds or flu.
I can't thank this wonderful honest doctor for raising ppl awareness👍
As others have said here... "Eat to Live changed my life. Bless you Dr. Fuhrman...."
What a legendary speech! absolutely amazinG!! Im so proud of this message to humanity
My husband and I started this and I failed the first time around. While we were on the Eat to Live diet, we felt amazing. The problem with me was mental. I know this now and about to start again with my husband again. My Aunt is on it and she not only lost weight but is also eliminating her need for meds. She is diabetic and her doctor was going to push her on insulin. It works. I am seeing a therapist now and this is why I am ready again.
End of Diabetes
This man is a genius.
Not a genius but definitely someone with good common sense! It only makes sense that if we eat plants that are GROWN in nature rather than manufactured IN A PLANT,, we will be healthier! I am in the process of losing 40 lbs because I was pre-diabetic 3 months ago, have lost 22 lbs and will never look back. I have developed my own health regime, eating more cruciferous greens, berries, drinking fermented kefir milk for gut health, reduced grains by 90%, and sugar by 95%, eating only chicken breast and salmon as meat, taking regular supplements and working on exercising twice a day including Tai Chi. I look forward to being completely healthy mentally and physically!
Genius level no doubt
Got into Columbia!
Yep, I love Dr. Fuhrman!
It all makes perfect sense absolutely. It's not so much about "weight" loss, but nutrition. You eat the good things you will release the weight which is just a side effect of good sound nutrition you feed your body.
I'm planning to study Nutrition and this video inspiring me even more, to study in that field. Thank you so much, Dr. Joel Fuhrman. :)
Wow! He is a skillful presenter; he's funny, provides case studies, and keeps it real and natural. Nice job, Dr. Fuhrman. I love your work! ~Please keep it up!
Nutritional science is so amazing! I’m majoring in this field at my college
Pooja Khatri (: San Francisco state University
You will save lives and bad futures. Getting old is scary, save the world, study hard!
Me too, love it!! Good luck 🍀
Great! I´m sure you did well! In my talk with him he also said it should be taught in regular schools.
I discovered Dr Furhman's work in 2010 and it has completely changed my life in so many positive ways, I can't evangalize his message enough, it's the real deal.
Amen. Your appreciation of truth and example is also another blessing to humanity.
He is wonderful. Im a food biotechnologist and I enjoyed this video so much. Thank you for teaching us 🤗🤗
Very very good speech, one of the best TED TALKS
I would give this 100 thumbs up if I could excellent message. Thank you so much!
I love the hammer analogy. It describes the SAD American diet perfectly!
Reading Eat to Live started me and my family in our healthy healing journey 🤗
Thank you Dr. Fuhrman
Makes so very angry that's it allowed
Dr. Fuhrman is the MAN.
I bought the cookbook and live by it. It's easier than I thought, and I've already lost 44 lbs.
A great talk by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD. We are very fortunate to have MDs like him that write and tour the country giving lectures about the inherent healing power of the body. The great Harvard physiologist, Walter Bradford Cannon, who first described the Autonomic Nervous System and coined the term, "fight or flight response", titled his most famous book for medical students (back in 1932) "The Wisdom of the Body". Great job.
Thanks so much Dr. Fuhrman... G-Bombs ... Everyone who hears this message is blessed...
Salute to you Sir. You are a blessing to humanity. Wish to see you one day.
He barely scratches the surface here, but if you follow the research he outlines in Eat-to-live - you'll see why 'nutritarian' makes sense. The China Study is the other book you should read to understand the science.
It's transformed my health in only a couple months.
Fantastic! ...I see you posted this 3 years ago..."How Not to Die" by Michael Greger MD is also an awesome resource! I've been eating this way since 2010 and though I'm 60, I FEEL like I'm 20!
Not true.
@@toni4729 what?
@@dawn8542 That China is the biggest fairy story written since the Bible.
Thank you Dr. Furhman! You changed my life as well over 15yrs ago and I am forever grateful 🙏
What a great example of what all physicians should be. What I don't get are those 143 downward pointing thumbs? This is a good doctor trying to help humanity. All the best to you Doc!
Proud to be a Nutritarian :) Down 72lbs and counting... Am anxious to have my Fibromyalgia lose it's grip on me...Thanks so much Dr. Fuhrman... Saving my life with G-Bombs :)
Annette Fowler So hows it going after three years?
Yes pls tell! How is it after years? Ii will like to overcome my fibromyalgia too. I started juicing this to start the Journey..
Way to go Annette!
@@whisper2162 Thank you! I guess I should update the weight removal. I'm now down 170lbs. It's been slow, but it's been steady with many missteps in between, but I'm not giving in or giving up! I've 'adopted' the slogan "Slow and steady wins the race" as a personal mantra for me 😉 I've had a setback recently and added 7lbs, but that was a 6 month ordeal of recovering from getting hit by a car while crossing the Street and if it wasn't for my dietary lifestyle, it would have been many more pounds. I'm just beginning to walk again, with the aid of a walker and I expect the pounds to come off as well. Thank you again for the encouraging comment.
@@annettelauretta Thank you for updating Annette. I too am slowly starting to shed some lbs. I wish I had known about all the health benefits of plant-based eating when I was in my early 20s. Are you still eating the way Dr. Fuhrman recommends? Do you follow any of the other plant-based docs like Ornish, McDougall, Barnard, or Esselstyln?
Im sold, hes a great marketer indeed. I hope to be among those 6 people who are significantly healthier after reading his books and following his diet plan 👍
Truth is clear, simple and consistent! That is Dr Fuhrman's message. Living in America during the information and consumption age we expect something new and high tech constantly. If we just clear our heads and eat what our ancestors (human and primate) we can get back to our roots of real food and health. Thanks Dr Fuhrman for reminding us of the truth. Crazy how people can forget basic truths!
Ohhhhhhh, I LOVE this! You are AMAZING!!!! 💗
This is awesome!!! I've been thinner and still have had to take blood pressure meds...since paying more attention to eating more of the right nutrients...I was able to decrease my bloodpressure....never before...even with weight loss in the past has that happened to me! This Works!!!!
Thank you Dr.Fuhrman. I am blessed through healthy plant foods.
Fabulous man, who does amazing work in helping people. Can someone tell me who on earth could give this video a down arrow? Clearly only those who don't care about humanity.
Love Dr. Fuhrman, who has appeared on PBS specials over the years. I accidentally discovered this video while doing research for my latest book, "Skilled Jobs in Technology."This career book for teens, to be published by Reference Point Press in San Diego has a chapter on food science technicians. Great to see him again in this most valuable, informative TED talk!
amazing talk. my family is going on a year of transforming our diets to plant based. this talk has been helpful to keep pushing forward and change.
Thank you Dr Fuhrman for your insight into how to live not only longer but a lot healthier. It's not hard, it just takes a person to decide on HOW they wish to live -- healthy or sick !!!
The truth is right here... knowledge about the health,nutrition and prevention.
Absolutely ! It is so simple actually-isn´t it?
I have been so passionate about your information. That I have been watching all your videos and taking notes. For a long time I wanted to change my diet but I didn't know exactly how. Now, I WILL begin a new life. Because I want to live over 100 years old to be with my daughter. God bless you. You are the Angel God send us, for those who want to listen. Baudelia Mendoza
My favorite book of Fuhrman's is Fasting and Eating for Health. Fuhrman's father did two 21 day water fasts to heal from arthritis. Fuhrman himself did a 46 day water fast to heal after car wreck. The water fasting isn't addressed enought
During the fast were they relaxed or active the majority of the time.
I do a combination of Pritikin, McDougall and Fuhrman. The GBOMBS acronym is genius. Thanks Dr. Fuhrman you are a good man!
Followed his advice for 5 months, no longer have Psoriasis or joint pain!
Because you lost weight
! Praises God!
Great work Dr. Joel Furhman! God bless you and your family.
I like his diet. It doesn't exclude animal products and it makes vegetables the star of the show. Sounds like a sensible diet if I ever heard one for most people.
Susan Rose He's doing a great work but very sensitive people stop eating meat. Sensitive for the animals, sensitive for theirs guts that no keep lots of toxin.
All what he says is so true.And a personal thank you to doctor Esselstyn who turned my life around
My mother didn't feel well and thought it was the flu. She went to her doctor and he told her that she had a minor heart attack. He offered her an angioplasty, or major heart surgery and she chose angioplasty thinking it was the least invasive of the two. In the middle of the operation, the stints collapsed, giving her a major heart attack and she spent the next five years of misery and passed away. It's terrible how misinformed we are regarding diet. When I was a baby, I had Pneumonia and my mother had doctors give me antibiotic shots which left me with a major fungal infection for years. My yeast issue was so devastating that I was constantly sick. I had a close friend that was a nutritionist. I called her and told her that I was going to check myself into a hospital and ask them to pump me full of antibiotics so I can get rid of this problem once and for all. She told me if I did that, I probably would kill myself and recommended several superfoods and vitamins for me. In two weeks I was over the problem and really opening my eyes to the importance of holistic remedies. Oddly enough, when I was a child, I refused to eat meat. Every night my mother had to urge me to eat the meat. I would wait till she left the room and throw it down the stairs for the stray cats to eat. Finally I became a regular meat eater. My significant other passed away 5 years ago and to get over the isolation and fear, I started to meditate on unconditional love. The more I did the happier and more loving I became. One day I had this thought that it's not loving to subjugate animals to this cruel fate of being slottered to feed humans and decided to stop eating meat.
wow!!! You just revealed some truths about life that are hidden in plain sight. there is a man who is fulfilling his passion in life, God bless.
Incredibly well spoken Dr. Fuhrman. Many thanks. Down 23 pounds and never looking back. Speech is packed with great information and does not sound like snake oil, just sensible.
Are you still down 23 lbs
I followed his diet and lost 7kg in 2 months. Improved my memory and have more energy. I don't have food addictions anymore
I'm on the first week of his diet and I'm already seeing results...
+fndalves me too, I also feel different.
did you keep on going?
Copernicia Alba I lost 27 pounds in the first month... I kept loosing about 1 pound a month for a while... then I came back to some junk food and now I am heavier, but not as heavy as when I started... I have to get back on track...
We all have ups and downs in life. I am too at the down right now. I hope we will get back on track starting today! Today is the right time to start! :)
What type of diet is it? Is it plant based or high carb style?
He has said a mouthful, very knowledgable man indeed.
This man is trim. He thinks clearly. This man has energy.
He's been vegan since the 70's. His parents became vegan @ the same time he did. His wife & kids were on board too. Wish I had had this good influences. I am doing it on my own now.
Must see and listen to for those that haven't yet !!! It's all true, I have the experience to certify this !!
A whole food, plant based diet is the best lifestyle change one could make. He is absolutely right!
You didn't understand anything...go fish.
Eating like this also makes you on a permanent high, it's like you feel joy every day
Possible cure for bipolar and depression. Wish I could convince my husband.
Be sure to work and live around positive people. Nice people are hard to find these days.
@@ganymeade5151 He mentioned in my interview with him that food affects your personality ! Super interesting- hope you can convince your husband- especially in Covid 19 Times nutrition is so important
One of the best in the field of nutrition!
Love Dr. Joel Fuhrman
Eat to Live. The first book that really helped me cut out the dairy and eggs from my diet. If you follow that book, you will not go wrong.
Thank you Dr. Fuhrman for this amazing video. I already do most of what you say. I have bought your book and will now read it. This video gives me so much hope. I have managed successfully to cut both my meds down by 50%. Here’s hoping eventually I can cut them even further. Many thanks.
I have gone off and on this diet for 4 years now. Every time I lapse - I gain weight and get very sick. I am in my sixties. I have become a true believer in Dr. Furhman's recommendations.
Why do people 60 and over have to tell that fact as if it is a reference point of something. You keep age discrimination alive and well.
@@c_farther5208 Sorry to inform you but age is a factor in health science.
BRAVO 👏 Doc. My first time "hearing" you and now I'm "hooked".
I love nutritional science too I’m going to be a dietitian thanks to you and your team love you guys thank you for being honest and helping us all learn the right way not the corrupt way
Bless humanistic plant-based doctors. "We cannot segregate the human heart from the environment outside us and say that once one of these is reformed everything will be improved. Man is organic with the world. His inner life molds the environment and is itself deeply affected by it." ~ Baha'i Faith
This guy is my hero!
"the whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead" haha, got to love that!
Hussein Horack
Should be on a t-shirt or a bumper sticker😉
Here is another good one The road to health is paved with good intestines
LOL, that was cute and also true!
Treat diet related diseases with a healthy diet. What a concept!
LOL, true!
Thank you Dr. Fuhrman! You've changed my way of thinking....
Amazing. One of my favorite Ted Talks
"Let food be thy medicine", Socrates
..."and medicine be thy food"
I think he is intelligent enough to not really believe it is "his" diet. It is the diet we ate 10 million years ago. Max Gerson may be the first physician to be documented as treating Chronic disease with Vegan diet. Joel is an evangelist. I think his delivery is top drawer, speaking common sense with simple analogy, and backing it with true science. Although some of his website is a bit commercialized , I am sure he has saved hundreds of lives. Not something any cardiologist can say. Bypass patients get temporary short term lease. Joel gives them their health back. For good.
This is very good information. I have s degree in nutrition and, I too, love nutritional science and research. I'm currently on a carnivore diet for 3 months and will begin adding back in those healthy plants and fruits that don't irritate my system. I feel great, really great. So if you start being hateful don't worry, I don't care because like Dr Fuhrman, I know how to read and interpret research data, not just read misleading surveys.
Almost any lifestyles of eating that recommend eliminating processed foods and focusing on nutrients dense foods will improve health; baring genetic disorders.
If you filled his advice, you will do great and be a healthier person. God speed.
it is so interesting to hear that he become aware of nutrition before medical school and its impact on health. med. school conditions to diagnose and then to choose the drug according to your diagnosis! very little nutrition is taught in medical school.
i did not have a chance to read his books, but looking ahead to do so.
it seems to me that he is a vegetarian? meat was not mentioned.
good presentation!
I'm like one of these people he's talking about. I've been diagnosed with numerous physical and psychological disorders and I currently have a small pharmacy worth of medications I take for my conditions and I'm still barely able to function. I'm using what little energy I have to try to educate myself so I can make changes in my life to basically save myself as dramatic as that sounds. I don't have the time or energy to keep trying to find providers who can help me and so I'm doing it on my own. Nutrition is my main focus at this point. It is my hope that I will be down to five medications of less within the next five years.
Dahlsyar Storm ...Praying for the best for you. Dr. Furhman is one of the best. I have a couple of his books. He also wrote the best book on water fasting I've ever read. He cured himself by first doing an extended water fast after his skating accident. Perhaps you might consider fasting to get your health quickly back on track.
I ordered best reviewed 5 star rating book 'Eat to Live'.
May Allah bless Dr. Fhurman for his great medical and humanity contribution.
Just one thing, Dr. should not use words like Al-Quada for fun. Many people may relate it to the religion Islam, which no where actually related.
With respect my friend, I logically cannot accept Allah as the real God. It makes much more sense to me that Jesus is where the truth is.
Absolutely on point